The Amazing and Terrible Growth of Sheila: Part Eight By Mr. Squish, Monstrously Freaking Strong! Feel free to send any comments or queries to Sheila's thighs quivered, the inside part, the part that danced when she felt pleasure was nearing an explosion. She had ravaged the little twats and their tanks. They were harmless to her now, their shells bounced off her bulk like a child's rubber balls off a brick wall. Of course the men had better weapons to attack her with, but right now, Sheila felt big and bad, something to be feared, and so far, impossible to stop. She had grown bored with the tanks. She had decimated them as if they were plastic, pulling them apart with her bare hands, bludgeoning them to bits with her fantastic fists. Sheila breathed in deeply; she tasted the burning remnants of the last assault and the fear that still hung in the air from the fleeing forces. A rumbling and rattling echoed through the battered and burning landscape. Sheila cocked her head, searching for its source. Then she heard the high- pitched call of the whistle and she smiled, a malicious smile. A train was coming. "Mmmmmm, this will be fun," she thought. She remembered seeing tracks near the warehouses and headed for them, crushing abandoned cars and the burning husks of tanks that got in the way. A helicopter appeared nearby and Sheila readied herself, it looked well-armed, but it kept its distance, content to watch. Sheila pumped her thick right arm, purring softly to it, "Patience, my pet, you shall have your way soon." It heard her and twitched powerfully in anticipation. As Sheila approached the tracks, the train came into view and looked as if it would race past and avoid her, but then quite curiously, it began to slow as it neared the intersection near the warehouses. Perhaps it was stopping to make a delivery or change engines. Sheila licked her lips and pumped her bicep, whispering again, "See, baby, sooner than you thought." It swelled in response, ready to strike. Sheila grinned hungrily, "Dumb-ass move, half-wits, Goddess gonna breaky." Sheila strode toward the train, all muscle and murder, her thighs pounding the earth heavily, her demeanor ruthlessly confident. When she had come within a hundred yards, the panels on the cargo cars dropped open revealing rocket launchers and cannons. They opened fire without hesitation. Sheila was caught completely off-guard. The rockets and shells pounded her ferociously. Again the sky filled with smoke and debris as the behemoth was rocked with explosions. They fired away for several minutes until they could no longer see to aim. As the smoke blew away, the men strained to see the results of their efforts: Sheila the mighty mastodon of muscle, the super-strong she-brute was down on her knees quivering. She seemed harmless, ready to finally be crushed. The men reloaded and took further aim. Just as they were about to begin their second assault one thing became unnervingly clear: Sheila wasn't shaking from pain, but from laughter. Her dark belly laughs hit them moments before her concussive fists. A rocket flew from the rear of the train at her ample chest, she plucked it from the air and crushed it in her right fist. It exploded loudly. She opened her fist and blew the ash and debris away mockingly. "You little boys and your firecrackers, will you ever learn? You done fucking around? I know I am. You are stupid, pathetic ants and I am power. I am a Goddess and you will feel my wrath!", with that she rose to her full height and bounced her pecs tauntingly. Then she went right to the heart of the matter. Sheila didn't leap, she didn't run, she strode aggressively at the train, absorbing the barrage of rockets and shells they sent her way desperately. She felt the blows, like tiny pinches they felt like. Nothing to write home about and certainly nothing bold enough to make her stop. Sheila grabbed the engine from the rails, ripped it free from the rest of the train. She held it chest high by each end. "You see this? This is you in mere seconds ... " and Sheila slowly pressed the ends together between her enormous arms and crushed it like an accordion. It exploded when the pressure became too great. Sheila rubbed her oil-stained hands against her mighty chest and laughed loudly, "Now what are you gonna do? You can't run. You can't stop me. All you weak little fucks can do is make me bigger and badder." The men poured from the train, doing their best to flee as Sheila plucked it from the tracks and begin to swing the entire length of the train like a massive whip, swinging it harder and harder until pieces broke off; cars flung through the air and exploded into the nearby warehouses and buildings. Within moments the army train was destroyed, the train tracks spotted with flames and explosions. Sheila stomped on the men as they tried futilely to stop her with their puny bullets and teeny worthless guns. Sheila roared in ecstasy. She pounded her chest. She was as much muscle- beast as muscle-queen now: a predatory terror, a rippling dynamo of destructive force. Try as they might, the army could not bring this wicked warrior down. Sheila turned back to the helicopter that carefully watched her. She grinned darkly and urged it to attack, beckoning it coyly with her finger. It maintained its distance, unwilling to advance. "Just another dickless wonder. Afraid I'll rip that mass of tin apart? It's only a matter of time before I bring the pain, " Sheila laughed as she pounded her right fist into her open left hand, a blow that crackled like a thunder clap. She reached down and picked the flaming half of a box car in her fist and flung it, nearly striking the copter. It dodged to avoid then maintained its safe distance. Sheila yanked a telephone pole out of the ground and threw that like a dart, it nearly hit, but again the copter dodged. Sheila was enjoying herself, utterly confident that soon she'd be tearing this gunship to bits with her bulging biceps and monstrous forearms. She'd devastated several when she was smaller and less mighty. There was no telling what she'd do to a helicopter now, even one as big as this gunship. The first one felt like a bee-sting, it stung and burned her neck. She swatted at the blow, but felt nothing but a swollen bump. Then she felt a new sting on her shoulder and a third on her throat. Sheila turned angrily, what was going on? "Die, you she-bitch!", a voice cried out as Sheila was struck in the chest, again singeing her and leaving a welt. She saw them, nestled in the tower of a building up the road. The building was tall, taller than Sheila. The men were no more than a handful in size and armed with heavy payload rocket launchers. Finally weapons that made Sheila-hulk take notice. She strode angrily toward the building as more rockets burnt her skin. These had an impact but they weren't going to stop her. The men soon realized that all they had managed to do was piss her off. When she reached the building the men had disappeared. No matter, if they were hiding inside, it wouldn't be for long. The building was a hundred feet taller than her, but not nearly as sturdy or as pissed off. Sheila expanded her chest to its most massive and unleashed a bellow filled with merciless rage. She struck the building with her fists again and again and again, a blind fury of blows. The structure ruptured and burst, unable to withstand her titanic abuse. The steel buckled and twisted until it could do nothing but crumple and fold like cheap paper as the goddess continued to offer blow after blow. She tore the top free and slammed the tower into the ground relentlessly until there was nothing left to batter. Sheila stomped on the flattened walls and crumbled building, crushing it further into dust. The battle copter made its move, seeing the giantess pre-occupied it fired several missiles at her back. They hit her high and low, one striking her kidney hard. Sheila cried out in pain and doubled over. Three more missiles struck and knocked Sheila to her knees. Sheila grabbed at the ground and rubble beneath her as more missiles struck her neck and back. She threw her arms up wildly and flung large chunks of asphalt and concrete into the air. One clipped the copter's rotor and it whined and tumbled as the pilot fought to right the warhawk. Sheila turned and crouched as the copter struggled to stay aloft. She laughed and spit something like blood on the ground. The pilot gained control of the massive helicopter, just as Sheila leapt. His sense of accomplishment was crushed as Sheila pulled the potent gunship from the sky. Her meaty arms grabbed hold and yanked it into her tremendous bosom. As she landed, she threw the copter to the ground in front of her. She crippled it fatally with a seismic blow from her mighty right arm, "You feel that? You feel the pain? Just like I said and these babies don't lie," Sheila purred sensually as she flexed her right python and licked it. She then set about tearing the mass of tin apart piece by piece, starting with the rotors. She straddled the misshapen copter, dented badly by the blow from her punishing right arm and pulled the rotors off like the petals from a daisy. She slammed her boulder-hard ass down on the tail, smashing it flat, then peeled the top off like the top off a cup of yogurt and scooped the men out and swallowed them whole. She finished the job with a couple more well-rounded blows from her incomparable fists. Even a gunship this big couldn't withstand the sheer brute force gigantic Sheila possessed, but a number of these babies packed with the same payload could bring the mighty one down. Sheila licked the massacre from her fingers, felt the familiar burn in her muscles as they grew more. Three hundred feet of machine-mauling muscle stalked her way through the town enjoying the fun true destruction can bring. Sheila challenged her body to prove how mercilessly strong it was. She fantasized of the day she'd be big enough to press a battle ship over her head and break the spirit of these fucking ants when they realized they were powerless to stop her. Their only option would be full-scale worship. "Soon", she thought, "soon." Meanwhile Sheila tore through the town. Most of it had been evacuated. Some police choppers held their distance, but watched all the while. She disposed of a band of foolhardy mercenaries, burying one jeep-full beneath a toppled building. The other she flung at the police copters, missing them both. Wrecking buildings was child's play. The brick, mortar and thin steel of this burg was helpless against her naked brute force. She was looking for a challenge, then thought of the best place to look. The military had disappeared for the moment or perhaps she'd busted up all that the locals could muster. Sheila struck the power station first. The cables and lines snapped like strings. Queen Kong ruthlessly destroyed the station. She ripped the towers from the ground and bent them like pretzels. The main generators sizzled and sparked as she hoisted them over her head and threw them into the neighboring buildings. The power overload surged into Sheila as she manhandled the facilities. Power failed all over town. This was wholesale destruction, the stuff that made Sheila-Hulk wet. Her nipples protruded like steeples and the thick down between her legs became musky and full. Her scent leaked into the air as she held the final generator overhead. The police copters, silent until now hit her with spotlights, then opened fire. Rockets and machine gun fire feebly pelted the raging she-beast. Sheila threw the generator at them, but they dodged. Then Sheila played possum once again. Sheilding herself as if the bullets and tiny rockets were hurting her. She stepped haltingly backwards, retreating from them. They closed quickly, pressing the advantage. Sheila squatted and protected her head. The copters dove in, hoping for a lethal strike. Sheila shot upwards and grabbed the first by its tail. Sheila was four times its size and landed hard with it in her deadly grip. It pulled and overheated trying to pull free. Sheila hammered it once with her monster right. The rotors snapped and the copter whined sadly as its escape was thwarted. The other copter swooped in to try and wound the giantess, but it swooped too low and Sheila connected with a roundhouse left and the second copter slammed to the ground. "You ever feel anything harder than that?", Sheila stood over the two fallen copters and flexed, amping out her arms and chest, fully hulking herself out. They tried pathetically to escape, but their engines and rotors were shot. "I rule the land and the air, you dumb fucks. Any of you little shits think you can beat this?" and Sheila hoisted the first copter up holding its nose in one powerful fist and its tail in the other. She sucked a deep breath in then folded the thickly reinforced copter in half, the nose and tail touching. Veins popped in Sheila's tremendous arms and magnificent chest. She then folded the copter in half again and again until it was a twisted ball of wrecked machine. This she flung into a nearby building. "I am so fucking hot right now. Ain't nothing hotter than being the baddest bitch around," Sheila gloated as she fingered herself. "Ooohhh, yeah, that's the spot ... hands down the fucking mightiest," Sheila moaned, she was going to come hard and fast. She pumped her right bicep until it thickened unbelievably. Her breathing quickened and her hips rocked, her boiling juices slipped down her fingers and dripped onto the other copter. Sheila kissed and licked her engorged quivering bicep; she nearly devoured it with her lips and tongue as she fell into her first orgasm. She bucked and road her hand, cumming loudly. Her sticky wet finger slid up her taut washboards and found her right nipple, pulling it, fondling it, pushing her clit back towards the brink of orgasm. She arched her back and returned to her bicep, lightly caressing its mass with her hungry, hungry mouth. Teasing her muscles with her hands and mouth, Sheila brought herself to the edge of a second explosion. She grabbed the second copter at the last minute and slid its tail into her, filling the emptiness so quickly and without warning, that it was enough to open the floodgates a second time. When she came her immeasurably muscular thighs crushed the body of the copter like a soft melon. When they released, the copter fell to the ground nearly flattened. Sheila looked at what the power of her sex had wrought and laughed, "My fucking twat is stronger than you fucking worms and your two-cent weapons. I am massive, I am monstrously fucking strong! I am your worst freaking nightmare and I'm just getting started!" Sheila-Hulk beat her chest. It felt so good to be this unstoppable. She ripped hundred foot buildings from the ground and pressed them easily over her head and hurled them into others, wasting a whole section of town within minutes. She strutted like a pro-wrestler and flexed and posed, reveling in the unbelievable strength that coursed through her. A series of lights caught her eye as she made her way into the more upscale part of town. They flashed and beckoned her like sultry stars in the night sky. It took a second and then she realized what they were. Her body pumped up in anticipation, her pecs danced when she recognized the degree of her good fortune. Those lights belonged to an airliner that was preparing to land at a nearby airport. "Oooooh, babies," Sheila moaned as she pumped her arms, "time to show Momma just how big and bad and devastating you are. Rip that fucking place apart!" Sheila surged forward, her body flooded with testosterone, her eyes lusting for destruction. End of chapter Eight.