Sarah was big Chapter 7 Not nearly through for the night Sarah "finishes off" the restaurant before going home When she returned from the rest room having finished off her second boyfriend for the evening, Sarah saw the bus boy sitting in the booth. She looked at him and ordered "Bus boy get me another steak." A few minutes later the bus boy returned with Sarah's fourth steak for the evening. He summed up his courage and asked the buxom, killer "why do you eat so much." Sarah gave him an evil look. She then flexed her left arm. "You see this, young man," she said as she displayed her massive bicep. "Its pathetic and weak and I must get it much bigger than this, but even in this small state it is bigger than any man's by far. This body needs to be fed. And, from now on remember one thing. I brought you over here because of that large meat between your legs. It is that I am interested in - not any of the rest of you. Your whole body is merely life support for that marvelous cock which I know own - I will use it when I want it and where I want it. Why you are nothing more than a living dildo to me." Sarah laughed. She was in a super bitchy mood and she loved it when she felt like this. She had utterly destroyed two boyfriends already tonight and told this younger man that he was nothing more than a blood supply for "her cock." And, she still had her husband who thought he still ran the prison to destroy when she got home. At that point Sarah spotted a young couple at the bar. They were having a drink together and the woman got up to go to the bathroom. Leaving the living dildo sitting in the booth Sarah got up and went over to the man. She sat next to him at the bar and looked up at the bartender and said "this man is buying me an after dinner drink - I will have some of your best Cognac." The man turned to Sarah and was about to say something when he saw her magnificent body. "See something you like" she drawled as she lit up a huge stogie. The man pointed to the now smoking sign and Sarah simply laughed. "That sign is for the rest of the world. Now," Sarah retorted, "if you have the proper equipment than you, the bus boy, and I can have a good time. If you don't than you wasted my time and that is never a good thing." Just then the wife returned. She looked at Sarah and said 'what do you think you are doing." Sarah blew a big ring of smoke in her face and said "I was about to measure your husband's cock to see if I wanted to allow him to try to please me tonight." But now that you are back and since you have such a big fucking mouth - I think I will use it." With that Sarah literally lifted up the wife and carried her to the Women's room. Sarah slammed the women to the floor and stood over her with her hands on her waste still puffing her excessively large stoogie. "I don't like people with big mouths," Sarah hissed. With that the woman started screaming. Sarah bent down and put her hand over the lady's mouth. "Your screaming is pointless - nobody will come in here to save you. They are all too afraid of me. They know that if they interfered I would hurt them very badly or kill them. You are on your own. "Now," Sarah continued, removing her hand from the woman's mouth and replacing it with the toe of one of her boots. "I am going to show you my solution for big mouths. Get on your knees." When the woman did not immediately reply, Sarah brought her left foot down on the woman's right ankle crushing several bones. "Get on your knees now," Sarah barked. The lady complied. Sara then lowered her pants, put her shapely ass in the lady's face and said, "Your big mouth is not my toilet." With that Sarah took a huge protein-infused crap into the lady's mouth. When she was done, Sarah turned to the woman and said, "if even a tiny bit of my valuable shit ends up on the floor, I will crush every bone in your body very slowly and painfully. Now eat up while I go size up your husband." Sarah returned to the restaurant and told the man that his wife's big mouth had been shut up. She then turned to him and ordered him to take down his pants. When she saw his 8 inch member she laughed. "You mean I got up from my dinner for that." If I was your wife I would have gladly given you over to someone else. With that Sarah reached down and crushed the man's balls in her left hand. "That is for wasting my time" she replied as the man feel from his bar stool in pain. Just as he was about to hit the ground Sarah kicked his head backwards and watched as his whole body flooped backwards and slammed into the ground. "Now," Sarah said looking at the busboy. "Let's see if the human cock is worth anything. She mounted the young man right in the booth, he sitting down and she on top going up and down with her immense boobs playing around his face. She was having a good time when suddenly the young man made a fatal error - he came. The rage in Sarah's face was immediate and her voice boomed. "You CAME. Dildo's don't CUM. Get that slimy face of yours down there immediately and clean up that mess." With that she grabbed his hair and stuck his face between her legs. As the young man began to work, Sarah simply tightened her immense thighs and than began to orgasm powerfully as she felt the warm blood leaking from the man's crushed face. Sarah calmly let the rest of his body fall under the table and relaxed with a drink of wine and dragged on her cigar. Sarah looked at her remaining companion - her bisexual friend and said "Time to go home, I am bored of this place."