THE INTERNS by Tony Lee Gomes email me at PART I: Randy Is Hired Welcome to VIX! The female-dominated planet of the far future! SOME BACKGROUND: This story takes place on a faraway planet, a futuristic world, more than 4000 years from now. This world is inhabited by human beings. In some ways they are similar to us, but in many ways they are vastly different from the humans of today. About 1,000 years before the start of this story, robot-controlled "sleeper ships" from a dying Earth landed on a new, inhabitable world, 88 light years away, in the Gamma Lyrae IX Solar System. When the robotic piloting system awakened the cryogenically-frozen humans on board, they called the new world "Clairvis", meaning "Clear View", for the gorgeous blue skies and clear air, the open, flat terrain, and the wide expanses of ocean. Gradually, the humans developed a thriving colony, and signaled to other sleeper-ships from earth to come to the new world. In all, 31 ships landed on Vix, with human colonists from the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands, Serbia, Italy, Brazil, Venezuela, Turkey, Lebanon, Vietnam, Angola, and Tahiti. Then, 177 years after the last colonists landed, a group of female supremacist geneticists, under the veil of a secretive state-run corporation called GENEX, took over the government, and the planet was renamed Vix. These feminist geneticists, aided by a few men, had a plan to change humanity forever. Their goal was a humanity where the female sex would lead, and males would follow. A humanity where female superiority and male inferiority would be so ingrained, it would be burned into people's genetic makeup and hardwired into their brains - guaranteeing a female-run society. Now, Old Earth is ancient history -- its civilization destroyed by war, pestilence and strife -- but the genetically-engineered descendants of humans live on, here on the planet Vix! Within eight generations, GENEX sliced and diced the human genome, cutting and pasting genes according to a master plan to transform the human race forever. And they succeeded in genetically engineering the planet's people into a new race. A female-dominated race. Vixan women are built like Amazons -- tall, strong, and athletic. They range in height from 5'11" to about 6'6", with the average height of an adult woman being about 6'2". Their brains are hardwired to be more logical and stronger at mathematics and spatial and analytical reasoning than the brains of Vixan males. Vixan women have broad shoulders, long legs, strong arms, and although the "secondary sex characteristic" of breasts has been preserved, their breasts do not give milk and their nipples are not "erogenous zones" for sexual pleasure -- because Vixan females are not the nurturing sex. Furthermore, Vixan females have been forever freed of pregnancy and childbirth. Although Vixan men and women have normal, vaginal sexual relations, fertilization to perpetuate the Vixan race takes place in vitro, and gestation on Vix takes place in public laboratories called "gestatoria", where newborn infants are born, then sent to "childorms" to be reared by male nannies called "chatties". Vixan males are shorter and physically weaker than their females. Vixan adult males range in height from 5'0" to 5'8", with their average adult height being about 5'5". Vixan males have a penis, moustache hair (though no beard hair), some body hair and no breasts, like the males of Old Earth. But don't think Vixan males are too much like the men of Old Earth! Instead, these are really a brave new breed of males! And they have been designed and built especially for this female-dominated planet of the future. GENEX wanted Vixan males to feel their physical inferiority, to experience it organically, intuitively, and intimately. Ultimately, GENEX wanted Vixan males to enjoy their inferiority! But how to do that? GENEX devised an answer. The New Males of Vix would have narrow, pert shoulders and broad, curvaceous hips. Broader hips and bigger buttocks than their women. With their voluptuous, hourglass-shaped figures designed for one thing -- passion -- Vixan males are slaves to their sexual desires. They are hardwired to love their predicament and to love their bodies. And they are hardwired to lust after the tall, beautiful, athletic Amazons who run their government, fight their wars, fly their spaceplanes, and dominate their planet. And it's no longer just Vix - because the women of Vix are natural explorers - they are curious and daring. They are ambitious and inventive, and have built and designed a new fleet of fast gravomag-powered space vessels, with which they've expanded their new Vixan civilization outward, to other planets in the Gamma Lyrae IX Solar System. Now, not only Vix, but also the planets Gamelon, Sylvania, and Paradys are inhabited by Vixan women and men. And there are beautiful, inhabited moons, too - New Bethel and Cygnet and Denara. And in space, orbiting these planets and moons, are vast, woman-made satellite cities, where people live in technological splendor assisted by artificial gravity. THE INTERNS - A brand new story set on Vix! PART I: Randy Is Hired Apollonia Taormina is 26 years old and works as a legal secretary at the law firm of Dubonnet, Gifford & Shields, with its offices located on the 208th, 209th, 210th, and 211th floors, high up in the vast commercial and residential complex called Metroplex Delta in Sidon City, one of the biggest cities on the planet Vix. Most people call him "Loni" for short. At 5'6" and 145 lbs, Loni is about the average height and weight of an adult Vixan male. His figure has that voluptuous "pear" shape that fills out his clothes with the curves typical of a male from the planet Vix. His shoulders are narrow and pert. His figure tapers to a narrow waist, then flares out to broad, strong hips. Loni wears sexy clothes, like all Vixan males of his generation. Even to work. His favorite things are lacy stuff -- black lace especially, because he thinks it looks mysterious. He likes revealing tops that show off his shoulders and midriff. Sometimes, when going out especially, he wears a flimsy little, diaphanous wrap, in sheer black nylex, around his shoulders. Sometimes he wears a little sheer black jacket - in the same filmy, delicate, see-through material, but with little short sleeves. Sometimes he wears the same thing in black lace nylex, with a pattern of flowers and vines, in black, woven into the sheer material. Loni is a romantic. He likes to feel masculine. Being a voluptuous "pear" shape, as Loni walks around the office, his broad hips sway and gyrate naturally, and his big rear-end fills out and swells the clingy backside of his flowing, wide-leg dresspants. The legs of the dresspants are cut extra-wide and flow and flutter around his legs. The delicate fabric swishes around his bare toes, tickling them. In keeping with fashion, Loni's midriff is always bear -- this style has become the norm now, even in professional settings, for male office workers and secretaries. There was really no difference the way Vixan men dress at work, in an office these days, and the way they might dress when out on the town -- except that the office wear might be just a little more professional and nicer -- but still as revealing and masculine. Loni usually wears fairly big earrings, and his favorites are big metallic hoops. He has dozens of pairs of those. He wears his black hair loose, down to his shoulders, and his eyes are big and dark brown. Loni hasn't had a girlfriend in over a year. One February day, Meredith "Randy" Sykes is introduced in the office as the new legal intern in the firm's Public Litigation department. Since it's a Monday and the firm is open for business, she's wearing a full suit (pants, shirt, jacket) that day. Randy is a tall girl, a third-year intern, and stands 6'3". Her legs are long, her shoulders are broad, her face is gorgeous. Her hair is shoulder length and glossy black, and her eyes are big and blue. Loni is introduced to Randy. She's told that Loni is one of the secretaries in her department, and will be assigned to assist Randy. Gradually, Loni and Randy start working closer together and Loni can see that Randy is a brilliant young girl -- and a top student at her university. She has a very bright, promising future as a lawyer and maybe a future politician! Loni, in fact, develops an admiration for Randy -- something he rarely has felt for any of the other lawyers at the firm. Randy is cleverly funny and, along with the younger lawyers at the firm, she cracks hilarious jokes in the staff lunchroom, and mocks some of the older women at the firm. She and the other young lawyers often have Loni and the other secretaries in stitches. And Randy is the funniest one of the lot! And, it gradually dawns on Loni, she's one of the nicest and the cutest. A few months later, things have loosened up and Randy is on much better, friendlier terms with many of the lawyers at the firm, especially the younger ones, and on Fridays, she starts "dressing down" in clothes that are a bit more casual. One hot Friday in May, on a day when most of the bosses have gone away to a convention, Randy shows up in the office dressed in a schoolgirl outfit - with short, red plaid shorts, and white tennis shoes. She wasn't wearing any socks, or just very short socks, so her long legs were bare from top to bottom. This is the first time Loni has ever seen Randy like that! Up until now, he felt very attracted to her, but had never seen her looking like that! Arms, shoulders, legs, all bare! Long, long legs -- gorgeous, toned, lanky legs all bare, wearing brief shorts and those cute tennis shoes! A naughty schoolgirl outfit ... . Loni had been working at the firm for 5 years now, and had only seen girls dressing like that on casual Fridays a few times. But apparently this style was catching on more and more, for casual wear, around many of the workplaces of the bigger cities of Vix. In fact, Loni is seeing this look more and more on the streets, and in offices around the Metroplexes of Sidon City, especially among younger girls -- girls interning in law offices, corporate offices, government offices, etc. Of course, usually the girls wear saddle-shoes or Oxfords with these outfits, but sometimes Loni had seen this "schoolgirl" look worn with tennis shoes, so it wasn't completely out of the ordinary. Still, it looked incredibly sexy on Randy. Loni especially liked the fact that Randy was wearing the outfit with those white tennis shoes. Without socks, so her long, perfect legs were bare from top to bottom. The tennis shoes looked so good on her. Seeing her lanky legs bare like that - all that flesh on display - sent his pulse racing wildly. He had always seen her in a business suit, dressed like a young lawyer. While the business suits were attractive, they hid most of her physical assets. Now her athletic, 6'3" body was all on display, for the first time ever in the office. Later, as Loni walked to the lunchroom, he noticed that not just Randy, but what appeared to be all the legal interns were dressed in similar "schoolgirl" outfits - all with those ultra-short shorts, all displaying their long, smooth, toned legs. Some girls wore red plaid shorts, some blue plaid. Some of the girls were wearing athletic shoes like Randy, and others were wearing two-toned suede oxfords or saddle-shoes. Some had form- fitting vests like Randy, some had neckties in plaid or different colors. Most wore sharp, white shirts with short sleeves or almost no sleeves. Loni had never seen that much young, athletic female flesh on display at one time, since he was in high school. Never here at the law firm. Loni gulped. Some girls had their hair tied up in ponytails with "scrunchies" that matched their shorts and neckties. Some girls had their hair pulled back with plaid headbands instead. There were about 30 or 40 legal interns in the law firm, all fresh-faced young college girls, of course, aged between 19 and 22. All future lawyers. And they were all dressed this way. All over 6' tall of course, all long-legged and athletic, all big and full of bounding, saucy, delightful energy. They moved around in little packs -- laughing and cracking jokes, giggling and hitting each other, and kicking those impossibly long legs up in the air, like a pack of schoolgirls storming through the halls of a high school, up to trouble. Ponytails of thick female hair in flaxen blonde, strawberry gold, and glossy black were flying everywhere, dancing and jumping as the girls walked the halls with their long, bounding steps. Was this how professional girls would be dressing now days? Was this a sign of things to come - were these girls the wave of the future? Loni felt alone and dreadfully serious as he walked the halls and stepped into the transparent elevator with three other secretaries from other departments. They weren't really guys he knew, so he kept quiet. And kept thinking about those girls. Especially Randy. And the way she looked in that outfit ... He got out of the elevator on the 208th floor and stepped into the huge, sunny lunchroom, with its panoramic vista of the city. Over toward one side of the circular room, a group of six of those hot young legal interns sat, chatting and laughing in their devastatingly cute schoolgirl outfits. His heart pumped ... He thought of what to say. He walked over to the girls' table. He looked at the girls, who were eating and talking animatedly. "Have you seen Meredith Sykes?" he asked. His hands were on his hips. "Meredith? Who's that?" asked an attractive blonde with glasses and a ponytail. The girl was still chewing on a small piece of sandwich. "You may know her as Randy," said Loni. As he stared at the attractive blonde, he found himself absently fingering his navel ring with his long, manicured fingernails. Maybe more of an explanation would do. "I'm Loni," he said. "I'm her secretary in the Public Litigation Department." The girls kept eating. A few were looking at him leerily, as if he was crazy, or a stalker. Most were ignoring him. The blonde rolled her blue eyes. Loni continued. "I just wanted to remind her that she has a 1:00 meeting with Courtney Streeter from the Sidon District Spaceport, in her office." "In Courtney Streeter's office, or in Randy Sykes' office?" asked the blonde. "In Ms. Sykes office," said Loni. "So why would you come here to us and ask us about Randy Sykes?" asked a girl with light brown hair, and a light blue headband, sitting at the near- side of the table. The girl squinted at him. A few of the girls giggled. And Loni could hear under the table, a few girls were kicking each other, as they stifled still more giggles. "Because aren't you girls all interns from SCU? Like Randy?" One dark-haired girl with green eyes and full, rosy lips piped up. "We're first-year interns," she informed him. "Randy Sykes is a third year. The different years don't really hang together." She smiled broadly. Was that a helpful smile or was she saying "go away now"? "Yah, go ask a someone in Randy's year," a very attractive red-haired girl with glasses at the other end of the table said, half under her breath. The girl wasn't even looking at Loni, and was slouched down in her seat. Why did they have to be so rude, Loni thought. He turned to walk away, but thinking of something else, turned back. Why not ask them? "Oh. One more thing. What's with the casual clothes today?" "Casual Friday," said the dark-haired girl with green eyes. "Believe me, I've been around this firm for a lot of Casual Fridays, and I've never seen this ... " A few of the girls giggled and laughed, but a few audibly sighed. "Never seen girls' legs before?" blurted the rude redhead in the back, amidst the giggling. She was talking beneath her breath again, but there seemed to be a bit of ice in her voice as she said it. The redhead had a Wyndome Valley accent, pronouncing legs like "lags". Loni had always found that accent cute. And the girl was a stunner - strong features, big blue eyes, arching eyebrows ... thick, attractive red- blonde hair, almost shoulder-length and upswept at the ends, and pulled back with a bright yellow headband. "Hey, shut up, Jennifer!" said another blonde girl, sitting across from the redhead. With that, Loni could see, even from where he was standing, that the blonde kicked this girl, Jennifer, underneath the table. Jennifer winced. "Stop it, Tiffany!" More giggles and laughter. "Yeah, be nice to the man," said another girl with a light brown "bob" hairstyle. She looked at Loni. "Jennifer is a weirdo," she said. "She's paranoid about men. She thinks the secretaries at this firm are sex- starved, and more interested in the interns than doing their work." "What was your name again?" asked the first blonde, with a friendly smile. "I'm Loni. Loni Taormina." "Nice to meet you. I'm Morgan Mathers. If we see Randy, we'll tell her about her meeting." "Thanks," said Loni. "And to answer your question about our clothes, this is just the style now. It's called prepschool." "Oh really?" Loni said absently, fingering his belly-button ring again. "You don't like the style?" asked Morgan, cocking her head a bit, but still smiling. From the back of the table, near the window, Jennifer made a loud "tsssk" with her mouth. She almost slammed her hand on the table. "They all like it," said Jennifer. "All guys like it when women wear shorts. It gives them all a hard-on." More giggles and laughter went up from around the table. "Jennifer is mad at the world because there's a secretary on her floor who has the hots for her," said the girl with the brown bob haircut. "This guy - I won't say his name - likes to grab her arms and feel her muscles. I mean, big deal, all guys do that." Loni looked at the girl and fingered his navel ring. "Yeah, Jennifer, all guys do that," said Morgan. Jennifer was blushing. Her face was bright red, almost as red as her hair. "Sometimes, in the office, a man will touch a woman unconsciously," said Loni. "Especially if he thinks she's cute. It does't mean ... ." "It doesn't mean he wants to bang her right there on the spot," said the second blonde, Tiffany. A few girls giggled. "But - touching me like every time he comes into my office? Because he's coming into my office ten times a day." said Jennifer. "Get used to it, girl," said the girl with the bob, facing Jennifer. She turned to Loni. "By the way, I'm Heather Banfield." Her bright, emerald green eyes were smiling. "Hi Heather," said Loni. "Jennifer has a problem with this nutty guy," said Heather. "He's your secretary, isn't he?" said Morgan, addressing Jennifer. "Put him to work!" Just give him a stupid assignment that lasts, like, five hours! Make him reindex all the Hive files from every deposition for the past 17 years or something." The dark-haired girl looked at Loni. "Jennifer doesn't understand that when a man sees a pretty girl he wants, he can get grabby." She giggled. "My boyfriend, Geri - he even grabs me when I'm flying the skycar. He sits there feeling my arms, groping my legs. Touching my hair, kissing me while I'm flying. It's like, he doesn't care if I crash the skycar or not. When he wants me, he has to have me." "Taylor, sounds like you have to put some magnicuffs on your boyfriend," said Morgan. "Yeah, Taylor. Men these days need to be tied up," said the other blonde. "Handcuffed. They like it!" Some of the girls giggled loudly at that. "Jennifer, just go out with the guy once," said Heather. "You may find you have something in common." "Like what? What would I have in common with that little cockhead? He's kind of homely, too." "He's not that bad looking," said Morgan. Jennifer looked at Morgan with digust. "I can't keep my eyes off that big mole on his cheek. And his ass is so big he almost breaks his chair!" "Oh, come on Jennifer," Morgan said. "Jona is not that bad looking. And his butt is normal size. For a guy." More giggles. "You mean Jona Colvin, right?" Loni asked. "In Environmental?" "He's the one," said Heather. "He's an airhead," said Jennifer. "He's so scatterbrained." "Jennifer, he's a normal man," said Morgan. "And he thinks you're brilliant. He's said so. Just yesterday he was bragging to everyone about how you have the highest grade point average in the class." "I've never told him that. I don't discuss my GPA." said Jennifer. "How would he know?" "He probably researched you," said Heather. "I mean, he likes you enough." "Oh, Jennifer," Morgan sighed. "He's just being a typical horny guy. So you get groped occasionally? We all get groped a little bit, now and then by a secretary or some horny guy. You're an attractive girl. You've been a such brain all your life, you don't want to face it that you're also attractive." Jennifer was blushing bright red. She sat slumped in her seat and twirled her strawberry hair. "Look at you, you're tall and in great shape," Morgan continued. "You've got really pretty, really long legs. And an athletic figure. The kind of body men dream about. Jona can't help it, he's crazy for you. He's just a man who's crazy for your body. And you've got that cute red hair and pretty blue eyes. No wonder Jona always acts so ditzy, you're makin' him horny!" "How long has Jona been with the firm, Loni?" asked Heather. "Oh, he's been here a while. As far as I know, he's single. He used to have a girlfriend a few years ago, but they broke up." "How old is he?" "Oh, I'm 26. He's a year or two older than me - 27 or 28. Actually, I remember I went to his 28th birthday party. I think it was back in January." "Jennifer, just give the guy a chance," said Taylor. "He probably goes home every night and masturbates alone with his little MEPI or whatever kind of little sex device men use these days for a good time." "It's a MEPI," said Loni, smiling. "Guy's best friend." "And he's probably fantasizing about you," said Heather. "His hot young redheaded 19 year-old intern. He probably can't think about anything else. He wants you!" "Yeah, Jennifer," Tiffany giggled. "You'd better let him have a chance with your body or else he'll shoot his jizz all over the office one day!" "Eeeeoooww! I'm eating lunch!" Jennifer said. "Just let the little guy have his way with you," said Tiffany. " Just let him have you for one night!" "But make it a long night," said Heather. "With guys these days, you have to let them get in a lot of foreplay!" "Foreplay, right on!" said Morgan. "Have you tongued a guy yet?" Jennifer was still blushing brightly. "Well, it's time for me to go," said Loni. "I've got to grab lunch be back at the office before Randy gets back for her meeting." Loni headed down to the lunch buffet "Oh, Morgan! Jenny needs to take it slow," said Heather. "Don't give us any of that crap about giving a guy a tongue job on a first date." Heather turned to Jennifer. "Take him out dancing. Go to a club and dance with him for hours. Guys love that. Wear a little schoolgirl outfit, like the one you have on now. With your shortest preppy shorts. Put your hair in a ponytail and wear tennis shoes. With no kneesocks. No socks. Let him look but don't let him touch too much! Tease him! Show off your legs, show off your body. He's got to beg for it!" "By the time you get him back to his apartment, he'll be begging!" said Morgan. "Keep on teasing him. Play like you're the little girl, the prep school, law school student. Men love that. They want to take care of you. It brings out that male nurturing instinct." "Yeah, men aren't dangerous," said Tiffany. "They don't bite!" "My boyfriend bites me," said Heather. "They're pathetic sometimes, but not dangerous," said Tiffany. "When my boyfriend gets aroused, he gets all sweet and passionate and he just begs. He'll do anything for me. It's like he's my abject servant, begging to take care of me. Plus it's cool to have him around the dorm, cooking and cleaning. He fixes dinner every night for me and my roommates, Sally and Alexis." "Play up the whole little girl thing, but don't let him touch," said Morgan. "If he tries to touch, push him away. Then all of a sudden let him kiss you. Then shove him away. That drives guys wild. Men want to see a strong woman." "Really!" said Tiffany. "You know how we're bigger and stronger than men? Well, men love that! They love the fact that we're taller and stronger than they are. They can't resist when you push them around a little bit. Not too much. Just enough to show him you're a girl and you're bigger and stronger than he is!" "Tiffany's right, Jen," said Morgan. "That's what guys love. They want to feel that you're the female, you're in charge. Not just with work, here in the office. Physically. That's why Jona's groping at your muscles every day. He needs your body. You arouse him." "And he'll love the fact that here's this 19 year-old, dressed up like the little schoolgirl in the ponytail, and you're so tall and strong," Heather said. "Men love to look up at us!" "Well, Jona can look up at me every day in the office," Jennifer said. "But you can't get his cock every day in the office," Tiffany said. "Yeah, Jona probably has an enormous cock!" said Taylor. "Yeah, you know what they say," said Heather. "You can tell the size of a man's cock from the rear. The bigger a man's ass is, the bigger his cock is!" "It's true, Jen!" said Morgan. "The bigger the ass, the bigger the cock!" "That Loni probably has a humongous organ," said Tiffany. "Did you see his hips? Broad hips, fat ass, big schlong." "So, are we playing basketball after work today, or what?" Heather asked. "I heard the third-year interns got the company penthouse court for their game," said Morgan. "You know, the court near the skylots?" "Fuck no!" said Taylor angrily. "That's the only open-air court in the Metroplex! They've had that court the last three weeks in a row!" "And doesn't the firm put out sandwiches and drinks and cookies for the interns at the court every Friday?" asked Tiffany. "Yeah, they do it every Friday," said Jennifer. "But the third-year girls always get the court. Sometimes they share it with the second-years." "Not this time!" Tiffany almost shouted. "If the third-years and second- years want the court this evening, they're gonna have to deal with us!" Morgan looked at Tiffany. "And how do you propose to take the court away from them?" Tiffany blinked. "What if something came up with school?" "Yeah?" said Morgan. "What if the firm's admin office receives a message from someone at the SCU that all the first years have to leave work early - at 3:30 - to go to some field trip?" "Hmmmm ... Brilliant!" said Morgan. "Then we can get to the locker rooms and change and be on the courts before 4 ... I like it!" said a delighted Heather. "We'd best make the message from the SCU first-year student government office," said Tiffany. "My roommate, Alexis, is first-year president." "This plan is too cool for words," Taylor said. Tiffany opened her handheld. "Alexis Kallinakis," she said. The intelink connected and a shimmering holographic image of Alexis appeared in the air, about 8 centimeters above the handheld. "Hey Lexie!" "What's up, girl!" said the dark-haired image of a girl's face, floating in the air. "My group of interns here at the law firm, we want to play on the company hoops court on the penthouse here this afternoon. But the third-year interns always get it first. Could you send a message, from SCU student government, to get us out of work today. Around 3:00." MORE TO COME ... .