Lethal Force Airborne by Commander Viac am Malacar del Kalix, AGXCC Chronicler A17th 150th Valkyrie Ranger Battle Group Sil Xennonoc, Isle of Kalix Introduction Normally I would not extend beyond what I had written or posted, but what the hell ... Okay, there are more sections of "The New Age Dawns" which I can release, I guess. For those of you who are used to reading the genre, this is Sci-Fi, I guess, but it isn't. You figure out what is going on. After "A new Day - Love Returns" - I guess I can drop out another section and jump to this further down the "page" ... this group is sections 6-7-8-and 9. Enjoy this, and the next one, when I get ready to post it. Vivi ... A17th 150th VRBG / Kalix LETHAL FORCE AIRBORNE It is now a year since Mal has returned - Jen is working out well, and settling in to the Exec position. Val is glad she can concentrate on being the JAG and not worry about internal problems like she was before. The flight crews are getting used to working with Mal in the air, and following his lead, and concentrating their fire power in a very deadly way. All in all, it almost like the old days once again - Mal leading the charge - the Corps, or at least the Air Crews following. Only now, it is no longer slugging it out on some dingy blood soaked field, hoping you can hold -- now it is fast moving, and instant death, as the Xenonry blows targets apart, and vaporizes the mess! The Corps now has seventy five Scorpions, and they are divided into four flights - Mal leading the first, Scion the second, Hertzog the third, and Kelleron the fourth. When this whole group goes up, you know something big is coming down! The rest of the Corps, our ground pounders are not being left out of the fun either. They are being trained to fight in the new air wars too. Transport ships from the nearby Ain field, where our Scorpions were up fitted, will provide the wings to get the remaining troops on the scene, then they can go into action, and finish the job off, on the ground. Only here, interspace transport beams will get the men on the ground, and back into orbit. Early in Euneri, Kerenth Emperor / Kether Chair Kerri comes calling, and as before when he had Grando for Defense Minister - now Brennecon in tow, Mal knew something was coming his way to go and have some fun..... <> Kerri is admitted, then comes to see Mal .. "Mal my old friend!! - How are things in your part of the universe these days?" "Kerri - good to see you again! -- Brenn? How are things in the Kerenth these days?? We don't hear much now - - just quiet in our sector!" "Well, Mal -- it's almost like the old days again -- mostly local stuff, the Quippoleth has not been much of a problem since you really finished them all off after the West Wind Affair. They seem to have the wind taken out of their sails, as far as attacking us anymore. The Derenge -- they still launch from time to time on us - but we manage to beat them off pretty well these days -- The old days of sword and shot are fast going away - all today is the new stuff - kind of like you have here for fire power - but not as much as the Xenonry - nor as lethal .. " "Well that is good -- so my dear Leader - - what brings you to our part of the world anyway? Social visit, or marching orders? "Umm marching Mal," Brenn starts.. "We have had another one of those damn Corps go bad again, and the jerk has taken over part of a sector, and we are just having one hell of a time shifting - or destroying him. Kernin has sent several Corps down there, and they got blown out. We lost over 12,000 Valkyries so far in the mess." Mal pales, knowing how much life has been lost.... Kerri picks up -- "Mal, we got permission from the Ain to use your forces to move this idiot." handing Mal the okay from Kisk Bershin ... "Brenn? The maps!" Brenn pulls out the maps of the Shin area -- and now starts a chalk talk using the maps for reference.... "Okay Mal, here -- " Indicating -- "The 7th sector, in the town of Derski -- a population of about a half million, he - Kodar -- of the 30th 940th has taken over. He has the entire population under his control, and most support him. They are holed up in town, and Kernin has now, seventeen Corps holding him at bay. What we want you to do, is to go down there and wipe Derski off the map. With your Xenonry fire power, you should have no problem blowing the entire thing out of the world. AND save us from sending more Valkyries to their deaths. Do you accept the job?" Mal looks to Viron, then Erica... smiles -- "Umm how big of an area is this?" "About 50 square miles, more or less - our Corps are just outside of his fire range, holding back about twenty miles form the actual city." "Can we get them to give us a better idea of where they are?" "If you mean using an IFF? Yes we can." -- ( IFF - Identify Friend or Foe - radio beacon ) "Good! - -" Looking towards Viron, then Erica, then the rest of the Lock .. They all agree - - "WE will take the job - but on our terms, and our way of doing it. Okay?" Kerri and Brenn look quizzically at Mal - notice the Shooting Stars with the red "X", which the entire Lock is wearing - know some thing is up -- The Kerenth do not know about Mal's 971 - or a lot of other things the Ain has been doing - - so ... << In the intervening sub sections Mal had recertified his flight status and has secured his own personal Scorpion -- an Ain heavy defense destroyer. Small and extremely lethal with it's heavy firepower, although like all AIN AIR -- it is a flying gun platform and not much more. Mal - Viron - and Erica crew this Scorpion, with the tail number of SC971.>> "Mal? If you can do this... we will let you do it your way .. Umm.. When should we tell Kernin to expect the A17th 150th?" "How soon can you get the IFF info to your troops?" "We can send it out by sub space secure line, in about 24 hours.. Why?" "36 or so hours then, and this problem will be history .. " "MAL? You can't get there with all your troopers in that time frame - not from here in Kalix.." "My problem Kerri and Brenn - JUST get us the IFF data, and let us worry about it. Okay??" "Your show Mal, you haven't let us down in the past, so I expect you will carry this off just fine." "Gentlemen - heading back to Kether? Or staying to watch the show?" "Umm, Mal, we really should get back, we will monitor your action from there." "Thanks for the job Kerri - and have a good trip back!" The delegation leaves. "Viron, when we get the IFF info, call First Flight for a briefing." "Mal we going out alone?" "Yup - this job is small, and First Flight can do an air interdict, and get this over with one blast. DONE neat, clean, and total." "Aye - Aye my Mate - Will notify First Flight to be ready to launch." Kerri and Brenn know that Mal needs the IFF data, so he can land his troops in a safe place. What they do not know is the IFF will paint the "ring" into which Mal is going to drop the major fire power from the air. His Fire Directors will outline the target, then position all ships to concentrate their fire inside the ring - and thus totally destroy the target. The data comes in the next morning. Viron calls the First Flight for the briefing. All are ready to roll. Algeron, has the docking port ready - all Scorpions are fueled, and armed, and ready. IT IS SHOW TIME!! During the briefing Viron then Mal talks to the job ahead, and how some of the air crews are to provide overhead fighter coverage, in case there is someone providing air coverage of the area.. the rest of the crews to follow 971's lead, and parallel their Fire Controllers to Mal's, and pour in both Xenonry, and photon torpedoes. Mal figures that about three good solid volleys should do the job, just in case they will standby for a fourth - if need be. Fire all Xenonry - all four forward facing, and about three rounds of photons, per volley. That should paste them enough. All agree. TO THE FLIGHT LINE!! 18 Scorpions are going out on this hop. 54 air crew will man the mission. It is the 150ths first taste of blood since Mal got back, and their first with the new fire power. Completing all preflight checks, the crews board their ships.... Mal points to Viron, she opens the ship to ship com line .. "Call in when ready Mates!" Mal orders... The Devon whine can be heard all through the airdrome, as the ships fire up their engines, and warm them up. All are ready, nothing has screwed up. The ground crews did their absolute best to make this - the first show of force -- go off without a hitch. After all have called in, Mal leads them out, as the Docking Port opens -- and the Flight takes to the air .. Now assembling in formation, Mal taking the lead - they orbit Zayin -- and start getting ready for the hop to Hyperspace. Mal decides that from the distance, it is going to take about 10 hours to get there, even in Hyperspace .. So he tells the group to set the controls for L4 - and then takes the group into Hyperspace. In a flash, the whole formation is gone. Now settling in for the long flight, the crew relaxes, and just checks on things - the Nav system is keeping track of the wingmen - and their progress. "Well gang, our first mission for the Kerenth - or Ain for that matter. Let's hope this thing goes well." Mal starts -- "I hope the ground crews got their numbers right, and every Scorpion makes it to target and home." "Me too", Erica adds -- "I am ready, and the Fire Director is ready - just hope I don't let the side down." "You will do fine Erica - just have faith in your ability, and this job will be slick." "Gang? -- Lunch? It will be a long hop -- and I for one, am hungry.." Viron starts... "Who wants some LRR for dinner?" Mal and Erica both are famished - it has been more than few hours since breakfast, and well, they might as well break the whole ship in, galley and all! Erica has already broken in the head -- on their first mission -- Mal commented on that one -- ‘Erica - use the spray when you are done... please - this is a small ship, and smells travel..' - They all had a good laugh over that incident. Erica will probably have to live it down later .. Then again, maybe not. Lunch is served - the new auto wave works better than the old fashioned micro waves -- this is faster, and doesn't heat the whole package, just the contents. After a long 10 hour flight, the Nav system drops them out of Hyperspace, and into orbit around Shin .. The formation drops out of Hyperspace as ONE - all 18 Scorpions made it with out any problems. Now it is time to go to work.... Below, nobody knows what is going to go down shortly. Mal decides to take this first job, Masked. Hidden .. He directs six Scorpions to provide the umbrella coverage, just in case, and then takes the remaining twelve down into position. The IFF is coming up nicely, and a definite ring is seem on the Fire Directors. Mal on the ship com line, now tells all to arm up - and stand by. Erica has the trigger, and all now set their fire controls to "slave" and Erica has the Master ... "Fire when ready my Love" - Mal directs Erica... "ANYTIME NOW" --- Erica is waiting for the absolute most correct moment, when all twelve ships are in position, and all weapons are aimed at various points so as to not overlap -- finally -- "3 -- 2 -- 1 -- FIRE!! All away Mal!" the Scorpion jerks a bit as the whole load goes out as if a broadside... the Nav holds them in position, and Erica is ready in no time for another blast. The other 11 ships are doing just fine, and everything is going like clockwork. A blinding blue ray shoots out of deep space - the city of Derski takes the first load of phased Xenonry Fire from the four forward facing cannons of each Scorpion, then the photon torpedoes go in. The second blast of the photons devastates the city. "Firing Volley Two!!" The next round goes in, Derski is now aflame - and starting to come apart... "Firing Volley Three!!" Now, what ever was left, is vaporized - the whole thing is just a smoking hole - nothing is left of Derski, the people, or anything else... The troopers that Kernin sent are wondering just what the hell just hit Derski! They never saw such intense or withering firepower - nor the damage it could do! - In a matter of a few moments, what was - is absolutely no more .. Mal has Viron check for sign of life in the target area. Totally dead.. Nothing except the Kerenth forces Kernin had sent - and we know their locations. "Okay gang -- Let's head for home!!" Mal relays on the intership com line.... The group forms up and in a flash - they are gone. Another long 10 hours of Hyperspace flight now faces the crew. "Man" Erica starts -- "WAS that a big blast! - Even from 1400 miles up, you could almost feel the shock waves as that Xenonry fire hit that town! - Then the photons went in, and blew everything apart!" "You bet Erica - and combined - it was really intensified! - There was nothing which survived that! "They didn't even have time to pee in their pants.." Mal adds "The next volley really tore what was left apart, then the next photon round started everything burning! - The last round just vaporized the scene, and everybody in it! -- WAS that something - and OUT OF THESE tiny ships at that!" "You are right Erica - that is the total devastating power of the Ain, and it's war machines! - I for one, am glad we are on this side of the Force, and not against it." Mal responds. "I hope Kernin's people are okay, that blast and the side effects was powerful - I know about blast waves, and all that - so -- I hope they are okay.." "Should be Viron -- Xenonry doesn't have much side effect -- remember it is anti-matter, and that doesn't have much side effect, and those photon torpedoes, well, they are lighter, and just add to the mess. They should be okay." Viron looks at the time -- "Umm Mal? We got 10 hours of flight ahead of us - lets eat, then get some sleep .." "Good idea Viron -- Erica you want to serve dinner? Then you two can sleep -- I'll stand the first dog watch for the first five hours, then get you up Viron, then I can sleep while you take the watch - I'll set the alarm for about a half hour before we drop out of deep space, and Hyper drive, that way we will all be fresh." "Mal?" Erica starts.. "ME?" "After dinner, and the mess is cleaned up and stowed, you get some sleep - for now, your job is over, and if we need you, one of us will come and get you up. Good show my Love, and good shooting!" "Okay Mal - no problem!" Erica serves dinner, then they settle in .. looking up Viron spies something - and wonders what that is.. "Mal? What is this above me?" Indicating.... "OH THAT - That is where the pillows and blankets are stored. Here -" getting up and opening it - he pulls out three pillows and a three blankets. "This is where they stow them - remember how to make your seat into a bunk?" <> "Sure do - Nite Mal" -- Viron calls -- "Nite my Mates!" Erica calls.... It is a long dog watch, but Mal just has to keep the ship on watch - and tend the various systems. Everything is working just fine. No alarms, nothing is getting screwed up. These new ships are super! There was no opposition - and nobody knew they were there - and nobody even suspected this massive air interdict -- just who did the job? Where did they come from? Answers would not be found - except - everybody knew - it wasn't Kerenth .. Mal got Viron up at mid watch, and then started to settle in .. Viron made her way aft, past the sleeping Erica, now just peeking out from under the blanket, then into the head ... shortly, she took the watch. Mal dropped off fast.. And Viron kept them going - steadily ever homeward. The alarm sounded about a half hour before the ship dropped out of Hyperspace, and all were up and ready for the landing. Precisely on the dot, all 18 ships dropped out of Hyperspace on time, and in formation. All had made the hop, and all had come back. The Docking Lights beckoned. Mal directs the Flight in, as the Docking Doors open -- SC971 the last in. Coasting finally to its berth in the Docking Bay... a final winding down of the Devon engines, and this hop was over! It was a good first Flight, and a successful mission. This will be the future of warfare -- and Mal loved the look of it. Post flight checks, and a final debriefing, and all air crews head home, talking wildly about the mission, the power of the Scorpions weapons, and the total blow out of Derski. MEANWHILE -- Back in the Sil's radio rooms,. The interspace teletypewriters were going nuts! Tons of traffic about the raid - the devasting fire power of somebody - and everybody wondering who just hit Shin! - The Shin people were very upset that somebody had violated their space, and attacked on one of their sectors without letting them know in advance... the traffic had been going on, ever since the end of the raid, and people could get near enough to the scene to have a look from the ground perspective. The same was happening up in Kether - they were wondering just how Mal could pull this off with the tight time table he had given them, NOW they knew.. And Kether was trying to put a lid on this before it got more out of hand FAST. The Lock for their own, now just returned to the CRQ - everything had been going just fine. Val had been running the show while the three leads were out - and at least here at home - it was a serene as a pastoral afternoon. The three flying warriors now headed for the 2nd floor lounge - to relax a bit, and talk over the hop, and the raid. Shortly after they got in, Clairice showed up .. Now. Walking in, as the Corps would, not just appearing suddenly. ALL now things, as the Corps becomes AIN more and more. <> "Well done Mal, and your First Flight! - Your first job for the Kerenth, and for us! - A good show all around! - You got the target, and all of your people home safely!" "NO! - Thanks to you Clairice, and your machines, we did it together! - If it wasn't for your equipment, we would still be sitting there wondering how many we would have to lose before we either took the town, or blew it away! - THIS is the war of the future!" They then debriefed for Clairice, and showed him the tapes from the flight - and the Quadron notes - all had gone as planed - and maybe better. For the first time, Clairice took the ale offered him - now the CRQ gang and the 150th especially was becoming part of the Ain.... IT was a few days later -- Kerri and Brennecon finally showed up at the Sil ... both were livid.. This is not what they had ordered -- THEY had wanted Mal to go down to Shin, and attack the town, and then do what they could to destroy the problem. NOT just blow the whole thing away. Mal reminded them, that he TOLD them he was going to do it his way - and this is the way of the future. LIKE it or NOT - Then Clairice showed up, and told the two of them -- "Kerrilux? Brennecon? THIS IS THE AIN !! -- WE do things our way, not yours. IF you want our help, then you will get it -- OUR WAY!! Mal saved hundreds if not thousands of lives by just blowing the town of Derski away from 1400 miles up. HOW may would you have lost trying to take that town? HOW MANY did your incompetent ways already lose? MY records show over 13,000 lives were lost, and the problem was not resolved. Mal did it with 18 ships, and 54 air crew. THAT was the total - which did what you and your 26 Corps could NOT. NOW if Shin has a problem, remind them -- that THEY ARE A SUB SECTION OF THE AIN -- AND we will not tolerate anymore crap like this - ever again. NEXT TIME -- I'll send not only the 150th - but the 275th Ain Force with them. YOU want a blown out planet? A blown out section? WE can rebuild and start again - WE do NOT need you - YOU need US!! NOW -- GET out of my SIL, and get on with running the Kerenth - or I can find others who will. -- -- Okay guys?" Clairice smiled - - Kerri and Brenn cowered before the Ain Minister of Defense.... They turned and left. After they had gone, Clairice continued -- "Mal, you are now Ain, and as part of our Forces, you did a super job. Just what the Grand Emperor wanted done. We have been just livid that we could not step in - with our own Forces so many times - NOW we do.. we will, AND WE CAN !! " "Umm Clairice? - Why could you not step in? You are the Ain, after all --" Mal asked... Calmly Clairice explained -- "Mal, my man, this is another secret, some of which you know - there is a higher power than us - and we all have to play by the rules. Although we are Ain, we can not directly interfere in things. Your being here - does not break them it only makes them work for us - in our way. The higher powers did know about this, and okayed it. They can see that we - the Ain have evolved as well, and extended our power into our lower Spheres by our own way - by having YOU -- here, and on our side, as well as the Kerenth side. In the future my man, you will be blowing out other things which get out of hand - and some way on the other side of several universes. The Scorpions do have the range to do the job, and you are the man to do it. You and your loyal Flight Crews. GOOD SHOW ALL AROUND!!" Clairice drew another ale, and then a round for the CRQ gang - it was going to be a long night - until Clairice retired to the Castle down the Isle to his home. After the Derski raid, things got very, very quiet around the Kerenth for a very long time. Nobody knew who pulled off the raid, but people could guess - and most guessed correctly. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK This is the next section, shortly I will post from here down.... For now, just enjoy! More adventures with the A17th - 150th VRBG / Kalix to come! Commander Viac am Malacar del Kalix Chronicler A17th 150th Valkyrie Ranger Battle Group Sil Xennonoc, Isle of Kalix © 2007 150th Lead Lock / Command - All rights reserved - 30 - Let me back up a few pages... This is Mal's SC971... Enjoy! Vivi.. AIN AIR Scorpion SC 971 In time, Mal requests his own personal Scorpion. Nothing like having your own weapon system, and as Commander he can -- so he does. What Mal ends up ordering from Koren Aviation, is the Scorpion J7134 D. This is an advanced air to air, as well air to ground support ship. Not only does it have the four Xenonry cannons facing forward, it also has two additional Xenonry cannons facing aft - but it also has two Photon Torpedo tubes in the center, facing forward -- both for air to air, and air to ground support. If need be - these can also be used offensively, as well as the Xenonry canons.... A brief tour of the Koren J7134 D is in order to understand the rest of this --- It is a Delta Wing ship - although wings are not needed for inter space travel, the Scorpion has to be able to take off and land in heavy air, like on a planet for reconnaissance missions as well, as servicing, and other diplomatic missions. The crew cabin sits between the wings, and is slightly bubbled above it, mainly the crew sits deep within the wing structure. Aft -- are the two Devon Hyper Space drives, outboard - and the two aft facing Xenonry Cannons just below them. Each having the force of about 30,000 megatons of hitting power. Just under between the landing gear are the two Photon Torpedo Tubes, and the reload mechanism, which is just into the belly of the ship. These can hit with the force of about 10,000 megatons. They have a good rate of fire. The four Xenonry Cannons facing forward are mounted two in the wings, near the cabin, and two external further out. These like the aft Cannons hit with a force of about 30,000 megatons, and can be fired in several patterns, which are under the control of both the pilot, and the WEO (Weapons Officer - if so manned. -- Mal in the "D" will carry a Weapons Officer - Erica..) Sensors are placed all around the ship, for Nav, and Fire Director Control of Weapons system along with tracking sensors to follow the wingmen, and the the shield drives. Entering the cramped cabin, you will come in, just about mid way. This ship is designed for long range flights, lasting up to six months, and is equipped with limited crew accommodations. Going aft, is the set of ship control computers, on both sides of the aisle. Going aft from here - - Pilot side, port side - - Navigation Control, Landing Control and Masking, and Interspace Communications Control. Copilot side/ Engineer, starboard side - Weapons Control, and Targeting Computers, and then the Hyperspace Drive Controls. Just aft of this, is the Galley, and opposite the cramped head. Aft of these is the storage compartments, both sides - under the floor back here is the reserve fuel cells, for emergencies, and these also power the weapons systems to conserve the main fuel cells, forward - for drive. Going forward from here - this is where the designation comes in. In the "K" model, there are eight seats, and no WEO station. This is a troop transport, for light raids or scouting parties. The "L" is about the same without seats, and it is for a transport only. The "Q" is a two person ship, designed for scouting only. The "Q" does not have the total heavy fire power, but just 2 Xenonry cannons, both forward. Mal has requested the "D" which is the full military version, for defense.... Just ahead of the hatch is the WEO station. With the controls for all weapons systems and the full targeting computers in front of the seat. Erica will man Mal's weapons station. There is a repeater up front by the pilot so he can also target, and shoot from there. In a complex running battle, it is better if the pilot is concentrating on maneuvering, and the WEO does the shooting. Ahead of this, is the main control section. Left hand seat is the pilots. Here he can fly the ship, go into Hyperspace, and otherwise run the thing. His weapons systems are the duplicate but not as complete as the WEO has aft. Across from him sits the copilot and flight engineer. Viron will man this position in the future. Her duties will include Navigation, the Nav System, and the monitoring the flight controls and the Devon Hyper drives. Also this position controls the interspace communications, and the secure line back to Kalix, and beyond if needed. Also if need be, she can shoot the forward facing Xenonry Cannon from her side as well. Seventy two feet long, and forty seven feet wide, and sixteen feet high. It is an imposing and dangerous looking ship - stingers forward and aft -- and a very small and fast moving target to hit. Hardened to Photon, Phaser and Xenonry fire, it will take a lot of abuse and still bring the crew home. Designed for long range, treks, it will fly about six months, or a zillion miles before needing refueling, and with the auxiliary power cells, almost twice that range. It can fire in Masked or open space - which gives it tremendous air superior command. Normally provisioned with LRR provisions, it holds enough for several months in the Starboard Rear Stowage compartment. Koren Aviation normally does not up fit the Scorpions in this manner. They build the basic ship, with photon and phaser weapons, then transfer it to an Ain unit, like Mal's - there are more than one!!! - AND there it is up fitted to Ain specifications, with the Xenonry Cannons replacing the phaser cannons. Also they upgrade the weapons fire control computer to be able to hit multiple targets at once. No other ships have this advanced fire power, nor control. Total air superiority -- this is the most lethal ship in the universe. Late in Vergon, Algeron calls the office to tell Mal that his toy is in! The Mates go down to the Aerodrome to check out their newest toy .. Docking Bay thirty four, holds the Corps newest fighting ship. An all black, sleek looking, deadly toy, none the less - with tail number SC-971. The insignia of AIN AIR are on it, and Mal is just itching to get up and start playing with his newest weapon. Over the next few months, Mal takes 971 up on short hops - getting used to the feel of his own "death on the wing" -- as Viron finishes up flight school, she now joins Mal and the two of them are getting used to the kinks of 971. Erica in the mean time, has been learning new tactics. New ways to fight, and how to run the complex Fire Control Director. She is not flight certified, nor does she have to be - she is the WEO ... Now the trio is spending time on longer training hops .. Into Hyperspace, and on to the target range they hit as student pilots to get the weapons systems up and running. Erica has finally gotten the hang of shooting coming out of Hyperspace, and handling multiple targets at the same time - it is not a job which is easy - but she is mastering the game fast. Soon, the three are ready for a mission, of some kind - and Tess starts the provisioning, getting LRR packets stuffed into the compartment - about six months worth -- then the spare parts, mainly computer boards for the Hyper Drive, weapons systems, and communication system. Then the rest of the small spare parts, and finally the tool kit - and Algeron has made sure Mal's ship has all of the tools necessary to fix anything -- Finally, the water and head recirculating system is charged -- and this bird is ready to fly! Last arming, the forty-eight photon torpedoes are loaded, and the Xenonry has the safeties pulled. Mal takes several hops with Viron and Erica to get them used to flying the ship with a full load. What ever the future holds, or comes at the Corps, Mal is ready to lead the charge -- and his flight of Death on the Wing !! - 30 - © 2007 Lead Lock / Command A17th 150th - All rights reserved. <> <<>>