Body Rock Don't Stop! Bonita vs. Immensia Bonita Bodyrock was your average high school student she was an A/B student a member of the French Club, the Black Culture Club, and the Modern Dance Club. She liked the latest fashions, the most popular music and the most popular boys and one of them liked her too; that(s where the trouble started. The boy(s name was Terrique Robinson. (T( for short. Womack High Schools( (home of the Warlords) starting point guard; 6(1( 165lbs of greased lighting and Jordan-like skill. Being ruggedly handsome in a boyish sort of way did not hurt either. Most of the girls would have given anything for his attention but they only giggled and spoke with giddiness when he passed by. Reason being he had a very jealous very violent ex-girl by the name of Immensia Storming, she called herself (I Storm( for short and had that sown into all of her athletic gear. She was the captain of the girl(s basketball, volleyball, track, and wrestling teams. She had only two passions in life; sports and getting her man (T( back. There was a slight misunderstanding last year at a junior class picnic; (T( brought his 1st cousin Locell visiting from Mississippi, (I Storm( only heard via cell phone that (T( was with another girl. That(s all she needed to hear, she lived up to her name showed up and stormed in. After being peppered with sundry boxing combinations, pile driven onto the hood of a car and suflexed off of a picnic table Locell needed 25 stitches, a neck brace and her jaw wired when (I Storm( was done. (T( never spoke to Immensia again despite her desperate pleas, but no girl dare go out with him after that until he asked Bonita to the Homecoming Dance. The night (T( asked her Bonita phoned and told her best friend. Bonita(s best friend was one Shantell Parker who was also her chief advisor; (Girl is you sick? That big part-time dike will kick yo( @$$! You better find someone else to go to the dance with( (I(m not worried about that girl besides that incident was last year and I(m sure she is over (T( by now( replied Bonita. (Look Boo, we are not talking about a normal human being if she is human at all; the verdict is still out on that one( she said sarcastically. Bonita broke into laughter; (just what do you think she will do Shan? (She is going to call you out( replied Shantell ( and if I refuse? Questioned Bonita? She will put you in a situation where you have to fight her; look Bonita if it goes down and I(m around I got yo( back, aight? (aight replied Bonita as she smiled and hung up. One week before the Homecoming Dance Bonita started receiving anonymous threats by, note, phone and messenger warning to cancel her date with (T(. She ignored them she was not afraid simply because she did not believe that a girl with so much going for her like Immensia would be so silly as to fight over a boy especially after it blew up in her face last year; she was wrong. (I Storm( like most heroes and icons had a fatal flaw, hers was (T(, she has liked him since the 5th grade and planned to be his wife, have his children and grow very old with him. If anyone threatened her plans she would destroy her. One day after a dance rehearsal Bonita stayed behind to talk to her instructor about some routines for the next recital. Suddenly the PA system came on and the dance instructor and all the athletic staff were summoned to the main office for an emergency meeting. So Bonita and she agreed to talk the next day and Bonita headed for the girl(s locker room to take a much-needed shower. She noticed some strange looks as she passed by but shrugged them off. High school girls always give people strange looks( she thought. The lockers were sectioned off by metal chain linked enclosures, like a cage that had doors. They were locked every evening when the students and faculty were gone. As Bonita was opening her locker, stepped out of her leotard and reached for a towel she heard feet behind her then the door slam shut so she turned to see who it was. (Hello Dancer( said (I Storm( Yes it was Immensia inside the cage, nude with muscles flexing; (there was an unwritten law among the female athletes that all conflict should start and finish in the cage and in the nude) for battle. About fifty girls were pressing against the cage in anticipation of a blood bath. The contrast between these two athletic beauties alone was intriguing enough to draw a crowd of any gender. (I Storm( was 5(10 155lbs, flawlessly symmetrical 36-22-36, jet black corn rowed locks usually tied back for action. Capacious erotic shoulders, powerful arms, jaunty prominent breasts set upon unrivaled pecks, sensual cascading stomach muscles that grew out of her pelvis as an animated eight pack. Her bowed legs and diamond shaped lower muscles fit perfectly with her curvaceous flexing quads and prime rounded erotic rump. Bonita was a golden hued vision of agile beauty, a body like a super-hero, 5(5( 135lbs, 36-18-38, a childlike face with a prominent but not overly large fore head, silky yet potent shoulders, delectable flaxen chest melons voluminous yet defying gravity, well-sculpted abdominal muscles that pour like melted butter into the voluptuous mounds called her hips and lustrous glutei bounteous with twin muscularity. Her shapely thighs quaked with Olympic striations and her matchless lower legs gave visual challenge to her nemesis. All the spectators were female and half of them were lesbian or (BI( so to see these two physical specimens of female excellence caused some to drool with their lecherous lips pressed against the wire. (I tried to give you a chance to back away but you had to go for bad so lets just see how bad you are( said (I Storm(. (Look Immensia I(SMACK! (I Storm( punched her in the mouth and the crowd let out a unified OOOoooo! Bonita fell back against the locker with a split lip, then Immensia grabbed her by the neck with both hands hurled her around throwing her against the wire. Before she could respond the larger girl came crashing into her knee too upper chest pressing her head and shoulders into the fence. Bonita losing air fast and realizing that she could not muscle the brown goddess off her so she jabbed her in the soft part of her neck with her right foot and speared her in the crotch with her left. This time Immensia fell back choking and holding her womanhood. Bonita was now on her feet, her mighty orb-like breasts rising and falling like twin suns, simultaneously her epigastria causing her rib cage and abs to contract. She was slow to attack thinking, no hoping that it might be over, this was a mistake. Immensia caught her breath and charged Bonita striking her with her elbow on the side of her nose causing some blood to trickle out of her left nostril; Immensia then wrapped herself around Bonita with a headlock and single leg lock. Bonita(s face was buried in Immensia(s ample bosom while her head was being crushed by her vice-like arm her left thigh locked securely as their bodies reclined on the hard wood bench next to the fence. Bonita(s only thought was "where is Shantell now?" [pic] The crowd was deafening with screams of encouragement and instruction for them both. Bonita(s arms were busy seeking freedom from the punishing headlock while she employed her right heel to pound Immensia(s left kidney. Lying atop Bonita like chocolate syrup poured on French Vanilla, Immensia squeezed and Bonita exhaled a growl of agony and when Bonita hammered her heel into Immensia(s back Immensia winced gritting her teeth. Bonita finally gripped Immensia(s chin and grabbed the back of her hair twisting her body toppling them to the floor. They grappled a while, their moist nubile flesh slapping the concrete as they performed hold and counter hold; this series of moves and Kama Sutra like contortions caused the gay half of their audience to moan and sigh simultaneously. Immensia being the larger more experienced fighter kept her superior position but made the mistake of initiating a head butting challenge, which she lost; she felt as if she had struck her head against a bowling ball. While Immensia was recovering from her failed assault Bonita managed to wrap her supple thighs about the big girl(s neck. For the first time Immensia was in real trouble and she knew it; Bonita secured her figure four hold with gripping and pulling back on her right ankle and grabbing a hand full of Immensia(s hair from the top. Immensia(s face was buried deeply between the golden warrior(s pulsating sweaty thighs. Immensia reached for Bonita(s breasts clamping down hard which solicited a blood curdling scream, (Oh you B!%@#!( was accompanied by a sustained howling. Nonetheless Bonita did not release her hold knowing that if she did it would mean her demise. So with tears streaming down her cheeks, blood trickling down her breasts, sweat pouring from her nubile physique, her back arched and butt quivering she held on to her suffocating hold. Immensia did not accept what seemed to be a clear defeat; she positioned her legs into a low squat. Her sexy sweltering posterior exhibiting each fiber of muscular development as Immensia with unbelievable strength lifted her smaller foe into the air wearing her like an ancient war mask. Then she slammed her to the concrete floor, (WHAP!( Bonita(s eyes bulged; she coughed, then gasped for air and though she was sure something ruptured in her back Bonita did not let go. Once Bonita caught her breath she tightened the hold like a powerful golden serpent about to devour her prey. Immensia started to gag, as her carotid artery became more constricted, she relaxed her claw hold on Bonita(s breasts into a pleading squeeze and her epigastria was exaggerated while her glutei bounced and rotated on the wet floor involuntarily. These movements slowly subsided indicating this combative intercourse was coming to a close. Immensia was now reaching for air, her hands quivering then suddenly still and flat on the floor, her pelvis no longer moving, and her body only twitching occasionally. The crowd was silent with shock, realizing that a little dancer had conquered the mighty (I Storm(. Bonita slowly released Immensia, rolled her over and reluctantly did what was expected by that crowd knowing that she could not be seen as weak or she would be challenged again. Bonita mounted Immensia crotch to face raised her fists above her head, battered breasts perked and her flawless belly damp with the secretions of conflict. Bonita began to slowly rotate her sumptuous perspiration varnished hips as the crowd chanted repeatedly (Bodyrock, Bodyrock, Bodyrock Don(t Stop!( G-Man