Angie's Gym Part 3: By Al Harder More adventures with the denizens of Angie's Gym. Chapter 5: We Meet Kara The next day Angie was watching Kara Hunter's session with Carl. Before Kara arrived Angie had pulled her records. When Kara had joined the gym ten months before she'd been in pretty good shape, weighing one hundred and fifty-five pounds with thirteen-inch biceps at a height of five-ten. A cursory examination of the tall, muscular woman who was working out with Carl revealed that Kara was much larger and more defined than she'd been when she'd joined. "At least fifteen inch biceps," she mused. "She's probably gained ten pounds of muscle, too. She could give Bob a real good time, if she knew he likes that kind of thing." Kara had Carl in what looked to be an extremely painful side headlock. She was in a red one-piece suit that was cut out in the front, exposing her six-pack for public view. As Angie watched, Kara flipped Carl over her hip, stunning him. The tall, muscular blonde quickly dropped to the mat and locked her sinewy legs around his head. Carl tapped frantically after just ten seconds of the headscissors and the Kara released him with a triumphant laugh. "You must be getting weaker, stud," she teased. "It's getting easier and easier for me to get you to give up." Carl rubbed his neck and laughed ruefully. "Nope, I'm not getting weaker, you're getting stronger – a lot stronger." He looked at the clock and said, "Time's up, Mrs. Hunter. Could you hang around a few minutes? Ms. Korinsky wanted to talk to you." Kara rose lithely to her feet and offered Carl a hand up. "Sure, I can stick around. See you next week?" "If you want. Same time, same channel?" "Sure." Carl left and Kara toweled off. Angie knocked before going in. Kara Hunter was sipping iced coffee and relaxing in an overstuffed chair. "Hi Mrs. Hunter," Angie greeted her. "I'm Angie Korinsky. Call me Angie." "Hi Angie," Kara replied, standing up to shake hands. "Call me Kara." "Thanks. Please sit." Kara resumed her seat in the comfortable chair and Angie sat on the sofa. Angie revised her estimate of Kara's weight. "At least one seventy-five now," Angie mused. Angie said, "Kara, you've been making incredible progress here during the ten months you've been a member of the gym." "I've had a good trainer. Carl's fantastic." "You've also worked your ass off," Angie laughed. "That too," Kara chuckled. "I don't know if you're aware of this, but your husband is also a member here at the gym." "Yeah, I know. He doesn't seem to be progressing as fast as I am though." "Well, Bob tries hard, but he doesn't have as much motivation as I'd like him to have. You are much better motivated than most of the members here." Angie looked hard at Kara and said, "Kara, what exactly is motivating you?" Kara looked uncomfortable and sipped at her coffee. "What do you mean? I want to get in shape and..." "Bullshit," Angie said flatly. "You've got some agenda you're working on here." "That's none of your business," Kara snapped. "Maybe not," Angie said, "but I'm worried about Bob. He really loves you, you know. He's talked about how he hates it when you're on ‘business trips' to sell your cosmetics." Angie stood up and walked so she was directly in front of Kara. "You aren't selling cosmetics, are you?" Kara bit her lip and shook her head. "Then what are you doing?" Kara ran a hand through her short, blonde hair, considering. "Shit. Well, I've got to tell somebody, and I guess a near stranger is as good as anyone." Kara took a deep breath and looked up. "I'm a dominatrix at a dungeon up in Frisco. I work there every other week." Angie raised an eyebrow and stepped back. "Wow. I wasn't expecting that." She resumed her seat and added, "I suppose that's why you're so anxious to get stronger and learn wrestling holds." Kara grinned crookedly and said, "Yup. I'm the ‘big, bad domme' at the dungeon. Guys who like to be ordered around by women with muscles are my clients. Sometimes they just want a woman who looks like she can kick a man's ass, but some of them want a woman who not only CAN kick a guy's ass but is willing to do it, and enjoys it." Angie smiled. "And I take it you enjoy it?" "Damn right I do," Kara said with a grin. "It's great to be able to throw a guy around like a rag doll and make him cry. Sometimes I think I should be paying them." Angie chuckled. "I know exactly what you mean." Biting her lip, Angie made a decision. "Kara, I'm breaking my own confidentiality agreement by telling you this. Bob doesn't just come here to work out." "What?" "Come down to my office; I want to show you something." Angie quickly found the security tape of the session with Bob she'd recently had. Normally these tapes were recorded over; they only existed in case one of the clients got too rambunctious, but Angie had pulled this one on the hunch that she'd want Kara to see it. The fact that they existed, and that the police chief and mayor – as well as other respected citizens – were on some of them was the chief reason no one had ever questioned Angie's sideline. She placed the tape in the VCR and hit "Play". Kara's eyes widened as she recognized her husband in one of the suites she knew so well from her own sessions with Carl. Her jaw dropped as she heard him ask Angie to work him over. When Angie masturbated Bob Kara chuckled and said, "He always was fast on the draw." At the end of the session, when Bob mentioned that Kara "didn't have time" for him, she sniffled and Angie turned off the tape. "You okay?" the older woman asked Kara. "Yeah – got a tissue?" Angie handed Kara a box and she took several, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose. She looked up at Angie with something like wonder in her eyes and said, "I never knew." "Kara, I'd recommend that you and Bob sit down and have a long talk. I think you should wear your best dominatrix outfit, including boots with six-inch heels if you've got ‘em. Lay all your cards on the table, and start over from there." She sat beside Kara and put a strong arm around her broad shoulders. Giving Kara a quick squeeze, Angie said, "You and Bob are good people. I really think you can work this out, especially since you have so much in common – you need to be the dominating partner in the relationship, and he needs to be the submissive one. You get to kick his ass whenever you want, and he gets squeezed and pleased – when YOU want. And it'll be extra special because you love each other." "Wh-what about my job?" "Talk it over with him," Angie said. "He may tell you he'd like you to quit, but remember who's going to be the dominant partner. If you really enjoy what you're doing, keep doing it. And here's another option," Angie added, thinking quickly. "If you're biggest turn-on is kicking men's butt, how about working for me? No sex with clients – that's one of the rules here, and jerking them off doesn't count as sex – but tossing men around and crushing them into submission is one of the things we do here. You'll need to do some personal training when you're not in one of the suites, but from what I've seen you know your way around the weight room." Kara smiled slowly. "Can I bring some of my clients along with me? I promise, all I'll do is kick their ass – well, sometimes I'll tie them up first." "Bondage is okay, as long as it doesn't get out of hand," Angie told her. "Carl's been teaching you some pro moves, and I'd like you to learn more – I can teach you some advanced moves and holds, or Paige can. You're progressing beyond what Carl can teach you. You'll get a generous salary for the personal training job, and half of the fees you get from your clients." Both women rose and Angie held out her hand. "Deal?" Kara shook hands firmly. "Deal," she said. "When can I start?" "Right after the Fourth of July," Angie said. "And on that weekend I'm having a party at my place. You and Bob are invited." "We'll be there – unless we're too busy," Kara said with a smile. "Great see you then," Angie said. Pulling Kara close, the muscular blonde kissed her taller, hardbodied new employee. Releasing her, Angie said, "Good luck with Bob." "Don't worry about me," Kara said, with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Worry about him. When I finally let him loose he'll be lucky if he can walk." Chapter 6: Bob's Surprise Kara drove home, pushing her Infiniti well over the speed limit, but no cops were around to notice. She expertly spun the wheel and turned into the driveway. Once in the garage she sat for a few minutes, thinking. She took a deep breath, pulled out her cell phone, and dialed the number of the dungeon where she worked. "Lainie? It's Kara. Okay. Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, you remember you said last week that you thought I was ready to solo? Right. Well, I decided to take your advice." She listened to her dungeon mistress complain that she wasn't giving enough notice, then interrupted. "Look, Lainie, if I don't do it right now I don't know if I'll have the guts to try again. I'm sorry, I really don't want to leave you, but it's time. Yeah, it's been fun for me too. Right. Look, if any of my clients want to continue with me, give them the cell number, okay?" Another pause and then, "Thanks, Lainie. You've helped me a lot. Keep in touch? ‘Kay. ‘Bye." Clicking the phone closed, she said to herself, "Well, girl, let's see if Angie was right." She opened the trunk and removed the suitcase containing her costumes. Thinking for a moment, she decided on the black patent leather boots – as Angie had guessed, the stiletto heels were six inches long. Kara closed the trunk and carried the suitcase and boots into the house. Figuring Bob's first stop would be the bar – she didn't like him drinking so much, but had to admit that some of it was her fault – she left a note taped to the liquor cabinet: "Come up to the bedroom right now. We need to talk. K." She selected a bottle of Scotch and two glasses from the cabinet. Carrying the booze and suitcase, Kara went up to the master bedroom and stripped out of her t-shirt and jeans. Stripping off her panties and bra, she dumped everything into the hamper. She stood in front of the full-length mirror and studied her body. Flexing her arms, she admired their size and shape. She tightened her belly muscles, smiling at the well-defined six-pack that resulted. She stood on tiptoe, approving of the large balls of her calves. She extended one leg, then the other, flexing her thighs hard, watching the veins engorge as they pumped blood to her sinews. She ran a hand over the tattoo just above the patch of hair between her legs – "Heaven" was what it said. Running her hands through her short hair, she decided that one of her "domme wigs" would be called for tonight. Nodding her approval of her body, Kara went into the bathroom to shower. She took her time, reveling in the sensuous heat, rubbing the soapy sponge all over herself, paying particular attention to her breasts. Finally Kara emerged and toweled herself dry with a thick, fluffy terry towel. She dried her short hair carefully, then opened a special compartment of her suitcase and pulled out a platinum blonde wig, styled in an elaborate design that was brushed to the top of her head, giving her an apparent extra four inches of height. Carefully Kara selected her makeup. Green eye shadow with gold flecks, black eye liner. Dark red, almost black, lipstick with nail polish to match. She took special pains with her nails, filing them smooth and sharpening them so that they almost drew blood. A touch of blush highlighted her cheekbones. Just a dab of perfume on her wrists, nipples, and, after thinking for a moment, between her thighs. She deliberated for a while about her costume for the night. First, a gold choker to enhance her throat. She kept needing to have the damn thing extended, as her neck was thickening as a result of the iron she was lifting. The black leather bra – studded, of course, with a matching thong. Large gold buckles added extra S & M appeal. A gold chain that fit snugly around her right bicep when she was relaxed. It had a special link that would eventually "snap" if she flexed her bicep hard enough. A black leather dog collar around her left arm, accenting the indentation between her deltoid and bicep. She smiled wickedly – it would be useful later. Sheer black fishnet stockings with black garters, matching fingerless gloves that hooked on her middle fingers and extended to her elbows. Then those ever-loving boots. Large gold hoops in her ears, and a diamond for the navel. Finished at last, Kara studied the effect in the mirror. She looked tough, sexy, and dangerous. Looking through the suitcase for a prop, she selected a six-foot braided leather whip. Draping it around her neck, she smiled at the result and murmured, "Bob, you're in for one hell of a surprise. Glancing at the clock, she realized that Bob would be home any moment. Tossing her suitcase into the closet, she pulled the shades. Red light bulbs were inserted in all the lamps; she left the ones on the bedside table on. She removed the bulbs from the overhead fixture and changed the direction of the small spotlight they normally used to accent a particularly nice painting on the wall so it pointed to a particular spot on the floor. Her preparations done, she sat on the bed and tried to relax. Bob pulled his Audi into the garage, surprised to see Kara's Infiniti parked there. She'd told him she'd be gone for at least three days this time. "Wonder why she's here tonight," he mused. He entered the house. "Kara? Honey, what happened to your trip?" He headed for the bar. He saw the note and his heart sank. "We've got to talk, huh? Damn, I bet she's going to ask for a divorce." He poured a stiff drink and tossed it down; in his agitated state he didn't notice the missing bottle and glasses. With a heavy heart he trudged up the stairs. Kara heard him come in. She went into the bathroom and closed the door, waiting for Bob to enter the room. She heard the door open. "Kara?" he said. "What's with the lights?" "Shut the door," Kara ordered. She waited until she heard the door close. She waited a couple of beats for Bob's eyes to become accustomed to the dim light. "Kara, what's going on? I found this note..." "Be quiet," she barked. Opening the door, she stepped out of the bathroom. Even in the dim light she could see Bob's eyes widen and his jaw drop. "So it's not just an expression," she thought. "Kara, what – "She slapped him sharply. "For now you may speak only when I ask you a question," she said coldly. "Later, when I tell you, you may ask permission to speak." Bob was flabbergasted. His wife had metamorphosed into a muscular dominatrix-type woman, and he was both shocked and excited. Kara towered over his six-foot frame by several inches. She seldom wore heels when they went out, not wanting to overtop him, but here she was in high-heeled boots that made him look up if he wanted to see her face. Kara walked slowly over to her husband. She used the handle of the whip under his chin, gently forcing him to look her in the eyes. She flexed her left arm hard, making the bicep bulge, and noted jubilantly the immediate reaction from Bob; his pants tented noticeably. Kara didn't allow any of her emotions to appear on her face. She remained cool and aloof, to all appearances. She regarded Bob disdainfully and folded her sinewy arms over her thick chest. "Things are going to be quite different around here," she informed him coldly. "I am in charge now. You will obey me. Do you understand?" "Um, I think so..." She slapped him again, a bit harder this time. "The correct form of response to a yes or no question is ‘Yes Goddess' or ‘No Goddess'. Do you understand?" Bob swallowed and said, "Yes Goddess." "Better. Now, as I said, you will obey me. Do. You. Understand." "Yes Goddess." Kara smiled coldly. "Good. Strip." Bob stared at her, and she scowled. "What did you not comprehend? Remove. Your. Clothing. NOW!" Bob fumbled with the buttons on his coat, worked them free and slipped out of his jacket. He looked for a place to hang it up, but Kara simply pointed her whip at the floor at his feet and he dropped it there. "Faster," she ordered. He ripped his necktie off and dropped it, then started to unbutton his shirt. Feigning impatience, Kara grabbed his shirt in her strong hands and ripped it apart. Buttons flew across the room, and she dropped the shredded garment to the floor. Bob got a flashback to his session with Angie. Quickly, before he annoyed his muscular wife further, kicked off his loafers, then unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned, unzipped, and dropped his trousers to the floor. He stood there uncomfortably, standing as straight as he could, in just his boxers and socks. Kara walked around Bob, inspecting him as a butcher might inspect a side of beef. She made note of the bruises on Bob's torso that were the evidence of the session he'd had with Angie. She prodded at him here and there with the handle of her whip. Once behind him, she let her guard down a bit, smiling in satisfaction that her plan, and Angie's suggestions, were working out so well. By the time she'd moved in front of him again, however, her "domme mask" was in place again. "You're a fairly pathetic specimen," she informed her husband. "Flabby," she poked at his midsection, "weak," she poked at his arm, "worthless." She glanced down at his raging erection and allowed her self a slight smile. "Well, almost worthless. And you seem to be damaged goods," she added, prodding at a particularly colorful bruise on his ribcage. Bob winced when the whip touched it. Kara hung the whip around her neck and put her hands on her hips. "On the other hand, I have developed my body so that I am a powerful, sexy, tough, dominating, muscular woman who can kick your worthless ass any time I want." She raised her arms parallel to the floor and slowly bent them, flexing her biceps hard. The chain around her right arm snapped as her bicep grew and hardened – Bob's eyes widened again. "Feel my muscles," Kara ordered. Bob hesitantly placed his hands on her big, hard biceps. "I'm stronger than you are – strong enough to toss you around like a sack of laundry. And you're about to find out that not only am I strong, I can be a real bitch when I want to be. On. Your. Knees." Fearing what Kara might do if he didn't obey immediately, Bob dropped to his knees. She looped the whip around his throat and tightened it slightly, not enough to stop his breathing, but enough so he was uncomfortable. He found himself staring at the top of her black leather thong bottoms, surprised by the tattoo on her lower belly. Kara noticed the direction of his gaze and said, "Yes, it can be heaven there, but it can also be hell, like the Eagles said." She twined her fingers in his hair and pulled his head between her thighs. Kara squeezed gently at first, enjoying the feel of his head between her muscular legs. Bob enjoyed it too, at first. Then Kara slowly increased the pressure, and Bob had to work hard to keep himself from trying to escape, certain it would only lead to more punishment. He also had to concentrate to keep himself from ejaculating all over the floor, absolutely positive that he'd be penalized for that as well. With her thighs compressing Bob's head, Kara knew he wouldn't be able to hear her if she spoke. She carefully refrained from using anywhere near her full strength in the standing scissors, not really wanting to hurt her husband. She found herself getting excited; her nipples were fully erect and her pussy was quite wet. Kara gently rubbed her nipples through the thin leather of her top and moaned in ecstasy from the sensation, almost forgetting that her husband's head was trapped between her powerful thighs. As the pressure on his skull increased, Bob began to hear a roaring in his ears, almost like being next to a waterfall. His vision began to gray and blur, and he realized he was close to passing out. He could only hope that Kara wouldn't hurt him seriously. Kara recalled where she was and she remembered Bob's head trapped in her scissors. She released the pressure suddenly, and Bob fell facedown to the carpet. Resuming her dominatrix persona, Kara prodded his shoulder with the stiletto heel of her boot. "Get back up on your knees, you pathetic weakling," she growled. It took Bob several seconds to regain enough consciousness to obey. "That was only a small sample of my supremacy over you," Kara informed him. "As this evening goes on there will be more examples. Stand up!" Bob struggled to rise and eventually got to his feet. She used the whip handle again to raise his chin so he was looking her in the eyes. "Now that I've established just who is in charge from now on, I want to ensure that you know your true place." She removed the collar from around her left arm and placed it around his neck, buckling it so it was tight but not enough to interfere with his breathing. "This is your slave collar," Kara informed him. "I am your goddess, and you are my slave. When you are wearing this collar, you will do everything and anything I order you to do. Do you understand?" "Y-yes, Goddess," Bob croaked. She smiled and said, "Slave, that erection seems to be causing you some distress. Would you like to have it relieved?" "Yes, Goddess. Please." "Very well. You may masturbate onto your clothing." Bob hesitated and Kara frowned. "NOW!" she roared. With alacrity Bob freed his erect tool from his boxers and masturbated. It only took a second before he spurted all over the suit that was still lying on the floor at his feet. "It's only a suit," he thought as the last drops fell. Kara frowned and tapped her foot. "Well, slave? I just allowed you to relieve what must have been some painful pressure. I expect to be thanked." "I'm sorry Goddess. Thank you Goddess," Bob blurted. "Better. Now you may wipe your hands." "Thank you Goddess," Bob replied, quickly wiping his sticky hands on the remains of his pants. "Kneel," Kara ordered, and Bob dropped immediately to his knees again. Kara lightly slapped him with the whip, then stalked around him, allowing the whip to encircle his body. The touch aroused Bob again, a fact Kara noted. "Well, slave, it seems that you enjoy being dominated. Just the simple touch of my lash has you erect again." She unwrapped the whip from around him and stood in front of him again. Kara told Bob, "Now that you've had a sample of my leg power, I'm certain you realize how much injury they could cause to your pathetic body if I really wanted to hurt you." She flexed her thighs hard and continued, "Feel those muscles. Go on, feel them!" Bob tentatively put his hands on her thighs, feeling their steely solidity. "I didn't use even half my strength when I was crushing your empty head," Kara boasted. "Just imagine these long, crushing limbs wrapped around your flabby body or pencil neck! If I wanted," Kara hissed, "I could fracture your ribs without exerting myself unduly. I could make your chest implode. I could crush you into dust!" She took a step back. "Stand," she commanded, and Bob scrambled to his feet. "I'm sure you're wondering just how strong these babies are too," she said, flexing her biceps hard. "Aren't you?" "Yes, Goddess," Bob quickly replied. "Well, you're about to get a taste of my arm power now," Kara told him. She stepped close to him, so her breasts were brushing his chest. Bending her knees slightly, she wrapped her arms around Bob's lower ribs. Standing up straight, she easily lifted her nearly two hundred pound hubby off his feet. Kara slowly increased the pressure of her embrace until Bob was struggling to draw breath. "Put your hands on my arms, slave," Kara commanded. "Feel my muscles bulge as I crush the breath out of you." Obediently, Bob put his ands on Kara's biceps, marveling at their size and inflexibility. He tried to squeeze her arms, but was totally unable to make an impression on her big biceps. Kara increased the pressure on Bob's torso and said, "What do you think, slave? Think I could crush hour puny body with my arms alone? Don't bother to try and answer – I know you can't breathe right now." In fact, Bob's hands had slipped of her biceps; his arms were now dangling limply and his head lolled on his neck as Kara crushed him in her powerful arms. Kara suddenly released her grip and Bob collapsed to the floor. Sweat now glistened on Kara's chest and arms, emphasizing the peaks and valleys formed by her muscles. Her engorged veins stood out proudly on her arms and legs. Kara looked down at Bob and smiled. As he slowly recovered, she eased the pointed toe of her boot under his belly and flipped him to his back. Amused, Kara saw that Bob still had an erection. Placing one foot on Bob's chest, Kara scowled down at him. "That's where you belong, slave. On the ground at my feet, worshipping me." She removed her boot from his chest. When Bob tried to sit up, Kara put her foot back on his chest and forced him back to the floor. "I didn't tell you to move," Kara said softly. "You still need to learn total obedience to your goddess." She removed her foot again and backed up to the bed, where she sat. "Now, slave, crawl over here," she instructed. Bob rolled over and got to his hands and knees. He crawled to where his wife, his goddess, sat awaiting him. "Unlace my boots, slave," Kara demanded. Bob reached out with a trembling hand, but Kara kicked it away. "Use your teeth, slave," she ordered. Bob used his teeth on the lace of Kara's boots, untying the bow and then pulling the lace out of each pair of eyelets. After finishing with the right boot he started in on the left. When both boots had been unlaced Kara kicked them off. She pointed her toes, making her calf muscles bulge so they were rock hard. She rested her long legs on Bob's back, using him as her footrest. Gently she rubbed her fishnet-clad legs against Bob's back and shoulders. Bob's erection grew larger and more painful. Finally Kara moved her feet so they rested on the floor. "Kiss my feet, slave," she commanded imperiously. Bob went to work, covering her feet with kisses from the toes to the heels and back again. "You may stop and sit up now," Kara told him. He sat and gazed up at his beautiful, sexy, muscular wife, his "Goddess". Kara looked down at her submissive husband and realized how much she actually loved him. She regarded his erection and said, "We really ought to do something about that. Lie down." Bob quickly complied, and Kara flexed her lats until the catch on the front of her leather bra popped, exposing her breasts. She undid the fastening on her thong, revealing her wet bush. Slowly she knelt down until she had fully impaled herself on Bob's erect tool. "You may caress my breasts," she said, and Bob quickly complied. She slid up and down on his pole, moaning in pleasure as Bob proved his hands were as talented as they'd ever been. He matched her thrust for thrust, and they came explosively at the same instant. Kara's beautiful muscles went rigid, and her thighs squeezed Bob's waist firmly enough to give him more breathing difficulties. After several minutes they came down. Kara disengaged and stood up, then offered Bob a hand up. She cradled him in her arms like a baby and carried him to the bed. Setting him down, she lay down beside him. "What do you think, slave?" Kara whispered. "Do you think we've found a lifestyle we can live with?" "Um, yes, Goddess. Permission to speak, Goddess?" "Permission granted." "I'm amazed by your strength, Goddess, but even more so by the new dominance you exhibit. If I may be so bold, what gives?" Kara laughed. "That's somewhat impertinent for a slave, slave," she said with mock severity. "Since I do love you, however, I'll explain. First of all, my job selling cosmetics – well..." "It doesn't exist, right? I've figured that out in the last hour or so." "Right. About a year ago I was doing some surfing on the net and found a ‘dominance and submission' web site. I contacted the woman in charge and we spoke. I'd been feeling like there was something missing in our relationship, and I wanted to explore my dominant side. You seemed too old-fashioned to want to do anything like that, so I figured it was my only chance. Anyway, I found I liked having men and women being subservient to me. Lainie, the woman who runs the dungeon and website, suggested that my height made me a candidate for a kind of ‘physical domme', someone who could really intimidate men and women by size alone. She suggested I work on getting more muscles, and also learn how to fight so I could physically dominate if it was called for." Kara grinned. "And here I am ten months later. I found I really like knowing I could kick a guy's ass if I wanted, and I really REALLY like being strong. I never fucked any of them, but they all got ‘relief', if you know what I mean. Okay, that's my story, what's yours?" "Well, when we stopped – I mean, when you didn't seem to want to have sex with me anymore, I didn't know what to do. One of the reasons I was so attracted to you was your height and your physicality – you really liked to get out and do things, biking, hiking, stuff like that. I took a good look at myself and realized that I like the look of muscles on women, and even more I like having a woman dominate me physically. So I found a place that let me pay for that privilege. No sex, but I got jerked off when it seemed appropriate. But God, honey, I missed you." "If we only knew. I guess we were really destined for each other." Kara got a mock-severe expression on her face. "Now, slave, we need to discuss our relationship from here on out. When I feel like it, I will kick your ass and keep you in your place. You may ask for it, but if I'm not in the mood, forget it. You will wear that collar at home to remind you of your subservience to me. When we are in public you need not call me goddess, but here I expect you to address me by that term." "Yes Goddess," Bob replied quickly. "Good. I've left the dungeon, but your friend Angie has offered me a job as a personal trainer and session wrestler. I'll handle the submissives who want to worship me. She and her staff are going to make sure I'm well trained, and I will probably get stronger and become a better wrestler. I will, of course, be testing my newfound strength and new techniques on you regularly." "I can't wait, Goddess," Bob said.