Braxton Ridge Foray by Commander Viac am Malacar del Kalix, AGXCC Chronicler - A17th 150th Valkyrie Ranger Battle Group Sil Xennonoc, Isle of Kalix © Copyright WGAW #868XXX 1998 - 2002 BRAXTON RIDGE FORAY Six months have passed since the Barque River Bridge battle, and things have quieted down. Tess has completed her first quarter of the "Service and Support Program" at Caer Anne - and is due home for the Holidays. This opens at Zareb, at the 150th's base camp - "Fort Jennacon" A semi middle ages military base camp - usual things seen - - as before - ACT 1 - THE NEW YEARS FESTIVAL EXT. COMMAND RING QUARTERS Barracks uniforms, with field cape, tam and barracks gloves. Fade in Standing around after noon mess, are Vironica (VIRON), ERICA, VION, Ellison (ELLIE) and Valerie (Val). VIRON Getting colder these days! ERICA Boy! I'll say! - - Should snow one of these days - VAL Looks like it might tonite... VION Yup - clouds building in the West... VAL Wouldn't be nice to have snow for the New Years Festival? VION With Tess coming home soon, it would be nice.. ERICA I got a post from her yesterday - - VIRON OH? And what does she have to say? 2. ERICA Classes are going well, and she has a surprise to bring with her... VIRON I hope it's not another ADC.. ERICA No - silly! - She's one of us! She hinted something about tactics... VIRON OH GREAT! - Something new to learn? OR just our stuff being taught down there? ERICA A bit of both. IT seems that the Barque River Bridge Battle is being taught now as a real how to thing. So I guess the Sparaxe will be getting a few more try outs in other corps. VIRON Yup - we got a request to send six of them to command - so I guess that's where they went. VION Speaking of command - ever hear what happened - with Kernin and his spy problem? VAL Well for one, Sheridan took a star off Kernin - then they cleaned the house - I guess most of the intelligence units were either busted or jailed - and a few of the leaders executed.. VIRON So what's the new tactics? ERICA She didn't say - only this - she was asked to demonstrate the Sparaxe, then they showed her something new - and asked Mal to think about trying it out. 3. VAL Oh great! Mal needs new tactics like a dog needs more fleas.... VIRON Val - something new - is always to be tried out - remember the Black Forces get used to the same old - and start countering it - so we need more tricks in our bag... VAL Well upper echelons is wondering what we are doing - with all our new things - YOU KNOW this is the only Corps which gets to do these things.. VION No I didn't - did any one else hear that? VIRON Val - we get to do them BECAUSE we report directly to Defense Minister Kerricar... VAL You mean Kernin is cut out of the flow of command? VIRON Yes Val - deal with him if you have to - but always report to Kerri . . all right? VAL All right! I just wish I knew who was running this camp.. ERICA Mal is - and he reports to Kerri . .it's that simple. VAL So Kernin is just a middle man - as it was? VION That is correct my Lady. Mal now walks up, carrying and reading a post message. 4. MAL Afternoon ladies! - A bit cold to be standing outside isn't it? VIRON Hi Mal! - So what's new? VAL Just getting some air Skipper - - MAL Well the Quartermaster stopped me after noon mess and gave me this... Waving the post around.... MAL (continuing) It's a note from Tess! ERICA OH! YOU got one too? MAL Yes.. ERICA So what does she have to say for herself? MAL Well she says she will be home the end of next week, hopes for snow for the festival, and is bringing along some new tactics. ERICA Basically she said that to me too! MAL Well she continues - - Commander Keldon of the Binah Guard Training Command had requested some Sparaxes, and he had her demonstrate the thing, then he showed her something they had worked out - and she is bringing one of them home with her - and we were asked to try it out... 5. ERICA OH I see - she's bringing it home with her - that's what she meant when she said she was bringing something home.... we thought she was bringing an ADC . . MAL Well we will see when she gets here. VIRON It will be good to have the whole Ring together again, I miss her.. VAL I miss her too - ERICA I think we all do, it's part of being in the Ring. MAL Well let's go inside before we all freeze out here.... The group now enters the CRQ.. INT. MAL'S QUARTERS / OFFICE Mal and Viron enter quarters - Dropping their respective outer uniforms in the Armoires. Mal walks over to the desk - Sifts through the post which was dropped during noon mess... MAL Hmmm - - note from Kerricar... VIRON Well open it - Mal opens the post... Reads thru it... MAL Hmmm - - Seems we are to stand down for now, but be ready to move if needed - they want to get a few other Corps into shape, and we are to just be ready to help train for now... 6. VIRON Grand! - Back to the bench.. MAL He goes on - - Keldon had requested the Sparaxes for the Binah Guard, and thanks Tess for demonstrating the thing - and has sent a new system along with her - for you to evaluate - and a uniform change.. VIRON Uniform change? What does that mean? MAL Doesn't say - I guess we will see when Tess gets here end of next week. - Finally thanks again in the spy ring problems, your Corps made the difference - - // ss / Kerri . VIRON So what is our next assignment? MAL Doesn't say - I guess we have to await Tess's return, and see what she brings. VIRON Mal, Valerie has been acting a bit funny lately... MAL OH? Tell me about it.. VIRON Well, she seems to go on about Kernin not being in our command chain flow - and doesn't seem to get the Kerri connection... MAL Well that could be, I think it is just due to the fact that Tess is not here - remember - Tess was her ADC before she came into our ring, and her not being here could be the problem... VIRON Hmmm - could be - probably right - well we will see when Tess returns... 7. MAL Well just keep on eye on her for now, and we will see how this works out... Mal goes back to the post - and other papers..... FADE OUT. AT THE OTHER END OF THE COMMAND RING QUARTERS IS A ROOM SIMILAR TO THE ENTRY ROOM, WHERE THE TROPHIES ARE DISPLAYED. THIS IS THE OFFICER'S LOUNGE. INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE As the New Year's Festival approaches, the lounge is being decorated for it. Barracks uniforms - all. FADE IN: Valerie and Vironica are busy hanging up decorations.... VIRON So Val who did you get in the present draw? VAL Erica - you? VIRON Vion - - Mal got Tess - any idea of what she needs? VAL Well I really don't know - she's been in the Corps for many years, and hasn't got much in the way of townie type clothes - maybe something to wear around here?? VIRON I'll make that to him as a suggestion - umm - give me a hand with this chair - VAL Where do you want it? 8. VIRON Over there (indicating) Then we can put up the tree - over here. The two ladies move the chair and a few other things around... Mal enters with a box of decorations... VAL I see you brought the tree decorations.. MAL Yes, things I have saved from other New Years Festivals, and some which were given to us as we came up the command chain.. Mal opens the box - Starts spreading out the decorations.... Erica enters with the tree.. ERICA So where do you want this? VIRON Over there - (indicating) Between the windows.... ERICA Got it! - Mal you got the stand? Mal pulls it out of the box... Erica and Mal set it up.... MAL There that looks like home now! VIRON Yes, our first New Years Festival in our new home.... VAL Well let's get the stuff on it - - 9. They start pulling the decorations out of the pile, and putting them on the tree.... After awhile it is finished! ERICA Hmmm - looks just great! VAL Mal - ? Where did you get most of this? MAL From our old commands - and a few items from Viron's and my first New Years together.. VIRON That red ball is our first one we bought - - MAL Remember when old Kerrik gave us the VKC symbol? VIRON Yes - right at the time we both made full first Lieutenant. MAL Umm Val you been feeling all right? VAL Why? MAL That's the second time you asked me that... VAL I don't know - just lately - things have been a bit blue around me.... MAL Because Tess is gone? VAL Could be - I don't know . . MAL Why don't you have Vion have a look at you? 10. VIRON That would be a good idea, Val - I've been worried about you lately.. VAL Thanks - I'll go and check with her later... The Ring finishes up the decorating, Then filters out for other things to do... FADE OUT. IT NOW THE END OF THE FOLLOWING WEEK - LATE IN THE AFTERNOON, TESS ARRIVES BACK.. INT. MAL'S QUARTERS Barracks uniforms all- except Tess. Tess arrives in field uniform, cape, tam and barracks gloves, with her field pack on her back... FADE IN: Mal and Viron are siting on the bed reading... MAL Says here - that ... Just then - the sound of entry into barracks.... Tess walks in... Covered in snow - - Mal looks up - MAL (continuing) Tess! You are BACK!! TESS Afternoon Mal, Viron - snowing very heavy out there! VIRON So how have you been Tess? We missed you! TESS Thanks - classes are going good - been feeling just fine - 11. Pulls her pack off - Removes her cape and tam and gloves... TESS (continuing) There is this however which is new... Pulling her pack around her... Both look intently at it... MAL I notice that you have a new side pocket - - TESS Yes, and a new back flap pocket as well... Demonstrating - - TESS (continuing) And here is the new system.. Pulling out a short bow.. The two look at it - and wonder... MAL Is that what I think it is? TESS Yes it is Mal - unlike the long bows the archers have been using, this is a shorter one, which will do about the same thing.. VIRON How far is the range? TESS About two hundred yards.. Tess hands the bow to Mal - Who examines it carefully - Pulling it and slowly letting it go. MAL Nice draw - and powerful too! 12. She opens the side pocket - and withdraws a few arrows.. TESS You will note that this is also a new arrow.. Handing it to Mal- Mal examines it - - notices that it is slimmer - and has a double edged blade on it. MAL This arrow head is better than the old pointed one? TESS Yes - the pointed ones just punched a hole, this cuts as well as punching a hole... VIRON So - a glancing blow will do damage? TESS Yes and also break off inside if they try to pull it out... MAL I see - so how many have you with you Tess? TESS I have the normal field load of twenty five, which is what the Binah Guard are carrying. MAL So tell me Tess - you are supposed to be in Command and Support - how did you get dragged into this? TESS When Keldon found out I was in Caer Anne - he sent for me to demonstrate the Sparaxe, then showed me this - and asked me to take it back to show you, and see what you thought of it. MAL So tell me Tess - how does this fit into the battle plans? 13. TESS Keldon said - when you approach the lines - you have a full volley of arrows shot at them - then attack. MAL So we need a bunch of Archers now too? TESS No that's the good part - we train our current members of the Corps to work this system. The lead men attack - the men behind lay down a volley of arrows - - then attack. VIRON So this is the new system? TESS Yes - the bow and the new field pack to carry them - ALSO note that I have on the other side a carrier for a Sparaxe. Demonstrating her new pack. VIRON So now our men go into battle with a full compliment of weapons? TESS Yes - a field sword on the weak side for quick draw, a sparaxe, and a bow with twenty five arrows. MAL The field pack is usually left back in camp...Tess... TESS Normally yes - but if you look at my new one - it is held in place with a belt on the bottom. Mal now goes over to her pack - Examines it Puts it on Tess helps him get into it.. Then buckles the belt. 14. TESS (continuing) Now try as if you were swinging the sparaxe. Mal takes a few "swipes" and the pack is glued to him. Then tries a few moves as if he was working a sword.. Finally he tries the bow movement.. MAL Nice - who came up with this? TESS Keldon's QM - they were looking for a way to hit and run faster without having to make and break camp - and this was their idea. VIRON Looking at it - you can draw anything from anyplace.... TESS Yes - the bow draws straight up the back from behind your head - you will have to get used to the odd angle - but it works. The Sparaxe is drawn over your shoulder - and swings right into your hand... Viron slips the bow into it's pocket, then one of the training sparaxes into it's pocket. Mal grabs his arming belt - slips a training sword into the frog... VIRON All right my warrior - attack! Mal reaches back for the bow - It gets stuck half way up.. MAL Tess - - I just can't draw this - - out - - TESS Mal - pull it up half way, slide your hand down to the back, then pull again. 15. Mal tries this and the bow comes out smooth MAL Arrows? TESS Under your left arm Mal - reach back under it, and feel for them. Mal reaches back and instinctively pulls one out. MAL I see - it's turned towards the front to draw easier..... TESS All right Mal - now slip the bow back in. Mal takes the bow and raises it over his head and starts to slip it back in, Feeling it hit the pocket - Lets it go. MAL Neat! - it just slipped in! TESS That's the idea - pull it out, fire - then return it. Now try the Sparaxe.. Mal reaches over his right shoulder - Feels the head - pulls - It comes right to his hand - MAL Very nicely done Tess - this is great. TESS Now return it Mal slips it over his shoulder - The handle finds the mark - lets it go - It slips into place. MAL Very nice Tess - - 16. TESS And you notice - on the belt - is a hook carrier for the small shield - Mal looks down, and feels the belt MAL Very nice - this is the new Binah Guard system? TESS Yes - and Keldon wants us to try it out. Val and Erica enter - - ERICA TESS!!! You are back!!! TESS Hi Erica!! Hi Val!! They embrace... Erica looks at Mal.. ERICA MAL?? What's that you are wearing? MAL The new system - like it? Erica looks it all over - - ERICA OH WOW! This is going to be fun! Erica backs up, admiring Mal - Bumps into Tess - - Looks at Tess astonished - ERICA (continuing) Tess - I know you are going to Caer Anne - to get hardened - but... TESS I know - feel my belly.. Erica feels Tess's belly.... 17. Looks strangely at her... TESS (continuing) Now feel my breast... Erica does so... now really puzzled... Tess undoes her tunic, and removes it... ERICA What is that? TESS Like it? It was a present from father - an early New Year's present as it was - - Turning around a couple of times.... They notice Tess's small breasts are just protruding.. TESS (continuing) It's a "ring shirt" designed to be cut through proof.... father said that Jenni died because somebody got a sword under her tunic, while she was swinging around... Mal looks pained and winces at this.. TESS (continuing) And thrust her through the belly - and since I fight that way - he didn't wish for me to get killed.... ERICA So how far down does it go? TESS All the way to my bottom. It has a strap to hold it down, under my muff. VIRON Is that painful? TESS Well at first you have to get used to it, but now - I LIKE the feeling. MAL More Binah Guard? 18. TESS Yes Mal....well, I'll change and we can go to mess... all right? All agree - Tess takes her pack and things to her room. Val grabs a few of them to help her... DISSOLVE TO: INT. VAL AND TESS'S ROOM The two troop in, Val tosses Tess's things on the bed.. Tess pulls her barracks uniforms out of her pack... VAL Tess I sure missed you while you were gone... TESS I missed you too.. Valerie comes over to Tess.. Looks lovingly in her eyes, They embrace - tightly - Blending into a deep kiss.... VAL Oh Tess - I missed you soooo much!! TESS Missed you too Val - - (rubbing Val's breast) But we got to get to mess - - later? VAL Yes Tess - later for sure! Tess drops her pant, revealing the strap through her muff She undoes her strap, and pulls the ring shirt off Now totally naked.. Rubs her belly and her breasts Val's eyes eagerly devour her body, from her golden crown and mane, to her small breasts, to her tight well formed belly, to her golden muff.. 19. TESS (continuing) Boy!! That feels good to get that off! VAL Is it uncomfortable to wear Tess? TESS Not uncomfortable, but confining.. keeps your body tightly closed up. VAL I see you have lines on your breasts.. TESS Yes it does keep them tight as well - but I'd rather put up with that - than get run through.. VAL I can see that.. Tess now slips her barracks pant on, Then her tunic.. Flipping her long blonde hair as she does... Then her socks and boots... TESS Ready for Mess? VAL All right! - Let's go and get the others... They now leave to pick up the Ring, and proceed to evening mess.. FADE OUT. THE FOLLOWING MID WEEK DAY IS THE NEW YEARS FESTIVAL. INTERCOMPANY STRENGTH CONTESTS, SOME SPARRING BETWEEN VARIOUS PEOPLE, AND OTHER CELEBRATIONS OF THE NEW YEAR. Barracks uniforms all- 20. INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE FADE IN: After a day of fun with the Corps, the Ring retires to it's own, as the Corps continues in the Corps Club... The Ring has it's own - in the officer's lounge.. MAL Well to all - a Good New Year! Viron passes out eight tankards of Mead.. VIRON Now let's toast - to our Corps... ERICA Here's to the 150th - the Best Corps Ever! ALL Skoal! (all drink) ELLIE Here's to the Best Ring! ALL Skoal! (all drink) VAL Here's to our leader - Mal! ALL Skoal! (all drink) MAL Here's to a safe and adventurous New Year! ALL Skoal! (all drink) The group now finishes the first round, Viron refills the tankards.... 21. Mal walks center of the room - - MAL And now - - Picking up a box - - MAL (continuing) Here's to you Tess - - Happy New Year! Tess looks astounded, she didn't figure getting anything - - Opens the box... Out comes a intricately embroidered azure blue peasant dress... TESS Oh wow! It's beautiful! MAL Yes, it's the color of your deep blue eyes, and offsets your golden crown... TESS Thank you Mal! The others now follow suit, and pass out their respective presents, and are opened..... Tess now walks center - - TESS (continuing) I know from your eyes the other day, when I pulled my tunic off, you were just green at my ring shirt... She pulls out a large box... TESS (continuing) So for this New Year, from Father and me - - for this Ring - - Opening the box - TESS (continuing) I have a ring shirt for all of you! As Tess passes out the chain mail, each is surprised at the fact that they fit them.... 22. VIRON Umm Tess? How did you know how to make them for all of us? TESS Size wise? ERICA Yes - this will fit me like a glove... TESS We pulled you uniform measurements from command's QM records, and had them made for each of you.. MAL I hope I don't have to have that strap under my manhood Tess... TESS No Mal - you don't - if you look, yours has a pouch for that - and the strap goes up your belly just above the hair mound. ALL Thank you TESS!!! TESS Father was not only concerned about me - but all of you. The party continues till late.... MAL Tess? TESS Yes, Mal? MAL Would you grace my bunk tonight? Tess looks to Vironica Viron nods... TESS I'd just love to Mal! After awhile the group drifts off to quarters for the night... FADE OUT. 23. End of ACT 1 ACT 2 - THE FIRST WINTER Several days after the New Years Festival, things are getting back to normal routines. The Ring has been having problems getting into the ring shirts, and a meeting is called to solve the problem... Barracks uniforms - all. INT. MAL'S QUARTERS FADE IN: MAL I called this meeting to try to get into this damn ring shirt, since Tess is the only one who has worn it - - - Tess? TESS Mal, it not that hard... Who's having the most problems? ERICA I am... TESS All right Erica, go and get yours, and I'll get mine. Both leave, returning shortly with the mail.. TESS (continuing) Now Erica, strip off your uniform - to skin. MAL Tess why don't you strip as well, and show us as we watch you get Erica into hers?? 24. TESS All right! Erica and Tess strip naked. ERICA Now what Tess? TESS All right Erica - start by getting your head and arms through the openings. Tess demonstrates, by slipping it over head - then her arms, the flips her hair out of the way, over her back. Erica follows - Both now have most of the chain mail up over their breasts... TESS (continuing) All right Erica - now start slipping it down your body - - ERICA Like this? TESS No - you are just flattening out your breasts. Tess goes over to Erica, and takes her breasts, and pushes them up into the mail - then pulls it down over them. ERICA OWW! - easy Tess! Tess does the same with hers - - TESS Now pull in your belly... and drop it down your front.. Erica sucks in her round lower belly, and pulls the mail down. ERICA Feels like I am being squashed all over! TESS That's the idea! - NOW reach under your muff, and pull the strap tight. 25. Tess now does.... Erica pulls hers tight... ERICA Gad!! That hurts! TESS You will get used to it! - MAL You two looks like a couple of sausages! ERICA I can't breath! TESS Just take a few deep breaths! Then work it easy! Erica does so - the confining mail cutting into her breasts.... ERICA Oh! God! Right in the tits! TESS You will get used to it Erica - remember - better confined than run through. Tess pats Erica just below the navel, where Jenni got run through... After a bit Erica is starting to work into the confining garment. ERICA You know Tess, this isn't quite so bad after awhile.... TESS The longer you wear it the more your body will adjust to it. Give it time. MAL Erica, slip your uniform on now and let's see how that looks... Erica and Tess now don their barracks uniform over the mail.... 26. VIRON Not bad! You look like you lost a few pounds Erica... ERICA (looking st herself) Hmmm not bad - not bad at all! I like this.. Movement is a bit constrained, but I think I can work into this! MAL Well ladies - let's all get into the ring shirts, and let's work in them to get used to them... ALL Good idea! - - Let's try it! - I'm for it! The Ring member now leave for quarters, to don theirs, Tess drops by each to see how they are doing, and adjusts them to the shirts.... FADE OUT. Two weeks pass, and Tess has to return to Caer Anne for the next term.... INT. MAL'S QUARTERS Barracks uniforms - all. Except Tess - Field uniform, with outside gear and her pack. Mal is seated behind the desk, as Tess walks in. MAL Well Tess, I see you are ready to go! TESS Yes, Mal - and thanks for everything. MAL Now before you get away from us - how do we get the new gear? TESS You are wearing the ring shirts? 27. MAL Yes the whole Ring is - it's getting easier to get into them and out - and working is not so bad now. First few days were just tough! TESS It gets easier - - as far as the new packs and weapons system - Pulls out a sheet of paper from her dispatch case.. TESS (continuing) I forgot to give you this - the Requisition forms - MAL How many should we order? TESS Keldon said that you should try them - so I would guess about enough for one Battalion... MAL Eight hundred? TESS Yes - and also check for the practice arrows - they don't have the double edged heads... MAL All right then Tess - Mal comes around the desk.. Embraces Tess. One last kiss - - TESS Bye Mal! - I'll be home in the early summer between breaks! MAL Be good Tess - stay out of trouble! Tess turns and leaves the Fort..... Mal goes back to the routines - Erica and Viron walk in.. 28. ERICA Mal I see Tess just left.. did she say how to get the new gear? MAL Yes Erica - - Viron - get on this - and order out the gear... Mal hands Viron the sheet... Viron looks it over... VIRON Mal - how many do you wish to get? MAL Eight hundred at first... VIRON Let's see - - packs - bows - arrows - practice arrows . umm Mal.. MAL Yes? VIRON At twenty five per man - that's twenty thousand arrows.. MAL And? VIRON How many practice arrows? MAL Five per man - we can reuse them. VIRON Four thousand then. MAL Yes that will be fine. VIRON What about the rest of the gear on this list? MAL Umm - what is it? 29. VIRON Well there is a mess kit, a ground cover - a one - two man tent - poles - wound kit - - digging tool - two botes - the Sparaxes we already have.. MAL Well I guess if we are going to fight like the Guard - order enough for all, and we will sort it out when it gets here. VIRON Done! - I'll get Viac to get this over to the Binah Quartermaster in the afternoon Post. ERICA So what are we going to do with all that gear? MAL I don't know yet - find out when it gets here. VIRON (turns back towards Mal) On the bottom there is a manual available - - BG701P - V4.. MAL Order a few as well VIRON Done! Viron leaves to find Viac.. ERICA Mal - you know Tess didn't have all that gear when she was here.. MAL I know - we will just have to await and see what happens...but I am getting a woodie again - THIS could be the next best thing.. ERICA I am too! - I THINK I KNOW what Keldon is doing... 30. MAL Erica? ERICA We don't have to take the Command Company for support in the field - we will be our own support company . . MAL Explain.. ERICA Mess kit? - Botes? - Digging tool? Tents? - Ground Cover? - It looks like we are traveling fast and light - we cover our own needs as we go.. MAL If there is a mess kit, I wonder how many days of rations we carry with this new system... ERICA Tess didn't say - and I think she has a proto type pack - hers did not have any provisions for some of this - we will see I guess. MAL Well, lets just get it and get on with things. ERICA I agree - we may be in for some heavy fighting - or real fun - depending on how this works out. MAL I agree. Erica now leaves as well Mal goes back to routines FADE OUT. Over the next three weeks the new gear comes in from the Quartermaster's - it is stacked in the Armory. 31. AFTER EVENING MESS, MAL AND THE RING GET TO TRY OUT THE NEW GEAR - AND SEE HOW IT WORKS. INT. CORPS CLUB Field uniforms - all. FADE IN: Boxes are opened - gear is inspected - Viron finds the manual - VIRON Ahhh! Here it is! BG701P - V4..Binah Guard Field Pack, Model 4 BELOR So what is this all about Mal? MAL You will see Belor - - Erica pulls the pack out and snaps it open. ERICA Well here is the new pack! IT DOES look different than the one Tess had.. VIRON Yes - this is the fourth version .. it says here .. ummm . . putting on the pack... Mal - we need somebody to put this on.. MAL Belor - - front and center - Belor comes over.. MAL (continuing) Now just stand there while we suit you up! BELOR Mal? 32. MAL Relax - Viron? VIRON All right! NOW slip the pack on Belor does.. VIRON (continuing) Now grab the straps, and pull down after you buckle the belt. Belor does.. BELOR Hey!! THIS IS real nice - - VIRON All right now - we load him up.. Erica? ERICA Yes Viron? - VIRON Get the bow and arrows - Erica does VIRON Now slip them in their pockets, hmm looks like the one Tess had ERICA All right! VIRON Sparaxe.. ERICA Done! VIRON Half shell.... ERICA Half shell? - You mean the tent? VIRON Yes - - it is over there - roll that up and we will see how it fits.. The group tries to roll the whole thing up . . 33. VION Can't get the stupid poles to fit.. VIRON Let me look - OH the poles go on the left side by the bow flap.. VION All right! Ellie straps the poles down next to the bow flap.. VIAC What's this thing? It looks like some sort of joiner thing VIRON That's to make it into a two man tent - you join the two half shells, with the straps - (indicating) Into one big sheet - then take the two poles, and join them together- - then stake it out. .. IT SAYS - store that in the personal section of the pack.. ELLIE So where does it go Viron? VIRON Hmm put it on top - there should be two straps on the front to hold it there - Ellie looks - yes there are two straps - she attaches it - MAL Belor - try to draw the bow Belor tries, but with the same result Mal had at first. Mal directs him how to do it.. MAL (continuing) Now slip it back in The tent on top provides a slipway for the bow to guide in. BELOR That was easy! 34. MAL Looks improved... Viron? What's next? VIRON Ground pad . . (indicating over there) It is rolled and goes under the pack - there are supposed to be two straps there as well Ellie finds them, and cinches the thing up under. MAL Getting heavy Belor? BELOR Not yet - but it feels all right. VIRON Now let's see - Mess kit and Botes for Water - hmm - those go in the lower compartment, unless you are carrying more than seven days rations - then they go into the extended compartment. Mal and Ellie have a look. Flipping the bow compartment flap away to the left.. The lower compartment has a flap strapped down, they open it, and see that there is another flap / bag which can be flipped out.. MAL This must be it. Viron looks at the manual - VIRON Yes that's it! MAL I see - the mess kit goes in the middle - and the two botes go around it - neat! - Viron - what does it say about maximum rations? VIRON Hmm - two to two and a half weeks maximum. - Although you will need to find water daily. MAL All right - now what about the rest? 35. VIRON Wound kit consists of several pads and ties, and a powder can which goes into the upper left compartment on the side - over the arrow compartment. VION Got it! - Well it seems I don't have a job anymore! ERICA Why Vion? VION Because they are all their own doctor! All have a good laugh at this turn. MAL What about the main compartment Viron? VIRON Hmm - says here - for your socks, spare field uniform, personal kit, and field cape, which is to be used with the ground pad as a sleeping cover. MAL That sound about right - almost like we have now - but we will carry more gear. They inspect the main compartment - Mal pulls up a flap - MAL Viron - what's this flap for? VIRON Hmm - - waterproof covering for main compartment - roll it down over the gear, then cinch the top down, under the bow flap. - - hmm - For field use - bow flap secures the whole thing...covering the main and lower compartments. VION OH I see - we have had it loose - this straps down here - and here.... 36. ERICA Turn around Belor - let's have a lookie - Belor turns a few times - - - MAL Looks good! VIRON One last thing - the digging tool - it goes on the back of the bow flap - to be used for field sanitation, protective works, and any other thing which requires moving dirt. ERICA Got it - - that's what those two straps are for... Erica attaches it to the pack... ELLIE It also holds the bow flap open - - I see.. Mal notices a compartment just behind the one for the wound kit.... MAL Viron - what's this one here - for? VIRON Ummm - - it's for the MK4 camp lantern.. ERICA I'll go and get one, and we can stuff it in.. Erica leaves, and returns shortly with the lantern.. ELLIE Fits like a glove. MAL Well Belor, you now look like a real Binah Guard! BELOR Thanks! - But I am VKC - 37. MAL Not any more my friend.. ALL MAL??????? MAL Belor - take it off for right now, and go over and get the personal gear - so we can stuff this thing full.. Belor drops the pack, and leaves for a bit. VAL Mal - you just dropped a bomb on us - we aren't VKC any more? MAL Now that Belor is gone - NO - we are and have been a Binah Guard Corps. This is the new look - the new way of doing things - a tough, hardened, and spirited way - which hasn't been seen in years. VIRON Is that why we are 150? MAL Yes - the start - of the new first generation of Corps. VAL So that's why we report to Kerri - The Guards also report directly to him... MAL You are catching on fast Val.. ERICA So what is our role in all of this Mal? MAL Well, it would come out later, but - Crown has worried that an attack battalion may be too small and may be over run by trying to take on too much - as it is they can fight off five times their numbers - so if the Battalion is three hundred, it means they can fight off fifteen hundred..... 38. ERICA And this Corps has sixteen hundred - so that means..... (Thinking) MAL - they are expecting us to fight off a Group size? MAL Something like that.. VIRON So that means - we get sent out to fight off at least two or three of theirs without any problems? MAL If you mean Black forces companies - yes. They will send out two of the new Corps if they think that there will be more. ERICA So the 410th battle at the Barque River wasn't a fluke? MAL No . . it was a test of the new Sparaxe. ERICA And this new system? MAL Can not tell you yet... VIRON Mal - let us in . . MAL Sorry - no can do - just have to wait and watch. First we have to get this corps ready - and in fighting shape. Belor returns with his old field pack - The Ring stuffs his gear into the new pack - He then dons it - - MAL (continuing) All right Belor - how does it feel? 39. BELOR Good! Not too heavy - MAL Good! Now try grabbing the Sparaxe.. Belor does MAL (continuing) Now try a few chops Belor swings around, thrusts, and back hands. The pack stays in place. MAL (continuing) Now replace it Belor does - it slips in easily. BELOR Mal this is just great! - NOW about that Binah thing? MAL Later Belor - - Viron - how much is this supposed to weigh? VIRON (going back to the manual) Says here about seventy five pounds when fully loaded... we don't have the rations in so - BELOR I could carry this all day Mal! MAL Good! - NOW the officers as well will be issued that small field shield - it goes on the belt (indicating) Just there.. VIRON We need shields? MAL For this - yes - I expect all to come back from the field - no exceptions. 40. BELOR How soon do we get this to the Corps? MAL Your Battalion goes first - you start tomorrow. BELOR All right! VIRON The rest of the corps in time - for now we will use the first eight hundred for training, and rotate them through the Corps, and whoever does the best will get to keep them. The ring now draw theirs - and gear up their own packs. ERICA Belor - you got yours - - now learn how to fight in it. BELOR Very good my Lady! ERICA We start the archery training next week.. and the following week we will start the new tactics. FADE OUT. End of ACT 2 ACT 3 - DOWN THE FIELD By the following week, the armory has made up enough practice quivers so the men can practice drawing from under the arm, and the archery training has begun in ernest. EXT. DRILL FIELD OUT BEHIND THE BARRACKS. Field uniforms - all. 41. FADE IN: Several targets have been set up - And so the training begins. BELOR Gentlemen - this is the new age of battle, and here you begin. Commander TAC Erica will lead for now! ERICA Morning! ALL Morning Commander! ERICA All right as you can see we are working into something new. GET this down, and right! - - We do not have enough men and women in this Corps to provide a separate Archery detail, so you all - are going to have to learn how to do this. Erica pulls a new short bow off the stand.... ERICA (continuing) This is a new weapon, it has about the same range as the long bows, but is easier to use... She then grabs a couple of arrows - - Fires one down range - - Hitting the target . . ERICA (continuing) The idea is not to hit the center - although that would be nice - remember - you are going to be shooting into a massed formation. ANY hit will do. She shoots another - it gets closer - Then another - this hits center. 42. ERICA (continuing) The best will hit center - those will be the ones who will get to pick off the enemy at longest range. The rest will just lay down a barrage - and then charge the lines. BELOR All right now! Let's go to it! - - Company "A" - on the line! "A" company forms up - Is issued bows, and arrows - and - ERICA First shooters - -Load - - draw - - FIRE!! A volley of arrows goes down range - some hit - some do not. ERICA (continuing) Reload - - draw - - - FIRE!! Another volley - more are hitting. The next few times, more and more are finding the mark. By noon mess, most have had at least one go at this, and most are doing well... BELOR Well My Lady? ERICA Looks good Belor - natural shots! BELOR Afternoon mess - then what? ERICA We lengthen the range. The second battalion works through this for the rest of the day - they are getting very good. Over the next few days the rest of the Corps comes up for this first round of training, and all are doing well - a few stragglers, and a few who just can not get the hang of it, but over all - most of the Corps is good. FADE TO: 43. The following week, out on the main drill field - another range has been set up. EXT. MAIN DRILL FIELD Belor has the first go at this new game. ERICA Well ladies and gents, last week you got to fire at static targets. This week, we are going to run and shoot. Erica turns around, behind her is the same targets, but spaced differently - - ERICA (continuing) Starting from here - you will run over to that mark (indicating a can on the field) And shoot at the first target. Then run to the second, stop, fire - and move on to the third. Do the same there. The group looks over the field - It looks like they are ready... ERICA (continuing) Belor? Ready? BELOR Yes Lady Erica... (turning around to face the Battalion) First Company - - Attack! Company "A" now does it's first try. Some get it, some don't - most hit the first and second - most miss the third - BELOR (continuing) Try it again! - - "A" - Attack!! "A" goes into the attack, and it is getting better. 44. ERICA All right Belor, you got the idea now - so drill them well . . BELOR Yes my Lady Erica! Belor now leads his men and ladies in this new drill - Erica stands and watches the progress. Mal now walks up MAL Erica! How's it going? ERICA Good Mal - they seem better than we thought - - give them a target, give them good tools, and they just go for it! MAL Glad to hear that. - When will they be ready for the full field pack training? ERICA Second and First next week. Third may take a bit longer. MAL The green problem again? ERICA Yes - our old troops seem better at this than the newer ones - which reminds me - YOU never said where they scrounged up most of our Third Battalion.. MAL Does it matter? ERICA Well not really just curious.. MAL If you must know - two green Corps got ground up in their first assignments - so we got them. ERICA Oh! I see . . 45. MAL So how long till Third is ready? ERICA Another week or so I hope.. MAL Well I have heard from Kerri - make it soonest... ERICA What's up? MAL We may have action soon... just go with that for now.. all right? ERICA All right then! FADE OUT. A MONTH HAS PASSED. THE CORPS IS BASICALLY READY TO GO, A FEW GLITCHES, A FEW MEN JUST CAN NOT GET IT - THEY WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO COMMAND COMPANY - THE REST ARE BASICALLY READY. Enough gear has been issued to the Corps to outfit the whole thing. The day has come. EXT. FORT JENNACON - Field uniforms - all. FADE IN: Mal and the ring meet Command at the front gate. All salute the incoming Brass. The Brass return it. MAL 17th 150th Valkyrie Ready for inspection - - !! KERRI Mal are you ready? 46. MAL Yes sir! This Corps is ready to go! KERRI Very good! Let's get this show on the road. The Corps has formed up in "training type" groups to show off their handiwork. VIRON Minister Kerricar.. KERRI Call me Kerri my Lady - you are one of us now... Viron looks at Mal with surprise.. VIRON Kerri... umm . . here we have our new lines and formations to show you.. KERRI Good - - Good - - Keldon - watch and let me know what you see... KELDON Very good sir! KERRI Mal whenever you are ready.. Mal gives a hand signal that they are to start... First and Second go into the "run and shoot" mode - First shooting, Second defending - Arrows rain down all over, some find their marks, most are the field shields... Then they attack - Some with sparaxes, Some with field swords... The Brass watch - - and are impressed... KELDON Very nice! - - Mal has them reverse - and now shoot a volley first then attack - - 47. Second fires, First defends... KERRI Very good Mal - I like this - - KELDON Yes very good Mal - you have been working hard I see.. MAL Thank you both - - now - - Mal signals - Third forms up - Attacks First and Second - First a volley of Arrows - Then a run and shoot - Then a barge - Then a bag and inverse - Then just into the lines . . KELDON OH WOW MAL! - - Very good!! KERRI Are all your men this good? MAL Yes sir! WE have been working them very hard. KERRI All right Mal, have the men form up into Battalions.. MAL (Command call) Corps!! FORM BATTALIONS! The 150th now reforms on the massive drill field. KERRI Keldon? 48. KELDON (Takes a deep breath) (looks around slowly) All right Kerri - I accept them as our first Binah Guard Corps. THEY are that good. KERRI (turns to Kernin) Kernin? KERNIN Your show Minister Kerricar - I release them. KERRI Very good - - Mal . . Mal now comes over . . KERRI Mal, on behalf of the Crown, we are naming the 17th 150th VKC as our first Binah Corps. You will retain for now your number and VKC designation, but - know as of this date (pulls out a new patch) You are Binah Corps. (handing it to Mal) Sew this on your flag. MAL (overwhelmed) T--t-h-h-ank you Sir! KERRI You may dismiss the Corps - and let them know what is up. MAL Viron - pass the word - and let's get our men off the field.. VIRON You are on Skipper! Viron walks the officer's line and passes the word.. The Corps in sections moves off the field. KERRI Mal - let's go over to your office.. 49. Mal and the Ring lead the way... DISSOLVE TO: INT. MAL'S QUARTERS The four Brass and Ring enter Mal's office . . . MAL Kerri? What's up? Kernin has slunk over in the corner. KERRI Mal as you know we broke up the spy ring, but we did not get the spymaster. MAL OH? Mal looks at Kernin, and one star short . . KERRI No not Kernin - he was just a dupe in the middle - and should have had enough knowledge that something was up.. GRANDO Mal - the spymaster is an old Realm officer who is now working for the Black Forces. . now a Colonel Drando. MAL Drando . .where do I know that name? KERRI Probably because he taught intelligence at the academy... MAL OH YES!! NOW I remember . . wasn't he the one who disappeared after the Trelen thing blew up? KERRI Trellis - MAL Right! - now I remember.. GRANDO Anyway - we have found out where he is working out of - - 50. KERRI And we want the 150th to go and kill him. MAL I have no problem - (turning to the Ring) Do any of you? ALL Not us - - go for it - - let's have at the traitor... KERRI Good! - then your first job for the Crown is to go after Drando. Crown wants him dead. Period - nothing else. GRANDO Mal you will need about two weeks rations, and have to march about two hundred miles through Black Territory without being spotted. MAL All right! Just where is this bird hiding? Kerri pulls out a couple of maps. KERRI Here (indicating) At the Town of Braxton, on Braxton Ridge. It is deep in Black territory, and you will have to evade or fight about four Black Forces here (indicating as he speaks) Here - here - and here. GRANDO They do not know we are coming, so surprise should do the trick. KERRI Once the flag has gone up, and you have done your job, you may have to take evasive action to avoid being drawn into another fight with the Black Forces pursuing you back to the Realm. Erica looks at the map, marks where the Black Forces are.. 51. MAL Any suggestions? KERRI Your guess is as good as ours - they are out there - just avoid them in, and hope you can coming out. Fight when you have to - destroy all you can, and get back here. GRANDO We will have two Corps waiting for you near the Keleb transfer point to cover your retreat, when you get that far. KERRI Keleb was chosen because it is only a days's march from here - and your closest jumping off point. MAL How soon? KERRI When can you march? MAL End of the week. KERRI Done! - Good luck, and Good Hunting - Kill the traitor - and get back her in one piece. GRANDO We will see you when you get back in two weeks. All shake hands - - The Brass leave. Erica looks at the map.. ERICA Mal - not a piece of cake - but we can do this MAL I know - just how hard this is going to be is anyone's guess 52. VIRON Mal - the troops are ready. MAL Good! The group now pours over the map - Making notes - - FADE OUT. End of ACT 3. ACT 4 - THE WARM UP Spring has come early, the roads are not too bad. But back at the 150th - things are warming up too. INT. MAL'S QUARTERS Barracks uniforms - all. FADE IN: The Ring now has to plan this Foray.. All gather around Mal's desk.. MAL All right - now we know where - now is the hard part - the how. VIRON Looking at the map, we can move almost in straight lines - if we avoid the Valley of Aeor - and the Capith Mountain range. ERICA I agree - we move out from Keleb, and move north by northwest - to here (indicating) And bivouac for the night. It is far from the Black Forces Camps. 53. MAL That looks good - what about roving patrols? ERICA We can hit them as we come upon them - they will think we are a hit and run.. VIRON I can buy that - - but deeper in? ERICA Deeper in we lose more and more of their forces. They are massed along the first one hundred miles or so... VAL Knowing what I know - once past the Capith Mountains, we should not run into any.. MAL Val? VAL Braxton is a sleepy town of about two hundred Black inhabitants, there is no local patrols or barracks to cover for them. MAL How do you know Val? VAL I worked with intelligence for Kerri for a bit. MAL All right, then - what is your call? VAL I like Erica's idea, when we move out the second day - we move more westerly - and through that pass (indicating on the map) the Grendl - and then we are basically free to go in a straight line to Braxton. MAL Coming out? 54. VAL Move south for a bit, they will be looking for us where we were spotted. ERICA I agree - south, then across this plain, then directly East. This would make a circle. MAL Hmm - well that looks good on paper - but . . we should have a second route.. The group looks and studies the map... Erica brightens ERICA Mal - here - - through the Tresson Forest. VIRON I don't know if I like that.. ERICA Why? VIRON It is very close to the Valley of Aeor . . we could find a lot of Black Forces there... ERICA Maybe - maybe not - they would be trying to cut off our retreat.. VIRON Mal? MAL Let's just play it by ear - and have two routes, the south route seems best, but Tresson could be closer... Let's just see how this goes. VIRON When do you want to brief the Corps? 55. MAL The Morning we leave. Not sooner. - Have field rations ready to go, packs loaded - weapons honed and ready..also distribute the extra training arrows to the best for extra ammo. VIRON Done Mal - Erica - need anything? ERICA No not me - the rest of you? ALL Not us - looks good - should be workable - I'm for it... MAL Good! - End of the week we go. Before Sunrise Briefing. Have the Corps Ready Ladies! FADE OUT. End of Act 4 ACT 5 - ENTRE ACTE - "THE BRAXTON RIDGE FORAY" DAWN EXT. FORT JENNACON FADE IN: The 150th in full field gear forms up - "Boots and Saddles" is heard.. They form up in Battle Array - Belor and the Second - most of Mal's old Corps - leading. Helcor and the Third - with most of the greenies - second. Hernin and the First - bringing up the rear. Ring is between Second and Third. MAL (In command call) 150th Valkyrie!! - -Forward March! 56. The corps moves out. First day's target is the transfer point at Keleb. As they reach the Braxton river,they follow the Valley of the Dry Well, past the site of their last victory - Still around are the ashes of the burnt camp Piles of bleaching bones. A grim reminder of what lies ahead. Arriving due North of Keleb Still in Realm Territory. They make it without incident. Second day they cross into Black Territory - North of Keleb - and start the real trek. Just afternoon, the point patrol pass the word back - "Patrol ahead" Belor takes charge of this small item - BELOR "A" and "B" Company - destroy the patrol. As the Black Patrol rounds a bend, "A" charges out from one side - "B" charges out from the other - Sparaxes and swords make quick work of the twenty five man Black Patrol. Mal has walked forward to see what is up.. MAL Belor? BELOR No problem Mal - They walk forward further - The men are riffling the bodies looking for papers - and other effects.. 57. BELOR (continuing) All right guys! Let's get on with it! MAL Dump the bodies in the bush so they won't be found for awhile. Belor's men do so. A quick skirmish with the heavily armed 150th - and this group is history. Several more days of marching, and nothing else comes their way.. The roads have dried up nicely, and the Corps is making between twenty five and thirty miles a day - easily. Fifth day in, they round the Capith Mountains.. MAL Viron - this is strange - - VIRON What's up? MAL We haven't hit more than one patrol - and nobody has seen much else in Black forces.. VIRON Any ideas? MAL I hope we aren't walking into a trap..let me check the map.. Mal checks the map - As far as he can tell - He can see the horizon, and nothing is in sight. MAL (continuing) Val! - come over here! Val approaches - 58. MAL (continuing) You have any idea why we haven't hit anything? VAL Like what Skipper? MAL Black Forces - there doesn't seem to be any about!! VAL You are not the only one with secrets here Mal.. VIRON Val? VAL Before this went down, Kerri had Kernin start a major fight down south, he took four Corps and spread them about, then attacked anything. They are all probably down there - MAL OH that's what's up - well it is working .. The 150th marches on - by night fall - Braxton Ridge, and the town can be seen in the distance. MAL (continuing) No bivouac fires tonite - VIRON I'll pass the word.. MAL Also get the officers up here for the final briefing. VIRON I'll pass that too. Slowly the officer Corps comes together. When they are assembled. Mal addresses them. 59. MAL Ladies and gents - across the way there (pointing) is Braxton. In the morning we are going in there and doing our job. Hernin and Helcor - you are to guard our outer flanks. Place your Battalions (Indicating on the map) Here and here. HELCOR Who gets which? MAL Doesn't matter who - just keep anything out of town till we get done. HELCOR Got it Skipper. MAL Belor - you are going with the ring into town. Your Battalion is to provide us with coverage. BELOR All right Skipper - MAL This is the map Kerri gave me of the town. The Villa we are going to raid is here (indicates) Near the edge of town. For all of you - KILL anything which interferes with this job. - AND I MEAN ANYTHING - Townies - Guards - patrols - if it is Black - it dies. Got it? ALL Yes sir! - Understood! - Got it! MAL Now we move at dawn, it is five miles to the place, and we should be there in an hour - be ready to fight from the start of the march! 60. ERICA The signal to form up will be reform. When you hear that - form up on the road to the South of town, and we will get out of there as fast as possible. MAL Look to the south of us - All look south... MAL (continuing) That saddle ridge is our rally point. If anyone has stragglers have them meet there - I don't want anyone to loot anything this time - just do your job, and get out of town. AND BE sure you have all your people. If any are caught they will be tortured by the Black - or suffer one of their infamous deaths. So pass that to your people. ERICA Do your jobs, and we will be all right! VIRON Any questions? MAL All right then get a good night's sleep - in the morning we will have our first MAJOR RAID - so Helcor - your group has the watch! HELCOR Aye! Skipper! FADE TO: THE FOLLOWING MORNING... EXT. PLAIN BEFORE BRAXTON / TOWN OF BRAXTON The group forms up quietly - Everyone is tense as this gets underway. The short jaunt to Town goes quickly... They march into positions.... 61. The two wing Battalions take up positions Helcor to the south, Hernin to the North. Belor, Second Battalion and the Ring attack the town. The outer guard post is demolished as they approach - The flag has gone up - Black forces now attack the invaders. MAL Val I thought you said there were no Black Forces protecting this town? VAL That's what I had heard.. MAL Belor - run and shoot attack! BELOR Second!! RUN AND SHOOT !! ATTACK!! An arrow barrage drops quite a few of them - The Second attacks with the sparaxes - while a those not engaged fire more arrows into the on coming hoards. They fight into town, dropping Black Forces like spent shards of broken pottery. They reach the Villa - MAL Belor - keep the action going out here - we are going in. BELOR Right! Mal - I'll be here! INT. DRANDO'S VILLA Mal and the Ring enter - Killing two guards as they enter VIRON Mal - down here - The group follows a passageway - More guards are encountered - 62. One takes a thrust at Erica - It bounces off her - The black guard looks astonished - Erica cuts thru him with the sparaxe. Viac finishes the other off.. Around another corner - More guards - Mal and Vion take them on One takes a swipe at Vion - It bounces off - Mal thrusts with his sparaxe - Another guard down - Viac and Erica finish off two more. Mal reaches the door they were guarding.. Kicks it in.. INT. DRANDO'S OFFICE Inside is Drando and four more Guards. DRANDO What the hell??? MAL At them Ladies!! The Ring makes quick work of the guards.. Mal walks over to Drando - MAL All right Drando - where are the books? DRANDO Books? WHO the hell are you? MAL It's payback time you traitor! DRANDO You aren't VKC - - you are too heavily armed... 63. MAL Fuck you! (brandishing the Sparaxe in his face) WHERE are your SPYMASTER RECORDS DRANDO?????? Footsteps are heard coming down the hall VIRON Mal - Erica and I will take care of this.. MAL Well Drando where are the books? The incoming guards just get inside the door Erica skewers one - Viron decapitates the other - Bodies are piling up fast.. The two bodies are kicked into the hallway - Mal is distracted - Drando pulls a dagger - Throws it at Mal - It bounces off harmlessly Mal turns - look evilly at Drando MAL (continuing) All right ass hole - that's it. Your time has come!!! Drando tries to escape - He breaks for a window to jump - Mal forces him into the wall Runs him through the chest - dead on - and buries the sparaxe into the wall behind him. Putting his foot on Drando's chest to get some purchase - Pulls the sparaxe out - As Drando falls - 64. Mal takes another swipe at him... Drando's head rolls away... MAL Ladies - busy? VIRON Not right now - MAL Help me find those spymaster books.. They rummage quickly through the office - No books - The desk is locked Mal swings the sparaxe into it - It explodes into shards - The books drop out. MAL (continuing) Quickly now - slip one into my pack - while I slip one into yours Viron.. More footsteps coming down the hall More Black Footmen burst into the room. Mal, Ellie, Vion and Viac take them on. The room is turning red from all the blood spattered by the sparaxes.... MAL (continuing) Everybody all right? ALL Yes - Just fine - - yes.. Just now another Black officer appears at the door ERICA Mal!!! BEHIND YOU!!! Erica drops her sparaxe... 65. Erica draws her bow - - Grabs an arrow - Nails the officer right in the middle of the chest As he falls-- MAL Let's get out of here! Erica slips the bow back into the pack, grabs her sparaxe.. The group steps on and over bodies - They all make a quick exit.. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TOWN OF BRAXTON The Ring stream out of Drando's Villa... MAL (continuing) Belor!! How is it going? BELOR Just fine - quiet just a bit now - MAL Belor - have the troops fire the Villa BELOR Second - FIRE THE VILLA! Second sets the place on fire - Suddenly a group appears at the end of the street.. They charge towards the VKC - MAL Belor - ARROW VOLLEY - BELOR Second - ARROW VOLLEY!!! The rest of the Second not engaged in the fire storm now fire directly into the on coming mass. 66. MAL (continuing) Continue at will!!! - FORM DEFENSIVE LINES !!! The Second continues to fire into the mass - They are dropping fast... The Black Forces close to the Second's lines - Sparaxes and swords now do the work. A group of townies try to attack - MAL (continuing) Cut them all down - Part of the Second breaks for this group - Arrow Volley, then - Into them! And finishes them all off.. MAL (continuing) Fire the Town!! BELOR Second - FIRE THE TOWN!! Second now sets the whole town ablaze.. MAL Let's get out of here! ERICA Sound REFORM!! Reform sounds - The town group does a double time out of there The rest of the Corps meets them outside of town. MAL Report! BELOR I have all my men 67. HELCOR All accounted for! HERNIN All accounted for! Mal looks around - the Ring is all right! MAL Let's get while the getting is good! The Corps forms up MAL (continuing) Double time MARCH!! They move in double time for about two miles... Mal calls a halt.. Behind them Braxton is in flames.. No one is pursuing them .. MAL (continuing) All right - now let's get a real head count.. The Battalion leaders do an actual head count. All are accounted for MAL (continuing) Injuries? BELOR We have a few small ones - nothing to worry about HELCOR Nothing here - no action. HERNIN Nothing here either - same thing. MAL Good then let's head for that saddle over there. DISSOLVE TO: 68. EXT. SADDLE RIDGE - JUST BEYOND THE HORIZON OF BRAXTON As the 150th goes over the saddle - MAL Halt!! Mal has a look back Braxton's fire has now spread, The whole town is ablaze... MAL (continuing) Nice fire! - hope they like it! VIRON Mal - sun set soon - where do you want to bivouac? MAL Let me see the maps - The map is brought over - - Mal studies it - MAL (continuing) Just up ahead here (indicating) Is high ground. We will camp there for the night - no fires again - pass the word Viron.. VIRON Very good Mal - will do! As the sun sets, the glow from the direction of Braxton is still very bright. After sunset, campfires can be seen way in the distance to the South East.. Erica walks up to Mal - ERICA Mal - look! (indicating) Bivouac fires - Mal has a good long look - 69. MAL You are right - must be coming this way - any idea how far? ERICA From our height - I'd say about thirty to forty miles - about a day's march. MAL Let me see that map again. Belor now walks up - BELOR Mal - just checked the Battalion - we have all our men, the wounded have been attended to - a couple of leg and arm wounds - no body cuts. They should be able to move right along. MAL Very good Belor - those wound kits helped? BELOR Yes! - It was immediate aid on the field. - We got them taken care of by their bunkmates at once, and moved to the rear fast. MAL Well Vion will be glad to hear that! - How is your arrow supply holding out? BELOR We are doing well - although we could use some more.. MAL Have the other two Battalions divide their supply with you - get a few from each man - BELOR Right Skipper! Belor leaves to collect spare arrows... Mal goes back to the map - 70. MAL Erica - What do you think about swinging back up north? ERICA Hmm - looking at the map - and knowing what is South - I would go for that! MAL Val? Your thoughts? VAL Going north would be fine - where are the strong points? ERICA Hmm - judging from Kerri's notes - if we go North - we can thread through two of them - (indicating on the map) here at Kartic - and Merson.. VIRON That would put us through the Tresson Forest Mal...and close to the Valley of Aeor.. MAL Do we have any other routes? ERICA Going South we surely would run into a fight - going North - maybe - maybe not. VIRON Frankly - I'd like to get back without another major battle - up to you Mal.. MAL Anybody want to gamble? - Let's go through the Tresson forest - we can hide in the trees most of the way back - at least two days worth of marching.. ALL Fine - by me - good to go - DISSOLVE TO: At dawn the group forms up quietly - 71. Slips down the Eastern side of the Saddle ridge, And crosses into the Tresson Plain. The Forest is just ahead... EXT. TRESSON FOREST As the forest comes into view - MAL All right now ladies - - we start the tricky part.. VIRON Mal? MAL We have to march here, and not run into something.. ERICA What do you want to do Mal? MAL We march just into the forest,and bivouac for the night. Sun is getting low. VIRON I'll pass the word.. MAL No fires again, it's warm enough - - Erica.. ERICA Yes Mal? MAL Get a scouting party out and have them probe ahead about two miles, and return tonite.. ERICA Good idea - whose Battalion? MAL Helcor's - they need something to do - have them just scout - DO NOT ENGAGE IF THEY FIND SOMETHING.. ERICA Right skipper - will do 72. Erica leaves for Helcor's command area... Reaching that- ERICA (continuing) Helcor - HELCOR Lady Erica! Nice to see you! ERICA Mal wants a scouting party to go out tonight. Get a company or so out - and have a look forward about two to three miles. If you find something - just report back - MAL said - do not engage but report back. HELCOR Will do so my Lady - Helcor now gets out "C" company - Gives them the instructions... "C" leaves for the detail... Erica returns to the Ring encampment. VIRON Well Mal - so far so good. MAL Yes Viron - we are doing well - but we are not back yet.. Those books we got from Drando will finally finish off the spy problems.. ERICA Mal - Helcor has a company out - we should hear back in about two hours or so - - MAL Fine! - SO let's eat! The group now digs the field rations out of their packs... A cold meal isn't the best - but for now it will have to do. The group is sitting around - resting - Small camp lanterns give an eerie light - 73. Helcor reports back.. HELCOR Mal - MAL Helcor - HELCOR "C" has returned - they didn't see anything - just trees - but could smell bivouac fires someplace out ahead.. MAL Ut - oh - Erica give me the maps - Mal and Erica have a good look - Mal pulls a camp lantern close to the map - MAL (continuing) Hmm - three miles - maybe four - winds are from the West however - and we are on the high ground.... Mal makes an arc of his hand - Tries it on the map... ERICA Mal they could be behind us - or it could be the smoke from Braxton.. MAL Braxton is now almost one hundred miles away - no - It is either behind us or swirling around us....hmm - (looking at the map - trying his hand again) Here! - just below the forest is a small opening - - about five miles I'd guess - winds are carrying the smoke up here - towards the high ground. ERICA If that is so - we may be walking into a Black Forces Camp.... MAL Helcor - how far did they go? 74. HELCOR Kinger said they went about three to three and a half miles after they smelled the smoke - but did not see anything. MAL Hmm . by route march we will have to go through that glade if we are not to pass the Valley of Aeor.... ERICA Mal? - you want to fight here? MAL We may have to - Viron - VIRON Have the men up an hour before dawn, and silent routine and march forward. ERICA Your plan? MAL We surprise them - if they are an hour's march - we could catch them flat footed in camp... ERICA I see - the forest goes down into that opening - the glade - then goes back up and off to the South again - skirting the Valley of Aeor. MAL Viron - pass the word - Helcor - my thanks to Kinger . . VIRON Will do Skipper HELCOR I'll relay that back.. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TRESSON FOREST JUST ABOVE THE BLACK FORCES CAMP - JUST BEFORE DAWN... The 150th forms a long battle line in the trees above the now just stirring Black camp... Easing down to the edge of the tree line... 75. Mal can see the whole thing before him... MAL Viron pass the word - hit and run - we will mow this down and get ... VIRON Will do - Viron passes the word quickly.. The Corps forms up the the growing light.. Mal looks around - All is set - MAL (in a command call) 150th Valkyrie - INTO THEM!!! The 150th charges - some stop when they get close enough to fire an arrow volley More pour into camp The Black camp is thrown into wild disarray - >>From the wings more arrows fly - Then they close from three sides - Black footmen are cut down as fast as they arise - Black officers are cut down - some shot by arrows at close range.. The hit and run is working well Swords and sparaxes are doing their job... Twenty minutes of fast bloody work suddenly comes to a halt... The Black camp is wiped out - A few stragglers run for the trees - The Ring watches them go... MAL Let them go - - ALL REPORT!! 76. HELCOR A few down - but nothing major - we can make it. HERNIN Several wounded, none down - BELOR I have a few down, but I think we can take them with us - nobody was killed if that is what you want Mal... MAL Very good all - how soon till we can get the wounded moving? HELCOR In about twenty minutes - - BELOR Same here - we will make stretchers out of the Black tents - and carry the worst with us. MAL Good! - Erica - find the command tent - and find out who this was.. Erica walks through the demolished camp... Searching for - - - ERICA Mal! - Over here! Mal walks over to a gory mess - Six Black Officers butchered beyond recognition except for the uniforms.... MAL Well Erica? Erica, looking thru the paperwork - - ERICA Hmm - Black 343rd Home Guard... about sixteen hundred - I think - Looking around - - ERICA (continuing) I guess we got most of them - - 77. MAL Yes - I agree - Let's get out of here - VIRON Where to Mal? MAL Follow the route we planned - back up that way - (Indicating) And let's just get - fast. Word is spreading through the Black Territory of a heavily armed, well trained, large rogue force of unknown origin...roaming someplace near the Realm... Two Black Forces are dispatched to find them... Although both are several days march behind Mal.. FADE OUT. EXT. JUST INSIDE BLACK TERRITORY - WAY OFF IN THE DISTANCE - KELEB CAN BE SEEN FADE IN: The Corps has marched all night, and has put many miles between them and any suspected Black forces. Just after dawn - As they come over a rise - The Barque River can be seen, about twenty miles distant. MAL Well, ladies - isn't that a pretty sight? VIRON Yes Mal - we are just about home.. ERICA Where do you want to cross Mal? Mal looks at the maps - - Looks around him - There is clear marching in any direction . . No Black anything in sight.. 78. MAL Val - where did Kerri say that the two corps would be waiting for us? VAL Near Keleb.. MAL Let's avoid them - we may be taken for Black - looking the way we do - and let's find our own way . . hmmm Looking at the map.... Viron comes over - Looks at the map.. VIRON Here Mal - (pointing on the map - then in the distance) To the South is Melcher's Ford.. we can cross there - then wing it back to Zareb. Mal looks this all over - - MAL Anybody else got any ideas? This looks good to all of you? ALL Yes - Good Mal - fine - Let's go! MAL 150th Valkyrie - Forward!! The Corps moves out South East for Melcher's Ford, about fifteen miles away... EXT. MELCHER'S FORD Suddenly - from out of the South - A Black force attacks! MAL (in command call) Form Lines!! - ARROW VOLLEY!! An arrow volley holds the Black forces back - till the Corps can from good solid lines - 79. First and Third form the Bag and Inverse movement. Second Barges the Black Lines - The fighting intensifies - Sparaxes are doing their job - Black Forces are going down fast... More hit and run - the arrow supply is giving out fast.. Twenty minutes of fast action - Just then the Black force breaks and runs... VIRON Where did they come from? ERICA Beats me! - I think they were either looking for us - or we just ran into them... Mal walks up - looking for the Ring - MAL Ladies - everything all right? You all still with us? VIRON I haven't seen Viac for some time - but I'm sure she's all right. ERICA Last time I saw Viac she was with Helcor's men... MAL Get me battle damage reports - quickly - Viron and Erica now start to canvass the Corps . . Both return shortly.. MAL (continuing) Report! 80. VIRON Well Helcor lost a couple - but basically he's all right - Viac is with them, and will be joining us shortly. ERICA Belor is fine - his men got a bit cut up - but nobody is lost. Hernin has the same problem - lots of wounded - but they think that they can make it back all right. MAL Let's get on the lost and wounded, and get them all back to the Realm.. VIRON You want to take our dead with us? MAL Yes - I don't want them or their equipment to fall into Black hands.. VIRON I'll let Helcor know.. Viron leaves for Helcor's command to pass the word.. MAL (turning to Erica) Erica - we owe it to our men and ladies - to be buried with dignity in the Realm soil.. So let's just get on with it - the Realm is just across the river - - ERICA Very good Mal - MAL Vion - see to the wounded! VION On it Mal!! The Corps now polices it's own - making stretchers out of their own tents, - and what ever they can find. The River is Forded. The 150th marches free again in Realm Territory.. They bivouac for the night near the town of Zalen. 81. EXT. TOWN OF ZALEN The tired and weary 150th finally beds down . close to home.. MAL Well, in the morning, we still have a half days march to Fort Jennacon.. VIRON It will be good to get home.. ERICA Where do you wish to bury the six who died? MAL In the Fort - behind the Command Ring Quarters - we should never forget our own who have given so much for the Crown. - - Viac... VIAC Mal? MAL Have a night messenger sent to the Fort, telling them we will be in tomorrow, and to have the QM get six graves ready out behind the CRQ... VIAC Right away Mal! Viac leaves to get the messenger detail out.. VIRON We add to Jenni's display? MAL Yes - get somebody to round up their effects, and we will add them to it. VIRON Done Skipper! ERICA You do know that this will have a good effect on morale?? MAL Yes I do - WE take care of our own, and never forget them. 82. In the morning - the camp stirs - and finally gets on the road to Zareb. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FORT JENNACON As the 150th troops home, and the wounded and dead are carried into the Fort - the gate finally closes behind them. They are back.. Walking up to greet them are Kerri and Grando.. Ring salutes - Kerri and Grando return it... MAL Sir! 150th Valkyrie Reporting Back - - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! KERRI Very good Mal - your Corps did an excellent job... Grando looking at the parade of footmen and bearers coming by - GRANDO Mal - you brought your wounded back with you? MAL And the six who died at Melcher's Ford. GRANDO Where are you going to bury them? MAL Out behind the CRQ . The Ring should never forget the cost of victory. Kerri looks touched by this show of compassion for the troops by Mal.. MAL (continuing) The six lost were from Helcor's Battalion, I guess they were worked just a bit too hard - and couldn't just keep on going, so - after mess this evening - we will take care of our own.. 83. KERRI Well Mal - I guess you wish to get cleaned up a bit and all that.. MAL Yes sir! - It would be nice to get out of field uniforms and into a hot shower - and something clean. KERRI After your service out back, I want to see you in the Officer's Lounge - and fill you in on what has happened since you left, and the reports coming back... MAL OH yes, I almost forgot...Viron - VIRON Mal? MAL Pull that book out of my pack - would you? Viron pulls the book out of Mal's pack, she turns and he pulls the one out of hers... MAL (continuing) Here Kerri - take these to Crown... Handing him the two books... Kerri opens one, looks surprised... KERRI Mal - where did you get these? Grando comes over and has a look... GRANDO Mal - these are Black Records - - ummm - SPY records... where?? MAL Drando wasn't using them anymore - so I thought you could.. KERRI Well done - beyond anything I could have hoped for! 84. Mal and the ring now salute - Kerri and Grando return it - The Ring trudges the last few hundred yards to the Command Ring quarters, and collapses... INT. MAL'S QUARTERS HOME AT LAST!!!! Packs, uniforms and weapons are shed - Warm bath, clean barracks uniforms, and mess follow.... FADE OUT. End of Act 5 ACT 6 - EPILOG EXT. THE OFFICER'S BAILEY - BEHIND THE CRQ... After evening mess, the Third Battalion forms up outside the CRQ... Third - Barracks uniforms - Ring - Dress uniforms. FADE IN: MONTAGE - MOS Around the six graves, the group forms up. The Ring is at the Center of the action... The QM lowers the six into their respective graves... Mal calls the group to attention.. Reads the final benediction.. After the final salute, and taps (seen blown but not heard) The Battalion now follows the Ring's example, and tosses a handful of dirt into each grave as they pass.. The ring forms a "receiving line" and expresses condolences to each member of the Battalion, as they pass out of the Bailey.. 85. Some shake hands, some hug the Ring . . After they have all passed... The Ring takes one last look, As the QM fills in the graves... END MONTAGE DISSOLVE TO: INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE Kerri and Grando - old style 150th Barracks uniforms. Ring enters, still in dress uniforms... Mal drops the book he has been carrying on a nearby table. The Ring position themselves around the room as they feel so to do. Mal sits opposite Kerri between the windows.. Kerri has been reading one of the Spybooks, looks up as they Ring troops in... KERRI Nice service Mal, it will have the greatest effect on the troops. MAL Thanks! KERRI Well, I guess you are wondering what has been happening since you left? MAL So fill me in... KERRI After you crossed into Black Territory, you wiped out a patrol, we heard about that - Then you probably heard about the four Corps raids down south... MAL Yes, Val did tell me about that - Thanks for taking the heat off us.. 86. KERRI We did wipe out several of their outposts, and blew out a town... Kerri picks up an obvious Diplomatic Post... KERRI (continuing) Your raid on Braxton caused a wail from the Black Ambassador... They were not sure, but they thought at first it was a Binah Guard Force, but it seems it was too big for that - but they lodged a protest anyway... MAL I see..... KERRI The Black 343rd Home Guard was out looking for you, but you ran into them before they could get on line... Nice Work!! - And finally that Force you ran into on your way back, was the Black 210th. - A Major Duroc's Force.. they were not looking for you, but just on their way back to the Valley of Aeor... MAL Word travels fast I see. KERRI Yes it does - you got a good part of their forces, they were not sure what hit them, but they do not ever wish to get hit by that one again.. MAL Thanks! - So Kerri - What's with the Old get up? KERRI Mal you think you know all about this unit and why it was formed? MAL Well yes I do - I think - why? 87. KERRI There is more to the story, As you know I was commanding the old 510th when you joined our band down at Okteck.. I have been following your carrier for many years, and thought you might be my man.. MAL Really? KERRI I was one of the last young officers in the old 150th, when I was just starting out as a lieutenant...and had to move on...As I moved up through the Corps, and rank, I had noticed the skills levels and discipline had been falling off. Things had gotten worse by the year.. Some day, one day I would try to bring back the old days. The Nestike Forest blow up, and my moving to Defense Minister gave me the opportunity to try my idea. Therefore you got the new "150th VKC" as it was. MAL I see... KERRI I always felt, although Kernin and Sheridan did not, that you were the man for the job. Your loyalty, honesty, and bravery were the biggest reasons. And now I see you have a deeper compassion than I originally thought. Kerri now rises, and walks over to the window next to Mal... Looks out the window - KERRI (continuing) Mal, I thought you dismissed the Third Battalion? MAL I did why? - They all left the Bailey.. KERRI Who is that? 88. Mal rises, turns and looks out the window.. Silently, Viron comes over to Mal.. Standing next to him, Their hands meet, and unconsciously clasp at their sides... MAL Sargent Kian of "D" company, of the Third... She and Kelron were joined in a ring just last month... Mal and Viron now start an almost silent dialog between themselves... MAL (continuing) Could have been either of us at Vernon River... VIRON Or Gesto Ridge... MAL Or Dakto Ridge... Their grips tighten.. VIRON It was Jennacon.... The two now realize that that are facing one another, while still transfixed at the scene before them... Kian's devotion to Kelron... Silently, Erica now comes over to the pair who have embraced.. And forms a group hug... Silent tears for fallen friends and Ring members... After a few moments, the group recovers.. Mal wipes his eyes with his sleeve... MAL Viac - 89. VIAC Mal? MAL Viac - go and get Kian, and bring her in here with us... Viac leaves.. MAL (continuing) Kerri, you have never been in a Ring - have you? KERRI No, I have seen them, and know what they are, and their devotion to their Corps.... MAL If you want us to fight like this, I want ring shirts for this entire Corps.. I do not wish to fill my Bailey with fallen friends, anymore than I absolutely have to.. KERRI Mal I don't know if I ... MAL (cutting him off) KERRI - DO IT !! You are the Defense Minister, this is your toy as it was, and your idea... I want to do your bidding, but I do not wish to repeat this scene in the future... KERRI Mal - we all lose men, it's part of this game... MAL For you maybe, but for this Ring, it is personal. These men and ladies fight and work as hard as they do because SOMEBODY CARES ABOUT THEM !! Most commands who do not have the Ring structure running them have these problems because they treat the Corps like conscripts. IT GETS THE JOB DONE - but - AT WHAT PRICE???? 90. KERRI Mal - I ummm... . MAL We just fought two major battles with the Black, and finished off a problem for the Crown. - TELL ME - HOW MANY MEN WOULD SOMEBODY ELSE LOSE? A hundred? A Battalion or two? - Possibly the whole Corps? - AND where would their remains be NOW? - - KIAN at least knows where Kelron lies, and can grieve - and remember him... (Now getting really worked up) WHERE IS JENNACON??? - Ashes in some forest down south of here!!! AT least you thought enough of my officer not to make a meal for the buzzards out of her.. (Now very upset) Dammit Kerri!!! I WILL FIGHT LIKE A WOUNDED LION FOR THE CROWN, but I want to bring my Corps home if I possibly can. Crown owes them that much for their sacrifices. Crown owes this Ring, and this Corps the dignity of proper burial in Realm soil for their ultimate sacrifice for it. There is a long silence.... Kerri raises his eyebrows.. Lets out a long breath... KERRI All right Mal, I will see what I can do for your request... Viac now returns with Kian.. Mal, Vironica, and Erica, form a small circle Extending their arms to Kian.. VIRON (tenderly) Kian - come . . Kian hesitantly walks over to the Command Ring.. 91. The Ring "centers" now close around Kian.. As if forming a protective circle around her.. "A group hug, and a group cry" Slowly the rest of the Ring also surround, and join this.. Now - at this sight - Grando and Kerri are also drawn into this by some deep force... Forming the last pair in the outer Ring.. Slowly the assembled finally start letting go - - MAL Kian, in time it will be all right, for now just remember what Kelron and you meant to each other.. VIRON Kian, we all grieve with you, and will miss Kelron, and we all know what could have been.. Kian dries her eyes, and hugs Mal and Vironica.. KIAN My thanks to Command for bringing them home, now in some way they will always be with us. ERICA Kian, please stay for a bit.... As the Ring now compose themselves... Kerri and Grando are effected the most... GRANDO Mal,I have never felt so deeply, nor have I been effected by the loss of our own. I now know how this Corps feels about it's leaders, and why it fights as hard as it does.. KERRI You know I never thought about it, but always felt that Command Rings were too sentimental to really be effective commands, but - seeing this, I realize that they may make the best ones. 92. MAL Just remember what you have seen here - and felt, this evening, and relay that back to Crown... KERRI I will fill your request, just remember even with the increased protection, you will still be vulnerable.. MAL I know that - We had to dodge enough incoming at Drando's - we will train ours to be more careful.. Mal now walks over the the small bar in the lounge.. Draws ten tankards of Ale.. Passes them out - Turning towards the window - MAL (continuing) To our fallen friends and comrades.. ALL Repeat - - (drink) KERRI To the 150th Valkyrie Binah Guard - Crown's foremost defender! ALL Repeat - - (drink) KERRI I now know what this Ring has been through, and would like to extend in some small way - my thanks for the completion of this job, and the spymaster books... MAL Thank you sir! 93. KERRI Mal, Vironica, Erica, and the rest of you - although I don't have the hardware with me, I will put all of you in for "Duty Beyond" for the Realm, First Class... Walking over to Kian.. Stroking her hair - along her face.. KERRI And for you my young Kian, for your part, and your loss, "Order of the Realm" Third class... ALL Thank you sir! KERRI Mal, I want you to stand down for a month, and give all of the Corps three weeks leave in the Summerlands. - - and for duty to the Crown, promote your three Battalion leaders to full Colonel.. MAL Yes sir!! - - Effective? KERRI Immediately! End of Epilog - Final fade to Black. THE END Here for a bit, I will drop the anchor, and return to "A New Day Dawns", and I will continue the Sagas in a bit. This completes the "opening series" of Sagas, which explain some of the 150th. There are more - many more to come. Tess in time will return to us, after completing her studies at Caer-Anne, and become a full lock member, and be our 8th Lock Mate, in the Locked Position of Quartermaster. Later on, Kian of this story will join her in the QM as her assistant, as shown in later work... JUST here are the beginnings. Commander Viac am Malacar del Kalix, AGXCC Chronicler, A17th 150th Valkyrie Battle Group Sil Xennonoc, Isle of Kalix 94. "Carry on" - "The Game is not Over Until the Whistle Blows" - "Play the Game" - "Don't be a Mollycoddle" The four saying of the Headmaster, Rev. Smythe, St. John's Military Academy, 1895 Delafield, Wisconsin