The Barque River Bridge Commander Viac am Malacar del Kalix, AGXCC Chronicler A17th 150th Valkyrie Ranger Battle Group Sil Xennonoc, Isle of Kalix Introduction This is the second of the Sagas, and is also written in the Screen Play format, as are all of the Sagas. Our new lives begin at Zareb, our new camp, and it is here that all the the action takes place until we were transferred now North to the Isle of Kalix, in the "Forbidden Zone" of Kalix. This is the 6th District of the sub Kingdom of Zayin. <> Film takes about 1 minute for each page of dialog and action. These are designed to run about 1 hour and 20 minutes each, at 24 frames per second. I hope you enjoy them! Vivi - Chronicler, A17th 150th VRBG / Isle of Kalix © Copyright WGAW #868086 1998 - 2002 THE BARQUE RIVER BRIDGE ACT 1 - THE NEW BEGINNING This opens at Zareb, at the 17th - 150th Valkyrie Corp's new base camp. Following the Nestike Affair, the new Corps has issues to resolve, and it's first taste of action. THIS IS A NEW BASE COMMAND - THE USUAL THINGS ARE SEEN, DESKS, CHAIRS, ET AL . . THE USUAL MILITARY TRAPPINGS AS A BASE CAMP WOULD HAVE, LESS THE MODERN THINGS LIKE MOTOR POOLS.... IT HAS SEVERAL BARRACKS, A MESS HALL FOR ENLISTED, AND OFFICERS, MEDICAL TENTS, AN ARMORY AND FORGE, - - THIS OPENS JUST OUTSIDE THE "COMMAND RING QUARTERS" WITH MALACAR'S FLAG FLYING OUTSIDE IT. EXT. MALACAR'S QUARTERS Dress uniforms - all. Walking up, are Commanders Malacar (MAL), Vironica (VIRON) his First officer, ERICA, his Tac officer, Ellison (ELLIE) his Engineering officer, VION, his Medical officer, and VIAC his Chronicler. MAL Well Ladies - what do you think? VIRON Looks good to me. Quarters are fine, I guess I bunk with you Mal... MAL Yes - and Erica and Ellie can bunk together for now, and Vion and Viac can double up. ELLIE I can live with that - Erica? ERICA Fine by me - you two? (Indicating to Vion and Viac) VION For now I guess - it's all right.. VIAC Good to go with me. So who will bunk with our new Executive Officer? 2. MAL Well let's just cross that bridge when we find one who will agree to come into our Ring... VIRON Speaking of that - you had any time to think about the names on the list Mal? MAL Well I have had a look - - Erica likes Valerie - I think we should have a go with her first... ERICA Yes - I really think that she will make a good replacement for Jennacon, she's the same age, and has the same background... I think they were class mates as well.. VION When I was Kerri's staff - she was a noted exec trouble shooter - so That would be my vote.. MAL Well if you think so - - we can start with her - you think we should go over there or have her come by here and have a talk?? VIRON For my money, we should first make the overture by messenger, see if she is interested, then go over there... ERICA Then if the offer tendered is accepted, have her come over here and make the final offer. MAL That sounds like a plan - - Viac - draft a feeler - and send it over to the 790th and see if she would be interested. VIAC All right - in today's messenger post. 3. MAL Well ladies, let's go inside and see what we all have - and get settled in. DISSOLVE TO: INT. JUST INSIDE THE COMMAND QUARTERS. As they step in, they notice the final touches done to the building, including the display area, off to the right side. MAL Well it looks good. I like the "Honors Area" for our battle trophies to come! VIRON Mal - we haven't won any yet - but I know how we can start this.. MAL OH? VIRON On the far right side, we can set up our enshrinement for Jennacon. MAL That's a very good thought Viron, when you get the things unpacked, let's all work on it.. ERICA Mal there is something else - MAL (Looking surprised) OH MORE? ERICA We were going to surprise you with this - at the New Year Festival (Pulling out a squareish object) But this is appropriate. ELLIE Mal - for you from Erica, Jenni, Viron, and me - (takes off the wrapper) Mal - - (Presents to Mal) Mal gasps - at the portrait of Jenni - 4. MAL Oh Ladies - it's beautiful - so life like - (Admiring the portrait) When - where - - how????? ELLIE We had it done before the Nestike thing came down.. I hope you like it.... MAL LIKE IT??? IT's wonderful! VIRON Yes it is just wonderful! It will go in the place of honor with her other things as a permanent reminder of fallen friends... The group sets the portrait in the center of the right side.... later the rest of her things will be displayed with it. DISSOLVE TO: INT. MALACAR'S QUARTERS A military room - double bed - with an armoire on either side - a desk a couple of chairs in front, one behind - a set of book shelves behind.... MAL Well ladies - I guess we are home. ERICA Yes it looks the same as ours and the other rooms. VIRON Well let's get our things unpacked, and set up shop. MAL (turning to Viac) Viac - have the porters just drop our stuff in our rooms, and we will take it from there. VIAC Done Mal - - Catch all of you a bit Later... Viac leaves to supervise the unloading of the baggage train.. 5. MAL Let's turn to and meet for evening mess.. VIRON That should be interesting - MAL Why? VIRON We haven't got enough staff in command company for two mess tents.. MAL All right - first crisis - let's just eat with the enlisted for right now. VIRON I'll work on that staffing problem when we get settled in... all right Mal? MAL Fine - - Cases and trunks start arriving in barracks - They are sorted by officer - and delivered to the appropriate rooms The crew starts unpacking and setting up shop. FADE OUT. SEVERAL HOURS LATER, MOST OF THE OFFICER'S BELONGINGS HAVE BEEN SORTED OUT, AND DISTRIBUTED.. THEIR UNIFORMS HAVE BEEN HUNG UP, AND THE REST OF THEIR THINGS ARE NOW BEING HUNG ON THE WALLS, AND PLACED IN THE ROOMS. Barracks uniforms - all. As the crew unpacks things, they change into their barracks uniforms. Mal pulls a dingy looking box out of the pile - Opens it - And drives a nail in the wall, And hangs up a beat up torn Black Private's uniform - 6. VIRON OH GOD!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD IS THAT???? MAL Well - Viron - it's my first kill. VIRON FIRST KILL? MAL Old sargent Kilron said in the days following the Braxton River Foray - that I should always keep this as a souvenir of my first confirmed kill - VIRON Oh that's Nice!! - - where did you get that from? MAL Kilron said that the quartermaster stripped it off the body - and they gave it to me at the ribbon ceremony...along with his helmet (Hanging it over the uniform) VIRON You got anymore gory reminders? MAL Well - yes I do - along with my enlisted awards - on this display (Hanging the thing next to the Black uniform) And a few swords from my early days on the field.... VIRON I'm glad I don't have any of those! MAL You didn't save anything from your early days? VIRON Yes I did, but - remember - I came into the Corps as a Medical Specialist - and in those days we didn't get into combat... 7. MAL Oh ya - I remember - - so what made you change into command? VIRON Just wanted to get into the action as it was I guess... Well - - The two of them continue unpacking things - Viron has a few old Medical Corps things from her early days - which she hangs up - - Erica enters- Carrying a box. ERICA So how - OH WOW - - MAL - where did you get that from? (Pointing to the uniform) VIRON Don't ask Erica! ERICA All right - - I can guess - - Mal - we still have the 730th's patches on our uniforms... I was wondering if.. MAL Yes Erica - I think so too - why don't you go over to archives and find out what the old 150th's looked like - and bring back a sample if you can - - VIRON That's a good idea - if they reinstated the old number - maybe we should also look like the old 150th - - MAL Also find out what happened to them if you can Erica.... ERICA All right - in the next few days I will... umm Mal - - (putting the box down) I have Jenni's things.. 8. MAL Good! - let's have a look! The three open the box, Out comes Jennacon's uniform issue - her papers, and personal effects.. Flipping out the dress uniform to examine it.. VIRON Well we can put the dress uniform in the display, along with her sword and her papers attesting to her duty to the Realm.... Spreading the rest of the objects out as she speaks.. VIRON (continuing) Well Mal what do you wish to do with the rest of her personal effects? MAL Ummm - - put them up here on my book shelf - Never will I ever forget her - her smile - her wit, nor her love making... VIRON Just like my Mal - I hope you will never forget me if I go... MAL Viron - you are still my FIRST OFFICER - and I pledged my sword, and my life to you - if you would share it with me.... (holding Jenni's barracks uniform to his face to inhale her scent) Mmmm - Jenni - - only she went first, so ... VIRON I understand . . . ERICA Well I'll leave you two alone to finish unpacking - and I'll check on the others, see you at Mess? 9. MAL Yes - in about an hour or so - I'll let you pass the word and we can go over together... Erica leaves for awhile... MAL (continuing) Viron, I hope you are not jealous of Jennacon.. VIRON No Mal, I know about command Rings and how we all share each other's lives,,, and bodies - - so I don't have a problem with Jenni - or your involvement with her... or the rest of the Ring... I just didn't expect to lose one of our own so soon.. MAL I know Viron - it touched me as well..I still had her scent on my body when she fell.... VIRON Well I had Ellie's - so I guess - - Viron goes over to Mal - and holds him tightly... Blending into a deep kiss... VIRON (continuing) Never leave me Mal? MAL Don't get yourself killed Viron.. VIRON I know - the court of inquiry said Jennacon should have called for help sooner - - MAL I will never leave you Viron - you know that VIRON The same goes for you - be careful. We both swore to the Sword and Fire oath - so I guess we are as one.. 10. MAL And so did Erica, Ellie, Vion, Viac, and Jenni originally... VIRON So we are as one. MAL Welcome to the 150th Command Ring my Lady. Bunkmates, and warriors all. The two finish with their sorting out things, and all the rest... Erica now returns.. ERICA Ready for mess? VIRON Yes - so how does it all look? Erica takes in the room, looking around her - ERICA Blood thirsty pirates all! - This is going to be a salty command I see... MAL Well I hope so! - Let's do our part for the Realm, and make this the best Corps ever! VIRON Should be interesting! - Bits and pieces - shattered remains of Corps - and at least a coherent command. ERICA All right you two - let's go and get something to eat! The three leave for mess..... FADE OUT. A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER... FADE IN: Barracks uniforms all. 11. Erica returns with her investigation of the OLD 150th VKC and it's fate. Mal is seated behind the desk Erica enters - carrying a packet of stuff.. MAL Well what have you been up to these past few days? ERICA Been busy. We got a real good number - MAL Lucky I hope? ERICA Very. MAL So fill me in... ERICA A long time ago, and way before our time, there was the "First Brigades" if you remember.. MAL Ancient history if I remember from my days at Caer Anne.. ERICA Well yes... anyway - all of the Corps from those days were the "100" series - the first corps as it was.. MAL Most of those have been gone forever - most were either retired out - or merged into other corps.. If I remember correctly... ERICA You get a First Class Mark . that is correct. NOW the old 150th was one of the best in the old days.. MAL Oh - no! - Don't tell me we will have to live up or..umm - down to history.. 12. ERICA You got it Skipper! - Something tells me the upper echelons would like to return to the old days - and we get the first nod... MAL So fill me in.. ERICA (pulls out a couple of old patches and documents) Well here is their old command - Major Commander Lesker - was their leader... MAL MAJOR COMMANDER? HOW OLD IS THIS? Lesker has been gone for at LEAST one hundred years! ERICA As old as dirt it seems . anyway - here is their command record - and their patches.... Mal looks through the command records... MAL Hmmm - - looks interesting - - ERICA They were the vanguard it seems of the old order.. and for some reason we are designated as the new vanguard of some new order... MAL AHHH!! - I think I know now why Kerricar is moving up! ERICA Really? Tell me! MAL Well Kerri has been around almost that long it seems - and I think somebody is trying to regain the glory of the old days - so - this fits.... ERICA So what do you wish to do? 13. MAL Have Gelor get busy and re-issue these old patches - with our new background colors - and get them on everybody's uniforms. . . ERICA Then? MAL Then.. we will have a meeting with the Corps, and explain it to them... ERICA You want to fill me in? MAL Basically - the tide is turning, and I think more and more new Corps will be forged out of fighting units, rather than just Barracks units.. which is the current problem in the Realm... Too many bench sitters and not enough action - which is why we have been under so many attacks lately. ERICA I see - - so - - we are the new Corps to be the fighting Guards for the Realm? MAL You got it! Erica turns to leave.... ERICA Mal - you want to brief the staff? MAL Yes - let's at least get the Ring and the other front officers in on this.. ERICA After evening mess tonite? MAL Why not? - Might as well let them know what we are in for.. 14. ERICA I'll pass the word... FADE OUT. End of Act 1 ACT 2 FIRST THINGS THE OFFICER'S MESS HAS BEEN TURNED INTO A CORPS CLUB AND A BRIEFING ROOM. INT. OFFICER'S MESS Barracks uniforms - all. FADE IN: After evening mess the fourth day in, the Corps officers assemble for their first briefing. Present - "The Ring" and the four other Batallion officers - HELCOR of First, HERNIN of Second, BELOR of Third, and JEROD of Command company. Mal walks into the room.... MAL At ease gentlemen! - Well, welcome to our new home. I hope you are all getting settled in, and finding your quarters adequate. Your new Oak Leaves, I see, look good on all of you! VIRON As you know, we don't have enough staff right now to run two messes, SO for the time being we all eat together - - you should be with your batallion seating. MAL As such - for the time being, we are going to use the officer's mess for a Corps Club. As you can see, it has been reworked that way. (MORE) 15. MAL (CONT'D) (Indicating around the room) And this end will be the "stage" for anything we can find for entertainment - and this usage as well - briefings, and such. HERNIN Commander - MAL Hernin? HERNIN This isn't the usual situation you know... MAL I know - but we all came up through the ranks, and I feel that although we are the leaders, we should also have the contact with our men and ladies as much as possible. If things work out - we will have our own mess in the future. But for right now, I think this will increase the closeness which I am hoping will make this into a better fighting unit. HERNIN I can buy that - but what about the club part? MAL Well we won't be going out much. Zareb has not got anything much in the way of entertainment facilities, and we would just overload what they have if we dumped our Corps on it.. So - We decided that this would provide some kind of off duty relief here at home. VIRON Also Hernin, you haven't seen the stockades yet... HERNIN Stockades? 16. VIRON Well we also have decided that this is going to be a closed Corps. If you remember what happened at Okteck - the place was too wide open. So we - the Ring that is - decided that we would close up our camp. BELOR So when is the prison coming? VIRON Prison? BELOR This is starting to sound like some kind of internment camp or something like that. MAL If you remember old friend - the Binah Guard saved our asses at Nestike - their camps look like this, and I would like to forge our unit into a big Binah Guard type of operation. BELOR So you are going to make us into the Binah Guard? MAL No - but we will train like one, and fight like one when we are done. The days of bench sitting are over. VIRON Belor - maybe you were wondering why we got the old number of 150th? BELOR Well yes that also seems a bit strange - most corps today are in the "600" to "700" range... VIRON It seems that upper command is going to try to make or should I say remake the old days come back - We have been getting too soft, which is why there is the constant attacks on the realm. They don't fear us anymore. 17. HELCOR I get it - so we are the first? MAL Yes so it seems. I need your help to weld this into a major fighting unit. We will take our old tactics, and some of the Binah tactics, and make them our own. ERICA Speaking of tactics - this is why we will be in the stockade for our camp - to keep the things going on here - out of sight, and out of anyone's knowledge. HELCOR So how big is this thing going to be? ERICA Our guess - when it is finished, will be about twenty-eight acres. Enough to cover both the camp and our two drill fields, and a few other things. MAL There will be several guard towers, which will be manned at all times, and several closed gates, which will also be manned... HERNIN So who's going to man them? VIRON Your batallions or should I say companies will - we will work out a rotating schedule for watchkeeping, and everybody will have a turn at this. HERNIN So who goes first? MAL Well - I though we would start with Helcor's first - "A" company - then your "A" company then Belor's "A" - then rotate back to Helcor - "B" and so on.. 18. HELCOR So when does command company get a turn? MAL Command company will stand watch when everybody needs a break. Probably about the middle of each sequence - they already have enough to do keeping this place running. HELCOR That doesn't seem fair.... MAL Helcor - you want mess duty? OR laundry? OR medical? OR armory? HELCOR Pass - - alright I guess... VIRON Basically - it's one day on and then several days off as we rotate through the corps. Watch shift changes after noon mess each day. You gentlemen will have to have your watch standing list into Command about a week before - less the sick list or other casualties. HERNIN So how many men will be needed? VIRON About a company of seventy five men or so. The watch will be broken up into four sections, with a "dog watch" of about two hours for dinner. Men will rotate between towers, gates, and general camp patrol. HERNIN Camp patrol? VIRON Yes - we will have a roaming camp patrol to investigate anything which looks suspicious, and keep things running.They will also keep a watch on the perimeter Guards... and see to it all posts are manned and ready. 19. HERNIN How many will be needed for that? VIRON Out of the seventy five - about ten to fifteen will be on walking patrol in groups of three each. The Company Commander will be the officer of the day - and his lead sargent will be the sargent of the guard as it was. MAL We will have the rest of this out for you shortly, along with pass words to get into or out of camp, and all the rest.. HELCOR Pass words? MAL Helcor - this is going to be a closed camp - I don't want anyone in here who is not of the 150th VKC without somebody knowing who - when - or why. ELLIE The Camp Erection people say it should be ready in a few days - so get on this with your staffs - and company Commanders, and have them draw up a guard bill - they have about one hundred men/women in each company - so they only need three quarters of them for each guard duty section . . MAL Gentlemen? Any other questions? - - then let's get this club going - - All rise - as if to make a formal leave . . MAL (continuing) At ease - this isn't my style of command - on the field maybe - but here in camp we are going to work more like an extended family, and see how that works. Discipline is by example, not rank and position. 20. The group of officers now forms up at the other end of the room where the bar has been set up - a round of drinks is shared - - FADE OUT. IT IS NOW TWO WEEKS LATER, AND THE STOCKADE WITH TWELVE TOWERS AND A DOUBLE WALL - WITH A RAMMED EARTH CENTER IS IN PLACE. THREE GATES, A LARGE MAIN ONE, WITH A PASS THRU SMALL GATE - AND TWO SMALLER ONES ONE SURROUND THE CAMP. Field uniforms all. FADE IN: Mal and Erica are walking out towards the drill field.... Erica is starting to work with the First Batallion on tactics. MAL Well Erica, it is starting to look like a Castle - - ERICA My thoughts exactly - only this one is made of wood instead of stone. MAL If we had it made of stone, I think Command would regard us as something else... ERICA Are we going to have a water barrier? MAL No - that would be too Castle like,,, just what we have here.. Looks good too! ERICA Yes I like it, I can work well within these walls, and not have our plans seen by outsiders.... MAL Well - here comes Helcor and his crew - train them well - ERICA All right Skipper - - see you later.. Mal walks off leaving Erica to tend to the training. 21. Helcor now approaches Erica.. HELCOR Morning my Lady! We are ready! ERICA Morning Helcor! - I see most of the old 730th men are in First... who got the new ones? HELCOR Belor - he's got most of the rest. Hernin has about two thirds of our old crew, so this group shouldn't be too hard to work with. ERICA Let's get the rust off - and get the men started! HELCOR You are on - - (To the Men) Fall into positions by company! First Batallion now forms up into companies. HELCOR (continuing) Welcome to the new Corps Men! This is your first series of training exercises, and new things will be added a bit later on. Commander Tac Erica will be leading today's workout! ERICA Morning gentlemen! - I hope your new surroundings are agreeing with you! - We have work to do. Most of you are of our old Corps, so you all remember what happened at Nestike!! All look on and agree - heads are seen nodding, and faces made at the remembrance of the outcome of their last battle.... ERICA (continuing) We did a good job there - considering - and now we are going to do better in the future. (MORE) 22. ERICA (CONT'D) The Stockade is here to keep what we do to ourselves, and I hope what you learn here - and do here - will be kept within these walls. Our very survival and existence on the battlefield will depend on it. Erica now moves more to the center of the field - and towards the men. ERICA (continuing) So now we begin. I WANT COMPANIES "A" THRU "D" ON THIS SIDE - - "E" THRU "H" ON THIS SIDE - - (indicating positions) And I want you to go into an attack position. The companies start to form up - - and get ready to attack the other "side" ERICA (continuing) Now I want you to attack the other side - working around me - so I can watch your action. HELCOR Batallion!!! ATTACK!!! As the companies start working into each other - Erica gets swallowed up in the midst of the action. Erica gets crushed and dinged a few times as the lines clash around her. Finally - she draws her practice sword - and starts clearing her own hole. The men are surprised at how well she cuts through lines, men and formations of men.. After awhile - the lines have exhausted themselves at this drill... ERICA (continuing) All right - let's take a break! That was pretty good men! Your lines held together very well - and I liked your barge into the other side - - 23. HELCOR Erica - you fought well too my Lady! ERICA Yes Helcor - and your men can take a lesson from that - - never under estimate your opponents. Always be prepared for the unexpected. HELCOR You always fight that hard? ERICA Helcor - why do you think I am a TAC? After taking a breather - it is time for the next round..... ERICA (continuing) All right men - do you remember the BAG and CUT OFF movement we used at Nestike? Some look like they do - others just nod - - and others are mystified.... ERICA (continuing) Very well! - then I will demonstrate - - I NEED "A" THRU "D" to form up on either side - - two companies to a side.. "A" - "B" form upon one side - - "C" - "D" form up the other... ERICA (continuing) Now we will do this slowly - at first - - and you guys just let Helcor and me do the action. Erica indicates the lines start to close up - - Then Helcor joins her - - They demonstrate the movement - - The first side - "A" - "B" attacking, and "C" - "D" forming the bag.... As the "C" - "D" start to drop back a bit they shove the "A" - "B" men into it. As the bag forms - more men are shoved into it.. 24. Then the bag closes. Two lines now attack the men in the bag, and the remaining men standing in front. ERICA All right - now you have seen it. Let's do it! Erica and Helcor step out of the way - - Helcor gives the signal to start - - HELCOR Into them MEN!!! "C" - "D" - BAG FORMATION!! The men start the action, it goes well - slowly - then with speed the bag is made up and cut off. A few mistakes, but all in all it goes well. Then they have a go at it the other way around. After more tries - the whole batallion gets into the act working four companies into four companies. ERICA Good drill today Helcor - - over at the other field, keep them working on this one - and next week we are going to try the Binah Charge... HELCOR Charge? You mean the one with the pike men? ERICA Yes - we have a new weapon Kellix's men came up with - it looks like a pike, but it is shorter - and has an axe head with a spike. HELCOR SO THIS is the reason for the stockade? ERICA Yes Helcor - this and new tactics - and a few other things. THIS Corps is going to be a nasty one to get tangled up with.. 25. HELCOR Great! - so how many men will you need for the new weapon training? ERICA The Ring thinks about a company... HELCOR How do you intend to fight this new system? ERICA We will have them interspaced with the others, kind of like the Binah guard does - - and working with them, and in between them.... HELCOR I see - - so how soon? ERICA Early next week - probably - - we will work this out behind the command Ring barracks first - out of sight - - HELCOR All right my Lady... Helcor now leaves towards his men - to work with them on his own... Erica leaves heading for the Armory - to check up on things there..... DISSOLVE TO: INT. CORPS ARMORY - Field uniforms all. FADE IN: Basically an armory - forge - men working on weapons - some ready to go, others in the process of being made. Erica walks into the Armory - - ERICA Kellix - how are things going? Kellix looks up, then comes over to her - 26. KELLIX AH!! My Lady Erica! The new weapon is coming along fine! Kellix pulls out the new weapon.. KELLIX (continuing) And here it is! - a sparaxe - just as the Ring ordered! - it has a nice cutting edge, a blunt back side for pushing aside, or just dinging, and a nice spear point for thrusting! - AND we added this - - Pointing to the bottom - KELLIX (continuing) It is a hand stopper - so the thing will not be able to be pulled out of the men's hands! Erica takes the weapon into her hands - - - Examines it - - ERICA Oohhh - Kellix - this is just perfect! She swings it about a few times - - ERICA (continuing) Nice balance! KELLIX And we made it just about four and a half feet long, so it will reach through lines, and between men without problems! ERICA Very nice Kellix! - - Do you have the practice ones made yet? KELLIX Yes my Lady! - - here are three of them! Pulls them out - hands them to Erica - 27. ERICA Thanks! - I'll take these back to the CRQ - and let you know how they work out - -for now make them JUST LIKE this one!! She hands the one she has had back to Kellix... KELLIX Very good my Lady! Erica takes the three sparaxes with her - As she leaves for the Command Ring Barracks FADE OUT. MEANWHILE - BACK AT MALACAR'S QUARTERS - Barracks uniforms - all FADE IN: Mal is seated behind the desk - examining training report schedules - - and thumbing through some of the Messenger post......... Vironica enters with a post message.. VIRON Mal - I have heard back from Valerie - MAL Oh? And what does the Lady have to say..?? VIRON Well it says - -""Greetings to all the 150th Command Ring. I have read your missive of the twenty first of Virgon, I would like to meet with you to discuss this further. Rather than your staff and all coming over here to the 18th area, I would like to come and stay with you and your staff for a few days to evaluate the position, and your needs. Kindly let me know by return post. - - //ss// Valerie... 18th 790th VKC"" 28. MAL Good! - Draft a note back - and tell her two weeks from now would be all right. - Also have somebody from Command company scrounge up enough stuff to set up one of the spare rooms here in CRQ for her to stay in. VIRON Done - I'll have Viac get the note in the afternoon post... and get on Gelor to find some stuff - - Just then Erica strolls in with the new sparaxe.... Field uniform - Erica. Viron looks at Erica like she's the Black Forces.. VIRON (continuing) Good God!! We are being invaded - - WHAT IS THAT gruesome looking thing? ERICA Hi Viron - - like it? Mal, Ellie and I dreamed this thing up - - and had Kellix make these up! MAL It's our new secret weapon - - designed to be fast, light, and effective. VIRON Looking at the thing - - I'd say it was effective... ERICA Here - take one and try it! Viron takes one of the sparaxes and swings it around - and tries a few chops - - VIRON Hey!! This is great!! - SO how are we going to use this? 29. MAL We are working that out right now. I thought it could work like the Binah Guard and cut through lines, and do other things like that - ONLY this is smaller - and lighter - and faster.. VIRON So who's going to use this? We already have almost a full corps.. ERICA We are going to train one company from each Batallion to work in and with the rest of them - maybe two companies - and our own "150th Charge" to go with it. Sort of a "Footmen and Sparmen lead the Charge" type of thing. MAL Tomorrow we are going to try this with the Command company and see how it works on a small group - then with one of the Batallions, then the whole corps. VIRON All right! - Good luck on your new toy - have fun - see you later... Viron leaves to find Viac to send out the post message - Erica gives one of the sparaxes to Mal - ERICA Here - you try this! Mal takes the sparaxe and also swings it around and tries a few chops - - - MAL Just beautiful! - JUST WHAT WE NEED! ERICA Training is going well - First is basically a bit rusty - but ready. I'll work with Second Tomorrow - and Third the day after that. 30. MAL That's good - I'll start working with command company on this new angle we have here. Ummm - Third may be a bit of a problem - ERICA Why? MAL Well from what I see here in the training schedules, they are all bench sitters. You may need a few days with them. ERICA Right! - I agree - well we will see - this could be better or worse - depending on how the officers can inspire them.... MAL (looking out the window) Sun is low - ready for dinner yet? ERICA Sure am! - Long day in the field - Let me go and change and I'll go with you! MAL In about ten minutes or so? ERICA You are on Skipper! Erica leaves to change - the sparaxes are left in Mal's office. Mal keeps fingering the one Erica gave him . A wry smile crosses his face as he imagines how they will work in battle.. Shortly Erica returns.. ERICA (continuing) Ready to go? MAL My Lady..... 31. Erica takes his arm, and leaves the barracks... FADE OUT. End of Act 2 ACT 3 OLD DOGS - NEW TRICKS EXT. THE BAILEY OUT BEHIND COMMAND RING QUARTERS Field uniforms - all. FADE IN: A couple of days later, Mal has recruited about thirty members of the Command Company Staff - for a special training, to work out the new Sparaxe. Assembled, the crew is cooks, messengers, quartermaster and other staff members. Mal walks up to the milling group - MAL Well, good afternoon all! - As you already know, this is not going to be a bench Corps, but a fighting one. As you have guessed, the CC is going to fight - but basically as our standing reserve. So you should be ready for anything. Mal pulls out the three Sparaxes he has - MAL (continuing) Now - THIS IS A NEW WEAPON! - You may have seen one similar but a bigger version. This is ours - we designed it for close quarter combat, and you are going to be the first to try it out. It has training edges - which are blunt, but it will still injure - so take it easy on each other. Mal now selects the two teams to make up the attacking and defending sides for this exercise. 32. The group has brought training swords (blunt) and shields for the afternoon, expecting just drill..... About this time, JEROD, the Command company leader strolls in to watch the action... MAL (continuing) AHH Jerod! - Nice to see you! You want to get in on the fun? JEROD Mal! - I guess in a bit - let me see what's going on first.. MAL All right! Why don't you sit down over there (indicating out of the way) And get a good view.... Jerod moves over to the side - - MAL (continuing) All right now! - this side (indicating) Is going to be the red...AND this side is going to be the blue (indicating) The two sides form up as indicated.... Mal straightens out the lines about ten feet apart.... MAL (continuing) Now - the red team will get the Sparaxes first. Picking three men at random, hands them the Sparaxes . . Then places them - first between the second and third man,second between the fifth and sixth man, and finally third between the eight and ninth man. 33. MAL (continuing) There - that should be right! Now when you attack - the outside two men of the Sparaxe teams push into the opposing lines, opening them up just a bit, and the Sparaxe man chops a hole in front of him. Then the three of you rush forward - cutting your way through - and repeat - until you are behind the other lines, then attack at will from there. THE OUTSIDE two footmen protect the column. When you are hit, you go down for this exercise.... All Right? The men nod in agreement they understand... MAL (continuing) CORPS - 150th CHARGE!!!! The red team charges into the blue - the footmen opening holes, the Sparaxe men chopping and slicing through the lines..... JEROD That was almost too easy MAL!!! MAL That was the idea - Binah Guard does almost the same thing, except we have a shorter pike type weapon to not just thrust - but to hammer and cut as well.. JEROD I see they got the idea real fast.. MAL Well if I give you this - Taking one from one of the men - - MAL (continuing) And let you handle it, what do you think you will do with it? Jerod takes the Sparaxe from Mal - almost instinctively starts swinging it, and chopping with it... 34. JEROD I see what you mean.... I like the stopper on the bottom.... MAL Yes! That was another innovation - we are going to sharpen the inner side of the axe head so just pulling it back will rip through something JEROD Good idea! MAL You ready to try it in the lines? JEROD You are on Skipper! MAL All right - BLUE has the Sparaxes - - The axes are exchanged - and lines reform - - Jerod joins the Blue team.. Mal adjusts the lines - placing the Sparaxe men where they were (approximately) but this time on the other team. MAL (continuing) INTO THEM!! 150th Corps CHARGE!! The two teams charge into each other - same results - - lots of action , the men spreading the opposing numbers apart - the Sparaxe men chopping, slicing, thrusting, and otherwise whamming holes in the lines.... The other footmen have also been working hard doing the same thing - but with less results. JEROD I like this! - How many you guys get made up? MAL Right now we are shooting for about one hundred, for the Corps... about thirty to a Batallion...and the rest for you guys. Several men are hurt in this last overly enthusiastic exchange - - so Mal call a halt for now... 35. MAL (continuing) All right - that was good men - let's not get too carried away for now - JUST take it easy when you are training, and save the real thrust for the enemy! Mal indicates for all to sit on the grass.. MAL (continuing) So now you know what is up.. I will need you to show the Batallions how this works. Basically next week I want this Command Squad to be out on the training field, and we will have you show how this works. Jerod - - JEROD Yes Mal!! MAL Jerod - you are in charge of this team... work with them, you know the drill now - so get them ready for the training, I will get a few more Sparaxes ready for them... Jerod takes over the training drill, Mal walks off towards the Barracks - heading for his office... DISSOLVE TO: INT. MAL'S OFFICE / QUARTERS FADE IN: As Mal walks into the office - Viac is sorting thru the morning post.... MAL Anything from anyplace important? VIAC Well just this from command..... Waving a packet around..... Mal takes it from her.... Opens it... 36. MAL Ut - oh - VIAC Bad news? MAL Kernin, it seems is taking a tour of the Corps in this district, next month, and wants to stop by our place to have a look see how we are doing.... VIAC Does he know what we are doing? MAL Nope - I haven't told anyone about anything here yet... VIAC You think he'll be upset with things? MAL I hope not.. just get things ready for him, and pass the word - and keep everything 150th - to ourselves... VIAC You are on Skipper! FADE OUT. TWO WEEKS PASS, THE TRAINING IS GOING WELL. THE BATALLIONS ARE GETTING THE IDEA OF THE SPARAXE - AND HOW IT WORKS. Guard - 150th personal - barracks uniforms. Valerie and Tess - Field uniforms. FADE IN: Along the road from town, two VKC officers approach the front gate...... >>From behind the rampart - the guard calls... GUARD HALT! Who goes there - STATE your BUSINESS!!! 37. VALERIE The people in Zareb said I would find the 150th VKC about a mile out of town along this road... GUARD Identify yourself! VALERIE I am Flag Captain Valerie of the 18th 790th with Tess!! GUARD Hold on while I check! The guard checks his pass list for visitors - - Then lets Valerie into the Gate House... A messenger is sent to CRQ - and returns shortly with Vironica... VIRON Valerie? VALERIE Malacar? VIRON No I am Commander First Officer Vironica, Mal's base Commander.. VALERIE This is the 150th? VIRON Yes... come this way please, and bring your ADC with you. Valerie follows Viron as they walk through the camp. Tess follows along behind... VALERIE This doesn't look like a Valkyrie Corps Camp, my Lady.. VIRON It is, we are just something else - that's all. VALERIE This is well laid out, and it looks like a Binah Guard camp.. 38. VIRON Well, yes it does, but we are still VKC - none the less.... had your Aide - de - Camp long? VALERIE Tess has been with me since I got out of Caer Anne, she is a good assistant. VIRON I understand that you are well qualified to handle problems with upper echelons... VALERIE Yes I am, I had special training to deal with the paper work and the political problems of command. VIRON Ahh here we are - - They arrive at the Command Ring Quarters... FADE TO: EXT. / INT. MAL'S OFFICE As they enter the building - Valerie notices the display on the right.. VALERIE Interesting - who is she? I think I know her.... VIRON Commander Executive Officer Jennacon, she was killed at Nestike - - VALERIE Nice - - very nice - - you always do this for your fallen? VIRON Jennacon is the first we lost, so we thought that Jennacon should always be remembered here at our home. Entering Mal's office.. Mal is seated behind the desk.. 39. Mal rises to greet the incoming party... MAL Afternoon Ladies . . . I take it this is Valerie? VIRON Yes Commander - Flag Captain Valerie of the 18th 790th VKC and her ADC Tess.. Mal shakes hands all around... MAL Please be seated - both of you? (indicating) Viron - would you have Gelor bring us some refreshments? VIRON Yes Skipper! Viron leaves to find Gelor, and have him bring some refreshments.... MAL So tell me Valerie - what brings you to our Corps? I mean besides the offer of being our new Executive? VALERIE Well I had heard that this unit was forming through the chain of command, and I also heard that you would be needing staff, so when this offer came in, I though I'd try for it. MAL I take it from your flag status, you are a combat trained officer? VALERIE Yes I am, I have been with the 790th for about three years, and if I was to move up, I'd have to find another Corps, as our officer positions are full. MAL All right, then you know that this Corps is a fighting Corps, and not just bench sitting.... 40. VALERIE I took that from my first impressions, the stockade and the Guards.. Most camps are not set up like this.. MAL Yes, you are right. There has been too much openness with the Corps for my taste, and we thought that we should close our camp to the outside for security reasons, and our own protection. VALERIE Is it not true that this looks like Binah Guard? MAL Yes, the similarities are there - I spent a bit of my time, when I was a lieutenant working out of a Guard camp, and was impressed with their fighting efficiency, and closed camp. So when I finally got my own show - I thought it would be appropriate to do the same. Viron returns... followed shortly by Gelor - with a tray of coffee... MAL (continuing) Ahhh! Thank you Gelor! - Taking a cup - and then has the rest passed out Each takes one, Viron sits on the bed... VIRON So Valerie - had a good trip down? VALERIE Yes, thank you! VIRON We have arranged for you to stay here in the Command Barracks while you are here. Your room is just down the hall, and Tess will bunk with you. 41. VALERIE That would be just fine. MAL Why don't you go and get them settled in Viron?... Then we can have a Ring meeting after evening mess.. and she can meet the rest of our crew. The group finished their drinks, making small talk, then the three ladies leave for Valerie's quarters. DISSOLVE TO: Later in the evening - same day - INT. MALACAR'S QUARTERS Barracks uniforms - all. - 150th - patches - 790th - patches where it would be...seen.. FADE IN: Present - Mal, Viron, Erica, Ellie, Vion, Viac.. and Valerie and Tess... A bit crowded, but - MAL Valerie - I'd like you to meet the Ring - First Officer Vironica, you already met, my TAC Erica, engineering officer - Ellison, our medical officer - Vion, and our chronicler - Viac . . Ladies - this is Valerie of the 790th, and her ADC Tess, who has come to fill the position of executive Officer, and possibly join our Ring...Ladies... They shake hands all around - - - Mal indicates to sit... Vironica, Vion and Viac sit on the bed - Erica and Ellie sit on the floor near by, Mal sits back down behind the desk, Valerie and Tess sit on the chairs in front of the desk... 42. MAL (continuing) Viron? VIRON So Valerie, tell us a little about yourself . . and your training... VALERIE Well, I graduated class of 66.430, along with Jennacon, I knew her when she just started out, but we lost contact - I have worked with both the 15th 740th and the 18th 790th as an assistant executive officer - to Dullis at the 790th - I have had the executive training course at Caer Anne . . and have worked as a trouble shooter for Dullis for the past year and a half. I am sad to hear that Jenni is lost... but I hope I can follow in her footsteps...and be an able exec for your Ring... ERICA Valerie, have you had any experience as a Ring officer? VALERIE No, not as of yet, but I do understand the operational part of it, and the personal part of it.... ELLIE Is Tess an officer? VALERIE No, not as of yet, she is still my sargent, acting as ADC, although when I did find a permanent post I was intending to send her thru Caer Anne... ELLIE Under which program? VALERIE Well - there seems to be enough command officers, so I thought that the Staff and Support program would be the best. 43. VION Tell us what awards and other things you have either earned, or have been given.. VALERIE Well for starters, I have the "Order of the Realm" - third class for action at Gesto Ridge III - twenty - two battle ribbons, Knighthood in Combat award, the Corps Knighthood award, and several others, like "Survivor of the Firestorm" and "Action for the 790th" VIRON You are aware of the past actions of the old 730th? VALERIE Yes I am, I know all about it from the reports and the buzz at command. MAL Then you know why this unit was formed? VALERIE Yes I do - to try to bring back some of the old glory and fighting spirit of the Corps - and to resurrect the old 150th VKC... Gelor arrives with coffee for the crew - Passes them around - Everybody takes one - MAL Thank you Gelor! Gelor now leaves.... Mal takes a long sip, thinks for a bit - MAL (continuing) Then you realize that by joining our crew, you will be exposed to danger... VALERIE Yes I do, and I accept that as part of the job.. 44. MAL We will need to test your combat skills of course... VALERIE Yes I am aware of that .. MAL You also know that Jenni died covering my back? VALERIE No, I did not know that - MAL In our new combat formation for the Ring, Viron will be taking her place, and you will be covering strong side.. VALERIE I can accept that... MAL Is Tess combat ready? VALERIE Yes, she is - MAL All right - we will test both of you in the next few days - - we will let you settle into our routines first... VIRON The job offer is for Executive officer - as such you will report to Mal and me - and handle the affairs of this Corps - from here - (indicating the floor) Upwards through the command chain.. VALERIE Yes I know - MAL If you are asked to join our crew - would you accept being a Ring officer? VALERIE If that is also part of the offer, then I would accept - if you would have me - as a Ring officer.... 45. VIRON What about Tess? VALERIE Tess is not an officer as of yet, but since I am pledged to her, I would take her with me, as a Ring ADC, and have her share with the Ring - mind - body - and spirit - as all Ring officers do. MAL Tess? Would you accept the offer of being a Ring member? TESS I am ready to offer my mind, body and spirit for the Realm, in any capacity, and would consider it an honor to be part of your Ring. MAL Tess - you do understand what is being offered - don't you? TESS If you mean sir, that I am to work with all of you, as the Ring ADC, share my thoughts, and actions with you, and share my body and bunk with all of you... then I do understand... THAT even though I am not yet an officer, I will be considered as an equal in this group, working with you, acting with you, and if need be, dying with you. MAL Well you have the basic part of it - you will of course have to go onto Caer Anne in the future - TESS Yes I do know . . MAL All right then - - let's go over to the club, and meet the rest of the Corps - - ladies - - 46. The group rises - and proceeds to break up and head for the Corps Club.... FADE OUT. FADE IN: A series of photo montages - - showing Valerie and Tess working into routine - 1) Morning mess - - 2) Working with Vironica 3) Out for the afternoon with the Ring at drill 4) Working with Erica on some project... 5) Evenings at the Corps Club... No dialog through these scenes - just photos showing things are going well. FADE TO: Late afternoon several days later - - INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms all. FADE IN: Mal is seated behind the desk .. . Jerod walks in . . JEROD You wanted to see me Skipper? MAL Yes Jerod! - come in - sit down! Jerod comes over and sits down... MAL (continuing) How do you feel about beating up a Valkyrie officer? JEROD Mal? 47. MAL When you were with us in the old 730th - you were quite good at defending yourself.... JEROD Granted - and your idea? MAL We need to test Valerie and Tess for weapons proficiency - and to see how they hold up in combat.... you want the job? JEROD Ummm - - I guess - what does it entail? MAL Well you pad up and have a full go at it, as it was... give her a good thrashing... JEROD So what makes you think she's soft? MAL She's been in command for several years as an assistant exec, and they usually don't do a whole lot of field fighting. JEROD And? MAL Well I think that she's a bit rusty - and I want to know just how well she can handle a sword - and absorb incoming... JEROD If you insist - I usually don't beat up our own you know...but - - for you I will give it my best shot . . MAL That's the spirit - I'm planning it for tomorrow afternoon - that all right with you? JEROD Sure - no problem . . 48. MAL Good - after noon mess tomorrow then! Jerod rises, and leaves - Mal goes back to the paper work on the desk.. FADE TO: EXT. THE BAILEY OUT BEHIND COMMAND RING QUARTERS.. THE FOLLOWING AFTERNOON - - Field uniforms - all. Mal and the Ring have gathered - Jerod, Valerie and Tess are padded up for the sparing. MAL Whenever you two are ready - we will take Jerod and Valerie first . . JEROD Attack Valerie.... VALERIE Defend Jerod... Valerie has at Jerod - A series of slashings - then a chop Jerod well deflects these - misses the chop Takes a glancing hit off his helmet.. Shakes that off.. Jerod makes a feint towards Valerie - Catches her as she steps back - and he lunges forward.. Hits her in the belly.. VALERIE (continuing) Owwww that hurt! JEROD Sorry! 49. VALERIE I bet you are - you did that on purpose! - - Valerie now barges towards Jerod - he side steps - but Valerie is ready, She instead stops, and swings around and catches Jerod full in the chest- Jerod goes down Valerie steps over him, and rams her sword down into him.... VALERIE (continuing) Die you bastard! JEROD (coughing) All right I give up... MAL Nice move Valerie - where did you learn that? VALERIE You aren't the only one who has spent time with the Binah Guards Mal... MAL Oh! I see - - never mind... Mal helps Jerod up - MAL (continuing) Ready for Tess? JEROD No - (still coughing) - - you kill her.... MAL All right - change out of the pads - and I'll have at Tess.. Jerod strips off the pads, Mal puts them on... 50. MAL (continuing) Ready Tess? TESS When you are Sir! MAL Tess attack! Tess comes at Mal - swinging into him. Mal deflects this off - Mal catches her under the arm with an up cut, Tess reels back from the impact - She then comes at Mal with an overhand chop.. Mal waits - then steps aside - and hits Tess on the back with gloved hand - nearly sending her sprawling Tess catches herself - - turns - tries a round house on Mal.. Mal jumps back - feints a barge Tess reacts - tries to side step - Mal does a double step - Then throws a foot into her mid section Tess doubles over from the impact... Mal then knocks her down - And thrusts thru her - - Just over the left breast... TESS All right Commander - - I give.. MAL Good fight Tess - you are very good! Mal extends his hand to Tess, Helping her get up.. 51. VALERIE I see your time at the Binah Guards was well spent too Mal... MAL Yes it was Valerie - want to go? VALERIE If you wish Commander... MAL Valerie attack!! VALERIE Commander - Defend!! Valerie comes at Mal - swings - stops - then tries an upper cut... Mal sees it coming - Waits - turns to avoid her stroke - swings wide - then side strokes Valerie - Catching her in the back Valerie catches herself - swings into a chop - then moves it sideways.... Mal sees it coming - but his timing is off a bit - takes a hit in the side.. Mal double steps - Valerie anticipates - - Mal starts a barge - - stops - lunges - Catches Valerie full in the mid section between her breasts.. Valerie sucks a lot of air - - catches her breath - swings at Mal - Mal deflects . . then.. Shoots a foot into her belly - low - Valerie drops to her knees - Mal kicks her over - - Thrusts into her lower belly.... 52. MAL Sorry Valerie - you are dead.. VALERIE I give Commander . . good fight... Mal helps her up... MAL You both are very good! - My Compliments to both of you.. VALERIE Thanks Commander - but we both ended up rather dead... MAL I hope neither of you is hurt... TESS No I think we are both fine - I hurt a bit - but am alright.. VALERIE Fine - - just give me a bit of time... VIRON Well I see the Binah Guards time was well spent! MAL And you should know my Lady Viron - you were with me.. The group now decamps for the barracks - - A shower - and dinner follow... FADE OUT. End of Act 3. 53. ACT 4 - THE BRASS COMES CALLING INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms - all. It is now about a week later.. Valerie and Tess have been working into the Ring and the Corps nicely. Late one afternoon, the group assembles in Mal's office - Viac enters, waving a packet.. VIAC Mal - post message from Command.. MAL Now what do they want? Mal opens the packet.... Reads through it - - MAL (continuing) Hmmm - Seems Kernin will be here on the sixth of Sergon, that's two weeks from today. Viac - have the staff get this place ready - and all the rest.. VIAC All right Skipper - The rest of the Ring slowly drifts into the office.. MAL Well I see we are all here - where's Ellie? VIRON She will be along shortly... MAL Well you all know why we are here...So do we make the offer to Valerie and Tess? ERICA I would like to see them in our Ring.. 54. VIRON My vote for both of them - IT would be a good addition - they know their jobs, and would make things a lot easier around here... VION She did a good job at the 790th as assistant - so - - Ellie enters MAL Ellie? Where have you been? ELLIE Busy with things - what's up? MAL How do you feel about Valerie and Tess? ELLIE Fine by me - good officers both of them. VIAC She knows the paperwork drills - so my vote is for her.. MAL All right - how about joining the Ring? VIRON Fine - no problem... The rest of the Ring also agrees.. MAL All right then - we will make her the offer tonite after evening mess... The group filters out, and Mal goes back to his paperwork. FADE TO: INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms - all. Late that same evening, after mess - the group is assembled in Mal's office... The Ring stand behind the desk, behind Mal, seated... 55. Gelor escorts Valerie and Tess into the room... MAL Good evening Valerie and Tess! VALERIE Good evening Commander - TESS Good evening Commander- MAL You know why we are assembled - - Both nod in assent. MAL Viron? VIRON Captain Valerie, it is the wish of the Ring that you are asked to join us as our new Executive Officer. Also in this is the offer that you join our Ring, and become one with us. Valerie looks on for a few moments, then - VALERIE I will accept your offer... VIRON Sargent Tess - it is the wish of the Ring, that you are asked to join us as our ADC, and also that you join our Ring, and become one of us. TESS I will accept your kind offer. MAL Thank you ladies for accepting our offer . . as such - - Mal rises, and pulls out of his pocket the "jewelry" Walking around the desk... 56. MAL (continuing) Captain Valerie - you are hereby promoted to the Ring position of Commander Executive Officer, and officially now part of this Ring... Pinning on the one star to her left collar..and one "lightning bolt" as exec, to the other. MAL (continuing) Congratulations ... VALERIE Thank you sir... Mal now comes over to Tess... MAL Sargent Tess - you are hereby promoted to the Ring position of Staff Captain, acting, and officially now part of this Ring. Pins a set of Captain's bars on the left collar, and a scribe's plume, crossed by a "lightening bolt" to the other... MAL Tess - as you are not an officer yet, this is an "acting position", when you complete your course at Caer Anne - you will be promoted to Major, as it is fitting for a Ring officer.. TESS Thank you sir! VIRON And now - - Pulling Mal's field sword out - - Viron rolls up her sleeve, of her sword hand - the rest of the Ring follow - - Valerie and Tess also seeing the group do so - follow. Viron makes a small cut on her arm, the rest of the Ring also cut themselves on Mal's sword - - Mal last. Each spread their blood on the sword blade, then 57. All grasp it with their sword hand... Mal last.. VIRON Repeat after me...."" I - (your name) Do solemnly swear that I will defend... and sacrifice myself for my fellow knights, and Ring members.....that I am now of - one MIND - - one BREATH - - one BLOOD and - - one BODY with this Ring.- - that this bond will hold until - - my passing . . "" There is a long moment of silence.... Mal nods, the Ring now lets go of his sword.. He hands it back to Viron... Erica hands Mal the next items... MAL Val and Tess, as new members of this Corps - I wish to present you with your Corps Patches . . He hands six to each... MAL (continuing) We will cut your orders for your transfer to our unit in the morning.. VALERIE I have already gotten my post ready to resign from the 790th - I will post it in the morning.. VIRON Very well - - Gelor now returns with eight tankards of Ale... Each takes one - Valerie and Tess first, the rest of the Ring follow - Mal last... MAL To our new officers.. ALL To our new officers! 58. All take a long draft off the ale... MAL When you two get your things brought over here, you will set up in the quarters you now have...Bunking all right with you two? VALERIE Yes - Tess and I can bunk together TESS No problem with me... VIRON Tess - of course you will need to change out your decorations - your enlisted awards can be displayed in quarters, but not worn... TESS Yes, I understand . VIRON As our new officer - Mal and I have come up with this - it's your first Officer Award - - Pulls out a ribbon . . ERICA This is from the old 150th - it's the "Member of the Corps" award - and given to those who belong to this unit.. MAL Tess - this is for becoming one of us.. as such - as you are now - IT is given when an enlisted becomes an officer.. So it is appropriate. It signifies a field promotion, and as this Corps has a lot of firsts, you are our First Field Promotion. TESS Thank you! Mal pins the ribbon on Tess's left side - just above her breast.... 59. The group now heads for the Corps Club - to celebrate their new members, and then retire for the night. FADE OUT. IT IS NOW TWO WEEKS LATER - THE CAMP IS READY FOR INSPECTION. SIGNS HAVE BEEN PUT UP ON THE RIGHT BUILDINGS, AND OTHER THINGS HAVE BEEN MADE READY. Just inside the Guard House - the last sign goes up - - "FORT JENNACON" EXT. THE FRONT GATE AREA - Command staff - Field uniforms. 150th Corps - Barracks uniforms. 150th Command Ring - Dress uniforms. FADE IN: Walking up the road from Zareb - comes four Valkyrie Officers.... KERNIN What?? Grando - you see this? GRANDO Yes sir! - This must be the 150th VKC . KERNIN You know about this? GRANDO Well Kerri told Mal to close up last time we met, so I guess this is his way of doing it... KERNIN What else did Kerri tell Mal? GRANDO Well you will see sir! They approach the front gate.. GUARD HALT!! WHO goes there?? State your BUSINESS! 60. KERNIN Grand Commander Kernin, Command Staff, and crew.. The guard checks his list, then sends a messenger to the CRQ... Mal, Viron, Val, and Erica return with him. MAL All right - let them in.... The guard opens the gate.. Kernin, Grando, and the other two staffers enter... MAL (continuing) Welcome to Fort Jennacon - Grand Commander Kernin (saluting - all 150th Ring) Kernin returns the staff salute - KERNIN Mal - what have you got here? MAL Just what Kerri said to do - form a new Corps, and we just closed it up! KERNIN I take it there is a reason? MAL Yes sir! You will see, as you inspect us... KERNIN Very well! - MAL We will escort you to your quarters Sir! EXT. / INT. / MALACAR'S QUARTERS Mal and the Ring take Kernin over to the CRQ - and get him settled in one of the rooms, the rest are stuffed into another.... On entering - Kernin notices the memorial to Jennacon.. 61. KERNIN So - I see you have remembered Jennacon MAL Yes Sir! KERNIN Very nice - - very nice indeed...Looks like standard base quarters . . so why the Stockade? MAL Too much has been leaking out, too much has been going on, so we err - Kerri thought when we formed this Corps - we should close up. KERNIN Looks like the Binah Guard.. MAL That was the idea.. KERNIN You fight like them too? MAL We are trying sir! GRANDO Well Mal, it looks good - so what's new? The crew walk into Mal's office... MAL Well sir for one - THIS - - Pulls out the SPARAXE.. KERNIN OH I see - - new weapon? MAL We developed it ourselves, and would like to keep it to ourselves for now.. GRANDO And I take it new formations and tactics as well? 62. MAL Well yes - that is all part of the deal.. KERNIN Well - I see you are going to be the old 150th - and you are doing the same things Lesker did... MAL Sir? KERNIN Lesker was an innovator - he made his mark by coming up with new ideas, and things like that - you are following in his footsteps. MAL Thank you Sir! GRANDO So far this looks very good Mal - - congratulations... KERNIN Yes - very good... MAL Gentlemen - it time for mess - I hope you do not mind eating with the corps.. KERNIN Corps? Don't you have an officer's mess? MAL For right now sir - - no we don't. Ring feels that the Corps should eat and live together as much as possible, to forge the Corps together.. KERNIN Just like Lesker.... The group now leaves for noon mess.. DISSOLVE TO: 63. AFTER NOON MESS - THE GROUP HEADS FOR THE DRILL FIELDS.. EXT. DRILL FIELD. MOST - Field uniforms. 150th Ring - Dress uniforms. Kernin wants to see how the battlefield tactics are coming. On Field One, is the First and Second Batallion. On Field Two - is Third Batallion, and the Command company. MAL Commander - we have set up two situations for you to watch - here in this field you will see the standard field attack and defense... KERNIN All right! MAL Helcor - - Hernin - BEGIN!! The two Batallions form up in lines - HELCOR First Batallion ATTACK! HERNIN Second Batallion DEFEND!! The two Batallions slam into each other... Lines look good. The Barge works well.. Kernin is surprised at the next move - HELCOR First Batallion - BAG!!! First forms the Bag and Cut Off - Lines are holding, and the exercise works well.. MAL Reverse field, First defend - Second attack! 64. Lines reform - the same action, but in reverse so Kernin can see that both Batallions work the same way, and both are well trained. First and Second now are retired from the field, and let to return to their quarters. KERNIN Very nice Commander...I see you have done well with so many in such a short time.... MAL Thank you sir! GRANDO Now what about this new weapon? MAL AHH! - Now you will see why this camp is closed... Moving over to field Two... MAL (continuing) Here we are! KERNIN Where is the other Batallion??, I see only one? VIRON Well that is the good part.. you see Commander - the other Batallion is the Command company.. KERNIN COMMAND COMPANY??????? GRANDO Oh this ought to be good - they are outnumber ten to one... ERICA Just wait and watch Gentlemen... MAL Jerod - Belor - Begin!! Belor from the third forms up into standard lines - ready to attack.. 65. Jerod forms his small crew - about one hundred men and women into the "Guard Formation" BELOR Third Batallion -ATTACK!!! JEROD Command company - - "150th CORPS CHARGE" The small command company with the sparaxe men slam into Third... Third holds, then starts coming apart, as the command sparaxe teams work their way into them - Reserves are eaten up by the other footmen from command with help from the Sparmen... KERNIN Good GOD! I have never seen such a fight! - Mal - what have you been up to? MAL Up to SIR? - Isn't it obvious? KERNIN Does you whole Corps fight like this? MAL Yes sir! - and we have Sparmen for and within each Batallion... KERNIN If the bench sitters fight like this - how does the whole Corps fight? MAL Well you saw them earlier Sir! - and we have added the Sparmen - - GRANDO Kerri was right Mal - if you are this good here, and even better on the field - some day you will wear Sheridan's stars... MAL Now I wouldn't go that far Grando...Commander - for now we would like to keep this little secret here with us if that is all right with you.. 66. KERNIN For now, you may have your new secret weapon, but after your first few battles, we will probably expand this to the rest of the Armies...all right? MAL Yes that would be fine, I would rather spring this on the Black Forces without their knowledge for the first few times.. KERNIN Granted. Mal waves the other two off the field.... KERNIN (continuing) So let's see the rest of this compound.. MAL Fort Jennacon, sir! KERNIN You named your place for Jenni? MAL Yes sir! - It was fitting - and she would have been proud to serve here. KERNIN Well I was a bit reluctant to give you your own place, but Kerri and Sheridan thought better - - Kernin looking around, and still remembering the drill field exercises, and everything he's seen...... KERNIN (continuing) I agree, you are a compassionate, caring, kind, and considerate - - - blood thirsty, nasty, and dangerous pirate.... MAL Well thank you sir! KERNIN How long till you are ready for battle? 67. MAL I would guess we should have everything ready in about a month or so - just a few things to sort out... KERNIN Very well - I will put your group on the active list. . I see you have a new executive officer.. MAL Oh Yes, I almost forgot - - Commander Kernin, this is Commander Executive Officer Valerie.. KERNIN Nice to meet you my Lady.. VALERIE Nice to meet you Sir! - I look forward to working with you on this Corps's behalf. The two shake hands... Then walk through the camp,inspecting things, poking into corners, and otherwise having a good look around. FADE OUT. MEANWHILE - BACK AT MALACAR'S QUARTERS INT. MAL'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms all. FADE IN: Kernin and company stay for a few days, then move on in their inspections... It is after evening mess... Mal is sitting on the bed talking with Viron, and Erica.. MAL Boy! Am I glad their gone! - I couldn't take any more of their poking around.. ERICA You said it Skipper - I hate the brass around here... 68. VIRON Well we at least showed off our stuff! MAL And did they not look good? VIRON I'll say! - Our corps really shined... ERICA I just hope they don't find some real tough nut for us to bust... VIRON Yes, that would be their way - - well, we will see... MAL Anyway - our Corps looked good - - and they seem happy about it. ERICA Corps club anyone? MAL I'll buy - - let's go!! The group leaves for the club.... FADE OUT. End of Act 4 ACT 5 - INTERLUDE IT IS NOW SIX MONTHS LATER, THE CORPS IS NOW WORKING LIKE A MACHINE. INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms - all. Mal is seated behind the desk.... Viac comes in with the morning post.. MAL Morning Viac - - what's up? 69. VIAC Well Skipper - we got two things from command - - and a few notes from others - and this from Commander Kerricar... MAL All right - let me see the official post first... VIAC This should be good - it's from Kernin - - hmm - both are from Kernin.. MAL Just hand them over my Lady.. Mal takes the packets, looks at the dating, opens the earliest one first. MAL (continuing) Hmmm - it's our condition report.. VIAC Really? They send those out yet? MAL Says here - - "" Is in excellent condition, Corps seems ready for anything. Good camp conditions, good morale, and good battle skills. . "" VIAC Can I see it? Mal hands it to her - as he opens the other missive.. MAL Ut - oh . . VIAC Mal? MAL Our first assignment - hmmmm - - and it says - - to ready to move in about two weeks,...hmmmm . . he is sending Major Verlis along to give us the intelligence briefing..... (MORE) 70. MAL (CONT'D) (looking up) Viac - - give this to Erica, and tell her to get ready . . and bring it to the staff meeting... VIAC All right! MAL Give me Kerricar's missive.. VIAC Kerricar..... (sorting thru the pile) Here it is Mal.. Handing it to him... Mal opens it - - - MAL Hmmmm . . congrats and all that - - Kernin was impressed with your staff and Corps - raving on something about a weapon . . got hot at me because I didn't tell him about our system of Camp.... and so on....hmmm good luck and good hunting in the future..//ss// Kerricar - - Hands it to Viac - - MAL (continuing) Show that around too - and bring them all to the staff meeting this afternoon. VIAC Very good...anything else . . ?? MAL Not for now - - Viac leaves . . Mal goes back to paper work.. FADE OUT. 71. LATE THE FOLLOWING WEEK - VERLIS SHOWS UP AT THE 150TH. INT. CORPS CLUB / NOW A BRIEFING ROOM.. Barracks uniforms - 150th - Field uniform - Verlis. FADE IN: VERLIS has set up a couple of maps, and has his notes organized, The Ring and the front officers walk in... Verlis is surprised at the casual attitude.. MAL Major Verlis, I take it.. VERLIS Yes, your guard showed me into here - MAL We were not told you would be staying with us, so we just figured you would brief us and leave.... VERLIS Commander - this is a MAJOR operation - I will be with you till it is finished.. ARE you always this informal? MAL In this camp - we are family. Formal is for upper echelons, and brass hats. THIS is a fighting CORPS MAJOR... Verlis looks stunned - he is not used to this kind of treatment. ERICA From what we have learned on our own, this shouldn't be that big anyway.. VERLIS And what do you know? ERICA AS TAC I SHOULD KNOW 72. VERLIS As Tac - you should also know that we are up against a very slippery foe. ERICA Foe - schmoe - let's get on with the dog and pony show. VERLIS Commander - are your people always this short? MAL You came here - we didn't go there. - JUST get on with it. VERLIS All right then.. Directing the group's attention to the maps VERLIS (continuing) For the past month or so, the Realm has had the Black 410th running around the 16th and 22nd area. We have had several attacks - (indicating on the map) Here at Nellin, and Ferent. - the Realm has had three Corps out looking for them, and the 18th 340th ran into them near the Keleb Transfer point about a week ago. <<"The Black" are a short hand reference to the Quipolleth - one of the other "Kingdoms" who keep on invading ours - "The Kerenth">> MAL So what happened? VERLIS They got a beating, but not badly mauled. They lost about one third of the men, without inflicting substantial damage to the 410th. MAL So now what? VERLIS Well Mal - if you let me go on.. MAL My pleasure.. 73. VERLIS What we are going to try to do is squeeze them into some kind of trap, and then attack them. Turning to the map.... VERLIS (continuing) The 18th 710th and the 18th 690th are going to march through and around in Black Territory here - near Keleb, where we think they are hiding, and reforming. Indicating on the map VERLIS (continuing) Kernin wants you to be the stopper in the bottle. The idea is to force them onto Realm Territory, and then destroy them. We will do this by forcing them out of where they are by the two 18th Corps, and you will meet them coming this way. MAL All right so when do the brass hats want us in the field? - and WHERE? VERLIS COMMAND, Commander - wished your Corps to be in the field in two days time, and on the road to Kellix . near Keleb. Mal, who had been sitting with his hand up next to his face, Turns and looks at Viron at this - - Then touches his nose.. Viron does the same back.... MAL Done . . you going to need someplace to stay? OR should we just board you here? VERLIS It would be nice if I could sit in on your staff meeting 74. MAL No can do. YOU are not 150th. VERLIS Commander - I was told to MAL (cutting him off) YOU WERE TOLD TO SPY ON US MAJOR!!! I have seen this hundreds of times as I came up through the Corps - IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK HERE MAJOR!!! Verlis looks absolutely stunned at Mal's attack... MAL (continuing) Erica - grab the maps and the briefing, and find this GENT a room in the GUARD HOUSE till we leave. We will take him with us. Erica grabs the maps, briefing, and heads for the door- VERLIS You can't... He is cut off as Helcor and Hernin grab him and take him to the Guard House - and stuff him in a cell. MAL Office - NOW!! The group moves quickly to the CRQ office FADE TO: INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE The group assembles.. FADE IN: Barracks uniforms - all. Erica spreads out the maps on the bed . . The group assembles around it.. MAL All right - now let's see..... Mal goes over the briefing from command... 75. MAL (continuing) Hmm - towns here and here (indicating) ...Erica? Do you think this is right? ERICA Looks like their tactics, could be right.. VIRON If my guess would be counted.. I'd say they were working out of the Valley of Aeor... MAL Why? VIRON Look at the map - all the attacks have been just within about a days' march of there - they could hit and run back - ERICA That makes sense - the 18th Corps have been running around all over the place - and haven't hit anything - yet.. VALERIE You guys are in big enough trouble already you know.. MAL Why Val? VALERIE You locked up the intelligence officer from Command.. MAL Stuff it for now - deal with it later - we have a battle to plan.. ERICA Well - if we are going to hit them - let's try here (indicating on the map) Near the town of Bellix - not Kellix - 76. MAL That sounds right - it could be a screw up in the spelling - and Kellix is far from the Black Territory anyway, and no where near the Keleb transfer point. ERICA Bellix is about a half day's march towards Black Territory - and about the same for them... MAL Hernin and Helcor - I want you two to march as wings. Belor - I want you to march in the center with us, and have Command company hold down the fort until we get back. VALERIE What about Verlis? MAL If he is a spy - from either our side or the other - we will stick him up front with the point. Problem solved. VALERIE Not so fast Mal - if he is legit, we could be in trouble. MAL Why? VALERIE You are making your own orders, and not following Command... MAL If I followed command - I would be dead by now - those brass hats wouldn't know a fight if it came to them...AND I AM getting a woodie - this smells good! VALERIE If this blows up... MAL We are all going down together - - you wanted in with this Ring - now you are into it - UP TO YOUR NECK! 77. HELCOR We can be ready to march by afternoon mess tomorrow. HERNIN My Batallion is ready - JEROD Same here - let's go get them! MAL That's my Corps! FADE OUT. End of ACT 5 ACT 6 - ENTRE ACTE - THE BARQUE RIVER BRIDGE THE 150TH FORMS UP, AND MARCHES OUT OF CAMP It is a day and a half, later- Early morning. Field uniforms all. EXT. CAMP MAIN GATE Boots and Saddles sounds! MAL 150th Valkyrie corps!!! FORWARD MARCH! As the camp moves out, Hernin stops by the Guard House and grabs Verlis, and shoves him in with the Second Batallion Officers. VERLIS Thanks for the night Major! - It was a nightmare staying in that cell.. HERNIN Just march along will see for yourself what this Corps is about shortly enough I think.. 78. VERLIS Where are we going? This is the wrong way!! HERNIN Be quiet Major - this is our show. VERLIS I'll see you all in irons for this Major.. HERNIN If you are not careful Major - we will use you for the bait.. EXT. REALM TERRITORY TOWARDS THE WEST Twenty miles down the road - they come to the Barque River... MAL Erica - bring that map over here.. Erica comes over with the map.. MAL (continuing) If we follow the river - it will take us to Bellix via this route, and save some time... ERICA That's good Mal - I agree... Viron? VIRON Yes - it will save time, and our men will get there fresher. MAL Done - we go by this route (Indicating first on the map - then in the air) Hernin!! Hernin comes over - - MAL (continuing) Look - we can save some time by marching through this valley - here - get your point out, and follow that route.. have Helcor and Belor come over here.. 79. HERNIN All right Skipper.. Hernin now leaves and has the other two Majors to come over.. He also gets out a point company from his Batallion to work the front of the March - ready for action. Verlis is stuffed in the point company. MAL All right guys - here's the plan - we march thru the Barque River Valley to Bellix, it will save time, and get us there fresher. I want you two to cover the ridge, above us, and provide a reserve behind us, both for action, and to cover us if we are attacked from behind... Helcor - you got the Ridge..keep your eyes open, and ON US. HELCOR You are on Skipper MAL Belor - you follow along behind.,,. BELOR Got it Skipper.. MAL Now let's MOVE - CORPS - FORWARD!! EXT. BARQUE RIVER VALLEY As they move down into the Barque Valley - the scenery changes - it was rolling, and is now steeper as they move along... VIRON I don't like the looks of this.. MAL Why? VIRON We could be attacked from above MAL Helcor is covering that. VIRON All right - - but - - 80. MAL Don't worry - this will work out fine.. Through the canyon of the Dry Well, the Corps marches. The land slowly flattens out again.. Merging into a river bottom forest... Mal calls a short halt, while he studies the map.. On the map, it shows the forest just ending before the bridge and landing ahead.... MAL Hmmm . looks like this forest just edges out into the landing, and a bridge up ahead about umm two miles... Erica - - ERICA Yes? MAL How wide is this river beyond the bridge up ahead? ERICA My sources tell me about two hundred yards wide, and about two feet deep. MAL We can then cover both sides of this river when we reach that point. Have Hernin start out again, and we will keep our eyes open.... I am getting that funny feeling again - the enemy is near - someplace.. ERICA I'll pass the word. The Corps now slowly moves out, feeling for the Black 410th - someplace out beyond their sight. Hernin's men are tense as they probe along out on the point.... Up on the ridge - nothing is happening.. Helcor's men are easing along, watching the valley below - and around them... Everybody can sense the presence of the enemy - 81. Someplace - maybe very near... Suddenly - there is a flagman - up on the ridge - VIRON Mal - Helcor's flagman - - MAL Viron - get the message.. VIRON H-a-v-e e-n-e-m-y i-n-v-i-e-w r- e-a-r g-u-a-r-d H- Viron spreads her arms out in the "K" position - indicating "understood" MAL Flagman! The flagman comes forward - - MAL (continuing) Send this message - ""Main body must be ahead - attack when you hear us do -"" The flagman sends the message - He gets an "understood" - "K" from Helcor's man. As they round a bend - - EXT. THE BARQUE RIVER BRIDGE The bridge comes into view in the distance.... On Mal's map there is a landing and a wide spot on the river bank... Just beyond the tree line, now about two hundred yards ahead. Hernin's point suddenly stops - - Word is flashed back - - "410th Black forces CAMP AHEAD." Mal receives this news with a smile... Directing his men - quietly - - he has them form up... Walking along almost in full battleline, 82. Through the trees, Until they almost come out... Mal moves up to the front.. In front of him is the 410th - still in camp. He looks at the scene, turns, Holding his hand above his head, Spreading his hand wide - and waving it around - To indicate a wide frontal attack.... NOW directing for full charge - The corps forms up. Sparmen and Footmen teams in place. MAL Bring Verlis forward.... Verlis is brought forward.. MAL (continuing) All right - now what do you say?? Verlis looks over the scene - - and can not understand why intelligence was wrong.... VERLIS Sorry Mal - I was just following orders.. MAL Following orders will get you killed - or just left out of the fun. VERLIS I just do not understand... MAL Forget it - want to join us? VERLIS For the charge? MAL Yup! 83. VERLIS You are on! MAL (in full command call) 150th Valkyrie - CHARGE!!!!! Full charge is heard on the bugle call.. The 150th blows out of the trees - sparmen and footmen leading the way. Helcor up on the ridge - hearing the bugle call Charges forward into their rear guard - HELCOR (In full command call) First Batallion - CHARGE!!! Full charge is heard up on the ridge... EXT. BARQUE RIVER LANDING The first teams sprint the two hundred yards. They start attacking the camp.. Part of Hernin's Batallion come around the river side, As the others charge right into the 410th's camp. The 410th Black is caught flat footed. The on rushing 150th main body tears through their camp like a machine.... First contact is cutting down men fast... Black officers are seen trying to rally - then cut down from behind, as the Second rushes in.. They try to form a battle line, but the sparmen and footmen hack it apart almost as fast as they form lines. Black footmen body parts are flying all over the place as the sparmen are hacking them apart - - VKC Footmen are skewering and hacking others as this runs. Some Black forces try to escape up the valley wall to their rear guard... Helcor's men, now seeing the incoming from below - 84. Start attacking the Black footmen as they come up- The rear guard has had the same fate - the first has just torn them apart. No one survives from the Black Rear Guard... NOW Helcor pours down the valley wall into the rear of the 410th camp. The pincers close. MAL (in a loud command tone) Finish them all off! Belor now joins the fight - his teams haven't had any fun today - now Third is unleashed on the remaining Black 410th. Third starts chasing down the escaping Black 410th's men, and finishing off whatever they can catch.. Part of the Third start to mop up small pockets of Black footmen who have found some refuge.. VIRON Mal - behind you - SAPPERS!! Mal turns around - a hidden nest of Black footmen now charge the officers line. Mal grabs his sword - cuts one man down - deflects another - - One rushes for Valerie - She does an over hand chop - nearly cutting him in two.. Five Black footmen rush the Ring from the side - - Tess swinging a sparaxe decapitates one man - then on the return stroke - cuts thru another - pushes a third into Erica... the fourth and fifth attack Mal and Viron. Another group attacks the other side of the line... Vion skewers one, and Viac another - and pushes another off towards Erica.. Erica cuts this one down, and skewers the last coming at her - Putting her foot on his body to get purchase - Kicks it away. 85. Mal and Viron are fighting off the last two at them - - The action has been fast... Verlis has been sort of in the middle of all of this - watching and in wonder at the fighting machine - Which is the RING... Finally the remaining Black officers try a suicide charge at the officer's line.... Tess sees this coming - and nearly chops a Black Major in half - swings around and knocks another in the head with the back of the sparaxe, and as he falls, runs him through with the spear point... Her hair pin up falling out.. Her long blonde hair swishing wildly in the action.. Two others charge at Mal and Viron - - They handily cut them down.... The scene is turning into a blood bath -the whole 410th Black Forces, are gone. The action is quickly dying down. Mal and the Ring walk over to Hernin... MAL So - this was fun - - Hernin - how you doing? HERNIN Not bad Mal - I'll let you know in a bit . . MAL All right! - Good show all! Mal and the ring now start walking thru the totaled camp. Verlis has seen major battles before - but THIS - - Bodies all over the place... Heads - - arms - in some cases - unidentifiable body parts - all over the place. 86. MAL (continuing) Well ladies - I think we got the whole bag! VIRON It sure looks like it - (glancing around) over here (indicating) It looks like the command tent - Mal walks over... MAL Erica! - - Come over here! Erica walks over to the tent... MAL (continuing) Check this mess out! ERICA Hmmm - give me a few minutes... Erica grabs what she can find.. She starts looking thru the materials... Maps - Black corps rosters - battle plans.. And two rather late Black officers, one of whom seems to be the leader - by his Colonel rank insignia.. ERICA (continuing) Looks like the chronicler - and the commander of the 410th.. Mal kicks the two bodies over - - MAL Yup - very late it seems - - killed themselves... ERICA Judging from the rosters - - when we get a body count, - I think we got them all... MAL Verlis? 87. VERLIS Mal? MAL Can you read their writing? VERLIS Yes I can MAL Tell me who and how many from this record.. Erica hands him the rosters.. Verlis looks at the rosters.. VERLIS That - I take it (indicating) is their Commander - a Colonel Dredet - and his assistant and chronicler - a Major Frenzl... (flipping thru the roster quickly) hmm about twenty five hundred....I think... MAL Grab that sword - it's MINE.. (indicating Dredet's) And his too - - (indicating the Major's) War trophies...all..also (indicating) Strip off the uniforms - I want those for the display of our first kill - tunics, and helmets - The footmen nearby strip the Colonel's and Major's tunics off.. and grab their helmets... HERNIN Field secured Mal - we got them all.. MAL Good! Any escape? HERNIN Nope - my men chased the others down and finished them all off. MAL Where's Helcor? 88. The ring looks around . . Now coming up and smiling widely is Helcor. MAL (continuing) Helcor? HELCOR Mal - we got them all up on the ridge - no one escaped... MAL Valkyrie casualties? HELCOR None from my sector - all are well. HERNIN A have a few small wounded, nothing to report, but all are alive if that is what you are asking Mal.. MAL Vion - see to them - - VIRON All right Skipper! Vion walks over towards Hernin's small group of men and ladies, grouped together - Directs the field medics and does some repair work herself... Belor now walks up MAL Belor - Report! BELOR All is secured Mal - no Valkyries down. We chased the rest of the stragglers down - and finished them all off! MAL Good! Then let's get out of here - and let the buzzards do their work! - Stack the camp and burn what is left of their gear - - TAKE all the Trophies you want. The 150th loots the camp, 89. Stacks the remaining gear... And sets a large bonfire. As the flames roar up.. MAL (continuing) 150th Valkyrie corps - - FORM UP!!! Boots and saddles sounds - - MAL (continuing) FORWARD - - MARCH!!! The Corps is laden down with the Black 410th's gear as souvenirs... But is marching light as night falls. It a half night's march back to the camp - - Arriving just before dawn.. The triumphant 150th returns to Fort Jennacon - FADE OUT. NOW - THREE DAYS LATER BACK AT FORT JENNACON.. The Corps has had time to rest, and glow in their victory. EXT. FORT JENNACON'S DRILL FIELDS Barracks uniforms all. FADE IN: The Corps forms up on the two drill fields.. MAL Ladies and Gentlemen! - We have just had our first Victory! Here's to you all for your valiant efforts! VIRON You will all be awarded the battle ribbon for the "Barque River Bridge" battle. 90. MAL The souvenirs you all took - are yours to keep as a sign of your first blood for this Corps. Always remember what we did there - and keep up the good work all of you! The Barque River Bridge ribbon is given to the the members of the Corps. The Ring now personally pins them on them. They are then dismissed for two weeks leave... A little while later on... DISSOLVE TO: MALACAR'S OFFICE INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE The ring comes in for the debriefing... MAL Well - - what have WE to send to Command? VIRON Total victory - I guess ERICA From the body count, we got them all Mal - - MAL Viac - send the usual post battle report to Kernin . and tell him - he's got problems in command.. VALERIE Mal - I don't know about... MAL Now what Val? VALERIE Mal, if you start to carp at command they may come down here and do something... 91. MAL Val - there are other things you do not know about - - Viac - just send it to Kernin . . then see me in private - I have a special message to send by runner.. FADE OUT. End of Act 6 ACT 7 - EPILOG IT IS NOW ABOUT THREE WEEKS LATER. THE REPORTS HAVE BEEN SENT TO COMMAND... INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Kerricar (KERRI) and Kernin, and his staff - field uniforms. 150th - barracks uniforms - all. FADE IN: Mal is seated, as usual, behind the desk... Vironica and Erica are seated in front of him... Crown Defense Minister Kerricar, has been "hiding out" at the 150th - waiting for this day - The Ring has kept quiet about his presence at Fort Jennacon..... MAL Well if Kerri is right, we should have some action soon... VIRON I don't know about this Mal... MAL If there is trouble in Command - this should get something going... wait for it.. ERICA You do realize that we should have sent those swords we brought back - to the Black Forces Mal.... 92. MAL Tough. It was my first victory, and I want the prize for it. A guard appears at the door . . GUARD Commander - there are some Command Officers at the front gate, demanding to be shown in here... MAL (to Erica) Alert Kerri - (to the Guard) Stall them for a bit then let them in.. GUARD Very good Sir! Erica leaves for a bit then returns... The storm is now about to break... Kerri arrives at Mal's office... KERRI Mal - you ready? MAL Yes Sir - - KERRI Just push him - HARD - and don't worry. MAL Very good your lordship! Kerri slips into the next room down the hall - Erica and Ellie's, and waits... The guard returns.. GUARD Commander - - Command.... Kernin, Grando and two other officer storm in... Grando steps over into the corner.. KERNIN MALACAR!!! - WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Mal and the ring just sit there.. 93. MAL Sir? KERNIN We told you where to go, and you went else where . . We sent you an intelligence briefing, and an officer, and you locked him up!! MAL So? Your intelligence was wrong. KERNIN You will come to attention! MAL Stuff it Commander - KERNIN I'll have your whole Corps busted out.. MAL (pulling his sleeve dagger, and rising) KERNIN, your whole command is corrupt. (waving his dagger at Kernin) THAT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING WAS A LOAD OF BULL. There wasn't a Black anything anywhere near Kellix - in fact Kellix is way far away from Keleb..... (ramming the dagger in the desk) AND IF YOU OR YOUR STAFF EVER COMES DOWN HERE AGAIN...... KERRI STOP!!!! The whole room suddenly comes to an abrupt stand still.. Kerri walks into the middle of the room.. Grando is standing grinning in the corner now... KERRI (continuing) At ease Mal..... Kernin - although you are the Command Director for the whole Corps, THIS IS MY CORPS...and Commander Malacar is working for me. 94. KERNIN The 150th works for Crown directly? (looking aghast) Minister Kerricar? KERRI Grando has been keeping an eye out in command looking for the problems - and we found a lot of them. YOUR WHOLE intelligence unit is honey combed with Black and Dernge agents. THAT is how they know what we are up to, and giving outdated, misleading and false information to the Corps... KERNIN Grando works for you? Kerri walks over and gets in Kernin's face... KERRI Now I would suggest that in the future - you send the information down here - to the 150th, with your KIND REQUEST that they do something about it... and let them handle the thing their own way. Their own people figured out what was going on, and found the Black 410th on their own.... KERNIN Yes, your excellency!!- KERRI AND IN THE FUTURE - Commander - unless you wish to be back in the front lines as a footman again, I would suggest that you go back to Command - and clean up your own house . . . NOW!! KERNIN Yes, your excellency! - KERRI Now get out of my sight!, AND DO something about COMMAND!! Kernin now makes an abrupt leave - Taking Grando and the other two with him...... 95. KERRI Mal, my thanks to all here, and the Ring especially for helping the Crown break up the spy rings...your special messengers, and posts pointed to the source of the problem. . . MAL Thank you Sir! KERRI Where is acting Captain Tess? MAL Over at the Armory I think - last time I saw her.. KERRI Send for her please... Mal steps out for a bit.... He has the messenger on duty find Tess, and bring her over to CRQ.. Shortly Tess returns.. As she walks in... she is surprised to see Kerri standing there TESS Father! - what are you doing here? MAL (quietly to the other two) Ut - oh! The two of them embrace . . KERRI My daughter! It is good to see you again. I see from the battle reports you did very well. TESS As you always taught me... KERRI Tess, it says your position is acting... (MORE) 96. KERRI (CONT'D) as of this date - (turning to the surprised Mal) Mal have Viac make this official - - (turning back to Tess) You are now officially a full Captain... TESS Thank you dad... KERRI And as such - (pulling out papers) This is your entry ticket for Caer Anne, taking the accelerated Command Support Training. As you are a very good warrior already, and a member of this Ring, - we will waive the Battle Training. TESS Oh thank you DAD..... KERRI This concludes this meeting - - Mal? MAL Sir??? KERRI Corps Club! - - I'm buying!! MAL Very Good Sir!! The group leaves for the Club, picking up the rest of the Ring on the way... (To be Continued) FADE OUT. End of Act 7 THE END Final fade to black.. By - 97. Commander Viac am Malacar del Kalix, AGXCC Chronicler A17th 150th Valkyrie Ranger Battle Group Sil Xennonoc, Isle of Kalix "The Greatest defeat for a man, is to die on the edge of a woman's sword.." The Book of Life... ACE Date - 72.892.133 That's Part II, next - "Braxton Ridge" Excerpted from the "Lore of the Corps" - the Story of the 150th Valkyrie.