The School - Chapter 1 by robfromny The adventures and experiences of several people associated with a very special School run by girls. This story will be told from many character perspectives. I start off with two right now but hope to include many more in subsequent chapters. Please send any thoughts, comments or suggestions to Thank you. The First Day Jason's Perspective I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I had seen beautiful girls before, but nothing like her. She was probably a year younger then my 15 years. She was extremely athletic though, tight sinewy muscled arms, flat tummy, toned thighs. Small but firm breasts. Sparkling blue eyes on an angelic face with soft but warm features. Long auburn hair cascading off of her shoulders. She was wearing the same outfit all of the instructors had on. A short white mini skirt with a cropped sleeveless t, white sneakers, no socks. She had the same honest, wholesome no nonsense approach the other instructors had as well. "Weren't you 4 instructed that there would be no talking?" She said this as a question but I knew she already knew the answer. She eyed each of us firmly. The 4 she was speaking of was myself, Danny, Carmine and Megan. I didn't know the other three until a few minutes ago. Not long after each of our parents dropped us off at this desolate school, hidden in the Catskill Mountains about 3 hours from New York City. My father was very pensive on the drive up, but my mother seemed barely able to contain her excitement. We said our good byes and were ushered into this small room with the other 3. The girl before us introduced herself. "Hello and welcome to our school. My name is Lisa and I will be your first term primary instructor. Please wait here while I settle some paperwork with your parents. And no talking please." She had an amazing smile but she quickly left the room. As soon as the door closed, Danny spoke first. "I can't believe this shit. Where the fuck are we man?" "Shhhh. She said no talking." This was Carmine. He was close to tears. "Fuck that shit. I'll talk whenever I damn well please." "He's right," Megan added. "We are going to get in trouble." "What the fuck do you know?" Megan moved in front of Danny. "My brother is a senior here asshole." "Fuck bitch, who are you calling asshole?" He started pointing in her face in the way I've seen black kids do it in videos. Carmine was now trembling, moving further away into the corner of the room. Megan just turned her back which seemed to enrage Danny even more. Danny was a tough kid, big in the shoulders and chest. The type of kid who would bully me or beat me up in my last school. Megan was pretty in a quiet way. She maybe suspected she was beautiful but did her best to hide the fact. No makeup, hair short and not really styled. Big clothes covering her small body. Carmine was clearly scared. It did not seem it would take much to scare Carmine. He had a round face, messy hair. Soft round body. As for me, I always considered myself average. Medium height and build. Neither quiet nor loud. I avoided the jocks and the stoners equally in my last school. My last school. It was not a place I enjoyed but it was a place I understood. A childhood friend of my mom's told her about this school and assured her it would be the best thing that ever happened to me. My dad was less certain but he could not argue with its success rate or its list of extremely successful graduates. So when my grades went south the second half of 9th grade and I failed to join any clubs or sports teams, my parents agreed I would begin 10th grade here. Again, I didn't like school, but I understood how it worked. The teachers told you what to do, you complained about it but eventually made some feeble attempt and hopefully passed and moved on. Here, everything so far seemed upside down. I had yet to see a real "teacher". All I saw were these young girls like Lisa. All between the ages 13 and 17. All of them sharing Lisa's outfit, and Lisa's sleek athletic build. And Lisa's natural beauty. Danny spun Megan around, "don't turn your back on me cunt!" "wwwwhhyyy ddddon't we jjjjust sit quiet like." This was Carmine who had visible tears now. "You are so stupid. You have no idea what's going to happen do you? We are going to be punished!" "I don't care." "You will care!" Danny looked like he was about to haul off and punch and though I am nobody's hero, I thought maybe I should get involved. "Guys, listen." All three of them turned to me. "Why don't we just wait till she comes back? No use getting all upset just yet. Danny turned to me. "Fuckin genius you are. I aint seen nothing in this hole that scares me." He turns back to Megan just as Lisa enters the room. We all turn to face her. "Weren't you 4 instructed that there would be no talking?" We just stood there. It was odd really, this young girl talking to the four of us like she was in fact our teacher. "So what." This was Danny, of course. "One of the first lessons we teach new students at the school is that not following an instructors orders is a punishable offense." She stood directly in front of Danny. He was a full head taller then her. She managed some how to look him in the eye without appearing to look up. "Fuck you bitch. You aint no teacher." Something happened then. It was very fast. I would later understand it much better but at the time it was mostly a blur. Lisa stepped into Danny and quickly grabbed his wrist, turned, with her one leg between Danny's. She pulled him and he was immediately off balance. She continued the twirl, pulling him with her in a complete circle and in an instant; she had his arm bent behind his back and her arm firmly around his neck in a choke hold. Danny's one free arm flailed about. Her knee was on his ass as she bent him backward. The big kid was struggling but she seemed to hold him with minimal effort. "Please stop struggling Daniel." Danny tried pushing back but could not gain enough leverage. "Fuck that hurts!!!" "Daniel, I am warning you, please stop trying to resist." "Fuck you." She released the arm lock and quickly moved her hand to his neck and did something. Danny yelled in horror. She spun him around and punched him right below his rib cage. He bent over, unable to breath. She leaned over him and put her hands on his back and did another type of pressure point hold and he howled again and crumpled to the floor. He was gasping for breath but was barely moving. Lisa turned to the rest of us. I couldn't believe what I just saw. This young girl had completely incapacitated this thug who must outweigh her by over 50 pounds. He was whimpering on the floor at her feet. Completely gone was the attitude and brashness he had shown only a minute ago. She stepped over him and walked toward Carmine. He backed away as much as he could but he was already against the wall. "I believe you were the second person in the room to speak, correct Carmine?" "I I I ,,.. I'm ssssorry." "Carmine, the second rule that new students at the school need to learn is to answer all questions by instructors truthfully and honestly. Now, were you the second person to speak?" "Yyyessss." "Carmine, all instructors in this school are woman. You will address us by our name, preceded by Miss. Do you understand?" "Yes Miss Lisa." "Very good." With that, she stepped into him and took his wrist and twisted it quickly. In an instant, Carmine was on his knees grasping with his free hand at his twisted arm. She held him easily with one hand. "I understand this hurts a great deal Carmine. I also understand that you did not mean to violate the instruction you were given. However, as you are not trained or disciplined, you were unable to follow a simple instruction. There for, you are being punished." She seemed to twist harder and he was openly crying now. He was about on the floor and she held his wrist easily in her small hand. Megan moved next to her. "OK!! He gets it!" With barely an effort, she took Megan's hand and turned it up. She kicked out her legs and Megan was on the floor. Lisa deftly kicked off her show and placed her foot on Megan's neck. "Don't move please." Now she had them both restrained and struggling. "I need you both to understand that you are never permitted to disobey an instructor and you are never permitted to question a punishment. Do you understand?" Carmine shook his head so quickly I thought it would fall off. Megan just grunted but it was clear the Lisa was only allowing her minimal breath. She let go of Megan's wrist and it just fell to the floor. She gripped Carmine's neck and pinched it. He literally screamed as she let go and he too fell to the floor. Lisa calmly took her foot off of Megan's throat and she gasped, frantically trying to take in oxygen. She walked toward me, so confident. Her young lithe body fairly rippling with athleticism. She was clearly much stronger then I initially thought. And her abilities with, ... what? Jujitsu? Tai Chi? I had no idea what she was using. Whatever it was, she was clearly a master. "The quiet one of the group. You were in fact the last to speak." I must have been in shock, because I remember so little of what happened next. I only knew that I was very scared. This girl had rendered 3 kids my age completely helpless, all three of them on the ground barely moving. All you heard were there moans and cries. I hate being afraid. Mostly because of how it makes me act. I really hated being afraid of this 14 year old girl. I knew the door was locked so escape was not possible unless she gave me her key. Something she did not seem willing to do at the moment. As she approached, the fear in me just grew. I did not want to end up like the others, writhing in pain. I was a guy. She was a younger girl. There was no reason, now that I had a warning, I couldn't defend myself. As she neared, I charged her head first. It was the first big mistake I would make at this school. Unfortunately, it would not be the last. She moved so fast I did not even see what she did. I had my arms around her like I was about to tackle her and as I started to drive her down, she swept my legs from under me with one of hers. As I went down, she got both legs around my waist and held me there. She quickly grabbed my wrist and twisted and pressed it and the most incredible shooting pain went up my arm. It was completely paralyzed. She rolled me onto my back and I tried to move my arm but it just layer there. She straddles me and easily held my other arm down with hers. She put her hand around my throat. "The third rule, Jason, is that an instructor is allowed to physically discipline a student, but a student is never allowed to physically assault an instructor. Do you understand. It was amazing how tight her hand was on my throat. I couldn't breath. I just nodded. She quickly rolled me on my back and put me in a head lock. She move her other hand around my head. Then she just squeezed. The last thing I remember is my face on the floor, Danny still sprawled out in front of me as the room grew dark and I fell into unconsciousness like I was falling into a pit of despair. The First Day Michelle Stark's (Jason's mom) perspective. I was so excited. I had waited for this day since that lunch 8 months ago with Karen. I was so surprised to hear from her. We were close friends in high school. Co- captains of the cheerleading squad, national honor society members, very close friends. But like so many times in life, you get busy with your career, marriage, raising a family, that you lost touch. After high school, we both went away to college. I started interning at the investment bank upon graduation and Karen attended medical school. I met Jim and before I knew it I was a working mom with two kids, a nanny and an SUV. I was happy with my life. Both my husband and I have been very successful in our careers. We enjoy a very active life, physically, intellectually, and yes, sexually. There was only one thing that worried me. My children. Jason was in the middle of 9th grade and for the first time, he was really struggling. He could do the work of that I was sure. He was just lazy. I wish I could say it was him but it was the same with all of her friends. It seems the youth of today has become so apathetic, real achievement is something they neither strive for nor even dream about. My daughter was in the 6th grade and while she had not shown her brother's tendency for laziness, she was 3 years younger. These things were nagging at me when I got the call from Karen. She only said that she'd been thinking about me and was wondering if I'd like to have lunch with her. We met the next day and talked for hours. Our conversation ended up settling on our children. She described her children who were focused, ambitious, courteous, and respectful. They were excelling academically and physically. Her oldest was following in her footsteps and was enrolled in Johns Hopkins pre-med program. She had another at M.I.T. I was in awe. I could only speak minimally about my two underachievers. She was very kind and very understanding. She said that if I wanted, my children could be just as successful as hers. All it would take was commitment on my part, and hard work on theirs. I finally had to ask her what her secret was. She told me about a school. At first, all she told me was that it was very private, but extremely effective. She said she learned about it from a sorority sister she kept in touch with since college. The school founder was a woman with a PHD in Child Psychology who spent years studying different cultures and the techniques societies used in raising children. She paid special attention to what worked and did not work. She also studied human behavior in adults. What different child rearing techniques produced productive and content adults. It was her plan to cull together all of the most effective instructional and discipline techniques that brought about the most productive adult behaviors and use them as the prime directive for instruction at her school. The first thing she learned was that most poor behavior in children and adults were driven by men. I know, big surprise. She also learned that the most effective disciplinarians whether they are parents, supervisors or even prison guards were women. By their nature women are much more in control of their feelings and desires. They are not distracted or greedy in the way men are. So she settled that all her instructors would be women. She also learned that younger women would be far more effective at disciplining the young troubled students she expected at her school. Not just young women, but young attractive women. It was no secret that a beautiful woman is captivating certainly to boys or men but also to woman. I was not sure what type of school this could be. Young women educating? Karen explained that these women, not more then girls really, were given extensive and rigorous training in many disciplines. They lived a life of physical fitness, intellectual attainment and sexual fulfillment. All of them would have to prove proficiency in academics and physical fitness. Additionally, they are all trained in highly advanced martial arts. I have to say, the concept intrigued me. Still, I had trouble imagining a high school run entirely by teenage girls. She said that I needed to come see. After going through a barrage of confidentiality agreements, I was finally allowed to visit the school. What I saw still thrills me to this day. Young confident strong and smart girls directing boys and girls through vigorous athletic workouts, challenging them at the highest academic levels, disciplining unacceptable behavior and guiding the students toward proper and productive lives. I was never more impressed in my entire life. All of these thoughts ran through my head as we drove up to the campus. My husband Jim was apprehensive. I went over everything with him of course, but needless to say, it was a lot for him to handle. Only the fact that the school boosts such a tremendous success record To be continued ... ..