Sarah was big - part 1 by Flat out mean - she ALWAYS gets what she wants. First she must eliminate a rival Sarah was big - really, really big. In fact she was nothing short of huge and she still wasn't happy. She was working on immense and working hard at it. She looked at herself in the mirror and frowned a bit - she needed more bulk. Her arms were bigger around than most men's legs, her chest was stunningly big and made bigger by her huge tits, and her legs were like tree trunks but she wanted more and she would get it. She always got what she wanted. ALWAYS She had come to this small town as the wife of the warden. She was fifteen years younger than the warden. She had needed to find a husband so that she would have someone to support her obsession with the gym and who could support her upwardly mobile lifestyle. She had no time for working. She had met the man and his wife when he was an upwardly mobile federal corrections officer in the local white collar criminal penitentiary. She was their neighbor but had larger designs. She knew that federal workers who volunteered for dangerous, hardship duties made excellent bonuses. Plus, she knew that the man had gotten his job as a political favor to his extremely wealthy family. He was the only heir to an estate valued well over 250 Million dollars. Three days after she found out that the warden was being re-assigned to the newest federal penitentiary which housed the nation's most violent criminals she met the warden's wife for a drink at their house. After the second drink she calmly told the wife that she was going to kill her. The wife laughed and that made Sarah very angry. Sarah grabbed the warden's wife and carried the struggling female out of the house and threw her into the trunk of the warden's wife's car (Sarah was already strong but not nearly as strong as she would become). It was a small town and the keys were always kept in the cars. Sarah drove out to a deserted road on the side of a mountain, opened the trunk, and lifted the smaller female out. The wife tried to run but Sarah easily caught her and brought a punch to the side of the wife's face. The wife fell to the ground and began to beg her former friend for mercy. Sarah flashed an evil smile and replied that sparing her would not work - the wife was in the way and besides killing her would be fun. Sarah waited for the women to get off the ground. Suddenly like a wild animal the wife began to punch and kick Sarah with all she had. Each of the blows simply bounced off the heavily muscled, buxom young Sarah. Sarah simply flashed and evil smile and then laughed. Sarah then easily knocked the older women to the ground. She stood over the much smaller woman and taunted her. "Look at your pathetic, frail little body compared to my work of art. I have more muscle in my left wrist than you have in your entire body. I don't see what that husband of you in your skanky little body. He must have a tiny dick because a real man would break you. It doesn't matter, I don't need him for his dick - I need him for his money. It will be mine - all of it will be mine. Because I am stronger and meaner than either of you could imagine. And, I will tell him before I take it - just like I told you before I killed you. There is nothing either of you can do. I am too much of a bitch to be stopped and I always get what I want." The smaller women pleaded for her life once again and Sarah continued. "I am going to tell him how I eliminated you - every detail about the pain I am about to put you through. I bet that will make his little dick hard. Face it - given a choice he would choose me - any man would." She reached down and rip the older woman's top and continued "Look at that - you call those thing tits - I was bigger than that when I was twelve. These are tits," Sarah said and she proudly displayed here DDD boobs. "Your former husband will die for these." The older women looked up and said - "You can't be this cruel - you can't mean this - we will give you the money." Sarah replied, "No way - killing you will be more fun." Sarah then rocked several punches and kicks at the wife breaking her jaw and several ribs. Blood was everywhere and Sarah loved it all. She had to be careful because she wanted the older woman to suffer and did not want to finish her off too quickly. She propped the women up on a tree and brought several round house kicks into each arm - shattering the bones. She stood beside the women and brought several stumps down on the woman's thighs crushing the bones in the leg. She then calmly waited for the dieing women to gain consciousness and taunted her again. "Maybe I should have just made you my slave," the buxom bitch hissed. "Your mouth would have made a nice toilet and you tongue could have come in handy on occasion. Lets see if you are any good." She then forced the wife's head between her legs and told her to suck as if her life depended on it. She even indicated that if the woman was good she might save her life. Several minutes later she said that the woman was good but she had decided not to spare her. Sarah remarked, "too bad I did not know that earlier - oh well - my only regret is that you did not suffer enough." Sarah heard the woman wail, but the sound disappeared when she crushed the older women's head and face. The warm flow of blood between her legs was extremely satisfying. She came with a force she had not experienced before. Sarah was positively elated. She then loaded the women's destroyed body in the wife's car and simply pushed the car over the edge. The car exploded halfway down the mountain side and finally came to rest 2000 feet below. Nothing would be recognizable inside the shell of the car. Sarah the bitch then took out a cigarette and took a few puffs and then carelessly tossed it down at her feet. The ensuing forest fire would destroy any evidence. She walked over to the bushes and uncovered her convertible Porsche Boaster which she had hidden earlier and drove away from the growing fire. She turned the music up load and thought of the boyfriend who had given her this car. She had used up all his money in about 6 months and then publicly dumped him announcing to a group of his friends that he was too weak, too small, too lame in bed, and too poor to continue to be Sarah's boyfriend. His friends laughed and nicknamed her Sarah the bitch - she loved it. Plain and simple she was a complete bitch and she planned on getting bitchier. Two weeks after the tragedy on the mountain side, Sarah and the warden were married. He had been easy prey. Nobody could resist Sarah's good looks or her awesome body. Plus, the county coroner had just closed to case on his wife's accident so he needed a little consoling. The day she married the warden, Sarah quit her job and began working out more and more. One month later the pair moved to the new town where the high security prison was located. The warden's salary tripled and he was given a six figure bonus for this duty. Plus the warden's parents were both in failing health. Soon the warden would be worth several hundred million dollars and Sarah had not signed a pre-nuptial. When she got to the new town Sarah immediately found the hardest core gym and began working out fanatically. She got bigger and bigger.