Old Friends by first timer two old friends X lovers reunite I had heard she was back in town when the phone rang! My heart skipped a beat knowing it was her, my old girlfriend Tosha. The first woman who busted my balls. God how I loved her back then! We both shared the learning experience of female ball busting. She the buster me the bustee! Using me and my balls she refined her man handling art to a T. My cock has never been so hard sense! Just thinking about her now I'm holding my balls jerking off remembering her commands and of that beautiful tan slim muscular thigh coming up into my balls! The feeling of her total superiority over me as a female and my own inferior status as a weak vulnerable male with balls. She was a natural born ball buster a intelligent athletic lean tall blond, wide hips, a narrow waist and small firm breasts with prominent nipples! She was my ball busting goddess! That was six years ago and now she was back home. I came at the sound of her voice! "Bill guess who"? Tosha Tosha!! OH God Tosha! It's been forever years Tosha how are you? "I'm doing great Bill. I'll tell you all about it! I'm at the Regency the penthouse suite there's a private elevator I'll expect you in twenty minutes I'll notify the desk to expect you ok! Oh and by the way. I hope you still got those big hanging balls like I remember? Or has some little bitch castrated you while I've been gone"? She was giggling! Ha Ha Tosha I said! Yeah I still got them! You want me to bring them with me? She was laughing. "Of course silly! It'll be like old-times! Just you me and your balls! Now hurry and get down here big guy! With that I jumped into the shower and did a quick shave job on my cock and balls, dressed and drove down to the Regency. God the penthouse she must be doing good, better than good. She must be doing excellent. She did have talent. Tall slim the longest legs of any woman I ever met, wide hips narrow waist very little tits and broad shoulders, blond hair with big blue eyes, and a smile that could disarm the meanness of men. In the lobby at the desk I introduced myself.. "Yes Sir take that elevator marked private. MissTosha is expecting you". On the ride up my cock started tenting my pants. So I thought I'd surprise her. I undid my belt and stepped out of my pants with a raging hardon I stood naked from the waist down smiling waiting for the door to open. The door slid open and their she was sitting on a sofa dressed in a pin striped business suit. With a short matching skirt which rode halfway up her gorgeous thighs. Her hair up in a bun she was reading legal papers with thick black rim classes . At first I thought I had made a terrible mistake standing and the elevator doorway naked with my 8 in. boner and and big dangling balls hanging between my legs! Than a big smile crossed her face and I nearly came! My cock was pounding with the beat of my heart so hard it started hurting I was afraid a blood vein would rupture!. My balls pulled up involuntarily at the sight of her in a kind of salute! She laughed watching has they dropped down heavy with their weight shaking a thin rope of cum from my big bulbus cock head! Then she said! "My old friend Bill darling! Always the clown! Ha Ha and you've brought your balls with you too how sweet! Bring your self and them over! It's been a long time hasn't it Bill? Let your Tosha feel her first big balled male she wants to feel him again"! I could see true sincerity in her eyes. She was genuinely pleased to see me again. I walked towards her with my cock swinging back and forth. I made a effort to make my balls bounce and stood directly in front of her, her hand reached up cuping me gently weighing them as if remembering. "So big and smooth Bill, and maybe even a little bigger then I remembered. You know I always loved your balls they were always so big round and heavy. My first set! They always say you remember your first ones! I was shaking weak kneed as she handled me. She knew it too saying! "Let me relieve you of this big old hardon than we can talk"!. Tuging down on my balls putting me on my knees she grabbed a champagne ice bucket ordering me to hold it in front of my cock. Her hand gently slid around my throbbing cock sliding up and down slowly while holding my balls with her other hand she started milking me. She was so gentle with me. Within seconds I started cuming First long ropes of cum than shorter ones her hand tightened around my balls urging more from me until I was completely drained. I fell forward weak between her thighs weakly kissing her Inter thighs. Oh that familiar smell the taste her again on my tongue! Oh god Tosha I've missed you so Tosha! 'Bill go clean yourself up! The bathroom is through that hallway second door left. Then I'll tell you what I've been doing lately! I struggled to standing my limp cock hanging loose over my balls. She watched as I went with my low hanging balls swaying. She giggled. "Hey Bill ! You're still the man"! When I came back she was gone. I sat on the sofa waiting and started looking at the papers she was reading earlier. They were confirmation papers from a life insurance company confirming that five million dollars had been deposited into her bank account. Due to the sudden death of her husband. She reappeared with a open bath robe naked except for black nylons and her high heels!. "Well Bill what do you think? Do I still got it or what"? She pushed back the robe with her hands on her hips. My cock started stretching out again which she noticed immediately laughing saying! 'Well I guess I do! Don't I". God Tosha you'll always have it girl. Leaning over she kissed me on my forehead saying! "Your sweet baby". Then flopped down beside me reaching between my legs lifting my ball sac up over my thigh and playfully padded them. She saw I was looking at the papers from the insurance company. "Guess what Bill? I'm a millionaire! I fucked my last husband to death! I made him take out a five million dollar life insurance policy. I had it all planned out. I just kept fucking him until his heart burst". She then got into the details, my cock reard up as she explained how she did it. She pulled a picture album from under the sofa. "Here check this out! Pictures of him from beginning to end. He was about 35 when I met him a body builder see! This is our honeymoon" . I saw a big man all muscles with a wash board stomach. Flexing huge biceps for the camera. He had a big hardon and big low hanging testicles like mine. "Look how big and strong he is Bill. Look how big his balls are! Now turn the page! This is six weeks later". I could see circles starting to form under his eyes and his cock hung semi hard. She turned the page saying. "This is after one-year". I was shocked I didn't think it was the same man. He was getting fat his muscles were gone. His balls were bigger hanging much lower, his cock was hard and he had a dildo shoved up his ass. The next picture was of her dragging him into her bedroom by his balls with a rope tied around them. She turned the page again saying. "Now this is a month before I fucked him to death". She was on top of him pulling the rope around his balls forcing him up into her. She was giddy with excitement as she showed me pictures of the big male she had destroyed a magnificent specimen of a male and within two years she had rendered completely useless. She told me she was giving him 6 to 8 viagra a day and fucking him night and day. She turned to the last page and grabbed my balls. "This is when I killed him"! The picture was of her on top of him her back arched pulling his balls tight up to the top of her ass crack. I could see the muscles in her thighs and arms straining! His mouth was hanging open, arms hanging off the side of the bed listless! She squeezed my balls hard twisting them. As re-living the experience. She was so happy and exuberant.. "Eat me Bill!!!! Eat me like I taught you baby! Eat me Bill"! "Eat me outside on the terrace Bill! I want the world to see a woman so strong and powerful she can fuck a man to death with her body"! She pulled me by my balls outside than yanking down hard putting me on my knees leaned back against the railing spreading her legs grabbed the back my head and slammed it into her pussy grinding my face into twat. "Feel my cilt Bill feel the power of a woman Bill!!!!! Eat me Bill baby"! She was drunk with power at the pinnacle of her womanhood she started orgasming over and over again rubbing my face back and forth with her fluids! Then pushed me back to the floor with her high heeled foot. Her hands rubbing her body from her hips to her belly to her tits then up her neck and down again she looked at me lying their and said. "Spread your legs for me Bill! Give me your balls Bill! Give this woman your balls Bill! I could refuse her nothing! Spreading my legs exposing by balls to her! She pushed off the rail and stepped between my legs with her hands-on hips her robe blowing in the wind like super woman's cape she pulled back her long slender leg and stared into my eyes then slammed her high heeled foot into my ball sac with such force it pushed me back two feet across the floor then again, and again ruptureing my balls castrating me with her foot destroying my manhood! Tosha I love you Tosha I love you Toshaaaaaaaaaa The End