Monica XL by Chuckcjc Part one: Divine intervention. Monica stepped out into the sun and onto the hot desolate sidewalk. It was a bright in the city, and the sun poked through the apertures between the tall skyscrapers. A slight breeze made the air almost comfortable to walk, but Monica was too much in her own world to give notice. Her thoughts were muddled with the past weeks dramatic and painful events. It was almost too much to handle all at once. First her breakup with her fiancee two months before their dreamy trip to the alter. A week and three days later, her mother was mugged two blocks from her home. She later died from the stab wounds the filthy asshole bandits had given her as their retribution to her for recognizing one of the assailants. That hurt Monica much more than her fated breakup with someone who supposedly would love her forever. Its one thing that her mother had died, but to die slowly after being brutally stabbed by those uncaring sons of bitches and then being left to bleed to death like a slaughtered lamb - that was just too much. Monica grieved until it hurt and then opened the flood gates to pain all over again. She had to find those fucking cowards and give them a large dose of the anguish she was feeling . There was no way she could let her mother's death fall through the loose fingers of the justice system. Monica made a resolute promise to find them, especially the one who had done the actual stabbing, and do a little butcher surgery of her own. She composed a plan. She would dress up in the her most alluring sexy summer dress, don her lightly bound sandals that accentuated her soft tanned heel and painted toenails, and finish the ensemble with a large lazy handbag complete with Colt '45, fluorescent pepper mace, and 7" sheathed carving knife. Literally dressed to kill, Monica hit the sidewalk in front of her apartment complex and began combing the streets and alleyways in search of a gang of soon to be sorry punks. Her thoughts were a troubled stream of grief, angst, and rage as she walked down the nearly vacant street stretching her long tan Latin legs out with each bouncy stride. She was an image of deadly beauty. Daunting school boys on their way home dared to sneak a quick glance of her long legs and flowing jet black wavy hair. She caught a young middle schooler stealing a quick peak, and she sent him smiling with a wink of her eye. Monica was being noticed, and that was she was planning on. She was carefully studying the people that she encountered always looking for the misfits, the ones that were painted in trouble. She found them soon enough.... A young male jumped out in front of her from a wide alleyway she was passing by, and said "Hey, hey now sweet thing! What's the hurry?" He was purposely blocking the path in front of her. He was a white male dressed in "wigger" clothing, with a slight bulge above his right hip where the butt of his sidearm stuck out of the waistband of his underwear. "Hoo Hoo Cootchie cool, you are finnnne, MmmMMMMM." He pursed his lips winked and formed his lips into a kiss for her. "Hey listen, I am not in the mood for this, I am on my way home," Monica told them in her best stern voice. "Shudup sweetheart, we aren't going to rob ya, we just want some of your fine luvin," said another male emerging from the shadows of the alleyway. Monica turned her stare in his direction only to spot another wise-ass hood behind his shoulder. "Look guys, I'm not a prostitute, I am not in a good mood, because I am grieving the death ... of my mother." "Yeah you look like your grieving. Prancing around in that dress. Sure we believe Yoooou! ...Hey girl, your mother wasn't the one we carved up last week was it?" Before the last word had left his mouth, he lunged a step forward and seized Monica's right wrist, pulling it away from her. Her large handbag slipped from her shoulder and slid down to the crook of her elbow. The young thief reached in with trained fingers and found purchase around the barrel of the steel handgun. "Whoah whoah Ho, what's this darling? Don't think you get to use this now, Sweet thang." Monica's eyes widened, she had been too careless. The hood ripped the bag from her arm as the other two deviants grabbed her from behind covering her mouth with a seedy hand. They dragged her into the alleyway and dropped her to the ground in front of them blocking her escape in the dead-end alleyway. Her mouth free, she let out a flailing cry for help. But the cry dispersed into the humid air - unheard by caring ears. The second thug belted her across the face with the back of his studded glove, leaving two deep scratches across her pretty features. She reeled from the blow and returned with another cry for Help. She received a heavy blow to the back of the skull that rendered her unconscious. Overtaken with pain, her limp body fell in a heap on the alleyway floor. "Aint no wonder your mother put up such a fight, bitch. Its in your bitch blood.," quoted the first hood as he rifled through Monica's purse. Finding the 7" knife and grinning. "Oh baby we is going to have some fun!" The hoods argued over who got what from Monica's purse, while passerby's quickly turned their eyes away form the scene in the alleyway. No one noticed the pin of blue light that pierced the dark alley shadow and frantically traced every square inch of Monica's frame. The beam seemed to emit from the clear blue sky and was only a few centimeters in diameter. After it caressed every square inch of her frame the beam dispersed just as quickly as it had appeared, unnoticed by anyone conscious. The hoods passed Monica and withdrew to the darker portion of the alleyway having missed the strange blue beam's visit. They were too interested in dividing up their remarkable spoils. When the portioning of the money weapons and trickets was completed, they focused their attentions back to Monica's motionless frame. The blue beam had returned from the sky only now it was much bigger and more intense than before - nearly five inches in diameter. It criss-crossed her frame precisely at a unbelievable rate, but never once did it pass outside of Monica's silhouette and touch the alley floor beneath her. "What the fuck is that man?" exclaimed the third hood. "Some kind of trick? How is she doing that?" They watched as Monica's body was lifted five feet off of the ground by an unseen force. Her body was slowly rotated, and the beam continued to scan every last square millimeter of her. She was rotated 720 degrees laterally and then longitudinally. Her hair flowed around her head as she was rotated and every strand was traced with impossible precision. She was then returned to her original position parallel to the ground. "Man what is this shit Johnny?" asked the second hood. " I ain't figured it out yet stupid!" exclaimed the leader. The third hood just stood there dumbfounded - his natural state of being. The number of beams multiplied to the thousands until Monica's body, hair, and clothing were completely drenched in the intense blue light. And then... She grew. It was a totally unexpedted event to the thugs, only one tried to speak, but was overcome with a loss of words. Not a lot of growth occured as first, she grew just maybe twice her original size to about eleven feet four inches in length. "Shit what the fuck is going on? That shit can't be real!" screamed Johnny, a tinge of fear in his voice. The number of beams was again reduced to one and now Monica was levitating about four and a half feet above the ground. The beam split and multiplied once more and Monica grew again, her size doubling. Before the hoods could even scream the beam dwindled and split into millions. Again resulting in a unnatural growth spurt. Monica was now back on the ground, around forty five feet long (head to toe), leaving only ten more feet of freedom for the hoods to cling to in the dead-end alleyway. Monica's sandal clad feet had reached the sidewalk and her painted toenails could be even with a man's chest. Johnny tried to make a mad dash around Monica's enlarge frame but became entangled in the long wavy strands of her jet black hair. He fought like mad to get free from the entwining strands of hair just before realizing that Monica's tan shoulders were already blocking his escape from the alleyway. The blue light multiplied again and hoods screamed at the top of their combined lungs in horrible anticipation. Just as before, Monica grew again. Her giant right shoulder pressed into the wall of the adjoining Nickel and Dime store and her arm followed, wiping out the clearance clothing section, and effectively snapping the main supports for that side of small store. Johnny the Hood's broken thug body lay forgotten amongst the cement block debris and woman's clearance clothing . Unknowingly Monica had avenged her mother's death. The few customers shopping at the time were at first bedazzled and then overcome by the instinct to survive - fleeing out into the streets, where they were met by another calamity. Monica's growing feet had shoved a parked stationwagon entirely across the street with enough energy to send it slamming into the laundry on the other side of the street. Meanwhile three impatient drivers where caught unawares by Monica's giant calves and collided into these eight foot tall barriers of flesh. The heels of her sandals blocked the sidewalk on the other side of the street, her beautiful toes pointed skyward. As the chaos on the city block slowly rose, the beam once again converged; milliseconds later splitting into millions, tracing her with unkown impossible precision. When Monica doubled in size again the two remaining thugs were overtaken by the great mass of Monica's thick hair before being ground into shapeless masses underneath her goddess caliber scalp. Monica in her unconscious state, never felt them being smashed. But, the petty thieves were only the first to perish.... The last expansion of the sleeping goddess tore the city blocks apart with unforgiving force. Her beautiful feet clad in sand-tone open toed heels plow forward as if they were three story tall bulldozers. They first leveled the small laundry they had been resting in - almost squishing the resident owner as he leapt out of the way of the heels. These said heels then pushed through the back wall of the laundry, through a thin alleyway, and entered the oven section of the local bakery. The roof separated as the arch of the sandals rudely and uncaringly ripped into the premises of the building. Her toes rose triumphantly above the small establishment. Her red painted toenails reflected bright hues of the glaring sun as her big toe twitched ever so slightly. However the growth cycle was not done. Her goddess feet continued to expand with the rest of her now giantess body, getting wider, longer and more dangerous. The expansion drove them violently into a three story brownhouse, sending parts of the roof and other large sections of the building flying through the air, crashing through the tops of adjacent apartments. Most tenants barely had time to react, Monica was expanding at too fast of a rate. One unfortunate resident was listening to the commotion from the first intersection, then saw the tops of Monica's growing sandals clear the roofline of the laundry across the street from himself. His jaw dropped he watched as one enormous sole quickly filled his field of vision. He saw the intricate stitching around the sole edges and the enormous off-white spot where the sandals were starting to wear through. Then the air rushed at him like a gale of a hurricane - blowing him back. The sole did not stop but only seemed to speed up, and its great shadow filled the window. He clenched his teeth, his jaw locked preventing a scream and then...... ****************************** The same expansion that made her long legs and sandals crush the world around her feet, made her head another colossal threat. Her lovely head rooted with long wavy black locks encroached upon a different block of tiny citizens. The top of her scalp played the same function as her bulldozer- like feet. Anything in the way was first overtaken by great strands of hair and either entangled and dragged along, or held in place to be crushed under Monica's great weight. The pedestrians had the worst luck, they no sooner freed themselves from the first few initial strands of hair, before they were overtaken by five times as many strands. At least two dozen pedestrians, three small cars, and the front axle of a bus were taken prisoner by her long strong black locks. But as was the case at her feet, her body was not nearly finished expanding. The top of her scalp quickly approached the local movie theater in the middle of a mid-day matinee. The theaters were almost filled to capacity with air-conditioned patrons. The effects in the movie were so loud and convincing that they masked the rising crash of chaos just a few dozen yards away in the street. The entrapped tiny people in Monica's hair could see the makings of a major massacre as the top of head broke into the theater, dragging a tightly bound station wagon through the theater front's plate glass window. There was nothing they could do but scream, the terrified driver pounded the horn several times in an last chance warning effort. Monica's head was big enough now to bust into both of the seating areas at once. The moviegoers were given almost no warning, the back wall behind them flew apart throwing large sections onto the panicked crowd. Her hair then filled the relatively small theaters and played havoc with the escape of the survivors. Those few that could escape into the alleyway at the rear of the theater, ran screaming as fast as they could. Looking over their shoulders, they could see Monica's head completely dwarfing the what remained of the theater. As they ran further away from the growing giantess, they could see her bangs and forehead above the dangerous mass of hair. ***************** And she laid unconscious, motionless. Her great body slowly settled into the ground because of her unfathomable weight. The roadways were cracked, fissures formed where the earth could not conform. Buildings were shifted and collapsed from there once firm foundations. Her hair covered two square blocks of city street. The strands had captured some three dozen vehicles, foreign and domestic, entwining their axles with strength far superior to tensile steel. Her left hand unknowingly clasped the base of an eleven story office building, the thumb was now the sole occupant of red carpeted lobby. Another tall building, its supports crushed by of her huge heel, rests precariously against the smooth sole of her right sandal. Helicopters hover about the building trying to rescue what people they could find. Five hours passed since Monica stopped growing. The mysterious beam that seemingly came from the blue heavens did not return. The curiosity of Monica's colossal body fueled the desire of exploration in hundreds of sex- crazed men. They started climbing her immense person from the upper floors of the three uneasy buildings which rested against her body. They ran along her tanned left arm in mass to achieve the ecstasy of her soft shoulders, magnificent towering breasts, and the firm plane of her stomach. The perverts among the crowd continued with deeper explorations.... **************** Monica's mind raced through vast country sides and luscious landscapes at a furious pace, in her unconscious state it seemed as though she were flying through the air hundreds of feet above the ground. She could see very far into the horizon. The edges of the healthy forests appeared in fine detail, she could see small farms and a tractor or two tilling the fertile soil. But it seemed odd to her that she could not look at herself, as if she were somehow transparent. Where her arms, legs, and torso should be, emanated a luminescence of soft blue light. It was odd but at the same time comforting, she thought of the blue light as some kind of shield which was protecting her. She pulled her arms, arched her back and soared higher and higher above the ground until the tractors tilling the fields appeared as tiny as shirt buttons. As she rose higher and higher, her consciousness seemed to become to heavier. The ecstasy of flight rose higher and higher. Soon her emotions collided and confusion flooded her senses, the sky turned into darkening shades of deep blue... In the real world Monica's eyelids fluttered. *********** Monica blinked her eyelids rapidly. She had been torn from the darkening dream and was thrust into the real world of light, where the probing sun flashed its beams into her retinas. Slowly her senses warmed up, her temples ached, she smelt a faint waft of smoke, and her skin felt somewhat tinglely. She whispered lightly to herself, "Oh man... what happened?" She inhaled a deep breath sucking in more of the slightly smoke filled air. She opened her eyes slowly, giving time for her retinas to adjust to the bright light again. Her skin still felt tinglely, especially by her boobs. She reached up with her right hand and brushed the cleavage between her breasts. "Hmmm...," she thought. Her skin felt a little gritty. She wondered where she that she had gotten all dirty, it felt as though she had been sleeping on a dirt road, she could feel what she thought to be small stones rubbing into the small of her back. She sat up while blinking her eyes rapidly. She opened her eyes and they finally came into adjustment. When she saw a bunch of far away skyscrapers, she blinked her eyes again. "I am on the roof of a skyscraper, and my legs are hanging over the edge!," she thought alarmingly, adrenaline instantly filled into her blood stream. She quickly moved her self backward away from what she believed to be the edge, but the physics of the situation betrayed her, and instead of sliding backwards she fell and landed back on the ground with an "Umph". Her eyelids widened to their limits, and she sat back up. Something was definitely wrong. Exasperated at what she was seeing, "What is going on here?" she exclaimed. "I am definitely dreaming" She looked at her right foot and saw a small intricately detailed building slide past the sole of her right sandal, and collapse into a tiny street, a great cloud of dirt and pillowy dust rose into the air from the rubble, but to her it looked only like a puff. She looked at her legs and followed them to her lap. She could see centimeter high specs of color all moving slowly across the light fabric of her summer dress. Her stomach was covered with more of these specs, and there were twice as many covering her chest area. She focused on her left breast and saw the tiny men for the first time. There were hundreds of them all over her chest, torso and lap. Many of them were tumbling from her boobs, rolling down the fabric and ending up in her lap. She saw a faded red slick between her breasts and came to the grim realization that she had crushed some of these tiny men when she brushed the "grit" away a minute before. She cupped her right hand down below the cleavage of her breasts and caught a few dozen of the tumbling little men. Bringing them into closer focus, she could see by their fine detail, that these were indeed tiny people of some sort, in fact some of them weren't wearing any clothing. The men fought to move away from the edge of her colossal hand in fear of falling to their deaths. She paid close attention to them, the ones in the front were screaming bloody murder as they looked up into her great brown eyes. Monica separated their numbers with a painted red fingernail of her free hand. She concentrated on a naked man and giggled upon spotting his excited member. She listened to their screams for a few more seconds, before lowering them down to the ground and upturning her hand. The men that were closest to her thumb fell nearly twenty feet as Monica upturned her palm, but she didn't notice - she was already focusing her attention on the small streets that ran along the length of her body. She could see streets jam packed with crowds of centimeter high people and hundreds their tiny vehicles. The crowd was not moving very quickly, movement slowed to a crawl around the street corners and around large chunks of building debris. She judged that she could probably barely fit the width of her sandals between the sidewalks of the three and a "half" lane streets. She eyed the distance between light-poles and telephone wires on the two sides of the street to make the rough comparison. She imagined herself standing there with each foot planted on a different street. Monica came to the conclusion that she was still dreaming, but this dream was ten times as wild as the last one. She figured that if she was dreaming, it didn't matter what she did, so she reached out and touched the milling crowd of tiny people. They flowed around her finger pushing the weaker ones out of the way to get by her towering digit. She pushed her finger into the ground and it easily pulverized the pavement and dug a deep hole into the cool ground. She marveled at the ease of this. She carefully laid her hand on top of the milling crowd just to feel them move past her palm, She flexed her fingers, throwing the people in front of her fingernails backwards. She arched her palm back and slid her long beautiful fingers among their numbers. She felt them mill between fingers but she tried to crush as few as possible. She chased the crowd with her hand. Monica giggled at her little game. She lifted the hand from the street and inspected her palm. Only a few red stains were visible at the base of her fingers. She gave her self an A-. This was one of the best dreams she had ever had! Monica shifted her attention to the city on her right side. A small ten story building rested against her thigh. She scooped it up in both hands, but small portions of the building slipped between her palms. She looked among what remained of the intricate architecture. She saw the gray stone facing with its exquisite trimming around the roof. She looked into a small room through a window that had been stripped of its curtains. The detailing of the furniture in the room was amazing, even though it all lay in a heap at the back wall of the apartment. She could make out a smashed TV, a plaid couch, and a small bed. It almost hurt her eyes to study all of the items. She thought, "Oh well", lifted the building high above her head, aimed carefully, and let it drop onto the busy street. Monica didn't feel bad either, after all, it was only a dream. The intensity of the crowds noise increased, they realized that this colossal women didn't give a damn about them. Monica looked about her with more care. She could see the section of the city she was now sitting "on" continued in front of her for another what she assumed to be a mile or so, before the big business portion of the city sprung up. She looked at the tall towers and guessed that most of the buildings would come up to her thighs and hips, and a few might tower up to eye level. "This is going to be so classic!" Monica exclaimed, imagining the fun she could have walking through the city streets, towering over thousands of oh so tiny people. Her voice could be clearly heard in the busy streets of the big city. She looked down at the crowds running past her long tan legs and started wiggling her freshly manicured toes. Monica started singing the "Macerana" song that she loved and combed her hands roughly through her luscious black shoulder length hair. She encountered many knots in her hair and managed to pull one out. If was a tiny crushed car, and it resembled a yellow mustang. "Cool car, buddy, but you shouldn't have been driving in my hair!" She exclaimed. She brushed the loose hairs from her bangs and rubbed her face. Something was wrong as she touched her face, it stung like hell. Monica quickly became sober. Her face was cut. Two long scratches extended across her cheek. She touched the wound and ran her fingers down its length. The blood had long since clotted. Monica's mind raced for answers. They arrived in pieces. The alleyway, her mother. The thugs, the face of the leader, Johnny, her purse and the gun hidden inside. Her mind jumped to a slow motion replay of the thug hitting her across the face as she wheeled back in recoil. Then darkness. She remembered the dream in which she flew hundreds of feet above the ground. She recalled the sense of security that the blue light surrounding her body had provided. She closed her eyes and fought against her logical sense. Something had happened to her, something very strange. Nothing could logically explain the giant size, or rather, colossal size she now possessed. But the only connections were found in the dream. Or what she perceived to be a dream. The security, the sensation of being far above the little objects on the ground. She opened her eyes, and the sight confirmed her rudely garnered theory. She was still secure, there was nothing now that could possibly hurt her. And she was now so greatly above all of the little things that once made up her life. It didn't make sense, but it was all she had to go on for now. She sat there for a moment and stared at the towering scrapers that where a relative football field away. What was she going to do now? What could she do? She was colossal, like one of the mega giants in paintings she had studied in art history. If she were to walk, the ground would quake. Her footfalls would sound like thunder. Thousands of people would run in fear of her, in fear of being stepped on by one of her beautiful, but now, cruelly colossal feet. There was no way in hell she could avoid stepping on more people. She looked down at the streets and saw that they were almost as packed as they had been ten minutes ago. They could never get out of the way, there was no where for them to go but into the streets. She couldn't decide what to do. She mulled it over a little more and then decided she would have to get out of this city as soon as possible. Sure she had caused damage, but if she stayed she would inadvertently cause more death and destruction than if she left. There would be losses if she tried to leave, but she decided it was best. Monica rose to her full height and looked about her. To her dismay the low income section of town she standing in/on was extended for at least two miles in every direction except for straight ahead. It looked as though the shortest path would be straight through the heart of the city. She saw the mountainous horizon beyond the business district. She decided to head for the mountains, the population density would be much less there, and there she could work out some sort of plan. Monica looked down at the milling crowds directly in front of her toes. She addressed them directly: "Listen up little people, I don't know how or why I became this amazing... giantess. I guess that is the proper term for myself. But, now I want to leave this city as easily as possible. I am going to walk this way, down this street" She pointed down the street in front of her that lead directly into the city. I want your cooperation. But, I am not going to be very patient." Monica's hands found positon on her hips as she looked down into the tiny sea of faces. "I want out of this city, and I want out now. " She made her voice more stern, "I don't want to crush... any more people, but if you are in my way... I will, I repeat... I will, step on you." She lifted her foot in the air above their heads, and held it there. A pang of fear rose among the collective people. They immediately pushed and shoved each other in a desperate attempt to get out of the way. "I will give you ten seconds between steps to get out of the way. Then I will put my foot down, God help you all if you are still there." "One, two, three...., four, five, six..., seven, eight," Monica wobbled a little bit as she tried to hold her foot in at a constant height, "NINE....... Ten." Monica saw that the crowd had given her just enough room to step down. But she was forced to step down on five or six abandoned cars. She did not hesitate and brought the foot crashing down perhaps a little harder then she need to. She wanted to put fear into the masses so that they would cooperate, but her footprint pushed way down into the sort earth. The impact caused thin fissures and surface cracks to form all around the imprint. Many people fell between the cracks, but hundreds fell to their feet from the tremendous force. Evidently she had reached the water piping level as well. Jets of water erupted between the cracks and underneath the arch of her heel. Monica was undaunted, she had started this and now she must continue. She saw the crowds were having trouble recovering from the first step, and having even more difficulty clearing room for the next one. "... Eight, Nine....... Ten." Monica saw there was still some people in the way, but she wiggled her toes and brought her street width foot down again. A great shadow quickly darkened over the unfortunate few, before they disappeared beneath Monica's great sandaled foot. She was not playing games, she had warned them, and now she was going to keep her word. The calamity was rising, it seemed that the masses could not judge where she was going to place her foot next. The length of her stride was apparently uncalculateable. She took a longer stride this time, and it was harder to hold her foot out further from herself. Her sole wobbled above the crowds for only a few seconds, before crashing down again. The casualty count was increasing more with each step. When Monica reached the first wide intersection she noticed how neatly her right foot blocked the entire thing from lamppost to lamppost. She raised her left foot and planted it great girth on the roof of a fifteen story building. The building gave in and her foot leveled it to a five story pile of rubble. The debris fell amongst the screaming crowds. Monica was quickly becoming an unpredictable goddess, her slightest action was magnified a thousand times at street level. *********************** As she stood with right foot effectively blocking a three lane intersection, and her left nestled amongst a five story pile of rubble, Monica took a few seconds to reaccess the situation. This was quickly becoming impossible. She had taken a mere three steps and she had already panicked the crowds enough so that they could not comply with their end of the "deal". She dared not lift her right foot to see how many tiny citizens were crushed as she stood on the intersection. She remembered seeing literally dozens of the tiny, centimeter tall, people staring up at her right foot as she slowly lowered it down on them. As she looked down, she saw hundreds of people trying to wend around the long cracks that fissured from her deep foot print. She wiggled her toes, and the size comparision of her toes to the teams of milling people gave her a wild rush. A much larger rush than she got from being the center of attention working her body on the dance floor of her favorite club. Now she was the center of attention of millions. She really couldn't grasp the concept, not just yet. Then she glanced at her left foot. Her sandals and toes were covered by office building rubble all the way up to the base of her heel. The radius of the debris, that used to be the upper floors was scattered in a wide mound formation. She could still see thousands of spec sized pieces of what she guess to be office paper, floating through the air. The smoke and dust from the building's sudden demolition, rose slightly above Monica's tanned defined calf. "Neat", Monica thought to herself. She watched for almost two minutes as the minuscule denizens ran from her as she stood above them like a goddess. She had to pull the hem of her summer dress back a little in order to see them in full. It was amazing, some of them were driving through the crowds in cars and trucks, not caring about their fellow tiny people that they were plowing into and running over. Monica watched one particular 4X4 truck, she noticed it because of its bright red paint job and the fact that it was honking its horn as wildly as it drove through the scared crowds. Monica didn't like this truck. Sure she was a colossus (colossette?, collostra?) that was now causing wide spread havoc, but what right did this asshole have to plow people over in an attempt to flee destruction. Monica leaned over and reached down into the city block in front of her left foot. She carefully reached with her long red pointer fingernail, tracking the motion of the red 4X4. Then she moved in for the kill pressing the tip of her fingernail onto the top of its roof. The wheels spun wildly, not purchasing any traction, and then the roof crumpled in slightly. The words "Squish for me asshole" boomed from high above. Then Monica's finger applied considerably more pressure. The cab section of the truck disappeared quickly underneath the tip of Monica's finger. She pressed the truck deep into the pavement until only the tail- lights and rear bumper were visible above ground. Monica was satisfied with the result. She raised her finger and searched the area for more of the asshole drivers. Monica crushed three more trucks and a taxi cab before she realized that she was having tremendous fun. She stood up to her full height with her hands on her hips. Her hair was spread evenly from shoulder to shoulder draping her upper back. She looked forward to the larger buildings in the city ahead. She sized them up to herself. A smile pursed her lips. There was no doubt about it, she was as big as most skyscrapers. There were only a few that would rise above her. She became anxious to see them up close. But first there was a little problem. In fact there were thousands of "little" problems. She had been standing in the same place for nearly five minutes, but they still had not cleared a path for her. Surely they could have cleared the streets by now, at least enough for a few steps. But no, there they were, still teaming around all over the street in front of her right foot. It was impossible! Could they really be that stupid? She had made it clear where she wanted to walk, why wouldn't they clear this one street? Monica became a little perturbed, her black eyebrows furrowed in an expression of impatience. Who did they think she was? Was she playing some sort of game? Monica became overridden with a flush of anger. She shifted her weight to take another grand step. She pulled her left foot from the office building rubble, and swung it forward over the crowd. Without hesitation she applied her pressure into the step, covering, crushing, and burying a whole 1/4 city block of ignorant people. Monica raised her eyes to the sky and exhaled slowly. It was tough but she had to make the transition. She had to take the control that she had been given. Still looking up into the sky, Monica took another step with her right foot. She listened as the crowds beneath her feet became silent, followed by the wicked crunch of the concrete. The people erupted into screams of terror within a ten block radius - the goddess was on the move again. She wasn't being very nice anymore. ****************************** She stood at the gateway. A twin pair of twenty story office buildings greeted her. They reached to her mid thigh. Monica stops for a moment cherishing the situation. These are two buildings that earmarked her view from the poorer sections of the city for most of her life. She admirered the intricate architecture chiseled into the granite fronts of the twin buildings. But now, they looked a lot different than the way she remembered them. They were once awesome and majestic, serving as a symbolic gateway from the south section of the greater city, but now to her they seemed small and dwarfed. She had the irresistible urge to knee one of the buildings and watch it crumble. She wiggled her great toes again, it was a sign that she was about to raise hell. She positioned herself in front of the twin tower to her right. Her right foot raised high in the air, and then stomped down in a thunderous crash. The resulting tremor knocked most of the citizens fleeing the doomed building to their knees. They stared up in awe at Monica. Her tremendous sandal clad feet greeted them on either side of tower's front parking lot. A few men from the third floor accounting department were transfixed on her painted toes. They had to arch their necks to see the red hue shining through to the underside of her toenails. The sole of her sandals was as thick as they were tall. Monica's right foot had neatly buried what used to be the accounting and marketing personnel parking lot. All that remained of the assorted sport cars, and mini vans was a gray pillowy smoke that found passage through the tirade of cracks surrounding Monica's footprint. Monica's foot raised high again, causing a few remnants of flattened vehicles to become unstuck from her sole, falling five stories to the ground, becoming even more mangled on their impact into the earth. Monica stepped down again, placing her feet around the base of the tall building. Her calves now rubbed against the upper stories as she straddled it. She looked down upon the roof, and applied slight pressure to the building with her calves. Her calves caressed the frontice of the east and west sides of the building. An ounce more pressure produced a grandscale restructuring of the tower's framework. The outer office's were overcome by the force of Monica's toned calves and began crumbling into a landslide of rubble. The wreckage of cinder and plaster began to accumulate as it fell away from the sides of the building. Monica slowly moved her hips from side to side in a slow rhythm. She watched as large cracks traversed the sides of the building as she swayed. The though that she was easily crushing this landmark building between her own calves made her giggle. It was too good to be real. But each little detail confirmed her belief that all of this was real - the little cars and trucks, the people, and their frightened screams of terror as she strode down their tiny streets, all depicted down to the most minute detail. The numbers on minuscule license plates, logos on tiny tee shirts, the disipant sound quality of the terror rising from the streets, and finely crumbled concrete - all served as evidence that this experience was beyond her wildest dreams. As she thought about all of it, the gentle sway of her hips evolved into a slow dance. The infrastructure yielded and the upper third of the building crumbled and fell. Monica watched as the resulting dust cloud rose above her knees and blocked most of the view of her feet. For a second she felt as though she were above the clouds, but she quickly brushed that thought away; that would be just too big. She felt tall enough already. Having made short work of one of the twin towers, Monica proceeded to the other. She planted her foot on the roadway as she crossed it, mindless of the two dozen unlucky citizens she cruely crushed underneath her beautiful right sole. Monica had become infatuated with her feet in comparison to the things she placed them next to and on top of. She slowly moved her left foot over another small parking lot and buried the cars and screaming victims under the sole of her sandal. There was a dozen small explosions as many of the cars erupted from the impact under the mountain of Monica's weight. But to Monica, the explosions were tiny pops as if they were coming from small firecrackers. Monica straddled the remaining twin tower, and her sexy shadow enveloped it. She peered down at the roof, not focusing on the multitudes of people fleeing the doomed building from the ground floor, and even some from the second and third floor windows. She raised her raised her right foot as high as she could, but couldn't easily rest it square on the roof of the building. Monica frowned, she wanted to stomp this building flat, just like a few of the smaller ones. Monica removed her foot, which was resting against one side of the roof, causing most of the roof trimming and gutter work to break off from the building and plummet to the ground. Monica gazed again at the roof of the building until her eyes glazed over, the look was quite frightening to the hundreds of people running around at street level. Monica raised her right hand up to her face and examined her long fingers and then studied her back hand, even admiring her own long red fingernails. Monica observed the roof again and placed one pointed finger on top of the roof. Already the tiniest amount of her pressure had caved in the section of roofing under the weight of her mighty fingernail. Monica pushed slowly, her finger pressed down into the building, followed by her knuckles. The top four floors of the building twisted and pushed outwards as the mass of Monica's right hand pushed the office structure out of the way. Monica felt a little bit of resistance as she reached each floor, but it took almost no effort to break the lattice structure of each ceiling. When Monica was into the building upto her elbow, she had to lean over slightly to adjust to the akward position. Her heavy breasts rested against what was left of the upper side of the building and as they pressed down did more damage than Monica's hand. The top three stories of the building quickly crushed under the weight of Monica's right breast, the mass of rubble rained down onto the sidewalk below. Monica felt as though she were pushing through a building constructed out of thin wafers of styrofoam, except the styrofoam was slightly gritty, like sand. There was a multitude of tiny articles that Monica encountered, but it was neigh impossible to tell what they actually were. Monica was curious, and stopped at one particular floor to do some investigation. Of course her fingers were much bigger than any one floor, but she tried to pay attention to the objects of the target floor without breaking through the floor and entering the story below it. She did her best, but there was so much debris as she moved her fingers laterally inside the structure. Mostly what she could feel were large sections of flooring from any one of the above floors she had already pushed through. She was so into her little game of search , that she ignored rising clamouring of thousands of tiny people watching her every move. But, trying to be more careful she let her fingers do the walking, and suddenly she could swear she could feel a tiny desk, and moving back just a little bit - she could feel a tiny couch It had that smooth familiar vinyl covering and it was just big enough to get her finger stuck to it. Excited, Monica pulled her find out of the structure as carefully as she could to get a closer look at it. There it was on the top of her middle finger, a brown vinyl three seat couch. The bottom was busted because Monica had already put to much pressure down into it. But it was cool to see such tiny office furniture. Monica came back to her senses and flicked the tiny couch off of her middle finger and sent it flying for a few blocks before it fell into the street. The detail of everything was still impressing the hell out of Monica. She looked back down and gathered that there was just a few more floors to go before she reached ground level. She put her hand back into the tunnel she had made and pressed on. She stopped when her fingers became wet, she had reached the sub-basement swimming pool. Monica smiled. This was just too cool. She traced the perimeter of the pool with her finger. It was only about the size of a matchbox. Monica looked down at her right breast, which was pressed devastatingly into the office structure, because of her akward position crouching next to the building. Monica observed how much damage her breast alone had done. She pulled back a little bit and saw the smooth depression where her breast had been. Monica pulled her arm back out of the office building, and marveled her unintentional breast demolition. Before she knew what she was doing, Monica was on her hands and knees in position to level the upper building with her breasts. Her knees where even with the base of the building. She hunckered back on her heels and waited for a second. Then she swung forward, transferring her weight to her hands. Her colossal breasts both plowed into the side of the building and Monica only had to pull a little bit to get them to topple what remained to the top five stories of the building. She re-shifted her position, so that her breasts where directly above the pitiful office building. She came down as if she where doing a pushup. The building pressed into her bodice, and at first Monica didn't think she could crush it. But then it came, the framework gave in, and Monica's breasts came crashing down through level after level of office heaven. The debris formation resembled the other buildings Monica had already leveled, except this one had two craters on top of the rubble heap, showing to all the tremendous damage Monica could do with her beautiful breasts. Monica completed the push up, leaving only five stories standing in any sort of recognizable fashion. "One", Monica said, as she reached the straight armed position. She bent her elbows and came down for the second monstrous push up. Her breasts came down and met the structure, and now Monica had enough leverage to demolish the remaining five stories with no trouble at all. Monica reached the ground and her breasts pressed short craters beneath her. She let the force go out of her arms and stayed there at ground level looking at the hundreds of pieces of office equipment her playing had displaced. Monica chuckled to herself. She really loved this. She was thrilled in causing such massive destruction and not having to pay the consequences for her actions. Soon the rising cloud of dust became irritating to Monica and she rose up to her knees, and then to her full height. **************** Monica wanted to see some more of the action at street level. So she took a few steps out into the streets again. The streets under her goddess feet where not so busy now, because the people had a chance to run why she was playing wrecking ball with her boobs. Monica strode like a giantess should, with long lazy strides, paying no heed where her feet landed; whether it be in a large semi-abandoned car pile up, or in the midst of a teeming crowd of screaming people. Monica walked eight blocks, before deciding to give a damn and look to see where she was. She was at one of the major intersections of the city, a meeting of five roads. The scene at her feet level was a mess. There must have been close to fifty cars in this intersection, many where twisted and banged up. A few where on fire and she hadn't even been here yet. Obviously the city folk didn't know which way to go to escape Monica the Colossal woman, who was quickly becoming Monica the Colossal Bitch. Monica gave a glance behind her at her heels, she saw scores of people there, and quite a few faces could be seen looking up the length of her incredible legs. She said "Look Out!" and slowly sat down dramatically as if she were dipping her fanny into a hot bath. Throngs of people were snuffed out where they stood gawking at the site of her mighty ass descending down on top of them. But those that remained were treated to the grandest of views as the giantess Monica's vast body stretched up and beyond all they could see as she sat in the city. Her enormous figure belittled everything, her long hair reached street level as she sat and enjoyed the view. The city was alive, vigorous and unbounded as she looked at the surroundings of her lap. She rested Indian style with her long beautiful tanned legs folded elegantly. Her lap easily covered more than a two city block as she rested there. And all around, thousands ran in chaotic fashion, not knowing where to run for safety from Monica's vast reach. She stretched out and picked up a hand full of screaming city dwellers. Being careful not to crush too many as she picked them up and lifted them. It was still amazing to her how small these humans were, considering that she was just as small as they were just a short while before. She looked at them, writhing in her hand, she guessed that she was holding about fifteen or twenty people in her hand. Most were bunched up and clinging to each other as they gazed up at Monica's goddess face. She peered down at them with great eyes full of wonder and amazement. "These are normal everyday people," she thought. "I can see all types of people right there in the palm of my right hand, businessmen, clerks, all types of people. Hmm what is this?" Monica noticed three gang members standing near the base of her pointer finger flipping the bird up at Monica, and jumping up in down yelling what she guessed was profanity. She smiled, and peered only at these three gang members. They looked pretty mean, for little centimeter tall gang thugs, with their baggy clothes, bandannas, and shaved hair. One of them pulled out a switch blade and started stabbing Monica's palm. She watched as it didn't even pierce her skin. It felt like the someone was lightly pressing her skin with the tip of a needle. She felt if but it didn't even hurt at all. Monica let him do his best to stab her, but then she grew tired of his sport. She reached in and pinched with her thumb and pointer finger of her left hand. She managed to grab all three thugs between her two fingers. All she saw was arms and legs as they struggled against her mighty pinching grip. She put the rest of the crowd down carefully on the roof of a six story building next to her right knee, she didn't want to crush them, not at the moment anyways. She placed the three gang members in her right hand again. They screamed like murder until they were back in her palm, and then they started acting up again. Monica pointed her finger above the one on the right. She couldn't see him beneath her long 'fuck me' red finger nail. With no remorse, Monica pressed down, her palm indented and her mighty finger squished her little pest into puree. She focused on the next one and pulled her finger back. She released, with a quick motion flicked the next thug off her palm with an amazing force. He splattered at the impact but what remained of him flew for nearly four blocks before smashing into the side of an office building. One more left, the one who had stabbed her palm. Monica mulled the situation. She addressed him, the city listened "So how does it feel to be so small and insignificant? What does it feel like to look up at me? " The thug blurted out a string of vulgarities, which Monica could easily decipher by his body language. She didn't like it. "Of course you know I am going to kill you, you little bastard, but first let me tell you something you might not know," the goddess addressed the tiny unworthy bug on her palm. "You see me? I was like you, like all of you, I lived in this city. Maybe we passed each other once, on the street, in a club, or maybe at the supermarket." She paused for a sec, " But you know what? I was always afraid of unpredictable bastards like yourself and your posse., the gangstas, the gangmembers. You whistled at me as I walked by, and pawed at me in dark alleyways. You know what? I don't like to be pawed or clawed at by scum. I hate you." Monica spit on the diminutive man in her palm for emphasis. "It was those like you that killed my mother, and gave me this scar." She traced the fresh cut on her cheek, with her fingertips. "But now look at you. How tough are you now? You can't even break my skin! Your are suuuuuch a Bad Ass, aren't you?' Monica's tone was very serious now, she didn't just look down at the thug, she glared down at him. Her fingers started to curl closing in on him slowly as she spoke. The shadows of her fingertips, covered over him. For the first time, he started to scream in terror. "Well now.... by some strange twist of fate.... I am a GODDESS!" Monica's face was directly above her hand, the hair hung down around her almost closed palm. The finger's closed their prison around the thug, and she felt him pounding against her fist in fear. "I am not just a goddess my little insect, I am an avenging goddess, a woman of enormous power. I am quite confident that the world will not be the same now that I am here to play. From this moment on, I do not give pity to the scum of the earth. I will be the judge of all mankind, and my sentence will be extreme. Die tough guy." With this Monica closed her finger into a tight fist. A snapping noise could be heard as she applied enormous pressure to her fist. Monica was all fired up with a passion for domination. She came out of the Indian sitting position, and removed her sandals one by one. She put the sandals side by side blocking two streets with their enormous size. She admired her bare feet. Her toes were painted wonderfully, she felt she had very presentable feet and had always paid special attention to the manicure and decoration of her toenails. She wiggled her toes playfully. Monica rose to her feet and for the first time directly felt the soft ground break under the weight of herself. The feeling of making the ground give under her feet was invigorating. Feeling very good about herself, Monica began walking again. She took long carefree strides as she strode down the tiny street. The world was at her feet. ***************************************** Monica enjoyed the feeling as she walked down the tiny roadways, each of her bare feet blocking the streets below from sidewalk to sidewalk. Sometimes, if the passageway beneath her was too full of fleeing people, she would step over the low buildings and cross to the parallel street. It was a wonderful image of Monica's foot descending as she stepped into the next fareway. Her foot came down so fast that the impact was tremendously violent to the small street way. The ground crumbled easily around the perimeter of her foot, sending chunks of asphalt flying, and breaking shallow fissures that permeated the brittle street for a many yards like the branches on a young tree. ******************* Monica passed the next tall building that was nearly her height, and then... she saw it - a blue suspension bridge extending across the calm ocean bay. It was strange looking down at it from nearly 3/4 of a mile away, but Monica was slowly becoming accustom to her new frame of reference. Monica looked and she could see little specs of color moving along the bridge roadway, and it excited her, all of the traffic looked to be headed one way - away from town, away from her. Well, Monica couldn't let that happen, this was here town now, and she hadn't given these tiny bridge-farers permission to leave just yet. She decided to go over to the bridge and say 'Hi'. Monica strode majestically to the span. The road broke under each eager step. Monica was a woman on a mission, or rather, a colossal goddess on a power trip. She strode block after block, her lovely bare feet blocking and demolishing the narrow streets and rendering the passage way impassable. At intersections she put extra emphasis into her step, relishing the massive destruction just one of her feet could cause as it covered nearly two dozen people, impacting them and a few of their cars deep into the seemingly soft asphalt. All of the people in her path were overcome with tremendous fear as Monica's relentless strides brought her colossal being quickly over them. And then she stepped on the dockyard, covering two docks, a yacht and a boat house with her lovely right foot, before taking her first step into the bay with her left. To her it was like a step into a shallow puddle. She could see the cars on the bridge swerve and vear as the tiny drivers sensed her approach. It was impossible not to notice a 700 foot tall, beautifully tanned Latin woman stepping towards you as you are stuck in a traffic jam on a suspension bridge. You first panic, you feel claustrophobic. There is no where to go and the danger is approaching quickly. She takes another step towards you and everyone on the bridge with you. Good God she is beautiful as she takes another stride, her long leg tightens revealing her shapely muscles. You follow her awesome thighs up and around to her slender hips, revealing a hint of her tight ass. The moment is so unreal, but at the same time euphoric. Another step reveals a more accurate sense of her actual size. She is impossibly huge, she is still nearly three hundred yards away, but still her upper body wells up above you like a great curvy wall of sensuality. Her calves and thighs seem out of proportion with the rest of her body, each of her legs could be an office building because of their girth alone. But, these two tanned 'buildings' of flesh and muscle join far above you meeting at the sensual mound of her pussy which seems to point down at you, mockingly. It alone is eight or nine times as long as you are tall. And still above this you admire the slow sway her long arms. Her left hand sways in front of her and passes over all of your heads. She stops there and looks down, and you are still looking up. You see her pretty face framed in a delightful way between her generous breasts, and the her long black mane of hair which flows down past them. You think you can make out a scar on her face, but it is out of place with all of her pretty features. She rests her hands on her hips as she continues to look down at you and all of your comrades on the bridge. It seems as though everyone is doing the same as you. There is no where to run away from this Latin goddess. As she stands above all of you, the ultimate vision of dominance, you all realize that she owns each and every person. You realize that size does matter, especially when someone is 100 times larger than everyone else. And the question is, what is she thinking as she looks down at all of you? And more important, what will she do? Monica reached down and grabbed a handful of cables. She pulled up on the cables and a fifty meter section of the bridge suddenly tilted ninety degrees. Twenty or so cars were sent tumbling into the bay. "You people thought you could leave my town without saying goodbye, didn't you?," Monica address her audience. She grabbed another handful of cables on the opposite side of the bridge and lifted it so that the upturned section was again even. A few cables strained audibly from the enormous tension. "Well I am disappointed in all of you, don't you want to play with me?" She lifted the bridge section up to the level of her crotch. Monica relished in the sensation of holding hundreds of lives at check. "Don't be shy everyone, You don't have to be afraid of a big girl like me." Let's have some fun!" Uttering these words in her sexy thunder voice, Monica lifted the two handfuls of cables higher up to her breast level. The force was too much and a dozen or so cables broke in unison, the bridge roared a terrible screech of pulled metal, and small sections of the bridge roadway tore and ripped, spilling vehicles and people into the bay. The various cars and trucks plunked into the sea making cute little splashes from Monica's vantage point. Monica arched her back a little and rested the bridge on her stomach so she could reposition her hands to grab a longer section of the bridge. Then Monica held roughly three quarters of the span between two fistfuls of cables. Pulling the cables taught, Monica was easily able to straighten the middle portion out so that the sagging center became level with the potions she held in her hands. Monica let out a great laugh, "See this is fun isn't it. It's better than Disney World." "And now for the Grand finally, a trip into Cleavage Canyon." Monica could see little people either jumping or falling of the bridge, most of them fell into the soft pleats of her thin summer dress as they fell and slid hundreds of feet until they reached the hem and then fell the hundred or so feet into the bay. Some unfortunates fell the entire way and made another little splash as they collided with the water 550 ft. below. Monica pulled the bridge closer to her breasts and pulled it directly under her great warm bosoms. She then wrapped the entire bridge around her boobs, tightly underneath them, up around the sides, and spilling the ends of the bridge directly down into her canyon of cleavage. The cars and people trapped underneath the heavy weight of her breasts didn't stand a chance. Even though her huge breasts where soft, warm, and supple to the touch, their sheer enormity was more than enough to crush all that rested beneath them. The cars and people who ended up at the top of Monica's ample boobs, were treated to the ride of their lives as the plummeted down the soft curved surface of her breasts. Only the larger of the vehicles could make dimples in Monica's skin as they impacted. Nearly a hundred vehicles tumbled from the bridge down into Monica's cleavage. Some rested precariously on the curved surface of Monica's breasts, others kept tumbling and bouncing downwards into her cleavage. Some of these were caught-up in her bra and the fabric of her summer dress. The remaining vehicles and people, still fell through the cleavage of Monica's loosely bound breasts and rolled and slid down the steep slope of her stomach and below. Monica didn't know how it would feel to have hundreds of tiny objects tumble down between her breasts, but having tried it, she loved it. It sort of tickled and was a little prickly as some of the cars and trucks tumbled harshly down her cleavage and stomach. After all cars and trucks are not smooth objects, they have edges and glass to break. But the size relationship gave Monica the extreme advantage of secutrity. So far everything Monica had done was a new experience, and she was not tired of experimenting with the possible sensations of being a 700 ft. tall goddess in a little city. Monica wiggled her breasts in an attempt to shake loose the rest of the small debris. Monica then looked towards the city as she still held the remains of the once mighty suspension bridge around her breasts. She shook her breasts a little faster, now caressing the underside of her breasts, and the thin bridgeway still trapped underneath them. She slowly danced, caressing her breasts more, tearing the last shreds of the bridge roadway uncaringly with more forceful motions. She looked towards the tall buildings once again, and imagined all of the people running in the between them. Of course the new Monica was going to return sooner or later, but they had no idea where she would reenter the city, but they could easily guess what Monica had on her mind. The sensation spread through out the city as they watched and heard Monica tear the mighty bridge apart. Monica was tired of fucking around. They all knew it, and feared her. Monica looked around her position, having a feeling that her large presence had scared more than the bridge-farers. And sure enough, behind Monica traveling at a steady pace away from her was a pleasure cruise oceanliner with the white hull and all the fancy trimmings. Monica brushed the debris and wreckage of the top of her breasts and shook her summer dress a little to free any trapped and clinging vehicles. She then turned around to give the fleeing ocean liner a little more attention. She took a stride towards the vessel, sizing it up to herself. The wave from her stride rocked the ship gently, Monica could see the deck was full of people watching her, she was sure they were all aghast after watching her playful antics with the suspension bridge. "Oh La La" Monica spoke sweetly and licked her lips as she reached the ship and stood spread eagle over it, giving the cruise takers a fantastic look up her flowing summer dress. "More people that want to leave, and so quickly! I must be a terrible hostess, because everyone wants to leave my little party." Monica thought for a second, "Hmmmm... this looks like a first class ship here. A sort of high fidelity cruise ship I would have to say." Without further waiting, Monica reached down and picked the boat out of the water. She held it in one hand. It was a little bigger than a 16 oz. bottle of soda to her. Monica studied the boat in more detail. She noticed that she had already crunched it a little just by picking it up. The hull had a noticeable indentation beneath her thumb. Monica saw many of the passengers jump ship as it sat in the palm of her hand. Some bounced off her fingers as they fell to their watery doom. Monica warmed up to the effect she was having on this small cruise ship full of tiny people. The panic she caused in tiny people made her want to cause some more panic. Monica pondered the fate of all she held in her hand. She stared at their numbers, and noticed the fine suits and beautiful dresses that they were wearing. After her massive display on the bridge the remaining group of passengers all looked up her with terrified faces. "Boo", whispered Monica, she shook the ship just a tad to watch all of the people lose their footing again. They fell in unision, piling on top of one another in their fancy clothing. It was funny to see such refined people in panic. Monica's mind raced through the things she could do with this ship. She thought about smashing in her clench - no too rudimentary; throwing the ship - no, this ship was more special than that. Monica raced through possibilities, "what do you do to rich people?", she thought. Her mind stuck on the word "rich" and soon faded to a popular Aerosmith song.. "Eat the rich". She remembered the lyrics, "Eat the Rich, there's only one thing that they're good for, Eat the Rich...." Monica gave it two seconds more of thought. She sized up the situation. With her free hand she reached into the crowd of people on the deck and seized purchase on five passengers. Because of the size of her fingers and the strength of her grip, she had to take special care not to crush them instantly. They wiggled between her thumb and forefinger, just as the thugs had done earlier, their legs flaying and kicking. Monica raised them to her mouth with the words, "Never had a delicacy like this before". She tilted her head back and opened her luscious lips as if ready to eat a bunch of grapes or a cherry on its stem. She lowered the group onto the tip of her tongue which was extended past her teeth. The people screamed bloody murder when the reached her tongue and discovered their fate. She let go with her fingers, and her tongue did the rest of the work, pulling them into her mouth quickly. This was an entirely new experience for Monica as she had never put anything that was still alive in her mouth before. She did not chew, or smush them with her tongue, she just held them and salivated, paying attention to their frantic actions as they desperately tried to get out of her mouth, but couldn't even free themselves of the pressure from the roof. "Mmmmmm" murmured Monica, being careful not to speak. She could feel three of the people losing the battle against her mouth, as they slowly slipped to the back - closer to her throat. She swallowed as a natural reaction to having small morsels at the entrance to her throat. The unfortunate three where taken in by the working actions of Monica's colossal throat, they where forced by a train of muscular actions to her stomach - screaming all the way. Monica felt them travel inside of her, it was too much. She imagined the horror of being swallowed alive that those people must be feeling. It made her feel like a God. With a quick slide of her tongue the remaining two men joined the others in the acids of her great stomach. By no means did the people not put up her fight, but Monica just felt a little tickling in her throat. It made her want to get a drink of water. But she could wait for that. There was more people to attend to. Monica gripped the boat with both hands and held it down by her stomach. The mere actions of doing this dumped half a dozen rich snobs overboard. She pressed with her fingertips and crunched the hull, and then she pulled with great might. The ship first strained under the tension, but when Monica gave a small twist to her pulling force, she was able to rip the ship apart. Once she saw the ship start to give she slowed down and carefully eased the structure apart. The result was a ship that was roughly pulled in half with the contents of the ship pouring out of both sides. She concentrated to hold both sides level, not wanting to spill the precious crowd of passengers. Monica uttered the words to Aerosmith's song out loud to put voice to what she had on mind. "Eat the Rich, there's only one thing that they're good for." The passengers erupted in chaos, the five people she had previously swallowed were nothing compared to what she was fully capable of doing. At Monica's current size she could swallow two dozen of them with no problem. The prospects of dying with this fate drove the crowd absolutely mad. But all Monica did was sing a few lines and then hum the rest of the song. Jumping over the railing of the ship was becoming the fate of choice amongst the ship passengers, since the other fate was too obvious and horrible. Monica licked her lips again, and spoke, "Yes, Yes I am a Goddess, My power is ultimate, and you are all mine." "I will enjoy you all, my tiny insignificant worshippers." Monica held one half of the ship away from her and tilted her head forward while bringing the other half of the ship upwards to her mouth. Her tongue extended and then she dragged it across the surface of the deck. Dozens of people were trapped by the approaching flesh of her tongue and captured by its moving momentum. Monica curled her tongue and pulled them inside. She raised her head high and relished in her power. "Hmmmm Mmmmm Hmm Hmm," Monica uttered sexy guttural satisfaction with her dominance over these rich people. Monica was more violent this time, and she pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth. This action resulted in a burst of rich flavor in her mouth as she crushed several unfortunates. They fought against her, but her slightest actions pulped several people at once. With many still alive she swallowed a big gulp and the crowd was gone, albeit a few overcoats, dresses, and pairs of pants. Monica felt this group of doomed souls descend within herself, it was as if she were a small universe. "Oh wow, that is awesome, you people really are nothing to me." "High society tastes so good, truly an experience to savor." Monica looked down at the halves of the ship, she brought them close together. There was still many more left , and she wanted to play. Just for fun, Monica puckered her lips and blew a gust of breath over the crowds. It was amusing to Monica, because even this was enough to knock them off their feet. She pushed the two halves of the ship together and pressed firmly. The ship halves rammed together binding and intertwining because of the pressure. Then it started to rupture. The meshing parts soon started to driving into each other. Before Monica realized what she was doing, she had crushed 1/4 of the middle of the ship. People where running away from the mid portion of the cruise ship towards Monica's fingers to get away from the rising wreckage. Monica wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing, she was daydreaming still about swallowing all of those people. It was a rush for her. And her hands where working almost sub-consciously. "Oh, My did almost scrunch this ship?" exclaimed Monica. "I must be more careful with my guests. Here let me put you down" Monica bent over and placed the ship in the water. Of course it was a big joke since the ship had so many holes in its midsection that it immediately started to sink. Monica could barely keep a straight face. Monica raised her foot above the slowly sinking cruise ship, ready to put it out of its misery, when a flash of pain erupted on her shoulder. Monica flinched and took a few steps back, creating enormous splashes wherever she stepped. She looked at her shoulder, it was red with a one inch diameter welt. Monica looked around. She knew someone was attacking her, but she didn't know from what direction. From the position of the welt it had to come from sea, not land. Then she spotted them. Two CoastGuard ships and a small military attack ship. They were about ten paces away from her. They must have shot a missle at her, it did have some effect. She had to stop them. "You attack a Goddess, fools!" Monica became enraged, she felt the welt, it was sensitive and warm to the touch. She clenched her fists, and waved her long black hair back out of her bangs. Another missile was fired. It flew straight for Monica, but Monica was not the usual target like a tank, a boat, or an airplane, which have limited maneuverability. Monica saw the red explosion emit from the ship's missile silo, and was able to take a step to get out of the way before it got half way to her. Monica was toned and in shape, her reflexes worked very quickly, and those ships were doomed. The missile missed her by a great distance, and proceeded onto the city, it impacted into the side of a bank, blowing it up. Monica walked menacingly towards the ship - her fists clenched and on her lips a snarl. The gunfire started when she came into range. It struck her dress and legs, but to Monica it felt as though she had a case of "pins and needles" It was a momentary sensation which quickly passed. "You have made the biggest mistake of your lives, puny men." "How dare you attack me! I am your Goddess." Monica got within three paces of the ships, and in anticipation of a short range missile attack, Monica went for maximum damage. She leaped out of the water and jumped towards the ships position. The view from the decks of the ship was enough to make anyone pee their pants as Monica's feet descended from two hundred feet in the air, closing in from above. The feet appeared unbelievably large a half second before impact. Some crew members could get out half a scream, before Monica's feet collided with the ships and sunk them instantly, pushing them deep under the water, and upon reaching the bottom, ground the ships beneath the rocky surface. No one had a chance to escape, those that jumped overboard were soon drowned in the resulting wave of Monica's violent impact. Monica got her balance and raised her right foot. She brought it down to where the ships where, she ground the ships further into their rocky graves. She stamped again and again, until little pieces of wreckage started floating to the surface. Monica was still enraged. She could not believe the stupidity of these people, surely they hoped they could stop her. If this crew was stupid enough to try, surely others would try as well. Monica felt her stinging wound, enough of these missiles would definitely be a problem she thought to herself. Sure she could crush any sort of a military instantly under her foot, but if they hit her enough times with missiles like these, she could be in trouble. Surely they would try. Monica was confused and mad at the same time. She was a whirlwind of emotion. She was a little bit afraid, the first since her magnificent dream before she discovered she had become a giantess. The blue aura of protection seemed distant to her now, she did not fully understand what it meant to her. Monica turned around and faced the city. She looked at the bridge she had destroyed and the lingering debris clouds from where she had walked down into the docks. Monica looked down at herself, at her feet which where underwater up to the ankles. Monica didn't feel like being considerate anymore, not after being attacked. She had been attacked too many times in her life and been stupid enough to be quiet about it afterwards. She relied on the passage of time to heal the wounds inflicted by scum and inconsiderate people. The world was full of them. Monica looked at the city and again, and envisioned thousands of tiny people milling around, running in chaos and abandon, unguided in the wake of her giantess actions. Monica felt it was time to return to them, and show them what it meant to insignificant, and show them what ignorant beings they where. Monica raised her chest high, and started walking. Without even caring, she stepped on the half sunken cruise ship that she had been playing with. It disappeared underneath her left foot taking the rest of the passengers with it. They had screamed when they saw that they were in her path as she returned from destroying the coast-guard ships. They saw that she wasn't even looking down to see where she stepped. They saw her beautiful left foot rise from the water swing forward with grace, before cruelly descending upon them. Their screaming was unheard as she buried them beneath the waves. ************************************************** *** Hundreds of people had seen the attack at sea and in unison they had prayed that she could be stopped somehow or at least slowed down. They watched as Monica took the initial missile attack, but fell into dispare as they saw her leap and land on the team of ships, violently destroying them. When Monica turned back around to face the city, she looked pissed. In horror they watched her start walking back towards the city. One man had been rooting for the attack ships with all of his heart, but when he saw their demise, he became white and wide-eyed. When she started heading back towards the city he exclaimed, "No... No... No No No No..... No.....No!" He fell to the ground unable to believe what Monica had just done. As she approached, hundreds of people stopped their silly gawking and started fleeing. They fled the damaged dock area and the street that Monica had desimated as she approached the bay. They fled in great numbers past the large cracked and broken holes in the street where Monica had stepped. "She is coming back, Holy Shit!, She's coming back!," exclaimed another desperate soul. Soon Monica loomed above the dock section, a tall female skyscraper of sex and rage. With a small step she was out of the water and again she was in the dock's loading area. She looked into the streets before her, hundreds and hundreds of tiny centimeter tall people were scurrying. She was filled with angst, and wished she could grow some more, just to crush every little thing under her feet. She walked on, watching intently at what she stepped on. Abandoned cars and lampposts, city benches, a small corner gas station, but she had not reached the people yet. She picked up a tiny car in her fingers and threw it down at the gas station, it erupted in a ball of flame, and soon the gas lines caught fire, creating a massive explosion. Monica scooped up a handful of cars parked in a lot, and slowly crushed them in her fist, then she threw them ahead of her into the crowd of fleeing people. "That's right Run, Run like you never have run before! Because I am not happy anymore," hissed the rampaging colossal woman. A woman stopped her running to look back at the giantess, she had to crane her neck back to get a look at Monica's face. Upon seeing Monica's pissed off expression and noticing that Monica was looking into the crowd of fleeing citizens, the woman, felt lightheaded, "Oh my God, what a woman, She is going to kill us all. She really is. This is unbelievable" The woman could not run anymore, she was transfixed by Monica's rage, it was both frightening and uplifting. She saw Monica as a woman who was getting back at all of the crap of society with its mixed up ideals. She wished she were Monica at that moment. As she stared at Monica, the colossal woman raised her foot high in the air and brought it down on the street where the woman was standing. The resultant force knocked the woman on her back, but she had been spared somehow. Monica stepped forward and lifted her beautiful foot from the deep depression that her impact had caused, swinging the it forward into the next street. The woman got up and watched as Monica walked away, she noticed that Monica was getting very close to the main crowd of fleeing people. Her eyes widened as Monica took the first step into the crowd of packed people. She heard the screams of terror and heard the awful cracking of cement as Monica brought her full weight down. Monica didn't even stop to relish, she just went for the next step. The woman walked to the edge of Monica's footprint that had been freshly made. To the woman's horror there was a flattened city bus and a few cars at the bottom of the deep imprint. The woman couldn't bare to look at the broken and crushed people who where trying to get out of their cars at the moment. Such a display of power was truly unimaginable. The woman watched Monica some more, and looked down at her own sandaled feet, thinking how it must feel like to be a rampaging giantess like Monica. She took a few steps and tried to imagine... Monica stopped. She was standing amongst two crowds of people she could feel them running in between her toes, and feel their warm fluids under her soles, along with crushed metal and the small jagged portions of rubble. She was growing tired of her summer dress which was constantly getting stuck on the taller buildings as she walked by, also the skirt portion obstructed the view of the city at her feet. The fabric was wet from her antics with the cruise ship and the splashing as she walked in the bay. She grabbed two fist fulls of fabric and pulled, the dress gave with some effort and tore along a jagged edge. Monica revealed her black satin bra. She saw some remnants of the cars she had poured into her cleavage at the suspension bridge. Monica continued tearing and revealed her toned stomach, which was not model caliber, but was in great shape. She tore the long length of the skirt portion allowing the people to see more flesh then they ever could imagine. Monica was wearing matching black satin bikini cut panties. She balled the summer dress up and threw it into the city. It sort of unraveled and covered five blocks. Now Monica looked down her body. The area where it landed was immobilized by a cascade of fabric. She was really proud of her figure, and it looked amazing good even at a height of 700'. Monica put her hands on her hips and looked down at her feet, she was good, she was really good. She looked at her dress and thought it looked silly draping over five blocks of low lying buildings. "I am 100% women, ...people ....hear me roar," Monica stated in her best sexy voice. She reached out with her foot and stepped on a fifteen story building, the destruction was invigorating in her bare feet. She stared at the fleeing people and nearby buildings and noticed something strange. She thought she saw a band of men on the rooftops shooting their guns at her. She felt some little pings on her skin, but it wasn't even an annoyance. Monica cut across three blocks from the two streets she was standing in. Yes, they were firing at her. A group of maybe thirty people on various rooftops where firing at her. She felt something sting her eye, it made it blurry for a few moments, she rubbed her eye and it was fine. Monica realized they were going for her eyes and face now. Monica balled up her fist and slammed it into the nearest rooftop she could reach. Not only did she instantly kill five gunmen, but she sent the rest of the building crashing down into rubble. Monica took another step to get better positioning. The unlucky people who happened to be by the buildings that the gunmen had chosen were introduced to Monica's massive wrinkled sole. She kicked the next building in the middle, the top of the building lifted off the base and flew in the air spreading debris in a large arc. The upper building collided into another tall one and brought it to fantastic ruin. Monica was really pissed at these insignificant insects, she grabbed another rooftop full of men, and simply squeezed until blood pursed through her fingers. Her teeth clenched in anger. She put her hand on the next rooftop and felt the gunmen shooting at her bloody palm. Monica clenched the edges of the rooftop and slowly lowered her palm. The gunmen fired the guns until the was no more room. Monica lowered the palm until her flesh crushed them, and then in spite, she pushed the rest of the building over into the streets. The fact that these tiny people where trying to terrorize her made her blood boil. She looked at her palm and could see the peppering of tiny gunshots imbedded only in the top layer of skin, it looked like a smattering of lead particles from a pencil. Monica closed her fist, she had given up on trying to understand how these people could be so stupid. She scanned the horizon and then she saw it. "Hey that looks like fun," thought Monica looking at a football stadium on the horizon. She doubted there was anyone in it, but she wanted a closer look. ************************************** Gary watched the giantess through his binoculars. It was as if the beautiful Latina was standing knee deep in weeds and stepping on ant hills. He watched as she lifted her foot and stamped down, only to raise her foot and stamp down harder on the same spot. Gary was glad he was more than three miles away pulling security duty at the Football game. He first saw the giantess when she approached the suspension bridge out in the bay twenty minutes before. Since then the giantess had become considerably more enraged. She was kicking over buildings and stomping out what he guessed was crowds of people like wildfire. A huge cloud of smoke and fine debris arose around the area she was engaging. The game had been stopped for five minutes now, but the people at large where kept purposely in the dark about why it had been stopped. The stadium officials where scared to death at the prospects of Monica coming to the stadium, but they also knew how difficult it would be to evacuate the stadium. Gary talked to his colleges who where aghast at the sight of Monica rampaging over three miles away. She could be seen from the knees up standing on the cityline horizon. "Christ she is big!, Jesus mother Mary of God, if she comes here it.... it will be a massacre" "Lets get these people out, Out now!" claimed one of the other guards. "If we order the evacuation because of a giant bitch no one will believe it," exclaimed Gary. He looked through the binoculars and saw Monica look his way and stare towards the stadium. A smile pursed her lips and she put a hand over her brow to get a better look at the stadium. "I think she saw us. Let's do it, these people are going to see her soon enough as it is. Here she comes." The other guards looked out from the pressbox security booth. "Sweet mother, she is beautiful, but Man O' Day she is a bigger than a Godzilla. How the hell will we ever stop her?" "Who says we ever can!," worried Gary. "She has one hell of a mean streak by what I have seen so far." "She got shot with a missile and only fliched!" "Well what do we do?," said the other guard. "Pull the fire horn?" "That is probably the best, once they get a peek at her it is going to be bedlam in this stadium" Gary initiated the fire alarm, and then started speaking to the crowd in a calm voice. "This is not a drill......" ************************************************** ** The terrain had changed a little, Monica made it to a few blocks where the buildings where very large, she could see the stadium between the skyscrapers. But since Monica was a skyscraper herself she found only slight trouble making her way through the city streets. For some reason the city streets where more narrow in this area and with taller buildings. Her feet barely fit in the streets at all. She found her self scraping the sides of the buildings as she stepped. Some of the passages where too narrow and the buildings where too large to make it through. Monica felt slightly belittled by these monsters of concrete and steel. But she decided to make her mark. She chose a building that had a particularly rich architectural scheme and played with the steeples on its roof section. She felt the glass along the sides of the building and marveled at the great details and the work that must have been done to build it so beautifully. The building was nearly 200 ft. taller than Monica. She walked around the side of it, taking care to crush any people she found at its base. Now she had taken to the game of singling out targets and following them with her feet before wiggling her toes and crushing them deep into the roadway or sidewalk Of course with feet as large as Monica's a considerable number of other things ended up at the bottom of the foot print with the 'target' pedestrian. It was all part of the game. Monica sized the building some more, actually she was quite impressed. But the hell with it, these people should be impressed with her, not with some building. Monica wanted to be the only object of marvel in this city. Monica caressed the side of the building again, and pressed her fingers into a few of the office buildings. The tip of her pointer finger filled a grand meeting room with ease. Monica wanted to be taller than this building so she could smash it with her fist like a tiny ten story building, but she had to be satisfied with her curent size. Monica thought about the wish to be even larger, it seemed silly, but when she was already this tall, why not go all the way? Monica embraced the building with both arms. Her fingers where able to meet on the other side of the building. She hugged the building and swayed slightly almost as if she where going to dance with it. She wrestled it a little and heard a low grinding as the upper portion of the building twisted against the lower. The spired top of the building swayed above Monica. She pressed her breasts into the side and moved her hips closer. She swayed back and forth with the building, and slowly but surely it cried out against being the dancing partner of a colossal woman. The skyscaper was earthquake proof, but it was not designed to be wrestled with and played with, by a beautiful vengeful goddess. Monica stopped her swaying and took a step back. She accidentally stepped on a 7-11 store, but it felt like a cigarette box to her. The skyscaper was no longer standing perfectly straight. Monica wanted to avoid having the upper portion of the building fall on top of her. She reached up and pulled at the spire at the top. It was maybe fifteen stories tall, but quickly broke off and crumbled at the base in Monica's God-like grip. She looked at it, and turned it over in her hand. There were some rooms in that where built in the spire. They where probably top notch pent houses. Monica poked holes in it, and when she was done playing with it, she bent down and "stabbed" a parking garage. It pierced the garage all the way to the basement, and left the spire in shambles with large cracks of ruin. Monica stepped back to the skyscraper. She grabbed it again and hugged the great building. It bobbed and weaved, but it also came close to toppling over on herself. So Monica stepped back and decided to leave it for later. Anyways, she had to attend to matters at the stadium. Monica wedged her way out of the tall skyscaper section, and made her way to the more suburbial middle ground between the city and the stadium on the hill. Although she wasn't too happy about leaving the building behind, and intact. She wished again that she could grow much larger, only if for a short time. **************************************** Gary watched without binoculars now. He saw her wrestle one of the largest buildings on the skyline and his heart skipped a beat as she was able to make the huge building sway. He hoped she would keep it up, since it was buying him some evacuation time. He looked back into the stadium, but it wasn't going too well. The stadium was situated on a hill which didn't afford the ability to see much above the high walls of the bleachers. The fire and evacuation sirens seemed to be dampening the dull thunder caused by the approaching colossal giantess's footfalls. But soon enough they would see her. "Please move as quickly and efficiently as possible, this is not, I repeat, not a drill..." Gary noticed some people at the top of the stadium hadn't even a chance to get down to the next tier of stands yet. He looked back at Monica and saw she was on the move with a big grin on her lips. **************************************** Monica displayed her power at every chance, she approached a small commercial center comprising of a few small shops, and two things caught her eyes, a Sam's Club and a Walmart. Monica smiled, she walked right into the parking lots of the adjacent super stores. She had shopped at Sam's Club before, this particular one always seemed to have long checkout lines, ignorant service clerks, but it was probably due to poor management. Monica was more than happy to plant her foot in top of its roof and press down. It wasn't as great a crush as she had hoped for, but she saw that there was still some people inside, and more of them pouring out of the front of the store. She lifted her other foot and planted next to the first. Together her feet almost fit inside the walls. Monica tapped her foot up and down and studied the Walmart. Yep, there was still quite a few idiots in that store as well. Monica took a step and was in the Walmart parking lot. She stepped back to get down on her hands and knees and pushed the cars out of the parking lot. She wanted to see into this highly irritating store. She put her head to the ground to see inside, it was hard since she was so large, and to lay down in this fashion she had to put her feet on the small mini shopping mall across the street. One foot rested on a Sam Goody record store, and the other on a Radio Shack. If there had been customers in the store, before she pushed her feet into them, they were snuffed out in a seconds time. Monica used her pointer and index fingers, and made a walking motion over to the front of the store. She made her fingers "step" on any people that got in her way. Her fingers walked onto the roof of the building and pushed through the structure. She could see her fingers inside the Walmart as she played around. She used her fingers to wreck havoc from the front of the store to the back and then she withdrew them. She made a fist and brought it down on the clothing section. The clothing section was engulfed by her fist. She pounded the electronics section. And then the food section. She knew each section so well, from shopping there so much. She wondered if any of the cashiers recognized her as she lay there looking into the store. It was a rush for Monica to do this to something that had been a regular part of her life. Monica got up and pressed the rest of Walmart under her palms pushing through whatever sections of roofing she had missed. Then she individually pinned down people she saw fleeing the building. Maybe some people she had known before, but she didn't care. Monica was a Goddess now, she didn't need a Walmart. ************************************************** ** After Monica was done shopping at Walmart, she got up from the laying on the ground position, and sat up on her knees. She looked down at her bra, and discovered that no matter how hard she tried, she always managed to get small objects stuck to her clothing and her bare skin. Small objects like cars, trucks and the mangled remains of fleeing Walmart shoppers. It was impossible to keep anything clean when your a goddess. Monica almost forgot about her new primary objective, the football stadium. At least her distractions where fun, but it was time to test her power again. Monica rose to her feet, and all of suburbia wept with fear, for their precious homes lay between her and her goal. And judging by the "Devil may care" look on Monica's face, the real-estate value was going to plummet very quickly. Monica started walking again..... It was amazing how small the average house was compared to Monica's foot, when she stood in the street, and her foot sunk into the cheap pavement. The composite was much softer than the tarmac in the city. The people where everywhere, she saw them scurry away from her goddess fury as fast as they could. The sole of her enormous foot was bigger than most homes. She proved the fact when she stepped on one of the larger two story homes at the end of the block. Her right foot loomed high above this two story colonial for a long instant before she brought it down. With one step she converted the two story colonial into a two story hole in the ground. She saw how her foot caused the trees on the sides of the street to explode as she stepped on them, sending fragments into the sides of the houses. Large branches impacted with violent force, wiping out front porches, windows, and ruining the Sear's home siding. It was comical to Monica as she watched hundreds of people run from her, looking behind themselves only to see her huge feet with bright red toenails closing in on them. Too her it was nothing more than a walk, through a tiny suburbia. All she felt was a mild tickling sensation on the bottom of her feet as she stepped on the trees and rich neighborhood housing. But to the people in the streets this was the end of the world. Monica's walking was sort of erratic so it was hard to tell where she was going. The people couldn't tell by looking at her face, because by the time they took to crane their necks back to get a look at her, Monica would be almost on top of them. She was creating a world of havoc at her feet and she didn't even care. But her footfalls echoed like dull thunder in the world at her feet. She was not just sticking to the road anymore, and what was stepping on whatever fell in her path. A minute market disappeared cruelly underneath her sole. Her foot covered every square inch of the structure and its foundation. The shop owner was transfixed by her little jaunt through the suburbs that he didn't or rather couldn't run away. Monica changed direction and never changed her stride. ******************************************** Gary was near heart attack as he watched Monica approach the stadium. Being that the stadium sat on a platou ontop of a tall hill, he only started seeing her again after she reached the last half mile of the stadium. He had watched on rampage in the city and watched as she descended out of view into the suburbs, then she had disappeared for a few minutes. But now she was back, and she was headed straight for his the stadium. As she made her way up the hill, Gary saw more and more of the sexy colossal woman. First he saw a few tufts of her jet black wavy hair, a second later he saw her eyebrows. Then her eyes, thats when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, Monica's stare into the stadium showed her intent and purpose. It was like looking into the eyes of a goddess. Her eyes displayed her impatience and moreover her immense power. After Monica took the next step up the hill, he could see the rest of her pretty face, and could make out a scar of two long scratches on her cheek. Gary was not able to take it anymore, as more and more of the giantess could be seen as she continued walking towards the stadium. In moments he went from just being able to see the top of her head, to being able to see her long toned calf muscles. Then she stopped upon reaching the top of the hill, and looked down. Gary could see the top of her ankles as she stood there. He looked over to the other guard attendant, but he wasn't there, he had fainted to the floor. Monica smiled because here it was, the Bayside Stadium, at her feet. Literally thousands of fans scattered the parking lot and clogged the exit roads leading to the city. Monica looked down at her feet, and saw she was standing amidst the last few rows of the parking lot. Tiny popcorn sounding gun shots where heard and the tiny bullets peppered her skin of her stomach and chest. Evidently the security was upset to have her visit them. She would have to make them more comfortable. "Oh did I miss the little football game?" said Monica in her best voice of sarcasm. Just as before there was literally nowhere Monica could step without snuffing out dozens of lives. But unlike before, she no longer gave a damn. Monica didn't like being attacked even it the attack was utterly insignificant. It also gave a thin reason for her to be really cruel. Monica's lips parted in a wide devilish grin. Watching her foot intently she picked up her right foot and swung it forward, held it there for a moment, before bringing her goddess foot down into the crowd. "I don't even know why they call this silly game football. They don't use their feet. I like games that can be played with my feet. Like this one," Monica announced to the crowd before raising her left knee nearly to her chest for the next step. Monica's left foot crashed down like an earthquake, she had put so much force into the step that it rocked the upper tiers of the stadium. The supports of the stadium swayed slightly. "Now I think this is my favorite game to play with my feet," giggled Monica. Another wave of gunfire peppered Monica, but she didn't look around for the hiding positions of the attackers, she just took it out on everyone else. "It does look like I am winning this game though, one point per person I think I have three hundred points so far!," Monica looked all around at the crowds outside the stadium as she spoke to the insignificant people. "Looks like you people don't know how to play this game too well, let me show you again" Monica raised her right foot to thigh level and aimed carefully before she let loose with another monstrous crushing step. The impact was tremendous, it sent cars and people flying whom where standing around the perimeter of where she stepped. The stadium stands rocked uncontrollably from this step, making it hard for the three thousand or so people still left inside to evacuate. Laughter welled up in Monica as she was having tremendous fun. Gary was transfixed, his face had gone pale white. His pants become soiled since he had no control of himself while watching the giantess wreck havoc. He had no control over his voluntary reactions like controlling his bladder, blinking, or breathing properly. As he looked through the press box windows he followed the Goddess's legs up and up. She was taking a step forward, raising her foot high so that her knee touched her breasts. As she held her leg in the position he could clearly see the detail of her panties as they hugged the mother of all pussies. Her ankle bracelet hung loosely from the raised ankle, and as Gary focused on it, she brought her foot down. The impact was deafening. The stands shook and the Pressbox moved on its cheap supports. Recording equipment fell over and tapes bounced out of their positions on the walls. Gary stumbled to stay upright. He could hear the crowds outside, they where decidedly upset and scared as the cruel giantess loomed threateningly above all their heads. He could hear on the Walkie talkies the lunatic cries of the security personnel who where shooting clip after clip of live ammunition up at Monica with no visible effects. "Jesus Christ, she so huge... Oh no Oh no... No don't step her... ... No!!!!......," he heard on walkie talkie from one of the parking lot perimeter guards just before the signal passed into the noise of radio silence. "Keep firing guys its got to do something!" Gary heard another. He heard the goddess talk, it sounded like organized thunder to his ears. She was talking about Football? This was completely insane. The goddess was stepping on hundreds of people dozens at a time, while talking about football? Monica raised her left foot for another colossal crush, it was a fun game to play She stepped down, only she didn't watch where she stepped, crushing a partial row of vending booths that where selling pizza bear and soda. The small booths obliterated underneath her thankless bare foot, causing the CO2 canisters to erupt with a violent force. The tanks containing soda erupted under the unimaginable weight of Monica's foot. Monica spotted a particularly tight pack of people fleeing her and decided to go for maximum points in one step. "Just stand still people I have something for you!" Monica raised her right foot high. She swung it forward, and in the act of transferring her divine weight, but the saturated ground under her left foot became slick and refused her to give her traction. Her left sole slid quickly beneath her. Monica lost her balance and the great giantess fell forward..... Gary was still mesmerized. He heard the giantess say something about standing still, but he was focusing on her long legs admiring her knees as she took a step closer to the far end of the stadium. He heard more yelling from the master radio.. and the channel went dead again. Gary knew he was doomed, but he just couldn't find the strength to run - unlike everyone else. Gary watched her go for her next step when suddenly he saw her lose her balance. She slipped and was falling forward into the stadium. Her massive arms flayed in front of her as she sought to break her fall. One hand landed outside of the stadium, a split second later her other hand landed in the East bleachers on top of the evacuating crowds. Her knees collided with the South stands crushing everyone or sending them flying through the air whom happened to be unfortunate to be in that section. Gary watched as her body fell forward - it was enormous! Her back arched and Gary watched as her breasts came closer and bigger as she fell on top of his position. Gary let out a scream but in slow motion, but all that came out was silence. Monica's breasts collided completely with the Press box, engulfing the small structure, smothering it. Gary fell back. He put his hands up in front of himself, but it was no use, he couldn't stop a falling goddess's momentum. Monica's abdomen covered the North stands before she crushed them under her toned stomach and ribcage. The entire pressbox was engulfed by Monica's mamories. They thrust into the tiny structure breaking it from the top of the stands, and ramming it down into the ground with all of Monica's massive force. Gary lay crushed under her massive nipple. "Whoah!" said Monica as she lay there on top of the stadium. "Whoops!" Monica laughed at herself. She moved her left hand and let her full weight crush the stadium and people underneath herself. "Mmmmmm..... I think I won this game! Ha Ha Ha" Monica's wicked giggle roared lavishly for a mile. She lay there on top of the ruins face down, watching the little spectators run about in a chaotic fashion barely two inches from her nose. She blew on them, and they fell down in mass. Monica freed her right hand and brought it forward. She announced, "Time for the extra point!" Watching the tiny people in front of her gigantic nose, Monica raised her hand and brought it down on the crowd with violent force. The ground shook with a high pitched clap of thunder, people that had survived Monica's grand slap where easily tossed in the air to fall haphazardly to the ground. Monica clapped the ground again over an new group. Her hand stung from the impact because she really put some force into it. The crowd exploded under her goddess hand, wetting her skin with their life fluids. Monica giggled more, the crowd was at wit's end, everyone watching her every move. They fled from her and ran into each other but Monica's hand returned again, violently crushing them fifteen or so at a time. The worst part was that this giant woman was having fun and exterminating them without a second thought. She made them feel like what they really were to her.... tiny bugs. Monica was done when she had smashed everyone with in reach, and then she rose to her knees and brushed her self off. She was getting quite dirty, and all of the debris was making her skin itchy. But she was having fun, even more so now that she let herself go. She was enjoying her size. It was fun to play God, or rather Goddess. She looked at her hands which were stained red as if she had been picking strawberries all day. "Ick" said Monica. "You insects don't squish too nice," she quoted as a smile pursed her lips. Since she was already soiled she didn't see the harm in playing some more. The ground shook again as she smacked the fleeing crowds with her palm. The pavement was slightly indented in the shape of her hand by the impact, but more so the area was outlined in red . Monica wanted to wipe her hands off so she rose to her full height and stepped out into the parking lot. She wiped her hands on a grassy knoll on the side of the hill, leaving grotesque red stains. Her hands were reasonably clean, but her rest of her wasn't. She looked at her breasts and her stomach and saw that she was a complete mess. She would have to go swim in the ocean to clean all of this off. As she scanned the horizon in the direction to the bay, she spotted a gleen of sunlight reflecting off an object in the air. The object was flying too fast to be a Helicopter, but seemed to small to be a commercial jet. Monica frowned, it was a fighter jet, the military must be after her now. She watched the jet disappear by the some buildings and it didn't emerge on the other side. She gathered it must be one of the those special jets that could land anywhere. Monica clenched her teeth, and her fists. She would swat those fighters down like the knats that they where. Monica felt her anger return in force. She cocked her head back to flow her long precious mane of black hair off of her shoulders. She glared at the buildings where she saw the jet disappear. She would fucking annihilate the whole area if she had to. Her breathing was deep. Her breasts pushed against her black lace bra. Monica felt the material if was slightly wet from the people she had fallen on. She was a woman damn it. No... she was a Goddess. She was a Goddess with beautiful breasts, and she thought she could be even more intimidating without a bra. So, with one quick motion, she broke pulled the clasp and flung the lace bra away. Her supple breasts bobbed from the quick motion. She caressed herself like a lover while staring at the fated set of buildings where she knew they were waiting for her. Monica started walking towards the building, she walked down the steep slope of the hill, and again entered the suburbia. Her stare was never broken. She became anxious and excited at the same time. Her fate was about to be decided. Monica wanted to stay like this. She didn't want to be captured and tested by these tiny ignorant beings like some freak of nature. She wanted to dominate. She wanted to study them. Study their crushed remains under her feet. With this thought Monica started running back to the city. Her feet quaked the ground as she strode, her breasts heaved, her thoughts were full of rage and ... confidence. ************************************************** ******** If there was one thing to be said about the army it was that they could position and ready themselves quickly. Many had been dispatched nearly two hours ago, and the only debriefing they where given was a scratchy live radio cast that had been airing throughout most of Monica's rampage. It was all they needed. It sounded like this monstrous woman was creating a hell on earth. Taking what she wanted, and generally trouncing human kind at will. Many of them couldn't believe it and couldn't imagine what she would look like in person. They had been told that short range fire had little or no effect and where therefore issued as much long range weaponware as possible. They where ready for any war imaginable, but most could not focus on attacking what had been described as a colossal woman. What exactly was colossal? It was hard to imagine. Once clearing the cloud cover above the city on the approach to the airport, they looked out of the windows, but could not see any monster. At the time Monica was having fun with a Walmart, and her laying position hid her underneath the city skyline. They entered the city while listening to the updates on the radio. There was a sportscaster covering the football game, who was going berserk as he watched Monica approached the stadium. Her thunderous footfalls emanating terrifyingly through the radio speakers. As she walked it was deafening, and the receiver was overcome with feedback with each step she took. "Jesus Christ, what is going on here?," said one of the recruits sitting in the back of the transport truck. "Nothing a little Napalm Flamee' couldn't take care of buddy," said one of his friends. "This bitch is coming down the hard way. You know what they always say boys, the bigger they are the harder they fall." "I hope the flyboys don't take her out first, before I can set my sights," the recruit added while aiming his "air" bazooka, and pretending to take a shot. "Quit frothing at the mouth you sissies. I want you menstruating pansy waists to shut the hell up so I can hear the goddam radio," barked the sergeant. Soon they approached the edge of the city. And saw the first evidence of her power. Two buildings that marked the entrance to the city lay in rubble before them. Then they came upon her footprints. It was too hard to imagine that a woman could cause so much destruction, but they where hearing live reports over the radio, this was real. "All right you assholes, quit gawking and lets move out" The infantry entered the city, most where amazed by the wake of destruction, the best ones, the hardened vets remained steely and cold to what they where seeing. To the few, this was just another shake and bake mission. In ten minutes they where set up, behind buildings on rooftops, in windows, and in tanks. They waited for the target to arrive. They waited for Monica. ************************************************** The ground erupted as Monica ran, her feet drove deep into the soft suburban earth burying houses with utter ease. Her footprints where the far more deep than when she only walked, and Monica sometimes had to stop, because her foot was had sunk too deep in the soft earth. But she didn't hesitate for too long. She was a big woman on a mission. Nothing could stop her. Monica reached the first scraggly outskirts of the city. The bay lay to her right, and the city proper lay directly ahead. She had started her venture on the opposite side of the city, and now she found herself in new territory. The buildings where small here, most not reaching past her calve muscles. There was less people as well , but they still fled from her, they just didn't clog the street with their massive numbers as they had in the other part of the city. No matter, she trod upon them just the same, with not a care in the world, and no meaningful expression on her face. Block after block she strode. She saw some interesting things that caught her eye such as a courthouse with a gold roof, but this she would reserved until later. Monica had more pressing matters that needed her attention. Monica was eight blocks away when she first saw the tiny tanks, sitting motionlessly amongst the destruction she had caused earlier. Monica stopped and in anger she grabbed a five story department store, lifting it from its rooted foundation, and crushed it easily in her hands. She walked closer, she could see more tanks, they littered the streets. She was almost upon them. One of the tank's turret was moving to capture her in its sights. Monica stopped. She could sense the moment of tension. She saw at least ten more tanks in the street in front of her and she assumed that many more aligned the adjacent streets as well. Monica decided to attack quickly. She ran forward with two mighty steps and jumped towards the first tank. The tank could not reposition in enough time as she flew in the air towards it. Monica landed on the small tank with both feet, and created a large crater in the tiny roadway. The impact caused a rather thin building to fall into the street, collapsing on two more tanks. Then as if on impulse, the army opened fire on Monica. The first wave of fire where laughable as she felt a slight tingling sensation on her skin as the showered her in gunfire. Then the missiles came. Monica saw the first one launch from a tank battery and tried to bat the small missile away, but it exploded on impact with her palm, and she felt its intense heat. Monica screamed in pain and lashed out with her other fist, punching through a skyscraper, sending three stories flying through the air. Monica looked back and another missile fired, she was able to step out of the way, but she got nailed by another one from tank on her left. Monica become a mountain of rage, her hair flew about her as she scanned for more of the enemy. She toppled a tall infrastructure into the street and managed to bury three tanks. She looked to her left and saw six tanks moving away from her, but their turrets still glared at her menacingly. She followed after them. She caught up with the trailing tank and ground it to scrap under her bare foot. She stepped for the next one and felt more fire on her back. She then felt as if she had been punched in the lower back, as a concussion missile impacted into her. She grabbed the spot and spun around to get a look. There where fighter planes circling her. She saw that they where flying above her and sweeping down for attacks. She saw one come at her and made a swipe at it. She hit it with the tips of her fingers and sent it spinning downwards from the sky. The plane erupted into a ball of fire as it collided into the street. With her back turned, one of the tanks she had pursued, fired at her and struck her in the thigh with a heavy shell. Monica screamed in agony as the small shell entered her leg. It burned and blistered her leg tissue, and Monica clenched her teeth in anger. She ran forward and obliterated many annoying tanks in front of her, the tank crews never had a chance to scream as her enormous foot crushed the living shit out of the tin cans that they rode in. She turned to the right, and gasped. She saw them over the rooftops, hundreds of them, more deadly tiny tanks. They were encroached and positioned in the area where Monica had originally grown. She would have to deal with them in a minute, but first the jets. Still, the tiny pests flew out of range of her huge grasping fingers. She ran at their grouping. The earth crumbled viciously with each of her goddess strides. Monica jumped in the air at some jets, her hands outstretched, back arched, and teeth clenched in steely anger. She screamed as she ascended towards them in slow motion. She was too fast for them and she struck two fighters with her left hand and instinctively clenched her enormous fist over them. Another fighter was hit by Monica's right hand, and flew apart into three distinct pieces which were sent flying at crazy angles through the he sky. Monica landed from her leap on top of a crowded stretch of townhouses and small apartment buildings. Her feet pushed deep into the ground as she slid through row after row of buildings as she sought to regain control over her momentum. Monica gave no head to the buildings her feet plowed through, she turned and planted her feet, her arms raised in a fly swatting stance, and her lovely hair in her face. She felt no pain as the small gunfire from the jets laced her torso and breasts. Monica was caged like a wild animal by the circling jets, and so she fought accordingly. The main body of fighters increased their attitude in light of the ease of which Monica could reach up and swat them out of the sky. This gave them less chance of landing a missile on the colossal woman, since she moved out of the way so quickly, but modern technology, with its heat seeking, and multiple target tracking accuracy gave them the advantage. They unloaded their bays upon the female monster in defense of humanity. Monica showed signs of fatigue. Dull throbbing pulsed her muscles as the missiles bit her by the score. They marked her body with small round welts and bruises. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, not in fear, but in anger - utter rage. Her voice thrashed windows of buildings and vehicles parked on the streets below her. Her screams tore the nerves of the ground militia, and the battery crews in their tanks. Monica's size and beauty was truly awesome as she became further enraged. Her attacks on the airforce had lead her away from the main tank congregation, and therefore a flank of armored beetle-like tanks headed out into the streets in bold pursuit of the Goddess. Monica surmised the situation while being pelted by the tiny missiles that struck her skin like vicious needles. She decided to turn the tables, it would take most of her energy to swat the rest of the attack jets, since she could only manage to rid of a few at a time by leaping into the air at them. She decided to take on the mass of tanks she had spied earlier. Evil thoughts filled her mind, and she stood up proudly from her crouching position. She ran back towards the cratered area where she had originally grown, and where she knew the main body of tanks had been. To her surprise there here quite of few brave tanks rolling towards her in the street at her feet. Funny they decided to follow her. She gave them the warmest of greetings as she ground the pesky armored bugs into the ground beneath her awesome feet, pulverizing them with a mountain of weight. The jets still pelted her with stinging projectiles, but Monica no longer cared. It was small price to pay, compared to the satisfaction she would have in crushing the hundreds of tanks waiting for her just a few blocks away. And at her size, just a few paces away. She saw them, an array of turrets greeted her as if in silent salute. At first she thought they were too many to handle. She saw tanks in the side streets and row upon row of them lining the larger streets. Monica didn't hesitate, she seized the moment. With a fluid blur of motion, Monica leaned forward, turned in on her right side, hunkered down, and launched herself forward at the main congregation of tanks as if she had broken out of a pair of starting blocks. She exploded forward with her massive pumping long legs, the sight of which would drive even the most stern breast lover bug-eyed. Her great calves supplied the pounding force that drove her forward and provided a massive downward surge of momentum through her ankles and feet into the soft imperfect ground below. She exploded through a high-rise, her right foot passing through the lower fifteen floors, with her toned tight tanned calve finishing the building off a split-second later. A large portion of the upper tower was sent high into the air before flying into ten thousand pieces upon colliding with Monica's bikini bound pussy. She was on them. She could almost hear hundreds of voices from inside the armored bugs below her screaming "Oh Shit" in unison, as her massive form floated in the air above them; the goddess's massive sole descending quickly, leaving no chance to do anything but scream. Monica's first step into the crowd of tanks was thrilling, but she didn't break stride, and followed up with her massive left foot. She was so fast that by time she took her third murderous stride, the tanks that survived the first step where just managing to fire off the first round of artillery at a mountain of woman who was no longer in their sights. Monica took two more pounding thunder strides before sliding to a halt, and in the process compacting two rows of apartment houses into the space occupied by one. She turned quickly her eyes to her feet, tracking targets to decimate beneath her dirty unforgiving soles. She found them, she found a lot. Hundreds of soldiers flooded the streets, abandoning their attempts of defeating a living Goddess. She watched them run from her. By themselves these tiny insect sized soldiers were of no threat to Monica. But they had made the great mistake of trying to attack her. Monica laughed to herself at their dire stupidity. Defenseless or not, these army boys were going to pay. Monica frowned and quickly trod upon a street length of tanks and soldiers, as if the tanks where mere anthills, and the soldiers mere ants. They screamed in mass as her feet crushed their lives in scores, but Monica was relentless. She only grunted primitively with every other mass murdering stride she took, it was a voice suitable for her rage upon this insipid race of arrogant men. She didn't spend time relishing her rampage as before, her only intent was to rid herself of this ground born threat and drive fear into the hearts of millions. If they attacked her in the air she would take thousands on the ground. She didn't even give a instant of thought of the hundred score of soldier's lives she would have to mash in order to do so. They were nothing and where utterly foolish in trying to stop her. She was a Goddess. Mankind didn't not rule anymore, the colossal woman by the name of Monica did, and she was through putting up with this shit. Monica made it back to the main body of tanks and started finishing off what was left of her first attack. Her leg muscles bulged as she put maximum force into her steps. Tanks and men, flew into the air when her foot collided with the now misshapen ground. Though she had already crushed two hundred tanks, more await her. And seeing what an opportunity a moments hesitation provided Monica, the tank crews didn't wait for the chance to get the perfect shot. They swung their sights until they saw her soft tanned skin and squeezed the trigger. Tons of munitions flew towards Monica and impacted into her tens of hundreds of tons frame, making her scream in agony. Unfortunately, the attack drew unwanted attention to the ambushing tank battalions, attention that was marked in blood through the eyes of the Goddess Monica. As she approached them with incomprehensible swiftness, they soon realized that one shot was probably all they were going to get. At least, in this lifetime. Undaunted the attack waged on. Humanity pitted itself against a colossal oppressor in the fight for its freedom, and more aptly, its survival. The fighter squads regrouped, with new vigor in their spirits. They had depleted most of their weaponry against Monica, but soon fresh fighters would join their ranks. Waves of attackers could be seen as dozens of tiny dots on the horizon. Far away the strategist crews formulated new schemes for attacking the Colossal woman. She did seem to be weakening greatly from their prolonged attack. They might yet win. Over the air-command radio, "O.K. boys, she is wiping the fuck out of our ground forces, lets show her how the airforce lays down the law. Lets rain down on her men. Her quaint little party shall soon be over..... Fly high and lay 'em low..... spread out.. ..and pull the numbers... this is command..... out." The airborne reinforcements arrived quickly. Monica looked up for a second before stepping down on a throng of running men. She gasped, and stopped her pursuit. They where coming, too many fighters to handle. Monica felt her edge sliding away from her. They were flying too high. Much too high for her to go. She could run! But, she was realistic with herself. She would have to face them now. She would face them here, in the middle of her city, the place where she once called home. These would only be the first, if she could defeat them there would soon be more. She looked down at her body, it was littered with small acute cuts, bruises,and powder burns. She bled slightly from some of the larger wounds. It made her sad, her spirit slowly ebbed. The planes above her didn't attack, it seemed they where waiting for the others to arrive. And soon they would. Her body ached as the adrenaline was replaced with a throbbing pain in her muscles. Minutes passed, and she didn't move. No one dared attack her from the ground in fear of drawing attention, and death to themselves. A wide research building crumbled around Monica's foot, its main infrastructure demolish from where she had stepped into it. She closed her eyes searching for an answer. Nothing came too her....... not at first. Then she was floating..... as a familiar dream unraveled in her thoughts. *************************** The world had become green, it lacked definition of any sort. Then a few moments later, their was a mild split, and now the world was green and blue - two halves of a strange universe. Soft shades of white formed in the pool of blue. The blue stretched everywhere above her, and the green everywhere below. The world focused a bit. Splotches of brown appeared on the green half and it seemed as if she was floating above them, almost flying past and over them. Focusing more, she recognized the white puffs as they swam in the sea of blue.... they where clouds. The blue must be the sky... and the green the land. The more she realized and recognized, the more focused her view of this strange but familiar land became. The brown was mixed with small blotches of dark green which she recognized as forests. Soon the ground was moving quickly beneath her - racing by as she flew over it. Now more detail was added, she was thousands of feet above the land, the clouds greeted her overhead. She flew through some low lying cloud tufts as if they where mist, and a brisk breeze blew her hair back. She could make out tiny things on the ground now. She could see specks of brown and white, and tiny threads of gray that where etched to and fro in the landscape, connecting the groupings of tiny white objects and mounds of gray things that reflected shards of sunlight into Monica's sensitive brown eyes. Now the infrastructures of the land became known to her as she recognized the tiny formations of civilization. Monica flew higher and arched her back, turning and rolling through the cloud garnered sky. She relaxed and let go - flying faster and faster. Diving deep towards the land and pulling back, swinging gracefully, as she flung her self acrobatically through the sky realm. She flew faster and faster, becoming dizzy as she gazed wide eyed at the tiny cities, and villages below her. The detail had become impossiblely sharp, now she could see everything, roads cars, houses, buildings.... everything. She flew faster, amazed at her wonderful ability. Flying faster still, she began to view a small field of life around herself. A thin veil of blue that covered her skin, and diverted the cold and the wind. She felt its protection wrap around herself, it was warm and comforting. The blue field could be seen surrounding every strand of hair on her head. It was amazing, it gave a taste of strength that she could relish. She felt the first hints of invincibility as she flew above the tiny lands. Then it occurred to her, what if the people on the land could see her flying high above their land. What must they be thinking? She wondered if the where in awe.... she wondered what would happen if she flew down to meet them... Hmmmm..... she wondered.............. ************************************************** Meanwhile in reality, things where quite a bit different. The land was not calm, if fact the inhabitants of a once peaceful city where at war with an unnatural force. They fought hard, but where always overcome. And, each time they saw the gleaming hope of victory, it was whisked away quickly by the enemy. Millions stood aghast at the latest bit of trickery that the enemy had crafted. It seemed definite now, that their efforts and sacrifices where in vain. The enemy was too strong to overcome in its present form. The enemy was no army of evil, no legion of hatred, no militia of bloody mercenaries, it was a being. It was ultimate and awesome. The being was a woman, with the power to conquer a thousand armies with ease. The woman was a giantess. The giantess was colossal in stature. Her foreboding omnipresence and beauty likened her to a goddess. Her lust for power made her one. She was Monica, one woman who had to power to change the world through brute force. And now after harnessing the full potential of her power, she had the means to destroy it. The goddess stood high and statuesque above millions of worried souls. She was motionless, her eyes where closed. A blue field surrounded her essence and slowly it ebbed away disappearing into the unknown. The goddess Monica traveled back into the realm of reality. She grasped her consciousness, and her lungs gasped a deep breath of air, as she emerged from the deep pool of thought. Slowly..... Monica opened her eyes. ************************************************** ****** It was fantastic, when Monica opened her eyes, she only saw the dream. She saw the blue sky populated by strands of fluffy clouds, and the green horizon of the earth. She was not flying, she was standing. Monica's eyes opened wide with recognition. Her mouth formed a devilish grin. Monica gazed downwards..... and then she saw. She was thousands of feet tall. Her body gleamed in the sunlight, a tanned statuesque goddess. She looked down at her feet. And she saw it - the city. Dwarfed impossibly by her feet. Her beautiful ankles soared high above the tallest skyscraper. Her ankle bracelet hung triumphantly and reflected gold specks of light onto the roofs of buildings and into the dim shade of the city streets. Monica was happy. Monica was ecstatic. But now she felt more aroused than ever. Monica's vaginal muscles contracted and her breasts quickly became firm as she looked down at her miniature city. She found it impossible to believe that her right foot covered two city blocks of sprawling urban landscape. She became wet at the first luscious thoughts of what millions of onlookers must be thinking as they look up at her now. She wondered how many hundreds of tiny mite sized people she must have crushed under her feet as she grew to this amazing height. Then how many more she could crush with just one step. Monica breathed deep, she took a long wisp of city air, held it in for a moment, and then exhaled in triumph. Monica could see dozens of miles now. Everything looked so close to her. Just a few scant steps and she could be anywhere she pleased. Monica thought about the possibilities. She felt a prickling on her thighs. Monica gazed down to see what it was. There they where... dozens of planes flying about her legs and hips trying their collective best to attack her. She saw the intense light of small bombs exploding on contact with her skin. But other than a small prickle, one step beyond a tickle, she felt nothing. Monica let out a laugh. They where so menacing before, but now they where utterly pathetic. She swatted with her hand and captured maybe fifteen jets, with a back hand she sent dozens more spiraling through the air or exploding on contact with her unimaginably large hand. This was more like it. Let them try to stop her now. They would only serve to amuse her. At this moment Monica was the most powerful force on earth. She brimmed with potential. Well if the jets where so inconsequential to her now, what could be said of the tanks? Monica looked for the tanks. Monica guessed that right now she must be standing atop the main contingency of the tank armada. But, bending down a bit with her knees to allow herself a close look, revealed that there where maybe thirty or so left. They slowly moved away from the perimeter of her foot at a seemingly snail's pace. With a voice that shattered glass for blocks in the city below her, Monica asked, "Where do you think you army boys are going? What is the matter can't put up a fight anymore? Don't want to anger the big girl? Are you afraid I might get angry?" Monica's voice became sarcastic, "Weeellll, I would be more afraid that I might forget that you are even down there at my mighty feet. I might forget you even exist. I might just take a step forward with my..... Right ... Foot" As she spoke this Monica rose to her full height and with her long tanned fingers wrapped around her hips, she lifted her enormous right foot above the surviving tank force. For a long moment she held it there. The sheer immensity of her sole was enough to shade the area beneath her foot to an almost pitch black night. Then as millions watched in uneasy tension, Monica spoke again, "And place my pretty foot down like this" Monica's right foot descended uninhibited to the ground below. It impacted with tall office buildings and apartment houses alike and broke them all in a like fashion. Their structures could not restrain her impending weight for not even a half second. The force of her weight shattered the tiny structures from the top down. Her foot descended in slow motion to ground level. A unanimous shout was raised amongst the doomed soldiers and city dwellers alike. But it was thin and unheard, and more significantly, uncared for by the ears of the Goddess. She crushed them all in one step. Thirty tanks, scores of buildings, and two hundred or so civilian lives vanished under the truly colossal sole of Monica's right foot. The impact drove the ground into a frenzy, sending dull tremors branching for a half dozen city blocks, shaking the streets and fissuring the weaker portions of the roadways. And thus, Monica received her revenge against the attackers. Her mighty foot buried them in a deep grave amongst the rubble of once proud buildings. Monica smiled. This was good. She felt them all under her foot. She felt hundreds of things tickle the bottom of her sole. And the thought that what was tickling her where actual crushed buildings, armored tanks, and unlucky citizens made her feel superior. She looked down into the city and paid attention to the action in the streets. Everywhere she looked she saw tiny dots scurrying. These were tiny people, but to her they where the smallest of insects - mere mites. There was no longer any connection between herself and them. Sure she had once lived among them, but that was before she inherited the power of a God. Now they ran from her. Now they all feared her. Her mighty existence and infinite power drove them crazy with hysteria. She was unstoppable and unpredictable. She had almost been defeated before, but now, she could do anything she wanted utterly without consequence. If she wanted to, she could level the city in a matter of minutes. She could easily smash every building, street, bridge, car, truck, and person under her feet with ease. And right now she didn't have a care or a concern in the whole wide world. She was the ruler of this city, and who knows maybe the county; nothing could stop her playful acts and surely never quell her rage. Certainly not at this size. She could probably rule the country, she could still feel the power inside herself. Monica new she could grow again if she wanted. She just needed to concentrate. And if she could harness this power... she could even rule the world - the whole entire world. Monica thought of it. Her eyes glazed over as she stared at the thousands of scurrying people in the streets before her. In this city, and in its neighboring outskirts lived tens of thousands of people, but the county was home of more than a million. Monica looked around her, she could see perhaps the entire county, almost as it looked laying on a piece of paper in front of her. A million people, watching her right now, fearing her movements. Hundreds of thousands of men, becoming unraveled by her unquestionable beauty. And like-wise just as many women, if not more, wishing they could be in her place. Wishing they could be Monica, to be a colossal woman, to follow their every whim, and control, yes... control, everyone. Monica felt their gaze upon herself. She thought of thousands of men, enough to completely fill five football stadiums, watching her. She felt them, they feared her but they where entranced by her. Monica became warm with the thoughts and her fingers wandered to the thin waist band of her panties, which had long before become wet from her power lust. She pulled and the fabric complied, stretching, and then tearing apart, loosening from her body. The black panties fell to the city below, just in front of her feet. Their ingrained aroma of giantess lust filled the air about them. Monica stood proud in the waning sunlight, she was a goddess in the very essence. Her body the art of beauty. Her fertile womanhood was displayed knowingly for all onlookers to view in awe. Monica arched her back gracefully letting her breasts follow the nature of gravity, rolling slightly to her sides. With her arms raised slightly in the air, Monica spoke to the heavens, she spoke to the world, "I... AM.... Colossal. I ..... AM.... FREE.... Of.. ALL..... Restraint. I... AM... WOMAN.... A... Great.. GODDESS." Monica lowered her hands and leaned forward from her arching position. She thrust her massive breasts forward, "LOVE... ME!... HATE.... ME!" Monica lowered her eyes back to the ground, back to the city before her, " BUT... MOST... IMPORTANTLY.... .....FEAR.. ME!!" With this Monica raised her goddess left foot and stepped into the city in front of her. Hundreds of awestruck people vanished all at once beneath her foot. She took another step, the dust and the rubble rose high as her foot left a deep footprint, leaving nothing recognizable behind in her wrath. As Monica walked, the rosy sunset sky bathed Monica's golden skin in a reddish hue. Monica listened to the unrelenting chaos in the streets beneath her. But with every terrible step, she silenced and muffled their screams of terror and agony. Monica took seven more steps before she came to something that interested her very much. There it stood between her feet, cowering beneath her, praying to be unnoticed by the colossal woman. A skyscraper, slightly at a tilt, with its top spire pulled off and driven into a parking garage a block away. Monica smiled and let out a laughter. "There you are my precious toy" Monica admired how insignificant this once superior skyscraper compared to the wrinkled instep of her left foot. Monica dared not move in fear of collapsing the building from the tremors of her walking. Carefully she lowered herself down, and noticed that if the spire had remained intact it might have reached past her ankle bracelet. Be it as it may, her bracelet hung triumphant above all. Monica considered pleasuring herself with this erect structure, but soon dismissed the thought... she was never one for dildos. She grasped it at the base and twisted it from its steel reinforced foundation. The superstructure moaned with disapproval of having its metallic hybrid roots removed, but it could not fight Monica's nearly infinite strength. Monica had to see this thing closer. It was too good, too small, to be true. She brought it in front of her lovely face to pour over its fine detail and judge its craftsmanship. Most of the windows where cracked and broken, from either her previous efforts with the structure or more likely from her current toyings. Cracks emanated the four faces of the building, ruining the very purpose of this architechtual perfection. Four hundred men toiled for over a year to construct this statement of man's superiority over disorder. And now it was held in the soft clutch of a colossal woman's hand - Monica's hand. The detail of the artistry was impossible, but impressive. With the slightest of movements, it swayed and crumbled slowly. Fragments broke loose and fell in a spiraling freefall to the ground more than 1000 feet below. Monica began to squeeze and the degradation increased two fold. The meaning became lost as the structure unraveled. The building was no longer awe inspiring, as it quickly became a skeleton of its former self. Monica lost her interest and came to her senses. She closed her hand and made a fist. The building fell apart and crushed in the great pressure of her grip, and thousands of sections of concrete and interior rubbish rained from between her fingers. All that remained was small twisted threads of steel coupled to sparatic portions of concrete. No longer a vision of Man's power, it was now merely a representation of Monica's power.. over mankind. ********** Darkness arrived and it brought the warm night air. But, the moon smiled upon the earth with a full face. It illuminated Monica majestically. It's gray moonbeam's gave soft light to the situation. Monica loomed forbodingly above the city streets. The tiny people looked up into the night sky only to see Monica filling the vision. They followed their eyes up the side of a building, up the numerous stories, up past the penthouse, to the roof. Only to become aghast when they saw, meeting the roofline, the soft raise of the anklebone of a woman's foot. The eyes soared upward following Monica's smooth leg - its girth distorted by perspective. And then upward higher and higher, up Monica's leg past her knee, her tight muscular thigh, to her hips, and then craning their necks backward to look behind their positions, they saw Monica's powerful womanhood. And then further upwards and backwards, somewhere impossibly high above them were mountains of Monica's breasts. She was looking down at them from between her breasts. Stopping her leisurely journey to enjoy a long look down at the city dwellers at her beautiful feet. She stood there for some time, watching hundreds of tiny specs of color swarm around upon the small roadways. This crowd was going crazy because they knew that they where being watched by the colossal Monica. They knew she was judging their now pathetic little lives. Monica leaned forward to afford herself a full view of the teaming thousands. She was their God now, she decided their fate. If she wanted she could step on perhaps a hundred with one foot, and it would be of no consequence to herself. The power had kept her aroused for many hours, and as she leaned over to observe the tiny mites careening into each other in vain effort to avoid her unavoidable wrath, her generous breasts hung very close to her chest, her nipples pointed slightly downward as if to mock the crowds of people. Monica liked this size very much. Although she had enjoyed the individual feel of stepping into a crowd when she was at the "smaller" size. But there was something to be said about brushing over skyscrapers with the instep of her foot. So now their lives hung in the balance as Monica stared down at them. Thousands of faces beamed upwards at her. Monica wanted to try something new. She was growing tired of this small city, and this played into her decision to get a little closer to her fans. Monica crouched down slowly and sat on her heels. She immediately heard the crowds go insane as their Goddess sky rushed down towards them. They knew what they where in for.... Monica reached down into the streets with her enormous hands. Her left hand was too wide to fit into the city streets, her thumb collided with the roof of a five story middle class department store. But its once well designed sturdy architecture did little but indent her thumb a tiny bit as she pressed down and through the five insignificant floors in half a seconds time. Her palm met the ground and shoved. It gave, and she impressed it with deep grooves in the shapes of her fingers. Even her long red fingernails pressed deep into the earth, crushing everything on the surface into an oblivion. She even pressed a dump truck ten feet through the street bed into the relatively soft earth. She didn't even break a nail. Monica's right hand descended ominously over the heads of almost one hundred and fifty doomed people, she watched intently through the gaps in her fingers as they stared up at her in terror. She watched her fingers slide down over the crowds and watched the ground swell in between. Dozens of people were fortunate not to land underneath her palm, and tried in vain to rise up between her fingers. It almost worked until she made the sport of moving her fingers together. Monica raised her ass into the air, and came forward to rest on her knees. She stood there on all fours for a few moments, absorbing the riot that was taking place below her body. In the dim shadows of the night, Monica could see the movement of thousands of people, impossibly small, colliding, tripping, and falling to get out from underneath Monica's body. They all knew what was coming next. Monica exclaimed, "Here I come!" and slid on her hands forward. City blocks erupted as her hands pushed through whole rows of apartment buildings like land born tsunami. Her five story fingers moved forward in a blur, laying waste to everything. Neighborhoods got caught in the flesh between her fingers. And slowly as she plowed on with her hands, her body slid forward and downward. Monica stretched further and further, until her hands where too far in front of her shoulders to hold her weight. Monica's colossal body fell playfully into the downtown. Her breasts crumbled mighty fifteen story buildings, one of them a regional Coca-Cola headquarters complete with its giant red and white lettered light-bulb billboard. The buildings exploded from the roofs to the ground under the soft full weight of Monica's colossal boobs. Upon reaching the ground the mass of Monica's bosoms spread outward toppling everything with just a slight touch. Then her rib cage and stomach touched the once majestic city scape. One young man stopped running amongst the rest of the idiots and assholes who where about to personally touch a real life goddess. As he did so, he his hit in the small of the back by a pale white woman running blindly forward - her face was streaming with tears. They rolled together to the ground and clamored for each other as they felt the insurmountable tension build. Monica's stomach filled the sky above the skyscraper rooftops. Her skin was lit with the soft dim glow of the city, a lone searchlight illuminated her belly button with its tiny beam. The awed twosome lay in the streets not able to run, not able to move, not able to get up. They lay there awestruck watching the great colossal plane of Monica's stomach encroach on their rooftops tens of stories above the streets. Terrible crashing could be heard from a half dozen or so blocks down the road as Monica's breasts pushed their mighty way into the city skyscrapers. As this sound wafted to their ears they saw the first pinnacle break of the top of one of the skyscrapers above them. It was barely rigid enough to even indent Monica's skin, before it gave up and broke free of its firm foundation. The three story pinnacle, similar to the spire that Monica had decimated hours before, toppled end over end in slow motion as it fell the sixty stories to the ground. It impacted the city streets a block away, crushing many people beneath its plummeting cement weight. But the noise of the impact was deadened by the ungodly noise of panic and chaos that clamored the streets. As they watched, Monica's firm stomach touched the main body of three skyscrapers above them, all at once. The buildings held for a few moments, but there was visible tension building up as Monica's skin became indented slightly. But soon the Monica won over, and the tops of the buildings swayed forward with her massive momentum, until the supports could not hold the odd balance coupled with their shifted centers of gravity. As the twosome cried out, in silent sentiment, great pieces of the building became dislodged and free to tumble down into the streets below - onto hundreds of people. They saw the skyscrapers snap at their midsections through the downpour of brick, plaster, and concrete. The end came swiftly. The ecstasy of ultimate power washed over Moncia, she could not take it anymore and released. She cried out in a flame of passion heard by millions of people for miles around. She rested her body in the city. Great, broken, still crumbling remnants of skyscrapers and shopping towers, poked and tickled her sides and her sensitive breasts. Her clitoris rubbed roughly against the crushed streets and people below, and added to her enjoyment. She looked down at the city, which was now much closer to her field of vision, and pushed her hips forward into the ground in order to rub her clitoris more. Beneath her great eyes the world ran, and pushed, pulled and screamed. She could easily make out individual people looking up at her, or running away at their peak ability. Each little mite/person was an individual with a life and history, and here she lay a colossal goddess, more than a thousand times as big as any of them. Monica pursed her lips and blew a strong puff of her hot breath down in the streets below. Entire blocks of people were blown off balance. Some tumbled head over heels as they were caught entirely off guard by Monica's hurricane breath. She made a stronger puff and watched cars move. Some people became momentarily air-borne above the rest. Monica rubbed her clit into the crumbling city again. A wave of ecstasy flowed through her body. She reacted by arching her back and kicking her right leg up and down. When her leg relanded, fifteen modestly sized buildings wrenched off of their foundations in unision, twisting into a ravage of ruin. Thousands of people pushed and fought each other in an effort to get away from Monica's colossal body. Hundreds of people merely fought their way out of the great thick tangles of Monica's hair as it flowed down over the sides of her breasts and onto the streets. A single strand was enough to ensnare a public bus and haul its heavy weight high into the air whenever Monica lifted her head to admire the surroundings. Her ridiculously enormous strands swept to and fro with the slightest movement of Monica, but to the tiny punished people at street level, her hair was a nightmare of whipping thrashing cables. Her hair knocked over rows of running men and women, and those that clutched to the thick stands in an attempt to stop the momentum, were wisked along with dozens of others high into the air. They screamed and the cried as Monica turned her head to the left and the right, but she could not hear their individual screams, and even if she could, she would only relish the fact that even her hair dominated these worthless insects. Monica cherished the tickle of the crushed city beneath her. She cooed at the slight touch of a broken skyscraper resting against her sensitive clitoris. She tried to imagine the view from one of the balconies of that little crumbling skyscraper. She continued to daydream. Monica wondered what it would be like if she had never grown to this colossal position. What if some other woman had. What if right now she was one of those tiny insignificant specs of color running away from a giant goddess. She imagined being small again, and looking over her shoulder as she ran with hundreds of others down the streets of chaos, only to see the bare breasts of a giant woman laying ontop of what used to be many city blocks of tall prominent skyscrapers. She imagined following her gaze upward to the woman's neck and beautiful chin and seeing the wavy mane of her gorgeous blonde hair flow down her mighty shoulders and into the streets. Monica saw the golden locks framing a pouty face that looked not into the streets just below her nose, but upward and forward, as if this fucking huge blonde goddess was not even cognizant of her immense size and power over Monica and the tens of thousands of people that ran stir crazy through the streets beneath her. Then as Monica daydreamed some more, the Blonde titaness finally did pull her gaze from the far off horizon and focus its omnipotent stare down into the streets in front of her face, down into the streets in which Monica ran. And, then the Goddess saw something that interested her. Her hand reached out before herself, and the Blonde giantess's hand appeared impossibly large to Monica as it stretched forward in her direction. Monica could see every line in the palm of the Blonde giantess's hand as it passed overhead casting a great foreboding shadow over the city streets. Monica turned to watch the Blonde giantess's hand wrap around a twenty story skyscraper and tighten in grip. The great hand, accentuated with long fuck-me-red fingernails, quickly applied pressure to the tall exquisite building, causing the building to explode betwixt her fingers. It crashed and crumbled. Concrete rained between her fingers and erupted in long arches of debris that left after-trails of dust. Then Monica watched as the hand became relaxed and then swept overhead, as the blonde giantess "slapped" another tall building, causing it to fly from its foundation in a bevy of debris. Upon watching a entire skyscraper disintegrate from a simple swat of her hand, the Blonde goddess broke into a evil giggle. "Mmmmm.... that was too easy, you had better run, you tiny insects... you tiny tiny people.... Or I will swat you all with my big big hand............" Monica came to her senses abruptly. She was staring down into the streets in front of her face. Her hand was pressed into a large crowd of people. There were several more depressions in the sea of fleeing people where she must have pressed her hand only moments before. Monica realized she was acting out her daydream of the blonde giantess. There in front of her, nearly an arms length away was the demolished remains of an exploded skyscraper. Monica thought once more of the Blonde goddess, and then smiled from ear to ear as the vision nearly matched her own situation. She reveled in the fear that the tiny people where experiencing. She fucking owned them. From now on, Monica owned everything she laid her eyes on. Nothing was out of reach. Nothing was out of her territory. Tomorrow was another day, and what would it bring? Monica was becoming bored with this minor league city. Maybe tomorrow she would search for something more robust. She thought about the massive military that could be possibly assembled during the night, but then she realized a tiny tank would be less than the size of a piece of "chicklet" gum compared to her colossal magnitude. No, nothing could stop her now, because she felt the power coursing in her now. But, surely they would try to stop her again. Monica had the power to wipe out millions of people if she were in a bad mood. To emphasize the point Monica pounded a supermarket under her fist. Only a crater and a misplaced parking lot filled with empty upturned cars, testified the supermarkets existence. Moncia felt good. Yes she felt awesome. In a few moments she would sleep for a spell, and in the early morning she would rise again. Monica rolled on her back achieve a better sleeping position. The city cried a massive "crunch" as Monica weight settled upon a new portion. The city clamored in her ears, but her exertions during the day made her increasingly tired. She reached out with hands and clutched at buildings to give her the warm feeling of total dominance as she closed her eyes to sleep. The bright moonbeams danced on her eyelids, but it was not enough to keep her from drifting off into sleep. For the first time in many, many hours, the giantess rested, and what remained of the city and its terrified inhabitants had a small respite from her divine reign of power. ************************************************** ****** The dream world slowly embraced the sleeping colossal woman. Her thoughts were loosely focused on the near future. She formulated the possibilities that her power presented. She could do anything she wanted now, but what would she do. From now on the whole world would be watching her. Every moment of her life would be video taped and recorded for this time forward. Her actions would be reported in live telecasts all over the world. And they better now, because Monica sensed the full extent of her power. She new she was too large now, but she felt more power within herself, as if the blue light energy filled her very cells, molecules, even her atoms. She new that she could become much bigger if she wanted. And that meant she could go where ever she wanted. NO mountain was to high to stop her passage, no canyon too deep, and, if she were big enough, there would be no ocean that she couldn't wade across. Monica became very excited as she imagined the immense size that would require. She could go to Europe. She imagined the panic that she could cause as she waded towards shore. To do that, would be enough reason alone. But to pluck the Eiffel tower out of the earth and bend it like a toothpick would be even better. She could do anything now, nothing could stop her. Monica set large goals for herself. France would be only the beginning. She would visit the world and establish her presence. No ship at sea would ever be safe from her. Maybe she was huge now, but when she got out to sea, Monica would show the world the true meaning of giantess. And if the people of the world didn't like it...maybe she would see how large she could grow on land. Monica imagined herself large enough to step on tall mountains ranges, leveling them to nothing. If they pissed her off, she would show them the true meaning of "Tap the Rockies" Monica wanted the world to piss her off. She wanted to get fucking gigantic. If they pushed her far enough they would consider her size now as small. The more she thought of it, the more she wanted. Monica wanted to visit Washington DC, and pluck the Washington monument out of the ground with her toes. She could only imagine the amount of commotion that would cause. What she had done so far was only a small portion of what she was capable of doing. She wanted to grow to miles tall, so she could wade the Atlantic down to Rio, and get the perfect tan on the beaches. She imagined herself laying on the sand, her body two thousand feet long, absorbing luscious rays from the sun. Nothing was out of the question. Nothing was too outrageous. Not for her. Monica's mind raced with a bevy of ideas as she drifted off into the subconscious world. She would wade the ocean to get to Africa, and then become the first woman to transverse the Sahara in under an hour on foot. She could visit the Great Wall of China, and trace its path with her feet. She could compare mount Fuji to her own breasts, and if the Japanese didn't like such a comparison, she could make herself large enough to win. And surely she must visit Tokyo, and make Godzilla look like a tiny fire breathing salamander. Just wait until they saw her rise out of the sea. She wanted to sea what their toy missiles could do then. Monica cooed in her dreams at the thoughts of having so much fun, and still her thoughts wandered to new possibilities. She could make her way back to the good old U.S of A., and cause some real riots in L.A. Hollywood thought ID4 was a good movie, well just wait. It will be a sad day when Monica reaches Beverly Hills, Monica imagined herself singing "Eat the Rich" again. Oh yeah, it was Monica's party now, and the whole world was invited. She wanted to feel what it was like to step on an entire city, maybe she would do a few experiments. That would really piss off these tiny insects, they spent generations building great cities, and now one woman, a Latina Goddess of unimaginable size and power, decides she wants to experiment to see if she could step on entire city at once. She loved it. They would hate it. That made Monica love the idea even more. Monica wanted them to mankind to test her limits. She wanted to piss off the military so much that they would swarm their tiny airforces around her body. She would swat them away as if they were less than knats. But, then it would be her turn. Oh yes, then it would be her turn, even though Monica would piss them off on purpose, knowing full well that she could not be stopped. Monica would play nasty. Really nasty. If they pissed her off enough she just might return the favor and piss on them. Monica imagined herself squatting over a city in the position, (it made her smile because at first it seemed silly), but then the idea started to seem like great fun. The little people would really be in trouble when Monica starts flooding their cities with her very own urine. As their buildings flood away and the skyscrapers topple in an unrelenting river of woman's pee, there could be no doubt that the goddess who did it, has no disdain for tiny insignificant people. They will be sorry that they even considered attacking Monica. From now on what Monica wanted, she would have. If she were to be opposed she knew she would eventually win, and then she will take what she wanted. And just because Monica was a woman, doesn't mean she couldn't get nastier than urination. There are far worse forms of humiliation. Monica intended to do everything eventually. And what the hell! - why not!. But first she would just have fun. Experimentation would come later. Who knows how long it would take to finish her study of giantess/chaos theory. She intended to pursue her degree. Finally the dark tendrils of sleep wrapped Monica's conscience as she dreamt of the wild pleasures her power would provide. She drifted off to a deep sleep. Her chest rose and fell in healthy rhythm. She was having the most relaxing sleep in months, in fact, Monica had not felt so relaxed since before her mother died so traumatically more than a week before. In the city around her, things quieted down a few degrees. Those that survived Monica's grand toyings, did their best to get out of the city proper. The roads that were still intact were tied up with cars, but for the most part people were simply walking to the edges of the city, whereupon they hoped to find transportation. They did not rest, for they knew that morning would be approaching soon, and the great giantess would awaken again. And God only knew what she would have in mind for the city, or the people in it. They would find out soon enough, and do their best to survive. It came as a painful realization that in the matter of a few hours, mankind had become so insignificant. This woman could create massive havoc without even thinking about it. They new that there would be a new war very soon. Today was only the beginning. If Monica remained a giantess, the world would have to change to accommodate her. No one knew her limits. For a while the people had hope for a fair fight against the colossal threat, but her last regrowth shattered their hopes. They could only hope that she could be dealt with in other means. They prayed for salvation. It was all they could do. Tomorrow Monica would walk again. Tomorrow was to the first day of the new world order. Monica would reign supreme. ************************************************** ** "We are now joined by the WRBF corespondent, Angela Canning, to describe the terrific scene that is unfolding on the East side...," "What we are witnessing this morning is a totally unbelievable occurrence, a giant woman of unknown height is standing on the horizon." the woman is exasperated as she is speaking, the camera, focuses in on the mountains behind the news lady's shoulder. A woman's naked bare foot is seen standing on the near side of the mountain range, only one foot can be scene from the cameraman's vantage point. He slowly zooms out to get more of a picture of the situation, a ankle bracelet comes into view as he does so. "This is not a hoax and these are not special effects of any kind. I..... I... I find it hard to speak because I am in awe, this woman must be two or three thousand feet tall!! This is truly phenomenal. At this time nothing is known about this giant woman other than the fact that she has grown to this height yesterday evening after an unsuccessful military attack. She appears to be a beautiful Latina woman in her late twenties with jet black hair. She has been standing on the mountain range for almost fifteen minutes now, and the whole East side, in fact the whole city awaits her next move. Police have ordered an immediate evacuation of the city, which is going on nearly five miles from where we are standing right now..." The camera-man, scrolls upward and views Monica's tanned legs, womanhood, breasts and stops on her face. Monica has a smirk on her face and her eyes are glazed over as she is contemplating... Then, as he is zooming in on her expression, her eyes become alert to the situation, and she looks to the ground, in the direction of the news crew. Monica licks her lips and looks down at her feet. The cameraman zooms out as far as possible. "Oh My GOD!!!... She is about to move again, Ladies and Gentlemen!! The giant woman is taking a step forward! She just stepped on a row of houses!!! Oh My God!!! This is unbelievable..... Ladies and Gentlemen... This woman has strength never before seen!!!.... Here... Here She COMES!!!" The Colossal Monica made her way easily and swiftly, the two mile margin the news crew had was quickly diminishing.... "GOOD LORD!!! She is traveling so quickly, she will be here in less than a minute!! Look at her!!!! Her body is so Huge!!! We have to get out of here!!!! She isn't stopping for anything!!! Look, she just stepped on a McDonalds!!!...." The newswoman ran for the News Van...The camera man kept tracking Monica's movements. He followed her feet as she walked closer to his location. **** Her feet appeared larger and more massive with every step. Her feet easily covered the blacktop two lane highway leading into the city. If fact even her big toe was wider than the highway. Dozens of cars, occupied and abandoned, disappeared under each step. The camera-man did not move, even though Monica was only a few steps away. He filmed people running down the highway in a vain attempt to get out of the way, only to be overcome by a truly massive shadow and to be blotted out of focus as Monica's toes filled the camera's frame of vision. The News lady was screaming her head off. She screamed for the fucking keys, and ran out of the Van to get them from the camera-man. But he could not move, He was frozen... The woman became hysterical... "This wasn't supposed to happen, they told us they stopped her last night!, OH SHIT!!!!.....," the lady was crying now hysterically. They were right on the highway in the middle of the road. Monica loomed overhead. For some reason or another, Monica's attention was drawn off the set of skyscrapers she was eyeing up at the far end of the East side. She decided to look down at her feet to see what she was about to step on. She saw a tiny tiny van in the middle of the street, it was parked as though it was meant to block traffic. Monica took a moment to focus on the van, then she spotted the Radar dish assembly on its roof, it reflected beams of light upwards into her eyes. Monica smiled. If she would have completed her stride, this van would have been a mere dollop of metal in her massive foot print. But now she could have some fun..... The camera-man had relieved himself without knowing it as he filmed Monica's foot descending down on top of himself and the area. Pee streamed down his leg, and trickled onto the pavement, but he didn't notice... Then her foot moved and planted down three hundred feet away, landing amidst a residential neighborhood. He had a clear view upwards past Monica's bush, and breasts - directly to her face, which was peering down precisely at him. Then her colossal hand appeared into view and with her sexy red painted fingernail, she pointed at the camera. Monica could barely make out the little man standing on the road beneath her, but she could see the sun reflecting of the tiny lens. Monica pointed down at the camera. "HERE me WORLD... My Name Is MONICA.... I Am NOW the GODDESS of the EARTH.... NO one will stop ME..... Any CITY that TRIES to STOP ME, will Be Destroyed. IF I am Attacked I will KILL Tens of Thousands of PEOPLE. YOU are nothing BUT TINY MITES beneath ME. I am Warning YOU, Do not Try to Stop ME.... Do not Get in My WAY.... I will TOUR the EARTH... I will CLEANSE it and USE it as I SEE FIT. FOR oh Soooo... MANY of YOU.... THIS WILL BE YOUR END..!!!!!!" Monica raised her right foot from the residential neighborhood it rested in, and raised it again over the camera-man, who could not move. "I AM YOUR GODDESS..... MONICA HAS HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!," with this Monica stepped down onto the tiny camera-man, ending his existence, and the news transmission. The word was out. Soon the entire world would see Monica in person. Monica continued on to the outer verges of the massive city. She had some grand plans for this tiny spec of civilization. This was the first city she planned to "Cleanse". It was called New York City.... Monica closed her eyes and concentrated. Millions of New Yorkers watched in utter disbelief..... Monica was growing again...... God Help Us.... THE END: PART 1, Divine Intervention Here's the too, too brief second part. [pic] Monica XXL by Chuckcjc Before the Earth started shaking to the extent that no one could stand on their feet, and the building sides started breaking into grotesque spiders webs of cracked masonary and crumbling red brick; before the streets began to explode under immense unfathomable pressure, releasing underground piping for water, gas, and electricity, and before hundreds of main avenues and thousands of streets and bi-streets were clogged with a livid terrified throng of humanity hopelessly looking into the vast sky for some sign that they might survive the horror above them and about them; before the millions ever knew this horror's name or could see into the great mesmerizing pools of her ominous brown eyes, or before her great encompassing shadow fell over the entire length of their prosperous city, the City of New York was once again on its regular schedule of business - its streets brimming with millions of toughened upbeat citizens the sun was out and it was a beautiful day to be alive. Hundreds of Thousands of citizens heard of stories from the previous evening about a colosal woman who had grown to more than a third of a mile tall in an apparrent fit of rage after being attacked by the seemingly victorious military. But few believe the stories having not seen her with their own eyes or heard it from their own friends or family. The media was such bullshit anymore, their phony studios were dying to make a story out of anything, and to most it seemed like a fantasitic tale fleshed out with amazing special effects. They did not know that the government was foolishy trying to blind their eyes as it has done for years. Any attmepts to further investigate the story were severly thwarted by the government. Even commercial satellite conveyance of the entire state was cut-off by the powers that be. But some things were never meant to be covered up, or kept at bay - Monica was one of them. Her code-name by the government was Monica XL, she was an unexplainable phenomenon on collosal proportions that shouldn't be able to breathe or even bat an eyelash let alone trample highways and small towns, and pull skyscrapers from their steadfast foundations. No one could explain her, but no one in the know could deny that she was as real as the ground they walked on, and that her crushing power was second only to the almighty God's. Some even wondered if Monica was God. She was certainly tall enough for the job. With every step Monica proved her superiority over the frightened race of humanity. Her ambition was like a great boulder resting atop a rocky crag high above a bustling town of people. On the slightest of whims Monica could snuf out hundreds of lives just as the slightest wind might one day send the threatening boulder rocketing down the jagging cliffs on a path of destruction in the civilization below. This was Monica's right. Her size gave her the ultimate power of edict. She could wield her strength in any fashion that she saw fit. If she wanted to walk across a downtown district crushing and leveling all in her path - so be it. If she wanted to stop and laugh at the helicopters and planes continously buzzing around her before lazily swatting a few away - so be it. If she wanted to take a nap on a mountainside for a few hours, and maybe roll over in her sleep ontop of a half dozen patches of farmland -so be it. If she woke up and decided have a snack of a few hundred heads of cattle - so be it. If she dispensed with the angry mob of cattle raisers that had joined in unison to chastice her choice of a mid day snack - by crushing them all under her big toe with the perfect red paint -so be it. Quite simply Monica XL could do what she wanted at any time to anyone anywhere. Today she decided to take a lazy stroll into the once great New York City, and show them how big of a girl she had become. She might even show them that they might need to rename her to Monica XXL or even Monica XXXXXL. And so on the mightiest of whims Monica rose from her mountain leveling nap, brushed off the evergreen forest that insistantly clung to her firm breasts and stomach. Performed her morning stretch, while batting away the four dozen helicopters that always seemed to encrouch upon her form when she slept. She spoke in pure thunder, "You Know... I am Growing really tired of having to swat away your tiny helicopters piloted by you tiny MITES!!" "When will you learn that you are now NOTHING!!," Monica stamped her foot into the forgiving soft earth as she emphasized the last word. The grain silo under the ball of her forceful foot was compressed so aggresively that it was pushed like a small Tylenol caplette into the ground, only a glimmer of the metal dome could be seen from the bottom of Monica's footprint when she removed her enormous ped. "You should know its not wise to anger your Goddess on purpose!," exclaimed Monica, taking a great breath into her lungs, "I guess I will have to teach you another lesson today - to make sure you understand this time." With that Monica began walking slowly and confidently over the mountain overpasses towards the great coastline that she knew would lead to the classroom for today's lesson in manners -New York City. Within three steps she was already causing great calamity. Directly in her path was a lazy mountain highway that wound its way around and between the very region where Monica had decided to take a relaxing nap. Travellers had less than a split second to react between the moment the great shadow overtook a small pack of thirteen cars and the instant the forboding shadow met the toughened unforgiving flesh of Monica's pretty right foot. They had no time to notice Monica wiggling her sexy toes adorned with blazing red polish before she smashed them all into the mountain side. To those in passenger cars, minivans, and tractor trailers that were spared the fate of being instantly cristened by the goddess Monica's divine foot, the world had seemed to end. Suddenly there was deafening sound that seemed to make the mountain itself cry out in protest, and then there was only a tiny patch of asphalt ahead of them that was dead-ended by the round sheer cliff of tanned and off-white flesh that was the heel of the colossal woman's foot. Those not suffering from immediate trauma from the scene in front of them, could barely find the will to stamp the brakes with all of their might stopping their cars before crashing in to the goddesses' heel. Some cars were not meant to survive the aftermath of Monica, and fell in the gaping cracks that eminated from the perimeter of her footprint. One driver of a a bright red Honda civic four-door sedan was lucky enough to stop his car at the very edge of a deep spindly apeture in the roadway that two Dodge Caravans had already tumbled into as the the roadway split apart. But as Monica removed her godly foot from her own footprint, the earth was shifted again, and the perimeter cracks opened a tad further. The driver of the Honda screamed in despair as his luck turned immediately sour and the crack swallowed his car whole sending his car plummeting through the parsed highway down the pine tree covered mountain. Monica noticed that she had only taken a few steps and was already managed to step on a dozen or more cars and demolish a mountain highway. She watched as dozens of cars piled up behind and in front of her foot and a few more crashed through the road railings - falling to desair down the side of the mountain. Monica sighed and spoke in a slightly sarcastic voice, "Geez it seems that you tiny tiny bothersome mites can't even follow the one rule that I have over you - Stay out of my way." "If you don't watch were your Goddess is walking than this might happen to you." Monica landed her left foot squarly on the highway in front of her right foot heel to toe, so that those who had stopped in puzzlement or awe were obliterated by her sexy foot. "You people aren't even bright enough to evacuate the area that I am in, I can't not help that you are so stupid, and I will show no pity." The corner of Monica's mouth turned upwards into a slight sneer as she looked down and very purposely landed her next step on the highway in front of her. She continued her omnipotent walk through the mountains, and with every step she proclaimed the word "Stupid" to the two or three dozen vehicles she covered with each of her titanic feet.