Minerva vs Lilim Rating: NC-17 This story is based on real events. I just changed the wrestler's names to protect their privacy. Please don't redistribute without my permission. Time for round 3! As the two amazons circled each other, they sneered at each other: "You're going down for good this time baby." "Is that right?" With that last remark, Lilith suddenly advanced and grabbed Minerva's long, powerful legs, trying to toss her to the ground, but thinking quickly, and with a flash of her legs and sudden twist of her hips, she threw her smaller opponent to the ground, and applied a key lock. She slowly twisted Lilim's vascular arm, putting what had to intolerable pressure on her shoulder. "Better give up, squirt, or I'll yank your arm out of your socket." "No." Lilim gritted out, teeth clenched, and suddenly, with a swirl of motion, she had freed herself and yanked Minerva's ripped feet out from under her, causing her to topple to the ground. It suddenly almost turned into a catfight, with the musclegoddesses almost tearing and ripping at each other, each trying to apply holds only to have the other escape or counter, until finally, Lilim managed to lock in a reverse chinlock with a bridge. Minerva squirmed frantically, but no matter how violently her massive, voluptuous body struggled, she was unable to escape the grip of her smaller foe. She became more and more tired, and Lilim continued draining her energy with the hold, until... She stopped struggling. With an almost evil smirk, she picked the exhausted Minerva off the ground, and put her in a Canadian backbreaker rack! As she ruthlessly stretched the taller woman across her broad shoulder, she jumped up and down, jarring her vast back. "Arrggghhh!!!!" "Scream for me. You owe me one, don't you think?" I begin to wonder if I should call a stop to this, when unexpectedly Lilim dropped her and grabbed her around the waist as she fell, then lifted her off her feet in a bone-crushing bearhug! She grinded and rolled Minerva's muscular back, eliciting more screams of pain from her trapped opponent, before dropping her to the ground permanently and putting her in a smothering scissor. Minerva twisted this way and that, but Lilim smirkingly rode down Minerva's attempts to fight back. As she did so, she played with her huge tits and Minerva's bigger ones as well, until with a mighty shudder, the bigger Amazon passed out under her full, ripped, ass. Lilim kept scissoring and ass smothering her for a few more seconds, until she got off her lovely face and turned her over her knee, and administered the first swat! My dick grew unbearably hard in my jeans, and my hand drifted down inside my jeans, beginning to stroke myself. Awakening after the first smack, Minerva yelled, and then moaned as her incredible ass was spanked and caressed. Lilim's other hand drifted inbetween Minerva's legs. From her increased moans, it wasn't exactly hard to figure out what Lilim was doing to her. "You're a very bad girl. You must be punished for defying Mother." "Oh I am. I deserve it. I deserve to be spanked very very hard." Minerva was spanked and fondled until she screamed loudly, echoing off the walls of the building, and I could see her cum dripping down. I suddenly realized they were both staring at me. "And here's someone else who needs a lesson." Lilim purred. Gently rolling Minerva off her knee, she stood up, walked over and took hold of me, then placed me over her knee! The two Amazons stripped me, and Lilim started spanking me and rubbing her breasts against my back while Minerva kissed me and stroked my cock! This continued until I shot my load over Minerva's eager hand! The victorious Lilim then carried us both over her shoulders as she left the ring area and went to her chamber of bondage! Before carrying us inside, she said one last thing: "Now it's time for some more fun..." The End