Melissa 3 - Big Brother's Long Weekend By BC Melissa repeatedly defeats and humiliates her big brother As he lay in darkness, John's head cleared a little. He was still smarting from the beating that his little sister had given him. He decided that he would surprise Melissa in the morning and give her the beating of his life. John tiptoed quietly down the stairs. Melissa was in her bathrobe, heating up a pot of water for tea. Yawning, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and shook her loose hanging long reddish-brown hair, feeling a glow of satisfaction from her victory over John the night before. After busting his balls and otherwise hurting him, she made him go to bed early, without dinner. She knew that her brother felt humiliated and would try to regain the upper hand, and knowing John, she figured that he would try something sneaky. Suddenly Melissa heard the floor creaking slightly and she knew that her creepy big brother was creeping up behind her. She hummed softly to herself, not letting on that she could see his reflection in the tea kettle as he sneaked up behind her. When he was close he jumped up, landing on Melissa's back, his arms wrapping around her neck. Melissa swiftly bent her right lower leg back and her bare heel crashed into John's already sore balls from behind. He moaned in pain and surprise, releasing his hold on her neck and falling to the ground. "Gotcha again, Big Brother!" giggled Melissa. "It looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet. Oh well, it's only Saturday morning. I have all weekend to punish you if that's what it takes to beat some sense in you!" "Y-You surprised me last night!" retorted John. You couldn't have done that if I was prepared for you!" Melissa chuckled. "Oh, poor baby! she mocked. "Poor college dropout Johnnyboy can't handle his teenaged sister because he wasn't prepared, so she beats him up!" John blushed in humiliation. "I'll tell you what, Brother-boy. I'll give you all day to get your frustration out of your system. You can challenge me to as many fights as you want. I'll beat you every time! Just don't be a coward and try to sneak up from me from behind or the next time I won't just kick your balls, I'll pull them right off of you!" She put her bare foot on his crotch as he lay on the floor and wiggled her toes. "Got it, wimp-ass Big brother?" Angrily, John pulled his body out from under his little sister's foot and stood up. "Okay, you little brat," he said, going into a fighting crouch. "Now you're going to get it!" He then lunged at Melissa, who waited until he was close enough and then drove her knee powerfully into his balls. John crashed back down to the floor with a howl. The tea kettle whistled. Humming contentedly, Melissa turned away from her writhing brother to pour her tea. She heard John getting to his feet but pointedly ignored him as she sat down at the table. She lit a cigarette and sipped her tea, demonstrating that she was totally unafraid of anything that her former tormentor might try. "Any time you want to fight, Johnnyboy, all day today, just let me know and we'll go at it. But until you beat me, you have to do as I say, just like last night! John grumbled an unintelligible response, mainly to save face, not because he had anything meaningful to say. He was in too much of a state of bewilderment to think straight, let alone talk straight. Melissa stubbed out her cigarette and flicked it onto the floor near where John was struggling to her feet. "Clean that up boy!" she murmured. "And then wash my teacup. After that you'll clean the house while I supervise you. And remember, any time that you don't want to obey my orders any more, all you have to do is challenge me to a fight and beat me!" Fuming with humiliation, John reluctantly did as he was told. "I'll do this, but I want to fight you again before you make me do anything else!" he muttered. "No problem, Johnnyboy, I'll wait for you in the living room. "Let me know when you're ready!" Melissa drawled. She knew how much he hated being called "Johnnyboy". Almost as much as he hated being beaten up by his kid sister! That's why Melissa did it. She was playing with his mind, and his mind was in turmoil. Melissa felt wonderful, her only regret being that she had waited so long and endured so much from her former bullying brother. John finished up in the kitchen and found Melissa sitting on the living room chair, smoking another cigarette. "Okay, Johnnyboy," she purred as she stood up, "give it your best shot. But when I finish with you, you will put on an apron and clean the kitchen!" As Melissa knew it would, John's face flushed red with anger at his sister's goading. Covering is genital area with his left hand, John charged at Melissa, swinging her right fist at her. Melissa took a drag of her cigarette, ducked under the punch and slammed her knee into his groin. His hand didn't offer much protection. The shot to his balls was agony, and pain shot up his left hand. Melissa grabbed his wrist and flung him to the floor, letting go of him only before almost dislocating his shoulder. Melissa put her cigarette in her mouth and casually leaned over, grabbed his ankles in her hands, stood back up and spread his legs out as wide as she could. Grinning with both excitement and and girlish wonder at the discovery of her power, she slowly bent her knee and lifted her foot over his groin. "N-NO M-MELISSA! PLEASE, I GIVE UP!" he shrieked. Melissa felt a shudder of excitement ripple through her. The experience of her big brother being terrified of her was still new to her. But instinctively Melissa knew that she couldn't let up the pressure on him. "Sorry, Johnny boy, it's just too hard to resist!" With that she stomped down on his balls. She kept her hold on his ankles and stomped again, crushing his hands when he tried to block her path. She shifted her foot's position ad swung her foot underneath his groin, her toes pounding in to the underside of his balls. John was beside himself in pain, desperately trying to pull away from his sister's vise-like grip. With a grunt she stood him upside down on his head. "All right, Johnnyboy!" she sang. "I'm letting you go now. If you still want to fight me again just let me know. You can fight me as many times as you like today, but you might just want to face reality and give up! Until then you will put on Mom's apron and start doing the dishes, understand?" "YES, YES, MELISSA, PLEASE, ANYTHING, JUST LET ME GO!" cried John. Melissa let go of John's ankles. John crumpled back to the floor and slowly picked himself up as his sister sat back down in the living room, turned on the television and finished her cigarette. Melissa gave John a hard time with the dishes and everything else. She inspected his work and found fault, making him clean the kitchen floor three times before she was satisfied. An hour after the previous onslaught, John told Melissa that he was ready to fight again. This time she faked blows to his balls and instead concentrated on his belly and face. John's balls worked against him, Melissa realized. Not only were they painful when wounded, not only were they so conveniently available to an attacking female, but even if she didn't touch him there, he would be so worried that she would and would always leave other parts of his body defenseless. She also realized that despite his height advantage of four inches, she was better coordinated than him and was able to attack him at will. She now realized that even without busting his balls, she probably could have beaten him up in a fight years ago. Anyhow, after five minutes of knocking her big brother around, he gave up and pleaded with Melissa to stop. After an additional five minutes, in her own time, Melissa finally stopped her beating. After finishing the kitchen, Melissa had John vacuum the living room. John said that he had to go to the bathroom, but instead of coming right back down he tiptoed to his bedroom. Melissa noticed this but pretended not to. Whatever John was up to, Melissa was sure she could handle it. When he came back to the living room, John charged at Melissa without warning when her back was to him. She let him wrestle her to the ground and land on top of her. Then she quickly went into action, spinning around and driving her right leg between his legs. She pounded her knee into his groin and encountered a dull thud. John was wearing a protective cup! The cup caused a small amount of pain to Melissa's knee, but it hurt John more, even with the cup on. Now Little Sister was angry! She slammed her fist into his already bruised nose and as he cried, his hands flying to his nose, she unbuttoned his pants and stuck her hand underneath the cup. Her fingers found his balls and squeezed, and her efforts were rewarded by the highest shrieks that she had been able to get out of her brother's strangled throat. She had become proficient at kicking balls over the past two days, but now she was getting up close and personal with John's testicles, kneading them in her fingers. "If you ever try anything like that again, Johnnyboy," Melissa hissed, "I'll squeeze your balls into pulp and pound it up your throat!" She gave a quick, violent squeeze and let go. It's not fair!" whimpered John. "I can't fight when I'm afraid that you're going to hurt my balls!" Melissa chuckled at her big brother's whining. "What you're really saying, Johnnyboy, is that because men have balls and women don't, that women have the natural advantage! I agree with you. But it's more than that. Women are mentally tougher, and even physically tougher if not always stronger. I KNOW that I could beat you easily without going near your poor little gonads! For the rest of the day I promise that I will never attack your balls in any fight that you challenge me to!" A little later, John was ready for another fight. True to her word, Melissa didn't attack his balls. Instead she got him into a full-nelson, painfully punishing him yet again. Then she pulled his arm back behind him and he was wailing like a baby for his baby sister to stop hurting him. Melissa let go, and saw that almost all of the fight had gone out of John. She felt excited that she had nearly broken her big brother to her will, but she wanted to goad him into one more final degradation. As John lay whimpering on the floor, Melissa knelt beside him and sang in the universal children's taunting melody: "I'm stronger than you are!" I'm stronger than you are!" As she knew it would, Melissa's singing went straight to the heart of John's ego. "Y-You're not s-stronger than me!" he blubbered. "I don't know how you did what you did, but you're still not stronger than me!" Melissa giggled. "Okay, Brother-boy. All I have done is beat back your challenges all day long, hurting you a little more each time! But if you still need to be convinced that I'm stronger than you, then let's arm-wrestle right now!" Melissa wasn't only a better fighter than her brother, she was also smarter than him. He may have been able to beat her in an arm-wrestling match before they started the day's fighting, but now she had worn down his body and his spirit. And she had just put his arms through intense pain and strain. John looked at his sister, already poised with her right arm in position to grasp his. He knew that he had no choice. He couldn't back away, but she had spooked him so much that he had no self-confidence left. As John's nervously sweating hand met Melissa's, she casually lit a cigarette with her right hand. He tensed up, ready to go. He pushed forward several inches and was then stopped cold. Melissa looked like she wasn't even paying attention, taking drags of her cigarette and blowing smoke rings, her arm didn't budge. Then Melissa took a drag and blew a long stream of smoke at John. "Okay, big brother, I'm ready to go!" she purred, firmly pulling her arm and both of their hands into an upright position. "Okay, 1-2-3- GO!" she barked, keeping her arm in that position, grinning at John's frustration as he wasn't able to move her arm down. Then, Melissa brought their arms halfway to the floor and held him in that position while she took another lazy drag and blew more smoke rings. Melissa lowered her arm so that John's hand was two inches from the ground and then painfully twisted his wrist. John cried for Melissa to let go, that he was giving up. But Melissa wasn't ready to stop, and she kept twisting and pulling his wrist. In desperation, John tried to pull his arm and hand down to end the mat, but Melissa firmly kept John's hand from touching the floor, prolonging the match for her own pleasure, even though of course she could have pounded his hand to the floor whenever she wanted. Finally she slammed and ground his hand with a vicious flourish. After that, Melissa made John strip naked as he continued to clean the house. As he was doing this, Melissa called a boy from her school who had asked her out. She hadn't given him an answer before, but now she called him up. Paul was overjoyed to hear from Melissa, but bewildered when she told him that she would provide their transportation - her brother John would drive them to the movies in his new car and act as their chauffeur! Knowing that he had no choice, John miserably agreed. Paul was amused when John got out of the car to open the rear door for him. They made out together as John drove, realizing that he was now a servant to two teenagers who were having more adult activity than he ever had. That night was just the beginning. Melissa informed John that from then on, he and his car would be at her disposal, and that he would start by driving her to school every morning, beginning on Monday. John morosely nodded, figuring that complaining wouldn't help. He would have to try to figure out some way out of this mess. After they got home, John asked Melissa if he could at least have a cigarette after his long, painful day. He had been smoking for a couple of years, but Melissa had taken his cigarettes from him and forbade him to smoke.Melissa was amused at how humiliated he looked, and realized how difficult it must be for him to be reduced to asking his kid sister for permission to smoke. He must have really needed one bad! But Melissa knew that if she was going to break him she couldn't give him an inch. Giving her brother a smug grin, she put a cigarette between her lips, lit it and then swiftly shoved it into his mouth. She laughed with delight as she clamped her fingers on his lips, making him extinguish, chew and gag it down. "That's the only smoking that you'll be doing from now on, when I use you as a receptacle for my cigarettes!" declared Melissa. "Look at you! You're crying like a baby, and babies can't smoke! In fact it's way past bedtime for babies, so get ready for me to tuck you in!" So like the night before, Melissa tucked her big brother into bed like a mother would with a baby. And in every way, John was feeling like a helpless baby, suffering at the hands of his merciless little sister. As he miserably laid in his bed, John told himself that if he could just endure Melissa the next day until their parents came home, he would be okay, and he would figure out to do to get out from under her thumb during the week. He felt so ashamed. He used to look forward to those weekends alone when he would torment Melissa. Now he couldn't wait for Mom and Dad to come home so that he would finally feel safe from her attacks. What a difference two days make! John would have been horrified if he knew that at that very moment, his sister was planning his torments for the next day. And the plans included an ingenious method that came to Melissa's mind to continue her torment of him in the house even after they returned, right under their noses. Melissa smiled contentedly. If John only knew, he might run away from home! By the following night he would know, but by then it would be too late! ______________________________________________________________________________ __ How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.