Keira Daley becomes a Killer By David Watts, Keira Daley famous hot-young actress, was getting ready for a new part in a film. She was to play a professional rock climber. The filmmakers insisted that she train for at least 3 months to get in peak physical shape. Keira was excited, she liked the role and was excited about the chance to enhance her physique. She had always been really skinny, she thought some muscle on her would look good. It was also the hot thing in Hollywood to have a fit body. The filmmakers hired the top fitness trainers in Hollywood to get Keira in shape for the role. She quickly proved adept at weight-training. She would usually feel really good about herself after the workouts. Within two weeks she started going above the normal amount of weight- training needed, her male trainer was very impressed at her dedication and enthusiasm. After a month of training Keira received word that the film would have to be delayed for three months due to pre-production difficulties. Keira was not upset she figured she could get in even better shape before shooting started. Also the filmmakers were willing to compensate for the time. Mike Breenley, Keira's fitness trainer loved his job. He loved fitness and especially fit women. He always preferred to date women that were physically fit. He liked muscles and the more muscles the women had while still being elegant and gorgeous the better. So he totally freaked out when he heard about training Keira. He thought she was obviously beautiful and super hot, and when she first came to him she was on the skinny side with not much muscle. But after 6 weeks of intense training he could start to see a difference in Keira's physique, she was starting to have some muscle definition. Mike had to leave for another client after two months and another trainer took over. When Mike came back to see Keira's progress four months later as shooting was about to start he was very surprised, almost shocked. Keira's muscle mass had almost doubled! She had a solid 6-pack abs that looked as if they were made of steel. Next to Keira working out was an 18- year old male. He was trying to bench-press 180 pounds, and was sweating profusely, eventually he gave up. Keira looked over at him and said, "Come on tough guy, you can lift that. It's only 180". The teenager replied, "I'd like to see you lift that much, babe." "No problem", replied Keira. The teenager got up and snickered to himself. "This is going to be great." Keira walked over to the bench and laid down on it. She took a deep breath and easily lifted the 180 pounds twice, then while holding it up, said, "How many more times should I do this? 6, 7, 8 more times? It's up to you dickface." Keira lifted it up eight more times then sat it down. Her biceps had swelled up and were enlarged. At first Mike wasn't sure if Keira's biceps were actually bigger and stronger than the 18-year old but now he could easily tell her's were bigger. The teenager totally flustered left the weight room in a hurry. Keira just laughed. Keira looked at Mike and said, "Go ahead and feel them, I think there getting pretty big." Mike touched them and immediately got a hard-on. He responded with enthusiasm. Then Keira said, "But I think they can be bigger. And not just in the arms, but the back muscles, forearm muscles, leg muscles, everywhere. I have to take this to a new level." "Well you don't want to get too big, that's not sexy." Said Mike. "What? Are you jealous or something?" laughed Keira. Mike wanted her to get bigger, but couldn't tell her that, as a celebrity trainer he was somewhat responsible as to how the public would react to her body, and he knew that if she got too big, people would say some negative things. "Also, I think it's really ridiculous that women can't get stronger than men. I know genetically were not designed to. But occasionally it happens, and I think it could happen way more, if women just work at it harder. I think if they did it would bring more equality between men and women in a lot of things." Said Keira. Mike was incredibly turned on and slightly agreed with Keira, even though he thought it sounded a bit crazy. Mike didn't see Keira for three months as she filmed the movie. But he heard that she kept up her rigorous weight-training schedule. Mike was at the grocery store one day when he saw Keira on the cover of Oxygen Magazine. She looked incredible! She looked insanely buff. Holy shit he thought. And the thing that was even more shocking was how feminine, elegant and gorgeous she still was. She still had feminine breasts that only seemed to be bigger because of her huge muscular breast-plate. That wasn't all that shocked him. On the cover Keira was standing behind an athletic male flexing, while the male was flexing. Her biceps were clearly bigger than his. Her leg muscles were bigger than his. The cover article read "Are Women the Stronger Sex?". Mike quickly flipped the pages to the cover story. Again he was blown away. He wondered how they could have a gotten a male to humiliate himself like this, but in the story it said that he was a friend of Keira's. One of the pictures was Keira flexing her bicep and the male doing the same again outlining how hers were bigger. They had pictures of them in role-reversal scenarios. They had Keira lying on the bed in the typical male position with her arm around the male, with the male laying his head on Keira's huge chest. They had Keira look really greasy and dirty with a white tank-top as she was fixing a car with the male handing her tools. Mike couldn't believe any of this. Keira's muscles were lean and extremely well-defined. She was like a beautiful sculpture of a perfect advanced female human being. Mike was shocked. A few days later Mike was at his fitness gym, when he heard about a teenager being beaten to death in the men's lockeroom. Apparently all of his ribs had been broken as if some lethal machine had collapsed his entire rib cage. Both of his eyes had been swollen shut. Both of his arms had been broken. The police thought some gang must have done it, however they were still investigating. Later that night Keira was walking in a dark alleyway. She walked to a door and opened it. She went inside and there was a big empty room with two men standing in the middle of it. One man was in a business suit, the other was in boxing shorts and appeared to be quite strong and athletic. Keira was wearing a sexy black dress with a white coat. The man in the business suit walked up to her and Keira handed him a big stack of money. "It's been good doing business with you." Said the man. "Same here." Said Keira. "Ready?", said the man. "Yeah", said Keira. She steeped back and took off her white coat and black dress. She just had a black workout outfit on. Both were taken aback at her stunning, muscular body. The male fighter was a little worried, because he had a huge macho ego and would never be able to live with himself if he lost to a woman. The surprised businessman went between them and said begin. The two fighters circled each other, the male putting up his arms, Keira looked calm and had her hands down which the fighter thought was extremely foolish. He took a few punched and missed Keira was pretty fast. Then he finally punched her in her breast, which surprisingly did nothing to her. He then went in to punch again, when she grabbed his upper arm and swung him around and took her other arm and wrapped it around his waist. With all of her might she held him, and he couldn't move. He tried and struggled for twenty seconds to break but couldn't. She then exerted some force and cracked a rib. She then kneed him in the back and he fell to the ground while she held his hands behind him. She then took his right arm and kneed it breaking it instantly. She then kneed him in the face. Blood splattered on the floor from his broken nose. Keira was very strong. The businessman was a bit shocked. Keira then got behind him wrapped her insanely huge biceps around his skull and slowly started to squeeze. The man began to shout and shout, and the businessman started to protest. Keira continued the pressure and began to scream herself in intensity. Till after about 30 seconds there was a loud crack and the male fighter's skull had caved in. Keira Daley had crushed his skull to a pulp. The businessman puked. Keira got up and started to walk to the businessman with a killer-predatory look on her face. "What are you doing, get away from me, you won the fight, now leave!" shouted the businessman. Keira punched him in the gut and he dropped to the ground. Keira then elbowed him in the face which broke his nose. She then tore off his pants, and grabbed his penis, when he tried to pull her hands away, she punched him square in the face, putting him in a daze. She then grabbed his penis and twisted it and bent it until it became purple and started to bleed as Keira had broken some blood vessels. Keira leaned over and whispered in his ear, "should I let you live?" The man cried and slightly nodded. "I don't think so." Said Keira. She then ripped off her bra to expose the most muscular, sexy breasts the world had ever seen. Keira then stuffed his head in her breasts and held it there until he suffocated and died. A few weeks later Keira bumped into Mike. Mike now had his suspicions that Keira had killed the teenager. He was so revolted he wanted to throw up every time he thought about it. As they began to talk Mike with a dead serious face looked into her eyes and said, "I know what you did to that 18-year old guy from the gym. I am going to tell the police and they will catch you." Calmly Keira replied, "Really." Mike then hurried away as Keira smiled. A week went by and Mike was about to tell the police. He decided he was going to do it the next day. He walked to his front door, to find that someone had broken in. He looked around and went into his bathroom to come across his male roommate totally nude with his neck twisted at an un- natural angle. His penis and testicles were smashed to pulp. Mike puked for 30 seconds. He checked to make sure his roommate was dead and worst fear was confirmed. Mike was in disbelief, he then came to and realized that Keira might have done this. Suddenly afraid he thought of a weapon, but couldn't find anything. But then he realized that he could probably take her. He thought that she probably killed his roommate and the teenager after she had drugged them or something. He went out to his pool to see Keira swimming. She looked so sexy and at the same time incredibly frightening. Mike shouted, "You are a sick bitch. You are a monster." "Oh, come now, Mike, I'm just bringing equality to the human race, just paying back the male race for all of their years of hurting women." "You are a psycho", said Mike. "It's a shame, I should have waited to kill your roommate after you got here so he could have told you about his first-ever anal ass raping courtesy of me and my pink strap-on dildo." Mike started to shiver in fear and disgust. Keira slowly stepped out of the pool completely naked. Her body was truly an advanced female human being. It was a true Amazonian-Goddess body that could compete with any male bodybuilder. "Mike, Mike. You just don't get it. I have to admit I never thought I could get my body to look this good. And especially these forearms, look at them. She then went up to Mike and put his neck between just her forearms. And started to squeeze until Mike fell to the floor almost out of breath. Keira then got down on the ground and wrapped her biceps around his neck and twisted-instantly killing him. Keira laughed and then left his house.