Russian Schoolgirl Assassins..2.. By ANTMAN Madame Irena glanced at another Monitor...and she touched the arm of Olga, the dark haired 18 year old, sat next to her. "I think Marina needs a little help",  Irena stated. Olga looked and saw Marina, a slight girl, with a dark fringe, and pigtails framing her heart shaped face. She was backed into a corner, facing a man in his boxer shorts, who appeared to be berating her; waving his arms in the air...Irena leaned foreward, and turned the volume up..."And I'm telling you, you bitch, ...I'm not paying you. "..he spluttered..." I told you to stop,..but nearly strangled me , you stupid cow ".. The girl backed into the wall, and her big eyes opened wide in  fear, as the man took a step towards her. "Right ! I'm on my way"..Olga stood up suddenly, and quickly left the room. Irena smiled, and turned back to the monitor.The man raised his hand threatingly..."Why !! I ought to..." Marina raised her hands to protect her face, and her slim body cringed. The door behind the man suddenly burst open, and Irena saw Olga, step quickly up to the man. Her hands came up, chopping with their edges at the sides of his neck. With a strangled gasp, the man suddenly went limp, his legs gave way, and he slumped senseless to the floor. Olga bent and gathering him up under his arms, stood. "Get his clothes Marina, we'll teach this scum to cause trouble". As Olga backed towards the door, Marina drew some notes from his wallet, and returning it to his jacket, picked up the pile of clothes, and followed Olga, as she dragged the senseless man down the short corridor to the fire exit. "Get the door dear"said Olga, and stepped aside as Marina reached out a hand to push the Open bar on the door. As It swung open, Olga carried the man outside, and laid him on the floor, in the side street behind the house. Taking the bundle of clothes from Marina, she threw them onto his still form. Glancing up at the sky , she commented..."Ummm, Hopefully it won't rain before he wakes up...Come on Marina...let's go and see Madame Irena". The door slammed shut behind the pair, and they went into Irena's office. Motioning the pair to chairs behind the desk, Madame Irena pointed to a screen..."Watch a minute...It's Amelia and Yulia..they are enjoying themselves...." The two girls looked at the screen, where two girls, dressed in schoolgirl clothes, were straddling a fat writhing man. On his chest, Amelia, a shapely blonde, with a pigtail, and large grey eyes above a little cute nose, was pinning his shoulders down with her knees, while her strong hands were easily controlling his arms, pinning them to the bed. Behind her, riding the heaving stomach, Yulia, with her long fair hair in a ponytail,and with sparkling blue eyes was riding him easily, pinning him to the bed, both girls were 18 years old. "Let's here what's going on", smiled Irena, and leaning foreward turned the volume up. The man's gasps and groans as he struggled to escape, were joined with the grunts and giggles of the girls, as they held him helpless. Amelia, then knelt up, and shuffling foreward a couple of inches, lowered herself again. The man's scream of "NOOOOOOOO ! ", was smothered out as his face disappeared into the muffling folds of the girl's short pleated skirt. Amelia gripped her thighs tight round his face, as his muffled protests came from under her, and turning round, smiled at Yulia...."He's ready for his pleasure, Yulia", Amelia said....And gave a delicious giggle. Yulia, then slid her soft long fingers slowly down the man's stomach. His body heaved desperately. He tried to twist his head away from the girl's smothering crotch, but Amelia gripped tighter, and the man felt the silky hardness of the girl's thighs holding his head still, he tried twisting his wrists frantically, trying to loos them, but Amelia's grip on his wrists was too strong for him. Yulia's soft hand slid under the man's boxer waistband, and moved to the hardening bulge in his groin. "Now we'll see some action", Olga patted Marina's arm, and they leaned foreward expectedly. Yulia's hand in the man's boxer shorts, suddenly bunched, her long slender fingers closing round the man's testicles, and gripping hard . The man suddenly arched into the if he had been electrocuted. Yulia had to steady herself with her free hand on his chest, as she gripped him between her strong legs "Whooeeee" she laughed, then she eased her grip, and the man's shuddering body, twitched back onto the bed. His muffled scream of agony , echoed through the room, and Amelia struggled to control his panicky  writhings,,,"Again, Yulia"...she said...and as the man's screams started again, Madame Irena smiled.."They will be a great success to get information from men...Ha ! Ha!..a man's most masculine thing is also his weakness"..she turned the volume down. ...And turned to Marina. "And you, my dear...what happened"...Marina opened her large dark eyes wide.."Well, Miss. The man had had his half hour he paid for, and was ready for release. his hands were handcuffed behind him, and I had him in a side scissors. "She glanced down at her long , slender tanned legs showing under her short skirt. "Something came over me..I wouldn't release him. I found that by bending my back, and pushing my hips foreward, I could close his throat with my thighs". Miss Irena smiled, and nodded.."Go on !" she said. "Well," Marina blushed prettily...He started to scream, beg and plead...but such a feeling flooded through me..I loved the domination I, a young girl had over a grown man, and I squeezed, and squeezed..Honest miss..I could have killed him easily...and he was helpless...I held him there an hour" Irena nodded.."Okay, Marina...I understand...How old are you..16 ?" The girl nodded.."Good "replied Irena.."You are learning the power of a girls legs. Most men don't realise that if a girl gets a good scissors on his neck..she will squeeze him into unconsciousness, and then if she keeps the pressure on he will quicly die from strangulation or lack of blood to the brain...Remember this will come in handy to know this when you are fully trained. Now ..Olga, has Marina got another customer?..........."