The contest  By Wrestlingstuff2003 Amanda and Sandra compete in different events to determine if Amanda can re-enter the league.   This is part 70 in a series of wrestling stories.  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story.   The night has finally arrived for Amanda and Sandra to compete in a contest.  The contest will consist of 7 different "events".  The first girl to win 4 "events" will be the winner.  Amanda needs to win the contest in order to be reinstated into the league.  This is the only chance she will receive to be reinstated.  Sandra wants to win this contest to keep Amanda (her biggest rival) out of the league and keep the attention on her.  The arena is packed with fans of both fighters and they are anxious to see what will happen.   Here are the different events and the order they will happen:   1. Tit torture 2. Camel clutch 3. Figure four leg lock 4. Punches/kicks to the belly 5. Over the knee back breaker 6. Choke 7. Leg scissors to the mid section   Both girls are in the ring along with the commissioner, and the two assistant commissioners: Bill, and Dan.  Amanda is wearing a blue bra and blue string bikini panties.  Sandra has on a red bikini and red high-heeled boots.  It looks like everything is ready.  During the events, it will be "anything goes", meaning a girl can do what ever they feel is necessary to win the event (for example, while applying a camel clutch, the girl that is attacking can also do something such as pulling the other girl's hair, in order to force a quicker submission).  The commissioner asks both girls to remove their tops, preparing for the first event.  As the girls do, the crowd goes crazy.  Both girls do a little strip tease as they remove their bras, getting loud cheers from their fans.  The commissioner then says, "It is time for the first event: the tit torture.  Amanda will get to attack first.  The girl who can last the longest time before she gives up or passes out will win the event."  A bar is lowered and Sandra reaches her hands above her head and grabs the bar.   The timer starts and Amanda immediately digs her fingernails into Sandra's large breasts.  Sandra lets out a soft cry as Amanda's nails dig in.  Amanda twists and turns her fingers.  Sandra's eyes are closed as she fights through the pain.  Amanda is really clawing at Sandra's beautiful breasts.  Sandra has used those breasts quite a few times to finish Amanda off and I am sure Amanda wants to destroy them.  As Amanda continues to work over Sandra's breasts, Sandra lets out some whimpers.  35 seconds have gone by.  Amanda is still digging her nails in.  We see a trickle of blood coming from Sandra's right breast.  Amanda has drawn blood.  Sandra is hurting.  Her beautiful breasts are getting scratched.  Amanda continues the tit torture and Sandra is close to giving in.  Amanda makes a fierce claw and Sandra finally cries out, "I give!"  The timer shows 57 seconds.   Sandra holds her sore breasts as Amanda gets set.  Sandra is mad at the thought of Amanda making her right breast bleed.  As soon as Amanda is set, Sandra moves in and grabs a hold of Amanda's nipples.  She starts to pinch them and Amanda cries out in pain.  Sandra pinches harder and Amanda is wincing in pain.  As the timer reaches 25 seconds, Sandra changes tactics and switches to a double breast claw.  She shouts, "Let's see how you like it, bitch!"  Amanda shrieks as Sandra's nails dig in to her bare breasts.  Sandra is really digging in.  She looks up and sees the timer at 45 seconds.  She releases the claw and rakes her nails across Amanda's breasts.  Amanda screams so Sandra does it again, and again, and again.  Sandra then sends a double slap across Amanda's breasts.  Amanda is in pain and is about to submit.  Sandra delivers another double slap and the timer reaches 58 seconds.  The commissioner moves in and tells Sandra to step back.  Amanda has won the first event.   Amanda massages her breasts as the commissioner announces, "The next event is the camel clutch and Sandra will attack first."  Sandra pushes Amanda down to the mat and quickly gets on top of her.  She grabs Amanda's arms and puts Amanda in the camel clutch.  Amanda moans as Sandra lifts her off the mat.  Sandra places her hands under Amanda's chin and starts rocking back and forth.  Amanda is moaning in pain as Sandra increases the pressure.  Amanda's back is not very strong and she will not last long.  The timer shows 41 seconds.  Sandra leans way back, applying maximum pressure.  Amanda whispers, "Nnnoooo..."  Sandra says, "What's wrong Amanda, can't stand the pain?"  Sandra then moves her right hand down to Amanda's right breast and she grabs her nipple.  She pinches Amanda's nipple as hard as she can.  Amanda lets out a loud wail.  It was smart of Sandra to go after Amanda's tit after she just endured the tit torture.  Finally Amanda cannot take anymore and she cries out, "I give!"  Sandra releases the hold.  The timer shows 76 seconds.   Amanda arches her hurt back as Sandra lies face first down on the mat.  After a good 20 seconds, Amanda moves over and straddles Sandra's back.  She then places Sandra in a camel clutch hold.  Amanda leans way back and Sandra lets out a soft groan.  Amanda reaches out and grabs a handful of Sandra's long blond hair.  She uses that to apply more pressure.  Sandra lets out a few more groans.  Sandra is very flexible and my guess is she should win this event.  The timer is at 45 seconds and Sandra is still holding strong.  Amanda continues to pull on Sandra's long, blond hair as she leans back.  Amanda is really trying to pour on the pressure but it doesn't appear to have too much effect on Sandra.  Amanda now takes her arm and places it around Sandra's throat.  Sandra lets out a gasp as her neck is up against the inside of Amanda's arm.  Amanda pulls up, lifting Sandra higher off the mat.  Sandra lets out some faint groans.  The timer reaches 77 seconds and Amanda is forced to release the hold.  Sandra wins the second event.  I think she could have held on for another 30 seconds, but it doesn't matter since she won the event.   Next event is the figure four leg lock.  After giving Sandra a short rest, it is announced that Amanda will attack first.  Sandra lies down on the floor.  Amanda grabs her legs and pauses as she has her hands on her red boots.  She gets some fire in her eyes and quickly places Sandra in a figure four leg lock.  Sandra shrieks in pain.  Amanda tightens the hold as Sandra screams in pain.  The timer is at 22 seconds and Sandra is in major pain.  Amanda continues to apply pressure.  I don't think Sandra will make it much longer.  Amanda increases the pressure.  Just as the timer reaches 41 seconds, Sandra cries out, "I give!"  Amanda releases her and she lies on the mat in pain.   After the maximum rest period (30 seconds), Sandra stands up.  She looks to the commissioner and sees that he has turned his head away.  She then raises her boot and stomps the heel down on Amanda's right knee.  Amanda starts to cry out and Sandra quickly grabs her legs.  The commissioner turns around and sees Sandra applying the hold so he starts the timer.  That was a sneaky trick by Sandra and might help her win this event.  Sandra is really applying the pressure and Amanda is in a lot of pain.  The timer is at 26 seconds.  Sandra now starts twisting Amanda's foot.  Amanda pounds on the mat.  Sandra applies all the pressure she can and Amanda starts to cry out, "I...I..." Amanda is trying to hold on.  The timer shows 37 seconds.  Sandra looks up at the timer and tries to add more pressure.  Amanda opens her mouth and wails, "I...I...I...Give!"  Just before Amanda could finish her submission, the timer changed to 42 seconds.  Amanda wins the 3rd event.  Sandra keeps the hold for 3 more seconds but releases it when the commissioner yells at her to release it.  Amanda lies on the mat and holds her right knee.  Amanda is hurt but is in control of this contest and has what should be her best event coming up...   Sandra is very mad at not winning that event.  The next event is punches/kicks to the belly.  Sandra will attack first.  Amanda stands up and grabs the bar that is hanging down.  Her belly is all stretched out and she is standing on her weak knee.  Sandra then sends a hard sidekick to Amanda's belly.  Amanda is almost knocked off her feet by that hard kick.  She holds the bar tighter as Sandra continues to drive kick after kick into Amanda's belly.  Sandra is really using the combination of her leg muscles and the heel of her boot to deliver some vicious kicks.  Amanda is moaning in pain and is looking very weak.  Sandra has a look of determination on her face as she uses her boots to her advantage.  Sandra has delivered 15 hard kicks.  Amanda's head is drooped forward and she is hurting.  Sandra continues her attack, driving the heel of her boot deep into Amanda's belly.  Each kick seems harder than the last.  As Sandra delivers her 26th kick, Amanda cries out, "I give!" as her hands slip off the bar and she crumples to the mat.  Wow, I would have thought Amanda would have been able to withstand much more than 26 kicks.   Sandra has a great chance to steal this event.  She gets in position as everyone waits for Amanda.  Amanda is slow to get in to position.  Amanda has her left hand on her belly as she pulls her right hand back and slams it into Sandra' belly.  Sandra lets out a soft groan.  Amanda continues to punch her as Sandra takes each punch.  Amanda would be better off kicking her but I think after enduring the figure four leg lock and the kicks to her belly, this might be the best attack she can do.  Sandra does not have a strong mid section but she is holding up fairly well.  The count is at 17.  Amanda is trying to throw some weight behind the punches but I think she is still weak from the last two events.  Sandra's belly is turning red and she is getting weaker.  Amanda sends her 27th punch and is forced to stop.  Sandra wins the event and both girls have won two events.  This has now turned the tide of the contest in Sandra's favor.  Sandra holds her belly as she moans, but I think she could have taken at least another 10 punches.   The next event will be the over the knee back breaker.  Amanda will get to attack first.  Amanda grabs Sandra and picks her up.  She then extends her knee and drops her down.  Sandra's back rests on Amanda's knee as the timer starts.  Amanda pushes down on Sandra's thigh and neck.  Sandra's body bends further and she lets out a soft moan.  Sandra is very flexible and she should be able to last a while in this hold.  Amanda uses the hand on Sandra's neck to apply a choke, reducing Sandra's oxygen supply.  The timer is at 1 minute now and Sandra is still holding on well, despite the choke.  Amanda applies more pressure, forcing Sandra's body to bend a bit more.  We can tell that the choke is starting to have an effect on the sexy blond.  Sandra is getting weaker but she is still holding on.  She knows that she cannot give up too quickly.  Amanda finally stops the choke and grabs Sandra's right nipple.  She squeezes it hard and Sandra lets out a sharp cry.  Amanda continues to pinch it and this might have a better chance at forcing Sandra to submit.  Amanda keeps up the pressure as Sandra winces in pain.  Finally, as the timer reaches 1 minute and 51 seconds, Sandra submits.  Amanda then drops her to the mat.   After a brief rest, Sandra gets up.  She then grabs Amanda and picks her up.  She then drops her, making sure Amanda's lower back lands hard on her outstretched leg.  As Amanda moans, Sandra quickly pushes down on Amanda's thigh and neck.  Amanda's back is one of her weak areas, and after already enduring a camel clutch, I am sure she won't last long in this hold.  Sandra applies more pressure and Amanda moans in pain.  Sandra is also using her hand to choke Amanda, cutting off most of Amanda's air supply.  As the timer reaches 50 seconds, we can tell Amanda is hurting.  Sandra then moves her hand from Amanda's throat and digs her fingernails into Amanda's left breast.  She takes her right hand and makes a fist.  She then drives a hard punch down into Amanda's already sore belly.  The sudden combination of the breast claw and the belly punch almost force a submission out of Amanda.  Sandra continues to work over Amanda.  After 6 hits to Amanda's belly, Sandra drives her next punch lower...right into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda is in major pain.  Sandra drives another punch into Amanda's crotch and Amanda cries out, "I give!"  The timer was only at 1 minute and 17 seconds, giving Sandra an easy victory in the event.     Sandra shoves Amanda off her knee.  Amanda lies on the mat with one hand holding her crotch and her other hand massaging her back.  The commissioner announces the next event as the choke and says Sandra gets to attack first.  Sandra quickly grabs Amanda and forces her to her feet.  She has Amanda's bra in her hands and quickly wraps it around Amanda's throat.  Amanda did not get much of a rest and she immediately gasps for air.  Sandra is going after her quickly, trying to finish off Amanda.  Amanda is really struggling to breath.  The last event took a lot out of her and she is in big trouble.  She knows she must hold out as long as possible or she will never get back into the league.  Sandra moves her right hand around and places it against Amanda's throat as the timer reaches 30 seconds.  Amanda's legs are getting weak and she is very close to passing out.  After a few more seconds, Amanda's eyes flutter and then her body goes limp.  Sandra releases the hold and Amanda crumples to the mat.  Making your opponent unconscious is the same as gaining a submission.  The timer was at 44 seconds.  Sandra has a fairly good chance to beat that time.   The commissioner moves in with smelling salts and wakes Amanda up.  Sandra is in place looking confident.  Amanda struggles to her feet and grabs her bra.  She moves behind Sandra and places the bra around Sandra's throat.  She tightens it as the clock starts.  Amanda is pulling on the bra but I don't think she has the energy to get a quick submission from Sandra.  Sandra is struggling for air, but not as much as Amanda had been.  The timer is at 20 seconds and Sandra is still looking pretty good.  Then Amanda reaches her hand around and instead placing it against Sandra's throat, she covers Sandra's nose and mouth.  Sandra's eyes open wide as her entire air supply is cut off.  It will be hard to hear a submission from Sandra but it should make it easier for Amanda to knock Sandra out.  Amanda tightens her hand, not allowing any air in.  She pulls back on her bra and Sandra's eyes start to flutter.  Both girls know the timer is ticking, getting close to 44 seconds.  Amanda is trying to increase the pressure as Sandra desperately tries to remain conscious.  Finally, Sandra's eyes shut.  Amanda releases her, letting her fall to the mat.  She looks up at the timer and it shows 42 seconds.  Amanda just barely won the event.  Both girls have 3 wins and it will come down to the last event.   The commissioner goes over to Sandra and waves some smelling salts in front of her nose, waking her up.  Sandra comes to and sees that the score is tied.  She tries to recover as the commissioner grabs the microphone and makes the announcement for the final event.  This event will be the leg scissors.  The scissors will be applied to each girl's mid section.  The girl who can escape the leg scissor the quickest, will be the winner.  The escape must be a complete escape, meaning the girl must be free of both of her attacker's legs.  Also, if either girl ends up submitting, the event is over and the submitting girl automatically loses the event.  Amanda will be the first to attack and she moves into position on the mat.  Amanda then grabs Sandra and rolls her in between her legs.  She locks her ankles as the timer is started...   Amanda uses her leg muscles and tightens her hold on Sandra's mid section.  Sandra quickly sends a punch to the side of Amanda's head.  Amanda is dazed and starts to loosen her ankles.  Sandra reaches down and starts to pull Amanda's legs apart.  Amanda quickly realizes what Sandra is doing and tightens her legs and locks her ankles.  Sandra almost got out very quickly, which would have practically guaranteed her victory.  Sandra then tries to send a punch into Amanda's crotch, but Amanda's legs are closed tight in the leg scissors and it has no real effect.  Amanda reaches out and grabs a hold of Sandra's arms, not allowing the sexy blond to throw any more punches.  Amanda holds her arms as she tightens her hold.   Sandra is trying to fight her way free but Amanda is holding tight.  26 seconds have gone by and so far Sandra is unable to get free.  Sandra finally pulls her right arm free.  As Amanda reaches for it, Sandra brings it crashing down into Amanda's already sore belly.  Amanda lets out a deep moan.  Sandra attacks again, driving her fist in deeper.  Amanda winces in pain as she closes her eyes and releases Sandra other arm.  Sandra sends some more pounding hits into Amanda's belly.  Amanda's legs loosen and Sandra reaches down and unhooks Amanda's ankles.  She lifts Amanda's leg off and quickly rolls out of the hold.  The timer is at 42 seconds.   Amanda is holding her belly as Sandra slowly moves into place.  Both girls are hurt but Sandra knows she must take advantage of the situation.  She grabs Amanda and rolls her between her legs.  She locks her ankles as the timer starts.  Sandra reaches for Amanda's right arm and applies an arm bar.  Sandra isn't able to lock the arm bar in as tight as she wants, but it is working.  Amanda lets out a moan.  Sandra tightens her legs, squeezing Amanda's sore belly.  Amanda tries to free her arm but Sandra just tightens the hold.  Sandra is really applying pressure to Amanda's mid section.  She knows Amanda's belly is hurt badly and that if she can force Amanda to submit, she will automatically win.  Amanda is kicking her legs and trying to get free.  Sandra keeps the hold tight.  As the timer reaches 21 seconds, Amanda finally is able to twist her arm free of the arm bar.  Amanda quickly reaches for Sandra's ankles.   Sandra grabs Amanda's arms and pulls them above Amanda's head.  Sandra uses all of her strength and squeezes her leg muscles as hard as she can.  One of Sandra's knees is digging into Amanda's belly as the other digs into her back.  Amanda lets out a soft moan as her arms seem to relax a bit.  It looks like Amanda is weakening and I don't think she will be able to get free.  Amanda's boyfriend says, "Hurry Amanda, time is running out!"  Bill also shouts, "Keep holding on Sandra, you got her!"  The timer is at 31 seconds, giving Amanda only 10 seconds to escape.  As Sandra continues to apply pressure, Amanda gets a little burst of energy and she twists her right arm free.  She quickly sends a hard chop right to Sandra's throat.  Sandra gasps for air and releases Amanda's left hand.  Sandra brings both hands to her neck as she gasps again.  Amanda lowers her hands to Sandra's ankles.  After a moment, she is able to pry them apart and she quickly rolls off of Sandra's leg.  She looks up at the timer.  It shows 40 seconds.  Amanda wins the event and is officially reinstated into the league!   Both girls take a moment to recover from the events, but we can tell that Sandra is extremely mad.  She is the first to stand up and she goes over to Amanda and sends a hard kick into Amanda's ribs.  Amanda's boyfriend steps in and pulls Sandra away.  He moves down and helps Amanda to her feet.  He then looks at Sandra and says, "Ok Sandra, you lost the contest and Amanda is allowed back in the league.  Now give her boots back."   Sandra yells, "This contest was not for the boots.  They are mine.  If she wanted them, she would have had to take them from me and she did not."  Bill nods in agreement.   Amanda says, "But they are mine and I won the contest."  Both sides start arguing and it looks like it is about to get ugly.  Then Dan (assistant commissioner) steps in.  He says, "I have an idea.  I think Amanda and Sandra should have a cage match, and the winner will get the boots.  Until the match starts, I will keep the boots so both girls will start the match without them.  The boots will be available for the taking during the match, but the girl who exits the cage with the boots on will be the winner."   Both parties start to argue again, each saying they are the rightful owner of the boots.  Dan says again, "As the mediator, you need to accept my solution.^Ô  He turns to Sandra and says, ^ÓSandra, give me the boots."  He then points to Amanda's boyfriend and Bill and says, "You guys will have to let me rule this one, since both of you are siding with your girls.  You know this is a fair solution.  Plus, it will also be great for ratings."  Finally the men agree.  Sandra reluctantly takes off the boots and hands them to Dan.  So it looks like Amanda's return match will be against his biggest rival, Sandra.  We know both girls will really be out to win this match...     The end.      Please send any comments or suggestions to: