Halloween Bash III By Wrestlingstuff2003 Wrestlers dress up in costumes to fight. This is part 69 in a series of wrestling stories. The first story was done in 2003. If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story. This will be Bill's last match as the commissioner. In sticking with the annual tradition, he has put together matches for the third Halloween Bash. The main event will be between Sandra and Jen. Each girl will wear a costume and the first girl to strip her opponent naked, will win the match. There are no other rules and anything goes. Sandra is the first to come down the ramp toward the ring. She is dressed up as a fairy queen, wearing a white robe, crown, red gloves that go to her elbow, and red high-heeled boots. The crowd goes crazy as she makes her way toward the ring. As she approaches the ring, Jen appears on the ramp. She is 5'9" and weighs 163 pounds. She is all muscle. She has on a "sexy" police woman's outfit: a cut-off blue shirt, tight blue shorts, a belt with a nightstick and handcuffs, and black high-heeled boots. The crowd cheers as they see Jen in her costume. Jen grabs her nightstick and rushes toward the ring. As Sandra is about to go up the stairs, Jen slams her nightstick into Sandra's back. Sandra moans in pain and drops to her knees in front of the metal steps... Jen reaches out and grabs Sandra's white robe. She quickly pulls it off of Sandra. Sandra has a red one piece swimsuit on. Jen now pushes Sandra face first onto the steps. Sandra's crown slides off her head and falls to the arena floor. Jen grabs Sandra by the hair and pulls her head back and then slams it down on the metal step. Jen pulls her head back and slams it down a second time. Jen now grabs Sandra and flips her onto her back, still keeping her lying on the stairs. As Sandra raises her hands up to her ringing head, we see that there is a small gash above her right eye and blood has begun to trickle out. Jen has grabbed her nightstick and places it across Sandra's throat. Sandra starts to gasp as Jen applies pressure and immediately lowers her hands to the nightstick. Sandra uses all of her strength just to keep the nightstick from crushing her throat. Jen is much stronger than Sandra and Sandra is not able to budge the weapon... The back of Sandra's neck is pressed against the edge of a step and she is in pain. Sandra is struggling to breath and is close to passing out. Jen keeps the nightstick against her throat as she smiles. Finally Jen removes the weapon and moves off of her. Sandra slides down the steps and she gasps for air. Jen drops her weapon and goes right after Sandra. She picks up the blond and then suddenly bodyslams her down on the cold arena floor. Sandra moans in pain. Jen reaches out and grabs a handful of Sandra's long blond hair. She forces her smaller opponent to her feet. She then whips her toward the ring post. Sandra's right shoulder connects with the post and she cries out in pain. Sandra falls to her knees and grabs her sore shoulder. Jen moves in and grabs Sandra's right arm. She pulls it away and gives it a violent twist. Sandra winces in pain. Jen gives it another twist and Sandra let out a sharp cry. Jen then drives her knee into Sandra's shoulder. Sandra groans and as Jen releases her arm, she falls to the arena floor... Jen reaches out and grabs a handful of Sandra's long hair and force her to stand up. She grabs her and throws her under the bottom ring rope and into the ring. Sandra lies on her stomach as Jen grabs her nightstick and slides into the ring. Jen kneels down beside Sandra and raises her weapon. She then dives the nightstick down, slamming it into Sandra's lower back. Sandra lets out a moan. Jen repeats this a few more times. Jen then drops the nightstick and gets on Sandra's back, facing her legs. She grabs Sandra's legs and pulls them back and applies a boston crab. Sandra lets out a loud, "Nnnooooo!" Jen applies more pressure and Sandra pounds on the mat. Jen leans farther back, increasing the pressure. Sandra is in pain but cannot submit to end this torture. Jen knows this and continues to apply pressure. She really wants to weaken Sandra, making it easier to strip off her costume. Jen has kept her in this hold for over 1 minute now. Finally she releases her legs. As Jen stands up, Sandra rolls to her side and reaches her right hand around to hold her aching back... Jen grabs Sandra and pulls her up on her knees. She grabs Sandra's right arm and pulls the long glove off of her arm. Jen takes the glove and quickly brings it up to Sandra's neck and uses it to choke her. Sandra gasps for air as her oxygen is cut off. She reaches her hands up and tries to pull the glove away from her neck. Jen just pulls tighter. Sandra is really struggling to breath. Jen now gets down on one knee. She places her knee against Sandra's back and starts to pull back on the glove. Sandra's body starts to bend back as the glove continues to dig into her neck. Sandra is in trouble. Jen is using her strength to her advantage and Sandra cannot free her neck. Sandra is once again close to passing out. Jen applies more pressure. After another 20 seconds, Sandra's eyes flutter and close...she is out cold. Jen releases her and she slides to the mat. It looks like Jen will have an easy time stripping off Sandra's clothes and will end the match... Jen reaches down and takes off Sandra's other glove. Then she lifts Sandra up and carries her over to the corner. She stands Sandra up in the corner and slings her arms over the top rope. Jen then grabs her handcuffs and uses them to bind Sandra's hands behind her back. Sandra is now trapped in the corner and still unconscious. It looks like Jen wants to inflict some more punishment before she ends this match. Jen raises her hand and delivers two slaps to Sandra's face. Sandra shakes her head as she begins to come to. She starts to open her eyes. She tries to move her arms but realizes they are bound behind her. She looks pleadingly at Jen. Jen just smiles and then sends a hard kick into Sandra's belly with her black boot. Sandra lets out a loud moan. Jen continues to kick her, driving each kick deep into Sandra's unprotected belly. All Sandra can do is moan as the kicks slam into her belly... Jen sends 15 kicks into Sandra's belly. Sandra's head is drooped forward and she tries to suck in air. Jen now reaches for something in her belt...and pulls out a small knife! What is she going to do with this? She moves in and quickly uses the knife to slice the swimsuit material on Sandra's right shoulder. Jen moves over to Sandra's left shoulder and slices that material as well. The top part of Sandra's one piece swim suit drops, revealing Sandra's large and beautiful breasts. The crowd whistles and cheers. Jen puts the knife away. Jen takes her hand and delivers a hard slap right across both of Sandra's bare breasts. Sandra howls in pain. Jen delivers another slap...and another...and another...and another...and another. Sandra's breasts are turning red from this abuse. Jen continues to work over Sandra's breasts as Sandra cries out in pain. After a few more slaps, Jen starts sends a hard punch into Sandra's right breast. Sandra's breasts are very sensitive and she is hurting. Jen sends a hard punch into Sandra's left breast. Jen alternates her punches, making sure she attacks both of Sandra's breasts... Jen stops her attack but Sandra is still wincing in pain. Jen now grabs Sandra's swimsuit and pulls it all the way down and off of Sandra. Sandra is left in only her red boots now and the crowd goes crazy at the site of her sexy, naked body. Jen now stands in front of Sandra and pulls her leg back. She brings it forward and drives the toe of her black boot deep into Sandra's bare crotch. Sandra lets out a loud shriek as a searing pain is sent through her body. Jen smiles and then pulls her leg back again. She delivers another brutal kick to Sandra's crotch. Once again, Sandra screams in agony. Sandra is getting very weak and doesn't have much fight left in her. Jen sends another kick into Sandra's groin. Sandra's head rolls back as she winces in pain. Jen sends one more kick into Sandra's crotch as hard as she can. Sandra's knees give out but she is still held up by the ropes... Jen moves in and unbinds Sandra's hands. Her arms slip off the ropes and she collapses on the mat. Sandra buries her hands between her legs. She holds her injured crotch as she moans in pain. It looks like this might be it fans. Jen now kneels down beside Sandra's legs. She grabs her right boot. She unzips it and then slowly pulls it off. Sandra is consumed with pain and offers no resistance. Jen then reaches for the left boot. She unzips that one and then pulls it off. The ring bell is rung - Jen is the winner! Jen parades around the ring as Sandra lies on the mat, naked and in pain. After a minute of enjoying her victory, Jen leaves the ring. Sandra puts her boots back on as Bill comes into the ring with her white robe. Then crowd starts to stir as two people are walking down the ramp toward the ring...it is Amanda and her boyfriend! They climb into the ring. Amanda's boyfriend has a microphone and makes an announcement, "It is now November 1st, and I have the right to reclaim my status as commissioner. As the commissioner, I am allowing Amanda back into the league." Bill quickly grabs the microphone away and responds, "Not so fast. She was permanently kicked out, which means that she cannot be allowed back in. If you break this rule, I will take most of your wrestlers away and bring them to the Women's Extreme Wrestling League, leaving your league without any talent." Amanda's boyfriend yells, "You can't do that!" Bill responds, "Oh yes I can!" Both of them start to get in each other face and it looks like they might start a fight. Then Dan (Bill's co-commissioner and former commissioner of the Metal Shed) enters the ring. He separates the men and grabs the microphone. He starts to talk, "Ok guys, there is no need to argue about this. We have a great thing going here. The original league is going good and the new league is really taking off. We all have a lot to gain by keeping this thing together. I have been talking with members of the National Wrestling Board that sanctions our two leagues. We discussed this predicted confrontation and I have been working with them on a solution. Here is what was purposed. First, of all, they recommend that Bill and I stay on. (Pointing to Amanda's boyfriend) You would still be the commissioner of both leagues, but Bill and I would be assistant commissioners, with Bill in charge of the Women's Extreme Wrestling and I would be in charge of the Women's Championship Wrestling League. With the three of us involved, it will be easier on the workload of running two leagues as well as allowing for a majority rule when conflicts occur." Dan looks at both men and says, "Do you both agree with the National Wrestling Board, meaning that all three of us will be involved in these two leagues?" Amanda's boyfriend knows that Dan is a neutral party and he knows he needs Dan's help; otherwise Bill could break up this league. So he agrees. Bill hesitates for a moment, but then agrees with Dan. Dan says, "The official paperwork for this agreement has already been drawn up and is back in the office. We can look it over and then make it official." Dan continues, "Now onto the situation with Amanda. You know that when I ran the Metal Shed, I was very fair with things. I do agree that Amanda should have a chance to be reinstated back into the league. Here is what I came up with. I think Amanda and Sandra should compete in a contest. If Amanda wins the contest, she is back in the league. But if Sandra wins, then Amanda is out for good. What do you think?" Bill speaks up right away and says he agrees. Amanda's boyfriend starts to protest. Dan interrupts him and says, "Hey, if this is going to work, you need to go along with the majority decision. I am siding with Bill on this one. I don't think Amanda should get a free pass back into the league. She is lucky she gets a second chance. She knew the consequences when she signed up for her last match (which got her kicked out)." Amanda's boyfriend responds, "Yeah, but he (pointing at Bill) stacked everything against her. There is no way that Amanda should have ever been kicked out of the league. She is the most popular girl." Bill chimes in, "Not so fast. Have you seen how popular Sandra is?" He turns to the crowd and says, "What do you think of Sandra?" The crowd starts chanting 'sexy Sandra'. Bill turns back to Amanda's boyfriend with a smile on his face. Dan looks at Amanda's boyfriend and says, "So what is it going to be? Bill and I agree that the only way Amanda can be reinstated is if she beats Sandra in a contest. What do you say?" Amanda's boyfriend says, "I don't like it...but I guess you leave us no choice." He turns to Amanda. Amanda takes the microphone and says, "I will beat this bitch (pointing to Sandra), so don't worry about me." Sandra glares at Amanda and says, "Don't get too confident Amanda. Everyone here knows who is the tougher girl between me and you...it is the girl with the red boots!" Amanda gets fired up when she thinks about Sandra wearing her boots and she sends a hard slap across Sandra's check. The girls quickly reach for each others hair but are separated quickly by Dan. Dan says, "Save it for the contest girls." The girls move apart and each leave the ring and head back to the locker room. It looks like Amanda will have only one chance to get back into the league. The contest has been set up for two weeks from today. The crowd is anxious to see what will happen... The end. Please send any comments or suggestions to: wrestlingstuff2003@yahoo.com