Amanda vs. Sandra By Wrestlingstuff2003 Amanda wrestles her biggest rival, Sandra. This is part 65 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda". The first story was done in 2003. If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story. Bill has set up Amanda's next match against Sandra. This match could also be Amanda's last match. Since Amanda lost to Tanya, Sandra will have the chance to get Amanda kicked out of the league. This will be a "points match", with each wrestler accumulating points during the match. The match will have a 30 minute time limit. The wrestler with the most points at the end of the 30 minutes will win. Points will be awarded for the following things: drawing blood on your opponent = 10 points; removing an article of clothing from your opponent = 10 points; and for every 5 seconds an opponent is counted out of the ring = 5 points. Bill also stated that if Sandra earned OVER 100 points, the match would end and Amanda would be kicked out of the league. Bill also said that if there is any outside interference, the wrestler's opponent would be awarded 100 points. There are no other rules. The arena is packed for tonight's match. Amanda and Sandra are the two hottest girls in the league and their battles are always exciting. Adding to the excitement is the possibility of this being Amanda's last match. Amanda is the first to appear on the ramp. The crowd cheers as she walks to the ring. She is wearing her red high-heel boots, cutoff white t-shirt and blue string bikini panties. She waves to the crowd as she makes her way to the ring. As Amanda enters the ring, Sandra appears on the ramp. She is looking very sexy tonight. She struts toward the ring and she is wearing a white t-shirt that says 'sexy' and red bikini bottoms. She enters the ring as the fans cheer. She then grabs her shirt and rips it off her body, revealing her red bikini top that can barely contain her large breasts. Sandra throws her ripped t-shirt at Amanda and then turns toward the cheering crowd. She raises her hands in the air and plays to the crowd a bit... Amanda is not too happy at Sandra stealing her thunder and throwing the shirt at her. Amanda quickly grabs the torn shirt and rushes over to Sandra. She comes up behind the blond and places the ripped shirt around Sandra's neck. Amanda tightens her hold and starts to choke Sandra. Sandra was not prepared for this and she gasps. She tries to break the choke but Amanda has the shirt wrapped tightly against Sandra's neck. Amanda is really pulling hard and Sandra is struggling to breath. Amanda finally decides to release the shirt and she turns Sandra around and pushes her into the corner. Sandra starts to remove the shirt from her neck and Amanda drives the sole of her boot deep into Sandra's bare belly. Sandra lets out a moan and her arms flop over the top rope. Amanda continues to work over Sandra's mid section, using her boots. Sandra is moaning in pain. It looks like Amanda is on a mission to win this match... After a good dozen kicks, Amanda moves in. She grabs Sandra's bikini top and pulls it off. Amanda now has 10 points. Amanda throws it aside. She then pulls her arm back and launches a hard punch into Sandra's left breast. As Sandra cries out in pain from the hit, Amanda sends another punch into the same spot. Amanda continues to work over Sandra's large breasts. She sends some punches into Sandra's right breast and some into her left breast. Sandra is hurting and Amanda continues to work over her breasts. Amanda finally stops and Sandra's breasts are a bit red. Amanda grabs Sandra and pulls her from the corner. She puts the blond in a head lock and then drops to the mat, bulldogging Sandra. Sandra lies face down on the mat and is not moving. Amanda rolls Sandra to the edge of the ring and shoves her out. Sandra lands hard on the arena floor. Amanda signals for the ref to count. He starts...1...2...3...Amanda is at the edge of the ring near the corner looking down on Sandra. Sandra is starting to move. It looks like the fall might have brought her back to life. The ref continues...9...10...11...Sandra pushes herself up to her hands and knees. Amanda leans over the ropes as Sandra gets to her feet... Sandra moves towards the ring as the ref reaches 15. Sandra then reaches into the ring and grabs Amanda's feet and gives a hard pull. Amanda falls flat on her back. Sandra quickly moves Amanda's legs so they straddle the corner post. She then gives a hard pull and Amanda's crotch is driven into the metal post. Amanda cries out in agony and moves both of her hands to her sore crotch. Sandra then pulls Amanda's right leg to the side and then brings it back, slamming Amanda's knee into the ring post. Amanda moans in pain. Sandra repeats this move two more times. She then slides into the ring. She pulls Amanda away from the corner and then lifts her leg and stomps down on Amanda's already sore knee. Amanda slams her hands on the mat in pain. Sandra stomps on Amanda's right knee a couple more times. Amanda moves her hands down to her hurt knee. Sandra then moves over and stomps down on Amanda's left knee. After a few more stomps on Amanda's left knee, Sandra grabs Amanda's long hair and pulls her to her feet... Amanda's knees have been weakened and she is having trouble standing. Sandra starts sending punches into Amanda's mid section. Amanda moans with each hit and is unable to defend herself. Her body starts to fall back and she is caught by the corner ropes. Sandra keeps up the attack on Amanda's belly. Sandra is sending some vicious lefts and rights into Amanda's tight mid section. Amanda is starting to wear down. Amanda's legs give out and she falls to her knees. Sandra then moves in and grabs Amanda by the hair and forces her throat down on the middle rope. Amanda gasps and she reaches for the rope. Sandra reaches down with her other hand and grabs the bottom rope. She leans on Amanda, forcing her neck down further. This allows her to bring the bottom rope up and over Amanda's head. Amanda head is trapped between the ropes and she is really being choked now. She is trying to break the choke but Sandra is not letting her. Sandra then grabs the back of Amanda's t-shirt and rips it down the back and tears it from her body. Just as Sandra did that, Amanda is able to free her neck. With 24 minutes remaining, Amanda drops to the mat exhausted, leading by a score of 25 to 10... Sandra grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and pulls Amanda to her feet again. Sandra then sends a vicious slap to Amanda's left cheek. Amanda turns her head and Sandra comes back with her left hand and slaps Amanda's right cheek. Sandra then sends another hard slap to Amanda's left cheek, leaving a bright red spot. Sandra pushes Amanda back into the corner and slings Amanda's arms over the top rope. Sandra then pulls her fist back and drives it into Amanda's bare belly. Amanda moans in pain. Sandra continues her belly punishment, sending punch after punch after punch into Amanda's belly. Amanda is getting very winded. Sandra keeps up the punishment, trying to weaken Amanda. After 25 punches, Sandra stops her attack. Amanda's legs have given out and she is only held up by the ropes... Sandra then reaches for the front of Amanda's bra. She unhooks the front clasp and peels back the bra, revealing Amanda's breasts. Sandra takes off the blue bra, giving herself another 10 points. The crowd cheers wildly. Amanda is now left in her blue panties and red boots. Sandra brings the bra up to Amanda's neck and wraps it around her throat. Amanda starts to gasp as Sandra applies pressure. Amanda begins to raise her arms and Sandra drives a hard punch into Amanda's gut. Amanda's arms fall back down. Sandra continues to choke her rival. Amanda once again raises her arms and Sandra sends another very hard punch into Amanda's belly. Amanda's arms flop back down as that punch seemed to knock the energy right out of her. Sandra keeps up the choke for a little while longer as Amanda's struggles to breath. Finally Sandra releases the bra. Amanda then falls to her knees as she tries to suck in air. Sandra then pushes Amanda down to the mat and shoves her out of the ring. Amanda lands hard on the arena floor. Sandra now slides out of the ring after her... Sandra forces Amanda to her feet and then brings her over toward the ring post. She shoves her into the ring post, forcing Amanda's right shoulder to connect with the metal. Amanda lets out a groan. Sandra pulls her back and then throws her toward the pole again, this time making sure her left shoulder hits the pole. As Amanda groans, Sandra grabs her right arm and pulls it behind Amanda's back. She tightens the hold and that causes Amanda to cry out in pain. Sandra applies pressure and Amanda is hurting. Finally Amanda drops to her knees but Sandra continues to hold Amanda's arm. Sandra then raises her leg and drives her knee into Amanda's right shoulder. Amanda winces in pain as Sandra's knee hits her shoulder. It looks like Sandra is trying to injure Amanda's shoulder. She has done this in the past and it has helped her defeat her stronger opponent... Sandra drives her knee into Amanda's shoulder a few more times. Amanda is moaning in pain as her shoulder must be getting very sore. Sandra decides to release Amanda's right arm and it falls limply to Amanda's side. Sandra then grabs Amanda's left arm and pulls it back and pins it behind Amanda's back. Sandra lifts her leg and sends her knee into Amanda's left shoulder. She is repeating the same process on Amanda's other shoulder. Sandra keeps up the punishment as Amanda moans in pain. Sandra then releases Amanda's left arm and it also falls limply to Amanda's side. Sandra smiles, knowing Amanda won't be using the strength in her arms to attack or defend herself. Sandra grabs Amanda's long hair and forces Amanda to stand up. Sandra then grabs Amanda by the arm and whips her toward the crowd. Amanda's body flies into the metal crowd divider and she crashes to the floor moaning in pain. There is still 19 minutes remaining in this match... Sandra moves over to Amanda and rolls her onto her back. She then sits down on top of her, putting her in a school girl pin. She places her knees down on Amanda's arms and applies pressure. Amanda is wincing in pain. Sandra is trying to make sure Amanda's arms are good and weak so she will not be able to mount a comeback. Sandra even twists her body and drives her fist into Amanda's bare belly a few times. Amanda is trying to get out of the hold but her shoulders are weak from the earlier punishment and she cannot escape. Sandra keeps the hold for a little while longer. She is playing to the crowd as she does and they are cheering for her. After a minute, Sandra slides back a little, freeing Amanda's arms. Sandra grabs Amanda's head and lifts it up and then slams it back down on the floor. Amanda moans in pain... Sandra lifts Amanda's head up two more times and slams it back down hard both times. Amanda is looking a bit dazed and Sandra turns her body around, still straddling Amanda, but now facing her legs. She runs her hand down to the top of Amanda's right boot. She starts to unzip it. Amanda is holding her head and Sandra is able to unzip the boot and slides it off. Sandra moves over to Amanda's left boot and unzips that one as well. She then slides that off. That gives Sandra 30 points and she is finally in the lead. Sandra stands up with both red boots in her hands and the crowd cheers. Sandra then begins to put the boots on her own legs! Amanda is using the metal crowd divider to pull herself up. Sandra gets both boots on as Amanda gets to her feet. Sandra looks incredible with the boots on and the crowd cheers. Amanda comes up behind Sandra and grabs a hold of her long blond hair. Sandra raises her leg and stomps the heel of her red boot down on Amanda's bare foot. Amanda cries out in agony and falls to her knees... Sandra turns around and pulls her leg back and sends a hard kick right into Amanda's crotch. Amanda screams in pain and lowers her hands to her injured groin. Sandra sends a kick to Amanda's belly and Amanda moans. Sandra sends a few more kicks to Amanda's belly. Amanda falls back to the floor as she groans in pain. Sandra raises her boot and stomps down on Amanda's belly. She grinds the heel in and Amanda is wincing in pain. Sandra is really using Amanda's own boots against her. Amanda is weakening fast. Sandra sends some more stomps down into Amanda's belly. Amanda tries to cover her belly and Sandra stomps down on Amanda's hand. Amanda moves her sore hand away and Sandra continues to stomp Amanda's belly... Sandra does not want to let up. The girls are right in front of the crowd and the fans are going crazy. Sandra sends a few more stomps down into Amanda's belly. Amanda is very winded now. Sandra raises her boot and sends a very vicious stomp down into Amanda's crotch. Amanda rolls to her side as she shrieks in pain. Sandra then walks back to the ring and slides in. She tells the ref to count. The ref starts 1...2...3...Amanda is hurt and is not making much of an attempt to get up. Sandra is in the ring smiling as the ref continues...6...7...8...Sandra is parading around the ring in her new red boots and the crowd is whistling and cheering. Amanda is on her hands and knees, trying to find the strength to make it back to the ring. The ref continues...12...13...14...Amanda finally grabs the crowd divider and pulls herself up. Amanda turns and walks slowly toward the ring as the ref continues to count...19...20...21...Amanda reaches the ring and slides in as the ref reaches 23. Sandra has gotten another 20 points. The score is: Sandra 50, Amanda 25, with 14 minutes left in the match... Just as Amanda gets to her feet, Sandra gives her a hard slap across her face. Amanda stumbles back a step and Sandra moves in and sends another hard slap to Amanda's face. Sandra then pushes Amanda back into the corner. Sandra reaches down and grabs her bikini top. She stretches out Amanda's right arm and uses her bikini top to bind Amanda's arm to the top rope. She then grabs Amanda's bra and uses that to bind Amanda's left arm to the top rope. Amanda is now trapped, bound to the ropes. Sandra sends a hard punch to Amanda's belly. Amanda moans in pain. Sandra sends a couple more hard punches to Amanda's unprotected belly. Sandra now takes a step back and sends her boot into Amanda's belly. All of the air is forced out of Amanda. Sandra keeps the kicks coming, using the boots to do damage to Amanda's belly. Amanda is hurting. Sandra stops the kicks and moves in and starts sending punches to Amanda's belly once again. Normally Amanda can withstand a lot of punishment to her belly, but with the repeated attacks from Sandra, her belly is getting very weak. Amanda's head droops forward and she is fading fast... Sandra stops her attack on Amanda's gut. She then reaches her hands up toward Amanda's large breasts. She then applies a double breast claw. Amanda's head shoots up as she shrieks in pain. Sandra is digging her fingernails in and is twisting Amanda's breasts. Sandra then releases her hold and Amanda looks down at her sore breasts. Sandra then begins to slap to each of Amanda's breasts. Amanda tries to get her arms free but she cannot. Sandra slaps Amanda's breasts until they start to turn red. Then she grabs each of Amanda's nipples. She violently gives each of them a hard twist, causing Amanda to let out a pain-filled scream. Sandra continues to twist them and Amanda is in major pain. Amanda struggles to free her arms to stop this torture but she cannot get free. Sandra keeps up the nipple twisting for a little longer. She then releases Amanda's nipples. She unties Amanda's arms and Amanda brings her hands to her battered breasts. Sandra then gives Amanda a hard kick right in her stomach. Amanda falls face first to the mat... Sandra quickly slides out of the ring. She looks under the ring apron and pulls out a baseball bat! She comes back into the ring with the weapon and grabs a handful of Amanda's hair, forcing her to stand up. She then jabs the bat into Amanda's sore belly. Amanda doubles over and Sandra jabs the bat into Amanda's back. Amanda straightens up and groans. She arches her back as she moves her hands to her sore back. Sandra then sends the bat into her belly again. Amanda quickly doubles over and moans. Sandra slams the bat down into Amanda's back again. Amanda drops to her knees and then falls to the mat groaning in pain. Sandra rolls Amanda onto her back. Sandra then takes the bat and drives it down into Amanda's right knee. Amanda howls in pain. Sandra smiles and drives it down into her right knee a couple more times. Amanda starts to reach for her knee and Sandra steps on each of her forearms with her boots. She then raises the bat and slams it down into Amanda's stomach multiple times... Sandra then releases Amanda's arms and she quickly rolls onto her stomach to protect her belly. Sandra sets the bat down and straddles Amanda. She squats down and grabs Amanda's arms and then pulls her up, putting Amanda in the inescapable camel clutch. Amanda cries out, "Nnnnnooooo!" Sandra leans back and begins to apply pressure. She places her hands under Amanda's chin and rocks back and forth. Amanda is in pain. Sandra keeps up the pressure and Amanda is moaning in pain. Sandra knows Amanda's back is one of her weakest spots and she is really going after that area and looking to dish out maximum pain. After about a minute, Sandra releases Amanda's chin, giving Amanda's back a little relief, but she still keeps her in the camel clutch. Sandra reaches for the bat and now brings that to Amanda's neck. She pulls back on the bat, which not only chokes Amanda but it causes her back to bend back further. Sandra is looking really determined and she pours on the pressure. Amanda is in major pain and is unable to escape. Sandra continues to apply pressure as the crowd cheers her on. Amanda is gasping for air as Sandra leans back. Finally, Sandra releases the hold and drops Amanda to the mat. There is just under 8 minutes remaining... Sandra stands up and reaches down and grabs Amanda's arms. She pulls back and then plants the heel of her boot her boot in the middle of Amanda's back. She has Amanda in a surfboard hold. Amanda's upper body is pulled off the mat and Amanda groans in pain. Sandra is digging her heel in as she pulls back on Amanda's arms. Amanda's back is hurting but there is no way for her to escape. Sandra keeps up the pressure. This move is also hurting Amanda's arms as well. Amanda is getting weaker and she is in trouble. Finally Sandra releases Amanda's arms and her upper body flops to the mat. Amanda turns to her side and arches her back as she lets out a few moans. Sandra then gives Amanda a shove, sending her out of the ring. Amanda lands hard on the arena floor as Sandra slides out after her. Sandra grabs Amanda by the hair and forces her to stand up. She then grabs Amanda by the arm and whips her around...and Amanda is sent flying into the metal crowd divider back first. Amanda drops to her knees. She reaches her hands around to hold her aching back as she winces in pain... Amanda is really in bad shape. I think she is past the point of making a comeback now. Sandra knows that the match is hers. She moves in and grabs Amanda and lifts her up. As she starts to drop her, she extends her knee, giving Amanda a killer backbreaker! Amanda lets out a loud moan. Sandra places her right hand on Amanda's thigh and pushes down. She places her other hand on Amanda's neck and pushes down, limiting Amanda's oxygen. Amanda's back must really be hurting now. Sandra keeps up the pressure as the crowd cheers her on. Sandra then takes her right fist and raises it up in the air and then slams it down into Amanda's gut. Sandra sends a couple more punches into Amanda's gut. She then brings her hand to Amanda's right breast and digs her fingernails in. Amanda is wincing in pain from the breast claw. Sandra is smiling as she continues scratching and clawing Amanda's breast. Finally Sandra releases her hold and pushes Amanda off her knee. Sandra walks toward the ring...maybe she is going for another count-out... Sandra reaches under the ring and finds some rope. It looks like she wants to dish out more punishment. Amanda is lying on her side arching her sore back trying to relieve the pain. Amanda is moaning and she is in so much pain that she pounds her fist on the floor a couple times. I think Sandra has done some real damage to Amanda's back. Sandra now comes back to Amanda and reaches down and scoops up the injured brunette. Sandra moves over to the metal crowd divider. She then drops Amanda down, so her lower back rests on the divider. As Amanda's back hits the divider she cries out, " back!" Amanda quickly brings her hands up to try to get off the divider but Sandra grabs them. She uses her rope and quickly ties them together. She then bends down and ties the other end of the rope to the divider, forcing Amanda's back to bend even further. Amanda wails, "Oh back..." Sandra silences her cries of pain with a double fisted punch to her belly... Sandra then brings both of her hands up and starts twisting Amanda's nipples. Amanda's back is really bent and she is in major pain. I don't know if Amanda has ever had her back worked over this much in a match. Sandra starts talking to the crowd and asks them, "So who is the sexier wrestler?" The crowd does not even hesitate to respond with a series of "sexy Sandra" chants. In looking at the wrestlers, it is hard to deny the crowd. Sandra is looking perfect, standing there in her red bikini bottoms and red high-heeled boots. She doesn't have a mark on her. Her long blond hair still looks good and her large breasts look beautiful. Amanda on the other hand, is covered with sweat, scratches, bruises, and her belly is bright red. She is dazed and is close to passing out. Sandra plays to the crowd a bit more and asks, "So who has the best tits?" Sandra stops her attack and raises her hands, allowing her large, beautiful breasts to be seen by the whole crowd. She gets the same response as before, the crowd chanting "sexy Sandra". Amanda is really in trouble. Sandra has kept her across the divider for close to a minute and a half and this is definitely doing some major damage to her back. Sandra then brings her hands together and starts driving double fisted punches down into Amanda's unprotected belly. After 10 hard hits, Sandra stops. She then unties the rope, allowing Amanda's exhausted body to slide off of the divider and crumple to the floor. Amanda is barely conscious. Her back is badly injured and I don't think she can continue this match. But until the time runs out, we know Bill will not stop this match. The clock shows 2 1/2 minutes left. Sandra rolls Amanda onto her back. Amanda lets out a very soft moan. Sandra then climbs on top of Amanda and straddles her body. She pins Amanda's arms to her side, making sure Amanda's hands can feel her boots. What is Sandra going to do now? Sandra leans down and whispers something into Amanda's ear. As Sandra pulls away, we hear Amanda softly moan, "" Sandra smiles and says, "That's right bitch...your career is finished and the boots are mine!" She then moves down and places her large breasts on Amanda's pretty face. She presses them tight against Amanda's nose and mouth, cutting off Amanda's air supply. Sandra is going for a breast smoother and the crowd cheers this sexy move. Amanda needs to get out of this. If Sandra knocks her out with this, it would be possible for her to go for a long count out and for her to get over 100 points, which means Amanda would get kicked out of the league. Amanda is too weak to try and get free. This allows Sandra to keep the hold, making sure Amanda is out cold. After close to a minute, Sandra gets off Amanda and stands up. She grabs Amanda's right arm and lifts it up. She releases it and it falls limply to the floor. Amanda is out cold. Sandra goes back to the ring and slides in. She tells the ref to start the count. He starts...1...2...3...the crowd is cheering. Sandra starts to strut around the ring showing off her sexy body and her red boots... As the ref continues to count, we see Amanda's boyfriend, along with Tanya, start running down the ramp toward the ring. They are stopped half way down by a few security guards. Both of them were told to stay away from the ring and Bill is using the security guards to make sure they do not interfere. The ref is at a count of 17 now. Amanda still has not moved. If the ref gets to 55, Amanda will be kicked out of the league. A few of Amanda's fans start to yell at Sandra. Sandra walks over to that side of the ring and lifts her leg and places it across the middle rope, taunting them with Amanda's red boots. The ref is at 31 now, and Amanda is still out cold. This is very bad for Amanda. The crowd senses that they could be watching Amanda's final seconds in the league and they rise to their feet. Sandra is once again parading around the ring as many of the fans pick up the cheer "sexy Sandra!" The ref reaches 44, and Amanda is still not moving. I don't think she will be able to make it. Sandra is just smiling. She looks over at Bill and Kristen, and they are smiling too. The ref watches Amanda as he continues...51...52...53...54...55! The ring bell is rung and Bill announces Sandra is the winner! I cannot believe it...Amanda has lost and is kicked out of the league! Some fans seem shocked...they never thought they would see the day where Amanda would get kicked out of the league... Bill really stacked everything against her. Sandra jumps for joy in the ring as the security guards continue to hold back Amanda's boyfriend and Tanya. Sandra slides out of the ring and is met by Bill and Kristen. Both of them give her a big hug. Sandra then moves over to Amanda, who is still unconscious. She places one boot on Amanda's belly and posses for pictures. She looks absolutely stunning as she stands over her destroyed opponent. Sandra then moves her boot up to Amanda's right breast. She starts playing with Amanda's breast with her boot. The crowd is cheering her on as some fans take pictures of this as well. Sandra moves her boot over to Amanda's left breast and plays with that one for a bit as well... Finally Amanda's boyfriend and Tanya break free and rush to Amanda's side. Tanya gets in Sandra's face and immediately challenges her to a match. Bill separates the two girls and says, "Next week's main event will be Tanya defending her Angel's Crown against Sandra." The crowd cheers. Sandra walks away as Tanya turns back to Amanda. Medical staff are now at ring side. They have revived Amanda but she is in a lot of pain. They lift her up and carefully place her on a gurney... Amanda's boyfriend then confronts Bill. He says, "There is no way that you can let this happen. I am the commissioner of the league and you must let her back into the league." Bill says, "First of all, I am the acting commissioner until the end of October, 2006. There is no way that she is getting back in the league as long as I am in charge. Second, I am going to make a few changes, assuring that she will not wrestle in this league again." Amanda's boyfriend responds, "There is no way you can do this. She is the most beautiful girl in the league." Bill interrupts, "I think you are forgetting about Sandra. Look at her standing over there with that killer body and those sexy boots. I think the fans have spoken." He turns to the crowd as they start up the "Sexy Sandra" chant again. Amanda's boyfriend stars to argue but security guards quickly start escorting him away. As he is forced to leave, we hear him shout, "I will find a way to get Amanda back in this league...that is a promise." The end. 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