AN OLD ENEMY RETURNS By Musclebound Princess Calliope lay on her bed gazing up at the holographic representation of the human inhabitation of the universe. Humans lived across three solar systems with the far away and isolated Earth in its own solar system. In her million year lifespan Calliope had rarely used the bed for sleeping. She had occasionally had dreaming periods but the bed was used for more energetic pursuits. The goddess looked at the fallen planets and the planets soon to fall to her race's invincible march across the universe. The offensive was going well, the mortals were crumbling like dry sand and nothing was going to stand in her way of a totally female dominated universe. The male gods left the female gods to conquer each planet; their main concern was making money from rebuilding of the ruined planets. Calliope fingered her pussy as she thought of mankind down on its knees in her omnipotent presence. She smiled at the way her sister and herself had convinced their mother to embark on this course of conquest and enslavement. The Queen had been too soft on these poor likenesses of their own magnificent forms. Calliope looked up at the words "Hey girl, ready to go?" Penthesilea fresh from an exhilarating family orgy to celebrate her elevation to royalty stood there resplendent in her Imperial Guards uniform with her new Lieutenant-Colonel crowns. Lying on her bed in her magnificent naked form Calliope smiled as she continued to pleasure herself "Well now Penny what does it feel like to be part of that exclusive club, the 'Princess Club'?" Penthesilea virtually bubbled up with joy "Oh Calli never in my wildest dreams did I think this would ever happen to me. Imagine me a PRINCESS!" Calliope gestured Penthesilea to sit on the bed "Penny you deserved that prize, if it wasn't for you we would be the orphans of our race. This privilege doesn't come easily, Penny, you are the first and probably the only one to receive it. But then nobody can top what we did to restore our people" Penthesilea sat behind Princess Calliope as her friend rose up and started to brush Calliope's long golden hair "I'm worried about Ell, she's taken this very hard. She's done so much for our people but she's always one step behind" Calliope turned her head "Electra's our dear friend no matter what her rank she is ... Just then Electra burst into the room with tears running down her cheeks "Felicia's gone. I CAN'T FIND HER!" For a few seconds both blonde goddesses maintained a stunned look on their faces until Princess Calliope managed to say "Gone? What do you mean gone?" Electra was angry "GONE! What do you think GONE MEANS? She's disappeared, no trace. I went to her home planet and the whole of Musclenia has disappeared!" Both blondes looked at each other before speaking together "DISAPPEARED?" Electra paced up and down Calliope's bedroom "GONE, NO TRACE! The whole race has vanished into thin air, nothing is left" Penthesilea stood up and tried to calm down her friend "Look sit down Ell, there must be some explanation for this. Why about the slaves, there were billions of them?" Electra looked up at the revolving universe "Gone, like they never even existed" Penthesilea walked to a position to address both of the other goddesses "Muscelenia has only existed in this time line since we came back from old Hibernia. We have assumed that they were a product of our meddling with time. What if someone else created them for more sinister motives?" Electra jumped to her feet "SHUT UP PENNY! Enough of your rationalising of everything. FELCIA LOVED ME!" Penthesilea moved forward with anger showing "Electra, I don't like saying this but maybe, think about it. Maybe you were ... .. Used!!" Electra blustered "WHAT!!" when Calliope jumped up and separated the two waring goddesses "I think both of you better go and cool off. I will speak to Mother and try and find out what is going on" After both Electra and Penthesilea had left Princess Calliope dropped back onto the bed and covered her face with her hands. In the War Room the gathered leaders looked over the giant map of the Hibernian solar system showing the devastating hammering of the human race. Princess Ariadne looked pleased with the performance of her beloved Imperial Guards "We are doing well Your Majesty. Soon we will control everything. Nothing can hold us back" Before the Queen can answer Princess Aurora voiced her feelings "Things are going too well, all resistance has crumbled so easily. This is the first time we have operated away from Hibernia for an extended period of time. I fear we will over extend ourselves" Lady Demeter looked surprised "Highness we cannot be stopped and soon everything will grovel to us. The rockets have worked better than expected and we can always rely on Musclenia to help us" Lady Artmiss was also worried about their rapid conquest "I agree with Princess Aurora we are over stretching ourselves. The gas we sent to the other planets is not fool proof. It can be altered by an intelligent rearrangement of its structure" The Queen who had been swept along by the more ruthless ambitions of her daughters was now also worried that they were taking on too many worlds too quickly but tried not to show her feelings "Lady Artmiss and Princess Aurora I appreciate your caution and I am aware of our limited numbers that's why we entered the alliance with Euros and Musclenia. We will now wait for Lamia to decide if she wants to join us. The Crown Princess is currently preparing to head for Lamia to give some gentle persuasion in her own way to induce the inhabitants to join us but I realise that we must be ever vigilant for the next appearance of our old enemy" Just as the words left the Queen's mouth a desperate telepathic message informed the members of the War Council informing them of Musclenia's disappearance. The Queen ordered recon flights to find the vanished muscle maidens. Getting to her feet Princess Calliope turned off the tiny universe revolving around her ceiling and summoned her personal slave. The male entered her room and dropped down on all fours as Princess Calliope issued a string of commands ending with; "Fetch my uniform mortal and be quick about it" The mortal gulped as he re-entered the room and took in his mistress's incredible form. Calliope took the uniform and smiled as she looked over the new rank crowns on each shoulder. The slaved dropped back down on all fours as Calliope pulled on her boots while resting her foot on the slave's head. Walking into her mother's office Calliope bowed and sat down "Mother, Electra is in a frightful state, she says Musclenia and all of the slaves have disappeared. Everything has gone" Athena looked up "I know Calliope. We just received reports that all of their transmissions have stopped. Recon parties have said the same thing, nothing is left. I can't tell you any more" Calliope frowned "I see, Penny thinks they were being controlled by some other power" The Queen tried not to show her worry "This doesn't look good Calliope so I am holding back both Ell and Penny on Hibernia. So please go to Lamia on your own and try and convince them that it would be in their best interest to support us" Calliope bowed "Yes mother" and walked out of the room. Flying off towards Lamia the Crown Princess decided on her own delicate way when dealing with mortals to convince them to bow to her race's might. Princess Calliope had landed in the Great Hall of Lamia, the equivalent of the United Nations on Earth, to ask the Council to join them in the fight against mankind. The leaders were furious with the out and out slaughter of man and the take over of the planets by the gods. Angry abuse was thrown at Calliope as she stood proud over the rubble of a section of the roof she destroyed to enter the building "War mongering bitch you offer us bribes to turn against our own kind. When will the killing and destruction stop?" Asked a grey haired Senator sitting near Calliope's strutting form. Another stood up and yelled "Child of evil, perverted bitch, be gone. Take your foul disgusting person and BE GONE!" Princess Calliope looked at the Senator and bent down and pulled him out of his seat "Don't call me BITCH! Old man. You as a species are on your knees. Don't defy us or we will crush you like bugs" With those remarks Princess Calliope tossed the Senator into a row of seats sending the occupants flying in all directions. An old mortal and some outdated views of the rights of man were not going to stop her dream of a slave race of males becoming a reality. None of Calliope's methods of dealing with mortals were subtle but acting under orders not kill the inhabitants the goddess showed some restraint. The goddess looked at the other insolent mortal who dared to criticise her, picked him up and flung her through a glass plate window. Princess Calliope placed an energy barrier over the occupants of the building and puffed creating a vicious wind blast of 10 000 000 mph to devastate the Great Hall. The huge building turned to dust in the frightening wind storm while the occupants huddled and screamed in fear as the building was blown away. When the dust cleared they looked up at the open sky and the defiant figure of the blonde goddess standing there with her arms folded "Hear me mortals, do not defy me and do not stand over your people. If they want to join us LET THEM!" Frances Dean chained to a dog kennel had a visitor in the form of a very beautiful brunette "I am Princess Aurora, Lord Chamberlain of Hibernia and the Prime Minister of the Government of Hibernia. I know you mortal for in the past we met when I did a story on the disappearance of your wife. I was the TV Reporter Tracy Nelson who interviewed you when some clothing of your wife's was found in the bushland outside Scarborough. That story always intrigued me as it was plainly obvious that it had been planted there. I always suspected you murdered your wife and planted the clothing at that spot but since I was elevated to this position I have been going through the records and I found out that the government used Belinda's DNA to develop the 'Alpha Project'. They murdered Belinda to prevent her talking about the project, so I want to know where she is buried?" Frances turned his head "Why?" As easily swatting a fly Princess Aurora struck the mortal snapping the chain and sending him flying across the courtyard "Do not use that tone of voice with me mortal. I want to know more details of where she is buried so I can give the girls the location of her resting place. She is part of the girl's family" The mortal frowned "What about me? I am family" Anger crossed Aurora's face "You are an animal creature, not worthy of our affections" Now Frances was angry "Why are you doing this to us? And why has my god dam bitch granddaughter got me chained up like some fucking god dammed dog?" Princess Aurora looked directly at the inferior creature "Survival, mortal. We are constantly under attack from creatures of your kind. We decided to rebuild the human race to be more compliant to our rule. We decided to make all humans who worshipped us to be stronger and faster and let those who opposed us to wither and die. We are making all other life so strong that your kind will be regarded as the runts of the universe unable to mix socially with any other life. Things of your kind have been constantly jealous of us so we decided to reward other life with a dose of superpowers to cut out the jealousy. And as for you chain, H.R.H. Crown Princess Calliope is a daughter of her culture and heavily influenced by her aunt H.R.H. Princess Silenus who as you know was molested by your good self" Princess Aurora and Frances Dean were joined by Princess Silenus who thought it was time to re-educate her mortal father on the realities of the new universe. Taking him into a training centre the goddess showed the mortal young goddesses leaning to use their telekinetic powers to control and destroy mortal man. Silenus was proud to display her terrifying abilities "You see our abilities are still evolving, as a species we are getting stronger and more powerful. A few decades ago a telekinetic ability surfaced allowing us ... well watch what I can do" Princess Silenus looked at a mortal slave who started to shake when he noticed the goddess starting to take an interest in him. The goddess commanded "Bark like a dog" To Silenus's great amusement the mortal started to yelp and slobber and beg while Frances looked on horrified at the ease at which she could control his mind. Turning around Princess Silenus with a look of triumph continued "There mortal it is so easy to control animal shit like you but we don't use it often as it is more fun to let the animals have their own free wills. Some of our other abilities ... . You are going to love these ones" The goddess smiled and in a split second the head of the slave burst in an explosion of red liquid. A second later the goddess screamed melting another to a puddle and blew a kiss shredding a third into hundreds of pieces. Frances Dean dropped to his knees screaming "NO, NO, NO!! STOP IT, STOP IT!!!" Princess Silenus picked up another slave by the throat causing him to cough blood as she applied the slightest pressure. Lifting the mortal above her head the goddess shook the body causing the bones to rattle and the body to tear itself apart. As pieces of human autotomy dropped around him Frances tried to claw the floor in blind panic. As the body fell apart Princess Silenus walked around crushing the remains under foot. Princess Silenus stood over the crumpled mortal "There is no hope against us daddy dear, we are supreme and shortly our power will be everywhere. Now if you are smart you will submit to our dominance and live, otherwise you will become one of the red tips. Before I take you back to Princess Calliope's rooms I will show you how we mark our property. But believe me you have no idea the feeling of having so much power give you and as a mortal will never experience strength like mine and the feelings of that run through my body" Taking her father to the marking rooms Frances watched as slaves under guard operated special tattooing machines where the slave to be marked inserted his cock into the machine and had the tip coloured red, yellow and blue. The procedure was excruciatingly painful and to Frances's despair he noticed that the hopeless screams and wails was exciting his guide. Princess Silenus licked her lips as she looked around at the mortal cattle "I just love this place. The marking of the slaves and bringing the dog to heel just turns me on" The male was angry with the constant putdowns of his own sex "Do you have to keep calling us animals, dogs, things and cattle?" Princess Silenus just laughed and led the mortal back to Princess Calliope's rooms with the leash that was attached to his dog collar. Horrified and angry Frances cursed the stupid men and their time machine, their mad hopeless scheme to fight such power. And now he was in some dreadful nightmare with no escape. All of these events were too much for Frances Dean to handle; first off all some weird change had overcome his daughters making them unbelievably strong and fast. They had destroyed his house and car and then hours later some strange men had turned up forcing him to enter some strange craft which transported him to an absurd universe where life had been turned upside down. Women behaved like men, women raped men, and women held men as slaves and killed at a whim. Men, like him, were weak, were sex objects and were dumb, slow and pitiful. And to top it all his daughters and granddaughters were still alive after millions of years! He had been told that he held power over a monstrous killer bitch and for the first two encounters it had been fun to see her crumble before his gaze. It had been the plan by these men to use her fear of him to drive her insane. An insane goddess would destroy their society creating chaos as there was no way they could subdue her power. But now he was a pet to his sexually perverse granddaughter. This girl with her kinky sex habits had almost broken his spirit. Watching her total disregard for men and her awesome strength and power had forcefully shown him the hopelessness of fighting them. While sitting in his cage in deep despair the mortal spotted Achilles dropping off some presents he had bought for his girlfriend and lashed out "You are A MAN! How can you let these monstrous women kill and enslave men of your own sex? I'm a man like you; look at what your girlfriend has done to me. Let me out!" Still shocked at the sexual depravity of his granddaughter the old man added "How can you let your girlfriend fuck every man in sight? She's had hundreds since I've been here. Can't you keep her on a tight leash? A man mustn't be cuckolded by his woman" Achilles took slow and deliberate choice of words "We are not alike mortal. I have never been a mortal and like my girlfriend Calliope I was born with this body. I have no affinity with creatures like you. And may I remind you that the mortals tried to kill us! As for Princess Calliope's sexual exploits, mortal, you are living in a different world with different females. They aren't soft placid creatures. The women are the warriors of our time they fight our enemies and I have no problems with Calliope's sex drive which believe me is as powerful as ours. Mortals are not our equals so I am not worried about who she fucks except another god" As Achilles left the room Frances Dean sank into a deep depression. Princess Callistro's new husband was still coming to terms with his new powers, noises filled his head, some very far away, as he tried to cope with his super hearing ability. Confused he turned to his wife "Cal dear, how doI clear all this noise out of my head?" Callistro laughed "You know I didn't suffer from that problem. Being born like this my abilities grew on me over time. Your brain with some practice will filter out the unimportant noises before they are registered to your consciousness" Princess Callistro took her husband outside and showed him how she could hold a delicate flower in her hand without damaging it and the next instant crush a rock to powder. "See Crueso my love, I can hold a flower without destroying it and smash other objects to atoms. Once again it's the brain which is able to determine how much strength that is required" Callistro ran her hand over her husband's bare chest giving him pleasurable sensations and suddenly stabbing him with a knife in the other. Crueso's skin moved at the prodding of the knife but being invulnerable stopped the metal blade from piercing. "I felt the sensations of your hand but I didn't feel the knife once it started to stretch my skin" Callistro smiled "That's right love, we can feel light pleasurable sensations but we don't feel heavy impacts on our skin and we don't feel cold or heat" The blonde beauty looked down and started to fondle her husband's big cock. "Come on big boy inflate that super cock of your's and drill it into that rock over there" Crueso aimed his enormous pulsating member and then ploughed it through the solid rock like it was dry sand. Princess Calliope grabbed hold of Crueso turning his body which in turn moved his cock sideways tearing out a deep cut in the rock. The male god withdrew his big cock and to the sound of a large crunching noise smashed it back in the rock like it was wet paper. Rejoicing in his power Crueso turned to his mate "My God Cal, this thing is powerful" Callisto smiled "It would want to be to survive that little tunnel between by legs, the most demanding and hostile place ever known" Lifting a few feet off the ground Princess Callistro gestured to Crueso "Come and join me love, show me how you can fly" The goddess floated up about twenty feet into the air and then somersaulted three times "This is our most exciting power, this gives us total freedom" Callistro rocketed up into space and after travelling out to 500 000 000 leagues (about 10 km to a league) came back within 0.05 of a second. With great effort Crueso managed to lift himself about two feet off the ground. Somewhat ashamed he looked at Callistro "Sorry Cal it's harder than it looks" Callistro laughed at his plight "Oh dear I'll have to enrol you in a beginner's class. But once again I did all this as a young child. It will come to you in time, love" Landing again Callistro focussed on the large rock "This is a power unique to the female gods largely due to our higher register" The goddess screamed and the rock melted into a boiling broth. "We concentrate on an object and then scream, the harmonics destroy the bonds of a solid object heating them rapidly and allowing them to move freely, hence we change a solid to a liquid" You males don't have that power but you can shoot heat rays out of your eyes, we haven't acquired that power as yet" Callistro turned and screamed at her husband "See love, the power doesn't work on another god" Demonstrating still more of their powers Callistro levitated a heavy boulder just by thinking about lifting the rock and dropped it back on the ground "We can move and destroy any object by just thinking. This power scares the life out of mortals. And speaking of our brains we can install an illusion in the minds of mortals so real that they think they can feel that reality. We can change our appearances by creating an illusion. And lastly for now I can communicate with you by just thinking. We can communicate through our brains without opening our mouths. This ability allows us to send signals over long distances and prevent the mortals from scanning our communications" Walking down to the lake for a swim Crueso asked about Callistro's past "So Cal you were banished for several thousand years" Pain showed in the eyes of the princess as she answered the question "Mother and father were very angry when I ran off with a mortal. On Earth I got involved with a mortal prince which came about because I was not discrete with my appearance. I showed the mortals my true beauty and they couldn't handle it. I was the cause of a war and the loss of a whole civilisation. We lived on Mt. Olympus in the Earth state of Greece and we were only to give the mortals tantalising glimpses of our true selves to make them worship us. After Troy fell I was taken back to Athens and placed in the Temple of the Gods to await my fate. My sister headed a squad which took me back to Olympus where I got into a shouting match with my parents while Calliope just stood there unwilling to help me. I was banished for getting involved with a mortal. I was sent far away to where I would have no contact with any of my own people. I found a primitive world which embraced me as a goddess. Luckily for them they didn't try to challenge me otherwise their whole world would have been destroyed. For thousands of years I watched them slowly progress but I sorely missed my people. I mean do you know what it is like to only have creatures around which were basically animals. They smelt, they died, they were so fragile and every few decades the old faces passed away, I couldn't get attached to anyone because they didn't last" Lamia received space craft from the 'Confederation of Planets' at secret military establishments, denying the existence of space travel and life on other planets to its population. Anxious to keep their population repressed a special secret service squad headed by the obsessed Marshal Sericoss was employed to brainwash or make disappear any witnesses of unusual unworldly creatures. Athena and Zeus were taking a quiet stroll through the palace gardens when urgent telepathic messages caught their attention just as Princess Aurora appeared in a highly emotive state "Oh thank the gods I found you, Majesty. THE TIBERIANS ARE ON Thermopylae!! Trillions of them and growing fast" The colour drained from Athena's face as she looked at Zeus "WHAT? HOW? How did they get through our blockade?" Princess Aurora tried to gain some composure from this dreadful situation "We don't know Majesty. They just appeared all over the planet in large numbers. The Eros troops and our own Imperial Guards have killed billions but they are appearing faster than we can destroy them" Reeling from this news the Queen started heading for the War Room "What about their food supply? Find it and destroy it" Princess Aurora cried out as she followed the Queen "We can't find their food. WE CAN"T STOP THEM!" The War Council hastily assembled and looked on as the Queen spoke gravely on the situation "We can't find the Tiberians food supply and as a consequence when cannot stop them from reproducing unless we destroy the planet. We must evacuate the mortals from Thermopylae and fight the Tiberians with our full powers if we want to win. Princess Ariadne please deploy the full strength of the Imperial Guards to Thermopylae" Princess Ariadne bowed and answered "At once Majesty" as the other goddesses looked on in stunned disbelief. The Council of Lamia still reeling from Princess Calliope's gentle persuasion agreed to allow the goddess to appear on their television service and full coverage across the planet. Marshal Sericoss cursed the sell out of the government decided to take matters into his own hands. Knowing that Calliope was an alien but not knowing the extent of her powers Marshal Sericoss who prided himself on the way he had kept his country free of subverting influences decided to stop this female from exposing herself. The magnificent blonde goddess walked out onto a busy street and all who saw her stood opened mouth or dropped to their knees at the sight of her indescribable beauty. Strutting down the street Princess Calliope's high heeled boots accentuated her swaying hips and made her big chest bounce and jiggle with every step. Soon hundreds were following her every step like the fabled Pied Piper. The goddess stopped walking and turned to face the mortals; broadcast crews arrived and were feverishly setting up their equipment when Calliope began her address "People of Lamia I am Crown Princess Calliope of Hibernia. I am from another world and I like my people am endowed with certain superior traits and powers" The crowd gasped as the blonde figure of perfection lifted off the ground and floated several feet above the unblinking mortals. "You see my power good people of Lamia. Join us, the people of Hibernia in an alliance and we will give you a taste of such power as we have ... ." As the crown started to yell for answers as gun fire rent the air as two military vehicles screeched to a halt on the rim of the assembled crowd. Marshal Sericoss yelled "Go home people, this is a trick, a lie to make you betray your own citizens. This woman is evil. GO!" More blasts of machine gun fire zipped the sky as the people ran for their lives. Calliope snarled "Mortal do you think mere guns can stop me? Come try and use that pop gun on me" The mortal male slowly aimed his gun at the arrogant female and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit and with a demoralising ineffective little noise was deflected away. The Marshal screamed "Shoot her, don't just stand there" As the useless bullets bounced off her body the goddess received an urgent message. Rising up into the sky Princess Calliope looked back down "This is not over mortal, my day will come. I will have my pleasure at a later time" To be continued.