Kate’s story chapter 9 Kate in her new home If you are under the age of 18 I am fairly certain you can't legally read this. Now illegally I suppose you can do what you want. This story was done with input from Blar, Animike and Tabris, Supernautacus and of course written by me. If you want to leave some feed back you can either message me with yahoo messenger or msn or email me. Yahoo: MSN: Kate glanced over towards the lab where she knew Brian and Michael were currently working. Biting her lower lip she had to remind herself not to go and look at what they were currently working on. Brian had made her promise that she wouldn't and she was determined to keep any promise she made to him. She had thought at the time she could figure out what they were working on just by listening to their conversations however things hadn't worked out that way. Not only did she not know what they were working on but they had her order a great deal of rather strange equipment. Brian had even asked her to expand the lab which she had done for them. She didn't mind expanding the lab it just made her curious. As this particular expansion seemed to be preparing to move something particularly large out of the area. She could hear what they had been saying the entire time of course. However, they spoke cryptically and used so many pronouns she couldn't really guess what they were doing. There was also the constant scratch of pins on paper and the click of the keyboard. Kate had no way of knowing what the men were currently up to and they intended to keep it that way for some time. Kate's cheeks puffed outward as she turned away from the lab and walked out of the living room towards one of the incomplete sections. She could pout about Brian and Michael not telling her what they were doing later. At the moment she felt it was likely they were testing a theory and didn't want to risk disappointing. " You keep that needle away from me." Brian looked over at Michael who had been looking through the various drawers of medical supplies and equipment for drawing blood. It was the items that were used for drawing blood that concerned Brian at the moment. " But what about the experiment?" " I already gave more then enough for the experiment and you know it." Michael just grinned and placed the needles back in their drawer. " I wasn't serious you know. I know that we have more then enough." Brian didn't respond but continued to watch the screen in front of him. Michael came over next to him a few moments later and took a look at the screen himself. " Kate is going to be quite surprised by this." Brian glanced up at Michael. Michael nodded. " Yes she is. Though I believe, she is going to be more surprised over just what made it possible." Brian nodded his agreement. " How do you think she is going to feel about just what made it continue to live and even grow?" Michael rubbed the back of his neck. " I don't really know. She is so protective over you it may worry her so much she doesn't allow you to continue." Brian chuckled. " Well if it does, we can just sneak and do it." Michael couldn't help but laugh. " Oh no. We can't. At least I won't have any part in it or do you want Kate to rip out the entire lab and crush it?" Brian set up and tapped his finger against the desk. " Well you have a good point there. Do you think she would go that far to stop it?" " Were you are concerned I most assuredly wouldn't put it past her. Also while I am sure she would punish both of us. I would be in for it." Brian rolled his eyes. He knew that Kate loved him however she cared for Michael to. He doubted that Kate would do anything too drastic to either of them. " And just what is your idea of in for it?" " Why she may take away my tv privileges." Brian smacked his head. " Well I don't think she is going to really mind how we encouraged it to grow. I wish we could have figured out how to alter its color." Michael gave Brian a pat on the shoulder. " Don't worry this sort of thing takes time. I am just glad we figured out how to make it not only continue living but reproduce as well." Brian stood up and moved away from the computer screen. Walking across the lad, he made his way through a door way into the expanded lab. This part of the lab was far more sparse then the rest of it. Several large tanks filled with various chemicals, machines and molds rested around the room including one truly massive tank that seemed built to hold a whale." I was quite surprised when she didn't push the issue about getting these tanks or securing the chemicals. After all she has been trying to limit that she asks for." Michael entered the room, a short while after Brian did. " You were the one that asked for it after all. I am sure Kate would have pushed quite hard if she had to." Michael didn't join Kate at the large tank but stopped at one of the smaller ones and looked in on its contents. " For a while I was worried that it wouldn't stop growing." " How come?" " Well I figure the stimulant may lead to its reproduction but I didn't expect it to not only reproduce but to sustain that stimulant." " Yeah. I guess it is a good thing the stimulant perishes with time no matter what." Michael gave a nod. Kate let out an annoyed snort that made the men working with her jump slightly. While a few of them had become fairly comfortable around Kate. Seeing her irritated still generated a bit of fear amongst the ranks. Kate could hear every word that Brian and Michael were saying and while she didn't know just what they were talking about. Their choice of wording was giving her ideas and making her worry. Were they talking that way just to make her worry about what they were doing? Still, Kate knew that Brian felt strongly enough about keeping this a secret, that if he had the strength. He would have wrestled her to avoid her going in there and seeing what they were doing. Just enough to pin her though she knew that even if he had the ability Brian would never harm her. That was the only reason Kate stayed away from the lab and didn't simply pull part of the wall out to see what they were doing. She knew how strongly Brian felt about keeping it a secret and in such situations Kate couldn't bring herself to use her size advantage. Kate's look of frustration turned into a large grin. Now if Brian had felt less strongly about keeping their research a secret she would have just picked him up and dropped him down her shirt. Then took a look at the lab. Why did he have to feel so strongly about keeping it a secret? Kate's frustration turned to warmth as she knew the reason. Brian was doing this as a surprise for her that was also why he felt so strongly about not letting her know about it until they were finished. Brian couldn't do much for Kate especially in the line of gifts. The cakes he had baked for her had been one of his best efforts and while he knew Kate enjoyed and appreciated them. He couldn't help but think he was taking far more then he was giving considering all that Kate had done for him. Now though he felt that he could give Kate something that was really special. Brian's thoughts where interrupted when he heard the sound of paper tearing and he quickly turned to see what Michael was doing. Michael had a huge grin on his face as he held to pieces of writing paper. " What?" Brian let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. " I wish you wouldn't do that." Brian had developed something of a phobia of the sound of paper tearing at least while in the lab. Of course Michael knew of this and knew the reason why. Michael just laughed and placed the paper in the trash. A grin remaining on her face. " Very well I apologize for spooking you it must be getting quite old by now." Brian waved his hand. " No need to apologize for it. I can't believe I get spooked over the sound of tearing paper now." " Well your subconscious has come to associate that sound with pain over the last few days. It will go away after a few weeks in which we don't do any major research." Brian leaned against the tank. " I wonder how Kate avoided developing a phobia." " She didn't. Kate just simply learned to endure the pain and push through the fear. However, despite that the fear of the pain made it all the worse." Brian felt ill for a moment. " We asked Kate to give us a sample." " That we did, but you know. I never saw her take giving a tissue sample so well. At least not since she had to start using her own fingers to remove the sample." " Why would you say that?" " Because it is the truth. Now do you want to know why I think she responded better?" Brian wasn't sure if Michael was just trying to ease his nerves or not but decided to listen. " Sure." " I figure it is because she trusts you to make good use of it. Kate was enduring the pain because someone she cares for was asking her to endure the pain. It seemed to have made it much easier on her." Brian knew how responsive Kate's body was to her emotions so Michael's reasoning didn't seem to off. Though it did make him wonder. " You don't think she felt that way about the researchers?" " Well. Kate did care for some of us including myself. However, I imagine she feels far more strongly for you then she ever did for us." Brian straitened back up. " So how much longer until it is finished growing? I personally think it is just going to take two or three more days and then we can show Kate." " You know. It would grow faster if we had more stimulants." Brian lightly tapped his head against the clear exterior of the tank. The grimace on his face turned into a grin and he soon found himself chuckling. When he finally regained his composure that he could speak again Brian was in quite high spirits. " Well it is just going to have to take those few days as it isn't getting any more stimulants." Kate gave her fingers a quick snap. So she would have to wait up to three days to find out what Brian and Michael had been spending several weeks working on. Well she could be patient and wait to see just what the men had been spending all their time doing. Kate heard the familiar sound of fingers on a keyboard a short while later. She quickly recognized from the tapping patterns that it was no longer work but play. Meaning Brian and Michael had finished the work that they could do for the day. Looking around herself, Kate took a good look at the progress she had made today. A long sigh escaped her lips and a pout returned to her face as she realized that she had been so focused on Brian and Michael's conversation that she hadn't been making such progress. For a moment she considered leaving the men be and continuing her work but quickly realized how silly that would be. If Brian was finished working, she doubted that he would mind keeping her company. Brian couldn't help but smile upon hearing a tap on the exterior of the lab. He knew how aware Kate was of her surroundings so he had become quite use to her stopping by whenever he had finished up his work. " Hey in there. Mind if I open up the front or are you working on something?" " Go ahead. The research material is in the opposite room." Brian looked up knowing exactly where Kate's eyes would be once she had removed the wall. The wall to the living room fell away a moment later as Kate detached it and set it down. Brian stood up the moment the wall had been removed and made his way over to Kate. " So how are you two doing." Brian stood still as Kate reached a hand into the lab. Reaching out with his own he pressed his right hand to one of Kate's fingers and gave it a soft kiss. " We are done for today. All that is left to do is observe the specimens and see what kind of result we get." Kate rubbed her finger against Brian. " Can the machines handle that? I would like some company while I work." Brian nodded his head. " Yes." Brian didn't need to look as Kate's massive thumb came up behind him. Stepping forward so that he was leaned against her other finger he felt Kate's thumb pressed to his back insuring that he wouldn't fall. Kate slowly withdrew her hand from the lab. As Kate withdrew her hand, she turned it so that her palm was up and then removed her thumb from Brian's back. Setting up Brian stroked his hand against Kate's pinky finger. Michael just grinned as Kate replaced the lab wall and stood to her full towering height. He couldn't help but be glad. Glad that Kate had found someone that Kate had found someone that cared for her so much. He felt like a father that actually had a son-in-law whom he approved of and a daughter he was so very proud of. " So is your research going well? Have you made any interesting discoveries?" Kate lifted Brian closer to her face as she spoke. " I think we have made some very important discoveries, that is going to make research much easier from here on out. How is the construction going?" " I will just say that I am glad I don't need to sleep and can work on it while you are in the lab and while you are napping as well." Kate brought Brian closer to her face and rubbed her nose against him for a moment. " I am also glad that I am large enough you can nap in my bra while I am working." " I have to agree with you there as well. It beats any bed I have slept in before. Mm I take it, you are going to need your hand while you are working. So where do you plan on keeping me?" " Well that should be obvious." Kate proceeded to pull her shirt out a bit revealing the valley of cleavage below. Pinching Brian between her fingers once again she lowered him beneath her neckline and into the warm environment. Setting Brian down atop her right breast, Kate removed her hand and allowed the material to shift back into place. Brian managed to get to his feet and made his way more to the center of Kate's breast. Carefully moving down the side of Kate's breast, he made himself comfortable in the valley created by Kate's bountiful bosom. After getting settled, he looked up towards the underside of Kate's chin. When nothing came to mind to say he shifted to his side a bit and gave Kate's right breast a kiss. Kate was perfectly fine with Brian kept quiet, she didn't really have anything to talk about either. She simply wanted her little one with her. ***************************************************************************** " Well that is the third check and it seems to be entirely ready. There was some excess material but Kate can remove any excess she doesn't want if she is careful." Brian was currently looking at the monitor detailing the completion of their project. Michael soon joined him looking at the screen. " I guess we were a little off in our measurements. Of course there is nothing we can do about it. Once the material has been produced and preserved there isn't any going back." " Do you want to go have a look at it before we call Kate?" Kate looked up as she heard Brian and Michael speaking. Crossing her fingers, she couldn't help mumbling " Please call me, please call me." Michael considered this. " Sure. We might as well." Kate couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan. She felt confident that she would get to see what the men had been working on in just a few minutes. Despite that knowledge she hated to wait especially since they had been so secretive. Michael followed Brian into the specimen room and over to the main tank. The tank was now empty except for a mold and what they have been growing over the past few weeks. " It is amazing how quickly it grew." Michael nodded his agreement. " True, though I find the fact that we managed to not only get it to grow but preserve itself to be even more remarkable. You know I can't see the over growth.." " Yeah. I guess a few yards isn't all that much considering how big it is." Brian closed his eyes in thought for a moment. Opening them back up " Well then I guess it is ready to let call for Kate." Despite the buildings specially made floor and other precautions both men could easily feel the floor shaking. The sound of Kate's massive and quite sift foot steps told them Kate had been paying attention and was eager to see what they had been hiding from her. Kate's massive legs quickly ate up the distance between herself and the lab. Entering into the living room she quickly made her way over to the section of the structure the lab was built into and reached out for the wall. She barely managed to stop herself as she moved to take hold of the detachable portion of the structure. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that Brian hadn't actually given her the okay to see what they had been preparing for her. Pulling her hands back Kate waited for the okay. Brian didn't even consider making Kate wait any longer. He was just as eager to see if she liked their gift to her or not. " Okay Kate, we are ready." Brian felt the delighted squeal that issued forth from Kate reached through the wall and shake his ribs. A moment later the wall had been removed and Kate was quickly looking around trying to see just what the men had been working on. It didn't take her long at all as she took stock of the massive tank in the back of the room. It was completely dry and resting within it was a black object which Kate could have sworn she recognized. The smile that had formed on Kate's face the moment she had been given the okay to look in on them didn't fade in the least. " Now careful Kate or you will damage the mold that it is on." Kate gave an excited nod that worried Michael and Brian. While they felt confident, she would be careful they also knew she was quite excited. The moment she heard the locking mechanism's release Kate reached into the room and slid the front wall of the container away. Then reaching in Kate carefully picked up the mold and the material that had grown around it. " How should I go about removing the frame work?" Brian took a few steps forward. " It was designed with you in mind. Just snap the individual sections off like you were working with blocks." Kate gave a nod and took hold of one of the beams that served as the frame. Giving it a gentle tug, the beam separate with a slight click. Taking a moment Kate examined the end to insure she hadn't broken it. Once she had confirmed the click had just been the release mechanism she began to work far more quickly. Making a neat little pile with the frame work. Kate was to excited about her gift to consider just what it might be made of and why it had been in the tank at the moment. Once the frame work had been removed, Kate held the garment up in front of herself. Without the structural support the material turned out to be much longer then Kate expected so that it blocked out the view of the lab. This was not lost in the men. Michael came up beside Brian. " We are going to need a larger lab if we are going to grow larger amounts of material. Since we can't stitch it together." Kate didn't seem to realize what the men were saying. " I am going to go try it on." Kate quickly turned and made her way towards one of the empty rooms. While she didn't mind changing in front of Brian or Michael. She felt it would be better if she left the room and tried on her new bit of clothing. Once Kate had left the room Brian and Michael couldn't help but grin at one another. Michael patted Brian on the back. " Don't worry as soon as she gets off her buzz she will start asking questions." Kate quicky removed the rather loose skirt she had been wearing and proceeded to slip on the one she had just been given. As she did Kate noted how the material seemed different from anything she had felt before. Everything else she had worn in her life had felt so very delicate in her hands not to mention they had always been several imperfections. This material was remarkably smooth though even to her touch. As she slid her fingers along it, she noted there was an over-hang along the inner edges. Kate realized it must be the growth the two had been talking about but didn't think anything of it. Pressing down on the excess material with her fingernail. Kate could hardly believe it when she didn't tear through it right away. Slowly she began to increase the pressure, first enough to cut iron, then steel, then hardened armor and beyond. She had never in her life had to use this much of her strength in order to tear through something. At last she was using nearly half the strength in her fingers and she felt her nail sink through. Kate blinked a few times having a hard time believing that had just happened. Carefully she began to move her finger along using her nail to remove the additional material. Though now it was less about fixing the clothing and more about making sure, she didn't imagine that. Brian waited eagerly for Kate to return. Once he heard her foot steps heading back in their direction he had to resist the urge to set on the edge of the now removed wall. Though he did move quite close to the edge. Brian was sure the weeks of work had been well worth it once Kate returned. The skirt she wore was solid black and fit her form nicely, the material reached down to her mid-thigh, while along each side there was a slit. The slit started near the top of the skirt and reached down to the very bottom had Kate been a regular size woman the opening would have been two inches in width. A strip of material reached across the opening to hold the material in place and not show too much skin. Of course had one been close enough to the ground they would have had quite a wonderful view. Unfortunately the garment didn't go with Kate's shirt in the least. The solid white t-shirt and the shiny black material of her skirt just didn't match up. None the less it was a spectacular view. Brian simply resolved that he would have to make a shirt for her as soon as possible. Kate soon made it over to the lab and set down in front of it. From the look on her face Brian could tell she had calmed down a bit and was ready to talk about just what she was wearing. Kate still had a huge smile on her face, however she finally found herself thinking about what she was wearing and had to ask. " Okay. What is this made of and why is it so strong?" Brian glanced at Michael for a moment as if expecting him to reply. When Michael didn't volunteer to be the speaker Brian stepped forward. " Kate, that skirt is made from your skin." Kate blinked her eyes for a few moments then looked down at the black material. " Are you serious? How did you get it to change color like this and how did you get it to grow? I mean I didn't give you anywhere near this large of a sample." Brian let out a sigh. He had worried that Kate might think it was a little gross. He had to remind himself that Kate was use to things being made from her tissue samples. " We managed to trick the growing sample into making more pigments then what is normal. A great deal more then what you would find in any human I imagine. We think we can make other colors as well by manipulating the pigments however this means there is a very limited list. Michael and I only hope for red, black, white and peach colors." Kate nodded her head. " Well that explains why it is black. Now how did you get it to grow? I heard you mention some type of stimulant several times." Brian rubbed his arm for a moment. He had hoped Kate would be more curious about the colors. So that he wouldn't have to answer just how they made the sample grow. However, it seemed she wasn't going to let the question go unanswered. " The stimulant we used was actually my blood." Kate blinked her massive eyes a few times " but how? I mean my cells destroy everything that intrudes on them." Brian nodded his head. " This is true in everything we tested except my blood. Once we introduced a bit of my blood to the sample the cells began to duplicate again. Your cells actually moved to protect mine as if they recognize each other on a genetic level. Well your cells recognize mine. The larger sample of my blood we introduced the more your cells duplicated and the faster. They only stopped when my cells die." Brian waited for a few moments though he knew what question was coming next. " How much blood have you given up?" Brian looked into Kate's eyes. As his gaze met, Kate's he knew he needed to be entirely truthful in this matter. " All together it was as if I had donated blood. Please keep in mind that it was also over several weeks that I did this." Kate's eyes seemed to soften a bit as Brian assured her that he hadn't given up a great deal of blood. Not enough to hurt his health and certainly not enough to be life threatening. " So how did you get it to take this shape?" Brian and Michael both let out an audible sigh. They had both thought their research was about to be brought to an end. " The shape is partly thanks to the structure used and partly thanks to a light sell coating." Kate nodded her head and ran her hands over the garment. " So does this mean that we can start selling the samples?" Brian looked to Michael who finally seemed willing to answer a question. " Yes. Though not at the moment. You see while we haven't found any signs that your cells are evolving that sample is still far to up to date. I want to give some time and wait until it is no longer nearly as advanced as you are." Kate gave a nod. " That is fine with me. I guess that is why it took about half my strength to pinch through it." Brian gave a nod. " Huh. Half your strength. " " Mm well maybe not half. It took about half of what I imagine it would take for me to pinch through my own skin." Brian took a few steps closer to the edge now that Kate was there to catch him should he fall and the ground wouldn't be shaking. " Half. Well if we knew what it took to get through that material then we would have an idea of what it would take to harm you." Kate looked down at the skirt then back to Brian. " Hmm so you can't adjust the material once it has been made?" Michael gave a slight laugh which got Brian and Kate's attention. " Kate, the only time we have been able to test samples taken from you over the past few years is after they die. Of course studying the samples wouldn't have been possible even then if your cells hadn't helped in the process." " Huh. How did my cells help?" Brian gave Michael a moment to speak before he answered. " We noticed that as a sample of your cells begin to die they turn against each other. Your body brakes itself down in that right. The way we managed to get your cells to preserve themselves. Well preserve themselves in a sense of the word was to get them to die suddenly all at once. So this internal struggle to survive the longest wouldn't take place." " Now how did you get that to happen?" " We caused my cells to die all at the same time. It seems that a sudden removal of the stimulant that caused them to grow also triggers their death." Kate gave a nod. " So it is like I am wearing leather then or at least I assume this is how leather would feel?" Brian gave a shrug. " I can't really say on that one. Since well, the material is going to feel a lot more solid to me then it does to you." Kate took a moment to run her hand along the skirt. " All right now. Perhaps you can tell me whose idea it was to use this design." Brian felt his face grow a bit red as he felt a blush coming on. " Well it was mine. I thought that it would be a nice change from your regular outfits." " He was down right adamant about that design. Why I wouldn't have been surprised if he got after me with a scalpel if I had disagreed." Brian was about to comment but he didn't get to. An amused giggle came from Kate. " Well it doesn't really go with any of my current outfits but perhaps you can fix that later. Though I want you to get careful, Brian if I think you are putting yourself in any danger I will stop the research right then and there." Brian gave a nod. "I will be careful." " Mm so this outfit should be able to handle nearly any stress I put on it provided I don't intentionally try to damage it?" Brian nodded. " Yeah." Kate placed her hands on the ground for a moment. A moment later she pushed herself backward while setting on her rear. Immediately after words Kate stood up and looked down at her bottom. " Wow." An amused giggle escaped Kate. " I don't know if I like the all leather look but it is neat having something I don't have to worry about shredding. When do you think you can begin working on the next piece of the outfit, do you have a design chosen already, is there anything you need?" Brian felt quite pleased with himself as Kate seemed to truly like her gift. " Well we could use the lab expanded again if you can manage that and we will need more chemicals. At least we will need that done later. We could go ahead and try to make you a matching shirt though. I even have a few ideas." " I bet you do." Kate's tone was more then a little teasing which made the blush from earlier return to Brian's face. Kate noted this and reached one of her hands into the lab. Brian had been moving closer and closer to the edge of the structure for a while now so she didn't have to reach very far. Brian felt Kate's fingers close in around him and he was lifted from the floor. Brought before her massive lips. Kate gently pressed Brian against her lower lip. Then she slowly began to move him along her lower them around her upper in a gentle kiss. Brian loved the feeling of the soft pink flesh against his skin, as he was so close to Kate he could smell her breath. It came out in sweet waves. Brian felt his body tremble a bit and was grateful that Kate was holding him for his legs seemed to grow weak. When at last he was pulled away Brian was breathing hard and had a large grin on his face. He barely noticed that Kate's left hand was pressed to her cheek. He saw why a moment later as Kate pulled Michael away. " Thank you both for what you have done for me. Well I think I will let you two decide on what the next bit of clothing looks like since you did so well on the first one. I just hope that you can come up with some more colors." Brian couldn't quite respond as he was still recovering from the kiss. Michael however having only gotten a hug was able to speak easily. " We will do our best." " Do you need another sample?" Michael quickly shook his head in the negative. " No especially after what you told me about the material." Kate blinked her eyes, as she was unsure of why Michael had responded so quickly. " What did I tell you?" " You said the material took about half your strength to pinch through it. This makes me worried that if enough was made it could be used to bind you. A fresher sample would be even stronger. I feel that for safeties sake we should only grow those samples that you could tear easily." Kate nodded her head. " So how long will it be before the current sample is ready to be replaced and sold?" Michael didn't respond right away but looked over towards Kate's other hand. He couldn't see Brian but had an idea of why he wasn't speaking. " Kate did you put the poor boy in a coma." Kate gave a giggle. " Just a light one." Michael gave a nod. " Anyway, that it took about half your strength to pinch through is useful information. I think in seven more weeks it will be safe to take a fresh sample from you if my theory proves correct." Michael closed his eyes for a moment as if thinking. " Yeah seven more weeks should be long enough." Kate gave a nod. " Okay." Kate gave a slight giggle. " Anyway, I am just happy to have some clothing that can endure my weight. Though with this skirt I don't really have to worry about getting it caught between my knee and the ground." " No. That you don't. " ****************************************************************************** Brian looked up towards Kate's towering form as she walked around the living room. Every time she would take a step he could feel the vibrations run throughout the floor. Despite the floor being designed to dampen the force of the impacts he could still feel them slightly. Currently Kate was working on one of the bits of furniture. Picking it up and moving it to various places as she tried to decide where it would look best. Brian on the other hand was taking this time to explore their house hold at ground level. As Brian began to wonder around the shaking grew more intense. Stopping dead in his tracks he watched as Kate walked in his direction. Each foot fall sending a shockwave throughout the area. Smiling to himself, Brian proceeded to set down in order to avoid being shaken to the floor. The specially made alloy of the floor made for a rather poor seat, the melt was horribly solid and would only feel soft to someone like Kate. Still it was better then being thrown to the floor by Kate's steps and a further reminder this was a world built for her. Setting down was still better then being thrown down despite the floor being uncomfortable. Also he knew what was about to happen and felt it was well worth it. As Kate's foot came down just a few feet in front of him, he could tell she had delayed her step more then usual in order to avoid harming. Brian looked strait up towards the heavens a moment later and found himself looking up the length of Kate's towering legs. Those wonderfully toned limbs reaching higher then most buildings and so much stronger. Kate delayed her step giving Brian's gaze plenty of time to reach her panties. The simple garment hugged her tightly showing the outline of her tight heart shaped rear and lips so wonderfully. " Mm now that is the prettiest moon I have ever seen." Kate gave an amused giggle and placed her feet beside each other. " OH really." Bending down Kate brought her rear closer to Brian. Her wonderfully formed rump taking up more and more of his view. She brought herself as low as her legs would allow without actually setting down or using her arms to balance herself. Reaching back she slipped her fingers into her panties and proceeded to pull the garment down, fully exposing her tush. Brian had been expected this but still let out an exceptionally enthusiastic cheer. As he looked towards Kate's panties though he noted she had pulled them far enough down that perhaps he could climb in. He quickly sprang to his feet and made a dash for the garment. " Now isn't that view better?" Kate playfully teased, however grew curious when there was no response. Glancing down Kate couldn't help but let out a giggle, as she noted what Brian was doing. Kate's wiggled her toes a bit as she debated on just what she should do. Brian had wanted to wonder around the house and she had enjoyed him looking up to her. However, he looked so cute that she didn't want to deny him his goal. Brian couldn't help himself. If Kate was going to tease him like that then he was going to play along. As he made it to the part of the garment that was closest to the ground he gave a quick leap and managed to catch hold of the side. As he pulled himself up on the material, he rolled over to the edge. Brian didn't get a chance to decide if he wanted to be in the front or the back. The moment he came to a stop inside of Kate's panties she quickly pulled them back on. Brian felt himself between Kate's cheeks. The wall of white cloth behind him and the massive cheeks to either side trapping him. " Mm now I thought you wanted to explore the house on your own two legs." Brian heard Kate and called out. " I do but I rather explore the moon for now." Kate positively purred. " Very well my little one. You can explore the house later. Until then enjoy the ride." Kate felt Brian's tiny hand pressed against her rear. A moment later she felt his little lips touch her flesh. Brian was a breast and pussy man by far however, that didn't stop him from enjoying a nice rump and Kate's was the best he had ever seen. It wasn't long before he found himself running his hands along her skin and depositing kisses along her flesh. He heard a sigh of appreciation issue forth from Kate and continue to caress her rump. He knew that sigh meant he would be spending quite some time riding in the back seat but he was fine with that. It was nice to visit the back after spending so much time in the front and he didn't want to get Kate to worked up. Other wise he wouldn't be exploring anything but Kate for the rest of the day. " Kate can be somewhat paranoid at times." Brian looked over at Michael who was currently walking beside him. " Well she is just making sure you are safe." " Yeah but making everyone leave the area before she would allow us to walk around without her. You remember what she said she would do to anyone she heard in these rooms while we were walking around with her." Michael nodded his head in confirmation. " Put them in a soup." "And she meant it. All well it is nice to know she loves so much." Brian looked up towards the roof for a moment. He was somewhat disappointed that he did see a pair of white panties drawn tight over a firm rear. The two men continued in silence for a few moments. " Thanks for joining me on this walk by the way." " You're welcome, anyway it is the only way to keep you out of Kate's underwear it seems." " Oh we aren't that bad." " Yes you two are. Why if I hadn't been the lab, I bet you would have gotten a kiss from two sets of lips instead of one." Brian started to protest but thought about it for a moment. Considering how Kate had responded to the cakes before they had even gotten so close. He knew that Michael was right. Instead he turned his attention to the massive structure that would eventually serve as a bath tub. " It is going to be something else seeing Kate actually setting down in a pool of water." " Yeah I imagine you will enjoy the sight quite a bit. It has been quite a few years since Kate had actually been anything like a bath tub. The last time I remember seeing her take such a soak was." Michael grew silent for a moment. " I think the last time was before she topped 200 feet or so but that really wasn't a bath." " I am going to take a look inside of it." " Okay, then I shall join you. Just don't walk so fast." Brian glanced back at the old man. " I have seen you walking around the lab. I know you are in better shape then that." Michael laughed a bit. " So I am. However, if we plan on visiting the other rooms we are going to need to conserve our energy. Especially since you two decided not to ask for elevators to be put on the furniture built to Kate's scale." " You have a very good point there. Okay we can take it easy." " I am glad that Kate didn't develop a strong dislike of the EES system. Other wise this would have been a very difficult project indeed." Brian nodded. " I think I have a stronger dislike of that machine then she does but yeah. I mean this place would probably need a nuclear generator other wise." " Mm I don't know about that. I mean you could have just had a few turbines set up and let Kate work them for a while each day." Brian nodded and the men continued in silence until they came to the edge of what would serve as a bath tub. " I wish this place could have looked more like a normal home. I mean the bath tub looks normal at least while we were far away but not." Brian walked past the steps and ran his hand along the metal for a moment. " The limitations of technology. Come now. We need to get to climbing." Michael began to make his way up the steps and Brian followed behind a few moments later. As the two began to make their way up the ladder Brian found the climb to be quite easy after all the times, he had tried to climb Kate's towering form. Despite this he found climbing Kate to be a far more enjoyable experience. The climb took less time then it would have had the tub been built with a standard design. Rather, instead of being entirely above ground half of its height was under the ground. This had made construction easier and served to shorten the climb by a considerable deal. Brian looked across the massive opening. A tub large enough that one could have put a ship inside of. At least certain ships. Michael noted the look on Brian's face. " I see that you are looking forward to not having to worry about the salt water while you have some aquatic fun with Kate." Brian nodded his head. " Yeah. That was always one draw back. You know you seem awfully relaxed about this considering your relationship with Kate." " Huh. I don't think so. I am glad Kate finally has someone that can give her the type of affection that she needs." Michael looked around for a moment when something caught his eyes. " What the devil is over there?" Brian followed Michael's gaze. " Just a regular sized bath tub. Kate had it built into hers just incase." Michael glanced at Brian. " You have got to be joking. Do you really think that Kate would ever let you bath without her?" Brian was about to respond in the affirmative but considered the question. " No. I guess having a smaller bath tub built there was kind of silly." Michael nodded his head in agreement. " Well then shall we move onto the next sight?" " Sure." Michael stood on the opposite end of the sink looking over a few of the built in items. What had his attention at the moment was what effectively amounted to a fire hose except it was a fair amount larger with a massive handle. Reaching out Michael pressed his hands to the lever which he assumed would turn it on. When the lever didn't move he proceeded to add his body weight to the effort but still no progress was made. " Well I suppose this is purely for Kate's use." Brian grinned and walked over to were Michael was. " Let us see if we can both turn it on." Michael gave a nod and both men leaned into the effort. The effort was ultimately futile though. Leaning against the handle Brian gave a slight laugh. " I swear we can't even turn on Kate's tooth brush." " It is a shame that Kate can't use anything even resembling a standard tooth brush." Brian shook his head. " Actually, Kate said she prefers just to use a high pressure water hose to clean her teeth and face off. Hey has Kate ever had anything like a dentist appointment?" " Yes she has. More then a few actually. Though they were never due to her teeth hurting her." " I was about to say a lucky girl but I guess that is little consolation. In comparison to the rest of her life." " Is that what Kate has said?" " Actually, no. She doesn't seem to have any regrets about her life." " Then she is very fortunate. Now what else have you got up here? This place is a little sparse especially considering how long it took to climb up here. Of course now that I consider it. I imagine everything is fairly sparse when compared to a standard person's items." " Yes. She doesn't have any use of soap or toothpaste as she just uses high pressure water to tear everything away from her body. You couldn't find a towel large enough or strong enough and she doesn't need one. She just takes a few steps and is entirely dry." Michael gave a nod. " It is a rather nice reminder of her scale isn't it?" " Yeah. I would have to say it is." Brian grew silent for a moment. " Well that would have been a dumb question." " What was it?" " I nearly asked why Kate's breath is so sweet. I have to remind myself at times that her body isn't the body of a human at a larger scale. If it was, she couldn't feel me, probably could hear me and could hardly see me." " You wouldn't be hearing, seeing or feeling her either though." " How come?" " She would have been dead long ago. You know we really need to quit discussing this depressing stuff. I don't really feel like learning about how the potty was made. How about we make our way to another room?" Brian nodded his head in agreement. " What room would you like to see next?" " I think the kitchen would be interesting to see. How many more rooms are there?" " Well the living room is finished, the restroom is done, as is the utility room, master bedroom and kitchen." Michael gave a nod. " So the only rooms that aren't finished yet are the additional bedrooms Kate insisted they build." " Yeah one of those is complete actually. The other two are nearing completion." Brian started to walk down the steps and was followed by Michael. " It seems kind of odd having the extra rooms to be built. I just hope I can have a child with Kate. She wants one so badly and seems so sure of it." " Kate is very confident in her body's ability to adapt. I hope I am around to see the children." Brian walked around the massive salt and pepper shaker. While everything else within the structure seemed to have some flaw in it that made it obvious that it was actually over sized these containers didn't. At least so long as one didn't look inside to see that there were no giant grains of salt or pepper just a great deal of tiny grains. As Brian stepped away from the containers, he let out a disappointed sigh. " I don't like these." " Why is that little one?" Brian and Michael both turned their heads in the direction of the voice and found Kate standing in the door way. A large grin spread on her face as she realized she had actually managed to sneak up on them. Stilling smiling, she walked over to the sink and leaned over Brian. Brian rubbed his chin for a moment. " It just doesn't seem right." " What doesn't seem right?" " The idea of you being anything other then what you are. While I was standing here for a moment, I thought of myself as being small and you being a regular sized woman. I hate that thought." Kate's eyes seem to brighten a bit and Brian felt himself lifted from the counter. He was pressed to Kate's lips moments later. " I heard you men going into the kitchen so I thought I would help show you around. After all they are a few things that you can't really work on your own." Kate proceeded to reach out with her free hand and retrieve Michael from the counter before setting him down in her right hand with Brian. " So what would you like to see first?" " Well Brian here already showed me the kitchen area you had set up for us normal people. Though I think, I will stick to using the one in my little house for the time being. How about we see how you are keeping things stored?" Kate turned towards a section of the wall that sported various square doors. As they grew closer both Michael and Brian could read the labels that adorned the outside. Kate opened up the one that was labeled grain and flipped it open. Reaching in she withdrew a shipping container with a modified back. Kate proceeded to flip the back side of the container open allowing the men to peer in for a moment. " I even have a stove and pots that are large enough for me to work with though what I can cook is still highly limited." Kate proceeded to close the container and slip it back within its slot. Deciding to show off the little bit of cooking wear she had handy. As she started to set out the few items Michael couldn't help but ask. " Kate how much have you been eating as of late?" Kate grew silent for a moment and seemed to take the question into serious consideration. " Huh, well that is odd. I haven't eaten a ton over the last few days. The last time I can remember feeling like I needed, a snack was when you took that sample from me and that was several weeks ago. Ever since then I have just been eating well to be sociable while Brian ate. I haven't had a chance to really use these." Brian couldn't help but express his theory on the subject. " I suppose it may have something to do with the fact that your body has stopped growing and is probably just reusing the materials. Tearing apart cells that are no longer suitable and reusing the materials. Then there is the little matter of you not using food for energy." Kate let out a sigh and picked up a pot that would have worked for a swimming pool. Of course this meant it easily rested in just one of her hands. " Well then I am just going to have to try and make myself something even if I don't feel hungry. I suppose I can start on the easily perishable items and have them slowly replaced. Replaced with items that will last longer if I am not going to be eating as much as planned." Michael gave a nod. " You may end up eating far less then what any of us realizes at the moment." Kate and Michael looked in Brian's direction when they heard him laughing a few moments later. " I am sorry. I just thought of something that well I found amusing. Though I don't know why." Kate immediately felt her curiosity peeked. " What is it?" Brian took a moment to steady myself. " Oh I just remembered the threat you made to the workers earlier about going into any of the completed rooms while Michael and I were exploring without you. Perhaps, you have just been building up an appetite in anticipation of a different kind of meal. I know I shouldn't find it funny." Kate blinked her eyes for a few moments, a quirky smile formed on her lips and she let out an amused giggle. " Mm I can't say that was my original intentions but maybe subconsciously." Kate's tongue flicked out and smacked against the surface of her lips. Though the impact was light for Kate, the muscle was so strong and vast that Brian and Michael were slightly shaken by the force of the impact. " Mm and now I could even bread and bake them or I think I even have some butter." Brian didn't worry if Kate was joking or not. All that happened was a lopsided grin formed on his face and he gave her hand a quick kiss. Michael didn't feel unwelcome at the moment, however he also felt a little out of place considering how Kate and Brian were looking at one another. " You know what. Brian has had me walking around for a while now and I have built up a bit of an appetite. Would you mind setting me down at the little people kitchen so I can cook myself something?" Kate gave a nod. " Okay. I think I will fix myself something as well." Kate looked at Brian. " Sorry but you will have to cook for yourself as well." Brian gave a nod. " That is fine." After Kate set Michael and Brian down Michael leaned over a bit clearly indicating, this was a private conversation. He knew that Kate could hear both of them she could hear them anywhere in the structure it seemed. That said she wouldn't comment about the conversation. " Sorry about that. I just meant for her to set me down and give you two some alone time." " Yeah right. You were just tired of walking around so much so you figured you would leave me alone with Kate and not have to worry about wondering around for a few hours." " You should be grateful how often does a loving father figure try to push his someone into the hands of his daughter?" " True I will give you that much but then again unlike most father figures. You don't have to worry about me taking advantage of Kate." " I know it is just plain wonderful. I could even have a conversation with Kate and not have to see you. Even when you are in the same room. A rather nifty bit of knowledge especially if we ever tire of one another's company while working." Kate couldn't help but let out an amused giggle. She knew that she wasn't supposed to be butting into the conversation but Michael and Brain's sarcastic tones were a bit much for her. Kate tried to focus on her cooking instead of the men's conversations as she tried to figure out what she would like to prepare for herself. She knew that it would need to take a little while so just throwing a few things into the pot and boiling them wasn't going to work. Looking towards Brian and Michael. " I think I am going to try and make breaded sides of beef." Brian gave a nod. " Don't burn the house down." Kate stuck her tongue out at her little one. " Well if you are so worried about my cooking skills. Why don't you give me some help?" Brian quickly backed up. " Sorry I don't know how to cook giantess food." "That is okay. Neither do I." Kate grew silent for a moment. " Uh Brian I could really use some help. I don't know anything about cooking." Brian couldn't help but give a smile, " Okay then I shall help you. Now I can't do any of the manual stuff but I suppose I can take the cook books place." Brian felt Kate's fingers lift him from the counter a few moments later and he was deposited on her shoulder. " Okay. What do I do first?" " First. You should probably start the burner. I imagine it is going to take quite some time to cook all of this. Next make sure you have all the ingredients you are going to need. Some sides of beef, flower and a lot of milk being the most important." Kate gave a nod. She already knew that much but decided to just follow Brian's instructions and see what happened. Brian watched as Kate poured half a container of milk into one of the pots. The pot itself was the size of an Olympic swimming but it looked so very small compared to Kate's hands. She added the flower a few moments later and began to stir the mixture. As Brian watched Kate stir the mixture with a rod, that looked to be several of the support beams linked together he realized a mistake. " Kate, you need to see if you have some kind of cooking oil to put into the pot." "Whoops." Kate didn't take more then a few steps before she was back to the storage area. A relieved smile formed on her face when she proceeded to dig around and found the needed item. " How much." " Well normally I would say as little as you can work with but in your situation. Just make sure you have enough to submerge however many sides of beef you plan on making." As Brian watched Kate poor the oil into the pot he couldn't help but think about their previous conversations. Those sides of beef Kate would be cooking were about the size of a person. They could very well have been people if Kate had decided to cook some. Of course he didn't know if Kate would actually cook anyone if she decided to actually eat a person. She could very well eat them alive. " Kate, may I ask you something that is a little morbid?" "Brian. You know you can ask me anything." Brian nodded and took a moment to wonder if he really wanted to ask Kate his question. He knew that he would get an honest answer. " If things did come to the point where you were going to eat some people. Would you prefer to eat them alive or cooked?" " Mm that depends a bit too much on the situation for me to give you a strait answer." " Then please elaborate." Kate glanced at Brian for a moment. " First. Why are you asking?" Brian rubbed the back of his neck. " Because I am curious. I don't know why. I just am." " Okay. The first thing I would need to worry about is if they are any people I am taking care of. Of course I am not going to waste resources cooking whenever I have other people to concern myself with. For example lets say that someone decided to blockade our little home and I had to worry about you and Michael. I wouldn't bother cooking the little sailors that I snacked on. There is also the little matter of if I want them to suffer and if I need anything from them. I don't have enough experience to be sure but from what experience I do have. I much prefer the feeling of living people in my mouth sliding down my throat and into my belly. Cooking would be more for if I wanted to actually get some information from them. After all even I can't hear them once they are in my tummy. While cooking may add some extra flavor just knowing that they are alive seems to make it a more complete.." Kate grew silent for a moment as she considered her wording. " I can't think of how to term it. Ah wait. Eating them while they are still alive seems to make my domination over them more complete. While if they are dead, I am just making use of a lifeless corpse. Of course if I am looking after someone there is another reason for me to just eat them while they are alive. Cooking takes away from my concentration and takes time." Brian nodded his head. " So I imagine if they made you angry enough to kill them you would prefer to eat them alive?" Kate tapped her chin for a moment. " I don't really know. It all depends on how upset I am and what point I am trying to make." Brian gave a shrug. " That flower looks ready. Why don't you go ahead and add the sides of beef, mix them up a bit and then put them in? At least after the oil is hot enough." " Isn't there normally just a light layer of breading?" Kate blinked her eyes for a moment then covered her forehead. " I feel silly now." Brian patted Kate's shoulder. " Don't worry you are new to this." " A foot of breading wouldn't be much to me. I don't imagine that much is going to stick to it." As Kate dumped the sides of beef into the pot Brian stood up and began to make his way across Kate's shoulder towards her neck. The fabric of her t-shirt came to an end and he climbed down upon her skin. Kate didn't know what Brian was up to but she didn't say anything as he made his way over to her throat. Then she felt his tiny hands press against her skin and he leaned forward against the bit of her neck he could reach. His tiny lips pressed to her skin. Brian felt Kate's right hand move behind him. He was pinched between her fingers and lifted from his spot. Kate moved Brian from the side of her neck to the very front. Her massive fingers then gently pressed him against her throat. With Kate's throat in front of him her massive fingers behind him and her lovely chin above him Brian couldn't see what was happening. Then he felt a slight shift as Kate opened her jaw. Wether Kate intentionally exaggerated the action of swallowing, it was his imagination or it was simply Kate's throat working Brian couldn't be sure. However, he could have sworn he could feel Kate's throat move ever so slightly as she swallowed one of the sides of beef. Brian hadn't seen it but he knew that it was one of the raw sides of beef. Kate held Brian against her throat for a while longer soon Kate felt Brian's tiny hands reach out and press against her skin. He leaned forward and began to leave tiny kisses all along her throat. Why was he doing this? Brian didn't even know why he had asked the question. He didn't know why he had asked the question or why he found himself kissing her throat all he knew was that he couldn't stop himself. At last Kate pulled Brian away from her throat and returned him to her shoulder. Large smiles on both of their faces. Then as if nothing had happened Brian resumed Kate's cooking lesson. " Hey now. What am I going to eat?" Brian glanced up at Kate as he realized that while helping Kate he hadn't been able to prepare himself anything. Kate gave a slight laugh. " I imagine what Michael is cooking for the two of you." Kate spoke loud enough so that Michael could hear her. Michael looked up from his seated position. " Tell him not to worry I am making enough for the two of us. I figured I would need to after you picked him up. I have two steaks and some potatoes cooking." " Michael is cooking you a steak as well." " I like mine well done." " Are they steaks well done?" " Not yet but I can fix that." Michael found himself lifted into the air a few moments later and pressed against Kate's cheek. " Thanks for the help." " No trouble at all now please put me back. Brian may like his steaks well-done but I don't." " Mm I wonder if I got my liking of the more raw food from you." " Oh I doubt that one. Now please put me down the steak shall burn at this rate." Michael found himself back on the counter and near the stove a few moments later. Once Michael was back on the table Kate proceeded too poor the sides of beef she planned to eat into the flower. She when quickly moved the beef into the pool of by now bubbling oil. " How long do I need to let it cook?" Brian looked down at the oil for a moment. " I don't really know. I haven't ever cooked anything that big. I guess you should just wait until it looks browned." Kate gave a nod. " That sounds good. I don't have to worry about food poisoning after all. If I did, those soldiers would have done me in." " Do you think they poisoned you at the camp?" " Well they might have tried but I meant the soldiers I ate. Humans are so full of illness after all. Hey maybe that is why you taste so good. After all traditionally the worse something is for you the better it tastes. Well when dealing with food items." Brian shook his head a bit. " Does that mean I need to be concerned?" " No. Well then again I don't know. You are my little sweety. Is there anything else you need to tell me?" " Not as far as this meal goes. Why?" Brian felt Kate's fingers picking him up just moments later. All to quickly he realized what was going to happen as Kate brought him around to her face. Her massive mouth opened wide and tongue extended outward. As Kate realized Brian he was caught on the tip of her massive tongue and quickly pulled into the void of her mouth. Kate couldn't help but give a wicked smile as she used her tongue to play with Brian while he was in her mouth. Brian and Michael's table rested atop the table that had been built Kate. The structure was actually large even for Kate as it had been built as if meant for several giantess instead of home. This had been done in hopes just incase Kate could actually become pregnant and the children grew to be as large as their mother. Brian currently had a fresh change of clothes on and had been washed off after being kept in Kate's mouth for some 40 minutes while she waited for her meal to cook. " Kate would you mind if I cut my tour of your home short after dinner? I think the living room, kitchen and bathroom are more then sufficient." " Are you tired? Brian and you could just ride on my shoulder." Michael shook his head. " That would give me an inaccurate view of everything. Of course I don't know if I am ever going to be walking back to those rooms on my own." " Okay. " Kate popped one of the sides of beef into her mouth and proceeded to chew. Her massive teeth coming down upon the bit of cattle covered it entirely. Before Kate bit down upon the beef though she felt an odd impulse. Her jaw slowed and she bit down more lightly. Kate felt her teeth press against the beef and then it began to be forced down. The bones bent at first began to crack and then began braking. The meet collapsed more nicely until it could go no further. The firm muscle didn't offer any resistance but Kate could tell when it began to burst. The cow seeming to liquify under the tremendous pressure of her teeth. Only that bit of meat that was caught between the few uneven areas in Kate's teeth was able to avoid being pulped. It was more liquid then solid what Kate sucked down a moment later. Kate had only bit down once. " So how did the sides of beef turn out?" Brian looked up towards Kate's towering form. Having seen the look on her face he figured it was from her food. " I think it taste pretty good actually. Of course this is comparison to what I have eaten in the past. Those cakes you made me were the best though." Brian couldn't help but grin feeling quite pleased with himself. He resolved right there that he would have to try and surprise Kate with a few treats later on. Of course he could have just bought them and given her more, but he doubted she would enjoy those as much and he was certain he wouldn't enjoy giving them to her as much. ****************************************************************************** " Is that all you are going to need?" Kate looked down at Brian and Michael. A tiny list rested between Kate's thumb and index finger. The items that Brian and Michael needed as well as details for how the lab needed to be expanded. Michael glanced upon from the table he currently sat at. " Yes it is. Also you may want to consider cancelling any orders you have for additional clothing since we are going to be producing them here now." Kate gave a nod. " All right. I will drop this off and then I think I will wonder around for a while since you two are going to be working." Brian waved his hand. " See you later." Brian found his wave to be a bit premature as Kate lifted him from his work station and to her massive lips. " Don't work too hard." Kate pressed Brian's tiny form to her lips before returning him to his work station. Standing up and turning around Kate gave her skirt a light flick causing Brian to get a quick glimpse of her rear before walking off. Kate took in a deep breath of air as she stepped outside. A tingle seemed to run up her legs starting from her feet, reaching to her knees all the way up to her thighs. The same tingle that reached from her hands down through her arms. Kate rapped her arms around herself letting out a long moan as she squeezed as tight as she could. Her head tilted to the side and a blissful smile was worn on her face. It simply felt so good to be able to step outside instead of have to crawl every time. Looking around the island that had become her home she began to make her way towards the beach front and dock area. She would need to speak with the officer that was in charge of supplies and unloading the ships. As Kate walked away from her home she looked over her shoulder. The massive structure took up a fair amount of land but that was to be expected. Of course Kate could see it from anywhere on the island. At least she didn't ever have to worry about becoming lost. She ran her fingers over the medal. The tiny bit of material that detailed her rank a rank that in title was higher then any she had ever held. Yet the rank was entirely worthless as in all truth she was simply a supply depot commander with larger pay then normal. It seemed as if they had insured the medal would shine even more brightly then normal not in an attempt to honor her but more as an act of scorn. A way to remind her that all she had was a title now. A leader who was not allowed to lead anything more then a few soldiers whose task was only to keep the area supplied. Kate soon came upon the supply station. Effectively a small military base which was meant to insure supplies arrived on the island and to deliver them as well. Of course supplies going out had superior security when compared to those coming in. Then again few would have any interest in those that came in as they were meant for Kate and their disappearance could very easily provoke her. Those supplies that were shipped out would be materials taken from Kate and research data. That however would most likely be sent by airplane as the little landing strip indicated. As Kate neared, she watched as a few people that were outside quickly retreated inside the building. Clearly even if they knew the building wouldn't protect them they didn't want any of her attention. At least those that worked on construction didn't run from her. Kate felt the muscles on the sides of her face stretched to their limits as a smile formed on her lovely lips. Upon noticing the figure that did walk out to meet her. Sheila was about to greet Kate when she felt herself scooped up and quickly whisked to Kate's cheek. " Sheila? It is so good to see you. I haven't gotten to speak with you since the camp." Sheila didn't respond right away as the quick movement had left her some what dizzy. " Kate, it is good to see you as well." " Why are you here?" Kate held Sheila away from her face so she could get a better look at her. Sheila took a moment to clear her throat and put on a smile. " Well with the facility destroyed. I was reassigned. I am now in charge of this supply depot." " Goody that means that I can come and visit you even while Brian and Michael are in the lab working." Sheila gave a nod. " I would be happy if you visited me. It seems that I am going to have a lot more free time then I use to." Sheila didn't bother telling Kate how she truly felt the change in her command how her rank only meant something on the island. " I was beginning to wonder when you would come by and visit. Is there anything you need?" " Yes I do." Kate held up her index finger and removed her pinky so that Sheila could see the pad of paper. " Brian and Michael want to make these changes to the next orders we receive." Kate moved Sheila closer to her finger so that she could pick up the paper work. Sheila didn't bother glancing at the papers right away. She had plenty of time to kill. Her new position gave her plenty. " So how is everything going at your home? The only orders I have been receiving have been for the same thing and construction material." " It has been going quite well though I hate to think how long it would have taken if I had to depend purely on the little people to build it. I would have come by sooner if I had known you are going to be in charge of the little soldiers around here." Kate proceeded to lower herself so that she was setting on her knees. She then deposited Sheila back on the ground. As Sheila looked up towards Kate, she could tell that something had changed in their relationship. Kate had said that she was in charge of the little soldiers not that she was in charge. Of course Sheila knew the truth, Kate was the one that was now in charge of the island and ultimately the only reason she was currently alive. Kate didn't need her anymore, she would have delivered the list just the same if it had been a regular soldier. " So you have been helping to speed up the construction?" Kate giggled a bit. " I haven't just speed up the construction I have practically built the entire thing. I tend to help with the work while Brian and Michael work in the lab though now that they are finishing up I can use that time to visit with you. I also help out while Brian is sleeping." " Now what have those two been doing in the lab?" " They have been studying some of my skin samples though they don't bother with blood any longer." Kate rubbed her arm a bit. " I am grateful for that. Now I just have to scratch myself a little to give what is needed." Sheila nodded her head. " I am glad to hear that." Kate and Sheila kept silent for a few moments as Kate scanned the area. " I have been working on my home for so long I hadn't really looked around out here. How are the structures coming?" " Quite nicely. This isn't actually a large under taking. Just enough troops here to handle unloading the ships and a large enough dock. It was nice of you to agree to pick up the items once they have been unloaded." Kate smirked. " Well actually the reason I did that wasn't to be nice. I just want to keep them as far away from my home as possible and I imagine most want to keep as far away from me as they possibly can. Mm if you are handling the shipping side over here. Who is handling the receiving side?" " Debra was actually put in charge of that. It is kind of fitting she has been responsible for bringing people to meet you for so long. Now she helps with bringing other things." Kate rubbed the back of her neck having realized a pattern. " Everyone that has worked with me has been given a position on this haven't they?" Sheila gave a nod. " A few of them have." " I guess some are to frightened." " I don't know for certain but there isn't really a great deal of jobs to fill." Kate took a few moments to get a good look at the little building that served as the main office. " Have houses been built for the soldiers that are going to be staying here?" " Yes at the same spot as the workers for your home. Once they are finished working on your home most of the houses will be demolished leaving a few behind for those that work at the facility." Kate couldn't help but give a toothy smile, " Do you think I could demolish them?" " You would need to speak to whoever is in charge of construction. Though I doubt, they will mind." Sheila didn't bother speaking further, she didn't want to talk about the fact that shipping was now her only responsibility. That and insuring that Kate didn't come back to the states. Kate gave a quick nod. " I will have to do that then." Kate straitened up so that she was setting on her knees. Looking around she began to look at the little building that served as the office. She had been so surprised that Sheila had been there she hadn't stopped to look at it. The little structure was only a one story building with a few windows, the walls were red brick and looked fairly sturdy but nothing special. A few antennas and other equipment set on the roof and that was about it. Other all the structure was unimpressive. " I guess if anything ever happened I am expected to protect my home." Sheila gave a nod. " Yes that seems to be the case." A slight giggle came from Kate and she proceeded to bring her right arm up in a biceps curl. " Well there you don't have anything to worry about. I will look out for you and the little soldiers as well should anything happen. Well unless it is the US military that is causing the trouble." " That is nice to know." Kate brought her arm back down and bent her legs again so that she could set her hands atop her knees. " Well I am going go and take a look around. I haven't really looked over the buildings the military built for their use." " Okay. Then I will start reading over the list." Kate gave a nod and proceeded to stand up to her full towering height. As she rose into the air Sheila found herself looking upward, trying to remember if she had seen Kate standing up since she had stopped growing. She couldn't remember ever seeing Kate at such a large size as for a moment she couldn't see her face. All she could see was the underside of Kate's massive breast. No matter how capable Kate had been, Sheila had always felt she was looking out for her. Now she knew that wasn't the case anymore. Kate had grown beyond her ability to protect not just because her body but because she now had a new emotional support system. Kate didn't think too much of the conversation as she walked away from the building. It wasn't like she wanted a large military presence around her home after all. It was one of the reasons she had chosen the spot. Now she felt like taking a look at the docks. Though she didn't expect to see anything special. The docks were pretty much as simple as Kate had expected them to be. Clearly this wasn't going to be a busy area though it did have to be fairly large in order to bring in the supplies Kate had listed. When construction had been fully, under way was most likely the busiest the docks would ever be and Kate was quite happy with that. In truth Kate didn't want to see a ship more then once a month. Kate glanced toward the crane which she imagined was used to unload the ships. Standing up she couldn't resist the urge to compare her height to that of the machines. She was exceptionally amused to see that its height only came up to around that of her ankle. Kate gave her head a quick shake. " I need something to do." Turning away from the docks, she began to make her way towards the barracks that had been built for the crew and military personnel. " What the?" Kate slowly set down as her massive eyes focused on the tiny sign before her. Leaning closer she continued to stare at the little object to assure herself that she was seeing what she saw. The little object looked to be a yellow caution sign except it had the image of what was clearly a mouth and a hand. The hand had a little human held above the mouth and had released it. There was then a massive slash through the image. The meaning was fairly obvious, no eating the people. Kate lips spread into a wide grin and she wrapped her arms around herself. She felt her side convulse for a moment. As she tried to contain her laugher her body started shaking and her lips parted to show her teeth. A few moments later Kate couldn't hold it back any longer and she found herself shaking with laugher. Considering how most of the workers had responded to her, she most assuredly didn't expect to see such a sign set up. Kate continued to giggle as she realized that it most likely wasn't truly meant for her. Rather it was more likely that some workers had put it together as a joke amongst the men. Once Kate recovered from her initial laughter she couldn't help searching the area hoping to find another sign. Sure enough she came upon one only a short distance away. This one had a massive foot depicted as coming down upon a person with the same no slash through it. Right next to it was an image depicting several people walking. Though it was some what different from what one would find at a street crossing. The sign was more similar to what one would find in a park if ducks tended to cross a certain path often. It took a few moments for Kate to recover enough to walk around. As she did though she couldn't help herself. She had to find out who had made those signs. Still giggling a bit Kate proceeded to look both ways as if she was crossing the street and then walked further into the camp in hopes of finding whomever had made the signs. The men had heard and even seen Kate approaching but none of them had run from her sight. Looking down at them, Kate didn't know their names but she did know their faces. They were part of the construction crew that worked the night shift with her. Currently they were gathered outside eating what looked to be their breakfast. " Hi there. Well I am glad to see that everyone doesn't run from me." Kate took a few steps so that the men were just outside of her arm's reach. The men looked up as Kate bent at the knees and lowered her massive form to a crouched position. The men seemed a little nervous but they knew that Kate wasn't a total monster from the construction work. As one of them got up his nerve, he stepped forward to see what she wanted. " Hey Tk what brings you here?" Kate blinked her eyes for a moment. " Tk? Now where did that come from?" Kate kept her tone friendly in order to avoid frightening the man. Realizing that he had called Kate by the nickname the construction crew had given her the worker quickly cleared his throat. " Sorry about that. Tk stands for Tower Kate." " Ah I hoped it stood for total knockout." The workers looked at each other for a moment as if surprised by Kate's response. " Well I suppose it is one of those things that serve serval purposes." One of them finally responded. " Anyway. I was wondering if any of you knew about the signs out front?" " Which signs?" " The no eating the workers, not stepping on the workers and people crossing ones." " Yeah. What would you like to know about them?" " I was just wondering who made them. You probably heard me laughing just a few minutes ago." The men seemed a bit relieved for a moment. " So you found them funny?" " I found them to be very funny. I wouldn't have been laughing if they offended me." " Virgil made them. He said he worked with you during the day shift and thought they would give the men a good laugh." " Ah. I am going to have to go and thank him. They really are cute." " Yeah most of the men got a good laugh out of them to." None of them felt like telling Kate that while most of the workers had gotten a good laugh out of the signs. A few of them hadn't found them to be funny in the least. Those who had worried about upsetting Kate had actually tried to take them down but a few others would always put them back up. " All well I am going to go thank Virgil for the laugh then and don't worry I will do my best to obey the signs." " We would appreciate that." Kate waved to the little workers as she made her way back towards her home. She had been working with Virgil while Brian and Michael worked in the lab so she had a good idea just where he would be at the time. As Kate walked towards her home, a mischievous grin formed on her face. " I bet you think you are pretty cute?" Virgil had heard the sound of the foot steps and noticed the slight tremors they generated. Which was strange as Kate normally walked softly so she wouldn't shake those who were working in the higher up areas. As he heard her voice though and felt her breath wash over him he knew that she was speaking to him. Virgil could feel his blood run cold, he had been working with Kate long enough to consider her something of a friend or at least a friend at the work place. Now it seemed like he had upset her and he was reminded just who he was dealing with. " No I um. What did I do?" " Those signs outside. Do you think I like being reminded of what happened?" " I am sorr.." Kate let out a giggle and flashed Virgil a smile. " I am just playing I thought they were very funny. Anyway, I am not so petty that I would harm someone over a few signs. Do you really think so little of me?" Kate put on a bit of a pout which brought a grin to Virgil's face now. " You had me scared there for a moment. I am glad you quit so soon or I might have shit myself." Kate gave a slight laugh and stuck out her tongue a bit. Upon bringing her tongue back in. " I was actually wondering if when you left. If I could keep the signs. I think they would be amusing to set up." " Sure feel free to. Just don't leave them out in the weather for to long." " How come?" " Well they may look like road signs but they aren't really road signs. The metal is going to rust pretty quick in this environment. As soon as that paint begins to chip away they are goners." Kate gave a nod. " Okay. Then once you are all ready to pack up and leave just leave them and I will retrieve them." A few of the men glanced in Kate's direction when she reached up and took hold of one of the beams. Currently a crane had been lifting it to Virgil's position. Removing the beam Kate simply held it in place. Virgil took the cue and began to fasten it down while Kate held it in place. " Still, even after working with me am I all that scary?" Virgil thought about this for a second. " Well you do have quite the presence but at least I didn't decide to jump to my death. You just had me worried there for a moment." " Mm I guess it takes a little longer then I would like to earn peoples total trust." ****************************************************************************** Kate sat in one of the few chairs that had currently been built for the living room. Her computer resting in her lap. Brian and Michael were in the lab. They were currently testing ways to get more out of Brian's blood in order to make her skin samples grow more. Kate could hear them talking about how mixing it with various nutrient paste might work but chose to focus on her computer screen. It had been quite some time since she had visited the online community. She wanted to see what people were saying about her now, not just online but on the news as well. " Well this is annoying." As Kate searched through various sites, she wasn't overly surprised to find some variations on her name. As well as a few plans for a movie featuring what happened at the facility. Apparently the real time video wasn't quite enough. She also found various people discussing the legal effects of what had happened. Of course Kate had expected all of this. After all the only reason she hadn't been executed was that no government or person on the planet had the ability to kill her. Soon Kate found herself sifting through the secure email address that had been assigned to her at the facility. She had managed to convince them to let her keep the email address quite easily of course she knew they would be spying on her through it. Kate doubted she had any secure lines of communication with the outside world but it didn't bother her. After all, what could they do about anything she wanted to do? As Kate began to search through it, she found herself sifting through more emails then expected. The lord shall punish you for what you have done, you aren't too big for hell, you reap what you sow were just a few of the subjects on each email and often included a rather lengthy description. A giggle came from Kate as she took note of one reading, I only fear the lord. Wiggling her toes for a moment, she couldn't help but type a response. " Of course you only fear the lord, I have no idea where you live and you are many miles away. How about you come and stand next to me then speak so boldly." Kate didn't actually find any of the emails insulting after all it was just a lot of little people trying to act big. Instead she found herself actually giggling at the comments and the promise of divine punishment. There were even a few threats, that justice would catch up with her. Kate took this all in strides and found herself replying to each email. As she did so she attempted to keep a humorous in each one of her responses. " How do people taste?" Kate blinked her eyes for a moment as she came across the title. Opening it up she was a bit surprised to actually find someone complementing her even envying her. Leaning forward Kate read over the email some four times in search of any hint of sarcasm. The change of questions caught Kate off guard and made her really consider just how she should respond to it. " I can't really define how people taste as I can't think of anything that taste like them. It is fairly sweet but that may just be my opinion. My taste buds aren't really like your little ones. It was a fairly thrilling experience to have them slide down my throat and into my stomach. Kicking and struggling the entire time though I wouldn't do such a thing to one that hadn't provoked me." Kate continued to right her response finding it difficult to answer the questions without making herself into a monster. Her final words ending. " Of course I know of things to do that are a lot more fun then eating or stepping on people." An amused giggle came from Kate as she realized being an infamous celebrity might not be so bad. While she didn't know how long the emails would keep coming at least if they did keep coming she would have something to do while Brian worked in the lab and while he slept as well. With construction nearing completion Kate would be running out of things to do before too long. The emails that Kate found herself responding to, ranged far more then she expected they would. From praise, to curiosity, to envy, to spite to anger, to sympathy. A few of them Kate even found disturbing and made her grateful that she was the giantess and not some of the other people. Kate generally tried to respond to the praise politely but tried to keep from acting like a monster. This was hard as she also insisted on being honest and she had enjoyed what she had done. Fortunately these were few and far between. Curiosity and envy also gave her similar problems. Spite and anger were the ones that Kate found most often. To which she tried to make sure her replies were humorous and showed no sign of offence. After all she didn't want to give the writer the idea that their weak words had managed to make it through her thick skin when tank rounds had felled to. Sympathy was perhaps the rarest one and hardest to deal with. Those that weren't approving of what she had done and some even scolded her but also expressed sympathy for what had happened to her. Kate couldn't respond with the humor she treated the angry or spiteful people with and the emails were far more serious then those that offered praise, envy or from a curious writer. She chose to be serious and tried to respond as honestly as she could. That she didn't feel any need for sympathy and was doing quite well. Of course not all the emails were purely about her. A few of them had clearly been written by conspiracy nuts and Kate felt herself being asked about everything from aliens to hidden cities under the ocean. It was all quite amusing until Kate ran across the rarest email up until that moment. Kate tapped her chin unsure of just how she should respond to it. The email was from Walter the same reporter that had interviewed her previously and he was asking for another. Apparently he wanted to interview her in her home to see how she was doing. Of course Kate was quite pleased to see that he was asking her. She would have been fairly upset if people had just shown up with permission from the US government. Standing up Kate made her way over to the lab to see what Brian and Michael thought of being interviewed again. " It is fine with me. After all we don't have to answer any questions that go too far" Brian looked up towards Kate as he worked on mixing a red gel together. Michael gave a shrug. " I would prefer to keep away from the camera but you can feel free to speak with him. Just please don't involve me." Kate gave a nod. " So how is the research coming?" Brian stopped what he was doing and put a cap on the mixture. " Quite nicely, you may want to get in touch with Len and start discussing the samples with her. Of course if she isn't interested, you could use the meeting with Walter as a chance to advertise." " So you found a better way to make the cells continue to reproduce?" Brian gave a shake of his head. " We think so but aren't sure. If we get the desired results from out next few tests, we can start seriously discussing clothes' designs. Also the samples you originally gave us are now old enough to sell without putting you in any danger. At least anything that can be found from them should be out of date." Kate gave a nod. " When should the testing be done?" " I think we can finish today if you don't mind me working a little late. Your cells are quite responsive and we already have a lot of testing under way." " Mm then let me know when you are finished and we can start talking clothes. I am going to go and take care of a few more emails. Then look into getting in touch with Len or whomever I need to speak with." ***************************************************************************** Brian was having trouble keeping his eyes open. All the work he did in the lab had left him mentally tired and the warm embrace of Kate's cleavage wasn't helping matters. " Do you remember what I said earlier? About letting you design my clothing." It took Brian a moment to respond. " Yeah. Is there something you would like us to try and make?" Kate shook her head as well as her chest slightly. " No but I have an idea to make it more interesting." Brian set up in order to help the blood flow to his head a bit. " What is that?" " I was just thinking that we could make a game of it." " Go on." " Well how about we set up a nice reward and punishment system? If I like what you designed for me you get to be in charge however if it doesn't meet certain standards then I get to decide what to do with you." Brian rubbed his chin for a moment and tried to force himself to think. He didn't want to risk Kate pulling a fast one on him. " So you just have to like what I design for you?" Kate giggled a bit. " Well no. That would be too easy for you. In order to be in charge I have to do a bit more then like it. Also the more I like your work the longer you get to be in charge." Brian snuggled up to Kate's breast a bit. " Well I may be a little to tired to think clearly but that seems good." Kate gave a nod. " I am glad to hear it. Hey, do you plan on producing more then one set of clothing at a time?" Brian gave a nod. " We hope to. This one article of clothing every seven weeks, won't work well for long." Kate gave a nod. " Okay. Well then how about this. For every ten bits of clothing you design I will rate how much I like them from one to ten. If the score doesn't total up to at least seventy, you lose." Brian rubbed his head for a moment then gave a slight laugh. " Dang I must be tired it took me a few seconds to figure out what that was per item. Now depending on how badly I lose you will go easier on me right?" Kate gave a giggle. " Of course. Also the more points you have over seventy the longer you get to be in charge and the more authority you have." " That sounds fine with me. Okay you have a deal." Kate nodded and was about to let Brian drift off to sleep when he spoke up. " When will Len and Walter be here?" " Walter emailed me back, it is going to take a few days to prepare but he looks forward to it. I had Sheila get in touch with Len and well. From the way Sheila talked it seem Len would have been out here today if she could have. So I think she is eager to make a deal." " Then I should get some sleep." " Yes you should." Brian gave a slight chuckle and laid back down, closed his eyes and let the warmth and soft raising motion of Kate's breast rock him to sleep. Len looked down into her brief case at the documents that rested there. The documents were various legal contracts that detailed what she could offer Kate and what may be negotiable. While none of them gave her the authority to confirm whatever offer Kate was making her at least they let her negociate. " Mam we will be landing soon." Len looked towards the pilot for a moment shut her brief case and strapped herself into her seat. " Either we have a thrill seeker or Len has just arrived." Kate looked towards the direction of the landing strip. Her hyper active senses having detected the sound of a plain coming particularly close to her home. Kate and Brian were currently in the living room, Kate was busy on her keyboard while Brian was eating his breakfast as he set atop Kate's shoulder. " Do you want to go and meet her?" " No. Just let her come to us. You go ahead and finish your biscuit." Len was quiet as she sat in the vehicle. A loan soldier serving as her escort and driver to Kate's home. She had considered taking some others but felt it would be silly considering how easily Kate could have wiped out every person on the island. She hadn't even bothered to speak with Sheila. While Len didn't like Kate and knew that Kate held a similar amount of contempt for herself. She at least felt Kate was a reasonable lady so she didn't feel any fear. Even as she came to the building and climbed out of the vehicle. Kate waited until she heard the little people door bell. Brian was unable to hear the door bell thanks to its lack of volume and the distance. They had chosen to keep the sound of the ringing low just incase Brian was near it when it went off. There was also the little matter that it wasn't like Brian would be answering the door. Even though there was a regular human sized one installed. The walk would have simply taken too long. Len was a bit surprised when the door was opened, not because it was the massive door that Kate used. Rather, because the tiny door meant for regular people opened. She had been mentally preparing herself for the meeting so the slight variation to what she had expected surprised her. " Stay here." Len glanced towards the driver and walked into the building. Kate smiled and lowered herself to knee though this still meant she totally dwarfed Len. She then extended a hand down for Len to climb into. " Glad you could come." Len looked at the hand for a moment as if unsure of what she was supposed to do. " Well you did offer to sell something quite rare." Len didn't climb into Kate's hand just yet. " I recommend climbing into my hand. It is an awfully long walk even over to the table. Don't worry just pull yourself up." Len looked at the fingers for a moment more then walked over to Kate's pinky finger. Stepping onto the fingernail, she made her way over to the tip of the digit. Kate proceeded to elevate her finger a bit realizing that Len couldn't actually climb up the finger of her finger. The slant allowed Len to make it the rest of the way up Kate's finger at which time Kate straitened it again so that Len was setting on top of it instead of hanging on. Kate stood back up and made her way over to what would have amounted to a coffee table on her scale and proceeded to lower her hand so that Len could climb off. As Len lowered herself down from Kate's finger, she chose to get to business. " I was told that you have some research data that we may be interested in." Kate withdrew her hand once Len was off. " Actually, we aren't just offering you research data. I would like to talk to you about selling actual skin samples." Len seemed to perk up even more. " OH. I didn't think you would ever want to give those away again. How much are we talking about and what state is it in?" Kate grinned. " Around fifty pounds at least but there can be more, the sample is still alive. It hasn't even reached the early stages of decay." Kate saw no reason to inform Len that they had found a way to encourage the sample to continue living and growing. So that while the sample was still alive, it was no where near as advanced as Kate had become since it had been taken from her. Len could hardly believe her ears. " You mean that you want to sell live samples and in large amounts?" " That is correct." " Why this sudden change of heart?" " Well for one thing to make it easier to justify supplying the island to improve my financial standings if not political." Len rubbed her chin for a moment. " This sounds a little too good to be true. Then again it shouldn't be difficult to confirm if it came from you or not." Kate gave a slight laugh. " True. It is very easy to tell my cells apart from a human's. Anyway, haven't I kept my word on all of our dealings?" Len gave a nod though she thought at mentioning the threat Kate made. She had threatened to walk out of the camp and trample anyone in her way. However, Len was glad Kate hadn't carried through with that threat. " Yes. You have been honest in your dealings. Are they any restrictions you wish to impose of what we do with the sample?" Kate rolled her eyes. " Even if there were. I doubt you would listen. After all how am I suppose to know what you are actually doing with the samples once they are out of my hands." Len started to tell Kate that they would hold to their agreements but decided it was best not to make such an obvious lay. Kate was big and lacking in knowledge of the world but she wasn't stupid especially not stupid enough to fall for that one. There was also no point to lay. " I have to say Kate that all sounds very nice but what do you want in return?" " I would actually like to keep that on a sample by sample basis. For now I would just like to receive royalties as if I had a patent for any material you discover while studying my skin sample and are able to make use of. Once you decide on average how much each sample is worth, we can discuss things from there. Of course I may just want a lump sum from time to time." Len tapped her brief case. " You don't seem concerned that we won't be entirely honest with you." Kate giggled a bit. " Of course I don't. After all I know you are smart people and realize what would happen if I found out you had tricked me." Kate let her tongue extend out from between her lips and run along their surface for a moment. Yet Len didn't show any fear. " Point taken." While Len wasn't frightened by Kate's little display. She did know it was best to be honest with her. " How often would you be willing to provide samples?" " Well it depends on what type of sample you are talking about. An up to date sample is going to cost more then an older one." " I take it by your choice of words you mean you found a way to preserve samples of your flesh." Kate gave a nod. " Yes we have though the how isn't for sale. If you want an old sample, you will have to come back here." Len glanced around the coffee table and caught sight of a smaller one near the center. " May I set down?" " Sure." " Thank you." Len tapped her briefcase with her free hand as she walked over to the table. Setting the case atop it and pulling up a seat, she considered her next question. " Would there be a way to insure you didn't sell any samples to any other nations?" Kate gave a nod. " Yeah. So long as you keep buying them, I won't sell them to anyone else." " How often would we need to make a purchase?" Kate pulled up a seat to the table as well. " Give me a moment." Kate glanced at Brian. " About how often would you like to sell the samples?" " I think that every 2 or 3 months would be idea. Of course 2 months is the freshest samples, that we are willing to give up. " Kate gave a nod and turned back to Len. " We would like to make a sell every three months." Len gave a nod. " Quite a bit less often then what you were doing previously." Kate nodded her head. " Yeah, it still hurts after all." Len closed her eyes for a moment and considered Kate's proposal. " Now you don't want any payment for the materials itself. At least not for the first set. Just if we develop something from the materials. Is that correct?" Kate gave her head a quick nod. " Yes that will be fine." " I take it that you realize it may take time to develop anything. That is assuming we can make use of the sample in the first place." " Yes." " I take it if we don't take you up on your offer you are going to try other nations." Kate grinned. " Well that or a large enough company would do. After all right now I am only looking into being paid for what is developed." " Would you be willing to give me some time? I have to talk this over with my boss." Kate nodded her head. " I figured you would. How long do you need and how do I get in touch with you?" " It should only take a day this seems to be a very easy sell. Don't worry about getting in touch with me I will get in touch with you." Len tapped the brief case a few moments. In truth she would have liked to make the deal concrete that very moment. She couldn't agree on anything concrete at the moment though as she hadn't been given that authority. " What if we would prefer to pay you a lump sum instead of royalties." " I would tell you no deal. I realize that you may not be able to develop anything but I feel confident it will pay off more if I stick with the royalties and besides. This way you aren't out anything more then shipping and handling." " Is there a place I could have some privacy? I don't feel like making a second trip so I think I will just seek approval over the phone." Kate gave a nod. " You would need to head back to the little base. My hearing can reach anywhere in this building." Len gave a nod. " I recall your hearing is just as many times sharper then normal as your body is larger." " Sharper actually but yeah. You have the idea." Len leaned forward on the table for a moment. At last she set up strait and opened up her brief case. " I don't imagine it matters much. Just give me a few moments to talk this over. I don't imagine you will mind not having a contract." " Na. If you go back on your word, I will just remind the entire nation why that is a bad idea." Len gave a slight laugh. " Well hopefully you would sell to another nation first." " That would work to. Are you going to call your boss? I thought you wanted some privacy." " It is all right if you hear. Since you had to speak with your little friend on your shoulder, I don't imagine he can hear me." " No, he can't." Len gave a nod and proceeded to open up her brief case and take out a rather heavy looking phone. The little extra weight was worth it though in order to help insure the communication was secure. " I can't do what?" Brian looked up towards Kate's eyes. Kate turned her attention to Brian while Len was on the phone. " You can't hear what they are saying." Brian considered asking Kate just what they were talking about but resolved to wait until Len had left. " So how long do you think the phone call is going to take." " I have no idea." Kate glanced down at Len. " I am going to step out just give a shout when you are finished speaking." Kate didn't bother waiting for an answer, it wasn't like Len could make it very far if she climbed down from the table after all. That and Kate would hear if she did that. Kate stood up and made her way out of the room so that she could speak with Brian. Brian had no idea why he hated until they were out of the room to speak to Kate. It just felt so odd speaking with someone around despite the rooms scale. " I think I am forgetting how to deal with strangers." " Ah well don't worry about it. So you think three months is okay?" " Yeah but you might have given the wrong idea by saying that you want to make a sell every three months. It sounded like you wanted to make them more often." Kate tapped her cheek for a moment. " Well if they do try to buy more then every two months, we can just say that the samples aren't ready yet. Also if things go to long without any pay off then I will just start charging them a lump sum." Brian nodded his agreement. Len closed the line and let out a long sigh. She had been given permission to handle the business agreement though she had been limited on how much she could agree to pay Kate. Straitening up and shouting. " Okay Kate, I am ready to talk." " Well little one. Lets go see how this works out. Len is calling." Brian didn't say a thing as Kate made her way back into the front room were Len was still waiting atop the coffee table. " So what is it going to be?" Len didn't say anything at first but proceeded to set out a recording device. After turning the little machine on she began to speak. As Kate listened to the terms of the agreement, she gave her head a nod every few moments. What the agreement amounted to was that they would purchase the samples for negotiable rates per sample. Kate would have no say so in what was developed but would receive a certain amount of the income generated by the cell of any such materials. While Kate would not sell to any other nations. Though in all truth Kate knew this could at best be used for public justification. In truth it was Kate's strength that would keep them to their word. " So do you agree?" " Yes I agree. Though was the speech necessary?" Len just gave a shrug. " Well then. Do you already have a sample for sell?" Kate nodded her head. " Yes we have a sample for you to take back with you. I will get it ready and you can be on your way." Len had a very wide grin on her face as she left the island. While she didn't get a blood sample the fact that they would even be able to study Kate's skin samples was of major benefit. Considering the materials that had been developed from previous studies. Though she had to admit she was expecting such a large sample. The moment the plain had left a huge grin appeared on Kate's face. " Well she seemed quite happy." " Really? I couldn't see her face well enough from up here." " Of course I am sure she wouldn't be as happy if she knew that sample was an entire seven weeks behind the curve. That and there is actually a sample, as large as the skirt you made me." " Grew. The skirt we grew you." " Oh don't be picky." Kate gave Brian a light nudge with her pinky finger. " I don't imagine I am going to be seeing any benefit from that first sample we let her leave with." Brian shook his head. " Probably not at least not until they have something that is so obvious that it was developed from you they can't deny it." Kate gave a slight giggle. " I would be upset if we actually needed the money. All well let them feel good about their accomplishment." Kate grew silent for a moment. " Of course they have had a lot more experience manipulating me and other people then I have had manipulating them. I wonder if they still may be tricking us." " Now if you think like that you're just going to be paranoid." " True." ****************************************************************************** It had been three days since Len had left. Construction on the building was nearing completion. It was already so far along that Kate couldn't really help with it any longer which left her little to do. She had taken to answering all the emails she received for amusement but that could only last her so long. Especially since she not only did it while Brian and Michael spent their 8 hours in the lab. She also did it while Brian slept on her. The time Brian slept wasn't so bad Kate could very well just have set around and felt his little body resting on her and been content. However, the time he was in the lab nearly drove her up the wall with boredom. Kate couldn't even watch them working now that they were working on her clothes' designs as well. As with the new system she wasn't actually allowed to see what they were doing until it had been finished. At least today she would have something to take her mind off Brian and Michael's work. Walter was due for his arrival. As Kate noted the sound of a little airplane, she made her way to the landing strip. Brian looked through the clothing catalog holding a red marker in his hand. Every time he would see a clothing design he happened to like he would put a red mark beside it. Later on he planned on drawing the design into the computer and seeing if they could make it with the supports they currently had. He closed the book when he heard the front door open and made his way over to the window Kate would use to look in on them. As he looked out, he noted that she was carrying a few people in her hand. Upon noticing this Michael gathered up the equipment he had been working with. " I am going to head to my room incase Kate decides to show them the lab." Brian turned a bit. " Are you sure you don't want to be in the camera a bit?" " Not at the moment." Brian turned from Michael as he felt the ground shake a bit and realized Kate was walking over to them. He knew that she had intentionally caused the ground to shake to get their attention since as long as she walked normally and delayed her steps the floor design would negate the shockwaves generated by her steps. Brian didn't bother making his way to the exit as he knew what was coming next. Kate, bent down and removed the wall. " So are you ready to join me for the interview?" " Sure though I have a feeling I won't be answering many questions." Brian was on Kate's shoulder being carried toward the table where she had left Walter and his camera man. " How long do you need to get ready?" Walter glanced up at Kate. " Just give us a few moments more. There we go." Walter straitened up as did the camera man. Kate leaned back as Walter took a moment to speak to the camera before turning to her. " Now Kate. I have to say I was quite surprised to see this building when I first arrived. I take this is to serve as your home?" " Yes." " Quite the accomplishment. I imagine you had a hand in building it." " Yeah. I couldn't stand the idea of how long it would take other wise so I helped out." " Perhaps you could tell us where the finances came from in order to build this and pay for the materials." " Of course. The funding came from. Well I would call it back pay but basically the funding came from the US government as payment for the materials they have extracted from me." " And just how does this work?" " Well I basically get paid royalties as if I held the patten. Of course some of it was also meant to be compensation for the alterations to my body and endangerment. That and to get rid of me." Walter looked around for a moment and imagined that it was mostly to get rid of Kate. Later on before the report was actually aired, he would have to get an estimate on just how much it would have cost to fight Kate and how much it cost to build the structure. " So other then building have you been up to anything else?" " Well we renewed research of my condition though it isn't nearly as active as it was previously. Three days ago we also negotiated a deal to sell the materials." " Materials?" " Samples taken from me that we don't plan on using." Walter nodded his head. " Don't you worry that those materials may reveal a way to harm you?" Kate shook her head. " No. I doubt that they will be able to find a way to harm me just by studying my skin samples. Though I hope that they are able to find some useful materials through their efforts." " I take it you stand to profit if they do." " Yeah." Walter nodded his head. " Do you plan on returning to the states?" Kate shook her head. " No. I can't say that I do. I had my fill during the brief time I was there. I feel that everyone will be happier if I just keep my distance." " I would have thought you had your fill of people at the facility where you were first housed." Kate blinked her eyes for a moment as a stunned look crossed her face. It soon faded though and instead she wore an amused grin. " Now if I went by that experience I wouldn't have left." " I was wondering could we get a tour of your home?" " Sure. Would you like me to carry you or would you rather walk on the ground and get a better POV?" Walter looked around for a few moments. " I think that walking around would work better even if it takes longer. Do you mind?" " Not at all. The stairs are over there." Kate indicated the far side of the table. " Would you like me wait in here while you look around?" " Actually it would be nice if you could go about your normal daily routine. Though a guide would be appreciated." Kate looked around for a moment. " Umm sorry we don't really have one of those." Walter looked up towards Kate's shoulder. " Would that young man be willing to show us around?" Walter felt a chill run through the air as Kate's eyes seemed to narrow. " He may be but he isn't going to." Walter gave a nod and made a mental note that he was dealing with one very protective wife. " Worried that we might try something?" Kate let out a sigh. " Not really. If I did, you wouldn't be here but after all I have been through." Walter just nodded his head. " It is fine. How long do we have to explore your home?" Kate seemed to lighten up again. " Until your feet start hurting you too badly, I suppose." Kate was surprised when she heard a groan from the camera man as if her words had somehow doomed him. Walter just smiled. " Well then. Please excuse us for a little while." Walter stopped for a moment. " Would it be possible to interview your husband while you are around?" " Yes that would be fine." Brian glanced at Kate for a moment. He couldn't hear what Walter had been saying but he had a pretty good idea what Kate had been referring to. " Are they going to be looking around?" " Yeah. I am just going to let them wonder around on their own for a while. Let them get a feel for what it is like to be in a giantess world. How does it make you feel? After all you looked around before." Brian gave a nod of his head. " I can't say that it made me feel small. Everything just seemed big. There was no feeling of having shrunk everything just seemed to back up the idea of how large you truly are." Kate chuckled a bit. " Mm I like that. It is more fun being thought of as big. Then others being thought of as small." " So what do you want to do while they look around?" " How about we go and eat lunch while they are wondering around? You have been in the lab for a while now after all." Brian rubbed his stomach. " Yeah come to think of it that is a good idea." Kate gave a slight giggle and proceeded to stand up. As she walked out of the room she made certain to insure her foot landed close to Walter and his camera man wanting to give them a nice close up. Kate didn't actually feel any need to eat at the moment but she imagined Brian was. Walter gave a slight jump as Kate's food landed near him though it wasn't from fear. He had gotten over jumping from that after having mortars land near him. The gust of air and shaking off the ground generated by Kate's step was what made him jump or more precisely nearly knocked him off his feet. Brian knew that Kate was taking her time preparing her meal just incase Walter made it to the kitchen in time. While in comparison to Kate the amount she ate was extremely small, it was still something else to see a few thousand pounds vanish into that mouth. " So how are the clothes coming?" Brian looked up from the stove. " They are coming nicely. I am having to look through a few magazines for inspiration though." " Running low on ideas?" " Well every time I think of you I just want to put you into something skimpier and skimpier." " Have you found a way to get around the leather look?" Brian shook his head. " No. Though we do have an idea. How about for the next sample you give. You let us have some of your air?" Kate reached a hand back and ran her fingers through her hair for a moment. A shudder ran up her spine. " Do you think it will help?" " Yeah but you don't have to if you don't want to." " Mm it is hard to decide if it will be worth the pain. Since you can grow it now, I wouldn't have to give a large piece would I?" " No. Just a small bit." " When do you want it?" " In a few weeks. We don't have room at the moment. What are you fixing yourself?" " Just some fish and cabbage stew." Brian got a somewhat sick look on his face. " I swear some of the things you eat." Kate stuck her tongue out at Brian. " Well I happen to like it. Grow up eating something and you are going to like it though. To me the idea of pilling a potato before you eat it or any fruit of vegetable for that matter seems strange." Brian looked down at the frying pan for a moment and noted the potatoes he had pilled. " Well to me the skin of a potato is a lot thicker then what it is to you." " Yeah and so are the bones of the fish. You have to worry about getting chocked while these big old teeth of mine and crunch through them in a moment. Well actually I don't even have to chew." Brian kept silent for a moment. " I still think what you eat is gross." " Oh shush and get back to cooking before I decide to snack on you little one." Brian just grinned and chose to focus on the task at hand. While he didn't worry about Kate chewing on him or swallowing he knew that she was perfectly willing to pop him into her mouth. " Now here is an interesting find." Walter made his way into one of the additional bedrooms that Kate had constructed. The massive room wasn't entirely finished yet but as the constructions crews were on the far side that meant they had plenty of room to roam. " An additional bed room and from the looks of things I would say one intended for a child or a teenager. Now since I doubt this couple will be having any guest to make use of this room this leads me to assume only one thing." Walter took his time before speaking again allowing the camera to look around the room and then they began to walk over to the unfinished bed. " It would seem the couple despite the size difference may be hopeful for a child. As it is the only reason, I can see for them building an additional room to this scale. Now the likelihood of this aside I have to wonder what this would mean to the world. Considering the chaos that one lady caused one can only guess what a younger version would have done. Perhaps we should speak to our hostess about this?" Kate could hear Walter speaking and instinctively put a hand over her womb. At least she assumed she still had a womb. She removed it when she resolved that she wasn't ready for a child just yet. " Brian. When do you think it would be a good time to have a child?" Brian didn't have to think long. " I suppose, after our home is finished and we have had a chance to form good business relations as far as the selling of materials goes. Just incase things don't go quite the way as we expect." Kate gave a nod of her head. " How long do you hope that will take?" " Not long." Brian smiled up at Kate. " I am glad to hear that." Kate removed her stew from the burner and proceeded to carry a seat over to the counter so that she could talk to Brian. Kate didn't pay any attention to the burning hot metal which she currently let rest in her hand. Making use of an over sized spoon, she tried her cooking. " I should have put some salt into this." " So how are they going as far as the room search is concerned?" Kate shook her head. " I can still hear them they have hardly even begun. I guess they just wanted to start at the back of our home." " Well it is an awful lot of walking. I mean the hall alone is a few miles." Kate grinned. " That isn't to many foot steps for me but I see your point." Brian looked down at the pan once again. " After I am done with dinner would you mind if I took a nap while waiting?" " Can I pick where you nap?" " Sure." " Mm then you most certainly may. Though I was thinking, we might look at some clothes' designs." " Now hold on. I get to pick the designs for the time being. Especially since you made a contest out of it." " I know." Kate let out a sigh. " I wonder if I should withdraw the challenge." " Oh no. You issued it and your sticking to it. I intend too win this." Kate couldn't keep from giggling. " All right then, just keep in mind if your designs aren't up to par. I gave you a chance to back out." " Don't worry, I am sure you will love these first designs. I have to say though getting up to the required ten is taking more thinking then I expected." " Nope. I offered to help. You are going to have to try and figure out what I like on your own now." Kate grew silent for a moment. " I think I should have waited until later to actually cook something for myself. I wanted to show off what my big old teeth can do." " You like spooking people don't you?" " Just a little." ****************************************************************************** Brian felt himself being nudged slightly. " Time to wake up little one they are only about a mile away." Opening his eyes, Brian looked around his surroundings. Currently he was tucked away in Kate's belly button while she set in the living room. The spot had given him a good vantage point of Kate's laptop which she had set in her lap. It hadn't actually been where he had expected Kate to have him sleep considering her past record but he wasn't complaining. Stretching for a few moments, he began to crawl towards Kate's pinky finger which was currently waiting for him. Kate had to keep herself from giggling as she felt Brian's tiny form moving out of her belly button. She had considered letting him rest there longer but wanted to give him time to fully wake up. As Brian crawled across her skin towards her pinky finger though Kate had to resist the urge to remove her finger and just enjoy the feeling of Brian's tiny hands pressed against her skin. At least the temptation left her when she felt Brian move onto her pinky and she began to lift him into the air. " Did you sleep well my little one?" " Yeah. How long was I asleep though?" " Let me put it this way. It is a good thing you and Michael set your own working hours. Other wise your sleeping habits would be quite messed up at the moment and well I don't sleep. Too bad I can't help you in the lab." Brian gave his head a quick shake to fully wake up. " Well having a monopoly on the research material actually makes it pretty easy work. Anyway, it isn't like we are selling our findings anyway. You said they were a mile away?" Kate held her hand up level with her shoulder and allowed Brian to move off of her finger. " Yeah I thought you would need some time to wake up entirely and might want to take care of a few things." Brian shook his head. " No I am good to go. Of course if they have been in every room why don't you just go and pick them up?" " Mm good idea." Standing up Kate made her way down the hallway easily crossing the mile distance in just a few of her lengthy steps. As she did so Walter and his camera man stopped their walking. " Have you finished looking around?" Walter gave a nod. " Yeah. We have quite a bit of material actually. We even managed to speak with a few of the workers." Kate didn't bother mentioning that she had heard the conversation. " Well then would you like a lift back to the living room?" " I would appreciate it." " Be sure to get a good view." Kate made sure to move her hand slowly as she reached down for Walter. Allowing the camera man to get a good picture of just how large her hand truly was before she picked up the cameraman as well. As she strode back to the living room. " So is there anything you want to talk to me about?" " Yes there is. Kate, do you truly believe you are capable of having children?" " I believe I am as capable of having children as I am 3,000 feet tall." Walter nodded his head. " I noticed the rooms. Do you expect the children to be proportional to your scale?" " I expect that they will be but I don't know as of this time." Walter thought about asking some other questions but looked at his watch. " Kate, I would love to talk more about this however I need to be on my way." Kate gave a nod. " I suppose exploring my home took more time then you expected it to." " A great deal more time." Kate glanced over at Brian. " I guess you will have to wait a while before you get to be in the camera." " I am sure you will get to speak with other reporters once they see that I have come back alive not once but twice." " I don't know if I like the idea of that. Anyway I will give you a lift to the door." ****************************************************************************** Kate ran her fingers along the solider surface of the wall. The completed structure. It had happened a few hours ago the final bit of the structure had been secured and wired. Now it just had to be maintained which would actually fall to Kate to handle unless she wanted to call in more help. Some tools had been provided which would allow her to repair the structure but other then that everything was finished. Except for the workers to gather up their materials and for the rooms to be cleaned out. Kate would be helping with that. A tingle ran up Kate's spine as she realized this would be the fewest people she had ever been around once the workers were gone. It would just be Brian, Michael, Sheila, herself and a few soldiers that had been stationed on the island to help out. Other then when ships brought materials in there would be very few people indeed. Kate couldn't truly define how she felt at the moment. She had spent so much of her life being examined and constantly surrounded by strangers that she had gotten use to it. Now they were all going to be gone and that was most likely how things were going to remain. She could feel the excitement deep within her but she had no idea just how she could let it out. Kate leaned forward and pressed her cheek against the wall for a few moments. Straitening up Kate turned and made her way over to the clean up area. Bending down Kate's hands began scooping up great handfuls of materials. She almost wanted to tell everyone to hurry up and leave that she would deal with the left over materials but she restrained herself. The ship that would take all the men and the machinery that were to be removed would be arriving soon enough and she would be rid of it all. Kate wasn't the only one happy about the change indeed the workers even those that had gotten over their fear of her was glad to be leaving. The project had been quite grueling thanks to the pace which they had to work at. Kate hadn't help in that, in fact she had served to speed up the work even more by her helping. Many were looking forward to getting back to the states and their families that or to make up for having so little recreation time. Kate glanced off towards the workers little town as she carried the supplies down to the docks. Most of the building material would be stored there instead of removed from the island. Kate didn't waste any time in dashing back towards her home in order to get another handful. The whole time wishing that she had a dust pan built to her scale. " There won't be many people around soon. How do you feel about that?" Michael looked over at Brian. Brian smiled and stepped away from the window after Kate ran by again. " I am fine with it. Why do you ask?" " I was just wondering." Brian nodded. " How do you feel about it?" " I am pretty use to the isolation actually. My original place of work was pretty isolated as you may recall." " Yeah but they were so many people." " Just strangers." Brian thought about this for a second. " I can understand that. I guess you can feel isolated even in a crowd. Later on Kate and I are going to go and take a look at the work men's temporary housing after they are all gone." " That is nice. It may be the closest Kate ever comes to getting to walk through a town. Of course since it is being emptied out, I suppose she doesn't have to worry about the buildings." " Yeah. Though it seems, they set it up with Kate's visits in mind. The streets were made wide enough for her to walk through them." " Wide streets for Kate's feet." Brian just rolled his eyes at Michael's riming. As Brian and Michael spoke Kate found herself wondering around said housing area. Taking note of the little buildings, she soon found what she had been looking for. Bending down Kate proceeded to pick up the three signs she had seen earlier. Kate had enjoyed working with a few of the workers but she didn't feel as if she would miss them. They had just had a pleasant working relationship. She was grateful for the signs though and resolved to show them to Brian later. Perhaps he would like to put them up in the lab. Kate took a moment to look around and identify the buildings that she couldn't trample for later. A giggle escaped Kate. Actually she could trample any of the buildings she wanted. The thought was more then a little amusing to her for some reason. They were just some buildings they would like her not to trample. Kate paused for a moment as she caught sight of yet another sign depicting a foot though this time there were a road and no people. Reaching down Kate carefully lifted the sign into the air. " No more then 117 steps per hour." Kate blinked her eyes a few times. She quickly located a speed limit sign and found it to be for twenty miles per hour. Kate soon guessed what that number of steps and the speed limit on the sign would roughly equal the same amount of speed. Closing her eyes, Kate thought to figure up how many speeds that would be a second then realized she would be dividing 117 by 3,600. " Sorry but I am not going to walk that slowly." Kate looked at the sign for a few moments more and noted that the leg supports weren't actually dirty and indeed the sign seemed quite new. Realizing that it must have been made recently Kate wished she hadn't hurried the workers alone so she would have a chance to thank the one that had built it. Kate was careful when she made her way out of the work sight and back towards her home. Brian never failed to watch Kate moving around every time she would pass by the lab windows. The only time he could take his eyes off her while she was in the living room and he was trying to work was when she set down or he was in the sample room. He thought she was going to stop by the lab but instead she continued past and made her way down the hall. Kate made her way into the dining area and set the signs down on the table. Running some water into her hand her massive palm and tightly pressed together fingers held more then enough water to clean off the signs. Picking them up Kate began to wash off the dirt that had covered them before she showed them to Brian and Michael. Michael noted the odd look on Brian's face. " Is something wrong?" " No. I just had this really strong feeling that Kate wanted to show us something." Michael blinked for a moment. " Well perhaps she does. What makes you think she wanted to show us something though?" " I don't know I just felt it." " Strong empathy for one another I suppose." Brian shrugged a bit and continued to wait. Kate had to be careful while cleaning off the signs. Dipping them into the water and moving them about. If she accidently brushed the bottom against her skin, she could bend one of the legs and while this wouldn't cause any real damage she wanted to avoid it. She also had to be careful how quickly she moved them about in the water. After she got all three of the signs cleaned and picked the fourth back up she made her way back to the living room. She wasn't at all surprised to find Brian waiting on her as if he expected her. " Loading up done?" " Pretty much. I was able to help out. I thought you may want to see these. Perhaps you can even put them in the lab." Kate made her way over to the lab section and bent down being sure to keep the signs concealed for the moment. Only after removing the safety glass panel did Kate hold up the signs for Brian and Michael to look over. It took a moment for why Kate had wanted to show them the signs to register with the men as at first they looked like ordinary street signs. When they finally realized what was on them both couldn't have hidden the grin's on their faces if they wanted to. "117 steps an hour that seems a bit slow. I mean it is only around two steps a minute." Brian glanced up at Kate. Michael took note of the people crossing sign. " Well there are people crossing near by so she does need to go slowly." " Yes and keep off the side walk." Michael referred to the "don't step on the workers" sign. As Brian and Michael spoke they each had a grin on their face as did Kate. However, they tried to keep their tone serious. " Also I see that they have a law against hunting people." " No it just seems to be against consuming them and stepping on them. Perhaps they have a hunting season." Brian was actually a little surprised that there wasn't a no hunting the workers sign. Kate gave an amused giggle as the men continued to discuss the merits of the sign. " One of the workers I worked with decided to make them. I don't know if he made the walking speed sign but I am fairly certain that he did. I thought that perhaps we could put them in the lab." Brian looked up from the signs towards Kate's face. " It would be fine with me. We could keep them near the safety glass so you could look in and see them as well. " Michael didn't speak but rather nodded his agreement. Kate took a moment to look past the men and into the lab. " Where would you like them exactly? I know you said near the safety glass but how near?" Brian once again looked down at the signs taking time to get an idea of just how big they actually were. " We would need time to make some room. Maybe clear out one of the desk we don't actually use. The lab has plenty of room though. It seems that it was built for far more then two people." Kate gave a nod of her head. She knew this already after all she had requested the size of the lab but she didn't say anything about it. Straitening up Kate walked over to one of the tables and set the signs down. " Then I will just leave them here until you have some room cleared out." Brian glanced over at the table where Kate had set the signs for a moment. " I think I am going to see if I can complete a set of traffic signs. I think it would make for a fun decoration if we set them up around the house." " Well just don't expect me to stick to such a slow walking limit." " You will if you don't want your license pulled." Kate gave a little giggle and made her way back to the opening. She didn't bother bending down though but rather chose to emphasize their size difference. " Try and ticket me and we will see whom ends up confined." " You just say that after I have won our contest." " Just keep in mind you have to get a high enough score. If you don't get above seventy, you are mine and even a score of seventy would leave you with very limited abilities." Brian gave a nod. "You don't have to worry about that." " I am hoping not. After all I want some nice outfits." Brian grew silent for a moment. " Kate if you don't mind. We actually have room for another sample now that Len removed all of the first we had." Kate froze up then let out a very long sigh. She knew what Brian was about to ask for. She didn't say a word but began to reach for her arm when Brian spoke up again. " Hold on we need time to prepare and I was wondering if we could have a hair sample instead of a skin sample." " All right. Will you give me a few moments to steady myself?" " Sure but you don't have to if you don't want to. The clothes we can make from the first sample are plenty strong after all." Kate gave her head a quick shake. " No I want to do it. Well in the long run I want to do it right now I want to lie down just thinking about it. Just get yourselves ready and I will try to prepare myself." Brian nodded and began to help Michael prepare the container. They would also slip on protective suits incase Kate began to bleed. While they had worked with Kate's skin sample in relative safety especially after learning how Kate's cells responded to Brian's. Kate's blood could be an entirely different matter and even if the cells weren't dangerous to them there was the little matter of the heat. Kate's skin was only as warm as healthy body temperature, her blood on the other hand had always been horribly heated. " Just the tip of the hair Kate. Try to avoid making yourself bleed. We only need a very small sample." Kate looked at Brian for a moment. After they had suited up and gotten into position she reached back and found her single longest strand of hair. Pulling it around herself she held it near the men and took hold of the very tip. Kate's eyes closed and she began to try and steady her breathing her body already anticipating the pain she was about to endure. She opened them moments later though and instead seemed to focus on Brian. As she did so Kate's breathing relaxed as she told herself that she would be enduring the pain for him now and for herself. Kate began to rap the strand of hair around one of her fingers as tightly as she possibly could in order to cut off the blood flow. " You know this is one time I wish my hair was like a human's. Instead of a form of muscle." Kate's finger sunk into the strand seconds later yet she didn't nearly double over as she had done previously while having to remove a sample from herself. The bit of hair fell off and Kate was quick to retrieve it. After Kate had placed the sample into the container Brian and Michael quickly sealed it. Stepping forward once the locks were down Brian tried to see what condition Kate was in. " Kate, are you okay?" Kate gave a nod of her head. " Yeah, though it did sting. That is odd. It used to be a lot worse." Kate held up the strand of hair whose tip she had removed and began to look it over slowly as if trying to figure out whys he had felt such minimal pain. " That was good thinking in tightening up. I don't think we got any of your blood." " I am just amazed that my body isn't really hurting me." Michael came to stand next to Brian as they looked upon Kate. Michael finally spoke up. " Kate, I think this is the best you have ever taken giving a sample especially from a body part you aren't use to. Is there any pain at all?" Kate nodded her head. " Yeah it stings but it doesn't feel as if it has infected my entire body. I mean originally the pain seemed to move throughout my entire being. Now there is just a little pain as if my body was telling me it didn't appreciate what I had just done but wasn't going to torture me for it." Michael tapped the top of the container for a few moments. " Well your mind does ultimately rule your body more then a normal person does. At least it seems to, it was always strange that your mind seemed unable to block out the pain. Perhaps you just found a way to block the pain out." Kate gave a nod then turned her attention away from Michael and towards Brian. " Mm well I did say you were a good sedative for me." Brian felt his face redden a bit. " Yeah I remember though I have to say at times I think I act like a stimulant." Kate giggled and reached into the lab and lifted Brian into the air. She then held up the strand of hair which she had torn the sample from. " Kiss it and make it better?" Brian leaned forward and proceeded to give the golden brown strand of hair a kiss. Though Kate held him near the center, well away from the tip where the material had been torn from. Michael gave a slight laugh. " You two are just hooked on each other." Kate gave a nod and returned Brian back to the lab. " Thanks. I am sure the pain will be gone really soon now. So do you think that the same methods you use on my skin sample will work on the hair sample?" Brian nodded. " It should though I can't give a more scientific reason for that other then it worked on the skin sample. We aren't really trying to understand why your body works the way it does when we are doing this." " What are you trying to understand then?" " We are just trying to understand how to get it to respond to certain stimulus. Generally speaking this may not be wise. Knowing how to cause something but not knowing the why of it. That said learning the how just takes too much effort and by the time you figure out even a little bit of the why your body may have developed an entirely different method." " Mm well at least you don't have to live within such a rapidly changing body." A huge grin formed on Brian's face one which told Kate she had probably made a poor choice of her words. " I don't know about that. I have spent an awful lot of time in that body and I am quite certain that I was living." It took Kate a moment to respond but her skin soon began to light up in a blush. " Well that is true and my body has affected yours." As Kate and Brian spoke Michael began to take the hair sample towards the back of the lab where it would be stored until they were ready to begin testing. When he turned to look at Kate, he found she had a distracted look on her face. " The pain is already gone. How strange normally my physical pain goes so far as even to cause me emotional pain. I guess my emotional well being can cancel out my physical pain." Brian smiled. " I wonder if this is going to increase your appetite any." Kate turned her head to the side for a moment. " I think I am going to try and avoid eating for a while even after giving samples. I won't starve myself of course but I want to get an idea of just how my body has began handling food now that it has stopped growing for the time being." Brian couldn't help the feeling of worry he got upon hearing Kate's idea. " Are you sure that is safe? I mean you remember what happened last time you were starved." Kate nodded her head. " I remember but that was forced upon me. Don't worry I won't wait until I am as far along as I was at the facility. Anyway I was angry at that time as well." Brian nodded. " All right, but I wasn't really thinking of the facility. I mean what happened at the camp when you were energy starved. After all at the facility you were still level headed enough to let certain people go." " Ah well don't worry about that. I won't get anywhere near that far." " Okay. It should be an interesting test anyway. We could also test it here a bit as well. See what happens if we don't put as many nutrients in the tanks with the skin samples we are growing." " Okay. Anyway, it should be good for me. After all if my body adapts to handle different situations. Then if I decrease the amount of food I eat then it should adapt so that it can go off less food which is fine by me so long as I don't start weakening." Brian gave a nod. " That is true, but to be honest. I kind of like watching you eat." " Really? You mean you like watching me pop sides of beef the size of a person into this great big mouth of mine?" Kate leaned forward so that her face was only a few feet away from Brian and Michael. She then opened her massive void of a mouth so that it was the only thing they could see with any clarity." Kate felt an impact upon her tongue seconds later. At first she was a bit shocked then realized just who it was and what had happened. Kate had been so close that Brian had gotten a running start and actually jumped into her mouth. Slowly closing her lips, Kate didn't bother speaking but rather proceeded to put the safety glass back into place and walk away from the lab. She had endured quite a bit of pain a few moments ago after all she deserved a reward and Brian would make a fine little treat. Brian's only regret at the moment was that he was still wearing his clothes. Michael watched Kate walk away for a few moments before deciding what to do. Going to a cold storage unit he took out a few samples of Brian's blood and made his way over to the container were Kate's hair sample had been stored. Taking his time to prepare the nutrient gel normally used he figured that he might as well get the sample to growing since no other work was going to be done today. ****************************************************************************** Brian looked around the regular sized room that had been prepared for him. The structure was actually inside Kate and his bedroom though unlike the lab which was built into the wall. It had been built into the bed. Like all the other rooms in the building it had an easy access panel incase Kate wanted to get to him. Kate was currently getting things set up for their movie night. The two of them had decided to hold it in their bed room in order to have some private time. " Okay little one. Are you ready to pick the movie?" Brian quickly exited his room and found Kate only in her bra and panties. Brian himself had slipped into a pair of pajamas. " I figured that would be the closest thing to night clothes you had." " Yeah I tried to pick out the pair that would be most suitable. I tried to find something that could be considered a t-shirt but well. They were all drawn too taught across my bust to look like something I might sleep in." " It would take a pretty big t-shirt to not be taught against your bust line even if you were normal sized." Kate gave a nod. " So do you have your snacks ready?" " Give me a few more minutes. I am a bit surprised you had a kitchen put in here." " It had it made just incase you woke up in the middle of the night and didn't want to travel all the way to the kitchen." " Yeah that would be a long walk if I had to depend on my own legs but wouldn't you just carry me?" " Well it is useful if I am busy and you wake up in the middle of the night." " Provided you are in our bedroom considering where I tend to sleep." " Oh shush up and get your snacks then get out here so you can pick a movie." Brian quickly dashed back into his room and returned with a bowl of popcorn and some water. " Okay. I am ready. So what are we going to watch?" " I thought we would both talk it over. Here are the movies I have downloaded." Kate proceeded to reach over and retrieve Brian from the bed. She then deposited him atop her right breast so that he could see the video projection." Brian didn't look at the list though as he realized something. " Why don't you set in the floor and lean against the bed if I am going to be setting up here?" Kate gave a slight shrug and moved down from the bed, being careful not to unsettle Brian from his seated position. " This just feels so odd. I mean our first movie night in a building that I can actually stand up in. I thought about standing the entire time to be honest." " I suppose you don't have to worry about tiring out." " Nope but the more I thought about it the sillier I began to feel." " Okay let us see the selection. I have been out of the loop for a bit over a year now. I am sure they have plenty of good movies to choose from." " Before we begin. Do you want to make a game out of it?" " That depends on what the rules are." " You get to pick the movie but if I don't find it entertaining then you have to make up for the time I spent being bored." " What if you like the movie?" Kate gave a slight giggle. " Well what would you like your prize to be?" Brian took his time considering the question. He knew that however Kate chose to have him amuse her would be enjoyable both ways though perhaps more enjoyable for her then it was for him. He needed to think of something that she would enjoy but he would find even more amusing. A task that he found rather difficult as he considered the various options. " This it tougher then what I thought it was going to be. What would I want my prize to be? Okay I think I have got it. No more climbing for at least a week, rather I get free roaming of your body whenever I want it." " Ah but having you climb me is fun." " While that is true. It is also very tiring for me." " Okay then. It is a deal. Now you get to pick what movie we are going to watch." " Just one thing before I start. What do you mean by the word entertaining? At least as far as the movie goes." " It needs to keep my interest and keep me amused." " Okay. If you don't mind. Scroll through the list and I will let you know when I see something I think is a good choice." As the names began to move by Brian found himself considering just what Kate would most likely prefer. He knew right off the bat that anything dealing with the US government most likely wouldn't be well received. Action didn't seem to suit Kate either considering that no matter what the people did in the movie it would seem insignificant in comparison to what she could do. Brian was distracted from the list for a moment as he imagined Kate in a kung fu movie. The hero or antagonist comes onto the seen in a blaze of glory only to have a massive foot come down upon him a few moments later. Kate stopped scrolling through the list as she noticed Brian's laughing. Waiting a few moments for him to calm down Kate finally asked. " What is so funny?" " I was just thinking of what would happen if an action hero or villain tried to take you on. It would make the movie sort of anti-climatic. After all even Godzilla wouldn't be much more then a small dog to you." Kate gave a slight giggle. " That little lizard, couldn't even brake through my skin. After all rockets and tank fire harm him. They can't even scratch me." " Yeah. Of course I was picturing you in a Kung fu movie." "Now that would be way beyond one sided. " " Yeah. All right, start scrolling again I will try not to get distracted." Brian resolved that action was entirely out of the question. That still left quite a few options, the only problem was deciding what would hold Kate's interest. Comedy seemed like it may work but he didn't exactly know what kind of comedy Kate found amusing. Brian gave his head a shake. Actually he knew what Kate found amusing, he just didn't know of any comedies that suited her particular since of humor. At last he happened upon a movie that he felt would hold Kate's attention. " How about we watch a classic? Lets go with Nightmare on Elm Street. At least so long as you haven't seen it before." Kate blinked her eyes a few times as she noted what the movie was. A grin formed on her face as she wondered if Brian wanted to lose their bet or if he had forgotten how hard it was to frighten her. Selecting the video Kate decided not to mention anything to Brian and see if he had forgotten or if he had actually found something that could frighten her. They were thirty minutes into the movie and Brian's attention was not on the screen. Rather he found himself constantly glancing over his shoulder waiting to see Kate's eyes show some fear or feel a slight jump in her body. That hadn't happened once though they were just starting the movie. Why wasn't Kate scared? Brian seemed to freeze up a moment later as he suddenly worried that his choice had been poor indeed. Kate never truly slept. Of course that wasn't the only reason. He had forgotten how little scary movies were able to affect Kate from their previous movie watching. Kate simply couldn't find the movie frightening despite the suspense involved. She couldn't even feel worried for the people on the screen. Thanks to her limited amount of empathy and inability to be frightened by something so much smaller then herself the movie simply had no interest to her. Brian could tell that Kate was bored she wouldn't even have to lay about it in order too win their bet. Unless they did something that could actually frighten her, that is, the movie had just started after all and the real action came near the end. Kate drummed her fingers against the floor feeling the panels sink in slightly do to the force of the impact and the raise back up. The springs underneath them really did do a nice job of absorbing the force. Kate lifted her hand from the floor as she realized that she had become distracted. She had told Brian he could pick the movie and she was going to try and pay attention. Even if she found it to be boring. At least he hadn't picked Jason, Brian consoled himself. Anything that could only harm you physically would be absolutely no concern to Kate. "HEY." Brian nearly ended up in Kate's cleavage as Kate's exclamation made him jump. Quickly he looked up to see what had gotten her attention. Kate grinned and looked down at Brian. " That is not the proper way to eat someone. Doing it like a snake no dignity at all lowering oneself to the level of an animal." Brian blinked his eyes a few times. Placing his hand on his forehead Brian had to set down as his body began to shake with laughter. At least Kate had found one seen that amused her though he didn't know if that would be good enough too win the bet most likely it wouldn't be. Brian settled down a few moments later, though he was a bit sad to see Kate's amusement quickly fade. Kate soon wore the same bored expression that she had on throughout the majority of the movie. " I suppose I have lost the bet." Brian turned entirely around and smiled up at Kate. Kate glanced down at Brian for a moment. " It does seem that way." Kate brought one of her massive fingers up and began to move it around Brian slowly. " Don't worry though I don't have anything too severe in mind." Brian would have liked to put on a frightened expression but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was actually eager to see what Kate had in mind. " So what is my punishment going to be?" " Well first. You are to take off your clothes." " Now?" " You can wait until the end of the movie if you want to." Brian looked towards the screen for only a moment. He then stood up and began to strip away his clothing. Making sure to toss the garments to the side so that they landed in Kate's cleavage and not on the floor so very far below. " You know. Taking your punishment early isn't going to result in it ending more quickly." " That is fine." " Well okay. It is your choice." Kate pressed up on the underside of her breast lifting Brian closer to her face. Leaning forward she started at the lower region of her breast and let her massive tongue flick out. Pressing the crimson muscle against the top of her breast, Kate slowly began to lick upward. As Brian saw the massive tongue approach, he wasn't sure if he wanted to run or not. Considering that he was currently trapped several stories above the ground he knew that he couldn't escape. At last he resolved just to hold his ground. As Kate's tongue grew closer Brian looked upwards only to find that he couldn't see her eyes. She was moving so slowly that he actually had a few moments to look up towards her partly opened mouth and seeing into the darkness. Kate had to be careful that she didn't injure Brian as her tongue pressed against him. It wasn't like licking up a piece of candy after all her saliva wasn't all that sticky. She had to depend more on maneuvering the massive muscle then having Brian simply adhere to her tongue to get him into her mouth. It took a few moments of maneuvering but Kate was able to get Brian's tiny form on the very tip of her tongue. As Brian was lifted higher, he watched as Kate's soft pink lips went past. The ivory towers of her teeth came into view though he knew that wouldn't last. He was soon drawn past them and into the void of Kate's mouth. As Kate pulled Brian into her mouth, she slowly shut her lips. She didn't take but a moment to shut down the current movie and start sifting through them. She would just keep Brian in her mouth for the duration of a movie. Brian didn't know how long he was going to be in Kate's mouth but he trusted her too much to worry about it. Kate's building sized tongue lifted him up and pressed him against the roof of her mouth, only to slide along the sides pressing him against the insides of her cheek for a moment. Kate didn't play with him as long as normal though. Rather, after the briefest of rides it settled down with him still atop. Setting within the darkness Brian couldn't help but wonder what he should do. Simply remain still or wonder around? Kate wasn't paying attention to the movie as she felt Brian standing up. She had intended on moving him about herself however she thought it would be more fun to allow him to wonder around on his own. His little feet felt delightful as they move across the surface of her tongue. His actions slowed slightly thanks to her saliva but that only made the situation more amusing for the two of them. Brian resolved that one day he would have to bring a light with him so that he could actually look around Kate's mouth instead of having to feel his way around. He had learned it long ago and was reminded now that Kate's mouth didn't smell as a human's would. The force of the vacuum that Kate generated when she actually swallowed didn't leave any bits of food to decay in her mouth and the high pressure water hose she used to clean it out made it even more certain. The lack of bacteria that could be found in human bodies was another matter. Then there was the fact that for the past several days she had only drank water. Brian had to laugh as he realized that he was the only solid thing that had been in Kate's mouth for several days now if not weeks. He had talked to Kate about it a few times and she had insured him she wasn't feeling hungry. Brian turned his eyes towards the surface beneath his feet though he couldn't see it. Getting on his knees he proceeded to lean forward and give Kate's tongue a quick lick. Instantly he felt himself lifted into the air. Kate couldn't help but let out a giggle as she felt Brian's tiny tongue pressing against her own. The laughter causing her to bounce him into the air. The feeling of Brian's tiny form being shaken about upon her tongue only served to add to her amusement. At first Brian had been a bit surprised by Kate's laughter but as he relaxed he was able to enjoy the ride. The only problem with his current situation is it served to disorient him so that he didn't know towards what part of Kate's mouth he was facing especially after the giggles had stopped. He knew that looking around was a futile effort there simply wasn't any light within Kate's mouth. Still instinct told him, that was what he was supposed to do. He could just get up and start feeling his way around again but instead Brian waited trying to see if there was anything that could tell him in what direction he was facing. It took Brian a moment to notice however he soon found that he could feel light gust of air from time to time. Realizing that Kate was most likely putting air into her mouth to make sure it didn't get to thin he had to laugh. Kate's scale was so vast that even if she didn't let any additional air into her mouth he imagined he could survive for quite some time within its confines. Still, it was nice to know she was aware of his condition and was trying to make him comfortable. He also knew that it could help guide him towards the front of her mouth if he could just figure out if she was exhaling into her mouth or inhaling from the outside environment. Kate could easily feel Brian's tiny form. He was roughly centered on his tongue and seemed to be recovering from her laughter. She had a fairly good idea what he was doing and had resolved to give him no help in finding his way out unless he should do something that would endanger him. It was fun seeing if he could figure it out. Brian only needed a few more moments of thought to decide that Kate was exhaling into her mouth. He didn't have any factual reason for making this decision however he knew Kate well enough. Kate liked to having him depending on her as much as possible during these times which means she would most likely try to seal him off from the outside environment as much as possible. Standing up Brian began to walk in the opposite direction to which the wind had came from. It was a fairly amusing thought he realized, that he wouldn't know if he was walking in the right direction for several moments. Kate's mouth truly was a vast cavern. Kate was quite pleased to feel Brian moving about within her mouth once again. The sensation wasn't quite as nice as having him within another part of herself. Despite that having him moving about within her mouth had its own appeal. She was quite pleased to see that he didn't panic despite his location. That he was moving slowly and seemed to be enjoying himself only made the experience more enjoyable for Kate. Of course she realized that brought on a problem as she decided she may keep in him there even longer. As Brian continued onward, he felt the gust of wind that would come from time to time growing even weaker. This meant he was either getting closer to the front of Kate's mouth or closer to her throat. At last he stopped as he seemed to come to an end. Stepping forward he was quite pleased with himself when he felt a very solid surface. Of course he knew that his pursuit had been a little unfair. Kate had never allowed him to get to far towards the back of her mouth and would always tip her head or flick him back to the front with her tongue when he did. Brian ran his hands along the side of a tooth that was much larger and much taller then he was. He remembered watching Kate in the kitchen and how easily those massive teeth had cut through bone. Brian gave his head a quick shake realizing his mistake. Kate's teeth had never cut through bone they had crushed their way through. Brian felt his world shift lightly as he ran his hands along that tooth. Kate opened her mouth slightly parting her teeth but not separating her lips. She then moved her tongue ever so slightly. Kate moved her tongue upward towards her top teeth. Brian realized what was happening and reached out a hand. Pressing them to the under side of Kate's teeth he ran his hand along the massive tooth for a moment before he was lowered again. Brian then proceeded to step off onto Kate's bottom row of teeth and carefully walk along their surface. He could feel the motion above him as Kate closed her jaw just enough to let Brian reach up and touch the underside of her teeth. Kate could even feel Brian's tiny form moving along her teeth. She could feel his tiny form moving across her teeth just as well as she could feel him walking across her palm. After all even her teeth weren't truly bones in the human since of the word. They had simply taken on that form and held it in order to give Kate the look she had quietly desired. Brian made no move to jump from Kate's teeth as they moved lowered so that he no longer had to extend his arms more then an inch above his head to reach them. Rather as they began to lower even more he sank down on his knees and then lay down on his back. Brian felt Kate's teeth move even further down until there was a light pressure resting atop him. He remained like this for a few minutes. Kate couldn't help herself as she lowered her jaw a bit. She wished she could tell Brian how happy he had made her when she felt him lay down upon her teeth instead of jumping off. He truly seemed to know what she liked. Kate gently pressed down on Brian just enough to let him know he was pinned but not enough to harm them and then she began to open her mouth once again. Laying down on Kate's teeth wasn't exactly comfortable but the experience was quite enjoyable at least Brian felt so. He didn't imagine the soldiers that ended up in Kate's mouth had the same feeling though most likely they were better off then those that ended up being swallowed alive. As Kate's tooth lifted off him, Brian stood back up. Unsure of what he was supposed to do now he didn't have to think long as Kate's tongue removed him from her tooth and Kate once again began to move him about the various surface within her mouth. As Brian was brought along Kate's cheek, he found himself deposited on the opposite side of her teeth from her tongue. The massive tongue returning to its resting place within Kate's mouth. The space was more confining then what it had been on her tongue but he still had some freedom to move around. He soon resolved that he would see if there was a way to get over Kate's massive teeth and back to her tongue. To that end he realized that the confined may be helpful. Brian began to edge himself along the massive row of pearly white columns trying to find the most suitable spot to attempt to climb over that massive surface. His first destination would be further back not so close to the front of Kate's mouth to see if the greater amount of room would help or if he should move to the front of her mouth and see if the more confined region would prove helpful. He didn't mind that even in the most expansive region of his current environment there wouldn't be enough space to get a running start. Even with his best running start there was no way he could just over those towers. Kate didn't really think as she turned off the video screen. She was having too much fun with Brian at the moment to be distracted by whatever had been on the screen. She couldn't even remember what she had chosen. She could feel him moving along her jaw line until at last he came to a stop. Brian ran his hands along Kate's teeth trying to locate some that he could climb over. As he neared the back of Kate's mouth, he realized that he wouldn't be climbing over any of her teeth. They simply reached too high for him to climb over. At least he thought they did but decided to try anyway. Placing his back against Kate's tooth Brian tried to press his feet into her cheek but found the space wasn't tight enough to allow him to climb up. His feet simply slid down and he found himself sitting instead of standing. He felt his world shake slightly and realized how amusing Kate must be finding his attempts. Kate managed to keep herself from openly laughing or even giggling though she wasn't able to prevent the slight vibration from her suppressed laughter from running through her body. She felt Brian stand up once again and began to make it to the front of her mouth. Clearly he had given up on the back. Brian doubted that the front of Kate's mouth offered a much better chance of climbing over her teeth then the back did but he still had to give it a try. Upon arriving at the front of Kate's mouth Brian found the space to be a fair amount tighter and while Kate's skin was so soft he knew that softness only went so deep. Placing his feet against Kate's front tooth Brian pressed his feet into Kate's inner lip. Steading himself he found that he could hold himself in this seated position. Slowly he began to work his way upward. Then he felt his world shift again. As Kate felt Brian moving up her tooth she tilted her head forward the moment he was 3/4ths the way up her tooth. Opening her mouth, she allowed Brian's little form to fall out. The action surprised Brian as he felt the air hit his skin. The temperature was vastly different from that found in Kate's mouth he would have felt a slight chill if he hadn't been focused on Kate's cleavage below him. While he knew, those breasts were soft the fall was still far too great for him to land safely. He didn't worry though. Kate tongue quickly darted out of her mouth before Brian had long to think. The crimson muscle showing just how dexterous it was as Kate used it to snatch Brian from the air and quickly pulled him back within her mouth. Brian found himself resting on Kate's tongue in total darkness as her lips sealed shut once again almost the second he was past them. Brian didn't mind Kate's little stunt though he had hoped he would get to climb over her tooth on his own. He should have expected her to pull such a stunt especially considering where he had been. Brian's thoughts quickly changed to other matters as Kate bounced him lightly upon her tongue. At first he thought that was all she was doing until he realized the action seemed to be carrying him in the same direction each time. Apparently Kate had thought of something else she wanted to do. Kate carefully worked Brian along her tongue until he was at the very tip. Lifting him up for a moment she brought her tongue to the side of her mouth and once again deposited him against her cheek. Her tongue didn't leave him this time though as she pressed the tip of the massive muscle to his tiny body easily covering him with the tiniest portion of its surface. She then began to slide the massive muscle down the length of his trapped form. At first Brian wasn't sure what Kate was doing. He didn't imagine she was going to have him try to climb over her teeth again. Then he felt Kate's tongue engulf and for a moment he was entirely covered in her flesh. For just a few moments he couldn't breath then he felt Kate's tongue slip down his body until its last bit was no longer touching him only to return a few moments later. This time the stroke started from his feet and moved up from there. Every time Kate would lick Brian's tiny form she was careful to press just hard enough to cause him to sink lightly into the soft skin of her inner cheek. The pressure was just enough to seem as if he had another person laying atop him. Kate found herself scooting Brian upward upon her upward licks and downward upon the down thanks in part to the pressure and to the amount of tongue that had to move over him in order to complete each lick. Brian had to time his breathing with each lick of Kate's tongue being sure to take in a good breath of air before the muscle covered his face. Despite this he found Kate's tongue licking his entire body to be a very enjoyable experience. The heat of her tongue seemed even warmer then the saliva that it left behind creating brief moments of seemingly extreme cool when the tongue no longer touched his flesh and great heat when he was entirely engulfed within it. Brian soon realized he had become quite aroused during this entire experience. Kate had noticed Brian's hard on long before he had actually noticed it. She had chosen too only do something about it and give him a little reward a few moments ago though when he had nearly made it up over her teeth. After all he would have most likely made it had she not interfered and he deserved a bit of a reward for that even if he was being punished for choosing a movie that she considered boring. As Kate tongue moved up his Brian let his own tongue stick out and gave Kate's much larger one a lick as well. He noticed that as he did this Kate's tongue seemed to linger for a moment before moving further up and allowing him to take in a breath of air. Once the tongue was off him, he carefully positioned his arms so that he could grip it upon its return. Kate felt Brian's tongue pressed against her own and couldn't help but hold the muscle there for a moment. Actually giving her tongue a slight twist before moving upward. Then on the return trip she found not only the tongue but Brian lightly squeezed what bit of her tongue he could grip as it moved past. Shifting slightly Kate realized that Brian wasn't the only one that was becoming stimulated by their game. Reaching down Kate touched two of her fingers to the fabric that just covered her lips. Slowly Kate began to move her fingers up and down against the material in time with the movements of her tongue over Brian's body. Brian began to alternate kiss and lick Kate's tongue as it moved past him. After all he was supposed to be entertaining Kate at the moment. He soon found that Kate's tongue began to linger longer. Whenever it would move up far enough that just his lower body was covered by its mass. It would twist lightly, move up and down ever so slightly for just a little while. Then it would continue its journey upward. Brian began to find it hard to focus and had to remind himself to put all the strength he could into his hands every time he would grip Kate's tongue. As the game continued, Kate quit massaging her lips through her panties and slipped a hand into her panties. A shudder ran through her entire body as she touched her fingers directly to her lips and began to massage them far more vigorously. Later on she would have to speak with Brian about growing her a pair of panties so she wouldn't have to fear tearing them to shreds. As she began to use more force in stimulating herself, Kate began to work on Brian more slowly focusing on certain areas more and more. Brian had his attention broken up by three areas. One was keeping himself from coming, one was being certain to try and stimulate Kate more and the other was the distraction Kate's tongue was providing though it and the first were linked. At the beginning Kate had been more using him as a piece of candy just steady licks. As stimulating as that had been, now that she was intentionally focusing on stimulating him it was far worse. Despite this he found himself still able to be surprised. Brian had managed to noticed that unlike his Kate's breathing had remained very steady the flow of air had been constant. Yet he had heard Kate moaning and thrashing or at least the beginnings of such actions when they made love. He had heard her breathing growing shallow and her pulse quicken. Yet now her breathing was entirely steady there were no quick actions yet he could hear other signs of her excitement. The sound of Kate's blood moving throughout her body more quickly. Yet Kate didn't need to breath or at least she didn't seem to. She didn't depend on a chemical reaction to produce energy. At least not like humans did. So why did she even breath and why did her breathing grow shallow when they made love? Kate's body was communicating to him what she was feeling at the moment. She didn't actually need to take such actions she didn't need to breath. It was her body emulating human response in order to show him more clearly what it was feeling. He didn't even know if Kate comprehended this. Brian was able to hold this thought in his mind for a moment then he felt Kate's tongue brush against his deck a slight grunt escaped his lips and it was gone. Kate had noticed a slight slow down in Brian's actions but was pleased to see they returned full force when she touched the upper most part of the tip of her tongue to his dick once again. If anything this seemed to bring Brian back into the game with even more vigor then what he had started with. This only resulted in Kate's fingers working against her lips even more quickly. Brian found himself having to deal with a dilemma brought on by his environment. As while he could tell that Kate was clearly stimulated he couldn't be sure if she had managed to get herself off or not. He was there for her enjoyment after all and didn't want to leave her wanting. The only thing he could do in his situation was hold out as long as he possibly could and hope that was long enough. Kate's fingers pressed against her lips and she began to push them apart just the slightest. She didn't even get a finger 1/4th the way inside of herself for she felt herself orgasm her body tensed for a moment and a shiver ran up her massive form. Closing her eyes she continued to pet her lips but focused mostly on giving Brian his release now. She could tell he was getting very close. Brian would have normally retreated in his current situation. He would have moved to another part of Kate's body and given himself time to recover. That wasn't going to happen in his current situation though. Kate's tongue simply wouldn't leave him along. As he felt himself being lifted upward on one of the tongue's strokes he at last broke down and gave in to the feeling he had been holding back so long. It was easy for Kate to tell when Brian was coming his little body tensed up and she felt the taste of his spunk on her tongue. She no longer licked his entire body but focused entirely on his crotch using her tongue to work his member as effectively as she could to drain as much out of him as possible. Until his body and member finally went limp. At which point Kate withdrew her tongue leaving Brian resting in the side of her mouth. Brian was coated in Kate's saliva, tired, warm and very content at the moment. Planting a kiss on the insides of Kate's cheek he would have liked to kiss her tongue but at the moment he didn't even have the strength to move. There was no way he could climb over those teeth at the moment. He didn't have to worry about doing that though as Kate's tongue came to retrieve him a while later so that he was upon its surface. For a moment he wondered if Kate was going to take him out of her mouth but when that didn't happen he realized what she wanted and just laid down upon her tongue. Brian felt Kate's tongue moving slightly though it didn't seem to lift entirely up. Rather a wave seemed to start from the very back and move upward lifting him slightly then settling him back down. The sensation as quite enjoyable and relaxing. Between his fatigue, contentment and the all consuming warmth around him Brian found it exceptionally hard to stay awake despite the humidity. Kate could tell Brian was tiring out which she didn't mind. It was kind of fun just having him rest there on her tongue. She felt his little hand gliding over her tongue's surface and the occasional kiss those the action was growing slower and the kisses were becoming further between. Kate realized this was the first time she had Brian take a nap while he was in her mouth it was different but fairly fun. She did prefer having him sleep on or in under body parts but the mouth did have its own appeal. She would have to let him do it from time to time. Brian had hoped Kate had been taken care of but he couldn't be sure and was to tired to find out. There wasn't anyway to get out of her mouth either. Before long he wasn't think any longer as he found himself on his back and unconscious. ****************************************************************************** Brian felt oddly nervous as he paced back and forth on the table. Kate was in a different room at the moment and had been waiting quite patiently for several hours now. It had taken that long to get gifts on top of the table for her to see. Michael had helped with this task of course they had also had to make use of some mechanical help. They had actually had to make use of two bulldozers and a crane which Kate had set on top of the table. Other wise it would have been entirely impossible for them to get the clothing set up. The process had been long and quite difficult but now it was ready. " Well now I think I am going to be going back to my room. Good luck to you." Brian looked over at Michael. " Thanks for the help. Are you sure you don't want to see what Kate thinks of the clothing?" " I am very certain. You two have a little bet on this after all." Brian nodded his head. " Okay. See you later then." Brian decided to wait for Brian to make it back to the lab before he called back into the room. It would give him more time to worry. Kate was going to judge what rank each one of the clothes deserved. If they didn't total 70 or higher he would lose there bet and then he would have to endure whatever punishment Kate had in mind. Of course he wasn't truly worried about whatever punishment Kate might be thinking of. That said he still wanted too win their little bet, not just because he wanted to be in charge. Brian truly wanted Kate to like the clothing that he had designed and then grown for her. Brian walked to the edge of the table and watched Michael walking across the floor towards the lab. Straitening up Brian resolved there was no real point of waiting, waiting wouldn't cause the clothing to suddenly shift and design after all. Then again he had told Michael that he would wait until he had made it back to the lab so he would just wait for a little while longer. Looking towards the clothing Brian laughed a bit as he realized that the majority of them seemed to be made from leather. How very fitting at least if he lost the bet Kate would have the appropriate outfits. He didn't actually worry that Kate would judge unfairly. He trusted her enough to be honest about her thoughts on the clothing. Especially since he would be using that feed back to design her later outfits. They were also a few garments that actually looked like cloth thanks to the hair sample they had taken from Kate. Well they looked like clothes that had been made from silk in Brian's opinion. Those grown from Kate's hair sample also tended to be a great deal softer then those that had been grown from her skin sample. The number of garments made from Kate's hair sample was smaller then those made from her skin though. As they had the skin sample first. Further more those that had been grown from her hair had less material. This was partly thanks to the hair sample coming in so late and Brian's own designs. Walking back to the edge of the table, he took a few moments to look around. After making sure Michael was back in either the lab or his adjoining room Brian finally called out. " Okay Kate, you can come on in and take a look." Brian was grateful that the floor had been designed to withstand nearly any time of bomb blast as he heard Kate's steps. In less then three seconds she had walked several miles from the back of the house to the very front or to be more exact she had run the distance. Kate only slowed down her face when she came within a few steps of the table. Despite this, the gust of wind her rapidly moving form generated would have sent Brian on his rear had she not placed her finger behind him. Leaning against Kate's finger Brian looked up towards her towering form and wasn't the least bit surprised to find that she was looking over the clothing quite excitedly. She had caught him it seemed as a subconscious act, not at all surprising considering how she treated him when her conscious mind had shut down before. Kate felt her excitement grow as she scanned the outfits before her. This was the first time in her life that she had gotten clothing that could actually endure her rough treatment. She had to remind herself to calm down a little bit so she could give a fair judgement of the quality of the clothing. Of course despite her logical mind telling her that she needed to calm down she knew that wasn't going to happen. She was entirely to excited. " So what do you think of them?" Kate smiled down at Brian but she didn't respond she was still trying to get a hold of herself. Glancing around she wondered just what bit of clothing she should start looking over first. When Kate didn't respond, Brian decided to speak up again. Though he didn't need Kate to use words to tell him what she thought of his creations. " I am sorry if the clothes seem a bit unusual. I sort of let myself go. Also I don't know how you feel about the black leather look." " They are wonderful Brian. My little one." Kate finally managed to calm down enough to actually see the clothing and not just look at them. Indeed quite a few of the outfits were far different from anything she had ever worn before. " I don't want you to ever hold back while designing my clothes. The flashier the better." " I am glad to here that. I suppose, after a life time of wearing whatever was easiest to produce for your scale you were up for a change." " Mm I bet this one was meant to go with the skirt you made me." Kate proceeded to reach down and pick up one of the garments. The clothing looked to be a leather vest that had the center cut out all the way down to the bottom. Judging by the size of the gap Kate imagined it had been designed with just enough material to keep her areola concealed from view. The two sides were held together by four strips of material. One at the neck, two across the chest and one at the very base. Brian couldn't help wear a grin. " Yeah I don't exactly know where my head was when I decided that was a good design." " I don't think you were thinking very much with your brain but that is fine. I will have to wear it some later." Brian couldn't really tell Kate how happy he was to hear that news. " So you like it?" " I think that it deserves a nine." Kate proceeded to place the vest back on the table and look through the other items. " When did you start growing that?" " It was actually the second thing grown. It took more time then expected though. It was quite the task just getting the frame work set up." " How do you do that anyway? I mean you never asked me to help." " The frame work is quite light and they are a few automated arms that help with setting the frame up. I was worried that the vest would be a little too showy but then I remembered." " That I rather enjoy flaunting what I have got." Kate proceeded to place the vest back on the table and search for something else. It didn't take her long to find another top that was made in much the same spirit as the vest. The garment was a tube top, the material was so short so that Kate doubted it would cover her abdominal muscles while the top most likely wouldn't cover the front of her breast entirely. Brian grew nervous for a moment, while the outfits were different the top and vest did have much the same spirit and idea behind them. He wasn't certain how Kate was going to respond to that. Kate didn't actually mind that the outfits had been meant to accomplish the same task. After all they both accomplished them in their own way. " Mm 9 again. I thought about asking for clothing like this before but I knew it wouldn't happen. While the lesser amount of material may have been appreciated. The difficulty in making the clothing wouldn't have been. Also I would have out grown the clothing far to fast. Considering how lacking the material is in certain areas. These aren't exactly meant to be worn with a bra are they?" " No. I can't exactly say there were designed with one of those in mind." Kate gave a quick giggle and placed the tube top back down. The rest of the clothing was quite lacking in the material even compared to the first two. One thing caught Kate's eye almost the moment she set down the tube top. Reaching down picked up a pair of thong panties. " You know if I wear this you aren't going to have a great deal of room to move around." Kate took a moment to give the material a bit of a squeeze what she found surprised her. " Hey this doesn't feel like the skirt, vest or tube top." " Yeah that was grown from your hair sample. We managed to get it to turn black. Don't worry about my lack of room I am sure I will be fine." Kate gave a nod. " Yeah and it should at least insure you stay where you feel the best. That is neat it feels like silk." " Yeah. Even I can agree it feels nice. Well it feels like your hair at least it almost does. The preservation process made it seem not quite as soft." Kate set the panties back down. " You know I am having a hard time not running to the back of the house and just trying these on. I need to give you my opinion though." Kate tapped her cheek for a moment. " I am going to give these a 7 as they are nice and I do like them but you didn't put much creativity in them. Well no I take that back. I am going to give them an eight, I rather like the simple design." Brian was going to comment when Kate's fingers descended on him and lifted him from the table. Moving him over to the thong, she proceeded to set Brian in the front of the garment. Nodding her head. " Yes that should work quite nicely." Turning her attention away from Brian Kate blinked her eyes a few times as she took note of something. " Now just what is this?" Reaching down Kate proceeded to lift up what seemed to be almost a solid line of materia. As she held it up though she realized they were two regions that were greater in height then the others. An amused laugh escaped Kate's lips. " Is this a bikini top?" " Yeah." Brian gave his head a nod. Kate grinned and proceeded to wrap the top around herself. She didn't bother tying it in the back. " Well at least it has enough material up from to cover my nipples but that is about it. I bet this would go quite nicely with the thong." " Well the thong was meant to work with several outfits but yeah that is just swim wear." " You are just limiting your space more and more little one." " It is a small price to pay." " Lets say this gets a seven." As Kate set the top down, she glanced around trying to find things that had more color in them. It didn't take her but a moment to notice the red pair of panties and matching top. " Now I get these took some designing." " Oh yeah. It took quite some time to get the frame set up for that. The intricate design was more difficult then I expected. We even had to simplify it." Kate took a few moments to look the garment over. The pattern was fairly simple and close enough together and she didn't have to worry about anyone slipping out. " I imagine you took into consideration where I might like to keep you. With these you could even look around some. The design actually looks quite delicate when you compare it to me." Kate took a few more moments to examine the circular designs before putting the bra and panties down. " It is a good thing to. I would have hated to have to be more precise with how the machine moved the frame into place." " I am going to give the bra and panties an eight. Now this is simple. " Kate put the bra and panties down and picked up their counter parts a moment later. A simple white bra and a pair of simple panties. No frills made in much the same style as her original clothes had been made." I think these deserve a 9." " Huh. I thought you would have liked the red pair more then those." " Well I still like the simple look depending on the occasion and the outfit. It is nice to have a pair of standard looking clothing." Setting the bra and panties down Kate scanned the table for the final three items. The first one she noted was a rather thin bit of material. Picking it up Kate realized what it was the moment she held it. " A choker." Brian nodded his head. " Yeah. We even managed to get the material to grow into some loops now it just needs a pendant at the end." Kate gave a nod and looked at the front of the choker. " I think this could serve some uses. Though I don't if I like the idea of keeping you in a pendant of any time. It is more fun to feel you touching my skin. I am going to give this a seven." Kate took a moment to look around. " I see that you didn't manage to make anything for my feet." " No. We had a few ideas didn't really have time to get them done. We may have to order some extra frame work material for that actually. When we ordered the original frame work, I wasn't really thinking of shoes." " That is fine. You can surprise me next time with the shoes designs you think of. Is the lab going to need some additional storage space?" " It would help." Brian had to keep himself from grinning as he suddenly realized how high the total rating Kate had given the clothes was. He just hoped she liked the final items as well. Kate had been ignoring a rather simple looking bit of clothing for a while but now that she had looked at the others she picked it up. " What is this?" Brian felt his face redden a bit as he prepared to explain to Kate what she had just picked up. " Well that is something of an add-on for some of your clothing. You use the strings of material on either side" Kate couldn't hide the playful smirk on her face. " Let me finish that. I am supposed to tie these strips of material onto my bra. The material then providing a platform suspended under my breast." " Yeah." Brian nodded his head. " Mm you know I could say you designed this for yourself. I mean you are the one that is going to enjoy the benefits of it but then again I imagine that could be said about most of this clothing." Kate giggled a bit. " All well, I like it so it is going to get a 7 for creativity on your part. I think it will prove useful in the future." Brian gave a nod of his head and closed his eyes for a moment. " So that means my total score is an 81." Kate blinked her eyes for a moment. Took a second to do some math in her head then gave it a nod. " Yeah that it is. Well, my little master, that means you are in charge." Brian would have grinned more widely if that was possible. He thought about asking Kate just how long she intended to follow orders but decided to just have fun while it lasted. After all he might not get to enjoy such an experience again. Especially as he went through more and more designs. " Very well and I already know what I want to have you do first. Kate, you are to pick me up as well as your white panties, the choker and the vest. Then I want to go in your room." Brian was a little surprised when Kate didn't question his request. Kate had agreed to play a subservient roll if Brian managed too win so she wasn't even going to question what he asked her to do. Kate gave a slight giggle and reminded herself that he wasn't asking. This was to be treated as telling. Of course this meant she wouldn't allow him to question her when he didn't manage to get a high enough score. Brian noted how quickly he found himself setting upright in Kate's palm. As well as how quickly she worked to retrieve the clothing from the table. Kate moved quickly to do as she had been told which worried Brian. " Now when you put on those clothes I don't want you to do it in a hurry." " Yes master." Kate couldn't help but give a giggle as she used Brian's temporary title." " Oh I prefer to be called Brian or little one." " Okay little one." Kate hoped Brian had some fun ideas in mind as she made her way back to her and Brian's room. He might have not managed to get his score in the 90's but the 80's was still quite good. Kate had resolved to treat things like a grading system thus there was quite a large gap between how much authority he had from 79 to 81 points. As this put him over the transition level from C class work to B class work. " Where would you like me to set you down?" " On the bed." Kate deposited Brian in the center of the bed. Walking over to the massive container that served to hold her clothes she quickly located the skirt amongst her few clothing items. Picking the garment up she didn't begin to undress just yet but instead it upon the bed. " You're going to need new drawers before to long. Since your new clothing isn't going to fade or tear. At least I don't imagine it will unless you intentionally damage it. What are you going to do with your old clothes?" " As they wear out, I plan on disposing of them. The ones you grow for me are so much better that there just isn't a reason to keep them." Kate took her time undressing herself. Slipping her shirt over her head, she revealed her massive bra-covered breast for a moment. Only to allow her arms to fall down in front of them. Brian started to protest as his views of those wonderful globes were blocked but Kate didn't hold her arms there long enough for him to get the words out. She simply allowed her shirt to slip off them. Kate's shirt seemed to fall in slow motion though Brian new this wasn't the case. Gravity was working on Kate's shirt just as quickly as it worked on anything else. It was simply the fact that it had such a great distance to fall that made it seem to be moving so slowly. Kate didn't begin to undress against until the garment hit the ground. The impact was quite a bit more forceful then Brian had expected it to be. He had to remind himself that the only reason Kate's foot steps weren't even louder was because she delayed each step. Kate grinned. While Brian had won the bet she could still remind him of just how big she was. Even if she had to do what he said. Slipping her fingers into her skirt Kate bent at the knees as she pulled the skirt down brining herself lower with the bed, giving Brian an even better view of her breast. Once the skirt had touched the ground Kate proceeded to take off her bra though she didn't bother standing up. As Kate slipped off her bra the fact that it was actually an unnecessary bit of clothing was illustrated perfectly by the fact that Kate's breast didn't sag in the least upon its removal. Kate let her bra drop to the ground much as she did her shirt though the impact was less powerful then what the shirts had been thanks to the difference in masses and to the difference in height. As Kate stood back up, she made no attempt to cover her chest. Standing there is nothing but her panties, her breast standing quite firm and proud. Kate proceeded to slip her panties half way down her leg. Brian might have won the bet but as he looked up at Kate he didn't feel like he was in charge. The feeling didn't come from seeing Kate's massive form tower over him. Rather it came from her outstanding beauty and the confidence she seemed to radiate. Kate smiled down at Brian quite pleased to see she had his total attention. Reaching up Kate covered as much of her breast as she could. Despite the size of her hands those massive globes proved so vast that it still left quite a bit of flesh to ogle. Giving her breast a bit of a squeeze, Kate ran her hands down her body. Brian couldn't take his eyes off Kate's hand as he watched them slip from her breast, down her stomach and defined abs into her panties. Even as Kate pulled off her panties and exposed her lips his eyes simply refused to quit following those hands until they had at last vanished from sight below the horizon. Stepping back Kate gave the foot that was still in her now removed clothing a slight flick. This sent both her skirt and panties flying across the room despite the seemingly delicate action. Brian heard the sound of the impact and knew that wasn't purely gravity. The sound of the impact was mostly thanks to the momentum with which Kate had sent them moving at with the most delicate of actions. " Since you didn't have me bring one. I imagine you don't want me to wear a bra with the vest." It took Brian a few moments to respond, to remember their game. " Yeah. A bra wouldn't really fit with the outfit." Kate gave a nod and picked up the panties first. They looked like the garment she had been wearing before but Kate knew they were much stronger. After all they had been grown from her own hair and she was the only one that could damage that. At least the only one that she knew of. " Mm I like the feeling of these more then my old panties. They feel nice." " They look nice on you." " Would you like to go in them?" Brian felt his mouth go dry. He hadn't expected Kate to ask that question and he was hardly able to keep from shouting yes. At the moment though he wanted to see Kate dressed up though so he resisted. " Not at the moment. Now put on the skirt." " Okay." Kate had to keep herself from chuckling. She had noticed how much will power it took for Brian to keep control of himself. This would be a very amusing few weeks. Seeing how she could pull at his strings even while she was playing the submissive roll. Brian knew what Kate was doing with her little show. She was reminding him that she didn't need to use physical means to take control of a situation. At least when it involved just the two of them. He would have to be careful to remember that he had won the first round of their game and not lost. " Pick me up and put me closer to the edge of the bed." Kate didn't question, but simply lifted Brian from the bed and set him where he had asked. She knew what he wanted to see and would have loved to tease him about it but that didn't seem fitting to the roll she was playing at the moment. As Kate slept the vest on, she grew some what concerned that Brian would have underestimated her bust and it wouldn't quite cover what it was suppose to. This fear quickly evaporated as she found it to be quite form fitting. " Now how did you get my measurements so exact little one?" " Mostly with surveying equipment." Kate gave an amused giggle. " Now what little one?" Brian felt that Kate knew the answer but told her anyway. End Chapter: 9