Amazons and Hominians, 16 by Agua The story is about tough fights between female (Amazons) and male (Hominians) warriors. Even though they are technically superior and more civilized, the Hominians have difficulties to overwhelm the Amazons which can profit from their tough fighting style. Summery: In part 1, an Hominian expedition corps into the Amazon forest was defeated by Amazon attacks. Only few men could return to Hominia and report what had happened. The Hominian king equipped another army that could built a castle in the Amazon forest. Despite many losses, the Hominians could hold their line (part 2). In part 3, the enslaved Hominian women revolutionized against the male dominance. Those female slaves - mainly responsible for production of uniforms and food - were able to overwhelm the mostly teen Hominian wards and to break free. They joined the Amazon army and thanks to their sewing-skills, the Amazons established a uniform production of their own. After receiving valuable information on the Hominian castles, the Amazons were even able to get 3 castles under their control that were Hominian recruit training barracks before. Thus not only the men in these castles and their equipment, but even the surrounding fertile plains and ore mines had fallen into the hands of the Amazons so that the Hominians run short with uniforms, food and metal for weapons (part 4). In part 5, the Hominians sought for male assistance against the mighty Amazons. The Hombres, another patriarchal tribe living in the hot western desserts, were ready to help. The Hombre forces sent eastbound to the Amazon jungle arrived and supported the Hominian forces in this area successfully. The Hombre teen army (17 - 21 year old boys) sent through the northern plains to help the Hominian teen army, however, was attacked on its' march and lost already many fighters before arriving at the destination. Part 6 marked a turning point: For the first time, the Amazons had significant losses. A revolution of their slaves (mostly captured Hominians) opened a second frontline, and many barracks, prisons and manufactories for uniforms and weapons got under control of the revolting males and regular Hominian battle units. Many Amazons were killed or captured during these fights. The Hominians were even able to reconquer their castles, fields and ore-mines. Part 7 reports about further deadly encounters between Hominian and Amazon battle units. Even though the Amazons could hold their lines at first, the Amazon territory became smaller and smaller. In part 8, the Hominians entered the last Amazon heart-lands. Despite high losses, they advance more and more so that the Amazon Queen decided to leave Amazonia and to find support by the neighboring male tribe of Anetylia. In a fair fight, an Amazon team could overwhelm an Anetylian crew. Therefore the Anetylians accepted the dominance of the Amazons in their country (part 9). Many years had passed since that day. Years that the Amazons had used to reinforce their strength, but the Hominians had become lazy. They had their income from the tributary villages. But in the last time, the villagers had attacked both, Hominian and Amazon convoys and border patrols. Since these attacks there misinterpreted on both sides as attacks of the other nation, the war started again. With changing success, Amazons and Hominians overwhelmed hostile scout troops and border garrisons (part 10 & 11). In Heveria Valley, the Amazons lost 400 experienced fighters at the attempt to attack Hominia (part 12) and later even the important border fortress Caraya Castle (part 13). Could the Amazons deal with this dramatic lost? By spreading a mysterious disease among the men, the Amazons thought to solve this problem once and forever. Though the Amazons could kill and enslave many Hominians and capture their precious equipment, they didn't reach their main goal to get the Hominian fortresses under control (part 14). The Hombres, another patriarchal tribe, wanted to support the Hominians by sending 560 men by train to the frontline. But the Amazons were able to kill these men before they even had a chance to reach Anetylia (part 15)! It would be the best to kill all Hombre warriors so that the Hominians would be cut off from any support ... THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL AND VIOLENT MATERIAL INCL. RAPE, CASTRATION AND TORTURE AND SHOULD ONLY BE READ BY ADULTS. IF BALL-BUSTING IS A MATTER OF OFFENCE, PLEASE DO NOT READ! 16. The Hombre Homelands Finally, the Amazons decided to chose 600 of their best warriors to attack the Hombre training camps. To avoid any confrontation with Hominian troops before reaching their destination, the Amazons should avoid the direct way through the fertile Hominian plains and march north of it through the savannah where Anetylia had a (not clearly defined) border to the Hombre dessert. This way was longer but would minimise the risk of being discovered. The order of the Amazon Queen was clear: The Hombre officers and coaches - mostly men above 22 years - shall be brought to Anetylia to be interrogated. The young boys that had not reached the puberty (from 10 to 15 years) did not wear uniforms since they did not belong to the armed forced but worked on the fields and in the houses. They shall be taken to Anetylia to lead a life as slaves. They were young enough to be trained to be nice servants and to accept female dominance. All young men from 16 to 22, the bulk of the Hombre army and the most cruel fighters, however, shall be slaughtered ruthlessly! It was clear that the 600 Amazons could not fight against 3000 Hombres at once. Therefore, training camp after training camp shall be wiped out! For this task, the Amazon warriors must be well equipped. Thus they received anything they needed, even though the lack of metal resulted in a lack of weapons and armours. But there were still some hundreds guns and male groin armours the Amazons had captured during their raid against the Hombre train. These precious pieces of equipment were now handed out to the female fighters that would safe the Amazons from a total defeat by wiping out the Hombre army once and forever! Nearly 300 females were proud to put a male metal ball-protector into their panties to cover the vulnerable mons veneris. Unfortunately these male armours were to small to cover the complete pussy, and the Amazons had neither enough iron nor skilful smiths to give these armours a more female shape. But better a small armour than nothing. The same problem was valid for the guns: Since the Amazons didn't have the technical knowledge to produce bullets, they only had on stock what they had captured from the Hominians. But it was good to know that these guns were armour-breaking and could thus kill a boy despite his steel-sheet groin cup. Additionally, the Amazons took the proven crossbows what had the advantage to work soundless. Such well-equipped, the Amazon army started its' march and without major difficulties reached the Hombre homelands after 10 days. They didn't need to search long before they met the first Hombre border garrison. It was only guarded by some 20 teen fighters, and this far away from other civilisations, they surely didn't expect any attack. Therefore, the Ama-zons knew that these boys surely would be careless. Watching the garrison, they could in fact see that the Hombres were regardless, their weapons were out of reach and surely none of them wore a groin armour. The Amazons were just surprised that these boys were dressed in jeans like the Hominians and not in the traditional silk shorts the Hombres normally wore. But after a closer look it became clear that these jeans were mostly captured Amazon products. Obviously, the lack of female slaves and tailors had forced the Hombres to wear captured uniforms that they had surely received from their Hominian friends. It would not even be a surprise if these boys wore Amazon underwear. Since the Hombre fighters were obviously not prepared for a battle, the Amazons wanted to use this occasion to train their skills in close combat and didn't need their guns and bows. Each of the young women was eager, and hoped to win recognition by capturing the uniform of an opponent and eating his cock and balls! An Amazon recruit did not obtain the rank of soldier until she had claimed her first male underwear and ideally a cut-off cock in battle. It was evening dawn when the Amazons started their attack. They had a superiority of 30 to 1, so only few Amazons were allowed to fight. For the Hombres, the attack was a complete surprise. Suddenly, an attacking Amazon stood in front of Mike and drove her knee up into his balls. Though this blow was very unpleasant, it was not dangerous. But the girl didn't hesitate to repeat her strike again and again. The second blow drove the air off his lungs and Mike felt already much weaker. After the third groin strike, the young Hombre was unable to defend anymore and just wanted to slip down. Suddenly he remembered that he had learnt in his training lessons that a series of groin strikes can kill a man! He wanted to break out, but it was already too late, he was already much too weak to do anything about his fate: Some more blows against his unprotected package turned its' content into a mushy pulp and Mike went to the eternal hunting grounds! - Many males finished their lives after they got their balls smashed. Often the girls - who could attack in majority - grabbed for the boys' unprotected nut-sacks and squeezed the shit out of them! The hapless men shrieked at high voice, while the girls destroyed within seconds the proud pack-ages that had grown and ripened over 18 or 20 years! So, the fight was quickly over. Finally the Hombre corporal, the leader of the small garrison fell into the hands of the Amazons. He was the only one to wear a light groin cup made of steel sheet. Four Amazons held him down by his arms and legs, while another girl took a heavy racket and drove it again and again against his groin. Twack! Twack! Twack! Step by step, his cup deformed and bent in-ward so that his balls were crushed by his own protective cup! He screamed in pain and started to cough blood, but the furious girl didn't stop to slam the racket against his most tender parts! Another proud Hombre warrior was turned into a sobbing, dying wreck! Only 5 Hombres could use their chance to surrender, their mates were already slaughtered. "STAND! Or you DIE!" Tanja's command discouraged the surviving boys. They were staring down the face of death in the form of deadly Amazons, and they knew they had no chance of fighting back before an arrow would smash into their tender packages. To complete the humiliation of the Hombre boys and increase their vulnerability the girls stripped them except their underwear. Under their jeans - mostly of Amazon origin - the Hombres either wore their traditional silk shorts or Hominian cotton briefs (so called tighty-whities) or even captured Amazon G-strings or thongs. Being overwhelmed and humiliated by beautiful young Amazons, the 5 boys quickly got a hard-on. "OK, boys, I see you are already in the mood, so wank into your underwear!", ordered an Amazon team leader, a sexy blond lieutenant. Of course, the 18-year- old recruits had to follow her order. After less than 2 minutes, the shorts, briefs or thongs of every Hombre were wet. Some of the boys were very well "equipped" so that their white shorts were completely soaked and practically transparent with cream. "Well done, boys! And now exchange your underwear with a mate!" - "What?!?!" was the frightened answer of 5 mouths. "You understood very well. Hurry up, or shall I care about this problem?!" Every Hombre was disgusted as he had to put on the over and over creamy shorts of a mate. Then, the Amazons ordered their prisoners to collect the uniforms of their killed mates. Forced by an Amazon soldier, Dave went over to his killed mate Billy. He lay face down in the dirt. Dave turned him to his back. Billy's worn out jeans were soaked with blood at his crotch. Obviously, a girl had cracked his nuts by a groin strike so that Billy died from the sperms entering his blood circulation. Much blood had flooded through his battered cock and coloured his briefs and jeans. Involuntarily and disgusted, Dave opened the jeans of his dead mate and stripped them down. Billy's white briefs were over and over soaked with blood, piss and sperm. To confirm his suspicion, Dave reached between Billy's legs. He couldn't find firmly shaped testicles but just a mushy pulp in his nut- sack. The Amazon behind Dave urged: "His briefs and shirt!!!" Dave had no chance as to follow her order and to hand over the precious prey. He and his mates had to undress some 15 killed Hombres more. When, the 5 Hombres were even forced to cut off the private organs of the killed boys and to fry them in a pan as special dainty for the Amazons! The bodies of the once proud males, however, shall be grilled on a spit to feed the army of 600 Amazons! After the captured young Hombres already had to strip their killed mates naked, now they were even forced to drive a 2.5 m long stake into the assholes of each killed warrior till it came out again at the neck. Now, the killed and dishonoured Hombres were put on a barbecue like sucking pigs. - Soon after, the tender smell of grilled boys was to be scented in the whole valley. To eat the male privates of an overwhelmed enemy, was the inauguration ceremony for the Amazon recruits to become soldiers. That's why the male organs of the hapless young men were thoroughly fried in pans. The Amazon recruits enjoyed every bite of the rare and holy dainty that they called "fried eggs"! Afterwards, they were allowed to dress the captured soldier jeans and briefs of the defeated boys, since - by eating their enemies' privates - they had gathered all strength of the Hombre soldiers. Thus they were mature now, to be soldiers them-selves. In their passion of victory, the Amazon didn't care that the camp-fires on which the overwhelmed opponents were roasted were seen all over the flat plains so that the Hombres were quickly aware that something was going on along their border. To find out what it was, the commander of a nearby training camp immediately send a horse patrol. The leader of the troop, Damos, was a brave young man who knew what had to be done. He went forward cautiously to find out what was happening. His mouth dropped open in amazement at what he saw. Nearly 600 Amazons had reached the Hombre border and had attacked a border garrison. All boys were dead and were now barbecued! Damos knew very well that his week patrol couldn't do anything here and that they had to hurry back to ring alert! The Hombres headed away from the scene as fast as they could go. Less than one hour after seeing the first camp fires, the commander of the training camp was already informed in detail about the strength of the invading Amazon forces. Hominians and Hombres had advanced more and more technologically and their latest invention - the telegraph - had now to undergo its' baptism of fire! Quickly the other Hombre training camps as well as some Hominian fortresses were informed about what was going on. The Hombres immediately set 1500 soldiers in march. After the Hombres had lost all their experienced warriors in an Amazon attack against the railway, the bulk of their army consisted of young recruits that couldn't run a battle without the help of experienced, older warriors. Therefore the Hominians promised to send another 500 well-trained men with complete battle equipment including groin armours. Again, their technological superiority above the Amazons helped the Hominians and Hombres to organise their forces: Within some hours, still before the night was over, the railway would bring the major part of these forces to the fallen border garrison. This would be a bad surprise for the awaking Amazons! The attack against the Amazon camp started in the early morning. The Hominian Cavalry formed the first wave of attack. Arrows and bullets from the attacking Hominians covered the unsuspecting Amazons like a sudden blizzard. The girls were in shock. Blood flowed from many pussies. But the boys who galloped after the women didn't wear protective cups since it was very inconvenient to ride a horse with a groin shield between the legs. Additionally, they were sure that no arrow would harm their groins as long as they were on their horses. And the Amazons knew this. After the first shock, the Amazons reacted quickly: Lassos wound around the magnificent male bodies and many boys were simply tugged off their horses. Once down, a swarm of young girl warriors rushed against them like mosquitoes. The struggling young men were mostly killed by daggers, and there were no metal cups to protect their tender nut-sacks from being slashed! Their jeans soaked with a mixture of blood, sperm and piss ... Amazon scouts positioned on the few trees in the savannah used their position to jump on the back of the horses right behind the Hominian horseman. After a shock-second that they needed to recover from the pain their battered cunts sent through their bodies after jumping with spread legs on a horse back, they quickly got into action: Every girl wound one arm around the throat of her opponent, and her other hand went down to his unprotected reproductive organ. Sitting on a horse-back, a man can not even close his legs! The girl needed only seconds to destroy for what the nature had needed 18 or 20 years to get mature! After his nuts were cracked, the boy had only some minutes to live. The girls threw their enemies off the horses, for that they had to die on the ground in the dirt. The helpless boys passed their last seconds coughing blood and wincing in pain! As soon as the men were on the ground, other girls stormed against them, finished the Hominians and took their uniforms and weapons. The next wave of attack was formed by Hombre and Hominian infantry. The Amazon camp was totally encircled by some thousand men who attacked from all sides. Nevertheless the Amazons defended bravely: They knew how to handle guns and crossbows. Surely, many males would be sent to the eternal hunting grounds! Though the Hominians had developed a bullet-proof groin cup of thick cast steel and with extra extended shape (including a so-called anal shield to protect this tender part from vicious Amazon daggers and arrows), most fighters - especially the Hombre rookies - were still equipped with the old cups of thin steel sheet. And those could not withstand the Amazon fire of bullets and heavy bolts! The Amazons sent a hail of projectiles against their attacking enemies. Boys and men broke down, shrieking in pain, their hands buried between their legs in a vain attempt to heal the deadly wounds the bullets had busted into their cups! Of course, the men fired back, but the Amazons had the advantage of being stationary and could hide in the bushes and dodge to the ground. The moving rows of males were a much easier target! But it is the strength in number that counts, and so, the first Hominian rows soon reached the Amazon defence-line. A close fight could not be prevented any longer. The Amazon knew that practically all males wore groin cups that rendered their feared daggers more or less use-less - except if they could rush the daggers through the ass-groove into the prostrate! And to handle cup-breaking guns or crossbows is practically impossible in a close combat. Michael, a young Hombre soldier, was one of the first to face an Amazon in a close fight. The surprise effect was on his side so that it didn't take long till he could drive his dagger into her cunt! The Hominian cup she wore, covered only her mons veneris, but her most delicate spot was unguarded! Vital point! Her worn-out jeans soaked with the blood from between her legs; shock and extreme pain was written in her face! Gargling blood, the Amazon fighter broke down! Game over! Yelling victory, Michael attacked his next victim. He was able to throw her down, so that both are now in a T-position: The Amazon soldier lay face down in the dirt, Michael had his face close to her ass, his right arm wound around her hips for that she could not break out. His left arm drove a dagger closer and closer against her cunt. She tried to prevent by clenching her legs together, but in vain, soon the cold blade had reached her crotch-seam! Michael al-ready grinned in anticipation of what he would do to her, but another Amazon injected into the fight: She rammed a gun between Michael's legs so that a loud CLING was heart as the barrel slammed against his steel groin cup. "Throw you knife away or a bullet will burst through your eggcup!" Michael did as ordered. The Amazon draw the gun somewhat back, scratched along his perineum and stopped at his asshole. "You dirty slit, take the gun off my cunt!", shouted Michael, but he was not in the position to give orders! BANG! The bullet found its' destructive way through his rectum and prostate, destroyed his manly vigour and finally even stroke through his eggcup to leave his jeans at the front side. Like him, many boys died wearing only light protective cups. However, for the Amazon it was a bad surprise that many Hominians already wore the new bullet-proof groin armours that did not only protect the male genitals by a thick steel cup but even the perineum and the anal groove. These men were practically immortal and could not be hurt by daggers. Only a gun-shot at short distance against their assholes could crack and kill these men, since the metal between the legs and in the ass-crack was much thinner to be flexible to adapt to the body shape! More and more Amazons died under the Hominian and Hombre onslaught, and finally the Amazons were split up into many small troops that were either killed or had to surrender quickly. In this cruel battle, numberless pussies were ripped as the Amazons had slashed numberless cocks and balls before. Finally all Amazons were either killed or prisoners of the Hominians. A powerful shout of victory echoed in the Hombre plain! As the Amazon Queen was informed about this failed operation, she was in rage: More than 600 of her best and most skilful warriors and their equipment were lost: killed or imprisoned by the Hombres. This was much more than just a little failure: Such a loss in fighters and equipment could not be compensated anymore. The end of the Amazon dominance in Anetylia was near! The Hominians thought the same: The heart of the Amazon army was wiped out! Now it would be easy to overwhelm the few remaining, inexperienced Amazon troops and to solve the Amazon question once and forever!