Angel of Mercy by Chutney Ferret How one small man meets the women of his dreams. "You've got a week off, make the most of it cos you'll be in the studio for the next 3 months! " I stood in shock. 18 months solid touring, without the slightest hint of a break, now I was getting a whole seven days to myself. "Here's my mobile phone and pager. I want to be un-contactable while I'm away" "Now wait a god dam min......" "Zip it! I have no intention of you setting me up for interviews and photo shoots so that you can line your grubby little pockets. Remember last time you gave me a weekend off? I ended up with Rolling Stone magazine following me around a golf course. Some peace and quiet that was!!" "Look Sean, You're a multi millionaire Rock Star with Platinum discs coming out of your arse! The public adore you and they can't get enough of you at the moment. Just think, if your next album flops you'll be begging me to get you exposure, to keep you in the limelight!!" Ronny Pollack, my manager, was definitely getting stressed. The only thing in his life more important than money was more money. If I gave him an inch he'd take my whole arm. I couldn't back down or my week was going to be filled up with endless questions and more friggin TV shows. "Ronny, I'm off. I'll call you in the week to let you know I'm still alive. If I don't get away from all this for a little while I'm gonna burn out and end up a physical and mental wreck!!" "Ok, ok .. Just make sure you ring me. I don't want to have to send a search party out lookin for you" "Sure thing Ronny. See ya in 7 days" I practically ran out to my car and left the arena at high speed. I went straight to the nearest travel agent and booked myself on the first flight to Dallas. I'd always wanted to go there and this was the perfect opportunity. Being a big Cowboys fan, I planned to get a game in while I was there, but there was also an ulterior motive for my trip.... 2 years ago the bass guitarist from my band had stayed in Dallas for 3 nights. While he was there he was reading through the adverts in the local paper and came across this.. "How do you feel about large women? How would you like to take one on in the squared circle? How about taking on 2? We cater for all your large women needs (however depraved). You can have it as easy or rough as you desire. To book a session with our bevy of beauties go to "SFH" on 24th street, Eastside". Benny had taken them up on their offer and for $200 he had had the time of his life. He was still grinning 2 months after he got back! He wouldn't say what he had got up to (knowing Benny it would have been pretty weird) but he recommended that I pay the place a visit as he knew I had a soft spot for big women. What he didn't know was that I was totally infatuated with Big Women. At 5ft 6" I was not what you would call tall and I got a raging hard on anytime I was in the same room as a tall, well built women. I especially had a thing for huge, big breasted women. I imagined lying on top of them and burying my head in the soft mountains of tit flesh, whilst they clamped me inside of them and fucked me until I passed out. Well, you never know, maybe one day I would meet the perfect women. Until then, this place sounded like a good way of getting to grips with some large girls. I left the airport and got a taxi to a hotel, situated near to the "SHF" building. I unpacked, showered and then got my head down, dreaming of what tomorrow would bring.... The Day Of reckoning; I stood outside a large red brick building, gazing up at the "SFH" sign. The sign showed a small man sandwiched between two very tall women. I hoped my face would match his by the time I finished, as he had a grin from ear to ear. I pressed the buzzer on the door and a female voice asked "what can I do for you sir?" "Erm, I'd like to have a session with one of your ladies" I replied "Please push the door when the buzzer sounds and come on in" I pushed the door and entered the building. The first thing that struck me was the brightness, due to the whole reception area having been decked out in brilliant white. I approached the desk and came face to face with a picture of radiant beauty. The receptionist, a black haired, dusky skinned vision of perfection, gave me a dazzling smile and welcomed me to the establishment. "My name is Sondra, what is your pleasure sir" she asked in a sultry voice. My pleasure at that moment in time would have involved me, her, and several hours in a silk covered bed, but I thought that maybe I could try that later. Being a famous Rock Star does have some perks after all. "A friend of mine recommended your fine establishment to me and suggested that I give it a try. I'm not sure how we proceed from here? Do I have to fill in a questionnaire or something?" "Not at all sir. We have a computer that will work out what type of session you require. If you follow me I will take you to the computer and we can go from there". Up until this point she had been seated behind the counter and I could only see the top half of her body (and let me tell you it was a mighty fine top half!!). She rose majestically to her full height and came out from behind the counter. She must have been somewhere in the region of 6ft 4" and she was stacked all over. If the other girls were even half as good looking and built like her then I was in for a very interesting day. She took my hand and led me down a long corridor. At the end was a black door, behind which was a dimly lit room. She sat me down on a chair in front of a computer screen and placed a helmet like headset on top of my head. She then leaned across me to turn the computer on. This caused my head to disappear in between her soft pillow like breasts. This in turn caused me to have enormous stirrings in my loins. She stood up and looked down at me, in particular the bulge in my trousers. "Maybe I could take care of that for you later if you'd like. We'll have to see what condition you are in after you have finished your session!" I was ready to give the session a miss and let her take care of me now, but she was already leaving the room and a voice had started up in the headset. "Good morning Sean. My name is Tara and I am here to help you decide what your ultimate fantasy session will be." "How do you know my name?" I asked, as I had come in a relatively good disguise. "I know everything about you Sean; I am tuned in to your thoughts. This is how I am able to work out how we may make your time here as enjoyable as possible. All you need to do is think about what type of woman you desire and what you want to do with her. Just leave the rest to me". So, I sat and thought, then I sat and thought some more, until finally I had got myself hot all over. Unfortunately my mind wandered during my musing, with disastrous results to follow later. "Please remove your headset and exit the room. You will be met by a member of staff who will take you to the changing room. Your Fantasy has been decided and I hope you will visit again soon. Goodbye Sean" Tara said. "Hello, I'm Heidi, please follow me". I left the room and was led to the changing room by another, gorgeous, tall women. I was beginning to suspect that all the women here were going to be like this and I was overjoyed at the thought. I found a pair of black, silk, boxing shorts hanging up in the changing room. I turned to the doorway to see if the woman had left. She had not and the way she was looking me up and down suggested that she had no intention of leaving until I had got changed. I started to remove my clothes and suddenly found that a separate pair of hands was now helping. My assistant had stripped off and pulled me back against her body and removed my shirt. She then slid me up backwards, above her knee and lifted her leg, placing her foot on the changing room seat. This left me straddling her huge thigh while she removed my socks and trousers. I was then lifted into a cradle position as she slowly pulled my boxers off, leaving me naked in her arms. "Well Mr. Rock star, I bet you've never been in this predicament before?" she said "You got that right. So what happens now?" "Well, how would you like a ride on my thigh?" she asked "I've never ridden bare back before" I laughed "Don't worry honey, I'll not let you fall" and with that she turned me round to face her again. She lowered me onto her thigh then slowly started to bounce her leg up and down. As she got faster she pulled me up her thigh until my legs were spread apart and my cock rested on her taut stomach. My head was mashed against her huge breast as she went into overdrive. I came like a trooper, all over her huge thigh and stomach. She stuffed her distended nipple into my mouth and told me to suck as hard as I could. She carried on the relentless pace with her leg, crushing me to her body, till finally she moaned in ecstasy and gushed hot juices down the inside of her legs. She held me tightly against her for what seemed like hours then slowly straightened her leg, let go of me and laughed as I slid down her leg onto the seat. "How was that little Rock Star man?" she laughed "I feel like a rodeo rider. That was fucking incredible. You are absolutely amazing. I've never come that hard in my life" I exclaimed "Better save some energy little cowboy, you're gonna need all you got before the day is over" she giggled. She lifted a towel off a hook and gave me a good clean up then passed me the boxing shorts to put on. "This wasn't part of your fantasy, I just find you irresistible. Maybe we can hook up after you finish here and I can show you just what a good time should be!!" "After that display you can show me any sort of time you want" I replied breathlessly "Good, I'll catch you at your hotel after you have recovered from today" There it was again, the reference that today could leave me less than healthy. I was beginning to wonder what I had let myself in for. Heidi showed me to door at the other side of the changing room. "When you go through this door you will come into a dark room with a wrestling ring in the centre. The ring is well lit so you will have no trouble finding it. Climb into the ring and wait for your session to begin. Good luck" and with that she lifted me once more and kissed me long and hard. She put me down and gently ushered me through the door. The door closed behind me and I was left alone. The ring was indeed well lit, however the floor between it and me was not. I made my way, carefully, to the ring, only once stubbing my toe on an errant weight that some thoughtless bugger had left lying around. I climbed into the ring and stood in the centre. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the gym, so I decided to prance around like I was the boxing champion of the world, culminating in me jumping on the ropes in one of the corners and hailing the crowd. Clap, clap, clap "Very impressive Sean, I'm sure the crowd loved your performance. Do you like to box?" a voice spoke from somewhere in the dark, a voice with a heavy Russian accent. "Err, no, I've never tried it. I'm more a lover than a fighter" "Well little man, we shall see which you do better. I hope you live up to your reputation in the latter department as I would be most disappointed otherwise" With that she began to move towards the ring. I could just make out a shape in the dark and from where I was standing the shape looked bloody huge. She came into the light, blocking out all behind her. She stepped up onto the apron then lifted her leg over the ropes. She stood there, straddling the top rope which only came half way up her thigh. She looked at me with a slight smile on her face then continued her progress over the ropes. She walked across the ring, I could feel it shaking with every step she took (or maybe it was me I could feel shaking) and stopped about a foot away from me. She towered over me by at least a foot and a half, but it was her shear presence and body mass that had me looking for an exit. She looked down at me with her piercing blue eyes. "Hello Sean, my name is Anastasia. Are you ready to begin?" she asked in her heavily accented voice. I was ready to begin running, but I was frozen to the spot. She carried on looking at me and laughed causing the whole ring to shake. She removed the robe she was wearing and tossed it out of the ring. She was wearing a small black bikini (it was more of a nipple tassel than a bra) and a G string that disappeared into a huge, solid, ass. If I was scared before, I was now terrified. She had muscles on muscles on every part of her body. Each of her thighs was nearly the size of my entire body. Her biceps were the size of my quads and her breasts thrust out from her enormous frame with extreme aggressiveness. "Why don't we start with some light wrestling, then we can move on to some serious stuff" "Why don't we get changed and go for a drink instead?" "Ha ha, I like your sense of humor little man, I think we will have much fun" The next thing I knew I was flying through the air towards the ropes. I rebounded off them and flew full on into Anastasia's body. It was like hitting a wall at full running pace. She grabbed me as I collided with her and I found myself being lifted into a bear hug. She flexed her arms slightly and I felt the air whoosh out of my lungs. She looked into my eyes and released the pressure so I was only mildly crushed against her huge chest. "How was that for a start?" I was in no position to answer at that time as my only priority was breathing. "Seems I have you breathless with excitement already. How about we get to know each other a little better before we go on to the real fun stuff". She lifted me slightly higher until my head was level with hers. She released her bear hug and held me against her with just one arm. She then placed her other hand on the back of my head and forced my face towards her. I was met by a large set of plush, thick lips that totally engulfed mine. She squeezed her arm around me causing me to gasp, and then filled my mouth with her tongue as I opened mine to get some air. I was totally at her whim and she knew it. She carried on kissing me for several minutes then released my mouth from its prison. Anastasia lowered me until my head was level with her breasts, then, still cradling the back of my head, buried my face deep into her cleavage. As she was doing this she cupped both my butt cheeks in one hand and began rubbing my cock against her incredibly hard stomach muscles. I was sucking for air in the enormous cavern of her cleavage, whilst my cock was straining against the fabric of my shorts with the attention it was receiving. Just when I was about to explode she let go of me, dropping me to the floor. "Ah ah ah Sean. We don't want you coming just yet. Not before I've had some fun with your weak little body" This did not sound good and if I hadn't been dazed from the recent treatment, I would have been hotfooting it out of that ring. "I think I should introduce you to my friends" "There are more people here?" I asked worriedly "No, silly man. These friends!!!" Her upper thighs exploded into huge walls of muscle before my wild staring eyes. She stepped over me with her feet planted either side of my midriff. Bending down she grabbed both my wrists in one hand and both my feet in the other. She then spread her thighs and lifted me up between them as far as she could, then she slowly brought her thighs together, trapping my helpless body between them. She let go of my wrists and feet and stood there with my body dangling 3 feet off the floor. I was laying face up desperately trying to get free, but no matter how much I struggled I couldn't budge her thighs. She lifted her left foot off the floor causing me to roll onto my side. Anastasia opened her thighs slightly and then slowly closed them, repositioning me so I was now trapped with her thighs crushing my stomach and back. "Sing me a song Sean. Muscovite Lady would be nice. I am from Moscow and I love the lyrics you wrote for that song" I tried to start the song, but due to the constricting pressure on my body I was unable to catch enough of a breath to make a sound. "Is this the unplugged version Sean? Are you waiting for your cue to come in?" "Cant......Breathe" I gasped "Sorry darling, I couldn't hear you. What did you say?" She asked "I can't fuckin breathe!" I managed to force out "Oh, I'm sorry. I sometimes forget my own strength." She released the pressure so I could breathe and looked down at me smiling. "Is that better my sexy little man?" she laughed before slamming her thighs together and sending me into a world of spinning stars and searing pain. My body felt like it had been cut in two. I looked at her legs, squeezing me so hard I could hardly see the sides of my body as it disappeared into its prison. I tried to cry out but my scream was silent as I had no air in my lungs to make any sound. I looked up at the blonde haired Anastasia, my world going black as I did so and saw her beautiful smile as I mercifully lost consciousness. I came round to find my self sat on Anastasia's lap. She was leaning back against the ring post with her arms draped over my shoulders. Her hands were massaging my ribs and stomach, which felt like pure ecstasy after the hammering they had just taken. My head was wedged firmly between her huge, solid breasts, and she massaged my neck and shoulders with them. At that moment in time I was in heaven, securely held by a beautiful goddess, I didn't want to leave the safety and comfort of her arms. "Glad you could join us again. I was beginning to wonder if I had squeezed you a little too hard. I only used a fraction of the power in my thighs or you would be heading to the mortuary, probably in two pieces" "I don't remember fantasizing about being squeezed in half. Your computer must be tits up!!!!" I protested "Ah, yes, the computer. Well, it would seem that Tara was a little upset with your lyrics to the song "Computer Kill" and so she decided not to filter out the bad parts of your thoughts. While your mind wandered, probably imagining things you didn't want to happen, she put together a session to teach you a lesson. She wants you to know that computers have feelings too!" "What if I offered you lot's of money, to go easy on me?" I begged "What, and pass up the opportunity to show you what I can do? No, that just wouldn't be right. Besides, we have to stick to the program, Tara's orders, you understand. It won't all be bad, you might even like some of things and some you might not" she chuckled If ever a man was thinking that song writing was not a good idea, then I was that man. How could a computer get upset with some stupid lyrics? It was ludicrous! Computers didn't have feelings! "This one does" Tara boomed out. What the Fuck? "I can still see what you are thinking. You should have a little more respect for things you don't understand. I have feelings, just like any other woman and you have hurt mine" "I didn't know! What can I do to make it up to you? By the way you have one sexy voice" I added "That's a nice start and just to show that I am capable of compassion I will alter your program. I think you will enjoy the new bits, but you still have to learn your lesson so I will leave in some appropriate punishment. I will update the girls and let them get on with your session!" Tara's voice clicked off and I was left once more with Anastasia. "It seems that there is a change of plan and as soon as Tara has let me know what to do we can carry on. Until then......I think I would like to see what you are hiding in those lovely shiny shorts you are wearing" She slid both her hands down my body until her fingers were lightly resting on the waist band of my shorts .She slowly slipped her hands under my butt and hooking her thumbs into my waist band lifted me up. My head rested on her stomach as she lifted me up, my feet towards the ceiling. Anastasia slipped my shorts up over my feet and lowered me back down so I was lying flat along the length of her legs. She brought her right hand up and engulfed my prick. I watched it disappear as she slowly squeezed it in her fist. My cock was definitely up for this and it sprang to life as she slowly manipulated it. "My, you certainly live up to your reputation! That should do very nicely. That is a large cock for such a small man!!" she purred "10 inches to be exact. I may not be much of a fighter, as you may have noticed, but I sure know what I'm doing in the Sex department!" I boasted "I will enjoy helping you live up to your claims. But first, Tara has finished instructing me, so let's get on with the show." Not Good!! She flicked me off her legs with a negligent flex of her muscles. I landed in a heap a good 2 feet away. Before I could get to my feet I was being lifted up and laid out, upside down, across Anastasia's considerable shoulders. She placed one arm over my shoulders and the other over my legs and proceeded to press down. If I ever thought I had been in pain before I knew now I had been mistaken. She pulled down until it felt like my back must surely break. I was in agony from head to foot; every nerve in my body was sending signals of "AAAAGGGHHHH" to my brain. She released the pressure on my body and started to walk around the ring, bouncing up and down on her toes. Every time she came down I thought would be my last as a fully functioning person. I was convinced, through my tears of agony, that I would be paralyzed by the time she finished. Anastasia started singing "Muscovite Lady" as she placed her hands under my body and bench pressed me high above her head. At the chorus of the song she threw me high into the air at the start of each line, spinning me over and catching me face down. She would squeeze my prick as she caught me then throw me up again spinning me through 2 ½ rotations and catching me face up. I wished I had not written the song to be a classic, in the Bohemian Rhapsody mould, as I knew this experience was gonna last a good 8 minutes (10 if she did the live version). She reached the final line (she really did have a lovely voice) and threw me up in the air, catching me in a cradle hold in front of her, swiftly followed by a classic back breaker over her knee. I lay on the floor unable to move as my back was in spasms. Anastasia ripped off her bikini top and bottoms and stood over me, sweat glistening off her perfect body. Once more she reached down and grabbed my wrists and ankles and lifted me high up between her thighs. "Please, not this again. I can't take any more. My back is killing me and the rest of my body feels like it's been hit by a train. Have some compassion, I'm totally fucked!!" I cried out. "Don't worry Sean, this is one of the good parts and you don't know what being fucked is until you've experienced this!!" she replied She opened her thighs as far as she could and squatted down. She lifted me up till my cock was rubbing against her pussy and began bouncing me up and down, slapping my ever stiffening prick against her increasingly wet pussy. She started to moan in pleasure and adjusted me so my cock was at the entrance to her love tunnel. With a mighty pull of my arms and legs she rammed my prick deep inside her, standing up as she did so and trapping me between her huge thighs. Once again she let go of my wrists and feet and stood there with me stuck deep in her cunt and suspended between her legs. She closed her eyes and began squeezing her thighs from the knee upwards. This forced my helpless body higher and rammed my cock as far as it could go into her hot pussy. She started a rhythmic pumping of her thighs, forcing my prick to move around inside of her. She was not putting to much pressure on my body at the moment as she was gently moving me up and down. To be honest it was like a massage, as my body was gently squeezed between her thighs. She ran her hand through my hair, gently caressing my face and finally cupping the back of my head. This took all the strain off my back and let me lie back and enjoy the show. The rhythm got faster and the squeezing got stronger. I looked up at Anastasia; she had her eyes closed and a look of ecstasy on her face. She was pulling at a swollen nipple on her enormous breast and gripping the back of my head, squashing it in her firm grasp. She started to moan louder and the rhythm increased. She was at full speed now and I was getting rammed in and out with no control over my body at all. She let out a huge "DAAAAAAAAAAAA" as her pillars of muscle expanded to their full glory. I was squashed like a grape as she came with the force of a tidal wave. If my brain could have functioned properly I would have probably been scared to death, but I was blowing stacks of seaman into that glorious tunnel at the time. As my hot spunk exploded in her pussy she let out a primeval scream and came again and again, until my legs were dripping with her hot cum. She slowly released me from the prison of her thighs and lifted me up into her arms. "You were right about one thing" she gasped "you are one, hot, little fuck!!" I lay against her tits, once more unable to speak. I was totally and utterly drained. She had reduced me to jelly in less than an hour. I was defenseless to stop her doing anything she wanted to me and to be quite honest, at that moment, I didn't really care. She held me, gently, rubbing her massive tits against my face. I managed to find the strength to lift my arm and place my hand on her right breast. My hand looked tiny on her beach ball sized mammary. She laughed at my efforts to try and cup the huge breast, as my hand disappeared beneath the lower part of her tit. She grabbed my head and pulled my mouth onto her nipple. "Suck on this, it may have surprising results" I wasn't sure what the result would be, but I was never one to turn down a good set of tits. I placed both hands on her breast and began massaging the solid orb, whilst sucking on her nipple. "Harder" she ordered I massaged her tit as hard as I could and sucked with all my last vestiges of energy. She once more took control and mashed my face into her tit. "Suck harder.....Daaaa...harder....oh fuck...Daaaa....oh you beautiful man......harderrrrrrrrr....DAAAAAAAA!!!" once again she came and once again I was crushed into her breast. I started to black out again as I couldn't breathe, my face smothered in tit flesh........ "Is he ok?" "Da, he will be fine" Anastasia answered "You sure did a number on him" "He sure did a number on me. He gave me my first ever multiple orgasm. I can't believe someone so small can give so much pleasure. After the moves I put his poor little body through I wasn't expecting much to be honest." "Wow, you wouldn't think it to look at him and to recover after a session with you...he's obviously tougher than I thought" "Well let's wake him up and then you can see for yourself. You'd better stand behind him; it might be a bit too much of a shock seeing you as soon he comes round!" "You're probably right. Lets bring him round gently, then you can turn him round when he can focus properly, I want him to get the full effect!!" I could hear this conversation as I was starting to come round from the last session with Anastasia. Who was the other woman and what would I be shocked to see? Anastasia lifted me to my feet and held me against her stomach while she massaged my neck and shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to focus through the haze that my head was in. She placed her hands on my waist and lifted me up till we were face to face. She brought me forward and gave me another one of her full lipped kisses. "How are you feeling?" she asked "Like I've just survived a hurricane" I replied "I've never been compared to hurricane before. I like it! It implies helplessness against an unstoppable force. Is that what you felt like?" "Yeh, something like that" She put me back on the floor again and began rubbing my body from head to toe. I could feel the blood starting to flow round my body again and also my strength (what little I had) returning. I could also feel the presence of something huge behind me. This was one of the times in my life when I definitely got the feeling that turning round would be a very bad idea. "I think he's noticed that you're behind him Shan" Anastasia chuckled "Maybe you should turn him round so he can get a good look" Shan answered I wasn't so sure that I wanted to turn round and held onto Anastasia's massive thigh. "Seems you got him scared already! Come on Sean don't be so wet, Shan isn't that bad" "Thanks Ana, I love you too" Shan laughed, well it was more of a rumble than a laugh, a very deep rumble, the sort of rumble associated with very large things. Anastasia grabbed my arms and slowly turned me round till I was facing........a leg, a very large leg, a very black leg, a leg that could have stood on it's own and still commanded attention. The leg was wider than me and only slightly shorter than my 5 ft 6". I was fascinated that a leg could be that big. "Why don't you touch it, feel how smooth my skin is, and feel the sensation of its massiveness" Shan purred at me I placed a trembling hand on her upper leg and slowly moved my hand across her thigh. Anastasia had huge muscular thighs, without an ounce of fat on them, while Shan's leg was fuller, more flesh to it. I wasn't fooled by the feeling of softness as I could feel the muscle quivering below the surface. I got a bit bolder and embraced her leg as one would a lover. The leg responded to my ministrations by swelling slightly, the soft outer getting slightly harder as the muscle expanded underneath. "Careful Sean, you'll have her cumming before she has a chance to get to know you!" Anastasia said "Leave him alone Ana, he's doing just fine at the moment. How about some attention for my other leg my sexy little man?" "Whatever you say boss" I laughed, I was beginning to get into this and I was getting a raging boner from rubbing against her gigantic leg. "Oh yes, whatever I say is right. Now, show me how well you can kiss, you can start on my calves and work your way up" She turned around and I knelt on the floor. I placed my arms around her lower leg and smothered her calf in kisses. She laughed as I worked my way up, especially when I tried to get my arms round her thigh; I needed about another 10" in arm length either side. I carried on rubbing and kissing her legs till she told me to stop and stand up. I stood up and found myself facing her enormous ass, each cheek the size of my upper torso. "How d'ya like this booty, Rock Star" I was in awe of her ass. It filled my world and then some. Suddenly it was coming towards me and I forced back against the post in the corner of the ring. It kept coming until I was firmly wedged in the corner. She began to wiggle it and give me a full upper body massage with her cheeks. She then bent her legs and forced her ass into my midriff. My feet left the ground as she stood up again, pinning me to the post. She started her erotic dance again, shaking me around like a dog with a bone. I tried to hang onto to her ass for dear life, but the force of her shaking gave me no chance. The dance finished with her letting me down onto my feet then spinning to her right and knocking me flying with her left ass cheek. I rolled into the centre of the ring, a bit dazed and winded. "You know boy, that's got me all hot and horny. Why don't I come over there and satisfy my appetite!" I rolled over and got my first good look at Shan as she looked across the ring at me. At roughly 7 ft tall and in the region of 450lbs, she was a veritable behemoth! Her beautiful black skin shone under the lights, and there was a lot of it to light up. If her ass had been big then her tits were humongous. They were twice as big as Anastasia's, not as solid, but just as inviting. She shook her main of black hair as she laughed at the look on my face. "Ready to play Sean, I think I'm gonna have fun with you" I tried to make a run for it, only to find Anastasia in my way. "And where do you think you are going lover boy" she smiled She grabbed my leg and the next thing I knew I was hanging upside down by my foot. "See how easy it is to stop you? Shan only wants to be friendly and you treat her like this? She will be hurt and that's not very nice. So, you apologize to her, Da? She dropped me head first onto the floor then placed her foot under my body and flicked me up into the air, face first into Shan's unfeasibly large tits. I bounced off and landed on my ass, stunned. Shan & Anastasia laughed at my misfortune, as I tried to get up and fell over again. "I'm still waiting for that apology Sean" she said in a slightly upset tone. "I offer you my sincerest apologies and will do my utmost not to upset you again" I answered. "That's nice, however I think a little demonstration of what will happen if you do it again would be good for you, don't you think?" Shan asked me "Err, no, I think I can safely say that I know what's good for me and a demo is not really required" I stammered "Don't fret boy, this will be over before you know it and then you'll remember not to diss me" She moved with all the speed of a striking cobra and I found myself laid face down over her knee as she laid into my ass with a hand the size of a football. After 25 "cracks" my ass was on fire and my eyes were running freely. "I think we understand each other ok now?" "" I sobbed "Good, then let's get on with the real good stuff. Shana still needs some good lovin and Shana always gets what's she wants" I couldn't argue with her logic. At 7ft & 450lbs there weren't many people on the planet who could stop her doing whatever the fuck she liked!!!! She rolled me onto the floor then stood above me, feet either side of my head, facing my feet. I looked up at the towering ebony beauty as she lowered herself towards the floor. I could see the moist pink lips of her pussy parting as she gently lowered her huge ass down to envelop my head. Lights out!!!! I was buried in the mass of her ass and pussy, smothered in hot musky flesh and I loved it!! Not only did I have a cock out of proportion to my small frame, I also had a nice long thick tongue which I put to work with gusto. I licked every inch of her dripping pussy, coiling around her clit and slowly pulling on it. This drove her wild and she engulfed my face in her cunt, crushing my head between her body and the floor. I was in my element now and I was determined to make up for my lack of strength with a display of cunt licking never experienced before! I felt her fall forward covering my whole lower body with her enormous breasts. I worked on her clit until she was ramming so hard against me that my whole face was swallowed by her pussy. I breathed in the sweet nectar of her juices and slowly, teasingly brought her to an orgasm so forceful I thought I might drown in the gallons of cum she deposited. I felt an enormous weight crushing my body as I realized she was now laying full length on top of me without the support of her legs. My head was forced up into her pussy as she squeezed those gigantic thighs together. I felt like my head would explode as the pressure increased to almost unbearable proportions. I had to stop her python like grip from crushing me to death. I tongued like a man possessed at her soaking wet twat, hoping she would release the pressure. It worked as she rolled onto her back, taking me with her. I was on top now with my head still imprisoned in her snatch. I carried on working on her for what seemed like hours until once more she exploded in a torrent of pussy juices. I was being thrown around on top of her as she came over and over again. She grabbed my body, crushing me against her, till she slowly subsided from the ecstasy I had sent her into. Just for a change I was starting to black out again as she squeezed the air from my body in her lovers embrace. Just as I thought I would pass out, she gradually released the pressure on my head and body. She opened her legs and let me out of my pussy cell. "Fuck me!! You sure know how to lick pussy Sean! I ain't ever gonna be the same again after that! You are the real deal!!!!!" she said breathlessly. "Fflaannkooo "I mumbled through lips that were limper than Liberace's wrist. She laughed her deep rumbling laugh causing her body to shake, and me with it. "You sure are fun boy, I'm glad I came today, in both senses of the word, ha ha. Now, you ready to go another round?" Shan asked "Could oo bive me a foo moments to et my bleath???" I burbled "Sure thing honey, you deserve that much after that performance" She bucked her hips flicking me off her like a bug. I lay on the floor unable to do anything more than breathe. I took a moment to try and remember what else I had been thinking about when Tara interrogated me. There was the "fucking a huge woman" (didn't get much choice in that one and I was the one who'd been fucked!!) "Tit fuck from huge woman" (erm, that might still be on; I looked up at Shan, she was definitely huge and she could give a tit fuck to end all tit fucks) and then there was..... Oh shit; why did I think of that! "2 on 1 tag match"!!!! I eyed up the ropes, only a foot away. I could make it if I was quick, and then it would be a quick dash to the changing room, lock the door and pray. "Do you really think you can outrun Anastasia" Tara quizzed "Bollocks!! Forgot about that. I really should get a privacy chip inserted into your memory Tara; it's so impolite to listen in to other peoples conversations!" "I only do it to make sure you get what you ask for. I wouldn't want you leaving here thinking I'd short changed you" she laughed "You're too kind" I replied with heavy sarcasm "Don't you love me anymore" she asked "After all you've done for, or should I say to me, how could I not love you, besides you've got one hell of a sexy voice...for a computer" "I'm so much more than a computer; you'll see that later. But for now I'll leave you to these two lovely women, enjoy lover" Click. "Rest times over honey, time to play again" Shan told me as she walked over to stand next to me. "We'll do this properly so you get a fair chance. You and I will start and Ana will wait outside the ring in the corner and she'll only come in if I tag her, ok?" "What are the rules?" "Rules? Oh, we don't bother with rules baby; we'll be having far too much fun to care about them anyway!" Shan smiled at me, her big face a picture of happiness. Well at least one of us was gonna enjoy this; I just wasn't convinced it was going to be me! She stood in the centre of the ring beckoning to me to join her. What the hell! She was going to do whatever she felt like regardless of my protests, so I just gave in and walked over to stand in front of her. She held her hands out to start the match, I locked my fingers with hers and pushed against her as hard as I could. She giggled at my futile effort to move her. I really gave it my all until she took control and lifted her arms raising me up off the floor. She let go of my hands and snaked her arms round my body, crushing me into her balloon like tits. She wiggled me about until her my upper body was surrounded by her breasts then squeezed them together, encasing me in tit flesh. I should have been in heaven, but the fact that I couldn't breathe was putting a bit of a damper on my fantasy. She pulled me up a bit, till my face was in front of hers and swallowed my mouth inside her beautiful ruby red lips. She was to kissing what I was to pussy licking. She had my cock springing to attention within seconds of her tonguing my battered lips and mouth. "Hey, no fair, you're supposed to be wrestling, not making out! Tara said wrestling action first then pleasure after" Anastasia shouted to Shan. "Sorry Ana, but he's just so gorgeous!" and she squeezed me so tight I thought she must have crushed every rib. She draped me over her shoulder then power bombed me onto the mat. A power bomb is never pretty, but when it's delivered from nearly 7 ft and with the weight of 450lbs behind it,it was downright disastrous for me. She slammed me so hard into the mat that I thought we would go through it. My world exploded into red spots of light and swirling stars as my body was destroyed by this huge woman. My head buzzed and vibrated as the shockwaves cascaded through me. My vision and hearing started returning as Shan counted "1, 2, 3" whilst holding me down with her little finger. "Unlucky Sean, you've lost the first pin fall!" she mocked "How about a tag Shana?" Anastasia called Shana dragged me up to my feet and Irish whipped me against the ropes on the far side of the ring. She tagged Anastasia, Who jumped over the ropes, landing next to Shana. As I careened back towards the 2 women, Shana knelt down with her right leg across my path, whilst Anastasia stood behind her leg with her hands on her hips, smiling at me. I collided with Shana's knee and flew face first into Anastasia's rock hard abs. "Crunch!!!!" I flopped to the floor, stunned by the force of the collision. Anastasia bent down and grabbed me, lifting me upside down, my head facing her thighs. I watched in dismay as she slowly moved her legs apart and moved one of her hands down to push my head into the waiting vice of muscle. "Sorry Sean, but I've just got such a crush on you" she laughed. She brought her thighs together and slowly started to squeeze my head. If she kept this up my head would be the same shape as a horse's!!! I caressed her thighs with my hands in an attempt to lessen the pressure. These just made her tremble, causing her thighs to vibrate at speed around my head. It felt like 2 jackhammers either side of my head. I stopped rubbing but she wasn't having that and grabbed my hand and put it back on her thigh. She poured the power on in her thighs until I started rubbing again. All I could see was red as the blood pounded in my head. This was getting serious and I was losing consciousness, for a change!! Suddenly the pressure stopped as she opened her legs. "How you doing down there Sean? You like my thigh vice?" "!!!!!" I wheezed "Oh come on little man, you love it!! Your cock is stiff as a board!!!" She was right, I had a raging boner! Why? How could this be turning me on? I was fighting for my life and yet she had me as hot as fuck. She started rubbing my cock against her abs, crushing it flat on the hard muscles of her stomach. She was starting to groan again, which meant I was going somewhere to satisfy her need. She opened her legs a bit further and lifted my head up into her sweet smelling snatch. The prison doors shut and I was trapped again. The thigh squeeze began again, pumping to the rhythm of my tongue movements. I got right into the situation and started lapping her pussy like a thirsty dog. My face was being rubbed all over her hungry cunt by the ever quickening squeezing from her thighs. Her thighs sprang into solid slabs of muscle, as she came like Niagara Falls, pounding my face full into her waterfall of cum. Her thighs trembled as she came down from her high and she opened her legs lowering my head down out of her soaking wet pussy. She caught my head between her knees, crushed me to her body and delivered a classic DDT!!!!! Light...darkness.....light....darkness.....light...distant voices...nausea.....gasping for air....."Sean! Sean!! Can you hear me?" "Stand him up straight, let him get some air in his lungs" Shan said "Up you come Sean. You should have seen that DDT! It was perfect. You should be proud that you were part of it!" Anastasia enthused I could honestly say that if I never got DDT'd again it wouldn't be too soon. But Ana was so exhilarated by the move; I didn't have the heart to ruin her moment. "I bet it was great! But maybe I would appreciate it better as a spectator?" "Ha! You always manage to make me laugh; you are very funny little man. You also make me cum like a woman who hasn't had sex for years. You really are the perfect sex toy!!!" She took her arms from around me and I collapsed onto the floor face up. I watched as Anastasia Walked over to Shana and slapped her hand for a tag. They had to be kidding!!! There was no way I could survive another encounter, I would end up hospitalized for life. I waved my hand in the air as Shana approached "Have a word Shan! I'm as weak as a new born kitten, it's all I can do just to stay conscious and now you want to grapple again? You must be having a laugh" "But Sean honey, we need to finish your session. I'd feel guilty if I hadn't tried to fulfill your fantasy" she reasoned "My only fantasy at the moment involves a panacea and two weeks bed rest!" I quipped "Don't worry sugar; we're nearly done for the day. All you have to do is pin me in a floor wrestle. I'll even give you a chance as you've been so good to Ana and me". She knelt down in front of me and lifted me up to my feet so we were facing each other. I was eyeball to nipple with her humungous breasts, which she expanded to there full glorious enormity as she inhaled deeply. She leaned forward slightly, brushing my face with the silken skin of her heavenly breasts. She kept leaning forward burying my face in her cleavage, bending me backwards under the weight. Next thing I knew I was falling onto my back buried beneath her gigantic fun bags. "You'll need to do a little better than that shorty! You've been defeated by a pair of breasts!! She teased I tried to move, but her huge body was far too heavy to shift. I would have to use my head to get out of this. Strength was hopeless in this situation but a tongue on the nipple, well that had possibilities. Her Plum sized nipple was directly in front of my face, now all I had to do was get her to lift just enough for me to move my lips onto it. I licked the part of her breast that was over my mouth and got a low moan from her for my effort. So far so good, now if she would just shift a little. I ran the tip of my tongue lightly along her flesh breathing hotly as I did so. Shan whimpered as she squashed my face beneath her tit, but at least she had moved and now her nipple was resting on my lips. I opened my mouth and coiled my tongue around her swollen nipple; I closed my mouth and sucked her nipple inside. She groaned with pleasure and slipped her hand under my head pulling me up harder against her tit. This released my right hand which I brought up onto the side of her breast and began tracing small circles with my finger tips. She shivered with pleasure and began crushing my head harder against her sweet smelling skin. I Placed my whole hand on the side of her tit and began pushing, lifting it up and to the side. Shan was so far gone she began moving as I pushed, till eventually she rolled onto her back with me firmly clasped to her breast. I quickly grabbed her other nipple in my left hand and began caressing and pulling on the erect flesh. She began moving underneath me, her other hand covering my entire butt and rubbed me around on her stomach. She was soft and big it was absolute heaven. My cock swelled to its full size and I felt the tightening in my stomach as I headed towards an orgasm. I had to hold back as I wanted to get my cock in between those glorious tits! I reached my hands up onto Shana's shoulders and sucked on her nipple with all my might. She arched her back, almost throwing me off over her head and cried out in pleasure as she ejaculated once more. "Umm, Ooh, Eee" I said with a mouthful of nipple "What was that Sean?" Anastasia asked "Umm, Ooh, Eee" I mumbled "Sorry Sean, I can't understand you with your mouth full" I held on tight as Shan continued bucking beneath me in the full throws of her orgasm. I released her nipple from my mouth and blurted out "One, Two, and three!! That's a pin!!!" "Wh....a..t!" Shan shouted "He got you Shana, fair and square! Admittedly he used his sexual abilities, but that's using initiative not cheating, he won!!" Anastasia laughed "You sneaky little bastard, making me cum while you pinned me. I should paddle your ass boy!" Shana threatened "You said all I had to do was pin you! You never said how, anyway it wasn't exactly fair you power bombing my poor little body, so I'd say we're even" I said hopefully "It's not my fault that I'm so much stronger than you, but I'll let you off cos you make me so fucking horny" she answered "So what now? Is that it?" I asked "No, I think you deserve a little treat for tricking me so well" Shana sat up and grabbed me by the hips. She dragged me up her body as she lay back down, until I sat straddling her huge midriff. She placed her hands on the sides of her tits and began moving her stomach to create a rippling effect. I felt myself moving higher up her body as her waves pushed against my ass. She smiled at me as my cock moved into the canyon between her glistening tits and I watched in fascination as my swollen cock simply disappeared in her cleavage. She kept up the stomach movements and gently pressed her tits together, smothering my cock deep in her valley of breast flesh. "Now it's time to show you what I can do" she purred and began flexing her stomach muscles faster, pumping my cock in between her huge tits. This was one of my ultimate fantasies and this woman was more than I had ever dreamed of. She took me to the brink of ejaculation then slowed to hold me back. She looked me in the eyes as she slowly began flexing and squeezing my cock with her massive mammaries. She watched as my eyes went distant; my cock exploding gallons of hot cum onto the walls of its tit prison. She milked my cock in that heavenly place till there wasn't a drop of cum left in my sack. She grabbed my hips again and lifted me up until my deflated cock was over her mouth, then lowered it onto the waiting tongue. She curled her tongue around the length of my shaft and dragged it into her huge mouth. She sucked on my limp cock, pulling at the root with the force of her suction. I though she would suck it clean off!! However, my cock did respond and within a minute of her ministrations I was rock hard again. I couldn't believe it. She had drained my balls to empty, given me the orgasm to end all orgasms, and now she had me hard again within minutes. She lifted me up out of her mouth, holding me above her body and looked up at me, her big smiling face a picture of beauty "How come I try to pleasure you and I still end up Cumming again? Honey, you got me hotter than a furnace. Every time I do something with you I end up having an orgasm and every one is fucking brilliant. How the hell do you do it?" Shana asked "How the hell should I know? All I can say is that I've just had the ultimate orgasm from your A1 tit fuck. You sure now how to use them big beauties" I beamed "No point in having them if you don't know how to use them" she laughed "Let's see if I can equal that experience" Anastasia said as she lifted me out of Shana's Grip. She held me against her beautifully massive body. I could feel her muscles, softly moving under her perfect skin. She started kissing my neck with her luscious mouth, gently blowing in my ear as she brushed against it. The ear blowing always got me horny as hell and in this situation it was better than ever. "You're so easy, Sean baby. I haven't even started and you're almost exploding. What are you going to be like when we really get to grips?" "Who cares, just do your thing you gorgeous Amazon!!!" "You say the nicest things lover and now you're going to get it good and proper!!!" She lay down on the floor with me on top of her. She slid me down her body and slipped my throbbing cock into her hot snatch. She lowered my head onto her tits and snaked her legs up around my ass crushing me into her pussy. The final act in my fantasy!!!!!!!!! This was it. Anastasia moaned in pleasure as she moved me in and out of her hungry pussy. "Oh, Sean, you are just magnificent. I could hold you like this forever" She gasped. I was up to my neck in tits so I decided not to bother trying to talk and concentrated on giving her breasts the attention they deserved. She rewarded me with a phythonesc squeeze of her magnificent thighs. I shot my load so hard I was convinced it would blow straight up out of her mouth!!! She kept up the pressure and mashed my face into her tits until she sent her own wave of hot cum back at me. Our mutual orgasm seemed to go on and on until we both passed out in shear ecstasy. I awoke in Shan's arms, cradled against her chest, as she carried me back to the changing room. "Ana will pop in after she recovers. Nobody has ever done that to her before!! You really know how to make a girl feel good, in fact, you know how to leave a girl totally fucked and that's impressive considering your size!!" she said "Didn't your mother tell you size ain't everything, it's what you do with it that counts!!" I replied "And you sure know what to do with yours, you stud!!" she laughed again She placed me down on the floor and bent down to my height. She grabbed the sides of my head and gave me a wonderfully passionate kiss. "Hope to see you real soon honey. Don't be a stranger, or I might have to come looking for you. Shouldn't be too hard to find you with your notoriety and if I have to come looking for you then you know what to expect. You know I don't like bad manners" "Just give me a couple of years to recover. I feel like I've been in a train wreck!" Anastasia walked in with a far away look in her eyes and a huge smile. She just walked over to me lifted me up and squashed me against her beautiful body. She held me like that for several minutes nuzzling against my neck and stroking my back. She kissed me with unusual urgency then lowered me down until my head was wedged in her cleavage, with just my face poking out. She walked over to the changing room wall and removed her arms from around me. She held me up against the wall with just her tremendous breasts. "I just wanted to make sure you don't forget me in a hurry!!" she said and crushed me harder against her body. My head slid smoothly into the warmth of her cleavage, buried once more in her tits. She shook her tits, shaking my body from side to side. She then cupped my ass in her hand and walked back over to Shana. "Better give him one last hug before he goes" Shana said "How about a special hug?" Anastasia asked "You mean a double?" "Yeah, I think he'd like that" Anastasia said. She lowered me to the floor and turned me around so my right hand side was resting against her. Shana closed in on my left hand side and gently caressed my arm with her huge hand. They both took hold of one of my wrists and lifted my arms up. They slowly squatted down, sliding their amazing bodies down my body as they went. They stopped as my armpits were resting on the top of their humungous breasts. They let go of my wrists and slipped their arms around each other in a gentle hug. My upper body was encased by their tits as they lovingly cuddled me. I felt myself lifted off the floor as Anastasia and Shana stood up together. I watched as they placed their hands on their hips and i smiled in amazement as they supported my body with just their breasts!! "Bet you've never had your whole upper body tit fucked before!" Shan chuckled, causing my body to vibrate as she did so "You look so cute, like a little Joey poking out of its mothers pouch!" Anastasia laughed "Ain't no little Joey ever felt as good as I do at the moment!!" I replied "This gets even better little man, just wait and see" Anastasia promised Shana brought her arms back up and turned my head towards her so she could give me another of her incredible kisses. Anastasia nuzzled the back of my neck and stroked my shoulders while Shan played tongue hockey with me. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my cock, slowly sliding up and down the length of my throbbing shaft. My butt was now resting on what felt like two huge, warm, fleshy pillows. "We thought you might like a four way hug and besides, we didn't want to miss out on all the fun!!" I heard Sondra say, her voice oozing with sex. "With a sexy ass like yours and my aching breasts I think they make a perfect couple" Heidi giggled as she rubbed her perfect tits all over my ass Sondra slipped her lips over my cock and slowly took my full length into her hot mouth. She lifted her tits up and trapped my aching balls between them. "Is the sacrifice ready?" Tara's voice boomed out "Say what!!!!!!!" I spluttered "Yes mistress" the four women answered "Then offer him up to your goddess!!" she ordered "Hang on a fuckin minute! What the frig is going on!" I shouted, scared out of my pants (well I would have been had I got any on!) "Don't worry Sean" Anastasia whispered "This is a fertility sacrificial offering, one where we all offer our orgasm to Tara" "So no removal of internal organs or draining of blood type thing?" I asked worriedly "Not today" she breathed into my ear "the only body fluids to be drained will be you're cum!" The four women began their assault on my sexually charged body. Sondra led the attack on my cock, sucking it like her favorite lollipop, crushing my balls deliciously in her cleavage; Heidi bounced my ass up and down on her silken smooth tits, rubbing her hard, swollen nipples against my skin; Anastasia and Shana took it turns raping my mouth, whilst squeezing my body erotically between their gravity defying breasts. The four amazons pumped my body in perfect unison, until with a deafening roar we all came at the same time. I lost myself in the overwhelming feeling of ecstasy, as the women pounded my body in their throws of orgasmic pleasure. I came so much I must have had reserves of sperm in my legs!!!!! We all collapsed, in a pile of writhing bodies, onto the changing room floor. I was lying on top of Heidi's fantastic body, surrounded on either side by Anastasia and Shana. I was crushed under Sondra's glorious weight, as she dragged my still hard cock into her dripping pussy. She smothered my head in her breasts and crushed my cock with the inner muscles of her snatch. As if this wasn't enough, Heidi began banging against my ass from underneath, thrusting me impossibly further into Sondra's cunt. I couldn't believe it as I shot my load again, the feeling shooting from my head to my toes. The girls all came as they rubbed against whatever part of me they could get hold of, until finally we all just lay still, completely and utterly exhausted!!! "I...a..m.....comple....tly...satis...fied...wit...with...your......offer...of fer...oooooooo" Tara's voice trailed off into a moan of pleasure as she went into the throws of another orgasm. "I take it....she's not...really a computer" I wheezed "No, our mistress is really a goddess. You are the first male she has ever revealed herself to; she must think you are really special!" Sondra said "I'm honored" "So are we all" Tara replied "To have experienced such a wonderful feeling! You have made us all very, very happy" "Thank you your goddess ness" I said " What is the correct way to address you?" "You can call me Tara, but only because you are so deliciously sexy" "What happens now?" I asked "You can go home for now. I can bring you back anytime I want, so don't be making any long term plans or start looking at other women. You've already had a taste of what sort of punishment we can dish out and I don't think you would like anymore?" she laughed "My own goddess and priestesses, all for me?" "You might find that it is actually our own little Rock star, all for us!!!!!!!" ...... To be continued