Amanda vs. Tasha II  By Wrestlingstuff2003 Amanda gets a rematch against Tasha.    This is part 60 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda".  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story.   The commissioner is out of town this week on a business meeting, even though he had set up a full night of wrestling matches.  Sandra was in his office asking to take on Amanda, to get revenge since she just lost to Amanda.  The commissioner stated that he already set up a match between Amanda and Tasha.  Tasha is the #1 contender for the title right now and he felt that Amanda deserved to get a chance to be the #1 contender.  He gave Sandra strict orders not to interfere in this match.  The match he set up for Amanda and Tasha is a one fall match.  But that fall must be a 20 second, out of the ring count out.  Otherwise there are no other rules.  This will be the main event for the evening and the crowd is eagerly anticipating the match.   The first wrestler to appear on the ramp is Tasha.  She is a bit smaller than Amanda (5'6' and 120 lb) but she really worked over Amanda the last time these two faced in a cage match.  She has auburn hair (in pigtails for the match) and she is wearing a baby blue bikini with thong bottoms.  She also has on matching anklets and a choker.  She looks very good as she waves to the cheering crowd on the way to the ring.  Amanda appears on the ramp now.  She has on her red high-heeled boots, white cutoff t-shirt and blue string bikini panties.  The crowd cheers wildly for her as she makes her way to the ring.  Amanda enters the ring and the ring bell is rung...   The girls head toward each other.  They lock up in a test of strength.  Amanda starts winning the battle and is pushing Tasha toward the nearest turnbuckle.  As Tasha's back hits the corner, she quickly breaks off the test of strength.  Before Amanda can react, she places her arms across the ropes and then brings both legs up and forward, sending a double kick into Amanda's mid section.  Amanda flies backwards, landing hard on the mat.  Tasha rushes over to her fallen opponent and grabs her long brown hair.  She forces Amanda to her feet and then throws her off the ropes.  Amanda bounces off and heads back toward a waiting Tasha.  Tasha pulls her fist back and drives it forward, burying it deep into Amanda's belly.  Amanda drops to her knees and clutches her mid section.  Tasha then sends her knee into the side of Amanda's head, knocking the beauty to the mat...   As Amanda holds her head, Tasha raises her foot and stomps down on Amanda's gut.  Amanda lets out a loud moan and Tasha quickly repeats the move.  Amanda starts to roll over and Tasha stomps down on Amanda's side, which causes Amanda to grunt in pain.  Tasha then grabs Amanda by the hair and forces her to her knees.  Tasha kneels down behind her and reaches her arms around Amanda's mid section.  She clamps her hands together and then pulls back, squeezing Amanda's slender mid section.  Amanda lowers her hands and tries to pry Tasha's hands apart.  Tasha squeezes harder and Amanda lets out a groan as she continues to work on freeing her midsection.  Tasha is squeezing with everything she has, trying to weaken her bigger opponent.  Amanda seems to be getting a little weaker.  Finally Amanda is able to force Tasha's hands apart and free her mid section.  Amanda takes a deep breath, trying to get some air back in her lungs...   Tasha rolls onto her back and then sends both of her feet into Amanda's back, knocking the brunette face first to the mat.  Tasha then moves over to Amanda's right leg.  She starts unzipping Amanda's right boot.  She unzips it and pulls it off.  She throws it aside and then stands up while holding Amanda's leg.  She then puts Amanda in an ankle lock.  Tasha starts to twist Amanda's ankle and Amanda cries out in pain.  Tasha then raises Amanda leg off the mat and slams her knee back down.  Amanda howls in pain.  Tasha continues with the hold and Amanda is in pain.  Tasha lifts Amanda's leg up and smashes her knee down on the mat again, increasing Amanda's pain.  Tasha is really working Amanda over.  Amanda is trying to escape the hold but is unable to.  Tasha keeps up the pressure for a little longer and then finally releases the hold.  Amanda brings her leg closer to her body as she reaches down to hold her ankle as she winces in pain...   Tasha does not allow her much recovery time and she reaches for a handful of Amanda's long hair.  She yanks on it, forcing Amanda to her feet.  Amanda cannot put much weight on her foot.  Amanda is basically standing on her one leg.  Tasha pushes her back into the corner.  Amanda's arms flop over the ropes as she hit the turnbuckle.  As she tries to get her footing, Tasha moves in and sends a hard sidekick into Amanda's belly.  Amanda moans in pain.  Tasha sends a few more kicks into Amanda's belly, knocking the wind right out of Amanda.  Amanda is having a difficult time standing since her ankle is hurt and since she has one high-heeled boot on and the other is off.  Tasha moves in and drives a punch into Amanda's mid section...    Amanda is moaning in pain.  Tasha drives a few more hard punches into Amanda's belly.  Amanda's head droops forward as she groans.  Then Tasha climbs up on to the middle rope.  She grabs a hold of Amanda's hair and yanks her head back.  She then raises her fist and holds it up for the crowd to see.  She then drives it down into Amanda's head and the crowd chants "one".  Tasha has the crowd on her side.  She smiles and continues to send punches into Amanda's head as the crowd keeps up the!  Tasha jumps off the rope and Amanda stays slumped in the corner.  Tasha then pulls her leg back and drives her knee into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda's head flies back as she lets out a shriek.  Tasha sends her knee into Amanda's crotch again.  Tasha then grabs Amanda by the hair and pulls her out of the corner...   Tasha leads her to the center of the ring and puts her in a front face lock.  Oh, no...She has Amanda set up for a DDT!  She then falls to the mat, driving Amanda's head into the mat.  She didn't do that one full force but it was still very effective...Amanda is lying motionless on the mat.  Tasha stands up and parades around the ring, listening to the cheering crowd.  She goes back to Amanda and grabs her left leg.  She moves her hand up to the top of the boot and starts to unzip it.  She then pulls the boot off and throws it aside.  Tasha now grabs Amanda's bare leg and drags her to the edge of the ring.  She kicks her weak opponent out of the ring.  Amanda lands hard on the arena floor.  We hear a soft groan from Amanda.  It appears she might be conscious now but is definitely very groggy.  Tasha could go for a count out right now.  Instead, Tasha slides out of the ring under the bottom rope.  It looks like she wants to inflict some more pain on Amanda...   Amanda is lying on her back and Tasha stands above her.  Amanda is in a daze and is just lying on the floor barely moving.  Tasha moves between her spread legs and raises her knee and drops it down right on Amanda's crotch.  Amanda cries out in agony and immediately buries her hands between her legs.  Tasha turns toward the crowd and sees her boyfriend walking toward her.  He smiles and hands her something.  As Amanda rolls on the fool in pain, Tasha holds up her new weapon...a stun gun!  The crowd roars in approval.  Tasha turns back toward Amanda.  She turns the stun gun on and then bends down and places the gun on Amanda's back.  Amanda convulses in pain and her body is paralyzed.  Tasha smiles and she reaches down and pulls off Amanda's t-shirt.  She unhooks her bra and removes that as well.  Amanda is unable to control her body and Tasha is taking advantage of her.  The crowd is cheering Tasha's actions and she continues the humiliation of Amanda by grabbing her silk panties and pulling them off.  Amanda is completely naked and the crowd cheers...   Tasha now kneels down next to Amanda, with her boyfriend looking over her shoulder.  Tasha takes the stun gun and holds it against Amanda's left breast.  Amanda's body twitches and she winces in pain, unable to defend herself.  As Tasha moves the stun gun away, we see a burn mark on Amanda's breast.  Tasha brings the stun gun to Amanda's right breast and repeats the move, leaving a burn mark on that breast as well.  Then Tasha lowers the stun gun...toward Amanda's pelvic area!  Oh no, she wouldn't do that would she???  Amanda's eyes are closed as she is still wincing in pain, unaware of what Tasha is about to do.  Tasha holds the stun gun against Amanda's trimmed bush and her body shakes.  Tasha then turns off the stun gun and hands it back to her boyfriend.  Tasha grabs Amanda's head and lifts it up.  She slaps her across the face and then stands up.  She gives her boyfriend a quick kiss and then slides back into the ring.  She signals to the official to begin the count...   The ref starts...1...2...3...Amanda is totally paralyzed and it looks like Tasha will get an easy victory.  The ref continues...9...10...11...there is still no movement from Amanda.  The burns from the stun gun must be really painful as she continues to wince in pain.  The ref finishes the count...19...20.  The ring bell is rung and Tasha is the winner.  The crowd cheers their approval.  Tasha's boyfriend bends down and scoops Amanda's naked body up in his arms.  He places her on the edge of the ring.  Then he slides in the ring as Tasha pulls Amanda toward the center of the ring.  What are they doing?  The match is over but it looks like they intend on inflicting some more pain on Amanda...   Tasha's boyfriend brings Amanda to her feet.  He grabs her arms and holds them behind her back and Tasha starts to send punches into Amanda's breasts.  Amanda is crying out in pain.  Her breasts are very sore from the stun gun and these punches are even more painful.  After a good 7-8 punches into each breast, Tasha takes her knee and drives it between Amanda's legs.  Amanda cries out in total agony.  Her groin is very sensitive after Tasha's use of the stun gun.  Tasha says, "Not so tough are you honey."  Tasha drives her knee into Amanda's crotch again.  Amanda is beside herself in pain and her legs are very wobbly.  Tasha drives her knee into Amanda's crotch again.  Amanda's groin must be just throbbing now.  Her legs give out, forcing Tasha's boyfriend to hold up all of Amanda's weight.  Tasha drives her knee into Amanda's crotch as hard as she can.  Amanda lets out her loudest scream yet...   Amanda's head is drooped forward.  Tasha's boyfriend holds both of Amanda's arms in his right arm, and then reaches up for Amanda's long hair with his left hand.  He forces Amanda's head up and Tasha delivers a vicious right hook to Amanda's face.  I cannot believe what is happening.  Someone needs to stop this.  Tasha drives another punch right into Amanda's nose.  Amanda's eyes are glazed over and blood has begun to trickle out of her nose.  Tasha says, "After I am done with you, there won't be much left of your pretty little face."  Tasha sends another punch into Amanda's nose.  Blood flows more freely now and she might have broken Amanda's nose.  Tasha sends another punch into Amanda's face, hitting her jaw.  Tasha's boyfriend allows Amanda to drop to hr knees.  He drops down to one knee and pulls Amanda across his knee.  Tasha then raises her hand and smacks it down on Amanda's bare ass.  Tasha continues to spank Amanda as she says, "You weak little bitch.  Let this serve as a lesson for you.  There is no way you will ever beat me.  Ha ha!"   Finally, Tasha stops.  Her boyfriend shoves Amanda to the mat.  She just lies there, unmoving.  Tasha gives her boyfriend a big hug and they leave Amanda naked and unconscious in the ring as they head toward the locker room.     The end.      Please send any comments or suggestions to: