Amanda vs. Kristen By Wrestlingstuff2003  Amanda defends her wrestling title against her former roommate.    This is part 57 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda".  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story.   Tonight's match will be a title match.  It will be Amanda vs. Kristen.  This match will be a dog collar match.  Each wrestler will have a collar around their neck.  The collars will be linked together with an eight foot chain.  The only way to win the match is to pin your opponent for 5 seconds or force your opponent to submit.  There are no other rules.  The arena is packed, anxiously awaiting this title match.   Amanda is the first to head toward the ring.  She comes down the ramp wearing her cut-off white t-shirt and blue string bikini panties.  She has her title belt around her waist.  She is without her sexy red high-heeled boots.  They were stolen from her during her last match by a masked woman, and she has not found out who took them yet.  Amanda places the title belt on our table and then enters the ring.  Kristen now starts down the ramp.  She has on a blue tank top, gray panties and white high-heeled boots.  She waves to the crowd as she enters the ring.  The ref places the collars around each of the girl^Òs necks and then signals for the bell...   Each of the girls quickly grab the chain and begin to pull.  Each girl is trying to pull the other toward them.  Amanda is stronger than Kristen and starts winning the tug-o-war.  As Kristen is pulled toward Amanda, she releases the chain and throws her body into Amanda, driving her shoulder into Amanda's gut.  Both girls tumble on the mat.  Kristen ends up on top.  She raises her fist and sends a hard jab down into Amanda's blue panties.  Amanda cries out in pain.  Kristen stands up and reaches down and grabs a handful of Amanda's long hair.  She pulls Amanda up on her knees.  Kristen then lies down behind Amanda.  She places her boots on Amanda's back and then yanks back on the chain.  Amanda gasps as her air supply is cut off.  Kristen's boots are also digging into Amanda's back.  Kristen keeps up the choke as Amanda^Òs back bends farther back.  Amanda is trying to use her hands to free herself but she cannot reach Kristen's boots.  Amanda is in trouble now...   Amanda is struggling to breathe.  Kristen is really enjoying this hold and doesn't have to exert much force, besides pulling back on the chain.  Finally Kristen releases the chain and Amanda falls to the mat sucking in air.  Kristen goes over to Amanda and she pushes Amanda onto her side.  She grabs Amanda's sexy leg and lifts it up.  Kristen grabs the slack of the chain and whips it against Amanda's groin.  Amanda lets out a soft whimper.  Kristen drops Amanda's leg and then lowers herself so that she is straddling Amanda's upper body facing her legs.  The chain is right between Amanda's legs and Kristen grabs it on both sides.  She pulls it tight against Amanda^Òs crotch.  Then, Kristen starts to pull it back and forth, raking it across Amanda's crotch.  Amanda screams in pain.  She tries to stop the attack but Kristen's body is blocking her access.  Kristen pulls the chain faster.  The only protection Amanda has is the thin material of her silk panties...   Amanda is in pain.  She reaches her hands out and sends a few punches into Kristen's lower back.  That does not stop the blond though.  Kristen keeps up this torture.  Amanda is desperate to stop the attack and she reaches her hands under Kristen's tank top and rakes her nails down Kristen's lower back.  Kristen cries out in pain and releases the chain.  She gets off of Amanda as she winces in pain.  Amanda buries her hands deep between her legs.  Kristen really did some damage to Amanda's crotch.  Amanda rolls over onto her stomach as she continues to hold her sore crotch and moans in pain.  Kristen now grabs the slack of the chain and folds part of it in half.  She kneels down next to Amanda and raises the chain up.  Kristen says, "Let's see how you like this, bitch!"  She then brings the chain down, whipping it across Amanda's back.  Amanda lifts her head off the mat as she lets out a shallow groan...   Kristen knows Amanda's back is not very strong and is going after it now.  Kristen continues to whip the chain down across Amanda's back.  Amanda groans with each hit, unable to defend herself.  Kristen whips her a good 10 times.  Kristen then stops and stands up.  Amanda reaches her hand around to her hurt back.  Kristen grabs Amanda's long, beautiful hair and forces the brunette to her feet.   Amanda holds her back as Kristen leads her toward the nearest corner.  Kristen slams Amanda's head down on the top turnbuckle.  She then turns Amanda around and pushes her into the corner.  Amanda's arms flop over the top rope.  Kristen then sends a hard sidekick into Amanda's mid section.  Amanda moans as the air rushes out of her lungs.  Kristen drives her white high-heeled boot into Amanda's mid section over and over and over again...   Amanda's head is drooped forward.  She is very weak.  Kristen stops her attack on Amanda's belly and moves a little closer and raises her knee, driving it into Amanda's groin.  She sends her knee into Amanda's crotch 3 more times, in rapid succession.  Kristen backs away and Amanda falls face first to the mat in pain.  Kristen reaches down and grabs Amanda's t-shirt.  She rips it off of Amanda.  She then unhooks Amanda's bra.  She flips Amanda over and peels the bra off.  Amanda is left in only her blue string bikini panties now.  The crowd is cheering wildly.  Kristen twirls the bra around her head and then flings it into the crowd.  Kristen now gets down on the mostly naked Amanda and says, "I think it is time for me to end your title reign."  She looks to the ref and tells him to count.  It looks like Amanda will lose her title.  The ref counts...1...2...3...4...Amanda kicks out of the pin just before the ref reached 5...   Kristen does not look too happy with that.  She says, "If that's the way you want it, then be ready for me to break your spine."  She grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and forces her to stand up.  As Amanda stands, she launches a punch into Kristen's gut.  Kristen is stunned.  Amanda sends 3 more punches into Kristen's gut.  She then shoves Kristen back into the corner.  Amanda sends a kick into Kristen's crotch and Kristen cries out in pain.  Amanda then drives her knee into Kristen's gut.  Kristen moans.  Amanda continues to drive her knee into Kristen's gut.  The tide of this match seems to be turning to Amanda's favor now.  After sending her knee into Kristen's belly 10 times, Amanda sends a chop to the blonde's throat.  Kristen gasps and clutches her throat as she drops to her knees...   As Kristen holds her throat, Amanda sends a kick into Kristen's crotch.  Kristen lowers her hands to her groin as she groans.  Amanda then leans down and places her hands on Kristen's throat.  She applies pressure and is actually forcing Kristen's head back against the middle turnbuckle.  Kristen starts to gasp and she brings her hands up to her neck.  She tries to pry Amanda's hands away but is unable to.  Amanda keeps her hold, choking the gasping blond.  Kristen is fading and must do something quick.  Kristen lowers one hand and wraps part of the chain around her right fist.  She sends a desperate punch toward Amanda's groin.  The punch glances off Amanda's thigh before connecting with her groin.  The punch was not full force but was hard enough that Amanda releases the choke and takes a couple steps back as she holds her crotch.  Kristen sucks in air as both girls take a moment to recover.  Amanda moves in and Kristen throws another punch toward Amanda...   Amanda anticipated this punch and is able to block it.  Amanda then sends a kick into Kristen's groin and the blond shrieks in pain.  Amanda grabs the chain and pulls Kristen to her feet and out of the corner.  Amanda now takes the slack of the chain and wraps part of it around her fist.  Kristen is standing in front of her with her hands still rubbing her sore crotch.  Amanda raises her fist and drives it into Kristen's forehead.  Kristen lets out a yelp and starts to raises her hands to her head as Amanda drives another chain fist into the same spot.  This time Kristen falls to her knees and brings her hands to her ringing head.  Amanda pushes Kristen's hands away and sends another punch into Kristen's forehead.  Kristen's arms drop limply to her side.  Amanda pulls her fist back and we see a trickle of blood on Kristine's head.  Amanda drives another punch into Kristen's head.  Kristen starts to fall forward and Amanda steps aside, letting the blond drop face first to the mat...   Amanda stands above her weak opponent.  It looks like the victory is hers now.  Wait...there is a commotion in the crowd.  We look toward the entrance ramp and see the same masked woman that took Amanda^Òs boots.  She has them on and is running down the ramp with a steel chair!  Amanda doesn't see her and she rolls Kristin onto her back.  She kneels down, straddling Kristen's body as the masked woman slides into the ring.  Amanda still doesn't realize what is going on and tells the ref to make the count.  Just as the ref reaches 1, the mystery woman swings the chair and slams it into Amanda's back.  Amanda lets out a loud moan.  The mystery woman moves around to Amanda's front as Amanda stays on her knees wincing in pain.  The mystery woman pulls the chair back and then makes a big baseball style swing...sending the seat part of the chair directly into Amanda's head.  Amanda's body goes limp and she falls backwards to the mat.  The mystery woman discards the chair.  She grabs Kristen and drags her over to the unconscious Amanda.  She drapes Kristen on top of Amanda and slaps her face a few times.  As Kristen starts to come to, the mystery woman slides out of the ring and heads back up the ramp...   Kristen gets her bearings and seeing that she is on top of Amanda, tells the ref to count.  He does...1...2...3...Amanda is not moving...4...5!  The ring bell is rung and Kristen is the winner and new champion!  Since interference was not illegal, the title will change hands.  Amanda was so close to beating her former roommate and keeping the title, but it looks like the mystery woman who stole her boots in the last match, now has caused her to lose her title.  Kristen slides out of the ring and grabs the title belt as the commissioner enters the ring to check on his girlfriend.  The question that is on everyone's mind is: Who is this mystery woman?  I am sure we will find out soon...     The end.      Please send any comments or suggestions to: