The Movie Star By Big Brother Alan - A movie star finds the role he was made for at the hands of pop singer Bethany Part One You all know me. Jake Bunetta. Well, even if you don't know my name you'd recognize me. I've been in several teen angst flicks and a few comedies. Surely everyone remembers my portrayal of The Lifeguard in the movie "Spring Break- down." I had a great line - "Baby, I'd save you from drowning any day." Admittedly, it was my only line and I was chosen for the part because I have a good body but you have to start somewhere. All right - the line sucked, the movie sucked BALLS, and my career can't even boast about sucking, so little action does it get. My agent is still fishing around to find that perfect role for me. My goal is to be the next Keanu Reeves. I'm young, good looking, and can only act like myself - just like Keanu. I don't aspire to be the next Laurence Olivier. Look, anyone can do deep, insightful, complicated, varied, and emotional roles. Don't ask me to be like everyone else. Well, it's possible all my worries are behind me. I tried out for and got the role of Dick Tungsten, special agent, lady's man, and all-around good guy. The movie's working title is "Tungsten Steel - The Borealis Project." It's kind of a James Bond movie but with a twist. First, director Xavier Kracowski wants it to be sexier than a Bond movie. There will be nudity, and plenty of it. He said he really wants to push the envelope. Also, Xavier wants it to be less tongue-in-cheek and more serious with the technology and the spy stuff and he wants the villains to be more believable. Think of it as a cross between James Bond, The Bourne Identity, and Bay Watch on a nudist beach. The villain will be a sexy woman named "Sultra." And get this: She's to be played by Bethany. For those of you who don't watch your MTV, Bethany is only the hottest young pop singer to blast onto the music scene since Pink. She wants to get into acting and since she's so famous with her albums and her MTV reality show, Xavier thinks she'll be a huge draw at the box office. Part Two We had our first read-through of the script today. I met Bethany for the first time and she is sooo hot. Unfortunately, she and I didn't hit it off too well. First of all, I made the mistake of complimenting her on her "Baby One More Time" video. I could have sworn that was hers. But she also didn't seem too interested in my offer of some one-on-one rehearsals in our trailers. It occurred to me later that she might have thought I was hitting on her. Anyway, I was interested in Xavier's plans for scene twenty-seven, which is one of the first scenes to be shot even though it's close to the end of the movie. As I said, he wants this movie to be sexy. The scene calls for Sultra to subdue her archenemy, Dick Tungsten in a fight. After slugging it out for several minutes with all kinds of guns and pyrotechnics, we are reduced to fighting hand-to-hand. After another several more minutes of ripping each other's clothes and yanking each other's hair, Xavier wants us to roll around on the ground, sweaty and naked. Then, and this is where it gets interesting, he wants her to subdue me by suffocating me between her legs. She'll get me in this leg-lock around my face and I'll pass out. When I come to, Sultra still has my head between her legs and she has gotten all hot and excited. Xavier wants to see if he can do this and still get an "R" rating but he wants the scene to show me with my head buried in Bethany's pussy - I mean, Sultra's pussy - as she gets excited and reaches an orgasm. I'm sure Xavier will shoot the scene from the side or from behind Sultra but still, I'm going to have my face right there, in Bethany's pussy, as we simulate a love scene. She'll be moaning and closing her eyes and I'll take the opportunity to surreptitiously reach over to my shoe, which is lying beside me. While she's distracted, and even though I won't be able to see (what with my head being smothered between her legs) I'll open up the heel of my shoe and dial up my headquarters. They will use my now-activated shoe as a beacon and bust in, surrounding us as we lie naked on the floor. She has a great line here. She gets to say, as they handcuff her and pull her off me, "Oh, Dick. Not yet. Not so soon. I want more Tungsten." Bethany didn't seem too pleased with Xavier's artistic choices and she left angrily. But I think she'll see that Xavier knows what he's doing. Part Three We had rehearsals for scene twenty-seven today. It was in the studio and we were wearing regular clothes but it was the first time Bethany and I got to practice our entire fight scene. We've been working together for a month now and she still hasn't warmed up to me. I know she's just not used to actors so I decided to give her a break. Pop stars are probably used to all sorts of creeps and losers drooling all over them so she's got her guard up all the time. She'll come around. We did the scene and when we got to the part where she straddles my face she was very self-conscious. I said, "You don't have to be squeamish, Bethany. I'm an actor and I can endure it. Just let the scene wash over you and you'll do just fine." She just said, "Gross," but she said it with a valley girl accent, like "Ga- rose," stressing the second half of the word. Who would have thought Bethany was so inexperienced at sex? In her videos she wears all kinds of skimpy outfits and writhes sexily on her hands and knees. But I guess she's more innocent than she looks. Then she got mad because right after we did the scene she said I left a wet spot on the crotch of her jogging pants. She stormed off, ranting about not getting paid enough. But hell, I was just trying to get into the whole "unconscious" thing. It's not easy to act unconscious and I drooled a bit too much. The next day we actually shot the scene. It took us a while because we had to re-shoot several times. Xavier was getting pretty upset. You know, this movie is supposed to be rated "R" but Xavier wants to shoot full nudity - both female AND male nudity - and if he can't get the "R" rating, he'll crop out the most explicit parts. So I had to lose my clothes during the fight scene just like Bethany. The scene went well until the part where she smothers me unconscious. Her pussy was right in my face and I could smell Bethany's beautiful aroma mixed with her sweat. Well, Xavier yelled "CUT" because I got an erection. "You are supposed to be unconscious. Unconscious men do not have erections," he shouted, in his fake Russian accent. We did it over and managed to get through the part where I go unconscious. But when I woke up and we started to make love, Bethany screamed and jumped up. "If you EVER stick your tongue in me again, you DIE. Got it?" she screamed at me. Well, fuck. What was I supposed to do? I am a method actor. This was method acting. She would just have to get with the program. "Bethany, babe. If you can't do love scenes, you shouldn't have taken the role. Don't tell me Justin has never tongued you before." I was referring to her boyfriend, Justin McVane from the boy band "So Tight." She just screamed and threw her water bottle at me. We did the scene again and she ruined it again, jumping up and storming off. Xavier was pissed and the executive producer, who came in to watch, was pissed. A bunch of people went to talk to Bethany and others came to talk to me. They suggested I "pretend" a bit more and keep my tongue in my mouth. "But how the hell do you do a love scene by just sitting there?" I asked. They said that it kind of didn't matter since the camera couldn't see my tongue anyway. Bethany's orgasmic expression would tell the story and I could just as well sit there and maybe move my hands around a bit and it would look great. So we reached a compromise. I would keep my mouth closed but I would raise my left hand and fondle Bethany's breast while using my right to fiddle with my shoe. We did the scene and when we got to that part, Bethany grabbed my hand, the one fondling her breast, and dug her fingernails deeply into my flesh. It was all I could do to keep focused on the scene and I almost ruined it. But I was able to find my shoe and open up the heel to activate the beacon, despite the fact that Bethany was digging bloody tracks down my forearm. As soon as Xavier yelled, "And CUT," I bit Bethany's pussy hard. She jumped up and kicked me hard. "Bethany, look what you did to my arm," I said to her as I held my arms outstretched, partly to show off my bleeding arm and partly to ward off any more kicks coming my way. She screamed, "It's method acting, baby. I was getting into it," before storming off again. The way she said 'baby' I thought she might have been sarcastic, but at least she wasn't bleeding, the bitch. After a while, she was coaxed back to do the final bit where they dragged her off me. There was a break in the filming at this point because all of the cameras had to be changed from the soft, grainy film shot from up close during the love scene to the sharper film shot from farther away for the capture. When Bethany got into position on my face I could tell something was up even before Xavier yelled "ACTION." Bethany had put some impossibly spicy hot sauce on her pussy. It dribbled into my mouth and burned like hell. I was dying and the hot sauce was making my forehead and scalp sweat like a pig. When they pulled her off me, I looked like I had stuck my whole head in her pussy, not just my tongue. But she was in even worse shape. She must not have known the hot sauce would burn her pussy like fire. Instead of saying her lines in a sultry, sad or lustful voice, she practically screamed it. "Oh, DICK. Not YET. Not so soon. I want more TUNGSTEN." She was red all over, especially the skin of her abdomen and inner thighs, tears were streaming down her face and she grimaced her lines through gritted teeth. Xavier was so distressed at all the film we wasted, he didn't make us do it over. But I thought it improved Bethany's acting. Maybe she does know a thing or two about method acting. Part Four Really my best scene was going to be scene six. This was toward the beginning of the film. After setting up who Dick Tungsten is and how he operates, the audience finds out what kind of special agent and lady's man he is. At this point in the film, no one knows whether Sultra is the villain or just a shrewd business woman. Scene six opens with Dick in his penthouse hotel room taking a shower. The doorbell rings and he quickly puts on a bathrobe and goes to the door. When he opens it, Sultra is there along with two fabulously beautiful personal assistants. They are dressed in sexy but smart business attire - but more sexy than smart. Well, now I think about it, the short, short mini skirts and the white blouses unbuttoned half way down showing an obvious lack of bras and the five inch spiked heels probably wouldn't pass for business clothes. But the reading glasses on strings around their necks and their hair tied up to keep it off their shoulders and their briefcases made them seem business-like. I like the effect. Anyway, Sultra asks if they can come in. I'm supposed to be all suave and slick as I wear a provocative and winking look on my face and tell them, "But of course. Can I get you a drink?" Anyway, there's some talking that I haven't fully memorized yet and the scene progresses to the point where you still can't tell if Sultra is the villain or if she and Dick are going to hop into bed. She gets to the point of her visit, which is to tell me to stop nosing around her factories and business offices. She signals her assistants, who stand on either side of me as I face Sultra. The assistants pull guns and poke them in my ribs. It turns out they are really her bodyguards and have learned all kinds of lethal martial arts and bodyguard techniques. In short, they are deadly vipers, not personal assistants. "You see, Mr. Tungsten, I always get my way." In a calm and unflappable voice I say, "Sultra, if you want my body all you have to do is ask." She stands back and contemplates me with a lustful look. She nods to her assistants and one of them reaches over and unties my bathrobe and each one uses a foot to prod me to stand with my legs wider apart. Now this is where Xavier really wants to push the envelope. He says that you can sometimes get male frontal nudity into an "R" rated movie but for the first time he wants to see if he can show a woman's hand fondling a male's penis and still get the "R". And if he's lucky, he wants to show an erection in a long, drawn out shot. If it works, I'll make movie history. Anyway, back to the scene. Sultra's assistants untie my bathrobe and spread it wide, exposing me to Sultra, who looks on lustily. Her next line is, "They say you are quite the lady's man, Mr. Tungsten. But you don't look too happy to see me." At this point, Tungsten knows he's in danger and that she's not fooling around so he says nothing. Sultra gives another nod to her assistants and one of them takes my penis in her hand and starts to knead it. I'm supposed to get hard. It won't be difficult - the assistants are gorgeous and Bethany, who I think has a crush on me, will be standing right in front of me watching. Sultra's next line is "I see my intel is good Mr. Tungsten. You seem to be equipped with all the right tools for a man in your line of work. But I want to see more." She unbuttons her blouse even more, steps out of her stiletto heels, and runs her tongue across her red sultry lips provocatively. Another nod to her assistants and one starts to pump my cock. The other puts her hand on my balls as the first lifts my dick high and strokes vigorously, all while their guns are still poking my ribs. Sultra wants to see me cum and she gets excited watching it. She unzips her skirt and lets it fall to the floor. She will be wearing a sexy thong and she'll completely unbutton her blouse. The camera will do a close up of my face as I begin to feel my orgasm rising. Then it will pan to Sultra's face as she becomes hot and bothered, obviously at the point of her own orgasm. And just when the audience thinks they're going to see both of us cum simultaneously, Sultra nods one last time, the assistant with her hand on my balls lets go and the assistant jacking me raises my penis high and holds it there. In a flash Sultra lashes out and does a Tai Kwon Do kick right to my balls. I'm supposed to crumple to my knees, unable to breathe as Sultra's assistants let me fall. Sultra hops up and down on the balls of her feet like a boxer just before the bell rings. "You made a grave mistake when you came here, Mr. Tungsten. No one meddles in my business." One of her assistants puts her gun to my head but Sultra says, "No, wait. I don't want to kill him. I want to teach him a lesson. I've always wanted to beat a powerful man unconscious with my bare hands and feet." She pummels me as I lay on the ground, unable to defend myself from her kicks. She reaches down and grabs the hero's hair (that's me), lifting his nearly unconscious head up. She bunches her fist and slugs me several times, each blow making her more and more excited. "This is even better than sex, Mr. Tungsten." Sultra works herself into a sexual frenzy as she beats Dick Tungsten bloody. He falls unconsciously to the floor, his blood splattered bathrobe lying haphazardly in all directions. Sultra prods his body with her foot and rolls him to his back. She uses the same foot to spread his legs apart, his bathrobe just barely covering his penis. Dick is completely unconscious at this point and the audience will feel sad and alarmed and worried for his safety. But they'll expect Tungsten to perform an unbelievable comeback and that's where Xavier's vision is so "out there." Sultra will stand between Tungsten's spread legs and deliver kick after kick after viscious kick to his balls. Each kick will bring a squeal of orgasmic pleasure to Sultra, who says, "Yes. Oh yes. Oh YES," as she kicks him. The audience will feel horror and fear and serious concern that their hero will die and they will undoubtedly hate Sultra with passion. Scene six ends and the next scene, which we've already shot, shows the boss from my spy agency headquarters visiting me in the hospital. I'm black and blue and have my ribs wrapped in bandages. He wants me re-assigned but I convince him that only I have the ability to get back in and get the proof we need to take Sultra down. "But Dick, you're so badly beaten, you're in no shape to return. You still might even lose your testicles. She almost killed you." I put on a devil-may-care attitude and tell G (that's my boss' name) that I have a score to settle. Part Five We've finished shooting every scene in the movie except scene six. We've been practicing the choreography for a week and we've done several walk-throughs. Bethany really wants to shine, for this is also her big scene. She's been very professional at her martial arts training. Xavier has been hugely surprised and impressed with her attitude. He wanted to use real martial arts experts as stand-ins for us both but Bethany's progress and attitude have improved so much he's going to let her do it all. And there was no way I was going to let a stunt man steal my big scenes, so I've convinced Xavier to allow me to do all my shots as well. "Jake, I am so looking forward to scene six. I'm very happy that we won't have to use doubles." I still think Bethany has a thing for me but that sissy boy Justin is hanging around her too much to allow us to be alone together. Well, maybe after our big scene we can hook up. I know she wants me. She's been saying things to me like, "Jake, I can't wait to see you naked," and "Jake, I'm sooo looking forward to our big scene together." Once, she even said, "Jake, I'm going to be so jealous of the assistants," batting her beautiful eyes at me. I think maybe we can finally hook up at the wrap party afterwards. That's a common time for actors who have become close to finally succumb to their pent up desires and lust. Today is the big scene. I haven't whacked off for a week to get myself ready for it. I need to be able to get hard as soon as Heather (that's the body- guard/assistant who fondles me) touches my dick. Plus, I'll need every bit of my manhood for Bethany afterwards. She's going to scream for delight when she finally realizes what a loser she's been dating until now. The scene is shot in several segments. The shower and doorbell shots, the invitation to come in, the offer of drinks, all those go extremely well. Our discussions were easy and I only messed up my lines once. We got to the edgiest part of the entire film. The assistants had their guns in my ribs and had untied my robe. It was a little embarrassing, let me tell you. I was standing there with my dick hanging out, cameras rolling from several angles, lights bright as hell. Bethany was in front of me and I could barely keep from having an erection and the assistants hadn't even touched me yet. Then I thought, "What the hell. They can't complain about a little more wasted film this late in the movie." I decided to give Bethany a peek of what was in store for her later. I gave myself a little shake from side to side. The motion on my eager cock made it spring to a full hardness. "CUT," yelled Xavier. "Jake, put a sock on it. You don't get hard until after Sultra's lines and after the assistants touch you." We had to take five for my dick to settle down. I grabbed Bethany's water bottle, which was filled with ice cold water, and doused my dick with it. It helped a lot and I heard Bethany say to her trailer assistant, "Get me another bottle of water. And don't set it down this time." I'll bet she wanted to keep the bottle I just used for a memento, seeing as how I touched the nozzle to my dick. That horn-dog. Growwwllll. We made it through the part where my dick was supposed to stay soft but I must say, I was puffy and semi-hard the whole time. It's just as well. I don't want the world to see the real size of my limp dick. This way it'll look like I'm bigger than I really am. Then came the part where Bethany has her assistants fondle me. Bethany said her lines and I felt Heather take my cock in her hand. I instantly snapped to attention but before Bethany could get her lines out I couldn't stop myself. I shot cum all the way across and hit Bethany in the face and chest. She screamed, "You FUCKER. You god-damned mother fucker." She stormed out as Xavier yelled, "CUT," again. Bethany was probably just pissed that I hadn't saved it for her. It's okay. Once she sees that I have plenty more she'll forget all about it. We took a break. Xavier put his arm around my shoulders in a fatherly way and in his natural Texas accent said, "Look, Jake. This shoot has had it's problems and we're all tired and want it to end. But we're almost there and I want you to stop getting Bethany so worked up. Whatever it is you two have going on, put it away until after we're done." It was good advice. Bethany and I could take it to the next level after work was done. Much later, after several of the producers coaxed Bethany back, we resumed shooting. My dick was too limp, I thought. I tried to get Xavier to postpone until tomorrow but he would have none of it. "But the first part we've already shot shows me with a bigger dick. Now this part will show this shriveled thing. People will think I had a stand in." It sounded logical to me but no luck. We resumed shooting. We got to the part where Bethany nods her head and Heather picks up my dick. Nothing. Bethany said her next line and gave her nod to get Heather to begin fondling me. Heather fondled me and kneaded me and pumped me but now I was self- conscious. All these people were looking on, Bethany was there with that expectant look on her face, Heather's hand was getting tired. "CUT," yelled Xavier. "Jake, I didn't hire fluffers for this film. Go into the bathroom. Bring some magazines. Everyone else, hold your places." I went in and worked it for a while, finally managing to get some swelling. I wasn't exactly hard but they were banging on the door. I resumed my place. Everyone else was ready. Heather put her hand back on my dick. "And ACTION," yelled Xavier. Bethany said her lines, "I see my intel is good Mr. Tungsten. You seem to be equipped with all the right tools for a man in your line of work. But I want to see more." This time, when Heather started to stroke my cock I came to attention for real. I was trying to remember my method acting coach. What would he say? In my mind I heard Steed say, "Live for the moment, Jake. Let yourself believe you are really living your role. Let your natural feelings wash over you." I kind of lost myself for a moment. I didn't really notice when Bethany - I mean Sultra - dropped out of her skirt and unbuttoned her blouse. I wasn't aware of the cameras panning in close to shoot our faces as we took on that dreamy, pleasurable orgasmic look. My next recollection was when Chanel, the second assistant, let go of my balls and Heather raised my stiff penis, stopped stroking me, and held it high against my abdomen, only moments away from my second orgasm. When Chanel removed her warm hand from my balls I was aware of the cool air between my legs and my scrotum contracted pleasantly, pulling my swollen balls closer to my body. And then came the kick. Bethany must have mis-timed it but she landed her instep into my balls like a punter. All the air rushed out of me and the most unendurable pain I've ever felt shot throughout my gut. All my muscles stopped working as my brain zeroed in on the pain and forgot to keep me standing. I crumpled to the floor, the sickening sound of her foot as it crashed into my groin still fresh in my ears. I expected to hear, "CUT," but the cameras kept rolling. I heard Bethany say, "You made a grave mistake when you came here, Mr. Tungsten. No one meddles in my business." Then I sensed the gun pointed to my head as Bethany said her next line, "No, wait. I don't want to kill him. I want to teach him a lesson. I've always wanted to beat Dick Tungsten unconscious with my bare hands and feet." Strange as it seems, though I couldn't breathe or say a word and as I was turning purple from lack of air and felt the unbearable pain gripping me, I knew she had changed the line. She was supposed to say, "beat a powerful man unconscious," not "beat Dick Tungsten unconscious." I prayed Xavier would yell, "CUT," but he didn't. The cameras kept rolling. I saw Bethany's bare feet hopping lightly near my head just before she kicked me and stomped me. She even stood with her back to me and swung her heel backwards into my face. Still the cameras rolled. She squatted down, grabbed a handful of my hair and said, "This is even better than sex, Dick," as she jabbed me three times in the nose and eyes and then backhanded me across the jaw. My eyes were almost swollen shut but I saw between her spread legs as she squatted in front of my face. She was wet. Bethany was getting sexually excited by beating me unconscious. The front of her thong had a big spreading wet spot. So she has studied method acting after all. I knew it. I don't remember much else after that. I woke up in the hospital and Xavier was there. He was glad to see me awake and said that I looked awful. But he was beaming. He said he'd never, ever, in his entire career seen such brilliant acting. He said my dedication to the movie was an example that would be held up as a thing of professional beauty for decades to come. "How you continued to act after you got hurt was an inspiration to us all. And Bethany. That Bethany was beautiful. She hurt her hands and knuckles so badly she had to go to the hospital with you. But she didn't want to ruin the shot either. The both of you deserve Oscars. Brilliant." The movie went into post-production and I recovered slowly over the next weeks and months. Xavier called from time to time to let me know how it was going. He was having a hard time getting his "R" rating but he didn't want to cut out any of the scenes. He said it would all come out okay. They just needed to let the idea of male full frontal nudity with an erection sink in. He was just ahead of his time, that's all. I kept waiting to hear when the release date would be, but Xavier stopped returning my calls. His secretary reminded me I had gotten paid for my work and she said when it was released she was sure Xavier would let me know. But I never heard from him. It never made it to theatres and I healed and went on looking for more acting jobs. One day, about a year and a half later, I was in a video store. In the back room, the one with a curtain blocking it off from the rest of the store, I was shocked to see "Dick Tungsten, Man of Steel" in with the XXX movies. I was shocked. There on the cover was my face and body but I was surrounded by a bunch of naked women that I never met. I rented the movie and took it home. There were all my best shots and scenes, but the entire plot had changed. I was still a secret agent/lady's man looking to catch Sultra in her crimes, but I had a bunch of sidekicks who ended up fucking their way from clue to clue. Bethany's face had been replaced digitally. Her name appeared nowhere in the credits. Unbelievable. They had turned my movie into a porno flick. And this was the first time I saw the footage that was shot after I passed out. Just after I saw the wet spot on Bethany's crotch, she delivered a thudding blow to my temple. I crumpled like a rag doll. She spread me out with her feet and my bathrobe was perfect, covering my dick just as planned. But then Bethany reached with her toes and flicked it aside, exposing my bruised and swollen genitals. She stood over me and spit on me. A big glob of her spit landed on my face and she spit again on my dick. She was a good spitter, I must say. Her aim was perfect. Then, she stood back and kicked me again and again in my crotch. The sounds were sickening. They probably added those in post-production, but they sure sounded real. My body twitched with each kick and Bethany stuck her hands down her thong and massaged herself as she delivered her blows. Her acting was astounding. I could have sworn she actually reached an orgasm as she kicked me. She finally stopped after screaming "Yes, oh YES," several times. Her foot was bloody and I was a mess. I couldn't believe they turned my movie into a porn flick. I gave my heart and soul and one testicle to that movie and they made it into a porn flick. Cool! I'm a porn star.