SUPERPOWER By Musclebound Electra drove her sexual playmate to the heights of pleasure and endurance that Andromeda would have thought impossible a few days before. Both goddesses explored every inch of each others bodies giving and sustaining millions of orgasms for hours on end. At last the pair stopped for a break as the sun started to rise over Tumulus and to the cheers of the assembled Imperial Guards troops. "Magnificent as usual Ell, how do you feel?" enquired Princess Calliope. "I'm only getting warmed up Calli, I could fuck this whole planet" boasted a gleaming Electra as she wiped off the sexual juices from her incredible body. "You are on girlfriend! It only takes one of us to wreck this planet, how about I get the Guards division to round up the entire mortal population of this world and bring them back here for you to ravish" suggested Calliope. Electra's eyes sparkled at such a proposition. Imagine fucking to death billions of mortal men, one after another without stopping for a break. This was too good to turn down. "You have got yourself a bet, Calli, and I won't accept any money off you because the thought of destroying that many mortal creatures while enjoying myself is tingling my pussy just thinking about it" The 4th Division was at full strength and Princess Calliope ordered General Nemesis to deploy the 15 000 troops around the world to capture the entire male population of the planet. Smashing through city buildings, ripping mortals out of their aircraft and ground vehicles, smashing through the underground military bases and transport tunnels the goddess troops lifted groups of mortals, 50 000 at a time, with their telekinetic powers and transported them back when required to where the ever hungry Electra waited with a panting breath. The entire planet had been routed in a matter of minutes, the whole civilisation destroyed and now 4 1/2 billion males were herded like cattle for the slaughter. The sexual staying power of billions of mortal males was pitted in a completely one-sided contest with the sexual hunger of one goddess; the contest could have one outcome. The carnage started soon after, Electra deciding on protected sex to give the feeble creatures a chance. The special condoms allowed them to withstand the crushing power of Electra's muscles and dripping pussy juices but they were blown to nothing when she came with tremendous orgasmic explosions. Sustaining hundreds of millions of orgasms Electra was only getting warmed up and already 100 000 mortals had been drained and blown away. Prodded ever forward by the troopers the mortals were aghast of the incredible sexual power of this female. Princess Calliope cheered and clapped as her friend passed the one million mark. She felt her own loins stirring at such an incredible slaughter. Burning skins inflicted terrible pain on the creatures as the goddess's highly aroused state burned them with incredible heat. The flow of pussy juice scorched the ground, burning everything in sight as it flowed down the slope from the hillside. The flood consumed the cities one after another, the buildings melting into the hissing broth. Billions of gallons of the juice started to boil away the oceans as Electra passed the one billion mark. The juices were contained and dissipated by force field barriers on Hibernia as not to destroy their home world from their incredible destructive forces but on Tumulus they were given free reign. The other goddesses were screaming encouragement as the toll passed the third month and the 3 billion mark. With incredible endurance Electra fucked non stop taking on a male every few minutes. More than half the mortal male population had been destroyed as the climate on Tumulus changed. Trillions of tons of water vapour hung in the atmosphere as the temperature of the planet was increased by the growing volume of goddess juice. Everything in sight was being consumed in the fiery hell, vast forests were burning and all trace of civilisation was crumbling into the vast seas of pussy juice filling the oceans with its dominant presence. The pitiful handful of survivors were held under a protective shield as the temperature soared from the nominal 80ºF to over 9000ºF. The vegetation and all visible signs of life except for the goddesses were burnt up and destroyed; Tumulus was now a dead planet. As the last members of their gender perished the triumphant Electra stood proud as she pulled the last condom out of her pussy and dribbled the pathetic amount of semen into the swirling lake of her own juices which now had wrecked the entire planet. The mortal semen boiled off in a tiny cloud of vapour as Electra sneered "Their little drops of man juice were as effective against my juices as were their pathetic bodies against mine" Wading through the boiling lake the other goddess's clapped and cheered their conquering heroine. Andromeda standing alongside Lady Artmis and Lieutenant Clytemnestra was absolutely stunned at the decay of her hated world and the complete annihilation of the male sex "What power we have! Months ago I would not have believed that creatures such as us could even exist" Major Adrasteia cheered "My god, the battle of the sexes and between gods and mortals has been decisively won!!! You completely destroyed mortal male pride here today, Your Grace. Never again will they be able to even look at us with any form of hope or pride" Hugging her old friend Calliope cried "Ell do you know what this means? You have destroyed a whole civilisation just with your sexual power!! Mortal males have always prided themselves on their virility and sexual conquests. You have completely blown away that pathetic mortal myth. We are invincible at everything. We're smarter, stronger and faster and can completely out fuck them! They are only microbes compared to us" Smiling Electra purred "That was fantastic. The only things mortals are good for is feeding our sexual thirst and I could go on for years, the only thing is I've run out of toys" After Electra was well into decimating the male population of Tumulus the formally invisible and inert Imperial Guards were given the order to attack the outpost on X-45-B. Major Penthesilea led the opening attack by charging out on to the runway as she kicked the first parked space ship into a line of dozens of other ships. The 500 foot long 50 000 ton vessel tore into the packed ships smashing, buckling and skittling them in all directions. The mangled heap of scrap exploded sending shooting missiles through the base structures and doing terrible damage. The alarm hooters rang which sent thousands of soldiers racing out of the surviving buildings right into the arms of the waiting Imperial Guards Troops. The slaughter was terrible within seconds the thousands were reduced to a mere handful as devilish screams melted the surprised mortals into steaming puddles; others were mutilated by the sheer strength of the bigger females. Many were reduced to atoms when wind blasts thousands of miles per hour hit them. Penthesilea puffed at a handful of survivors doggedly firing their useless guns and turned them and all the base equipment and buildings into swirling dust. The sporadic gunshots mixed with hysterical screams echoed around the smoking rubble as the Imperial Guards wiped out the last survivors. Mighty steel doors of some ultra hard blast proof formula faced Princess Silenus and barred her entry to the underground. The goddess turned her nose up at such a pathetic barrier and moved forward buckling the steel with her firm breasts. Silenus's nipples cut into and pieced the supposedly hard steel. With a tremendous groan the steel split open as the goddess's big chest pushed apart the flimsy barrier. The steel folded like tin foil as the goddess used her arms to clear a path large enough for her to step off the landing and drop the 500 feet to the bottom of the shaft. Without fear the goddess's heavy dense body hurtled down the shaft smashing apart the cars in the shaft. Landing with a thud Princess Silenus's boots smashed the concrete and sank up to the ankles. Walking forward the goddess blew a kiss at the stout doors blasting them to fragments and sweeping the interior of the base with a fierce wind blast. The ground shook as Princess Silenus and her team cleaned out the mortal cattle from the tunnels underneath the base. Here and there a massive explosion vented itself through air shafts as the mortal technology succumbed to the goddesses. Within an hour the base and its troops were totally devastated and now showed as a grim defeated backdrop as Princess Ariadne and her staff crunched their way through the wreckage. "Very good Ladies, they have never seen the likes of us before. I want no survivors, there are to be no slaves taken. These pathetic weaklings are not good enough for us to even keep as slaves. Massacre the whole force on this planet" The battle hardened and ruthlessly able Princess Ariadne addressed her staff as they surveyed the destruction. Super hearing alerted the goddess to sound of an approaching air armada and soon enough a thousand aircraft appeared on the far horizon. The approaching mass appeared to be like a swarm of bees but faced with an invincible enemy they were as effective as pieces of fluttering paper. An evil smile appeared on the face of Princess Ariadne who ordered "Alright this one is mine" And with those words the goddess inhaled and sucked the entire fleet into her mouth. Crushing the one thousand planes into a dense ball of matter the beautiful redhead crunched it between her teeth and the mortal air strike force was no more. As the troops milled about the wreckage they were attacked by a swarm of automatic defence spheres which buzzed around the temples of the goddesses and tried to piece their brains with steel spikes. These were as effective as play dough and when Penthesilea fried their electronic circuits with telekinetic energy they plopped to the ground as lifeless lumps of metal. Marshal Toc listening to the garbled communications could not believe his much celebrated military forces were being defeated so easily and without inflicting any causalities what so ever. "What has happened to our strike force? Have they reported any kills?" The soldier at the communications reported "No further word Leader. We only received one garbled message. It sounded like the caller was screaming in fright saying that the whole force was being sucked down towards the ground" Unbelieving Toc snorted "Rubbish our brave forces would never show fear. It must be enemy propaganda" Another soldier with a horrified expression on his face reported "Leader a message has come through from Tumulus saying that an alien force of females have landed and are rounding up and exterminating the whole population. The message went dead when the caller said that the females were heating up the atmosphere of Tumulus and that he was burning to death" In a frightened panic Toc raced outside with his staff and trained his powerful scope on the home planet. Horrified he watched as flashes of light pieced the strange swirling cloud and dust cover. Mighty explosions rent the surface as his civilisation systematically crumbled under the onslaught of the gods. The planet was changing colour; the blue seas were being replaced by a white liquid flowing across everything in sight. Going back inside Toc screamed "Unleash our armoured brigades, everything you have. KILL THOSE MONSTEROUS BITCHES!!" Thousands of armoured vehicles thundered forward and were soon engulfed in the smoke of battle. Soon a panic stricken radio message was received "Leader we are firing every thing we have at them. OUR WEAPONS ARE USELESS!! Nothing can kill them. DO YOU HEAR? WE CANNOT DESTROY THEM! My tanks are melting all around me, they are turning to liquid, I can't explain it but they open their mouths, scream and my tanks just fall apart. MY GOD! One of these creatures is picking up a tank with her bare hands, SHE IS CRUSHING THE TANK WITH HER BARE HANDS! I can see them punching holes in the armour with their hands, these women are incredibly strong. MY GOD one of them is walking towards me. She has just torn a tank to pieces. WHY IS SHE STARING AT ME? NO, NO, NO, DON'T OPEN YOUR MOUTH!! HELP MY TANK IS STARTING TO MELT, ArrrrRRRGH!!......." Penthesilea had spotted the Leader's pennant fluttering from the tank and decided this was hers. Walking steadily forward the goddess was run down by another tank trying to stop her from attacking the Leader's tank. But Penthesilea's tough body severely buckled the front of the tank as it dropped on her. The blonde beauty quickly tore the big fighting vehicle into a swirling cloud of steel fragments as she moved ever forward. Standing in front of the tank the goddess was hit by numerous large calibre high explosives shells and thousands of rounds of light ammunition, all of which bounced off her invulnerable body. Letting them see her superior form Penthesilea stood there for an age before she transformed the tank into a puddle. Marshal Toc also stood for an age before opening his mouth "Where are the other tanks? Have they reported? Are they still fighting? WHAT IN THE HELL ARE THESE WOMEN? A defeated voice answers "Leader we have been beaten, scouting units say the whole force has been destroyed. Guards report that the women are on us already" Screaming with madness Toc commanded "Detonate the bombs" Above the underground bunker huge fission bombs exploded with tremendous blasts releasing deadly radiation which didn't even suntan the approaching goddesses. Just them the complex shook splattering them with fragments and dust. Seconds later the building burst apart to herald the arrival of three big, beefy and busty females who advanced over the dead bodies and the shattered remains of the headquarters. The tall redhead picked up Marshal Toc like he was some insignificant doll "I am Princess Ariadne Commander of the Imperial Guards and you mortal are my prisoner" Toc turned at the screams of his fellow mortals and witnessed two big blondes ripping the life out of them. The males were absolutely no match for these deities and soon their blood and entrails were smeared over the walls. Penthesilea's eyes rolled as she sucked the blood her fingers, while Princess Silenus was working her pussy, the brutal extermination had sent both of the blond beauty's sexual urges right through the roof. Penthesilea sent telepathic messages to her boyfriend Ajax to join her as soon as possible, the goddess was desperate for a good hard fucking. Imperial Guards units killed off the remaining mortals all over the planet leaving only Marshal Toc as the sole survivor as his sex. As with all the leaders of defeated armies Marshal Toc was to be taken back to Hibernia, stuffed and mounted in the exhibits hall of the Palace. Much to the relief of Penthesilea Ajax arrived to give some much needed assistance to his girlfriend "Hi sweetie did you miss me?" With a mixture of love and lust the blonde goddess devoured her mighty partner with her greedy eyes "Do I what! Fuck me stud" Ajax's mighty cock started to swell ripping apart his flimsy trousers which matched the tearing of his shirt as his flexed super muscles burst forth. Penthesilea's mouth always watered as such a sight of super virility. Deciding to show off a bit Ajax stiffened his mighty cock to an even larger size and walked to a knocked out tank and rammed it through the armour plate like it was tissue paper. Working his big cock Ajax came blowing the tank apart to release a tremendous volume of cum. Both gods were not gentle lovers and soon levitating above the ground as to not destroy the planet, just yet, they bit, scratched and licked each other all over in a voracious foreplay. Dripping pussy juice over her lover which then dripped onto the ground hissing and drilling its way through the surface, the blonde bombshell mounted Ajax's monstrous cock screaming with pleasure as it stretched her pussy to its maximum extent. Pounding unbelievable power both gods thumped away for over an hour when both came together. The shattering blast was contained to Penthesilea's pussy but the mixed love juices spurted out in such force that the area dissolved in a hissing fit. Requiring no time to recover Ajax's cock was ready for action immediately after he ejaculated and soon both mighty gods were at it again. Hours on end the two gods mated with incredible energy their sizzling bodily fluids reached a large city and one after another the mighty buildings cracked apart and fell with a forbidding roar into the boiling sea. The spreading lake consumed all in its path and soon vast areas of the continent were devastated by this hissing brew which took an age to cool and dissolve. Nothing except the gods could withstand its incredible heat and corrosive properties. Finally both gods stopped after hundreds of ejaculations for Ajax and millions of orgasms for Penthesilea. Ajax kissed his girlfriend goodbye and headed for Tumulus where the male gods were arriving on the planet to rebuild and revegetate it for the native female population to return. The campaign to eradicate the mortal males on X-45-B was timed to take as long as Electra took to feed her sexual hunger and now as all life had been removed from the surface of the planet the gods returned the females after the atmospheric temperature receded to normal conditions. The women were landed in company with a recently developed new species of mortal male, stronger, taller, more amenable and much more virile for the females to mate. X-45-B was a dead world and after the Imperial Guards left the planet Penthesile was ordered to destroy the planet. The close location of X-45-B was seen as a future base to stage an invasion of the now expanded outer rim of the Empire. The beautiful blond slammed down her foot in the ultimate display of goddess power shattering the world into an exploding cataclysm of dust and rock. Zeus and Achilles landed on the Tumulus to oversee the rebuilding work came down next to the little group of females. Andromeda's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw the huge and tasty specimens of male god virility. Almost unable to speak Andromeda blustered "I must be dreaming Your Royal Highness I didn't think males could grow SO BIG!! Look at the size of their muscles and that huge bulge in their trousers" Smiling Calliope whispered "Slow down girl! That's my father and boyfriend you've lusting at!" Somewhat embarrassed Andromeda moved back as Princess Calliope kissed her boyfriend and father "Hi gorgeous I missed you." Calliope got in a quick feel of Achilles growing manhood. "Tonight stud we are going to party!!!" Turning to her father "Hi Pa Pa, it is good to see you.Are you pleased with me?" Smiling Zeus ran his hand through Calliope's magnificent long hair "I'm always pleased with you, baby girl. You have handled this whole affair with great skill. Your mother and I are very happy" Achilles turned to look at Electra standing there daydreaming of her recent conquest. "Good to see you Ell. As usual you never cease to amaze me with your abilities" Smiling Electra responded "Why thank you Achilles. Those poor dead mortals had never met anyone like me before" While the happy reunion was taking place back on Hibernia the former America President was working in Princess Calliope's private garden when a blond goddess dropped out of the sky. The goddess took in the world with great joy. She dropped to her knees and closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. After a period the goddess stood up and spied the mortal. "You there mortal, where is the glorious Crown Princess?" Stunned at the goddess's sarcastic tone the human responded "Mistress the Princess is on a diplomatic mission to a recently discovered planet called Tumulus" Looking the mortal up and down the goddess with a familiar face commanded "You can tell Her Majesty that I have returned. I will find dear Calliope myself" The goddess turned and saw an old friend standing in stunned disbelief, a smile crossed her lips "Penthesilea old friend it is good to see you" The other stood for an age before she could speak "My Go.. God!! Princess Callistro. Your Royal Highness it is wonderful that you have returned. Has your banishment ended?" "Dear Penny you are the first of my race I have seen for four thousand years. FOUR THOUSAND YEARS of living in hell with only mortals for company. I am a royal Princess; can you imagine Penny living with common mortals? It was living like rats while that other royal Princess, Calliope, has been in luxury in the Royal Court. I have returned to my own people for good. But I must settle a score with Calliope before I can settle down" Trying to ease Callistro's anger Penthesilea responded "Highness, Princess Calliope has always suffered badly for what happened to you all those years ago. But she could never discuss her feelings openly for your name was banned from being spoken. We could not talk about you" Kissing and hugging Penthesilea Princess Callistro smiled "I know you tried to help me Penny even making out you changed sides to get into Troy but Calliope backed away from me when I needed her help" Later in the day back on Tumulus Electra is taking to Princess Calliope when suddenly the dark haired goddess's jaw dropped open in complete astonishment. Calliope spun around to the words "My dear Calliope, how are you? SISTER DEAR!" The End