MEGA-VOLTAGE BODYBUILDER ROBIN PARKER BIDS FOR GLOBAL  RECOGNITION By Wessex Man   LONDON,  July, 2005 ... Robin Parker, one of America's most compellingly structured female bodybuilders, is poised to become an ambassadress for her sport worldwide. The launch of her carefully thought-out website (see may just possibly elevate female bodybuilding into the wider arena of accepted sporting activities.     She's been working on the website for many months, aided by expertise supplied by Andy's Muscle Goddesses, and now seems on track to provide a provocative teach-in focused on her own stunningly ripe  physique. Her muscularity  is characterised by a pristine photogenic quality. Very few women have ever exhibited such bold veins across the delts and down the biceps.   Robin is not in the superheavy-weight league exemplified by the man-sized Renee Toney. But at 5'4" and 150 pounds contest weight she sports 16" calves and biceps and perhaps the most amazing pair of shoulders ever developed by a woman of her size. Robin's delts, ribbed, peeled and projecting, can be compared jn terms of quality with the unequalled leg muscling achieved by the marathon runner Gayle Olinekova in her exotic prime.   Robin doesn't come across a boastful person ... she narrates her career in spare terms ... but she clearly has a deeply knowing understanding of the superior musclewoman's  impact. Her biography, charting contest awards since the late 1980s, says she first picked up weights in 1985. Right now she's pumping and dieting for a Master's contest later this month.   Robin's age remains unstated and very little is known about her personal life. It seems she moved to Louisiana several years ago. She talks of her reliance on her husband Barry, but again no details of his CV appear on her pages.I