Gus Meets his Match - A mixed boxing match Life is pretty dull around here for a single girl, so I hang out on Friday nights at a wild bar just outside of town. It is there I first met Gus, who relocated from Chicago to our fine community. Gus was recently promoted to manager but this included being relocated to Dothan, Alabama. He needed the money, so he gladly took the job. He spent 60 hours at work in his first week. On Friday night, he asked a fellow employee where good entertainment could be found. There was a bar 10 miles north of town that was the busiest place around. Gus made his way up highway 431 and finally found what he thought was that bar. There was a secluded parking lot with quite a few cars. Gus parked and walked toward the building. Once inside, he found a crowded room with loud cheering. There was a boxing ring was set up on a raised platform in the middle of what looked like a large dance floor. The rest of the floor space was taken up with tables most of which were covered in empty drink glasses. Two women in bikinis were fighting it out to the roar of the crowd. Gus quickly bought a beer and joined in the audience. He was surprised how brutal the action was. Both girls were bruised, and the larger girl was bleeding from the nose and mouth. Before long, the girl was knocked out and the fight was over. The crowd quieted down and Gus was sipping his beer. He looked attractive for a man in his mid 30's, so I started talking to him. I introduced myself as Sasha and explained that Friday night was female fight night at the bar. Any woman that wanted to box would challenge an opponent. There was a $50 per round purse for the winner. So if the fight lasted 4 rounds, the winner would receive $200. Just then, the MC in charge introduced the next fighter. Her name was Hurricane Annie, who looked to be in her early 20's, 5'8" tall, and maybe 140 to 145 pounds. She paraded around the ring in her bright red bikini, looking for an opponent. The crowd got real quiet. The MC tried his best to get her an opponent. He offered to up the purse to $100 per round to the winner. Gus asked me why Annie couldn't get a fight. I told him that Annie was undefeated in over a dozen fights. No one wanted to fight her. Annie heard us talking and yelled down to Gus, "What about you, big boy?" Sasha whispered to me "She just challenged you." 'What, she wants to fight a guy?" I asked amazed at this sudden turn of events. I stand 5'11" and 185 pounds and I keep in great shape. "I turned toward Annie and yelled "Surely you don't want to fight me. I have 40 pounds on you. And you're a girl." She responded "Try me, big boy." The crowd started pushing me toward the ring. The MC said I could change in the back room. There were boxing gloves and green trunks back there for me. I looked up at him and asked, "So you will let me fight a girl?" He said he would let any two willing opponents fight in his bar. Just then I came up behind Gus. I'll work your corner if you want, I see you came alone." So just like that I was heading into the back room getting ready for the first boxing match of my life. Gus changed into the boxing shorts and was visibly shaking. I told him to calm down. "You'll be okay once the bell rings and the fight begins!" As I laced his gloves, I told Gus to take Annie seriously. "Annie beat me earlier this year and she is very strong, fast, and skilled. Keep your guard up, and pick your targets. The rounds last 2 minutes. And remember, if you win, you will be paid well for a few minutes work." Gus looked at me amazed, "What do you mean IF I win. Of course I'll win." I told him not to be overconfident. "This will be a fight you won't soon forget." It seemed the entire audience was on their feet waiting for Gus to enter the ring. When Gus and I opened the door, the crowd started chanting Annie, Annie, Annie. There were a few shouts and comments and more than a few chuckles, as we made our way to the ring. Gus climbed into the ring as I separated the ropes. Annie had left the ring to make her grand entrance. Gus was shaking as he waited for Annie to enter the ring. Annie seemed to bounce up the steps and into the ring and Gus got his first up close look at her. At 5'8" Annie was slightly shorter than Gus. She had long brown hair hanging down past her shoulders in a pony tail. Dark chilling eyes stared back at Gus as the he looked her over. She was dressed in plain black trunks with a red sport bra and short white boxing boots. The MC took up his microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen the next bout is a ten round contest between ... . in the green corner weighing in at 185lbs, making his debut here GUS!". He waved as a few of cheers and mostly with boo's and jeers from the home town crowd. The MC continued. "Gus' opponent tonight in the red corner weighing in at 145lb, with a record of twelve fights, twelve wins 10 by knockout. ANNIE "THE HURRICANE!" " A loud cheer and chant broke out from the audience. The MC slipped out of the ring. A female referee stepped into the ring and called the two fighters to the middle of the ring. Annie's eyes studied Gus as she tried was able to unnerve him as the ref went through her final instructions. "Okay fighters touch gloves and best of luck to both of you!" she said finally. Annie punched her gloves hard against Gus's then walked backward to her corner pointing at Gus then the floor. Gus didn't react but I could tell how nervous he was. Back in his corner I put Gus' mouthpiece into place. " Round one!" called the timekeeper ringing the brass bell and starting the fight. Gus had barely brought his gloves up before Annie was on him slamming a right hook into his upraised gloves and forcing him back into his own corner. A hard left hammered into Gus's gloves and then a right smacked into his upper arm as he desperately covered up his back rubbing on the corner padding. The crowd cheered loudly with every loud smack of leather. Pressed into the corner Gus dodged as best he could avoiding some blows as Annie threw another flurry of left and rights again catching his gloves and arms. Leaning forward and eager to halt the constant punching Gus threw her arms round Annie and pulled her into a clinch. Annie smacked her left ineffectually against the back of Gus's head until the referee stepped in and pulled them apart. "Break, no holding!" she yelled and then as Annie took a step back, "Box!" she stepped out of the way. Annie lunged forward again throwing a swinging left at Gus's head but he was ready this time and his own left smacked into the middle of the woman's face, jolting her head back. Quickly Gus moved out of the corner before Annie could resume her charge and slipped into the middle of the ring. Annie came after him again a little more cautious this time. Annie flicked out a left jab, which Gus blocked easily; then following in behind her left she hooked a wicked right under Gus's elbows into his ribs. Grunting Gus pitched forward keeping his gloves tight to his head as Annie let fly with another a flurry of left and rights that drove him back against the ropes. Swaying from side to side his bottom pressed against the ropes Gus desperately blocked and dodged as Annie continued to throw leather. The noise from Annie's supporters was deafening as a right uppercut finally got through Gus's guard and lifted his head up. He rocked back further on the ropes and took a straight left flush on his nose. Lashing out blindly with his left as his eyes filled suddenly with tears from the shock of his nose being hammered flat, Gus caught Annie hard in the right eye forcing her to back up a step. Lunging off the ropes Gus tried to land with another wild swing. Annie easily ducked under the blow and dug a short left into Gus's belly as they fell into a clinch. They pushed and grappled for a moment against the ropes, with the top of Annie's head rubbing and banging into Gus's cheek. "Break! Watch your head!" The referee ordered pushing between them and pointing at Annie. Gus stepped back taking a deep breath, trying to gather himself and clear his head ready for the next attack, "Box on!" Annie moved in again bobbing her head form side to side making small movements with her fists trying to tempt Gus into opening his guard. He swallowed the bait and shot out his left fist, Annie slipped inside the punch and whipped her right in hard and fast, slamming in to Gus's ribs with a loud smack. Gus gasped and winced. He seemed rooted to the spot for a moment his face a mask of pain; The woman gave him no respite, finding Gus's nose again with a short straight left that sent him stumbling back towards the ropes. A right cross just clipped the point of his chin, as he struggled to regain control of his legs, and he fell backwards onto his backside to an even more deafening cheer from the crowd. Annie punched the air in triumph as she retreated to a neutral corner. "One ... Two ... . Three ... ." the referee counted showing her fingers to Gus as he sat on the canvas. "Four ... " Gus shook his head and moved up onto one knee watching the referee's hands as she continued to count, "Five ... Six ... . Seven ... ." He rose to his feet breathing deeply as blood started to trickle from his nose and down onto his chin. "Eight!" The referee grabbed his gloves and wiped them on her shirt giving his eyes a cursory glance before stepping aside. "Box!" Still a little dazed and shocked Gus barely had time to bring his gloves back up before Annie was out of the corner. He was once again driven back to the ropes as Annie unleashed another volley of lefts and rights that smacked into his gloves and upper arms as he desperately covered up. "Ding!" the bell sounded to end the round and reluctantly Annie broke off her assault and turned to walk back to her corner. Gus leaned back on the ropes for a moment before he made his way to his corner. I was already in the ring and quickly steered Gus onto his stool then crouching down in front of him to examine the damage to his nose. "That bitch is a tiger. How can a girl fight like that!" Gus gasped as Sasha sponged the blood from his face."She's a trained fighter! She isn't going to spar with you she is going to try and knock you out as quickly as she can and claim the prize money." I sprayed Gus with water to try and liven him up. "Use your jab more she has no defense she is relying on just overwhelming you with punches. Keep your chin tucked in and above all keep moving. The moment you stand still she will clobber you again." Gus listened trying to take in the instructions. In the opposite corner Annie leaned back on the corner padding breathing hard but looking confident as her second pressed an ice pack against her right eye which had started to swell as a result of Gus's one really good punch in the opening round. Annie stood up very early clearly eager to get on with the job she had started and tapped her gloves together impatiently. "Seconds out!" called the time keeper and I pushed Gus's mouthpiece back into place as he stood up ready for the second round. "Round Two." Again Annie dashed across the ring, her hands low, expecting Gus to still be groggy and an easy target in her own corner only to be caught with a sharp left jab in the face as he side-stepped and dodged into the middle of the ring. Jabbing again as Annie came at her again Gus continued to use his feet and try and keep his distance. Annie's supporters screamed instructions from ringside urging her to close in and finish off the wimp. Pressing forward Annie took a sharp left compliments of Gus in the middle of her face but tagged Gus with a vicious left hook to the side of his head. He staggered and Annie drove in on him again. Gus brought his gloves up to cover his head and tried to move out of range but Annie moving well, bobbed in firing a left and right hard into Gus's belly and ribs. Gus gasped as the punches ripped into his body and I shut my eyes as I saw Gus doubling up from the blows. Picking her punches carefully Annie ruthlessly stalked Gus as he retreated to the ropes. A left jab found it's way straight between his gloves jolting his head back hard and starting a fresh flow of blood from his nose and another right from Annie thudded wickedly beneath Gus's elbow to sink into his body below his ribs. "UURRGH!" Gus gasped spitting out his mouthpiece as Annie's glove sank into his body. His knees buckled and he dropped onto all fours narrowly avoiding another left hook which would have taken his head off her shoulders if it had connected. Gus was wheezing loudly, trying desperately to get air in his lungs. "STAY DOWN!" I shouted, hoping Gus could hear above the cheers from Annie's followers. The referee had counted to four before Gus looked up from the floor blood flowing freely now from his nose and an agonized look on his face. "Five ... Six ... . Seven ... ." Gus grabbed the ropes dragged air into his tortured body and heaved himself back onto his feet. Even Annie's supporters applauded as he raised her gloves for the referee to wipe but Annie just looked upwards in disbelief at Gus' foolhardy bravery. The referee waved Annie forward again. Moving in Annie blocked a jab from Gus and snapped her own left into the blood smeared face of the man. Gus hurt, dazed and groggy tried to stand his ground throwing a right at Annie's head which just seemed to bounce off of her, as the women pressed in on him. Working her arms like steam pistons, Annie slammed left and rights into Gus's body forcing him against the ropes. "OOMPGHH!" Gus squealed as a right uppercut slammed painfully up into his stomach. Gus's gloves dropped away from his head as the numbing pain from the punch to his gut seared through his body. With robot like precision Annie speared her left into the middle of Gus's face spraying blood, snot and sweat over those closest to the ring. A right cross thudded into the side of his jaw almost turning his head right round and making Gus clutch at the ropes for support. Annie fired another punch into the now defenseless Gus. his gloves dropped to his side and he seemed to turn in slow motion his legs giving way and his eyes glazing over. Annie smiled at her handiwork. She drilled him with uppercuts to his abs, driving him back into his corner. I could hear him wheezing as he struggled to stay up and get badly needed air into his lungs. Annie was taking her time now, waiting a few seconds between punches. Every punch seemed to pull Gus off the ground. I wondered why she didn't connect to his face and knock him out, when I remembered the $100 per round bonus. That bitch, I thought. She's pulling him through the round. Finally, the bell sounded, ending round 2. Since Gus was already in my corner, I sat him down on the stool. I pleaded with him to give up. "Just give me a minute", he said. "If I can connect just one time, like I did the first round, she will drop." I shook my head at him. "It's your fight." The bell sounded for round 3. Gus took two short steps and tried to raise his arms. Annie charged out at him with fire in her eyes. She taunted him with her evil smile. Gus faked with his left, and slammed her temple with a blistering right hand. Clearly, she wasn't expecting this kind of fight from poor Gus. She staggered back and was dazed. Gus instinctively rushed at her and slammed fists into her exposed stomach. She lowered her guard and he slammed her with a right cross. Annie crumpled to the mat for the first time in her career. The crowd was silenced. Gus stood over her waiting for Annie to get back up. The ref, also amazed, pushes Gus away and started counting. At 6, Annie started to get up. She barely beat the 10 count. Annie spit out her mouth guard and yelled at Gus. "That's it, you bastard". Gus smiled at her and motioned her toward him. She cautiously advanced. Gus threw a wild right which Annie dodged, and she hammered him in his left side. His eyes bugged out, and he couldn't breathe. I saw fear in his eyes. He doubled over and held his aching side. Anne clocked him with an uppercut to his left eye. He staggered back and landed in her corner. Annie stalked him and pounded his sore gut again and again. He started to slump down, so she drove uppercuts to his stomach and ribs to keep him up. His arms were dead and he offered no defense. Annie took site at his head and started battering his head with a flurry of punches. She hammered a right uppercut to his jaw, which stunned him. His eyes glazed over and he was in great pain. Annie hammered another right into his jaw and then as he started to collapse. A left behind his eye drove him with a loud thump down onto the canvas. Annie jumped up on the ropes punching the air as Gus laid unmoving on the floor of the ring a slowly spreading puddle of blood oozing from his shattered nose. I didn't wait for the referee and dived into the ring to get to Gus who was clearly unconscious. The crowd cheered and shouted for Annie and started to lob money into the ring as Annie paraded round the ring going to each corner and standing up on the ropes. Gus was still on the floor as the MC climbed into the ring, his eyes were open again but he was still badly dazed and I made him stay still until I was sure he was OK. The crowd soon cheered again as I slowly helped Gus to his stool. The MC glanced across at us then announced. "Ladies and Gentleman the winner by knockout timed at one minute thirty-five seconds of the third round, Annie The Hurricane!" I tried to console Gus, as the tears were streaming down his face. I could see the determination in his eyes. He wanted a rematch against Annie. But that's another story. Send any comments to