The Instrument - Chapter Six - The Beating By Big Brother Alan A mini-novel about sexual slavery, humiliation, degradation, redemption and escape The next morning, both girls came in at the same time. They gave me a sip of water and asked how I fared. I bravely told them that I had spent worst nights. I was lying and they knew it. Kim pulled a knob on the underside of my arm supports and hinged them toward my sides. The bench was on wheels and they both began to push me through a door that separated this front part of the house from a large room that spanned the cabin from end to end. The bedrooms were upstairs and this must have been intended as a kind of combination game room, workout room, and locker room. At the far end of this long and skinny room was a shower. It wasn't in any kind of enclosure. Just a tiled section of the floor with a drain in it, and a knob and spigot coming out of the wall - very much like what you might see in a public locker room. Several steps from the shower was a small half wall no more than four feet wide. On one side of the half wall, facing the shower was a toilet. On the other side was a sink. The shower, the toilet, and the sink were all on the centerline of the room. At the other end of the room was a queen-sized bed. It was also placed on the centerline of the long skinny room. They rolled me into the room and positioned the bench at the foot of the bed. Kim walked to the side of the room and grabbed the end of a long chain attached to the wall over her head. She brought it to me and clapped the cuff on my right wrist. She then retrieved an identical chain from the other side and attached it to my left wrist. Jessica began to remove my leg chains and the chains holding me to the bench. I was able to sit up. The cuffs on my wrists were padded and soft but firmly locked. The chains attached to the walls prevented me from putting my hands together. "Stand up and move toward the shower," said Kim. I did. Then I realized the chains were attached to some industrial looking rollers that ran along a pair of four inch I-beams. The beams ran from one end of the room to the other. I could move from the shower on the one end of the room to the bed on the other end. They had worked everything out. I was never to be unchained, not even for a moment. The chains holding me were a shiny metal, probably a stainless steel. The links were small but very sturdy looking. The points of attachment were solid. When I was alone I would test their strength. Jessica began a long speech. "You'll bathe regularly. There is a liquid soap dispenser by the showerhead. After bathing, you will air dry. You will have no towels. Whenever you take a crap, you will bathe. Whenever we bring you back in here after a training session you will bathe. You are not to lie down on that bed unless you are clean and dry. You are being filmed by the cameras you see in the corners. Breaking these rules will result in punishment. If you are good, if you progress in your training, you will be fed and watered. After a while we may see fit to provide you with books, music or a television. But for now you are to work on your respect, your demeanor, your instant obedience, and the lessons and tasks we put before you. Do you understand?" "Yes, my Mistresses." "We're going to leave you for a time," said Kim. Take a shower and try to get some rest. You're probably very tired." I was indeed tired. And sore all over. I hadn't eaten anything in almost a day and my stomach was grumbling. They left and I made my way to the shower. The chains slid along their tracks quietly, almost effortlessly. I could not bring my hands together but if I moved to one side stretching out my arm, I could touch my face with my other hand. I had to do this to get around the toilet with its half wall. I started the shower and stepped into the warm water. Oh how good it felt. I drank. My teeth were dirty and my breath was foul but the water helped. I soaped up as best I could and washed the oils off my ass and from between my legs. It was hard to tell but my welts didn't seem too bad. There was no mirror but my nose and face didn't feel too out of sorts. The shower did much to refresh me. I turned off the water and just stood there, dripping. My arms were too tired to hold back the weight of the chains so I just let them stretch out to my side as far as the sagging chains would pull them. I hardly believe it but I think I fell asleep standing up. It was probably just a momentary nod-off but when I shook myself awake I had fairly well dried. Not my hair of course but at least my skin. I made my way toward the bed. I had to walk backwards to get to the bed but I didn't care. Later I would realize that I could turn around as long as I twisted my arms around myself. It didn't matter. I hit the bed and was asleep in an instant. There were no sheets, blankets or pillows. Even the windows were bare. I guess my mistresses wanted me to feel the full impact of my nakedness, my helplessness, and my entire situation. Depriving me of every shred of privacy was one way to break me I guess. But they couldn't deprive me of the privacy of my own thoughts. Later, I don't know when, Kim came in and sat on the edge of the bed. I don't know how long she was there. I just woke up and there she was. What woke me up was an erotic dream I was having. In my dream I was hiring a very beautiful Swedish prostitute with long blonde hair. She couldn't have been more than a teenager but I was excited and aroused as she led me into her chamber. I awoke to find Kim gently stroking my erect penis. "I love it when a man has a sleep erection. It's an erection for the sake of an erection and not for any stupid conquest or to scare or intimidate or impress anyone. Lie on your back." I did and Kim unfastened the bathrobe she was wearing. It slid off her shoulders. She climbed on top of me and quickly, before my erection subsided, she engulfed me. I think she must have been fingering herself as she stroked me in my sleep. She was wet and ready. She put her hands on my chest so she could pump herself up and down. She rotated her pelvis back and forth, gyrating rhythmically. I wanted to grasp her ribs on each side to help her move and to help myself move but holding the chains together took more strength than I had. All I could do was lay there, arms outstretched as Kim used my erection for her arousal and pleasure. She used me until she got tired. I don't know if she came or not. If she did, it was very unlike the orgasms of Jessica. Kim had a pleased look on her face, a most contented look. She stayed there with my semi-hard penis still inside her. I hadn't reached an orgasm and I don't know if that pleased or disappointed her. I said, "Listen, Kim..." As fast as lightening she slapped me across the face. Hard. Her fingernails may have drawn blood. "I told you my name isn't Kim. You're to call me "Mistress" at all times. Go take a shower and when you've dried, lie down on the bench. I'll be back in twenty minutes and you'd better be on that bench." She rose to go, gathering up her robe on her way out. I got out of bed. It was mid afternoon judging by the light outside. My entire exterior wall was made up of windows that reached from the floor to just below the beam securing my chains. The snow outside through the trees made me realize that it was about this time yesterday that I met my mistresses. We were having a good time skiing, I was carefree and had my liberty, which I had so taken for granted. I could easily beat the shit out of either girl - out of both girls together for that matter. I was six feet three inches tall and weighed one hundred and ninety-five pounds. I was lean and muscular. Jessica was the smaller of the two, probably five feet four and one hundred ten pounds. Kim was taller and fuller - probably five feet six and one hundred twenty-five pounds. Neither one could hold me or keep me here against my will and yet I was their captive and even worse, their sex slave in training. It made me want to rage in anger and throw myself against my bonds. But I took a quick shower. The water felt good again. God, I was hungry. When Kim returned I was sitting on the edge of the bench. "Lie down," she commanded. I stood up defiantly. She smiled a devilish smile and repeated her command. I ignored her. She walked to the side of the door and picked up what looked to be a control box. After pushing a small lever on the box, the slack in my chains began to tighten, stretching my arms out wide. The pain was unbearable. The chains, though padded on my wrists, were pulling so hard outward and upward toward their attachment points above the windows that I was almost lifted off my feet. Kim released the lever as I was standing on my toes. The pain in my shoulders was unbearable. "Mistress, would you come in here, please. We're having a little problem." Jessica entered and walked in front of me. "Male, how have you disobeyed?" I didn't know how to answer. I could barely breathe from the pain shooting through my arms. "Mistress, give the male a little slack." The chains loosened and I was able to stand squarely on my feet, my arms dangling uselessly to my sides. To my surprise, Jessica unlocked my chains. "Are you surprised?" she asked me. "You are in our power now and there's nothing you can do about it. So you may as well get used to it." I wanted to strangle her but my arms were dead useless. They hung limply at my sides, a tingling numbness coursing through them. "You know you are bigger and stronger than your mistresses. And yet you are powerless to escape. Walk past me and you can go. Go on." She was taunting me, daring me to just walk out. Surely she didn't think I was broken so easily. I made to walk out and like a cobra, she struck. With a spinning back kick she planted her foot into my groin so hard, I could hear the air sucking out of my lungs as if it was someone else I was hearing. I dropped to the floor, my arms still useless. "I've always wanted to beat the shit out of a big, powerful male. Get up." Kim was behind me lifting and tugging me to my knees. Before I even had my senses about me Jessica backhanded me across the face. She punched me in the eye and lifting my face by grabbing a handful of my hair, she kneed me full in the nose. My goddammed arms were useless. I was on the ground curling into a fetal position. I could feel blood spouting from my nose and my eye was swollen shut. I tried lamely to use my legs to keep her away from me but it was futile. She kicked me hard in the kidneys and ribs. She sat on top of me and pummeled my face and head. She kicked and stomped me for so long, so long. I passed out from her beating.