Classic Guys by SGTS Log Entry One. -Abstract and Self-Funded Research Proposal- Background: In the year 2000 the FDA approved the expanded use of Human Growth Hormone Treatment for Children who did not suffer from a Growth Hormone deficiency. Initially, this approval was only extended to those who were two standard deviations shorter than the mean. But eventually the unauthorized (or "off label") use of growth hormone treatments became popular for all families who could afford them. The original serum, known as GH-2I, gave children an average of two additional inches in height, upon reaching adulthood. Bioethicist and Scientist debated the effects, benefits, and consequences of GH-2I in the halls of academia because of its potential for abuse. Scientists were primarily concerned with the long-term effects of Growth Hormone on the physiological well-being of its patients. Bioethicists were concerned of the social consequences. Just two inches of increased height came with a $200,000 price tag over the life of the injections. GH-21 was too expensive for most families to afford, and there was some circumstantial evidence that large drug companies were colluding to sustain the drug's exorbitant prices. Meanwhile, studies were published which contended that short people often made less money over the long term than taller people. These studies (often funded in part by the same drug companies that produced GH-2I) also said that taller people were more respected in the workplace and in social relationships. In a final blow to worried parents who were raising slowly maturing boys; the studies concluded that short men were much less likely to get married or have children than tall men. The studies concluded that women feel a need to have a man whom she feels can offer her protection. One study said that ". . . a leftover evolutionary trait causes women to substantially prefer tall men over their shorter brethren to the tune of 14 to 1." With these studies came an increased demand for GH-2I, much to the chagrin of many in the academic community. Intellectuals pointed out that artificially increasing the height of children who are not hormone deficient will only raise the average height of society. In other words, the bottom of the growth curve will never be eliminated and so society should deal with the inequities that result from normal height variation; as opposed to enhancing peoples' physical stature. These thinkers also pointed out that the rich were getting taller and taller while the poor were not. They hypothesized that this would only further stigmatize the already disfavored condition of relative short stature. Democrats lobbied for legislation that would have increased taxes to fund GH-2I for all children. Republican lobbied for legislation that would lift government restrictions and "arcane" antitrust laws from large pharmaceutical companies so that the drug could be produced more cheaply and prices would fall. No one listened to the intellectual "elitists." The Republican's won the day. A "Growing" Problem: The two largest makers of GH-21, BioCorp and GrowTech, merged in 2007 to form BioTech. BioTech now controls 80% of the worlds Growth Hormone production, which allows them to produce the drug quite cheaply. However, the prices have never dropped. The drugs got more expensive as the demand increased and so BioTech was able to produce more powerful variations of the injection. In 2010, a powerful version of their leading growth hormone hit the market. This drug was known as GH-9I. With the new drug, children grew an average of nine inches over the course of the treatment at a cost of $300,000. New York Times reading, social-climbing moms as well as football watching, red meat eating NASCAR dads rushed out to buy the drug for their kids. What choice did they have? All of the other little girls and boys in kindergarten were growing so fast. No self-respecting parent in the neighborhood wanted their little Johnny, Suzy, or Jane to be the little shrimp of the class. Even the fourth grade kids who had received this modern miracle of science were picking on seventh grade kids, in some schools. Doctor's were prescribing the drug to children "off-label" at an alarming rate. The doctors' cited the studies on stature and success, as well as new studies that linked relative small stature to low self-esteem in children. New "specialty banks" sprung up for the sole purpose of loaning money to parents who wanted their kids to succeed in life. Some parents took out second and third mortgages to afford the drugs. A few parents refused to cave into the craze, but opportunists even managed to exploit those folks. Insurance companies started to indemnify children in the form of "bully insurance". After all, the news would almost daily report stories in which normal sized kids were accidentally killed by their peers who were nearly twice their size. The dramatic effects were seen over the course of a decade. It was not uncommon in large metropolitan and wealthy cities to see young people walking down the streets who towered over the masses. In Beverly Hills California, the average height of a 17 year old man and woman was 6'7" and 6'2" respectively. Meanwhile, a 32 year old man and woman were 5'11" and 5'5" respectively. This caused problems with trying to control hormonal, rebellious, and already difficult to discipline teenagers. The same cycle of events occurred when BioTech brought out their latest product, in the year 2030. GH-36I was an instant hit, when it was released. Just like the other versions, the drugs had to be taken as weekly injections and it didn't work if the patient's growth plates had closed. GH-36I practically created a new species of human in the families who could save, borrow, or otherwise afford its $500,000 price tag. Today, the typical height of an adult under the age of 26, who was raised in a household who made more than $80,000 a year, is 9'0" for males and 8'6" for females. These young adults are often colloquially referred to as "Idols" by those whose parents couldn't afford the growth hormone and the older generation who missed out. They have the same proportions as classic people (what use to be called "average height people"), but they are simply much larger. My Opinion of the Current Problem and Proposal: The infrastructure of our society has slowly been changing to accommodate our new Masters. Of course, I'm being facetious...but it does seem as if Idols are taking over the world. They've lobbied Congress to force new homes to be built under new ADA-like standards to accommodate their outsized stature. Plus, they are quickly becoming the "gold standard" in sports, entertainment, business, and everything else you can think of. People simply have a tendency to listen to a man when their eye level is even with his waist, I guess. Part of the reason why I am embarking on this project is that I am a member of the older generation who is stuck at a height that was even a bit small in the 2020's. I stand 5'7" in my shoes and now it's a hassle just to adjust to door knobs that are set at chest level, and water fountains that require a step latter to use. My first (rather unpleasant) close encounter with an Idol occurred early last year. Eight or nine feet tall may look big on paper, but words don't do it justice. Until you have had the shade of a stooping 8'9" tall giantess fall over you, while she pokes her thick finger in your chest and sprays threats onto your forehead through seething whispers as you and her "discuss" her bad test don't know intimidation. Needless to say, I changed her grade to a "B". Grown men shouldn't have to contend with such indignities. I have also noticed, over the years, that each entering freshmen class contained an increasingly greater gap between the statures of its students. A quick visual sweep across the lecture hall allowed me to know which kids came from more privilege backgrounds, and which kids had working class families. I also noticed that shorter students, shorter males especially, were shunned by the 6'5"+ crowd (GH-9I was relatively cheap) and the Idols alike. They seem to live fairly miserable lives for people so young. I fear that most of the classic height guys will be faced with the hurt and humiliation of dying a virgin. The Idol girls who are their ages are often not attracted to small guys. And the few who may be attracted to a classic guy (most of whom could run under her legs without ducking) would be laughed at if she dated such a squirt of a guy. And the few girls who are small enough for the classic guys to have a relationship with, simply don't want to. They have other options. It isn't unusual for a male Idol to be seen walking down the street, carrying his pint-sized lover on his shoulders. All sizes of women love being completely dwarfed by their men, and so classic girls go crazy for Idol guys. This leaves nothing for the classic guys. This phenomenon concerns me deeply. It's not the child's fault when the parents cannot afford the growth drugs, and so smaller guys should not be forced to suffer like they often do. Therefore, I propose that I interview and document the lives of contemporary classic men, relative to their other peers. I will post various logs, journal entries, news clippings or stories from classic male students and the tales that they tell. I hope to be able to bind these accounts in a publication to eventually convince a civil or social rights group to look at possible solutions to these problems. I suspect that the project will cost between $30K and $150K to complete and take less than two years. To Be Continued?..... O.K., here is the first entry into the project. This is a letter that was sent to our protagonist that should further expand on a major problem in this physically inequitable society. Please comment and let me know how you think its going and if you think it should turn in a different direction. Thanks...(Warnings content here) Dear Dr. Rosenblatt, I was made aware of your research project through a website linked to the University. I am 22 years old and I stand 5'10" tall at 160 pounds. I have a beautiful daughter named Stephanie, whom I have finally come to love as my own. She just turned two years old last week, and she's a really bright girl. She is a classic, like her father and my father before me. I love her at her classic toddler stature because I'm not one of those parents who worship at the feet of giants. I just couldn't dream of injecting my baby with that natural abomination of a drug after what I've been through (even if I could have afforded it). I've never done anything like this before, you see. I went back and forth in my head for weeks as to whether or not I should actually write you. Unfortunately, mine is a very painful story to tell. I simply wasn't sure if I could talk about it to others. Frankly, I don't think any of us who were there on that day, on that street, in that neighborhood, would want to remember it. But I can't forget. They say that the best place to start a story is at the beginning, and I'm not one to mess with tradition. I've never been the type to go against tradition. I was raised Catholic, and I strictly followed the teachings of our Holy Father. My parents were first generation Irish Immigrants who came to this country in the 50's with nothing but a couple hundred bucks to their name. I was the first born of five brothers, all of whom were American citizens by birth. As we got older, we boys tried to do what we were told because it was clear that our family was an underdog of society. My folks had it bad enough, trying to make a way while being poor and all, but they also had to do so by working for people who were twice and sometimes three times their size. They didn't need us boys causing trouble and adding to their worrying. Our mother cleaned the kitchens of giants all day long. Some weeks, it seemed as if she spent more time cleaning up after their children than she saw of us. She'd come home at around 10 pm every night, completely exhausted. Sometimes, she would come home with bruises on her arm from where Idol kids had been too rough with her in their playing. One night, she came home very, very late; shaking and wet, like she had walked home in the freezing rain. Normally, someone would give her a ride home because we lived more than eight miles from the Idol community where she worked. I was the only one of us still awake, at three O'clock in the morning, besides my pop when she came through the door that night. I noticed something wasn't right, immediately. Her clothing was slightly torn in places and she appeared to have a dead look in her eyes. She quietly walked around my brothers' sleeping bodies on the floor and went into the bedroom, where my pops was watching television. She left a faint trail of blood on the carpet as she walked across the one two-room interior, from the front door to the bedroom door. She slowly closed and locked the door behind her, which I remember because they always kept the door open. If you were to go back to our old home today and looked carefully, you would probably still see my mother's dried blood trail on the carpet. My father demanded that no one clean it up. Shortly after my mom closed and locked that door, all of us were awaken by terrible screaming coming from the room. There was dreadful weeping. This was a hysterical and guttural weeping that sounded like someone was going to give up the ghost. Then came what sounded like a breathless scream. Followed by more choked crying. I was especially disturbed because we grew up and lived in a loving household. I don't remember ever hearing mother cry. Mother was a stern woman who never even batted an eye at hardship. That's when it hit me. That's when I really stopped hearing, and started listening. Mother wasn't the one who was crying. Then came the yelling and the profanity, and more crying. At the time, I didn't understand what was going on, or what would make pop cry so terribly. I tried to forget about it after that night. Other than the fact that we had one less chore to do (cleaning the carpets) our family went on normally the next morning, like nothing even happened the night before. Pop died in the year 2060. God Bless his soul. That man worked his fingers to the bone. Everyday he would bust his ass, assembling custom made furniture for Idol sized people. He mostly worked on chairs and tables, but the effort it took to make oversized stools everyday, seven days a week, became too much for the old man. The doctor told the family that he died of cardiac arrest. But at his funeral, I discovered that he really died of a broken heart. Mother finally revealed the circumstances that led up to pop's rage on that cold and rainy December night when I was just a boy. She said that it was around eight O'clock, and the Yarbrough's had promised that my mother could leave early because she had Christmas shopping to do. The Yarbrough's were a family of Idols that got their money from an internet business, dealing with the shipping industry, I think. Anyway, she said that she'd heard that the family business had fell on hard times. Mr. Yarbrough was going to have to sell the company that he founded in order to feed his family. But, even at nine feet tall, he never had the courage to tell his family just how desperate times had gotten. That night, Mr. Yarbrough went downstairs to the kitchen from his office to get another drink. Mother said that she could tell that he'd already drunk several glasses prior to walking into the kitchen. My mother said that she was adjusting her scarf, as it was time for her to go and she was getting ready to leave. Mr. Yarbrough confidently and slowly strode over towards mom as she reached up to grab her coat off of a door knob that she used as a coat rack. Next, he knelt down to get a better look at her and asked if she could help him finish some work that needed to be done upstairs, in his office. When my mother refused, he supposedly confessed that he was upset about his failing business. She said, he said that his business was doing poorly and his wife was out spending money on Christmas gifts that the family probably could no longer afford. My mom claimed that she insisted that Mrs. Yarbrough had given her the rest of the night off a week ago, and all chores were finished, as well as reading the children their bedtime stories. But Mr. Yarbrough ignored my mother's awkward attempt at changing the subject, effortlessly lifted her into his arms, and carried her up the stairs without another word. According to my mother, Mr. Yarbrough didn't say another word for the rest of the night. And it turned out that he didn't need my mother's help. But he did help himself to my mother. She described to me in uncomfortable clarity how Mr. Yarbrough unbuttoned his fly, readied himself, and forced my mother to ride him as he sat in his office's wicker rocking chair. Possibly, a chair that my father painstakingly assembled with bruised hands, years ago. She claims that she struggled furiously to get off of him. I believe her. She claims that she scratched his forearms while he pressed her shoulders down slowly and firmly as she jostled in his lap with ever steady thrust. I believe her. She claimed that she didn't enjoy it. I suppose that if I'd asked her for greater details, she would have sworn to our Mother Mary that she despised the feeling she got when his ample member penetrated and stretched her tiny womb to its boundary. Nor, she would have said, did she enjoy it when he dug his fingernails deep into her shoulders in ecstasy while her legs frantically kicked and scrapped the sides of his vast, kaki-covered thighs. She would have also sworn that she cursed his strength as he swallowed her to his chest and rocked her sweaty, exhausted, helpless body into the wee hours of the morning. I believed her when she first made that particular claim, all those years ago. I don't believe it anymore. And if I knew then, what I know now...I would have broken a Commandment and called my own mother a liar to her face. But that was the past. The reason that I write you today deals with my life as an adult. My family was too poor to send me to college so I joined the Navy. After I finished a four year tour of duty, I met my future wife at one of our ports off the coast of Spain. Her name was Christina, and she was a stunning classic girl. Most classic guys seem to have an almost obsessive sexual attraction to Idol girls because of the wealth, power, and beauty that they represent. Those women are simply unobtainable for classic men, and so that turns them on. A classic guy doesn't have a shot of ever even flirting with an Idol girl, unless he wants to risk his life. Knowing this, I stick to classic girls. They are attractive, for my taste, and you don't have to worry about them beating you to a bloody pulp. Years latter, Christina and I married and moved into a small two-room townhouse within the City limits. We didn't have a white picket fence yet, or a yard for that matter, but we did have each other. At that time in my life, I could have never imagined that the event that so altered my life would occur just outside the door of our small townhouse. It was a Friday, when I first realized that something was wrong. I came home from work that night at eight O'clock to country meadow inducing smells of wildflower and jasmine, like I do pretty much every night. Christina was already in the bed, so I had to make my own dinner. Normally, she would have a hot meal ready for me when I walked through the door, but I could forgive her for the occasional day off. After all, we both worked long hours. My wife had been trying to run a small florist business from home to supplement what I earned at work, and the progress was slow and draining. I was so proud of Christina. She worked so hard, but she never complained. I thought we were both genuinely happy people. I didn't think either of us could have ever been more content with the way our lives were turning out. I finished eating a BLT sandwich and took a seat in my recliner to watch the Game. Even though the Pistons were already up four games to nothing in the series against the Beavers, I still watched for the love of the game. Because our bedroom door was closed, I figured that I didn't have to worry about waking Christina and so I turned up the volume. I also have to admit that I may have shouted a couple of times because I tend to get a little wound up during the games. I couldn't help it. My father use to cuss up a storm when he watched basketball back in the "good old days", and I guess that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Back in those days, classic men still played in the league. Classic ball players were even able to compete against the GH-9I players for a time. But once the first Idol players entered the courts, the party was over. Now, all of the players are Idols and the court has been tripled in size. The game just isn't the same. When all of the classic pros were retired from the game, many of them started to lose the lifestyle and respect that the game had afforded them for so many years. This gave blood sucking businessmen the idea to allow the classic NBA pros to compete against the WNBA Idols, as a publicity stunt to increase ticket sales. While this trend started with a bang, it soon fizzled out from a loss of viewer interest. Most games resulted in the lady's Idol team beating the men's team by triple digit point spreads. The game becomes difficult enough when you're trying to throw a slightly heavier-than-normal ball into a twenty foot basket from a three point line, now inches away from what use to be a half-court position. But it's impossible to do so with a couple of ten and eleven feet tall women standing over you. The games simply didn't look like basketball at all. It looked like a squad of tall, athletic, championship-worthy lady basketball players versus a group of nine year old boys, whose only exposure to the game was at the YMCA. Only in the rarest games did the men manage to score more than ten points and sustain less than five injuries. As expected, most of the best professional players got tired of the humiliation that they faced on the court. Within a couple of years, the whole "mixed-league exhibition game" craze ended. This particular game ended the same way it does every year during the Playoffs. The Beavers lost again. I'm not saying that the Western Division sucks. I'm just saying that when Davis and Suzukeitzu are the best players on the team, and the Beavers are the best team in the Western Division; the East is going to take home a bunch of Championships. You know what I'm saying, Doc? But anyway. Back to the reason I'm writing you. I threw away my napkin and walked towards my bedroom. When I entered the room, I had to feel my way to the bed because the lights were off and I didn't want to wake Christina. When I found my side of the bed, I took off my clothes and slid between the sheets. I must have failed to realize how tired I was that night, because I went right to sleep. I remember it vividly, and I won't spare the details because I want you to understand exactly how I found out. You're a man of science, and so I trust that you won't be easily offended. I woke up at about five O'clock that morning. The first signs of dawn were beginning to appear through the cracks in our bedroom shades as I got up to take a morning pee. When I came back from the bathroom and took a look at my sleeping wife, I recognized it. I was a lucky man. She was wrapped up in our comforter, but one of her shapely thighs was exposed. Her skin was as smooth as silk, and her resting face could only be described as angelic. Soft light glowed around her from the gentle kiss of the morning sun while she lay on our mattress. Her soft, raven-haired locks curled aimlessly; framing her face as she slept. The room felt balmy and still, causing my t-shirt to stick to my frame with sweat and her negligee to do likewise. She shifted a little in her sleep, which caused the comforter to ride up her back to expose her legs and rump. Her legs were thick and toned. Each one appeared swathed with baby oil from her midnight perspiration. Her firm ass left nothing to the imagination as it refused to be contained by the delicate blue silk which formed to it. God, I was horny. I could feel my crotch waking up as my wife stirred in her slumber, and I had no time to waste, as work started at six O'clock. I made my way over to our bed and climbed on top of her, straddling her legs between mine. She smiled and let out a soft moan through her full, soft lips as she came to consciousness from the shifting weight of my body. I started by placing soft kisses on the back of her neck. She reacted by stretching herself taut and letting out a morning yawn. By this time, I was fully erect and ready to present myself to my lover and wife. Her buttocks arched towards me as she sleepily slid her torso and supple breast down our bed spread. I cupped her ample left breast from around her back with my left hand and I grabbed my hardened cock with my right. As we use to say in the Navy, "my target was established and I am preparing to dock, sir." I had to go in slowly. Frankly Doc, I'm a lot of man to handle and I loved my wife too much to ever hurt her. But, just like that night in December, many years ago...I noticed something wasn't right, immediately. It was just too loose. Much, much, much too loose. The absence of her tightening walls around my member as my hips pounded into her lower back was a sensation that shocked me. I continued to mount her anyway because my desire dragged me past feelings of confusion and hurt as I continued each thrust. In my cloudy state of lust, I started to make excuses. I thought that maybe I was not yet fully erect. But one quick look ruled that possibility out. Then I thought that maybe I was imagining things. I managed to convince myself that nothing had changed, so that I could stay hard. And thanks to my ecstasy induced stupor, it was easy for me to suspend disbelief. "This couldn't be happening to me", I thought at the time. I was covered in sweat. My mind was racing, and I found it hard to concentrate on pleasing my wife. In reality, she hadn't made nearly the same amount of noise that our love-making normally induced. She let out a few soft moans during the act, but not the normal mix of Spanish and English profanity and dirty talk that often accompanied our morning routine. Essentially, this was the worse sex that I'd ever had with my wife. Have you ever rolled a hotdog down an open hallway before, Doc? Trust me, it's not much fun. But even so, I was more frustrated than angry. The outrage didn't set in until I ejaculated. I just laid there, next to Christina. I was tired but not exhausted. She was still practically asleep, and I suspect that she was never fully awake for any part of my time in her. I had to get to the bottom of this. So I woke her. I anxiously informed her of my dreadful suspicions. I asked her where she had been doing during the time that I was at work. I asked her about her lack of enthusiasm during sex. I asked her any number of questions that I thought would lead to the truth. She denied them all. She said that we'd both been working hard and that I was imagining things. I wanted to believe her, but no man could feel what I felt and forget his suspicions. I wanted to go through another round of questioning, but I had to go to work. Work sucked because I was thinking about that morning during the whole shift. When came back from work, Christina was sitting at the dinner table. She told me to take a seat. That there was something that she needed to tell me about. I couldn't say that I was surprised. But, when you get down to it, no amount of preparedness can ready a man for the revelation that his wife has been having an affair. Christina told me that his name was Chris. He was the manager at a flower shop, on the corner of the street on which we lived. When I heard the news, my muscles involuntarily clinched. I wanted to march over to the flower shop right then and there. I wanted to stand on that punk's neck and pound his face until it looked like discarded ground chuck. I'd seen that spoiled punk from time to time on my way to the train station. He'd sometimes be loading boxes of fertilizer into the back of a truck with no shirt on. Maybe he thought of himself as a tough-guy. Sure, the kid was clearly pretty buff; but in my mind, a heavy metal bat to the knee or lower back tended to make tough guys look weaker. And yet, Christina's new boyfriend couldn't have been a day older than seventeen. I remember that he looked like he might be Italian. He also looked like he was as dumb as a sack of shit, and just as ugly. But being eight or nine feet tall apparently made him management material. I asked Christina how she could do this to me. She explained that it wasn't something planned. She'd been seeing Chris on Fridays, when she would go to pick up her orders for the next week. She said that Chris was "an amazing guy". She said that he would complement her and take her for walks in the park and to restaurants while I was out at work. She also said that she felt safe with Chris, where she didn't feel safe with me. She said that other guys wouldn't give her hungry looks when she was walking with Chris, and she liked that. She also said some other things, but it's all a bit blurry now because my head was spinning at the time. I wanted to punch her in the face. Prior that that moment, I had never wanted to do anything that could hurt my wife. I wanted to protect her mentally and physically. But at that moment, she could have died in that chair and the world would have been a better place. I actually don't recall ever wanting to hurt anyone as bad as I wanted to hurt her then. She apparently noticed the expression on my face, and the tension in my body because she shrunk backwards a little. I was steaming. I'm ashamed to say that I would have started to attack her earlier, if she had been having an affair with a classic guy. But frankly, I was afraid that she would go back and tell her boyfriend that her husband beat her up. That's when she finished the news. "I'm pregnant." "It's Chris' baby." "And, I'm keeping it" I lost it. I lunged at my wife. Scratch that. This woman couldn't have been my wife. My wife promised to honor and obey me. She promised to stay with me until death do we part. This was not my wife. This was not even a woman. In my mind, she was a monster. I punched her in her eye and she fell backwards in her chair. I got up from my seat and picked her back up, so that I could through her back down. I don't know how many times that I hit her. I just know that it ended with her squatting, bruised and shaking in one corner of the room and me on the edge of tears, sitting in the middle of the floor. I wanted to cry, but I had to be strong. I didn't want to be like my father. I swore to myself that I wouldn't be like my father. The best pop could manage to come up with was a bloody stain on the carpet. But that carpet represented manhood, in the eyes of me and my brothers. Pop didn't want us boys to forget that women were lustful creatures that couldn't be trusted. He wanted us to remember that they would betray their own family for selfish reasons, if they ever got the chance. Or at least, that was the message that I took from the memories of that carpet on that day. That bloody stain on my mother's good carpet was the only bit of revenge that my father could ever get. Even though my mother tried to be discrete, my father was silently humiliated every day. He never talked about it, but I heard the neighbors whisper and titter. Apparently, the neighborhood found it knowingly odd that my mother would continue to work for the Yarbrough family for many years, even though she had been "raped". I'm sure my dad knew what was going on. But what was he going to do? Was he going to go and pick a fight with Mr. Yarbrough? Was he going to visit his house and stand there man to man, look up to his face from crouch level, and beg my mother's giant lover to leave her alone? Not likely. What if Mr. Yarbrough's wife had answered the door? She would have wondered what business such a little man could have at their house. Then my father would have had to stutter his way out of a potentially hazardous situation. He also couldn't have called the police. While there was an increasing number of Idol police officers on the force in those days, adultery wasn't (and still isn't) a crime. So instead, pops just went through life, silently taking medicine that he never asked to take. After our fight, Christina didn't come back home for a week. When she did come back home, she brought Chris along with her. I heard the door bell ring and so I went to answer it. When I looked through the peep hole, I saw Christina standing on the outside steps, wearing a hat and a small bruise over her left eye that looked partially healed. I didn't notice her boyfriend who was propped against the side of our townhouse until I opened the door. When I saw him from the corner of my eye, I tried to shut the door back but he pushed against it. There was no way that I was going to be able to close the door and so I admitted defeat to avoid the embarrassment of Chris having to crawl on his hands and knees to come in after me. I'm not going to go into the details, here. But this kid effortlessly plucked me up by my shirt collar with one arm and held me up to his neck level so that my feet involuntarily kicked in the air around his stomach area from fright. He wasn't at all angry. On the contrary, he was calm, firm and clear. He told me in no uncertain terms that I was never to touch Christina again. He also told me that he was going to keep having sex with my wife, and that she was going to have his child. By this time, I just wanted to be put down. After every statement he would say "do you understand?" and I would reply "yes sir". What else could I do? I also think I may have soiled myself during the course of the conversation. In a final insult, he explained that I could not leave Christina because the baby was his gift to her and I would have to help her raise the child. He said that he would come by and see his kid on special occasions, but he would offer no money for any of the additional expenses. I had to take on a second job. It's not easy for a classic guy to find a good job. I got a lot of rejection letters and no returned phone calls for the four months before I finally got my job. A good number of the jobs had height requirements listed in the classified ads so that classic members of society were unable to apply. From what I'd heard, most hiring specialist believed that tall and Idol customers/employees would not respect little people and so there was no point to hiring us. Finally, Christina got me a job working at the flower shop where she had met Chris. Time past, and eventually Stephanie was born into this world. I can't say that I was thrilled. My wife quit her flower business so that I would need to feed her and the new bastard, or else get my ass kicked by Chris. Actually, I really resented Stephanie, at first. She was the reason that I had turned into the man that I didn't want to become. I had become pop. I worked every day from 6:30 to 8:00 at the factory, and then I worked a night shift at the flower shop. The shop was closed to the public after 8:00, but internet orders had to be gathered from inventory, flowers arranged in their proper baskets, and the baskets had to be ready for shipment in the morning. At least the work was pretty easy, and I didn't have to deal with Chris on most nights. Chris was a manager during the day shift because his size was envied by male customers and impressive to female customers, which caused both to buy more flowers (the males in a competitive show of wealth, and the females because they were attracted to him). Only on a few nights did Chris ever have to come to a night shift. And even on those nights, he left me alone. A few times Christina came over to have sex with him in the stock room while I gathered all of the orders myself, but he didn't rub it in my face. As time went on, I found myself less and less angry at Chris and progressively angrier at Christina. When I thought about it, I figured that I would have done the same thing if our shoes were on the other foot. Would I care about some little pipsqueak if I was an Idol and his wife wanted to have sex with me? I guessed that it wouldn't be my business if she liked big guys. That's between her and that little man, right? Meanwhile, Christina was often smiling when I saw her. She was always well rested because she had nothing to do all day, and she had the bedroom to herself. I had to sleep in my recliner every night because I wasn't allowed to touch my wife and I was afraid that I would roll over, resulting in my arm or leg brushing against her. Plus, the baby's crib was in the living room, next to my chair. When the baby cried at night, I had to change her and get her to stop crying before Christina woke up. If Christina did wake up at night, she would complain to Chris. No more basketball games on TV for me. After a year of this pace, I got up the courage to do something about all of it. I was going to get back at Christina and regain my manhood at the same time. I started to hatch a plot that would eventually spin out of control, changing my life and the lives of those who witnessed its culmination, forever. I awoke, that morning, to the sound of Stephanie wailing from her baby crib. My eyes darted widely open from the startling noise, causing my heart and back to jump forward. This was a daily habit that had become mundane to the point that I no longer felt drowsy when I woke; even after only three hours of sleep. Like clockwork, my recliner sat up as my feet touched the ground and my knees sprung into action. I was required to tend to the princess or face the possibility that her royal highness would wake from the shrill noise. I hoisted Stephanie into my arms and held her against my shoulder as I whispered soothing songs into her ear. She continued to cry in my arms after I hummed her, several different songs. I was forced to quickly resign to the fact that drastic times called for drastic measures. Stephanie clearly wanted to hear her favorite song, and so I gave in and let her hear it – so that she would shut up. Her favorite song, back then, was the "Billy & Suzy Song. I know what you're thinking, and you're right. But, it wasn't my choice of song. She had apparently heard it on the television during a commercial break, when I was at work. It was the only song that could guarantee quiet, and so I had no choice. I'm sure you are familiar with the jingle because you would have documented it in your research. Being a good Catholic, I think it's spooky, and even a bit sacrilegious that they used the same melody as "Jesus loves me" to prey on our fears. (Melody) "Billy and Suzy were twins, that's true; But they lived apart, so that made them blue; Suzy was smart, so she knew what to do; She asked her mom to order GH-32 Noooow, Suzy is Really Big; Noooow, Suzy is Really Big; Noooow, Suzy is Really Big; And she can do whatever she wants; Billy's dad didn't want, that stuff; He asked to grow, but dad said ‘tough'; Now the kids push and play real rough; So he tried to work-out to get real buff; But that's not enough; No, that's not enough; That's not enough; And Billy will forever be small; Then they grew up, the girls liked the boys; No more Barbie's, no more toys; Suzy went with Johnny to the Ball; But Billy couldn't find a date at all; ‘Cause he was too small ‘Cause he was too small ‘Cause he was too small He should have gotten a BioTech shot.... (slower) Ohhhh yes, he should have gotten a BioTech shot!" Those BioTech executives ought to be dragged out into a public square and shot in the head, if you ask me. Of course, no one did ask me. That's probably why BioTech's CEO got that "Presidential Award for Freedom", or whatever it's called, at the Capital last week. I'm sure you saw that too. Call me old fashioned, but I don't think that having the tallest median height of any country in the world, warrants national jubilation. People use to say that a man's worth is not measured by his height (even if no one really believed it). But nowadays, people don't even pretend. Anyway, I managed to coax Stephanie into falling asleep after a short while. I gently laid her into the crib and tucked blankets around her sleeping body. When I looked up at the clock in the kitchen, I saw that I would have had only 30 minutes to get to work. Fortunately, I had already laid out my plans for the day during the previous night, and they didn't involve factory work. I cleared my throat and started to practice altering my voice, in order to achieve the maximum "pity effect". Then I picked up the phone and called my boss. I managed to tell him, between coughs, that I was too sick to come in that day. Then, I picked up the only clothing that my wife allowed me to wear: my one tattered shirt, pair of jeans, and tennis shoes from the corner of the room and quietly put them on. I also might have fixed a sandwich before I started, because Christina didn't usually wake up until around eleven O'clock. It was only 5:40 by that time, and so I figured that I didn't have to rush out of the door for fear of getting a direct order from "her highness". Just a weak prior to that day, Christina had threatened to tell Chris that I had hit her if I didn't repaint the house, clean the gutters, sweep the steps to our door, clean the bathroom and cook her dinner in 24 hours. I was exhausted when I finished my task; but I could still walk, my neck wasn't broken, and my head wasn't covered in bandages. I opened and closed the front door very quietly and started jogging down our street. Any of the neighbors who may have seen me, probably thought that I was going for a morning stroll. They wouldn't have suspected that I was on a mission. By the time I made it to the flower shop, it was about six O'clock. I jogged around the brick building a few times, admiring the façade and wide pane windows. The shop was filled with plants that provided beauty, fragrance, and luckily for me; camouflage for the occasional prowling voyeur. As a matter of fact, Chris was already walking around in the shop, but he couldn't see me – thanks to the ascending rows of lilac that crowded the South window. I however, could see him perfectly. I figured that I needed to stay in my current line of sight, if I was going to be able to keep my eye on that lanky punk. I looked over my shoulders towards a gated green space between two small townhouses. There was an old oak tree growing in the middle of the yard; darkly shaded by both sides of the buildings. I knew exactly where to go, and so I wasted no time in scurrying towards the base of the tree and climbing its trunk. When I managed to straddle one of its sturdy branches, I waited and watched. Have you ever sat in a tree, Doc? I discovered that one sees many interesting events when he's perched in a tree. You remember that line from that old song Country song, "Few people ever stop their busy lives to sit and watch the world go by"? Well, that day I saw; boxes lifted, flowers sold, cash registers manned, flowers sprayed, steps swept, and flowers cut. The swept steps didn't stop several people from slipping and falling at the entrance of the shop, which I observed on several occasions. I also saw a classic mother struggling to push an infant, who looked as big as a warthog, in her large pink stroller. I even watched a young classic man as he tried to carry a basket of dandelions from the store, while shielding them so that the tops didn't blow right off. I didn't even know that flower shops sold dandelions. Unfortunately, after six hours of watching and waiting, I lost my prowler persona and started to get board. For a split second during this time, I started to think that perhaps my whole premise was off. That, perhaps I was sitting there like an idiot, wasting my perfectly good sick day. Plus, it was really hot outside, that day. I started to figure that I would do better in an air-conditioned room. Of course, looking back, I wish I had climbed down from that tree. My life would still be hard today, but I would have been able to look at myself in the mirror, at least. But before I could make that decision, I saw what I was looking for. Someone was walking towards the shop to visit Chris. It was his lunch break, after all. Though her existence was not known to me then, I would have been surprised if a girl didn't stroll up to the shop, sooner or latter. A young guy like Chris isn't going to commit himself to a tiny married girl who wouldn't challenge him. This girl could definitely pose a challenge to Chris. She was probably about nineteen or twenty, and she had a very confident stride. She was wearing tight blue jeans, a pair of black pumps with low heals, and a cut-off white t-shirt that may have been half-of-a-size too small. Even though I was sitting at a distance from her, I could tell that she was quite attractive. She was wearing a pony tale, like college coeds often do. She also had a trim, curvy figure and long, slender legs. Her ample chest slightly tugged at the cotton fabric of her T-shirt as she walked towards the shop. A paper bag was secured in her right hand, and she had a black purse draped over her left shoulder. Upon seeing Chris, the smiling young girl walked over to him and delivered a tight embrace; and then the paper bag. I rightly assumed that the bag contained Chris' lunch. I also assumed that this was the woman that Chris called his girlfriend, when my wife wasn't around. As the young couple hugged behind the sidewalk glass window of the store, I noticed that her shirt hauled up slightly as she reached her arms around his neck; exposing her tight stomach. Chris hugged her in a secure embrace as she tilted her chin slightly to meet his readied kiss. They kissed deeply for several seconds. Beyond the layers of flowed rows, she revealed her long, graceful stalk of a neck and her lean, tight curves through silhouette. Everything about her was long, strong, and sexy. She was a statuesque goddess. Only a couple inches shorter than her lofty boyfriend, her legs seemed to go on for miles. I could also see that her arms were vaguely flexed as they interlocked around Chris' neck. Her biceps, while not fitness model muscle, were at least as toned as her butt, her legs, and her stomach. I'm no slouch, Doc; but I would have felt absolutely ridiculous, standing next to her. She clearly worked out and stayed active. Even at classic size, I figured that this girl could kick Christina's butt. But at over eight and a half feet tall; Christina was going to be real sorry that she slept with this massive chick's boyfriend. I started salivating while I thought about how my wife would look, next to this woman. I estimated that she would look like a little adopted four-year-old Spanish girl, trying to struggle against the grip of her angry mommy. I started to wonder if Christina would try to fight back against the giantess at all. I was able to snap out of my wonderment, as my mind was obviously getting ahead of itself. I still had to follow her away from Chris, confront her with the news that her boyfriend was cheating on her, and live to see her kick Christina's butt, without her kicking mine for being the bearer of bad news. I've never revealed this story to anyone before, Doc. I have plenty of guilt and regret that I would like to get off of my chest. The neighbors don't discuss it and I was too scared to go to the police. I know that this letter has been extremely long, but please indulge me as I continue with my tragic comedy. The rest of this letter will contain a lot of details about the events that changed my life and the emotions associated with them. After thirty minutes, Chris' girlfriend exited the shop and started to walk down the street towards the train station. I climbed out of the tree and started to follow her at a distance. I knew that I had less than ten minutes to make my move because she was bound to step onto an Idol sized train, which only goes to predominantly Idol sections of town. Plus, it was very hot that day, and I was starting to sweat. It would have been stupid for me to confront her in a location that is dense with other Idols. I reasoned that having her peers watch her having a serious conversation with a classic man could elicit deep embarrassment. The type of embarrassment that causes people to act irrationally. So after about five minutes, I crossed my fingers and started walking at a faster pace, towards her. She was walking in front of me and I needed to close our widening gap, so I eventually started to trot after her. I can't remember a day in which sun felt so scorching. My nervousness was held in check when I first started running up to her. But my anxiousness level increased as she seemed to be getting bigger and bigger with each of my steps. Her round, firm butt was above my eye level when I got close enough to touch her. I would have had to reach out and above my head slightly to grab one of her belt loops. I pulled on her pant leg and tried to yell up to her height, "excuse me, miss!?" This gesture was apparently unimpressive because she continued to walk, as if she had not felt or heard me. So, I shuffled up to her again and pulled harder on the same place and yelled "uummm, miss!?" This time glanced backwards over her left shoulder, barely bothering to cock her head, and told me to "scram, you little piss-ant"; without breaking her stride. Clearly, she thought I was hitting on her. So I gathered myself and ran towards her again. She had picked up the pace to avoid me, and so each one of her steps was like four or five of mine. I practically had to sprint to keep up with her. But this time, instead of touching her, I started a dialogue. I told her my name, and that I lived in the neighborhood near the flower shop. She continued to walk and ignore me. I told her that my wife use to have a flower business, which sent her to the shop on more than a few occasions. She continued to walk. I told her that my wife was very pretty, for a classic girl and that other guys would say the same thing. She continued to walk. Then I told her, with a hint of coyness, that I thought that maybe her boyfriend also thought my wife was very pretty. That made her stop. She spun around and glared down at me. I couldn't see her face or her body very well, at this point because I was facing the sun; standing in her great shadow. I could only see her enormous outline as she stood in front of me, not moving an inch. For what seemed like several minutes, neither of us moved a muscle. The silence was eerie enough to make me doubt the sanity of my plan. My confident smugness was quickly beginning to dissolve in her unapproachable stature. I was starting to become worried and so I just looked straight ahead, to avoid the dizzying spell that sometimes comes with looking up to the face of an Idol. Each one of her legs was as thick as my torso. Her hips completely filled her jeans, and I would have had to shuffle a couple of half steps in either direction to walk around her. I felt like I was being body-blocked by a teenaged sexy coed, even though I was standing in a wide-open, public street. And although we were not standing very close, I could feel incensed warmth cascading off of her massive form. She suddenly bent down into a crouching position; firmly grasping my arm as she tugged me towards her in a single jerk. I naturally flinched as it looked like a tower of pink flesh was collapsing towards me, but I wasn't going to tug back. I realized in that moment that no matter what her plans were, I shouldn't try to do anything to stop them. After our bodies were inches apart, her massive hand slid down the length of my arm until she was able to swallow my entire hand in her palm with two of her fingers and an outstretched thumb. I looked up towards her face as it approached mine because she leaned forward and over me, still squatting on one knee. We were so close, that I could have tilted my head up and kissed her square on the nose. Our distance, combined with the fact that I was no longer completely engulfed in her shade, allowed me to see her features perfectly. She wasn't the model-perfect woman that I saw from a distance. I could see that this girl had miniscule craters and blemishes around her face; plus her tan, while perfectly toned, was a bit uneven at close inspection. But she was still an amazingly pretty girl. She had bright green eyes; soft, naturally plump pink lips; and a lovely oval-shaped face. Her hair seemed to be recently oiled in its pulled backed style. She tried to keep her face emotionless and calm, but her eyes showed signs of tension. She closed her massive hand completely around mine, but she didn't say a word. At this point, she hadn't said a word since she told me to leave her alone. Our eyes lined up and her gaze boar into me like a mother who was trying to determine if her child was telling the truth about eating his vegetables. Her fixed stare was piercing to the point that I could faintly make out my own inverted reflections in her sparkling green eye lenses. Her tightly sealed mouth was level with my collar and I could glance downwards to see her colorless lips; drained of circulation from holding them together so tight. I could also hear shallow breathing through her nose, and feel it on my mouth. She waited in silence for several seconds and just looked intently, directly into my eyes. I started to sweat around my forehead because my nerves were getting away from me. How could I keep my composure when an attractive giantess loams above to hold me captive by my own hand and my own peculiar aversion to being manhandled? I couldn't. At that moment, I saw her in all of her proportion and control. I felt utterly feeble. I hopped and preyed that she wasn't beyond reason. My body started to quiver and I said a prayer in my head that she wouldn't hurt me. I then started to incoherently stammer out some sort of an excuse, or apology when she cut me off... ..."What did you just say?" Her voice, drowning my explanation, had a feminine quality that is both common to women Idols and impossible to convey, in writing, because it was an octave deeper than mine. Her breath gust impacted both my collar and chin area in a puff of heat that was as humid as the midday air. Right away, I recognized that her lunch menu included a corned-beef sandwich, smothered in extra onion, melted cheese, and probably a dill pickle. While this may sound appetizing to you as you read this in your office; I can assure you that my sinuses were full of her air, and it reeked. Some of the smell was masked by a hint of peppermint aroma, but the stench of digested melted cheese and enough onion for a classic man to eat for days, was too overpowering. My face involuntary clinched slightly from the smell, but I tried to gather myself before I offended her. Her query had also caused some spittle to spray my collar, producing a cooling sensation that ran a chill up my spine. Glancing down towards the offending organ, I could see that her lips had regained their pink hue. I was frozen in her power. She licked her full lips unthinkingly, even as I continued to gape at them. She spoke again. Seriously. Deeply. Threateningly. "Don't make me ask you again, shrimp." I awoke from my daze and quickly started to tell her my story. She didn't move from her position as I told her most of tale that I have written in this letter to you (sans the great details and the parts about my wife bullying me, via Chris). By the time I finished speaking, her face no longer remained emotionless. She was pissed. There was no doubt about it. She was squeezing my hand too hard for it to be anything but rage. So, I figured that this would be a good time to beg her not to hurt me. I told her that this wasn't my fault and that I couldn't tell her boyfriend to stop because I was too small. Upon hearing this, her face softened and she let go of my hand. She apparently still had her mental faculties, because she realized that I was right. She even apologized to me and said that I was just as much of a victim as she was (well, really more so; but I was in no position to get in an argument with her). Then she took a seat on the ground, and spread her massive legs in a "V" on either side of my standing frame. She tightened her gaze on my face again, and hooked her massive arms around my waist to pull me close to her like an overstuffed teddy bear. She looked down on me and said exactly this: "Listen up little guy. You're going to tell me exactly where that little tramp is hiding, right now. And then we are going to walk over there so that me and her can have a little heart to heart. Got it?" I remember smiling at her, and nodding my head. She never would tell me her name, and I never asked. I was just glad that she was pissed at Christina and not me. Everything was going according to plan. But it was still really hot outside. It took several minutes for Chris' girlfriend and me to pass the flower shop and the several rows of townhouses, separating the train station from Christina's home. Well, it was technically our home, instead of "Christina's home," but when a man is not the king of his castle he starts to feel as if he never lived in a castle at all. By this point in the relationship, I couldn't sleep in my own bed, eat my own food, or use the bathroom in my own house. She held all of the cards and she played them all mercilessly. Eventually, I stopped lamenting the lost collection of brick, vinyl siding, wood panels, and insulation that I once called home. I instead, started to view it as my wife's home; a home where I was just a visitor. My best educated guess leads me to believe that Chris never saw us through the window as we passed the shop. If he had, he would have run out of the store to intercept his Idol girlfriend and his "classic girl-toy's cuckolded husband" as we marched down the street together. To this day, I often wonder whether the entire tragedy could have been averted by Chris, had he seen us in that moment. But he didn't see us. By the time the giantess and I arrived at Christina's house, I could barely take another step. I was drenched from perspiration; near exhaustion because the giantess had walked at the sort of brisk pace that demanded a full sprint from my ridiculously shorter legs. In my eagerness, I didn't wait to catch my breath to inform the Idol that "this is the house." Through gasping pauses, I crafted and conferred language designed to irk the colossus; revealing to her that the woman who seduced her boyfriend sat smugly inside that very abode. She stood silent for several minutes as I panted, desperately trying to steady my pounding heart rate. When I finally began to regain my composure, I cocked my head upwards to gaze into her face; instantly realizing that she had gotten increasingly heated during the intervening moments. Chris' enormous girlfriend anchored herself over our front steps, her legs astride on either side of the railings and her hands on her hips. The giantess actually seemed annoyed at the house; as if the building was quietly challenging her through its comparable height. She was seething at a dwelling in which she could never fit; a humble abode, further humbled by the giantess' presence. It was like a grownup standing by a deluxe model backyard playhouse for young kids (you know, the ones for ages 4 and up). Her pink cheeks grew flushed with scarlet and she bristled with anger. Her breathing deepened, and she unconsciously snarled; briefly curling part of her glossy upper lip and exposing a slight sheen from a porcelain white incisor. At that moment, I feared that she would break the door down to crawl in after Christina. But through begging, pleading, and calming sentiments, I was somehow able to convince the enraged goddess to control her excited disposition. Honestly, I didn't really care about what might have happened to Christina, had the Idol seized her. It was a matter of practicality. I was expecting a divorce after the scenario played itself out, and I didn't want my house (or, what would again become my house) to be destroyed. Therefore, I wanted to isolate the brawl to the front street. In a flash of bravery, I told my new friend (well, asked her, really) to hide against the left corner of the townhouse, next to the heat-pump and the rose bushes, while I opened the door. The giantess was decidedly more relaxed, and so I assumed that I was safe in making that request. If she had wanted to ignore me and break my house into splinters, it would have been her natural right to do so by our relative size and weight. Truth be told, a burp in my direction from that gargantuan adolescent would have triggered my feral instincts - forcing me to flee. But, to my relief, she agreed to my plan. I had been secretly hoping for the giant to remain calm and display the same sort of calculated, intimidating, and threatening techniques that Chris had used on me. I wanted Christina to be just as humiliated as I had been. I was almost giddy with excitement when I rang the doorbell, alerting Christina to my presence. I'm ashamed of that fact now. But you have to understand my mental state at the time. Christina had taken my key to the house, months ago, and so I had to ring the doorbell to gain access to the home that I paid the mortgage on. And so, I didn't feel like a man. Now was the time for me to recover my manhood. I could hear my wife say "just a minute;" her tone muffled by the thick pine door. This only caused me to ring the doorbell several more times in quick succession. Certainly she would never think that I would have had the balls to do something like that, so I knew she would come faster. Sure enough, I could hear footsteps approach from behind the door with an "O.K., O.K...just a second". Doc. You should have seen her face when she opened that door. My wife was just standing there; damp with moister in a terrycloth pink bathrobe with her wet curly hair uncombed and dripping onto her fluffy pink shoes. She had clearly just taken a shower and she must have been in the middle of getting dressed for the day. She was wearing one of her slim Rolex watches and one of her legs was partially covered in white foam, apparently from where she hadn't finished her morning shave. Never mind the fact that it was well past one O'clock in the afternoon, which meant that I would have been about seven hours into my shift at work. One O'clock and she hadn't even bothered to get her ass out of bed, until recently. She saw me, Doc, and her face almost hit the ground in shock. Her eyes were as wide as her mouth and her mouth was agape. She was at a total loss for words. Crimson spread across her face in a flash while her arms tightened and her fists clinched. She started to shake with indignant rage. It was finally her turn to feel angry and humiliated. I regret rubbing it in now, but I couldn't hold back my pressing sentiment. With a great smile, I said..."hello, my dear." She was about to start yelling at me when I interrupted her to say, "I just wanted to introduce you to my new friend." After I signaled for the giantess, the weight under my feet seemed to shift slightly as the colossus stepped behind me, into plain sight. I was facing my wife, and so the back of my head cooled as her shadow fell over both of us. The sight must have been awesome from Christina's perspective. Looking over either side of my shoulders she would have seen one of the giantess' massive thighs. Each thigh must have looked like an azure pillar; denim covered firm muscle that could easily be mistaken for lacquered concrete support columns for some divine structure – each much too heavy for my petite wife to manage. As she looked up further, she would have seen hips that filled blue jeans like tight spandex. Tight enough to see the young giant's Idol-sized house key, outlined against her front hip pocket. And yet, the pants were spacious enough for Christina and me to have snuggled closely in slumber together using just one leg - lying under the stars during much happier times. As she lifted her eyes and tilted her head further backwards, she would have seen an enormous taut stomach; a wall of tanned-pink athletic flesh, which was most likely the product of countless sit-ups and sideways crunches per day. The giantess was in amazing shape. My wife must have born witness to a complex of feminine ridges that would have signified raw intimidation to, and power over, such a diminutive woman. Because I was facing away from the giantess, I could only imagine that her stomach was covered in minuscule, translucent dots of streaking moisture from the unseasonably hot day. As my beloved wife's eyes traveled further, she would have seen the giantess' white shirt, barely containing her well endowed chest. Those breasts would have appeared as giant orbs of womanhood, revealing all of my wife's inadequacies. I imagined that Christina must have felt like a little prepubescent girl who goes back to school, only to face the horrible discovery that she is the only one of her friends who has yet to develop a womanly figure. This was a lot for my little lady to take in at one time. I was looking directly at my wife's face and I could see her steady resolve start to crumble, and her indignation start to ebb away. I watched her eyes move further up and her head tilt further back. Here, through light and shadow from shear eclipsing size, she would have seen the giantess' furious expression. It's hard for me to imagine what the Ogress looked like at that moment, but from my wife's reaction, it must have been a terrifying sight. Darkening circles formed around Christina's eyes and she silently gasped, unable to gather the air required for a scream. My wife then shut her eyes and dropped her head in defeat. Her legs became wobbly, causing her to grab the right railing to our front steps so that she wouldn't fall. The next words out of her mouth shocked my senses. She spoke loudly enough for us both to hear, but she remained bowed - not daring to lift her head to the young giantess. " must be Rebecca" Christina took a swallow of her own saliva and started to sputter some more words. These words were supposed to take the form of an apology, but they sounded like an unintelligible and stammering attempt at an explanation. Her inane clarification was cut short as Rebecca nonchalantly bent forward at the waste; her cleavage spilling against the top of her tightened cotton shirt, while gathering the fabric of the front of my wife's bathrobe into her powerful fingers. My wife's reflex action caused her to grasp both hands around Rebecca's wrist as the oversized fist tugged at the bathrobe. Christina was effortlessly being pulled forward and upwards by an angry woman who was twice her size. There was just no way for Rebecca to be stopped. I stepped off and away from the steps at this point, and moved onto the front street. I watched as my wife's legs slowly detach themselves from the ground and ascend skywards by Rebecca's straightening form. Her legs dangled hopelessly and wildly in midair. The sight was almost comical; like a smaller but feisty puppy and a much larger puppy play-fighting in someone's yard. While Christina was looking wild and desperate, Rebecca's expression was one of contempt. At this point, she really seemed more annoyed than angry at the little shrew. Rebecca held Christina up to her face with a clinched fist, grasping the front of my wife's robe, until she calmed down. Once she had resigned herself to giantess Rebecca's control, she was given a choice. Rebecca told Christina that she just wanted to know the truth. She spoke to my wife in a clear tone, overemphasizing every syllable with her mouth, and occasionally poking Christina's stomach using her free index finger. My wife's face grimaced with each poke, but she didn't want to give the giantess any satisfaction by begging her to stop. Rebecca made it clear that if she was lied to, she was going to beat my wife to a pulp. Every irritated word blasted my wife's face with the same searing, putrid, and soggy deli odor that I had experienced earlier. Rebecca held Christina's face at an offensively close distance so that their nose often bushed together. During the lecture, she periodically reminded Christina of their sizes by saying things like, "Sweetheart, look how puny you are," "I've taken bigger dumps than you," and "I mean, look at us...what would my Chris want with you? This is ridiculous." When Christina made a dim attempt to beg through choked tears, her jaw was vibrated shut through the overpowering tone of a goddess and the violent, saliva-spattering roar of a savage beast. The thought that such a pitiful creature would try to talk over her caused Rebecca to lose her composure; becoming incensed beyond reason. Rebecca yelled out commands, profanities, and threats, such as, "shut the fuck up when I'm talking...only big girls are allowed to speak," "when I want your input, I'll squeezed your head," "how dare you talk back to me, you little shit," and "I ought to take you home and toss ‘ya to my little brother...I doubt you'd have much in common with a boy who's twice your size and half your age, but he's an imaginative boy...I'm sure he'd figure out something for you two to do." Even when Rebecca wasn't yelling, she was using a thunderous mocking whisper throughout her menacing interrogation. Her size caused her voice to carry most of the conversation across the neighborhood. At this point, some of the neighbors could be seen peaking out of their windows. During the later part of their one way conversation, Rebecca started to calm down. It was then that Rebecca pointedly told Christina that she would not be hurt and all would be forgiven, if she was completely honest. Rebecca shook my wife violently in the air and told her that she wanted to know the exact nature of her and Chris' relationship. Adding, "If you give me any bullshit, I'll use you as my personal footstool." She then gave Christina a chance to speak. Seizing the moment, Christina took no pause in spilling the beans. She explained, with total honestly, how she met Chris and how their relationship bloomed. She told the giant that she didn't mean to hurt anyone but me and that she genuinely loved Chris. Christina held up her end of the deal and remained honest during the entire explanation. Rebecca lied. Upon hearing of Christina's unyielding love for her boyfriend, Rebecca swung her arm and my wife up and over her shoulder; releasing her grip. Christina's flailing body was launched nearly sixteen feet in the air, for what must have been several seconds. When she came back down, she came down hard. The crash dislocated her right shoulder and brushed some skin off of her right knee. She was bleeding from both legs and her robe was tattered; her face covered by callused scratches from the fall and running splatter from Rebecca's inadvertent spit mixed with Christina's own fear-induced sweat. When I saw my wife's blood drip on the asphalt, my heart opened up. I started to regret my plan; realizing that I had taken it too far. Rebecca turned around and started to stride intently towards my wife's bruised and cowering body. She was wearing that snarl again, and she had a crazy look in her eyes. She put one of her fists into the open palm of her other hand and squeezed; cracking her knuckles audibly as she walked forward. My wife, still hunched into a ball of agony in the middle of the street, started to moan when she heard the giantess pop her knuckles. As Rebecca stepped closer, I couldn't help but feel shocked by the injustice of the situation. Rolled forward, on the street, Christina looked like a wounded puppy dog being abused by its cruel master. Several of the neighbors had seen the Idol girl throw my wife in the air, and so they came out of their houses in a mixture of curiosity and horror. I foolishly jumped in front of Rebecca as she approached her prey, in an wasted attempt to halt her onslaught. I raised both of my arms in front of me with palms exposed and yelled, "please stop! This has gone far enough!" To my surprise, she did stop. Standing a couple of feet away, she looked down on me with a condescend smirk; not unlike the smile of an amused schoolteacher whose five-year-old pupil just gave her a "time-out". She then stooped down onto one knee; never breaking eye contact. Bending forward, she relaxed her arm and placed her right hand against my chest; her fingers spread outwards so that all five of her finger tips touched in a different place on my torso. Then she simply straightened her arm, giving me a stiff shove against my chest that sent me sprawling to the asphalt. Briefly stunned, I heard an ascending giggling as my focus returned; still rubbing the back of my head after it had impacted the ground. Before I had a chance to pick myself up, Rebecca grabbed me under my arms like a toddler and lifted me into the air with neck jerk speed. I may have screamed from fright at this point, I don't recall. What I do recall is that she held me firmly against her chest with her left arm, and cradled my bottom in her right hand. I felt a forceful heat emanating from the giantess body. I thought that she was going to kill me right there for my insolence. Instead, she whispered that I shouldn't interfere, and that "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to." She then extended her arms forward as I dangled in the air. Relaxing her grip, I fell eight or nine feet from her chest level to the ground. Clearly, I was no match for her. I gathered myself to my feet and stumbled out of the giant's way. Looking back, I saw Rebecca deliver a swift and solid kick to Christina's side; doubling the little woman over in pain and causing her body to roll so that she bowed towards the street. Christina was no longer crying, but I watched in horror as the giantess raised her colossal foot and brought it down onto my wife's back....hard. Immediately, I saw specks of blood exit Christina's mouth and sizzle upon impact with the hot asphalt. Enough was enough. A large crowd of neighbors had gathered outside, due to all of the commotion. Everyone was just standing shocked in a semicircle, a mere ten yards from where my wife was being murdered. I yelled out to the group of my friends, confidants, social peers, and work colleagues, "won't somebody do something? If we all work together, we can stop this!" Many faces in the crowed looked guilty, but everyone was too scared to do anything. "Come on...why are the men just standing around? One of our own is being beaten in our own street. In our own neighborhood...why won't anyone fight?!" At this a few of the men appeared to find resolve in their hearts. Some of them even began to roll up their sleeves, but none of them had taken a step towards Rebecca. They just looked at one another and waited for the other person to go. "My God! Are we fucking men, or are we mice? Come on then! Let's move!" Rebecca, sensing the increasing bravery amongst the crowd, turned towards the dwarf mob and started to walk in our direction. Shocked by this, some of the men start to take a few pensive steps backwards. Rebecca appeared much larger when walking closer to the group than she appeared when she was attacking someone else in the distance. The various intensifying attempts to retreat were all halted when Rebecca boomed, "All of you, stay right there! Don't move another inch!" Upon hearing the goddess yell, some of the female neighbors started to cry; I also guess that some of the men must have felt their cheeks numb and their stomachs drop. I know mine did. The giantess came upon the crowd, standing above us with hands on hips. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was completely in charge. She paused for several seconds, sizing up the pack. Rebecca was a bully, and all bullies display the same behavior, no matter what their size. She took a step into the crowd as little people backing away from her on every side. After scanning the group, she locked her greedy eyes on the smallest guy in the group - as bullies often do. This guy barely cleared the top of Rebecca's knees. Of the guys who stood in the crowd, he was the least able to defend himself. No one even noticed him, until that time. He was standing near the back of the crowd, about 5'3" with a slight frame and coke-bottle-thick glasses. He wore his freshly ironed kaki pants snuggly over his waist, his buttoned down yellow flannel shirt neatly tucked into his kakis, and his black and white striped bowtie tightly tied. He fit the stereotype perfectly. None of the neighbors knew him, but I found out later that his name was Tom. He had just moved into the neighborhood from Omaha and was just getting settled. He was single, had never had a girlfriend, and his mother had just died a week ago. If that wasn't bad enough, when he woke up that morning, he discovered that he had been dropped from his health insurance provider because the company that he worked for was purchased by a group of Idol investors who decided not to cover classic employees. And finally, his car had been towed that day; four hours after he was pulled over and ticketed for speeding. And yet, the little guy's day was about to go from bad to worse. Rebecca bent forward and reached down over the crowd with surprising quickness as men and women scattered in either direction to avoid her lunging arm. She grabbed Tom's wrist and yanked his arm violently towards her, venomously teasing, "come here, little guy." His shoulder and elbow joints snapped as his body jerked upwards and off of the ground, causing his head to collide with her ample and pert chest. Coincidently, his face was lined up so that his left eye deeply impacted her right nipple through the T-shirt – instantly rendering his eye useless. Tom screamed, hit the ground in pain, and grabbed the side of his head to stop the bleeding. He started to cry and he tried to pick himself up, only to be stomped on his left side by the sole of Rebecca's tennis shoe. The toe of her shoe rested on Tom's armpit, while the heel rested at his waist; covering his wounds in the dirt that was stuck to the treads of her soles. She then maliciously shifted her weight to the leg being using to pin Tom, causing a cracking sound. Tom's ribs had given in to the weight. She then lifted her foot off of Tom and reached down to grab him by his left ankle. Yanking him skywards, she swung him back and forth, laughing girlishly as he dangled upside-down from her full height. I don't remember what she said when she let him go. I just remember the distinct cracking sound the ground made as his head broke and spilt all over the asphalt. His legs spread apart haphazardly, extending upwards with his broken and flattened skull acting as a balance. After seeing this, I couldn't stand up anymore. I was feeling sick and confused, and so I just needed to sit on the ground for a little know, to think things through. "Who's next?" the giantess then said with satisfaction. For the first few seconds, it was quiet. I sat on the ground, trying to breathe deeply. Finally, one of the women let out a blood curdling scream that was quickly quieted by her husband's hand as he cupped it over her mouth and gave her shaking body a tight embrace. Nobody said another word as all of the neighbors slowly meandered away from Rebecca. After a couple of minutes, everyone had made it back to their respective houses; audibly shutting, locking, chaining, and re-locking their doors. Tom's corpse lay in the street, five feet from where I sat. Motionless. Rebecca gave me another condescending smile before she walked back towards my wife, who had somehow gained the strength to stand up. When Christina saw that Rebecca was coming towards her for round two, she started to howl. Now, this wasn't your typical yell, Doc. This was more of an incredulous shriek; a horrible wailing noise that has cursed my nightly dreams, ever since. The yell was primal. Like the kind of noise that a pack animal makes as it's eaten by its much bigger predator. It was a sound of outrage; a cry towards Heaven, asking God "why me?" It was a sound that has constantly haunted me; ultimately causing me to lose my Faith. Rebecca giggled in delight from my wife's screeching. I assume that this caused my wife to completely lose her mind. She charged head first at Rebecca, swinging her arms wildly and yelling at the top of her lungs. Mucus, blood, and tears flowed from my wife's pores as she gained ground upon her unfeasible target. Rebecca yielded initially, taken aback by her prey's reaction, but that startled sensation was soon replaced with joyous laughter as Christina beat her little fist against Rebecca's thighs. Each frantic blow was wholly absorbed through the giant's tight muscle. Christina was using every fiber of her strength, but trying to beat up a tall Idol girl is an utterly futile task. Christina eventually fell at Rebecca's feet from exhaustion. The giantess casually reached down and started to tear off what remained of my wife's robe; stripping her on a public street, in front of the entire neighborhood. Though, my wife no longer struggled, she continued to cry painfully and loudly; her sobbed expression twisted in perpetual horror and alarm. I can remember that the heat was starting to get getting to me. I was very confused and I remember repeatedly thinking "How did this happen?" "My God, how did this happen?" Next, I remember that the giantess grabbed Christina's throat and laid her face-up in the road. I witnessed Rebecca sit down on the street, beside my wife, and roughly pin her back against the asphalt with a commanding arm. The last thing that I remember is watching the love of my life's innocent womanhood being savaged by the thrusting middle finger of a massive, unstoppably powerful, and insanely jealous woman. I don't remember anything else. When I regained my senses, everyone was gone. The front road was empty, and the night was undisturbed but by a public street light. As I stumbled to my feet, I noticed that two puddles of blood remained on the street; unwashed, like the stain on my mother's carpet. But this stain was different in that it was filled with flesh remains, bone, and teeth like I'd never before seen. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't find it in me. I remember being tired, and thinking that I just wanted to go to bed. I guess I figured that I'd clean the blood in the morning with a garden hose or something. Still dazed, I walked towards home. I walked up the stairs and into the house before I suddenly regained my humanity. There, standing in the crib, was my daughter. Stephanie was bouncing up and down, smiling contently and innocently; completely unaware that her mother had been killed. And that's when I cried. I walked up to Stephanie and held her in my arms, and cried and cried. She started crying too, after a while. I realized that I loved her so much. She was my entire world, and it didn't matter if she wasn't my biological daughter. She belonged to me, and I loved her. Growth hormone has ruined my life, and taken my angel's mother away from her. I hope that you can find someway to curtail this unaddressed global plight. Sincerely, X Thomas P. O'Brien