The Young Amazons..( part 2 )... by ANTMAN The three young girls stayed crouched behind the sheltering bushes, and watched as the backs of the men appeared in full view of them. All the men were short and squat, with thick muscled bodies, supported by tree trunk legs. Their heads, small and supported by short thick necks, had a mop of shoulder length dark hair on each. Three of the men were close to each other, with one ahead of the group, and another trailing behind.    Slowly, stealthily, with their bare feet making no sound on the thick grass, the girls crept out of their shelter, around the bushes, and into the open. For a couple of seconds, they stood, watching the men slowly stumble foreward, their faces looking at the ground before them, seeing nothing, hearing nothing,; their brains totally exhausted by the fight and the fleeing.    The girls stood, tall and tanned. Their blonde heads close together, as they whispered together for a while, then, cat like, they swiftly trotted after the group of men. Sandini, smiled as she gazed at the bare buttocks of the men..."This will be easy " she thought to herself. They closed the distance quickly on the man trailing behind, and spread out. Then, like lionesses they moved towards him, keeping a wary eye on the others. They were all trudging along, big shoulders slumped, dejected and tired, their feet dragging through the lush grass. Sandini , a full head taller than the man who she approached from behind, motioned the other girls, and they closed on the sides of the man. He still noticed nothing, with his head slumped, and his arms hanging limply at his sides. Sandini, now close behind the man, used one hand to push her long thick blonde hair over her shoulders, and then she struck. The man, suddenly surprised, felt a smooth, arm coil around his neck. The arm, as he opened his mouth to cry out, suddenly clamped tightly against his throat, and he felt the smoothly muscled limb harden, as Sandini pulled him backwards, making him stagger back. His lungs filled to cry out the alarm, but the smooth hand of her other arm, slid over his mouth..His cry was cut off.."Mmmmmph"...his feet slid on the soft grass, sliding uselessly, as the girl kept him bowed back. He raised his hands to free the grip of the hand that partly smothered him..his voice still trying to cry out to the other men. Suddenly, his wrists were siezed by the strong hands of Sherina and Astrud on either side of him, and his desperately clawing hands torn away from the arm of the girl keeping him quiet.    As he struggled in silence with the girls, desperately trying to regain his balance, he gazed in despair at the backs of the other men, as they made their way slowly down the slopes into their own lands. The Barbarian';s wide panicking eyes gazed into the wide eyed beauties who held his wrists tight in their hands, despite his twisting and pulling of his arms in his attempt to free them. The faces of the girls, though young, and beautiful held the small smiles of the cruel Amazons..The ones who had ruthlessly destroyed the Barbarian army. " Mmmm"..."Arrrrrrrrrrhhhh" His brain screamed at the backs of the other men..begging them to turn and see him...But they continued on their weary way.    Sandini, then tightened her stranglehold tighter, and the man felt her pert bare breasts press the back of his head, as she pulled him against her. the other girls closed on him, and his clawing hands slid off their svelte bodies, as he continued to try to free his arms. As his feet suddenly got a footing on the grass, and he started to fight hard to free himself from the strong young girls, but suddenly, one of them swept his feet from under him, with a strong legsweep, and as he lost his balance, the girls started to drag him backwards into the copse of trees and bushes. Despairingly he fought to free himself..but tired and downhearted as he was, he lost the fight, and still desperatley Screaming his muffled cries, he was forced down upon the grass...his once proud, strong body now suddenly weakened as the two girls, still holding his twisting arms captive in their strong fingers,forced his arms flat onto the grass, pulling his forearms up between their kneeling thighs, and clamping them tight between them. Sandini released                   his neck, but retained her hand gag on him, and dropped suddenly onto his barrel chest, as she spun herself, and straddled his body. She smiled coldly down, her brown eyes open wide in mock surprise, as she settled herself comfortably on his squirming body. He gazed up, as she reached up and ruffled her hair, again, pouting her full soft lips, before bending her hair again, to look deep into his eyes, holding his head still, with the pressure of her hand on his mouth. Thgen the gag was removed, but before the man could cry out, the girl had slid her slim, strong fingers round his throat, and tightened her stranglehold instantly. The man went beserk, thrashing his body, kicking his legs wildly, trying to unseat her. Sandini merely smiled coldly down at him, and clamped her strong legs around his body, holding herself clamped to him like a limpet. The girls holding his arms clamped between their smooth strong thighs, also smiled chillingly coldly down at him, as Sandini, grunted softly, and hunched her shapely shoulders, putting all her strength into the strangling hold on his throat.    As his senses faded under the relentless steely grip of the young blonde girl his last visions was of the smiling young Amazons who looked so lovely, but were so deadly. He slumped unconscious in Sandini's grip, and the girl reluctantly released her hold, as his twitching body stilled between her thighs. She leant foreward, to check he still had a pulse in his neck, and then smiled to her friends, as they released his stilled arms, from between their thighs, and they flopped onto the grass. The girls then rolled his still form onto his stomach. Sandini wound the thin leather strips of leather from her wrists, and kneeling by the still Barbarian, she deftly tied his wrists together behind his back with one of them, then used the other to bind his ankles together. Bending his knees, she finished by tying the ends of the strips to each other, then rolled the man onto his side, leaving him hog-tied. Standing finally, Sandini stood with her hands on her shapely hips, and smiled at her friends..."That's one taken care of !" she said.."Let's get the others"....The three girls turned and trotted out of the copse, and picked up the pace, chasing silently after the other men.                                   End Of Part 2.