Amanda vs. Sandra - rematch By Wrestlingstuff2003 Amanda gets one more chance to get her title back.  This is part 53 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda". The first story was done in 2003. If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story. The commissioner has decided to book another match between Amanda and Sandra. He wants Amanda to get the title, and her boots, back. Before the contract for the match was signed, there was a lot of arguing between Amanda and Sandra. Both wanted to have a "helper/second" at ringside, but the commissioner didn't want this to become a tag-team match. So Sandra suggested having the commissioner in one corner, allowing him to help either girl. Since he is Amanda's boyfriend, Amanda quickly agreed. The girls also agreed on some consequences for this match. If Sandra loses, Amanda not only gets the title but she gets her red high-heeled boots back. If Amanda loses, she will be placed in the punching booth and the fans will have 10 minutes to punish her. The commissioner set up the official rules. In order to win, you must make your opponent submit or get them out of the ring for 20 seconds. No outside interference is allowed. In order to get help/assistance from the commissioner, you have to remove an article of clothing from your opponent. Once an article is removed, the commissioner will be able to assist for 1 minute. If one girl completely strips her opponent, then the commissioner will only help that girl for the remainder of the match with no time limit. The commissioner cannot enter the ring and must stay outside the ring in the corner which he starts. There are no other rules. The commissioner is the first one to come down the ramp. He takes his place on the ring apron in a corner as the crowd anxiously awaits the start of this match. Sandra appears on the ramp next. She walks down the ramp to a thunderous applause. She is wearing her sexy red bikini and red high-heeled boots. She also has the title belt around her waist. She walks to the ring waving to her many fans as she tosses her long blond hair back and forth. She puts the belt on our table and enters the ring. As she sends the commissioner a wink, Amanda appears on the ramp. She is looking very hot tonight, wearing her cutoff white t-shirt and blue string bikini panties. The crowd gives her a good amount of cheers, but she has certainly slipped in the popularity polls after Sandra beat her and stole her boots. Amanda enters the ring and the bell is rung... Amanda rushes toward Sandra. Sandra was blowing a few kisses to some of the guys in the first row and as she turns around, Amanda clotheslines her. Sandra falls to the mat with the wind knocked out of her. Amanda then stomps on her gut 3 times with her foot. She grabs Sandra's long hair and forces her to stand up. She drives a hard fist into Sandra's gut. Sandra bends over clutching her stomach. Amanda then lifts her leg and drives her knee into Sandra's side. Sandra falls to the mat. Amanda quickly gets on her back. She grabs Sandra's arms and pulls them over her knees, locking Sandra in a camel clutch. Sandra moans and Amanda pulls her high off the mat. Amanda leans back and Sandra cries out in pain. Amanda grabs a handful of Sandra's blond hair and pulls back. Sandra's back is bent backwards and she is in pain. Amanda applies more pressure and is trying to weaken the smaller blond. Amanda keeps up this torture for almost a minute, before she releases Sandra. Sandra crashes down to the mat moaning in pain. As Sandra lies on the mat, Amanda reaches down and quickly peels off Sandra's bikini top. The commissioner will now be able to assist Amanda for 1 minute... Amanda grabs Sandra and pulls her to her feet. She quickly brings her over to the commissioner. He grabs Sandra and puts her in a full nelson. The crowd is cheering as they have a great view of Sandra's large breasts. Amanda then starts sending punches into Sandra's breasts. Amanda sends them over and over into Sandra's bare breasts. Sandra is groaning in pain from each hit. She struggles to get free but the commissioner is holding her tight. Amanda continues to work over her tits. They are turning red now and the commissioner's assistance time is almost up. Amanda uses the remaining 15 seconds to send about a dozen punches into Sandra's mid section. The buzzer sounds and the commissioner releases Sandra. She drops to her knees and holds her gut. Amanda forces Sandra to her feet. She brings her to the opposite corner and rams her head down on the top turnbuckle 3 times. Sandra slumps forward against the turnbuckle as Amanda goes to grabs Sandra's bikini top... Amanda heads back to Sandra and it looks like she is going to use the bikini top to choke her. As she approaches, Sandra kicks her leg back, and ends up sending the heel of her boot right into Amanda's crotch. Amanda lets out a deafening scream and immediately drops to her knees and buries her hands between her legs. Sandra turns around and grabs the bikini top. She moves around behind Amanda and wraps it tightly around her neck and chokes Amanda. Amanda gasps for air and tries to free her neck. Sandra sends a couple punches into Amanda's kidneys and that stops Amanda's attempt to escape. Sandra continues to use the bikini top to choke Amanda. Amanda is gasping for air and tries once again to free her neck. This time she is able to push Sandra's hands away. As Amanda starts to unwrap the bra from her neck, Sandra reaches down and grabs the bottom of her t-shirt and yanks it up and off of Amanda. Sandra then quickly grabs Amanda and pulls her to her feet. She pushes her toward the commissioner and instructs him to hold her... The commissioner grabs Amanda's arms, holding them behind her back. Sandra moves in and sends a very hard punch into Amanda's belly. Amanda moans in pain. Sandra continues to work over Amanda's mid section, throwing her weight into each punch. The commissioner is forced to hold Amanda tight as Sandra works his girlfriend over. Sandra keeps the punches coming. She is taking the life right out of Amanda. With 10 seconds left, Sandra stops the punches and takes a step back. Then she launches a kick forward, driving her red boot into Amanda's crotch. Amanda screams and tries to break free, but the commissioner holds her tight. Sandra sends another kick to Amanda's crotch. Amanda is in agony and cannot defend herself. Sandra sends another hard kick into Amanda's crotch. Just then the 1 minute expires, and the commissioner releases Amanda, letting her crumple to the mat. Sandra looks into the commissioner's eyes and flashes a seductive smile... Amanda is lying on the mat holding her crotch as she groans in pain. Sandra reaches down and unhooks Amanda's bra and then peels it off. She grabs Amanda and brings the topless beauty to her feet. Sandra is holding Amanda's arms this time and says to the commissioner, "Ok honey, now it is your turn. Punch her in the stomach." The commissioner has a surprised look on his face and it does not look like he is going to do what Sandra is asking. Sandra says, "The contract says you are required to 'assist' me. So start punching her or else I will take this to the wrestling board and have your commissioner title removed." He thinks for a moment. He knows she is right. The contract states that he must assist in any way possible. So he sends a punch into his girlfriend's gut. Sandra says, "You can hit her harder than that." He sends another punch into her gut. Sandra shouts, "Come on...hit her harder." He then sends a very hard punch into Amanda's gut. Sandra smiles and says, "That's it honey. Keep it up until I stop you." The commissioner continues his assault on his girlfriend's mid section. I cannot believe this is happening. But we know this is not his choice...Sandra is forcing him to do this... Amanda is getting weaker and weaker with each hit. This must be a real struggle for the commissioner to do this. He knows he is obligated to help Sandra, but this could cost his girlfriend the match. The minute is finally up and he quickly stops. Sandra releases Amanda and she falls to the mat moaning in pain. Sandra gives a wink to the commissioner. He looks back at her in anger. I am sure he is mad that she made him do that. Sandra grabs Amanda and forces her to stand up. She then pushes her throat down on the top rope and uses it to choke her. Amanda is struggling to fight back as the last 2 minutes have really taken a lot of strength from her. Sandra continues to choke her as the commissioner watches his girlfriend suffer right in front of him. Finally, Sandra releases the hold and Amanda falls to the mat. She tries to suck in air as Sandra looks down at her... Sandra now kneels down next to Amanda. She grabs Amanda's silk panties and begins to slide them down Amanda's thighs. Amanda is still struggling to breath and I don't think she realizes what Sandra is doing. If Sandra removes her panties, then the commissioner can only help Sandra for the remainder of the match...and that will almost certainly cause Amanda to lose. The crowd is going crazy as Sandra continues to slide Amanda's panties down her calves. Finally Sandra gives a final yank, pulling the panties right off of Amanda. She stands up and holds them high over her head. The crowd cheers and Amanda is completely naked. The commissioner hangs his head, knowing that it will be a miracle if his girlfriend can win now. Sandra parades around the ring a little longer, listening to the fans cheer her on. Finally, she turns back to Amanda. Amanda is starting to pull herself up using the ropes. Sandra moves in and grabs her. She pushes her toward the commissioner and orders him to hold her in place... Sandra comes up to Amanda and starts lightly touching her breasts. Sandra is in complete control of this match now and she is just toying with Amanda. She notices how Amanda twitches her body. Sandra smiles as she sees Amanda is getting aroused. After a good 20 seconds of softly touching Amanda's nipples, she moves her hands and fires a hard punch back into the breast she was just touching. Amanda shrieks from the surprise hit. Sandra starts sending more punches, alternating which breast she punches. After a good dozen punches, she sends one into Amanda's gut. As Amanda moans in pain, Sandra says to her, "You better just submit now and save yourself some pain. And while you are in the punching booth, I am going to take your boyfriend to my locker room and give him the best blow job he has ever had." WOW!!! What an insult to Amanda! Sandra sends a few more punches as Amanda can only moan in pain. Sandra finishes her attack and instructs the commissioner to release her. Before Amanda falls, Sandra grabs her and whips her into the nearest corner. Amanda hits the corner hard and slumps to the mat... Sandra turns back to the commissioner and runs her fingers through his hair. She sticks her leg through the ropes and rubs her boot against his leg. She whispers to him, "I can't wait to get you backstage. I think it is time to finish her I can get you off." Sandra walks over to where Amanda is. She grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and starts to pull Amanda to her feet. As Amanda starts to get up, she brings her fist forward and drives a punch into Sandra's crotch. Sandra was not expecting that and she bends forward with her hands on her groin. That punch did not have much behind it but will allow Amanda some time to get her strength back. Amanda gets to her feet and puts Sandra in a headlock. She quickly drops tot he mat, bulldogging Sandra down. Sandra rolls over and lets out a soft groan. Amanda is still weak and could not deliver her usual powerful bulldog. Sandra is still conscious but is very groggy. Amanda crawls over to Sandra's legs and reaches for the top of her boot. She unzips the left one and then unzips the right one. She pauses to take a deep breath and then pulls each boot off. She then rolls Sandra toward the edge of the ring and pushes her out... I don't think Sandra is weak enough to be counted out, but we will see. Amanda tells the official to begin the count. He starts to count...1...2...3...Amanda grabs the boots and starts to put them on. Sandra is right near the ring apron and we cannot see her very clearly from where we are. The ref is still counting...8...9...10...Amanda is zipping up the boots. We can see Sandra is on her feet now and has grabbed a chair from under the ring. She slides back into the ring as the ref reaches 14. Amanda starts to get up as Sandra comes up behind her with the chair. Sandra then smashes the chair across Amanda's back. Amanda falls to her knees. Sandra slams it across her back again, knocking her to the mat. Sandra holds the chair up and brings the edge slamming down into Amanda's spine. Amanda cries out in pain. Sandra slams the chair down on her spine 2 more times. She then drops the chair and rolls Amanda toward the edge of the ring...right where the commissioner is standing... With Amanda lying on her back near the ropes, Sandra straddles her facing her legs. She puts her in a reverse school girl pin and says, "You will pay for that, bitch." Sandra starts driving her fist into Amanda's mid section. After a dozen hard punches, she grabs a hold of Amanda's nipples and starts to pinch them. Amanda's moans turn to soft cries as Sandra squeezes harder. Sandra turns to the commissioner and says, "Remove those boots from her legs. Those are mine." The commissioner kneels down and reaches through the ropes. He is forced to help Sandra and he starts unzipping one of the boots. Amanda is in pain and doesn't realize what is happening. He gets that one done and unzips the other. Then he reluctantly removes both boots from his girlfriend's legs. Sandra smiles at him and says, "Thanks honey." Sandra then returns to punching Amanda in her gut. Amanda is losing energy fast and might be past the point of a comeback now, especially with the commissioner helping Sandra... Sandra stops her attack and gets off of Amanda. Amanda just lies on the mat and moves her hand to her sore mid section. Sandra then grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and forces the naked beauty to her feet. Amanda is still holding her gut as she stands up. Sandra then leads the weak Amanda away from the commissioner and over to another edge of the ring. She bends Amanda forward and gives her a big shove, sending her flying through the ropes and out of the ring. Sandra then wipes her hands. As she walks back tot he commissioner she tells the official to make the count. This could be it fans. The ref starts to count...1...2...3... Sandra grabs the boots and hands them to the commissioner. She extends her right leg and says, "Put these boots on my feet." He complies, putting the boot on and then zipping it up. He puts the other boot on as the ref continues to count...8...9...10...Sandra says to him, "So, do these boots look sexy on me?" He responds, "Yes." The ref is still counting as Amanda is almost on her feet...15...16... Sandra smiles as she turns back to where she threw Amanda out of the ring. The ref is right there and reaches the count of 19, when Amanda somehow manages to slide under the ropes and into the ring. Sandra looks stunned. She cannot believe Amanda made it back in. Sandra struts over to Amanda and grabs her by the hair and says, "Well if this is how you want to do it, then your boyfriend will just have to help me force a submission out of you." She tugs on Amanda's hair, forcing the naked beauty to crawl along the mat behind her as she walks toward the commissioner. Amanda is moving slow and Sandra is getting impatient. As they get closer, Amanda falls to the mat out of exhaustion. Amanda must really be weak. She has been through a lot in this match so far. Sandra releases her hair and turns back to Amanda. They are only a few feet away from the commissioner now. Sandra bends down and reaches her arms under Amanda's arms and lifts Amanda to her feet... Just as Sandra is about to push Amanda toward the commissioner's waiting arms, Amanda raises her hand and rakes Sandra's eyes. Sandra covers her eyes as she shrieks. Amanda then grabs a hold of Sandra's nipples and begins to twist them. Sandra cries out in pain and brings her hands down to her breasts. Amanda lifts up her knee, sending it into Sandra's crotch. As Sandra bends over, Amanda shoves her down to the mat, away from the commissioner. Amanda then flips Sandra onto her back and gets down on top of her, putting her in a school-girl pin. Amanda doesn't have the strength to mount much of an attack at this point, so she does what she can. By placing Sandra in this hold, it will weaken the blond while not requiring too much effort by Amanda. Amanda uses her weight to apply pressure on Sandra's arms as she tries to get some of her strength back. Sandra is struggling underneath Amanda. She is trying to throw Amanda off of her, but at this time she is unable to force the larger girl off of her... Amanda continues to apply her weight to Sandra's arms. Sandra is struggling to get free. Finally, after almost a minute of struggling, Sandra is able to force Amanda off. Amanda falls to the mat. Sandra rolls over and starts to push herself up and Amanda sends a quick kick into her ribs, knocking her back down. Amanda then gets on top of Sandra, facing her legs. She grabs Sandra's legs and puts the blond in a Boston crab. Sandra cries out "no!" as Amanda locks the hold in. As Amanda leans back, Sandra starts pounding on the mat. Amanda might be going for a submission here. If Amanda can pull this off, it would be one of the biggest comebacks ever! Amanda keeps up the pressure but Sandra is a tough wrestler and is not giving in. Sandra is in pain and is pounding the mat, but she does not want to give in. Sandra reaches one of hands back and touches the end of Amanda's long hair. If Sandra can grab it, she might be able to break the hold... Amanda feels Sandra's hand and leans forward a bit, foiling Sandra's plan. Amanda still keeps the sexy blond in the hold. Sandra's back is hurting and she will not be able to hold on much longer. Finally Amanda releases the hold. Amanda reaches down and grabs a handful of Sandra's blond hair and forces her to stand up. Amanda sends a punch into Sandra's gut, causing her to bend forward. Amanda quickly puts her in a headlock. Amanda then starts to bring her across the ring. Amanda approaches the metal chair, which is still lying in the ring. She then drops Sandra, bulldogging her down on the chair! Wow, what a move! Amanda then rolls Sandra over. Sandra has a cut on her forehead and it appears she is out cold. Amanda rolls Sandra to the edge of the ring and pushes her out. She signals to the official to begin the count. He starts to count...1...2...3...Sandra is just lying on the cold arena floor. Amanda is sitting on the edge of the ring watching her opponent as the ref continues...10...11...12...Sandra still has not moved and it looks like Amanda will get the victory. The ref completes the count...19...20! Amanda has won! Amanda has won! Wow, what a comeback! The commissioner rushes into the ring and hugs his victorious girlfriend... Sandra finally starts to stir. She looks into the ring and sees Amanda rejoicing. She knows she has lost. Sandra is very mad and starts to walk back toward the locker room. Amanda calls out, "Wait a minute Sandra. Since I won, you made the deal that I would get my boots back!" Sandra continues to walk away. The commissioner signals to security and they stop her and bring her back to the ring. Sandra then takes off each boot and throws them at Amanda. Sandra shouts, "You got very lucky this time! Next time, you won't be so lucky. The next time we have a match, I am going to show no mercy. I am going to destroy you!" Sandra leaves the ring as Amanda puts her boots on and hugs the commissioner... The end. Please send any comments or suggestions to: