Amazons and Hominians, 7 by Agua The story is about tough fights between female (Amazons) and male (Hominians) warriors. Even though they are technically superior and more civilized , the Hominians have difficulties to overwhelm the Amazons which can profit from their impenetrable forests and their tough fighting style. In part 1, an Hominian expedition corps into the Amazon forest was defeated by Amazon attacks. Only few men could return to Hominia and report what had happened. The Hominian king equipped another army that could built a castle in the Amazon forest. Despite many losses, the Hominians could hold their line (part 2). In part 3, the enslaved Hominian women revolutionized against the male dominance. Those female slaves - mainly responsible for production of uniforms and food - were able to overwhelm the mostly teen Hominian wards and to break free. They joined the Amazon army and thanks to their sewing-skills, the Amazons established a uniform production of their own. After receiving valuable information on the Hominian castles, the Amazons were even able to get 3 castles under their control that were Hominian recruit training barracks before. Thus not only the men in these castles and their equipment, but even the surrounding fertile plains and ore mines had fallen into the hands of the Amazons so that the Hominians run short with uniforms, food and metal for weapons (part 4). In part 5, the Hominians sought for male assistance against the mighty Amazons. The Hombres, another patriarchic tribe living in the hot desserts, were ready to help. The Hombre forces sent southbound to the Amazon jungle arrived and supported the Hominian forces in this area successfully. The Hombre teen army (16 - 21 year old boys) sent through the northern plains to help the Hominian teen army, however, was attacked on its' march and lost already many fighters before arriving at the destination. Part 6 marked a turning point: For the first time, the Amazons had significant losses. A revolution of their slaves (mostly captured Hominians) opened a second frontline, and many barracks, prisons and manufactories for uniforms and weapons got under control of the revolting males and regular Hominian battle units. Many Amazons were killed or captured during these fights. The Hominians were even able to reconquer their castles, fields and ore-mines. Part 7 reports about further deadly encounters between Hominian and Amazon battle units. Even though the Amazons could hold their lines at first, the Amazon territory became smaller and smaller. The Hominians approached more and more the Amazon heart-lands. THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL AND VIOLENT MATERIAL INCL. RAPE, CASTRATION AND TORTURE AND SHOULD ONLY BE READ BY ADULTS. IF BALL-BUSTING IS A MATTER OF OFFENCE, PLEASE DO NOT READ! 8. The Last Resort In the last weeks, the situation for the Amazons had worsened more and more. They had lost all ore-mines, uniform and weapon plants as well as practically all male slaves and fertile territories. Most of their fighters – especially the teen recruits – were killed or enslaved by the Hominians. Just a small piece of impenetrable virgin forest was under their control into which the Queen and her remaining soldiers – an elite unit of about 200 fighters – had redrawn. Now, the Hominians prepared to conquer even this last resort and their troops entered the dark forest from west, north-west and south-west. Just the way to the east was still open. A company of the Hominian teen army coming from north-west was the first to have a deadly encounter: Nearly 200 young men at the age of 17 to 22 marched along the small trail through the forest. Suddenly, many of them broke down deadly hit, before the others recognized, where they were attacked from! Everywhere in the bushes were elite Amazons and draw their deadly bows against unprotected teen nut-sacks and assholes! They aimed especially against the leading boys who tried to organize the resistance. Some of the officers wore captured, reworked Amazon groin armors so that the tough metal structure stopped the arrows. But it only covered the front and not the backside, and thus the Amazon elite soldiers quickly found a way to solve this problem: Either they shot against these boys from behind, so that the arrow rushed through the unprotected ass-crack into the male abdomen, slashed the prostate and then the nut-sack. Or they used their deadly daggers: An Amazon just needed to throw an opponent man down, his face to ground. As soon as she had access, she drove her long, pointed dagger into the virgin asshole of this man and pressed with all her weight against the dagger. Quickly, the deadly blade penetrated the whole male abdomen, slashing his prostrate and finally reached his nut-sack from behind. At first, an Hominian officer attacked this way, tried to brake out, but quickly, he got weaker and weaker. The Amazon held the deadly wounded man under control till his last struggles ceased. Losing their leaders, a chaos broke out among the inexperienced Hominian soldiers and recruits. In panic they tried to flee from deadly arrows by rushing into the bushes, but here, the Amazons already awaited them with their deadly daggers! Before the rookie-boys could do anything, they got their nut-sacks slashed! Even if they tried to defend, they were rarely successful since many Amazons wore metal groin protectors and the surprise-effect was on their side, anyway! A man who succeeded to grab an Amazon’s crotch, just felt the cold steel of her pussy-guard! Similar, the male knives were mostly stopped by the massive steel groin-armor. On the other hand, it took an elite Amazon only seconds to rip a boy’s unprotected package! One boy succeeded to throw his opponent down and to lay on her. She answered with a stab of her knife into his asshole! Crazy with pain, the injured boy weltered on the ground, involuntarily exposing his delicate groin. The Amazon didn’t even need to peel down his jeans to finish him. She had a deadly, cold smile in her face as her knife penetrated through the jeans cloth. Familiar with the male anatomy, she precisely cut his cock off the stem! The hurt boy quickly died from bleeding. Finally, some boys tried to surrender, but the Amazons had no use for captives. Every Hominian was thrown down so that he laid on his back. Then, a furious Amazon took his legs, straddled them and stomped right into the heart of virility again and again till his nuts were cracked and he was finished off! A bloody stain spread on the jeans-cloth around his pulped nut-sack ... Another boy who wanted to surrender was thrown down to his back by an Amazon. She straddled his legs and sat down between them. Having his legs right and left of her, she had full access to all vital parts. Before he could react, she stabbed her dagger into his asshole. A surprised shriek escaped from his mouth. With deadly precision, the Amazon drew her dagger along his perineum and ripped his nut-sack right between his balls. The hapless boy passed out cold as she slashed his cock at full length! Quickly, the mistreated Hominian bled to dead. After less than 30 minutes, nearly 200 slaughtered young men lay to the feet of the cruel Amazons, while those had only lost 15 fighters. Formerly, the Amazons would have gathered all captured uniforms, but now they had no need for it, since the elite Amazons were the last of their species. Only 5 Hominian officers wearing captured Amazon groin armors, had survived the massacre. In horror, they had seen their soldiers die without a mere chance! The Amazons decided to impale them. The men were just "disarmored" but could keep their panties. Whilst still fully conscious, a stake was driven into the asshole and later the stake with the dead body erected! The captured male groin armors were urgently needed for those Amazons who had no protector by now. The massive bulge the Hominians had added for the male package, didn’t disturb at all the perfect adjustment of the groin armor to the female body. It made the female wearer even more proud, since it was a clear sign that formerly a Hominian warrior had worn it and that it could not protect him from failing in a fight against a well-trained female! Later, an Hominian company found the victims of the Amazon onslaught. Since the Hominian army was still in urgent need of equipment, the killed boys were completely disrobed and their naked bodies buried. After washing and repairing the bloody, slashed jeans and underwear, they were used again for new battalions of young men. Of course, it must be discouraging for a young male warrior to wear the uniform in which a comrade had lost his virility and life! Therefore, the young men were told that these clothes stemmed from overwhelmed Amazons, but from the position and shape of the cut (higher and often transversal to a female cunt) it was clear that MEN died in these uniforms! Undressing the dead bodies, washing and repairing the ripped jeans and briefs had to be done by female slaves accompanying the convoy. These female slaves were mainly overwhelmed Amazons, who were now of course very proud to see the work of their sisters. With a cold grin and increasing sexual excitement they followed the order to disrobe the ripped boys. Proudly, they peeled the slashed jeans and pants down and admired how completely the manhood of these boys was wiped out. They were totally "dis-maled" and thus not only killed but also dishonored and ravished! Even though they could not break out at the moment, the females had the hope to be deliberated soon. In the next weeks, the Hominians lost even more companies due to Amazon attacks. And even worse: Many female slaves accompanying the convoys, were really deliberated and joined the Amazon troops! Since the teen boys fought too poorly against these elite Amazons, they shall now always be accompanied by well- trained adult Hominians. Additionally, as many of these men as possible should have metal groin armors and travel in protected horse-powered wagons: Those were made of tough wood with a thin layer of metal outside to protect them from incendiary arrows. Since the ore mines were again under Hominian reign, there was no lack of metal. The other problem were the female slaves – most of them were former Amazons that waited eagerly for a chance to brake free. For that they could not be freed by the remaining Amazon units, they were brought far back into the Hominian homelands. Many smaller former Amazon barracks were under Hominian control but only poorly guarded due to the lack of soldiers. In a former Amazon recruit training camp, for instance, nearly 80 young Amazon recruits and their adult coaches were kept together nakedly in a big cage, only guarded by 40 Hominians, half of them inexperienced teen recruits. It turned out to be a mistake that the adult Amazons had not been separated from the young chicks. While the inexperienced female recruits (16 years old) would not be able to a coordinated action, their consultations with the adults made them dangerous: A group of 10 Hominian soldiers led by a corporal (all of them 24 to 30 years old) were send into the cage to pick out 10 Amazon chicks to be raped and used as training partners for the Hominian recruits. These men, though, got quickly aroused by the surrounding naked, gorgeous girls and thus quickly had an obvious boner in their tight- fitting jeans. The Amazon teachers decided not to allow them to take some of their recruits and thus ordered their teen fighters to attack the Hominians. The men were completely outnumbered and quickly brought down by the furious young tomboys! Precise chops against their masculinity or stomps into the V of their spread legs finished them! Only 5 minutes later, their weapons, jeans and smelly briefs were distributed among the adult Amazons. (Of course, Amazon recruits were not allowed to wear soldier uniforms, and many jeans were too large for them, anyway.) Seeing this, the Hominian commander ordered a troop of 20 young recruits to overwhelm the Amazons and to free the hapless males. But the young (16), inexperienced recruits were even poorer fighters than their adult mates and it became quickly clear that their fighting techniques were far inferior of their female adversaries of the same age, not only because the always horny rookies were immediately aroused by the female allures of their opponents. Even some adult Amazons injected into the fight, and many Hominian recruits received the first time in their lives a real groin kick that left them howling and coughing on the ground! Thus, now even the Amazon recruits received well-used underwear and jeans of proper rank and size, while meanwhile 30 naked males were under their control! For the Hominian commander it was clear that his remaining 10 men had no chance against the 80 Amazons. Those threatened to kill their 30 naked hostages by ripping off their packages. The Hominian commander therefore decided to except their offer to exchange the life of these men for the freedom of the females. The cage was opened and the only partly dressed females left it with their hostages heading for the forest. As agreed, the Amazons let their hostages go as soon as were some kilometers inside the woods and felt safe. But in the future, they would not always be so friendly and fair! The humiliated naked Hominians returned to their base. The freed females, however, immediately joined the Amazon elite units. Thus encouraged and in their number strengthened, the Amazons committed further attacks against Hominian transports. Often, these convoys got into an ambush, and the surprised men were quickly overwhelmed. To crack their armored wagons, the Amazons dug a hole in the road, where they buried a mine. Then, they hid in the bushes and waited for the Hominian convoy to come. As a carriage loaded with men went over the hidden mine, the girls brought it to explosion! The armored wagon was blasted into the air. Most men inside got their necks and bones broken, so that their groin-armors couldn’t protect them at all! Frightened by the unexpected attack, the Hominian cavalrymen accompanying the convoy rode away, leaving back their mates in the perished carriage. The victorious Amazons opened the crashed wagon and tugged the killed or semi-conscious soldiers outside. Here their were disrobed, and more important: "disarmored"! The captured, precious "nut-shells" were spread among the Amazon fighters. Not too leave any usable equipment to their enemies, they decided to 1) burn the wagons for which they had no use 2) take the weapons, groin-armors, jeans and underwear of the overwhelmed men 3) impale all surviving men. The last was not done before the men had been milked for that their cream was taken to fertilize some Amazons: It was important to breed new Amazon fighters! To avoid these ambushes, the Hominians send scout troops ahead. One of these small troops got into an Amazon trap: While they walked over a hidden net, it was swiftly tugged up, and the 4 young soldiers and their leader (a private) were captured. The Amazons, by now hidden in the bushes, came over to admire their work. They beat with rackets against the helpless young men till those were completely unable to defend. Then, the net was lowered and the defenseless men at the age of 18 were tugged off the net, undressed and disarm(or)ed. (Two of them had metal groin armors.) Young Amazon recruits had the task to milk these men because their fertile cream was needed to breed new female fighters. Despite their young age, the Amazons were perfectly familiar with the male anatomy and quickly brought their victims to an involuntary climax. Afterwards, the totally subdued Hominians received the death from the hands of the young Amazon recruits: Every boy was brought down and a 2 m long stake was hammered into his asshole till it came out again at the neck. During the first seconds of this torture, the boys were still alive and conscious till the merciful death came. Now, they were put on a barbecue like a sucking pig. To eat the male privates of an overwhelmed enemy, was the inauguration ceremony for the Amazon recruits to become soldiers. Thus, after the male organs of the hapless young men were thoroughly grilled, the young Amazons were allowed to cut off the shrunk packages. The recruit girls enjoyed every bite of the rare and holy dainty that they called "fried eggs"! Afterwards, they were allowed to dress the captured soldier jeans of the killed men, since – by eating their enemies’ privates – they had gathered all strength of the Hominian soldiers. Thus they were mature now, to be soldiers themselves. Another Hominians scout troop of 4 young soldiers (18 to 20 years old) and a private fell also in the hands of the vicious Amazons. Each boy was brought down by 2 girls and his gun was wound off his arms. While one girl held the boy down, the other stroke the butt of the gun again and again into his well-hung package! The private - the only boy to wear a groin armor - stared disbelieving and helplessly at his proud warriors which were reduced to slavering wrecks and their well-filled packages were turned into a mushy pulp! It took only some minutes till all 8 nuts were cracked and his 4 soldiers sent to the eternal hunting grounds! An Amazon officer ordered to take the uniforms of these hapless boys. The victorious girls peeled down the jeans. The white cotton briefs the boys wore underneath were soaked with blood, sperm and piss. The whole reproductive organ was smashed! The girls decided not to take this underwear. This was the last honor these boys received. The Amazon officer (a sergeant) took one of the captured guns and aimed against the Hominian private, the only survivor of the massacre. "As far as know, your groin-armor is not bullet-proof! Shall we test it, or do you hand me out your jeans and egg-cup?!". Completely threatened because of the total defeat of his boys, he fulfilled all orders. Spread-eagled, with his hands fold behind his neck and just wearing his yellow silk shorts in Hombre style, he stood in front of the giggling Amazons. "OK, urinate on the dead bodies of your scattered warriors!" Close to tears he did. "And now wank in honor of the great, victorious Amazons and spurt your cream on the bloody briefs of this dead boy!" Again, he had no choice but to fulfil this order. "At last, you are allowed to chose the one of my young warriors from whom you will receive the merciful death! Hand her your shorts so that she takes over your rank" Sobbingly, he presented his most intimate piece of underwear to a young, attractive Amazon soldier. She put it on immediately. Then, she positioned behind the hapless boy. Her left hand shut his mouth for that his shrieks could not alarm other Hominians. Her right hand went down to his nut-sack and squeezed its content till the boy passed out cold. Despite the fact that the Amazons could slaughter many powerful Hominian companies and weaken whole battalions, it became clear that they couldn’t hold their position much longer. Some more days, maybe weeks. Their troops formed up in order of march, and the column was about to leave this canyon to build up a new line when an Amazon messenger, exhausted after a long journey, delivered bad news to her Queen. Another mighty Hominian army approached from the south. There were only hours left to flee. Quickly, the Queen made up her mind. "Monica," she ordered, "try to defend our remaining lands as long as possible. Show no mercy and kill as many of these men as possible. I, however, will take the bulk of our warriors and head eastward as fast as we can. We’ll try to join forces with the neighboring male tribe."