Girls Take Control...3. By ANTMAN It was a lovely Summer's day. The three schoolfriends, dressed in bikinis, were enjoying a Saturday lazing at the beach.The fourteen year olds were on a secluded area, among the sandhills behind the wide area of beach and sea, in which children played and shrieked with glee, while parents and teenagers sunbathed and relaxed. Sandi stretched her shapely limbs, luxuriously on the warm soft sand. She shook her mane of dark blonde hair, and squinted her large brown eyes at the sun. Reaching into her bag, she squirted some lotion on her pale tanned thighs, and rubbed it in. "Mmmm", she purred. "This is nice..I wish I had your tan, Laurie". She smiled over at her brunette friend. Laurie had a slim bronzed body, and long dark brown hair reaching to her waist. She raised a hand to shield the sun from her lynx dark eyes, and chuckled. "Yeah, but I wish I had your body..You really have got muscles". Sandi tautened her leg, feeling the muscle beneath her hand ripple and harden. "Ha, ha! ", she laughed." We all have, It's just that I exercise a lot". Monique sighed, and rolled over onto her soft smooth stomach. "Mmmm," she purred. "I can't be bothered to exercise". Her soft, light brown hair flowed over her beautiful grey eyes; her tan flawless body feeling the prickles of the sun on it's smooth skin.The tallest of the trio, she had a budding figure blossoming into ripeness. The girls giggled and chattered away, turning now and then, to expose their bodies to the sun's warm rays. Behind the girls, over the next sandhill, among the tall coarse grasses, a figure lay motionless. The balding man was about forty years old. his eyes staring lustfully at the trio of nymphs below him. His breathing was short and panting. Dressed in t-shirt and jeans, he was sweating as he viewed the girls as they squirmed their nearly nude bodies in the soft, warm sand.He admired the svelte, smooth bodies coverered by their small bikinis.The dark blonde one was small, but strong. He saw the smooth muscles ripple on her arms and legs as she stretched.The dark haired one was deliciously dark tanned, with long slim legs, and that mass of dark hair and dark eyes. The other was lightly tanned and had a supple shapely figure. Her soft full lips smiled often, and her grey eyes sparkled with fun. Sandi, sweeping the area with her dark lashed eyes, suddenly paused. She narrowed her eyes in focusing, then looking away, dropped back onto her stomach. "Listen", she whispered. "Theres a bald guy perving at us...don't look". "Let's fetch the Police" murmured Monique. "No," replied Sandi thoughtfully. "They won't do anything". She pursed her lips.." I've a better idea.." she giggled softly. "We'll deal with him ourselves.I'll show you what strong legs can do to a man. I will make him as weak and helpless as a kitten ". Laurie widened her dark eyes and smiled.."I'd like to see that". "Right then", said Sandi, "You two set if to get ice-cream. Get behind him, and bring the creep down here..where we won't be seen . I'll keep him..interested". The girls stood, and Laurie picked up her bag, and they set off, Monique calling.."We'll bring you a '99". The man saw the girls lithely move off, and then Sandi's movement caused him to drag his eyes back to her. His mouth widened and he moved the grasses to see better. The girl was doing stretching exercises..her lithe muscles relaxing and hardening as she tensed her limbs and taut belly. He stared hardly daring to Sandi, glancing through her heavily lashed eyes, noticed the grass move slightly as he parted it, and glimpsed the shiny bald head. She smiled slightly, and stretched her leg again.... The man suddenly gasped as a hard blow fell on the back of his neck, and his senses reeled.His vision blurred and his strength ebbed as his brain whirled in confusion. Monique and Laurie were behind him. Monique had clenched her fists together, and brought them down with all her strength onto the back of the man's neck. As he reeled, totally stunned, both the girls took an arm each and pulled him roughly to his feet. "You like what you see pervert ?" hissed Laurie. "Come..Take a closer look".. She twisted his arm viciously behind his back, and Monique copied her movement. The man gasped in pain and bent at the waist..the girls tightening their grips, and forced him to stagger down the dune towards Sandi. As Sandi saw the group approach, she smiled grimly, and lay back on her elbows, widening her beautiful eyes in surprise. "Well, well...Who do we have here?" she inquired in mock surprise. Monique keeping the grip on his wrist with one hand, hooked her other arm round the man's neck..pulling his head up so that the man saw the blonde on her back.."Sandi..Meet the pervert !!" The man moaned in fear and lust, as he realised he was unseen in the hollow and yet..The girls were so lovely. "Get him on his knees" said Sandi..and the man dropped as the girls twisted his arms more..drawing a moan of pain from him. as his knees hit the sand. He heard soft giggles behind him as he tried to protest.."No, please...Let me go ! " "Oh no!" smiled Sandi, "We want to play with you.." She shuffled towards him, and then raised her legs into the air, parting them, so he saw along the smooth shapely limbs to the crotch of her dark blue bikini briefs."Mmmm..You like my legs, don't you?" Sandi raised her eyebrows questioningly. The man stammered "Nnno...I.." Sandi laughed..she had seen his eyes as they widened in lust. "Come into them then...Help him girls" she chuckled. "Right " said Laurie, "Take him down Monique". She giggled and twisted his arm harder, forcing the man's head down into the the shadows of  Sandi's thighs. The blonde sighed and closed her legs. The man gasped in pleasure as he felt the smooth, warm soft thighs gently close on his neck. "Hold him there girls, while I get comfortable", said Sandi. She shuffled herself and settled her legs firmly around his neck, smiling as she saw him close his eyes, and swallow hard, and then she crossed her ankles, and ordered.."Okay..Let him go"... Laurie and Monique both released the man's arms, and stood back. Sandi suddenly tensed her thighs and locked her scissors tight.The man gasped as he felt the soft, smooth thighs suddenly become steel bands around his neck that tightened as a python would it's prey. Laurie dropped to her knees, and pushed her long hair over her shoulder.."Wow" she exclaimed, as she saw Sandi's legs turn into bulging muscles..and then Monique joined her on the soft sand, as the man started to cough and moan. The pressure was building up and the man's hands came up to the girl's thighs.His fingers clawed helplessly at the hard thighs that clamped viciously into the sides of his neck, his hand sliding off the smooth warm skin, and he gasped as he saw the girl below him, her lovely face smiling slightly, her large brown eyes amused, her shapely arms raised, hands clasped behind her head, totally relaxed, totally in charge of him. Moaning and now fearful, he tried to call for help but only a low moan escaped his clenched teeth, as he desperately tried to resist the strength of the young girls legs, as they continued to squeeze into his neck, forcing him into dizziness and weakness. "Do you need a hand ?" asked Monique..Laurie chuckled.."I think Sandi can handle the perv, Save us a bit of him Sandi"."Ok", the blonde replied, and chuckled.."If there's anything left, that is ...Oh no you don't..." The man had forced him self onto his shaky legs and stood up. Sandi rose with him, reaching back to stand on her hands, while the man reached behind his head, frantically trying to part the girl's knees.His hands slid uselessly off Sandi's sharp knees as she gritted her teeth and gripped with all her strength. A moan of despair escaped the man, as with a wave of weakness flooding over him, his shaking legs gave way, and he slumped back down on his knees. Sandi dropped onto her back again, and breathed contentedly.."That's better" she chuckled.."Much more comfortable". The man pawed in vain at her smooth scissoring legs, as Laurie said.."Can I do that..Are my legs strong enough ?" Sandi now grasped the man's arms, her strong fingers clasping tightly around his wrists, pulling his clawing fingers away from her thighs. "Yeah..It's just a matter of using your inner thigh muscles on his carteroid artery. It stops the blood to the brain..makes him weak.". The man was now wheezing and his neck felt like it was being crushed in a vice, as Sandi continued her grip. Monique ran her fingers down her thigh.."Perhaps I should exercise more" she mused.. "Yes," said Sandi "Ungh.." she tightened her grip still more, noticing his struggles getting weaker, and his face between her steely thighs turning more and more red.."There's nothing like the feeling of holding a man helpless between your legs..It really turns me on. Get down boy !" She suddenly raised her lithe hips and twisted them hard. The man was powerless to resist as he was overbalanced and fell onto his side, his legs kicking weakly. "He is now totally helpless..See, I told you he would be!". Laurie and Monique moved over to see the man's fluttering eyelids and gaping mouth as he groaned weakly in her thigh embrace. "Wow.." said Laurie.."Could you kill him like this". "Well," replied Sandi, controlling his weakly flailing arms with ease.."I don't know. I once knocked an eighteen year old boy out like this." "Do it again,Sandi..Let's see" breathed Monique..."Okay..Time for bye - byes old man". The girl tightened her thighs trying to close them, as if the man's head was not between them. His wheezing gasps became faint and his kicking legs started to twitch uncontrollably.His senses reeled and he faintly heard the giggles of Laurie and Monique, as the sight of the smiling, lovely face of Sandi slowly faded as the roaring in his ears grew till.......                    End Of Story Three