Girls Take Control...2. By ANTMAN The man was a bully. He had picked the young street girl up and had taken her to his hotel room. There, he had made violent love to her. He had in fact, nearly raped her. He lay in a drunken stupor after the couple of hours he had forced upon his victim, and a nearly full bottle of Scotch. While he snored, his mouth open, and his head back on the pillow, the girl watched and shivered in disgust. Monique could have got up, dressed and simply stole out of the room, without his noticing. But she had been abused too often, by too many rough, uncaring brutes like this one lying next to her. It was time for retaliation. The eighteen year old pushed the long light brown hair out of her big brown eyes and stretched. She looked down at her long strong shapely legs. Men had often remarked on how lovely they were. Monique murmured.."Let's see how you like PIG !! " As the man groaned in sleep, the girl positioned herself on her side and rolled him to face her. She raised her lithe body and took his right arm, pushing it up, and locking it into her armpit by gripping his elbow. Then she coiled her right leg around his body and cupping her right hand around his neck, pulled his head towards her opened mouth. He awake to the sensuous kiss that Monique was giving him, and his hand slid to her smooth thigh, as it slid caressingly on his body.The girl broke the kiss, and smiled. The man grinned broadly.."Well little girl..You like a bit of rough stuff do you ?" In reply, she rolled onto her back and pulled him on top of her as her lips silenced him. As her left leg coiled like a serpent around his waist, she rolled both of them back onto their sides. She broke the kiss again, and now leant on her left elbow gazing down on him. "You know", she murmured.."Men say I have strong legs...What do you say ?" She suddenly locked her ankles and rolling her thighs slightly tightened them just under his ribs. "Aaaah!...the man moaned..then grinned, as he felt the muscles under the velvety skin of her thigh. "Unngh.." he gasped.."yeah...aaaah, they are right....nnnggh!!" his breath was forced out of his lungs. He stared into her big brown eyes, and felt a sudden stab of fear. Her eyes were cold and the smile was not one of welcome ! She noticed his sudden flash of apprehension in his eyes and a shudder of pleasure shook her. She tightened her scissors grip tighter, feeling the man try to tense against the pressure. Suddenly he moaned.."AAAh..Alright..Stop it...Unngh". he tried to push her thigh away, but his clawing fingers were weak against the now steely muscles tightening vice like around him, crushing his ribs..stopping air from being drawn into his agonising lungs. The girl giggled and shifted her hips, drawing him further into her, further into the python squeeze she had him in. "I'm enjoying this..aren't you". As he fought to draw breath in, she continued.." I thought you liked it rough...." She snapped the grip tighter and watched his reddened face in amusement. Strangled squeaks were now being forced out his mouth, and his lips moved in soundless oaths and pleas. His fist which was in vain pounding at her thigh, now reached up. the finger opening and clawing desperately at her face. She snapped her long fingers around his wrist, and pulled it down.."Tut, Tut", she admonished...and tightened the grip still more. His other arm, still trapped under her body, was by now useless and numb. Her fingers coiled around the elbow of that arm, had been working their magic on it...digging into the nerve endings and paralysing it.The hand twitched uselessly, sliding on her silky back. Now, the man was completely helpless. Monique pushed her lithe hips foreward, tightening even more the scissors. The man weakly kicked, feeling the steel bands around him tighten to a deadly force..getting no air, and fading fast, he tried to find mercy in her eyes. But the girl's wide brown orbs were watching his weakening struggles in amusement, her teeth clamped tight in determination. "This is for all the girls who get scum like you" she hissed... His vision suddenly clouded over, and little sparks flew around in his brain, as oxygen deprived, the cells started to fade. He started to twitch like a demented puppet, and the girl experienced the pleasure of gripping a man tight between her thighs, and shuddered in pleasure, as the man shuddered in his death throes. For a while, the girl kept her steely prison locked tight upon the still man. She looked down on the agonised expression, and whispered.."You will hurt no girl any more..." Then she rose and took a long shower. Re-entering the room, she brushed out her long wet hair, and taking out the man's wallet from his jacket, removed the wad of notes she found in it.."I think I have earned this" she cast a backwards look at the man, and smiled . She opened the door, and slipped silently out of the room.                 End Of Story 2