George and the Girl Gang by DJ After his fight with Sue, George begins to believe the rumors of the Girl Gang My name is George. I'm 16 years old and I never thought I'd be seeing a shrink, especially a lady shrink. But last year a few things happened and I don't know if I'll ever be able to act around girls the way I used to. I'm not that big. I might even be a bit of a wimp but in our neighborhood guys like to think of themselves as tough and I just can't think of myself that way any more. I've got a sister named Kay. I used to pick on her a bit. Now it's like she picks on me. My life has changed. For the last few years there's been talk in the neighborhood about a girl gang. a bunch of girls that beat up guys. It was almost like an urban legend. I never used to believe it.. Most of the guys just laughed at the idea, but now I think at least a few of them know more than they let on. Supposedly, the leader is a girl named Joan and the second in command is Gail, who lives across the street from me. Joan is a year older than me, only a little bigger, but something of a tomboy. Gail is my age, but taller and quite a bit heavier with large breasts. Rumor had it that both of them had beaten up guys, but most of the guys said it wasn't true. It occurred to me even then that anyone beaten up by them would deny the whole gang thing. A friend of mine, Dave, was supposed to have got beaten up by Gail, although none of the guys saw it and Dave denied it. According to some of the girls Gail beat him up outside his own house and Dave was yelling for help. Gail ran away when Dave's mother heard his shouts and came to the door. A smaller kid told us he saw Joan beating up a guy in the ravine and a bunch of her friends were watching. The kid stayed hidden in the bushes figuring if the girls knew he was there one of them would have beaten him up too. Back then I wasn't sure what to believe but I wouldn't have messed with either of them. With my sister and her friends I was pretty confident and swaggered and bragged with them mainly because they were younger and smaller. One of them though, Sue, was pretty outspoken and arrogant. Most of the guys said Sue was snotty and stuck up. This was kind of true but I sort of liked her. She had red hair, freckles, and nice breasts. She was about my size and if I would pick on Kay when she was around she'd stand up for her like she was her protector or something. Not that they were part of the girl gang or anything but the way Sue acted I sometimes wondered if maybe they could take me if they ganged up on me. Anyway, now I know they could've because of what happened last year. One day I was in the yard working on my bike. My folks were out somewhere and Kay and Sue came into the yard and they were kind of bothering me, getting in the way, asking stupid questions, just generally annoying me. At some point I started yelling at Kay, telling her to get out, go somewhere else. She started yelling back and of course Sue took her part. Suddenly Sue is in my face saying, "You shouldn't talk to Kay like that, it would serve you right if she whacked you!" "As if she could," I laughed. "She probably could," said Sue. "I bet I could." What could I say to that? I had to say something so I said. "I doubt it." By this time we were standing close together. Sue had her hands on her hips, her nice breasts jutting towards me. I just couldn't resist it. I pushed her and of course I made sure my hand hit squarely on her breast. No sooner did my hand touch her than she slapped me harder than I would have thought possible. My face was burning and my ears were ringing. Before I got over my surprise she had slapped me three more times. In desperation I swung at her but missed. She retaliated by hitting me with her closed fist. It really hurt, my head was spinning. I decided she hit too hard so I tried to wrestle with her but she just brushed my arms off and punched me two or three more times. I fell to my knees and she grabbed me by the hair, pulled my head back, and drew back her fist to hit me again. She was smiling down at me. Kay was smiling too. A bullying brother had been put in his place. Before she could hit me again though, I said, "No, no, please, no more." Sue smiled at me again, gave me a push so I fell on my side. Then she and Kay walked away. Naturally I told no one about this, but Kay and Sue did. One or two of the guys asked me about it. I denied it. Most of them seemed to accept this, partly because I suspect a few of them had had their own experiences. Not too long afterwards, hanging around one of the parks Sue was there with a couple of other girls. I was surprised to see one of them was Joan. To my horror, Terry, this guy I was with, a bit of a troublemaker, called them over and asked Sue if it was true she and I had had a fight. Sue said, "Why don't you ask George?" I shuffled a bit and denied it. Joan spoke up and said, "You know it's true. Your own sister was there. why don't you fight her right now?" Sue was smirking at me because she was confident she could take me again. I knew she could too so I used the excuse about not fighting girls. Joan, Sue and the other girl left with a mocking, "Hah!" And I had no answer. Now you understand why I have trouble dealing with girls!