Fort Worth Fury Part III The Brick House Brawl It was D's turn now and both Nikki and "D" knew J.C. 's third girl had to besomething special. This girl and Dawnique had been eyeing each otherthroughout the entire ordeal; suddenly Dawnique realized this girl worked at thefirm as a customer service rep and had been there for months. She was a mole,J.C.'s mole who "D" had staring matches before. Dawnique wanted to kick her@$$ but she was constantly reminded by Nikki that this was not the old days soNikki admonished her to "let it slide." Now the old days have caught up withthem both. "OK J.C. who is this b!%@#? "D" sweety, baby, now that's no way to talk about someone you're just meetingJ.C. said sarcastically. "Who is she? Well, she is your replacement in more ways than one" he offeredsmiling. "Her name is Jessica if you most know" Jessica was physically Dawnique's twin though not as muscular; height, weightand skin color a smooth peanut butter brown, still athletically built yet shapely,what the broth'as called a "brick house." Jessica's skill was a mystery and J.C.was not telling only smiling. Nikki advised Dawnique as she was getting ready forthe match. " D, we don't know s#!% about this h@# but we do know J.C. and we do knowyou. J.C. always said you were the best natural street fighter male or female hehad ever seen, that you could read an opponent faster than anyone". " He toldme that you learned in the middle of fighting, that you were a prodigy" "So what does that mean?" required "D" "It means that N!&&@! always hedges his bets: 1. He would not put someoneagainst you who he thought would loose. 2. It means that what he saw in you hefound in her. 3. Most of all it means what he taught you he taught her and more"."Now my advice is that you take this b!%@# out in a quick and the ruthless way.""If you can't take her out quick whatever she does to you, do worse to her twotimes plus one". "Are you two girls finished we don't have all night", J.C. said with both armsextended. "Keep your jock on J.C., there are plenty of hospital beds for your new hoochie"barked "D." Dawnique was wearing a blue sports bra and white shorts over a navy blueFrench cut workout leotard. To everyone's surprise Jessica was dressedidentically; everyone except Jessica and J.C. This was just a ploy to unnerve "D."It did not however, Dawnique was used to all of J.C.'s mind games in fact shehelped him design some of them, besides she was completely over him so beingreplaced was more a relief than anything. The only man Dawnique was thinkingabout was her new man Lee. Dawnique's head was clear for the fight. They walked slowly toward one another their large chests heaving slowly withtheir chiseled six packs acting in sensual symphonies. They stood toe to toe eyeto eye nipple to nipple, their sinewy thighs and full diamond shaped calves flexinginvoluntarily like that of track stars before a race. Neither woman was in a hurrythey both knew this would be the fight of their life and they were both searchingfor a weakness in the eyes of the other, yet found none. Dawnique broke silence, "Well B!%@# how you wanna' do this?" "J.C. says you are the strongest woman he ever met until he met me so let's seewhat you got? Said Jessica. The two mid sized Amazons raised their hands slowly then interlocked theirfingers took one step back and the struggle began. Every muscle in their backspronounced and flexing, in no time at all they were drenched with perspirationpressing pushing back and forth grunting and groaning like twins in labor painingto be delivered. Simultaneously they buried their heads beneath the other's chestshoulder to shoulder they converted the struggle into a Middle Eastern shoulderpress. Now giving they're all, the back and forth action turned into a circlingmotion, causing their muscular buttocks to rotate and quiver, seeking to help theeffort. There would have been complaints from the onlookers but the sight of thesemagnificent physical specimens embattle in sweat was all too exciting especiallyfor the men. Suddenly Jessica broke the fingerlock in a yanking motion and shottoward D's left leg taking her down to the ground with a thud. "D" attempted anemergency counter by kicking her in the head with the other foot but Jessicaskillfully slipped the kick, turned "D" over by twisting the ankle then clamped on ajiu jitstu knee lock. This move causes immediate pain to the victim; "D's" left leg,butt cheek and knee were hyper-extended the rest of her body was pressedagainst the ground in pushup position she gave a growl ofpain,"ARRRRRRRRAH!!!!!! When Nikki saw this she cried out "awe s#!%!" "D" was not really familiar with jiu jitsu technically but she was not one to stay inwhat she called 'an @$$ whoop position'. "D" cleverly rammed the tip of her rightfoot into the crack of Jessica's behind forcing her to release her hold squealingand holding her butt. The small crowd roared with laughter. With quick recovery"D" ran toward her retreating foe and delivered a flying double drop kick to theside of her head. "D" then got up, locked on a leg scissors to Jessica's head andattempted to stand up to convert it into a pile driver but to no avail for Jessicaspread her legs distributing her weight making it impossible for "D" to do whatshe wanted. So "D" settles for the scissors with a crotch-lock re-enforcementclasping her hands between Jessica's legs, and pressing her knuckles againstJessica's vaginal area. This is always an uncomfortable hold to be in but pressedbetween the thighs of a woman who leg presses over 1000lbs is a bad trip. "D"also stretched Jessica's neck by arching her back and thighs backward thenflexing her now sweat laden butt cheeks. Jessica was moaning shamelessly atthis point frantically trying to think of a way out of the obvious pain and inwardhumiliation of passing out between the legs of her man's Ex. "Well B!%@#! How does the @$$! Whoopin' feel?" taunted Dawnique. F()@%! You H@#! You ain't got S#!%!" answered Jessica. Fortunately forJessica she was able to eventually pry her self free because of "D" excessivesweating; they scrambled to the feet swinging savagely but unlike Nikki andJanet they wanted to test each other's body's rather that go for the head. Therewas an occasional shot to the jaw and side of the head but most of the shotswere from the collarbone to the belly button. This exchange was intense to saythe least, ribs popping, abs contracting breasts contorting; because of their fairercomplexions reddish, bruises appeared almost instantly. Animal like soundsresounded with every punch and counter punch, their foreheads colliding fromtime to time taking the minds off the immense pain inflected on their sexy torsos. The trash talk continued, "Yea Heifer, that is what I'm talkin' about!" offeredJessica. "Shut up lil H@#! You no you wanna' cry!" demanded Dawnique. Afterover five minutes of this pugilistic display they clenched but more in the typicalresting hold with occasional punch here and there; they locked in front chokeholds. Immediately the two sensual warriors began the battle dance forsuperiority, bending, twisting, stretching and flexing battered feminine bone andmuscle. The struggle took the them to a three-bar steel railing that divided twoparking lots "D" and Jessica collided into it side ways then they began to rollacross it using their mighty thighs and powerful calves to gain advantage. "D"suddenly remembered her little friend in the first match so she crashed hermatchless butt cheek into Jessica's hip and partially flipped her over the railingbut Jessica quickly rapped her right leg around the middle and bottom bars withher left leg hanging on the other side. With her left foot Jessica braced her self tokeep from falling over to the other side of the railing while still holding her chokeon "D". "D" took full advantage Jessica's balancing act and locked her legsaround Jessica's right leg affixing it to the railing she then bent forward placingexcruciating pain on Jessica's lower back and muscular buttocks. "D" alsomodified her choke hold to concentrate on stretching Jessica's chin; with everyounce of strength left "D' pressed her opponent until she heard Jessica's outcry,her back popped and her last whimper and she heard the trilogy of defeat. "D"dismounted her broken foe slowly leaving her hanging on the railing crying out"AAAAAAHHHHH god help me". J.C. was obviously upset cursing in a crescendo "awe d@^^^ ! d@^^^ ! d@^^^ !"The pain and humiliation he had planned for his Ex and her friends had turned onhim and his crew. "D" was leaning over the railing catching her breath; J.C. andhis goons were walking toward Jessica to take her away to the emergency room."D" held up her hand and spoke "I aint done with this h@# yet" J.C. demanded, "Awe come on Dawnique you beat her already" "I ain't done, you know the rules N!&&@!" They stopped in their tracks knowingthe could not violate the street rule of finishing: "It was not over till the winning B!%@# said it was over" a J.C. quote. "D" was not usually cruel but she had a special interest in hurting and humiliatingJessica, so she pulled her by the ears to the ground, stomped her in thesolarplex, then pulled her by the hair back to the railing placing the back of herhead on the middle rail. "D" then climbed to the other side of the railing reachedthrough grabbing into Jessica's sports bra clamping down on her breasts. "J.C.get this B!%@#! Off Me!" "Nah C()^%! It's me you need to be talkin' to! Now beg Mama to stop whoopin'yo' @$$!" "F()@%! You!" retorted Jessica. This was a mistake; Dawnique continued pullinguntil Jessica's head was through the other side then mounted Jessica face tocrotch and squeezed as hard as she could with her shapely muscular thighs. Jessica's sweaty frame pulsated as Dawnique flexed and pulled; only Jessica'smuffled cries could be heard echoing throughout the near empty lot. Jessica'sarms were desperately grasping backward at Dawnique's thighs and buttock tono avail, her six pack was in full display contracting with every movement, legs ina half squat, thighs wide open and even her womanhood pulsating as if it couldsome how rescue her from this unthinkable distress. Finally Jessica's bodyconvulsed and rested then Dawnique dismounted her victim letting her slump tothe ground gagging in her own spittle. J.C.'s plan was thwarted but being the low life he was he said, "Well at least I cansell the best d@^^^ video I ever sold". "Low life " sneered Nikki. They collected Jessica got back in the van and drove off. Nikki, Consuelo and Dawnique drove to the nearest clinic to be checked out, asthey traveled they were bragging on each others performance and commentingon how their Fury was underestimated. G-man