Match #1 By or A new series of matches based at a family club designed to allow pro-style matches between friends and family. If you can't beat up family, then who can you beat up? The first match of the night at the Family Fitness Center is based on some real animosity. The challengers, sisters Sara and Tara have felt snubbed and disrespected by an aunt and uncle, Dan and Annie for many years. They felt their aunt and uncle were mean and uncaring, especially when the girls were very ill three years back. So the girls challenged them to a one-fall, 30 minute wrestling match to get back at them. The aunt and uncle gladly accepted hoping to once and for all teach the girls a lesson in manners and respect for elders. The girls' parents tried to stop this, but both sides want the match so here we go. "Ladies and gentlemen, the first match tonight is one-fall with a 30-minute time limit. Coming down the aisle, at a combined weight of 297 lbs., here are the Fightin' Phillips Girls, Sara and Tara." The girls walk down the aisle looking straight ahead at the ring. Most of the adults booed them and called a few choice names. Tara and Sara just walked toward the ring and ignored the others. They're wearing leather jackets over matching red spandex bike shorts and gray sports bras with short black Asics wrestling boots. They climb into the ring and stretch in their corner. Sara is 17 and Tara is 16. "Their opponents; at a combined weight of 319 lbs. here is the great team of Dan and Annie Rodgers, the Hill Street Black & Blues." The adults cheer loudly for them as they walk to the ring, waving and high-fiving their friends. They climb into the ring and remove their high-school letter jackets to reveal matching black and red tights, high black patent leather boots and Annie with a gold sports bra. Her hair is combed back and jet black and the makeup is perfect to make her look nasty. Dan is 46 and Annie 47. "The referee is Susie Barnett." She calls them to the center and reviews the rules. No attacking the eyes, face or groin area with feet or closed fist; no choking or hair pulling; and no biting. All four nod and go back to their corners. Sara and Tara glared at their aunt and uncle through the instructions. The bell rings and Sara starts against Dan. They lockup and Dan quickly pushes her into the ropes. She's forced back over the top rope and when he breaks, he suddenly slaps her hard across the face. She winces, but stands her ground. Susie steps in between and Dan moves back. They lockup again and he forces her into the ropes. But this time Sara slaps him just as hard before he has a chance to think about hitting her. His head snaps to the left from the force. Before Susie can break it up, Sara slaps him again, with her other hand, again snapping his head hard to the right. They separate as Dan whispers something to Sara. She stands there taunting him and telling him to come and bring it on big boy. They lockup and this time Dan maneuvers Sara into their corner where Annie wraps the tag line around Sara's throat. She yanks back hard and her niece gags and gasps for air. Her eyes bulge as the air is cut off. Dan pushes against Sara and levels a forearm smash into her face, then another. Annie is choking and also yanks her hair back and gives a perfect target for Dan's vicious chop to the throat. Before the ref can break it up, Dan slams a vicious double-axhandle to Sara's belly. The poor girl can't double over to ease the pain as Dan laughs at her. Susie finally breaks it up and shoves Dan away, then loosens the line from around Sara's throat; Sara stumbles along the ropes, gasping for air. Dan grabs her hair and flips her with a hair mare, then another. Sara's dazed and looking for Tara. Dan grabs an arm and twists it into a hammerlock. Pushing up hard he forces Sara onto her toes in an attempt to ease the pain and strain on her shoulder. Dan forces her into the ropes and slugs her neck and head with closed fists while Susie counts. At four he stops, then starts up again. He stops again, but this time Annie comes down and clotheslines Sara from the apron. Dan grabs that arm again and forces Sara to their corner where he tags Annie. Annie climbs to the top rope and jumps off, driving an elbow into Sara's shoulder. "Oh god, please stop, Tara please help me, please," Sara screams as she's beat on by her aunt and uncle. Susie finally pushes Dan out and Annie backs off letting Sara get into the center. They lockup, but Annie quickly grabs the same arm and twists it into an armbar. She holds it high and steps under it, and then brings it down hard on her shoulder, forcing Sara up her toes. Sara grabs her aunt's hair, but Annie applies more pressure and Sara cries out and releases the hair. She twists the arm into a hammerlock and slowly parades Sara around the ring, laughing at her. But Annie gets sloppy and Sara feels the hold loosen a bit. She wheels around and drives an elbow into Annie's head. Annie's caught off guard and before she can react, Sara drives another into her head. Annie lets go and falls back. Sara faces her aunt and pushes her into the girls' corner where she tags Tara. As Sara holds Annie in a front face lock, Tara jumps off the top rope and drives an elbow into Annie's lower back. Dan is yelling at Susie to do something, but Tara has Annie in a bad way. She holds her up by the chin and delivers a forearm into her temple, dazing the older woman. Annie stumbles back, but Tara has her again. She throws one of Annie's arms over her shoulder, grabs some spandex and flips her over in a suplex. Annie lands hard on her lower back just before Sara flies off the top rope and nails her with flying head butt to the chest. Annie's body jerks from the force, but that's all. She lies on the mat, legs barely moving as Tara looks down at her. "Come on auntie, get up and fight me. Do you need your great big Dan the man to help?" Tara enjoyed taunting her fallen aunt. Now back to business. She yanks Annie up by the hair and slams her face into the turnbuckle twice. Annie's face is bruised and red. The sweat pouring over her face and body makes her look a mess, but also a bit sexy. Her breasts are pushing through the wet material and the nipples are stiff. Tara turns her around and yanking her hair slams the back of her head into the turnbuckle several times before Susie steps in. As Annie tries to stumble away, Sara reaches out and grabs her aunt's hair and pulls her back. She holds her hand over Annie's throat, choking while Tara knees her belly. Finally at the count of 4 they stop and Annie manages to get away. But Tara has her trapped in another corner where she knees her belly again, then flips her with a snap mare. As Annie sits up, Tara delivers a wicked kick to her back. Annie arches her back and slowly falls to the side. Tara pulls her up and clamps on a side headlock, walking around the ring with her prize. Susie checks for a choke, but Tara carefully hides that. When Susie is behind her, Tara drives a fist into Annie's face, smashing her nose. Annie cries out in muffled voice, but Tara shows Susie she used an open palm. She turns her around again and pounds Annie's face again with more fists. Susie finally breaks it and Tara applies a front face lock and then drives a knee into Annie's chest. The force lifts Annie and drops her to one knee. Tara kicks her onto the mat and drags her by a leg to their corner and tags Sara. Sara comes in and places Annie's leg across the middle rope, then jumped high and sat on the knee. Annie screams and Susie pushes the girls away. Annie rolls around the mat holding her knee, trying to crawl to Dan. Sara helps her by pulling her by the hurt leg, but just as she gets close to a tag, Sara yanks the leg and twists it into a step-over-toehold. Sara's grinning as she bends the leg around her own leg, watching her aunt cry out and slap the mat. Sara is so taken at looking at her aunt suffer, she doesn't see Dan come in and kick her in the back. Sara lets go and holds her back. Dan grabs an arm and pulls Annie to their corner where they tag. He then turns to face his niece. Sara moves in confidently and they lockup. She tries to move him into a corner, but he manages to stay in the center and break the lockup. He's surprised by her sudden strength and energy. They lockup again and this time she falls back and takes both of his arms with her. She flips him over her and into their corner. Tara quickly grabs his hair and holds him while Sara drives a boot into his belly. Susie tries to break it, but the girls really pour it on. Tara has his head in a front face lock through the ropes and Sara smashes his back with forearms. Susie finally breaks it, but just for a moment. Tara grabs his hair and pulls hard while Sara rains fists into his belly and chest. She holds his chin for a second looking into his eyes. She senses the fear and smiling at him, drives a forearm across his head, sending her uncle to the mat. Susie has a tough time breaking this mess, but finally does. Dan slowly gets up and looks around. Sweat is pouring down his face and body. His muscular body is glistening with sweat, but also covered with some ugly welts and bruises. He takes a step toward Annie, but Sara tags Tara who leaps off the top rope and drives both feet into his head, sending him face first into the mat. Tara pulls him up and grabbing his hair, turns him around and lifts him over her shoulders in a horrible backbreaker. Dan's waving his arms in vain as she holds him tight by the throat and crotch. For good measure, Tara bounces him a few times on her shoulders. The audience is shocked and silent at the power shown by Tara, lifting her uncle onto her shoulders and pouring on the pressure. Dan is helpless as she has him pinned to her shoulders, bending his back. Tara suddenly falls backward to the mat, driving Dan into the mat with Tara on top. She quickly gets up and pulls him up. He just stands there barely able to understand what's going on. The beating has taken any fight out of him. She reaches under his crotch and lifts him. She carries him for a few seconds, and then takes a few steps and powerslams him. They both bounce from the force of the landing. Tara could go for the pin, but she pulls him up by the hair at 2. She stands him up and pushes him toward Sara. She's waiting and leaps off the top rope with a flying clothesline, dropping Dan. He's stretched out on the mat, arms and legs out straight, his left leg spasming. Tara splashes on him, hooks a leg and Susie counts him out. She stands and hugs her sister as they strut around the ring ignoring some of the comments from fans who are amazed at the viciousness of the beating these girls delivered to their aunt and uncle. Dan starts to move, but Sara kicks his belly, making him double up. Annie charges at them and Sara steps into her and viciously chops her throat, dropping her aunt like a rock. She begins to kick her when Tara and Susie pull her away and leave the ring.