It's the end of the Story for Karate-Actress Cynthia Rothrock and Her Breasts Karate-Actress, Chest Part Company, Citing 'Creative Differences' In a move that surprised many in the "Kick-Men-Where-It-Hurts-Film-Industry" Karate-Queen and Men-Kicker Cynthia Rothrock and her breasts announced today that they would no longer work together, citing "creative differences" as the reason for their split. While official spokesmen for Ms. Rothrock and her breasts publicly described the split as "amicable", insiders indicated that it was in fact a bitter parting, the inevitable result of rivalries growing out of success in the Kick-Men-Movies where Ms. Rothrock repeatedly humiliated and defeated men using her martial arts skills, while her breasts were in the way. However "It bothered Cynthia that her breasts got better reviews than she and her fighting skills did, but she was willing to swallow her pride and continue working with them," said Wimpy Willy a former stuntman and willing victim of Ms. Rothrocks Karate powers. "This thing was 100% the breasts' decision," another insider who didn´t want to be named, added. Others in the industry agreed with Willy´s assessment. "There was a feeling that people were hiring Cynthia just as a way of getting to work with her breasts, and didn´t enjoy being beaten by her that much" said Karate-Film-Agent Herb Hitman. "From what I've heard, the breasts were getting tired of carrying her, while she was beating up everybody." Now that the split is official, there has been no word about what the breasts' next project will be, but there are already signs that it is the fan project "Russ Meyer Rememberred," as one insider put it. "Apparently, the left breast is slightly larger than the right breast," this insider said, "and the left breast feels that should be reflected in the billing." As of this time, there is no confirmation of the rumors that the breasts were planning a split-up of their own in order to pursue solo careers. Ms. Rothrock's breasts could not be reached for comment. Also there has been an alarming amount of "insiders" being sighted at hospitals who apparently had the misfortune of having to deal with Ms. Rothrock other two big talents: Martial Arts and the Art of Kicking Men where it hurts. Ms. Rothrock on the other hand had intended to be so kind as to comment on the "Breast Story" with a one hour Karate-Cock-Ball-Torture I hardly would have survived if she had caught me, but due to her breasts´ size she wasn´t able to see the ground while running after me and fell over the body of another journalist she had beat unconscious before.