Tournament, round 1 By Wrestlingstuff2003 Amanda competes in a wrestling tournament.   This is part 36 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda". The first story was done in mid May, 2003. If you need a link to any of the other stories in this series, please email me at: The commissioner made an arrangement with a new club owner to hold a wrestling tournament. The club owner just opened a new club called "The Playpen". He features women wrestlers, lingerie shows, wet t-shirt contests, and many other adult themes. For the opening weekend of his club, he wanted to have a wrestling tournament. However, he only has 4 girls. So he contacted the commissioner of the Women's Championship Wrestling League and asked if he had 4 girls that could compete in the tournament. The commissioner gladly agreed, hoping to get more exposure for his league and possibly find some more talented wrestlers he could use at a later time. The commissioner asked Tanya, Sandra, Jen and Amanda to compete and they all agreed. So the tournament has been set up at the new club. There will be 3 rounds of fighting, all done in one day. The winner will receive a prize of $15,000. In order to win a match in the first or second round, a wrestler has to get one fall (submission, 5 second pin inside the ring, or 20 second count out). In the third (championship) round, a wrestler has to record two falls. Each wrestler will be allowed to bring one foreign object to the ring in the first two rounds. In the third round, they may use two foreign objects. No outside interference will be allowed. Also, any wrestler that completely strips their opponent during a match will receive a $1000 bonus. Other than that, any holds or moves are legal. There will be a 15 minute break in between rounds. Here are the matches for the first round and a brief description of the girls: Match 1: Donna: 5'9", 158 lb., medium length black hair. Age: early 40's. American. vs. Tanya: 5'7", 127 lb., long blond hair. Age: mid 20's. American. Match 2: Stacia: 5'6", 120 lb., short black hair. Age: early 20's. American. vs. Jen: 5'9", 173 lb., medium length blond air. Age: mid 20's. American. Match 3: Kaida: 5'7", 125 lb., long black hair. Age: upper 20's. Asian. vs. Sandra: 5:6, 115 lb., long blond hair. Age: early 20's. European. Match 4: Lisa: 5'8", 135 lb., medium reddish/brown hair. Age: 18. American. vs. Amanda: 5'9", 141 lb., long brown hair. Age: mid 20's. American. The winners of match 1 & 2, will fight in round 2. The winners of match 3 & 4 will also fight in round 2. Then the winners of those matches will compete in the championship (3rd) round. Round 1, match 1. Donna vs. Tanya: Donna is in the ring wearing a black t-shirt that reads "dangerous", red panties, and black heeled boots that come half way up her calves. Her weapon of choice is a chain. Tanya is wearing her usual attire: matching blue panties, tank top and high heeled boots. Her weapon is a baseball bat. The ring bell is rung to start the fight. Donna has the chain in her hand and starts to swing it in the air. Tanya has her bat and is keeping her distance. Donna moves closer to Tanya and Tanya holds the bat up to protect her from the chain. Donna keeps swinging the chain and it hits the bat and the end wraps around it two times. Tanya moves one hand up and grabs the chain. Donna gives the chain a hard pull and that causes Tanya to lose her grip on the bat and chain as she falls face first to the mat. Donna quickly moves in and drives her boot into Tanya's back. Donna then raises her elbow and drops to the mat, sending her pointy elbow into Tanya's back. Donna grabs Tanya's long blond hair and brings her to her feet. She leads Tanya to the nearest corner and slams her head into the top turnbuckle. Donna slams Tanya's head into the turnbuckle a second time. Then Donna releases her hold on Tanya's hair and drives a hard punch into Tanya's kidneys. Tanya moans in pain and Donna sends more punches into her kidneys... Tanya drops to her knees after Donna's eighth punch. Donna then pulls her leg back and drives her knee into Tanya's back. Tanya lets out a groan and falls to the mat. Donna reaches down and grabs Tanya's tank top and pulls it off. She then unhooks her bra and pulls that off as well. Donna then grabs Tanya's hair and pulls the sexy blond to her feet again. She stands in front of Tanya and wraps her arms around her, putting her in a tight bearhug. Donna squeezes tight and Tanya winces in pain. Then Donna picks up the smaller Tanya as she continues to squeeze. Tanya is in pain and is in trouble. Tanya's slender body is just being crushed by the larger and stronger Donna. Tanya's hands are trapped at her side, not allowing her to fight back. Donna keeps up the pressure on Tanya's back and might be going for a submission. Tanya is in pain and won't be able to hold on much longer. Finally Donna releases the young blond and she crumples to the mat. Donna doesn't give Tanya any time to rest though. She grabs her and picks her up. She then bodyslams Tanya down on the mat. Donna is really working over Tanya's back so far. Donna scoops up Tanya again and drops her like a sack of potatoes. Tanya rolls to her side and arches her back in pain... Donna grabs Tanya and forces her to her feet. She grabs her arm and whips Tanya into the nearest corner. Tanya's back hits hard and she lets out a moan. Donna moves in and quickly sends her knee into Tanya's bare mid section. Donna continues to drive her knee into Tanya's gut, over and over and over. She is knocking the wind right out of the sexy blonde's lungs. Tanya is starting to fade. Donna keeps up the punishment. Tanya's head is drooped forward and she is very weak now. Donna stops her assault after sending her knee into Tanya's belly at least 25 times. As Donna steps back Tanya's exhausted body falls to the mat. Donna then drags Tanya to the center of the ring. As Tanya tries to get some air in her lungs, Donna kneels down by her legs. She unzips both of Tanya's blue high-heeled boots and takes them off. Tanya is too weak to protest and is now left in only her panties. Donna reaches down and strips off Tanya's panties as well. The crowd cheers wildly now that Tanya is totally naked. Donna just earned herself $1000 for stripping Tanya... Donna now rolls Tanya onto her stomach. Donna gets on her back and pulls Tanya's arms up. She has Tanya in the inescapable camel clutch! This should be it for Tanya. Donna grabs a hold of Tanya's long blond hair and yanks back. Tanya lets out a loud moan as her upper body is yanked high off the mat. Her bare breasts are pointing straight out at the crowd. Donna has a determined look on her face as she pulls back on Tanya's hair. Tanya is in major pain. Donna continues to pour on the pressure and looks like she is trying to break Tanya in two. Donna is smiling and knows victory is close. Tanya is trying to hold on but with all the abuse her back has taken so far, she won't be able to last much longer. Finally, after over one minute, we hear Tanya cry out, "I GIVE!" Donna drops the young blond and stands up and holds her hands up high. Donna is the winner of the first match and will move on to round two. Round 1, match 2. Stacia vs. Jen Stacia is in the ring wearing some purple boy shorts and a black sports bra. She has set a whip in her corner. Jen is also in the ring and she is dressed in all black: t-shirt, panties, and high-heeled boots. Jen has put some handcuffs in her corner. As the ring bell is rung, Stacia quickly climbs up the corner ropes as Jen starts to walk towards her. As Jen nears, Stacia jumps and delivers a dropkick right to Jen's chest, knocking her down. Stacia is known for her "high flying moves", but they occasionally backfire on her. As Jen starts to get up, Stacia climbs the ropes again. Jen gets to her feet just as Stacia turns around, getting herself in position to deliver another drop kick to the muscular Jen. Stacia steadies herself and leaps off. Jen anticipates her move and steps to the side. Stacia's kick connects only with the air and she falls hard on the mat. Jen quickly grabs her and pulls her to her feet. She then whips Stacia into the nearest corner. Stacia's back hits the corner hard. Jen rushes her and throws her body right into Stacia. Stacia lets out a groan as her body is smashed against the turnbuckle. Jen now drives her knee up, slamming it into Stacia's crotch. Stacia cries out in pain as Jen drives her knee into Stacia's crotch again... Stacia is hurting and her knees start to wobble. Jen sends another knee into Stacia's crotch. Stacia's knees give out and she falls forward into Jen. Jen pushes her back into the corner and her arms fall over the top rope. Jen drives her knee into Stacia's crotch a fourth time. Stacia is just hanging off the corner ropes. Jen now reaches her hand out and grabs Stacia by the throat. She lifts the petite Stacia up and then turns back toward the center of the ring and chokeslams her down on the mat. Stacia lies on the mat in pain. Jen raises her boot and drives her heel down into Stacia's groin. Stacia screams in pain and rolls to her side holding her crotch. Jen now scoops up her injured opponent and turns back toward the corner. She places Stacia's body across the corner. Jen then brings her hands together. She jumps in the air and delivers a double-fisted slam to Stacia's midsection. Stacia lets out a shallow moan. Jen sends another punch into Stacia's gut, and another, and another. She is working her over good, not letting Stacia any recovery time. After a dozen hits, Jen lifts Stacia off of the corner ropes and turns back toward the center of the ring. She starts to walk across the ring with Stacia in her arms. Then suddenly, Jen begins to drop her. She stretches out her knee and Stacia's back lands right on it. Jen just gave Stacia a killer backbreaker... Jen keeps Stacia's back resting across her knee. Jen then lowers her hand to Stacia's belly. She digs her fingernails into Stacia's belly. Stacia lets out a painful cry as Jen gives her a vicious stomach claw. Jen is really going to work on Stacia's belly and might be looking for her to submit. Stacia's back is bent over Jen's knee and she is in pain. Jen is really digging her nails in. Stacia opens her mouth and starts to say, "I..." and Jen quickly releases her hold and pushes her off of her knee. Jen did not let her submit. I guess Jen wants to inflict some more pain on the young beauty. Stacia holds her mid section as she continues to moan in pain. Jen now reaches down and slides off Stacia's boy shorts. Stacia was wearing a black thong underneath and the crowd cheers. Jen grabs Stacia's short black hair and forces her to her feet. She leads her toward the ropes. She pushes Stacia face first down on the top rope and proceeds to drag her face across the top rope toward the nearest corner. Stacia cries out as she is given a major rope burn. At the corner, Jen slams Stacia's head into the top turnbuckle. Stacia then drops to her knees facing the corner. Jen reaches down and grab Stacia's black sports bra and yanks it off... The crowd cheers as they see Stacia's perky breasts. Jen now forces her to stand up. Stacia places her hands over her bare breasts. Jen reaches down and lifts her off the mat. She then drops her down, giving her an atomic drop on her outstretched knee. Stacia falls to the mat and places her hands on her hurt groin. Jen smiles wickedly as she walks to her corner and grabs her handcuffs. She comes back to Stacia and forces the young girl onto her knees. Jen grabs her hands and pulls them behind her back and uses the handcuffs to bind them. Stacia is easily handcuffed without any resistance. Jen grabs the black sports bra and puts it around Stacia's neck and starts to choke her. Stacia gasps for air. Stacia struggles against the handcuffs but will not be able to escape. It looks like Jen is either trying for a submission or will make her pass out and then get the pin. Stacia is struggling to breath and is fading. Jen pulls the bra even tighter. She then digs one knee into Stacia's back as she yanks on the bra. Stacia's remaining air rushes out of her lungs. Stacia starts to mumble, "I...I...g...". Just then Jen slaps her hand over her mouth, not allowing her to finish her submission. There is panic in Stacia's eyes. I wonder why Jen did not take her submission... Jen then releases the bra. Stacia is barely awake and she sucks in air rapidly. Jen now pulls the weak Stacia to her feet. She leads her over to one of the corners and pushes her face first into the corner. Jen uncuffs one of Stacia's hands. Jen slides through the ropes and pulls Stacia's hands over the top rope. She pulls them forward and then cuffs them again with the handcuff chain around the corner pole. Stacia is now trapped facing the corner with her hands handcuffed around the outside of the corner pole. Jen enters the ring again. She now pulls off Stacia's thong. That gives Jen $1000 and the crowd goes wild. Jen now heads to the other end of the ring and grabs the whip that Stacia brought to the ring! Oh no, Stacia is in trouble now. Jen walks back over to Stacia. She raises the whip and cracks it across Stacia's bare back. Stacia lets out a loud shrill. She tugs at the handcuffs but they hold tight. Jen cracks the whip across her back again. Stacia lets out another scream. Stacia is in real trouble now and there is no way for her to escape... Jen cracks the whip across her back again. Stacia is in major pain. Her eyes are closed and she is no longer struggling. Jen cracks the whip across her back a fourth time. Stacia will not be able to hold on much longer. There are long red marks across Stacia's back from the whip now. Jen isn't showing any signs of letting up. I think Jen wants to end this match so she can rest up for the next round. Jen cracks the whip across Stacia's back again. Stacia screams, "I GIVE!!!" The ring bell is rung and Jen is the winner. She will move on and will fight Donna in round 2. Round 1, match 3. Kaida vs. Sandra. Kaida is in the ring wearing a green t-shirt, green panties, and green wrestling boots. She has brought a kendo stick with her. Sandra is in the ring wearing a red bikini and is barefoot. She has a nightstick with her. The ring bell is rung and the girls approach each other, each carrying their weapon. Sandra holds the nightstick up and blocks Kaida's kendo stick 3 times. Kaida forces Sandra back into a corner. Sandra quickly ducks through the ropes and drops to the floor. Kaida then slides under the ropes and jumps down to the floor. Just as she does, Sandra hits her in the gut with her nightstick. Kaida moans in pain and drops her weapon as she bends over holding her gut. Sandra then raises the nightstick up and smashes it down on Kaida's back. Kaida drops to her knees. Sandra then smashes the end of her weapon into the side of Kaida's head. Kaida is knocked down to the floor and is groaning in pain. Sandra looks to the cheering crowd and all of a sudden her eyes meet up with someone else's...Amanda... She walks over and starts yelling at Amanda for throwing her boots into the crowd. Sandra is quite mad and vows to take revenge against her. If Sandra wins this match, and Amanda wins her match, both girls will face each other in round two. That would be a very interesting match up. As Sandra is arguing with Amanda, Kaida has made it to her feet and has gotten her kendo stick again. She comes up behind the distracted Sandra. She swings the stick and slams it across Sandra's back. Sandra cries out in pain. She drops her nightstick and falls to her knees right in front of the crowd divider. Kaida slams the stick across Sandra's back again. Kaida now moves closer and uses the kendo stick to choke the sexy blond. Sandra tries to move the stick away from her throat but she is struggling. Kaida is applying a lot of pressure and is trying to weaken her opponent. Kaida then moves the stick away from Sandra's throat. As Sandra tries to suck in air, Kaida grabs Sandra's long hair and slams her head into the crowd barrier. Sandra moans and flops to the ground... Kaida now grabs the nightstick. She kneels down next to Sandra and starts to drive the nightstick into Sandra's back. Sandra is moaning in pain as Kaida continues to hurt her with the weapon. Kaida then grabs Sandra and flips her onto her back. Kaida then climbs on Sandra and puts her in a school girl pin. Kaida is facing Sandra's legs and she lowers her ass down on Sandra's face. Sandra is struggling to get air. Kaida now slams the nightstick down into Sandra's belly. Kaida slams the nightstick down into Sandra's belly again. We can hear a faint moan from Sandra. We know that she is not getting much oxygen and could pass out. Kaida's weight is pressed on Sandra's arms, making it hard for Sandra to break the hold. Kaida slams the nightstick down into her belly 3 more times. Then she moves off of Sandra. Sandra rolls to her side and holds her gut as she sucks in air. Kaida grabs Sandra's long blond hair and forces her to stand up. In one quick motion, Kaida removes Sandra's red bikini top. The crowd cheers wildly as Sandra is now topless... Kaida grabs Sandra by the hair and leads her toward the ring. As they near the corner, Kaida pushes Sandra head first into the corner pole. Sandra's head hits the pole and she drops to her knees, stunned by the hit. Kaida moves around to the front of Sandra. She pulls her leg back and drives her wrestling boot into Sandra's crotch. Sandra falls to the club floor as she cries out in pain. Kaida then climbs into the ring and signals to the official to begin the count. He starts 1...2...3...Sandra is down on the floor and is barely moving...6...7...8...Sandra hears the official and she pushes herself up to her hands and knees as he continues to count...11...12...13...Sandra grabs the ring apron and pulls herself up...16...17...she grabs the bottom ring rope and pulls herself onto the ring apron and slides under it with 1 second to spare. Kaida is right there. She grabs Sandra's hair and forces her to her feet. She then whips Sandra into the nearest corner. Sandra hits hard and her arms slide over the top rope. Kaida quickly moves in and drives her knee into Sandra's gut... Kaida brings her knee up and drives it into Sandra's gut again. Sandra is getting weaker with each of Kaida's attacks. Kaida sends another hard knee into Sandra's belly. Kaida sends her knee into Sandra's belly two more times. Then she grabs each of Sandra's nipples and gives them a very hard twist. Sandra cries out in pain. Kaida releases her hold on Sandra's nipples. She then sends a hard punch into Sandra's left breast. She follows that up with a hard punch to Sandra's right breast. Kaida continues to send punches into Sandra's large breasts, alternating her punches into each breast. Sandra is wincing in pain. She is getting very weak and her knees are starting to wobble. Kaida then stops the breast attack and quickly drives her knee in between Sandra's legs. Sandra cannot even scream, her mouth just forms the shape of an "O". Kaida drives her knee into Sandra's crotch a second time. Sandra's knees give out and her arms slide off the ropes and she crashes to the mat... Sandra lies face down and is holding her groin as she moans in pain. Kaida gets on Sandra's back facing her legs. She grabs Sandra's legs and pulls them up, putting Sandra in a Boston crab. As Kaida leans back, Sandra cries out, "Nooooo." Sandra is in trouble now. Kaida leans back and pours on the pressure. Sandra moans in pain as her back is really feeling the effect of this brutal hold. Kaida is just smiling, knowing that victory is well within her reach. Sandra is in major pain. I don't think she can hold on much longer. Kaida increases the pressure and that causes Sandra's whimpers to increase. It has been about 1 minute now but Kaida shows no signs of releasing the hold. Sandra is a tough competitor and she does not want to give up, but this is a very painful hold. Kaida uses all her strength to increase the pressure even more. Sandra is now in complete agony. She opens her mouth, ready to issue her submission. Kaida keeps the pressure as Sandra tries to hold out. Finally Sandra cannot stand the pain any longer and she cries out, "I give!" Kaida wins the match and moves on to round 2. Round 1, match 4. Amanda vs. Lisa Amanda is in the ring wearing a white t-shirt, blue panties and her red high-heeled boots. She has a rope tucked into the side of her panties. Lisa is in the ring wearing a orange bikini top and cutoff jean shorts. I did not see her bring any weapon to the ring. The bell rings and the girls head toward each other. Amanda quickly grabs Lisa's arm and twists it behind her back. Lisa yelps as Amanda applies some pressure. Amanda takes her fist and sends a punch into Lisa's ribs. Lisa moans and Amanda drives another punch into her ribs. Lisa drops to her knees and Amanda releases the hold. Amanda then sends a hard kick into Lisa's back with her boot. Lisa falls to the mat. Amanda raises her elbow and drops it down into Lisa's lower back. Amanda then grabs Lisa's reddish/brown hair and forces the young girl to her feet. She throws Lisa toward the ropes. Lisa bounces off. Amanda has thrown herself off the opposite ropes. Both girls are heading toward each other. Amanda jumps in the air and sends a perfect drop kick into Lisa's mid section. Lisa falls to the mat in pain... Amanda grabs Lisa's hair again and forces her to stand. She then pushes her into the nearest corner. Amanda slides under the ropes and moves to the outside of the ring. She grabs her rope and wraps it around Lisa's throat. Amanda yanks on the rope, choking Lisa. Lisa gasps and brings her hands up to her neck to try to relieve the pressure. Amanda pulls hard on the rope. Lisa is quite inexperienced and it is showing so far in this match as Amanda is in total control. Amanda continues to choke Lisa and Lisa is still not able to break free. Finally Amanda releases the rope. She tucks it back into her string bikini panties as Lisa drops to her knees coughing. Amanda moves back into the ring. She pulls Lisa to her feet and moves around behind her. She wraps her arms around Lisa's waist and puts her in a bearhug. Amanda squeezes her arms tight and Lisa is short on oxygen again. Lisa tries to pry Amanda's hands apart but Amanda has them locked tight. Lisa continues to struggle to get free as Amanda increases the pressure. Lisa is in very good shape but these attacks are really starting to wear her down... Amanda keeps squeezing her and Lisa keeps attempting to break the hold. Finally she uses her strength and gets free. Lisa drops to her knees moaning in pain. She holds her belly as Amanda stands up. Amanda then reaches down and grabs the string on Lisa's orange bikini top and gives it a pull. Lisa's bikini top falls off, revealing her perky breasts. The crowd cheers as Amanda grabs the bikini top and walks toward the edge of the ring. She flings it into the crowd. She sees her boyfriend and blows him a kiss. She then turns back to Lisa. Lisa is still on her knees as Amanda approaches. Amanda stands in front of her for a moment. She reaches out and grabs Lisa's hair. Just as she does, Lisa pulls her fist back and sends a hard uppercut into Amanda's groin. Amanda cries out in pain. She takes a couple steps back and drops to her knees holding her groin. Lisa stands up. She walks over to Amanda and kneels down behind her. She grabs Amanda's rope and quickly wraps it around her throat. Lisa pulls it tight and begins to choke Amanda. Amanda is gasping for air and moves her hands up to her neck. Lisa pulls the rope tighter, not allowing Amanda a chance to get more air in... Amanda is trying to get a good hold on the rope but Lisa has it wrapped around her throat. Amanda is really struggling to breath. Lisa keeps up the choke and then uses the rope to pull Amanda to her feet. Then the club owner (Lisa's boss) yells out, "Tie her up, Lisa." Lisa pulls on the rope, bringing the gasping Amanda over toward the corner. Amanda is still choking but cannot get the rope free. Lisa pushes her into the corner and then unwinds the rope from Amanda's neck. Lisa quickly slides under the ropes and grabs Amanda's hands. Amanda is still gasping for air and is unable to fight back as Lisa binds her hands together. Lisa then enters the ring and stands in front of her trapped opponent. She reaches into the pocket of her jean shorts and pulls out some brass knuckles! She puts them on and then starts sending punches into Amanda's belly. Amanda moans in pain with each hard hit. Lisa sends about 20 punches into her gut. She then stops her attack. She reaches out and grabs Amanda's shirt and rips it off her body. Amanda was not wearing a bra and is now topless. Amanda has started to work on untying herself but so far, she is unable to get herself free... Lisa kneels down and unzips both of Amanda's sexy red boots and takes them off. Amanda can only offer a soft protest as she continues to get oxygen back into her lungs. The combination of the chokehold and being hit with the brass knuckles has really weakened her and she is having trouble getting out of her bondage. Lisa sees the opportunity and grabs Amanda blue silk panties and pulls them down and off of Amanda. Amanda is now totally nude and Lisa will get $1000. As Amanda continues to work on freeing her hands, Lisa pulls her fist back and sends a hard brass knuckle punch right into Amanda's bare crotch. Amanda screams in pain. Lisa waits and lets the pain sink in. Amanda will not be able to take many of these hits. If Lisa keeps this up, she should get a submission after just a few hits. Lisa pulls her fist back and drives it into Amanda's crotch again. Amanda's head shoots back as she cries out in pain. The brass knuckles make the force of Lisa's punches much greater. Lisa waits again, letting the pain set in. After almost 20 seconds, Lisa drives her third punch into Amanda's bare crotch. Amanda is beside herself in pain. Lisa is very close to victory now... Just as Lisa pulls her fist back and is about to deliver what could be a knockout punch, Amanda finally is able to free herself. She falls to her knees and buries her hands into her hurt groin. Lisa is shocked that Amanda escaped but she did allow her every opportunity to get out. Lisa then gives Amanda a hard push and sends her under the ropes and out of the ring. Lisa slides out after her. She grabs Amanda's long hair and brings her to a standing position. She then throws her toward the nearby metal stairs. Amanda's head hits the stairs hard and she crumples to the floor. Lisa does a little "sexy dance" as the crowd cheers. She reaches down and flips Amanda onto her back. Amanda has a gash in her forehead and she is just lying on the floor in pain. Lisa then walks around her and climbs the stairs and enters the ring. She leans over the top rope and tells the official to begin his count. He starts to count...1...2...3...Amanda is hurt and it does not look like she will be able to make it back into the ring...7...8...9... Amanda finally gets up the strength and rolls over and pushes herself up to her hands and knees...13...14...15...she grabs the ring apron. Lisa is right above Amanda watching as the official says 18. Amanda reaches into the ring and grabs Lisa's ankles as the official reaches 19. She gives a yank and Lisa falls to the mat. With Lisa's legs hanging out of the ring, the count stops. Amanda pulls on Lisa's legs, yanking her out of the ring. The back of Lisa's head hits the floor hard as she lands outside the ring. Amanda reaches into the ring and grabs the brass knuckles. She puts them on and then kneels next to Lisa. She sends a hard punch into Lisa's ribs with the brass knuckles. Lisa moans loudly. Amanda sends 4 more punches into Lisa's ribs. Lisa curls herself into a ball and it looks like she is hurt bad. Amanda is still hurting too, but she uses her remaining strength and pulls herself up on the ring apron and rolls into the ring. She tells the official to begin the count. He starts...1...2...3...Lisa is holding her ribs and is still moaning in pain...9...10...11...the club owner yells to her and tells her to get up. But she is in major pain and those hits might have done some serious damage to her ribs. Lisa doesn't make a move to get up as the official finishes the count...18...19...20. Amanda is the winner and will go on to the next round. The End. Send comments or suggestions to: