My Secretary I work for a large drug company doing research. Last Friday I went into my Secretary's office to mail some letters and found her crying , her head on her desk. "Mary, what's wrong?"? I asked. She looked up and said " I'm so fat !". She told me that a co-worker had said something nasty about her figure. Mary was 6 feet tall and weighed over 200 lbs, a lot of it fat. Her blonde hair was cut short and starting to gray. In her early forties now, it must be hard for her to lose weight, I thought. Mary and I were good friends and it really hurt me that someone would be so mean to her. I remembered an experimental drug we were working on. It was supposed to rapidly turn fat to muscle. I doubted it would work, but I thought it might be her only hope. "Mary, I have something that may help you. Are you willing to take a risk ?" She immediately nodded, and stopped crying. "What is it ?" she asked. I took her to the lab and gave her a 5 oz bottle of the clear liquid. "Drink part of this tonight and we'll see how you feel Monday. Only take 1/4 of the bottle, okay?" She nodded, hugged me and said "Thanks, Jim ! You are the only one who cares about me." I patted her on the back and we got back to work. I came into work the next day to finish a report. I was sitting at my keyboard typing when I saw a large shape fill my doorway. It was Mary. Or at least the woman had Mary's face. The body below was Mary's height but its width filled my 34 inch wide doorway. "Mary?" I asked incredulously. She nodded, tears of joy filling her eyes. "You look awesome". And she did. Her wide shoulders tapered to a foot-wide waist in an amazing V shape. Her delts were bigger than her head ! Her shoulders looked like cannonballs under her thin blue knit half sleeve top. Thick veiny forearms protruded from the sleeves, ending in small wrists and her dainty hands. The backs of her hands, though, were crisscrossed with veins and writhing muscles. Even relaxed her arms looked huge under her sleeves. Every little move made bunches of bicep and tricep muscles move. It looked like two cats fighting under her sleeves. Her formerly sagging C cups had firmed up to grapefruit sized tits that sat high on her chest. The boobs hung unnaturally close together, forming an inch wide, four inch deep cleavage that started just below her collarbone. Thumb sized nipples tented the front of her blouse. Her formerly fat hips were much narrower. Her thighs still looked big under the mid calf pants she wore. But as she walked toward me the thighs turned into a symphony of bunching snakes rippling beneath the pants. Huge quads rose up making a shelf 4inches high above her knees with each step. Her calves flared out in unison, showing an otherworldly 5 inches on either side of her shins as she approached me. My God, I thought, her calves are bigger than my thighs! "Look at me, Jim !" she said. "I feel fantastic!" "Mary, did you take the dose I recommended ?" I asked, suspicious of her massive growth. She stammered "Y-Yes but it felt so good I went and drank the whole thing". "Oh oh", I thought. There is no telling what has happened to her. She continued "I can't believe how muscular I am. I spent last night looking at pictures of female bodybuilders on the Internet. I am bigger than any of them, even the biggest heavyweights." "Look at this" she said, and she raised her right arm and flexed her bicep. A football sized ridge rose and tented her sleeve. "My arm is 22 inches when relaxed like this. That is 3 inches bigger than the flexed arm of Renee Toney, one the biggest female bodybuilders !. A lot of the male bodybuilders aren't this big." Incredibly she tensed her arm and the mass changed size and shape to a bowling ball covered in flesh, pushing her sleeve to eye level. "36 inches, flexed" she said proudly. And my left is 38 inches" she added, bringing her left arm to make a double bicep pose. Her round mounds throbbed slightly as the blood coursed through them. The blue fabric was stretched drum tight and was noticeably paler where her biceps were. " I could blow away the Ms. Olympia field with this body, maybe even the Mr. Olympia !" "And stenngth?" she added, looking around the office for something to lift. She placed a hand through the top and bottom handles of my 5 drawer filing cabinet. I knew it was loaded to several hundred pounds. Mary smoothly lifted the cabinet over her head, hefting it up and down like it was a book. "This weighs about 30 lbs to me. I figure I must 10 times as strong as I was.. She set the cabinet down gently, and walked to my open office door. "Watch this" she said. She grabbed the top of the door with one hand and proceeded to knock off 20 quick one handed chinups, impressive for a 200 lb woman. Each rep pumped her bicep up even more. A rip began to spread from the end of her sleeve, the fabric finally yielding to the rock-hard expanse of muscle. "My body only weighs about 8 pounds to me now so I can do this all day long. On the last chinup she extended her body horizontally from the door, her entire form hanging rigid from her outstretched arm. "Even the strongest male gymnast can't do that one", she bragged. She let herself down and walked to me. I noticed the top of the door had splintered where her incredible grip had been. "This is all thanks to you, Jim. How can I ever thank you? Anything..." she said as her powerful fingers began to stroke my thigh. Here I was, alone with the most muscular, powerful woman on the planet who wanted to do nothing but please me. My mind swam with the possibilities.Where to begin... "I really like strong, muscular women" I confessed. She jumped up and down, her massive form shaking the floor. "That's great ! I'm going to rock your world Jim !" she said gleefully. "What do you want to do ?" I said "First lets see how muscular you are. Some measurements are in order." She giggled like a little girl. "Turn around and show me your calves" "Okay! You won't believe these " she said. I got a tape measure and wrapped it around her relaxed calf. "19 inches" I srated to say when she stood on her toes. The tape reeled through my fingers stopping at 25 inches. Her calves were half hidden by her pants cuff but what I could see looked like wood, with striations of muscle instead of grain. "Feel them!" she ordered. I could not get both hands around the muscle. They felt as big and hard as canteloupes. I moved my hand up her hamstrings. She bent her leg making a huge ridge of muscle bunch out on the back of her thigh. I probed it through the pants leg and could not dent it at all. "Check out these quads, she said, turning to face me. She shook her quads back and forth then tensed them. Huge corded humps of muscle rose up above her knee, casting a shadow on her kneecap. I was amazed her pants had not split. I measured her thighs as 31 inches. I probed them with my fingers, pushing with all my might. I could not even make a dent in them. She smiled, "Don’t be ashamed Jim. I can’t even push them in when they are all hard like this." I moved my hand up toward her abdomen and she moaned. She lifted her shirt. "Ever see a 10 pack ?" she said as she contract her stomach muscles. Two inch wide cobblestones formed in rows starting beneath her pants and disappearing under her blouse. I traced them with my fingers, noting the inch-deep grooves between the muscles. She tensed her abs rolling a muscular wave up and down, making the muscles move up and down like keys on a player piano. I went to move my hand under her breasts but she grabbed my hand in a vise- like grip. I was disappointed until she said " No yet, hon. Let's get more comfortable first." "Wanna lift?" she aske, rhe reached down and wrapping her right arm around my waist. She lifted my 210pound body from my chair like a feather. She held me to her side like a stack of paper, and carried me rear first into the hallway and down the aisle. My head was at her rear, inches away from her round soccer ball glutes. Her ass cheeks swelled and rolled as she carried me. I could see the deep side dimple and striations in each cheek, even through the pants material. Looking down at her calves I could see them relax and bunch under my added weight as she walked. Tiny tears formed where the hem covered the swelling ball of muscle, overcome by the expansion of the calves. She carried me into a dark conference room, turned on the light and shut the door. She took chair cushions and put them on the big conference table. The door did not have a lock, as I pointed out. She set me down on a chair. "Don't worry" she said. She took the outside doorknob in her hand. She squeezed the knob causing huge tendons to jump out on her forearm and hand. The steel knob flattened in her fingers. She tore it off its shaft with a quick flick or wrist. She dropped the knob in the trash can and closed the door. "Now we won't be disturbed." she whispered. Mary picked me up in her arms like a child and laid me on the cushions. Stepping back, she crouched slightly then jumped 30 inches up, landing on the table with a thud. Standing over my legs like a colossus, she began to lower her pants. I was happy to see she wore a thong. Her thighs were even more monstrous looking bare. She tensed each thigh, causing the corded muscle to ripple across her legs. "Ever see 44 inch thighs, Jim ? Can you even imagine power in there ?" I shook my head. I stroked her thighs and felt the steel cords rippling just under the skin. "Strip" she ordered. I obediently took off my clothes. My excitement was showing as my manhood stood 10 inches vertically. "Mmmm, I like that. What a nice compliment" she said ."I am going to show you muscles you didn't even know existed !" With that she lowered herself onto me. It felt as though a velvet covered steel hand was caressing me. "Wow, wow, wow" she said as she pumped up and down. I could tell she had not had sex in years and all that pent up lust was erupting. "You wanted to see boobs" she said. "Here you go" and she peeled off her top. She was braless underneath as I surmised. I doubted she would ever wear, or need, a bra again. It would have been at least a 34 G cup to hold her bowling ball boobs. I reached up and rubbed her breasts. They were as hard as heavy as 2 pumpkins. She said "You don't need to be so gentle". I playfully slapped her right boob. It only moved slightly, though my hand stung from the impact. "More!" she moaned. I began to slap , then punch her breast. They were so firm it only aroused her more. Her nipples grew to two inches long. She arched her back and the melons rose up on her chest, her nipples pointing at the ceiling. "Wanna see something cool ?" she whispered. I nodded. She alternately tensed her left and right pec, making each boob rise 4 inches higher , then fall. "That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen" I said. "You are so sweet" she said, and she practically lifted me off the table with her internal muscles. She pumped my whole body up and down ferociously using just her vagina. "Oh my" I said. I came instantly. She kissed me passionately, and we fell asleep. We awoke in others arms a few hours later, still nude. She arose and said "I feel like a workout." I could sense the lust had apparently amplified her already immense strength. Seeing the pile of tools in the corner that were being used to expand the conference room, she squealed girlishly "Oh look, toys !" She pulled a huge 20 lb sledgehammer from the pile of tools. She hefted it in her left hand like it was made of plastic. "It’s hammer time !" she said, and she began singing the old M.C. Hammer tune "Can’t Touch This". She flexed her right bicep into a stack of peaked muscle. "Can’t touch this?" she sang. She swung the hammer in a wide arc and smashed it onto her bicep. CLANG! I expected her to cry out in pain, but she just smiled. The hammer head had deformed and curved around the peak, holding it in place ! She released her grip on the handle and the hammer stayed suspended in air. "Can’t touch this !" she continued. Sshe flexed her bicep even higher, adding another peak. She popped her bicep up and down, making the top peak look like a golfball disappearing and reappearing atop a softball. The muscle popped off the hammer which crashed to the floor. "I’m M.C. Hammer..that’s MC for Muscle Control !" she laughed. She then picked up a wooden handled iron file an inch wide. "I think I’ll do some filing" she joked. She rubbed the rough file across the side of her inch long nipples. The nipples grew in diameter and thickness until they looked like shotgun shells. She rubbed the file faster as steel shavings flew off the file. Suddenly the rain of metal stopped. She held out the file and saw it had been worn smooth by her diamond hard nipples ! She placed the file between her boobs and buried it 6 inches deep in her tight cleavage. She pushed the file sideways. Her breasts only deflected a little as they hardened to 8" granite balls. Suddenly the iron file snapped in two, with the bulk of it still in her cleavage. "Oh my!" she said. Pulling her breasts apart she saw the remains of the file, now flattened to 2 inches wide, fall and hit the floor. She put her finger to her lips and said in a little girl voice, "Awwww, I tink I bwoke it." She was so adorable. Her nipples were now swollen red and enormous. She picked up the sledgehammer again and smashed the undamaged face into her right nipple. The enormous impact only moved her nipple into her breast about a half inch and only made her breast jiggle slightly. The nipple had nowhere to go but into the hardened steel of the hammer face. Her nipple made a 3 inch long and one inch wide hole in the hammer. She let the hammer go and the hammer hung at the end of her breast, the handle swinging in the air. She put her hands behind her neck and tensed her pecs. The breast and hammer moved up and down, making the handle dance in a circular motion. She rubbed her free nipple and both nipples expanded even more. The expansion ripped a gash in the hammer head. The hammer dropped to the floor, the recoil making her boob recoil upward and bounce to a stop. She picked up the sledge hammer, pulled her boobs apart, and put it between her breasts. Placing a hand on each boob she pressed her marble-hard tits together. The hammer head was squeezed into a thin plate that protruded from her cleavage. The oak handle was splintered by the force of her tits and fell to the floor. She took the baseball bat sized handle and slid it between her ass cheeks. Clenching her ass she held it tight. She pushed on the end until the handle with her left hand behind her until the handle snapped in two. She relaxed her ass and the foot long fragment fell out. Mary prowled in the tool pile then her face lit up. "Ooh, look what I found" she said as he picked up a 10 inch long wrench, closed on both ends. She took the wrench and put each end over a long nipple. She had to jam it tight to get her erect thick nipples into the openings. The wrench hung suspended between her melons like a steel bikini. I reached up and grabbed the wrench and tugged, but her swollen nipples held it securely. Her boobs didn’t even budge when I pulled myself up to a chinup on the wrench. I released the wrench and her boobs quivered slightly. She tensed her pecs, forcing her boobs together. The wrench tried to resist but its chrome steel alloy was no match for the power of her chest. The force buckled the steel shaft of the wrench into a V shape at the wrench end moved 4 inches closer together. The ridges inside each wrench opening ground against her nipples, increasing their length to 3 1/2 inches. The wrench locked even tighter onto her nipples. She tensed her pecs the other way, driving her tits 12 inches apart at the nipples. The folded wrench unfolded with a shriek. It began to stretch thinner, past its original 10 inch length. She tensed harder and the wrench shaft stretched like taffy, then snapped in two. Her nipples were so tight that wrench pieces stayed in place hanging horizontally from her nips.She began to alternately tense each tit. The motion made the broken wrench pieces spin like propellers on each boob. "I can fly", she laughed, as her chest did a good imitation of a DC-3. Faster and faster she spun the wrenches, until they each flew off. They hit with such force that they embedded themselves in opposite walls. Picking up a foot long screwdriver, she relaxed her abs and stuck the screwdriver in between the still visible clefts of her 10 pack. She tensed her abs, and released the handle. The heavy screwdriver stuck straight out, held firm by the ¾ inch crevice of her abs. "Screw this " she said, and twisted the screwdriver handle. The flat tip did not budge, but the rectangular shaft slowly twisted into a spiral shape under her unstoppable grip. Thick cords ¼ inch thick stood out on her forearms and throbbed with the blood pulsing through them. Taking both hands on the shaft she pulled on the screwdriver. The blade groaned and slowly bent into a U shape. She relaxed her abs and the screwdriver fell out. She marvelled at her power. I reached out and took her hand. "That's enough for now. Let's go out." I said. She agreed. We dressed and left the pile of mangled tools that would certainly amaze the workers.