Married to Whom? Juno I had just awaked and was lying on my back thinking the past nine months. Nadia, my wife, was still sleeping with her left leg laying possessively across my legs. When we slept, Nadia had a rule, that either her arm(s) or leg(s) or both were to be draped over some portion of my body. She had another rule, that I could not get out of bed unless she kissed me first, not a bad rule, except I was not allowed to wake her up first. Nadia was fond of rules and order in our married life, as long as they were her rules and orders. As I waited for Nadia to awake, I thought how much in my life has changed over the past nine months. I am a history professor at a small private college just north of Boston. It was in early March when I was organizing a student trip to tour the museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia. The trip to Russia, although unknown to me at the time, was the beginning of my new life. During the tour, which lasted three weeks, I became friendly with one of the Russian tour guides. Her name was Nadia, she was working as a guide and trying to complete her Masters program in Social Processes and History. With the Russian economy depressed, her funds for school were limited, hence the job as a tour guide. Nadia was younger than me, she was 24 and I had just turned 37. But Nadia seemed to be was wise beyond her years and the age difference did not seem to be an issue. During the last two weeks of the tour we were practically inseparable. It was as if I had found my soul mate. Other than our mutual love for history, our love for ice-skating was even greater. I felt that if we had not discovered that we both loved ice-skating, we would have never gotten as close as we did. For many years as a youth and through college I played hockey. After college, I played hockey in some recreational leagues, but for the past few years, I just ice-skated for my exercise. While Nadia did not play hockey, she had been a speed skater, but now ice-skated for exercise. While we matched up in our likes for education and sports, physically we were also similar. Both of us were trim and athletic, I was 5’9" tall and weighed around 160 pounds, while Nadia was 5’ 8" tall and weighed around 135 pounds. When the tour ended, I returned to the United States and Nadia remained in Russia. We tried to write and email, but after a couple of months it seemed to be over. Life after Nadia and Russia was not much fun, just work and sleep. I tried to put together another student trip to Russia for the summer, but could not get enough students to sign up. I was teaching during the first summer session, when one night I got a phone call. It was Nadia, she was in New York City on a student visa. She wondered if I could come to New York for a visit. I told her I could come to New York in two weeks when the first summer session ended. I arranged with the college not to teach the second summer session. The day the first summer session ended, I left for New York. Nadia was staying at the Columbia University dorms for the summer. I got a room at a extended stay motel. The next few weeks were a rush, just two people in love. Nadia’s student visa was to expire at the end of August, we had less than two weeks to go, when I proposed marriage to Nadia. To my delight, she accepted immediately. Nadia offered to get the necessary documents and marriage license together, since she had to get the necessary documents from the Russian Embassy. I can still remember pacing before City Hall, waiting for Nadia to arrive, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw a smiling Nadia with documents in hand. We married and since time was short before I had to return for the new college year, we decided to honeymoon for a few days in New York City. After the marriage, we checked into the Plaza Hotel, to begin our honeymoon. I remember we got to the room and Nadia wanted to go the hotel lounge to celebrate. After the first drink, things got a little blurry for me. The only thing that I remembered after the drink was Nadia saying that it is our honeymoon and I had a little too much to drink. Then hearing Nadia asking a couple at the next table to help her get me to our room. The last thing I remembered was being lifted up and I thought I heard some laughter. The next thing I remembered was waking up the next morning. My head was throbbing, but I did remember that I was now married to Nadia. Even with a throbbing head I was able to smile. I got shakily out of bed and stood still while hoping the room would stop spinning around so fast. As the room slowed down, I heard a voice from behind say, "Well it is about time my sleepy husband got out of bed." The voice startled me and even though it was a female voice, it did not sound like Nadia. I turned around to see a woman that I had never seen before. She definitely was not Nadia, she was an older woman, a tall woman, somewhere in her late 30’s or early 40’s. She was a striking looking woman, she was standing with her arms folded across her chest and smiling at me. I asked who she was, was I in the wrong room, what was happening. I felt frozen to the floor. She continued to smile at me as she walked toward me. When she stopped in front of me, it was then I realized that she was taller than me. She was at least 6’ tall and now she was smiling down at me. I then suddenly realized that I was naked, she laughed as I tried to cover myself with my arms and hands, yet I was still frozen to that spot on the floor. As she laughed at me, she pulled a sheet from the bed and draped the sheet around me. She stepped back in front of me. "Who are you, where is Nadia, what are you doing in our room," I sputtered. I was becoming a little un-nerved or intimated as she continued to smile down at me. "I am Nadia, your new wife, you are Ed my new husband," she said. "Now sit down on the bed and I will explain to you, your new life as it begins today," she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder gently pushing me down on the bed. She then sat down next to me on the bed. Even sitting I still had to look up to her. She took out a paper from her purse and handed it to me. "New husband, please read this, it is a New York marriage license, it will show you that I am Nadia," she cooed as she put her arm around my shoulders. I could not believe what was happening, I could barely move, speak, think or even remotely understand what was happening. I felt that this strange woman had a spell over me, somehow I felt that she was in total control. This woman, calling herself Nadia, was very confident of herself and seemed to use her size to herd me. First, she blocked me by standing in front of me, then she guided me to sit on the bed, now she had her arm around my shoulders not firmly, but I had felt her slightly pull me against her. She also spoke with a Russian accent, similar to that of the younger Nadia. Trying to concentrate, I read the marriage license, it listed Nadia Solvia, age 42 as the female and Ed Wilson, age 37 as the male. It also showed the couple’s name as Nadia and Ed Solvia-Wilson. The balance of the information I read was correct, but I kept coming back to the names and ages. I was snapped back into reality when she took the license from my hands and put it back in her purse. Nadia stood up and told me to stay sitting on the bed. Nadia walked over to the couch in the room, removed a long leather coat that she was wearing and place it and her purse on the couch. She was dressed in running shoes, blue jeans and a sweatshirt. Nadia also had a thick mane of dark red hair and black eyes. She told me to stay still as she started to remove her clothes. With her clothes removed and placed on the couch, Nadia turned to me and asked me if I approved of my new wife. Nadia was a big woman, she stood at least 6’ tall and now naked, it appeared that she weighed more than me. As if she could read my mine, she said she was 6’ 1" and weighed about 185 pounds. Her body was solid, but shapely. Her muscles were not those of a bodybuilder, but thick and long, her feet and hands also looked large. She walked over to me, stood in front of me and told me to stand up. Again, as if in a trance, I did what she said. Nadia took the sheet from my body and said to me that now I will begin my new life as her husband. She said that she hoped that what she was about to do next would impress me enough to understand what my role would be in our marriage. As I tried to make some meaning of her words, she placed her hands on my shoulders and turned me around, then she wrapped her right arm around the side of my neck and pulled my head under her right arm. My body was arched backwards, with my face placed partially under her right arm in her armpit. Nadia then turned both of our bodies and she sat on the edge of the bed. My body being controlled by her right arm, was now lying on and across her chest and stomach and between her legs. She then took her legs and grapevined my legs and pulled my legs outwardly with hers. Nadia then leaned back on the bed, stretching me across her body. She then said now for a little fun for the new wife and a little pain for the new husband. At the same time, she tighten her grip with her right arm that held my head trapped beneath her arm and stretched out with her longer legs making mine follow. The pain was extreme as she slowly increased the pressure. I tried to scream, but her arm muffled most of my screams. I tried to use my arms, but my right arm was trapped against my body by her right arm and my left arm was useless in trying to move her right arm and ineffectual when I hit at her body. She eased up on the pressure, but kept me firmly in place. She laughed as she said maybe we need to go back to City Hall and correct the marriage license. Maybe it should read as Ed the wife and Nadia the husband. She laughed again and renewed the pressure on me with her arm and legs. Again the pressure eased up, I then felt her left hand encircle my penis. I had gotten an erection, even though Nadia had been applying painful pressure. I could not believe I had an erection, here I was stretched across Nadia’s body, I could not move anything except my left arm and Nadia’s grip on me was painful. I tried with my left hand to reach her left hand that encircled my penis, but I could not quite reach it. All I could do was slap at her hand. I am not sure that if I reached her hand that I could have broken her grip. Nadia was rapidly bringing me to a climax as she continued to stroke my penis, I was actually trying to thrust my body in rhythm with her strokes. I was beginning to ignore Nadia’s grip on my body and the pain it was causing and was trying to reach a climax. Nadia’s stroking of my penis seemed to keep pace with my attempts to thrust upward, then to show who was in control, she would alter her stroking to force me to match my movement to match hers. This continued for a while, my trying to follow Nadia’s lead and her pinching off my climax with her strong left hand, so she could continue to dictate the action. I then heard Nadia say, "Well Ed, how do you like being married to Nadia, a big strong Russian woman, maybe it is ok for your big strong wife to take control of your climax." "And now small husband, you can tell everyone that you have been "Lap Raped" by your big strong Russian wife," laughed Nadia as she finished me with three quick strokes.