Donna and Jenny, Part 1; by Jobber Joe Former campus champ, Jenny, attempts a wrestling comeback at a summer tournament NOTE- This is the sequel to a multi-part story I posted this past December and January at this site. For those who have not read those stories, they are posted in "Miscellaneous Stories 16 and 17" (last installment: under the general title, "Jenny and Donna". In the earlier stories, Joey, himself a collegiate wrestler, relates the "agony" of watching his goddess of a classmate, Jenny, an intramural wrestling champion at their college, go down to defeat for the first time ever at the hands of a younger, stronger wrestler named Donna. Later stories in that earlier series relate the trials and travails that both Joey and Jenny go through at the hands of Donna and her friends following Jenny's first fateful defeat. This new installment picks up several months (in story time) after the last published story segment noted above. Hope you enjoy it. Joe ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The phone call came out of nowhere from an old college pal I hadn't seen in several months. Todd had graduated a term ahead of me in college. We'd shared a few classes and some beers down at the local pub, but weren't really good friends, just after class type acquaintances. He'd moved to the big city to begin his work career soon after graduating, and we hadn't kept in touch since. So it came as a complete surprise when I got that telephone call from him telling me in a somewhat enthusiastic, no make that excited, voice about the summer wrestling tournament he'd gone to after work that day. I don't remember him being into wrestling much when he was in college; he was pretty much just a football and basketball fan as I recall. But he'd been hanging with a buddy at work who had wrestled some in high school and was still an enthusiast; and this buddy had coaxed him into going to watch the summer tournament. That's where he'd apparently discovered amateur female wrestling for the first time, and the rare pleasure of watching nubile young women going at each other on the mats. Now, he was asking excitedly, "hey, Joey, guess who I saw up here?" "Haven't a clue, I answered, quite truthfully." Todd continued, "well remember that hot looking babe, the wrestling chick, you always talked about?" "Donna?"^Å the name tumbled out of my mouth without even thinking. "No," Todd was saying, "that ain't her." Of course it wasn't. Nobody had even heard of then wrestling newbie, Donna, at the time Todd graduated. She would only burst on the scene later that spring, an upstart freshman beauty taking on and shockingly vanquishing my senior classmate, the then undefeated intramural champion. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jenny, I mean," I quickly corrected myself, wondering at the same time, "now why in the world did I just say Donna?" Todd was rambling on at the other end of the line now, "Who the hell's Donna? Yeah, okay, now you're talking sense, yeah, Jenny, that's the one I'm talking about." Instantly a slow tremor crept up my body from way down in my crotch. "Jenny?^Å what the hell is she doing up there?" I remember thinking just then. Frankly, after all that had gone on the past few months, Jenny's defeats by Donna, then Merrie, that humiliating afternoon Jenny and I had both suffered through in the wrestling room at the hands of Donna and chums, the startling revelations of a steamy locker room scene with her and Donna that Jenny had poured out to me as we got drunk together over a good bottle of wine earlier this summer; after all that, the last place I expected my long time goddess to be was at or in a wrestling tournament. Todd was talking again, "well you were right about this Jenny chick, Joey; she's one hot looking babe. But, come to think of it, there is a Donna up here as well, think she goes to our old college; and she's a real babe as well, an incredibly hot looking babe actually." "I don't care about Donna"^Å not true, I did, but not in the same way I cared about Jenny, who still unavoidably occupied much of my thoughts. "How's she doing, Jenny I mean?" "Well, the Jenny chick, she won last night, but her girl gave her a pretty good tussle at that^Å came on at the end to make it a good match. And then I saw the last part of this Donna's match; she won too, but much more easily than Jenny did, dominated her girl and pinned her ass even. And man, let me tell you I think your friend, Jenny, is a pretty good looking chick in her own right, but this other one, Donna, she's something else, a really bitchin looking muscle babe in my book!" He didn't have to tell me. I knew Jenny was great in the looks department, had been obsessed with her for some time; and, yes, from what I remembered, and admittedly I hadn't seen her in months, Donna was pretty hot stuff herself; those legs, gawwwwd, I could still visualize those tautly muscled wonders wrapped all over poor Jen, all over me for that matter that one day back in the wrestling room! Yeah, Donna was right up there with Jenny in the hot babe category, but I pretended nonchalance, lying again, "I don't care about Donna, tell me about Jenny; who did she wrestle? What was the girl's name?" I was thinking, maybe Linda or Merrie, two rivals from college days, more likely some good wrestler from the big city I'd never heard of. Todd, after all, had just said this girl had given Jenny a "pretty good tussle." But now Todd was filling me in on that mystery opponent of Jenny's, "yeah, well, I think her name was Randi, slender chick with long bitchin-looking legs." Something clicked in my mind; I asked, "Randi?^Å dark hair?^Å and you said she's got long bitchin-looking legs?" "Yeah, that about sums it up, buddy; except her hair's mostly dark, with some blonde streaks; but you nailed it on the legs, Joey. I mean this girl's got killer legs, best I've seen." "Well you haven't taken a very good look at^Å." I stopped myself in mid- sentence, even as visions of Donna's incredible, smoothly muscled beauties flashed across my mind. Flashing back to Todd's description of Jenny's mystery opponent, Randi, if this was the girl I knew of with the same name, her legs were plenty hot in their own right. But no, this couldn't possibly be Randi M. She was a fluffy bimbo rally girl type, not much of a jock. Sure she had great legs, and wasn't afraid to flaunt them; but the only athletic thing I'd long imagined she'd done with those "killer legs" of hers was wrap them around some beefy football player during an after-game motel fling. No, she wasn't a jock, and those sleek slender, drop dead gorgeous legs of hers still couldn't hold up against Donna's smoothly muscled beauties, or even Jenny's for that matter, at least in my humble view. My idle reverie was abruptly broken by Todd's voice breaking in again. "Haven't taken a good look at WHAT?" Todd sounded agitated, no doubt wondering at my rambling, sometimes halting, conversation. "Never mind, forget I said that, okay?" "Yeah, whatever, Joey," he responded, even as something else clicked in back there in my addled brain. "You said this girl, this Randi chick, gave Jenny a pretty good match then? But Jenny won easily enough?" "I never said 'easily', Joey," Todd patiently explained. "Your girl looked like she was the better wrestler, knew more holds and moves and stuff; but she got real tired in the final minutes^Å." I broke in on his rambling conversation this time, objecting, "she AIN'T my girl, Todd, just a friend from college." "Yeah, whatever, Joey," he responded, "your FRIEND from college who isn't your girl, but who you talked obsessively about most anytime I was around you, well that girl who was just your so-called casual friend named Jenny was in a pretty good match with this Randi chick." His sarcasm was certainly not appreciated, but I mostly kept the quick resentment to myself, adding, "Well, I'm glad my FRIEND, Jenny, got the win." "Yeah, I'm sure she was pretty relieved at the end as well, Joey," he retorted; then continued, "I mean your friend was plenty tired by then, Joey, believe you me. I mean she had a good lead and everything; but she looked gassed. And this other girl, Randi, well, she reversed Jenny early in the 3rd period and was on top the rest of the way." "She rode her out, you mean?" I interjected. "Didn't just ride her out, Joey," he continued, "gawwd toward the end there the Randi chick had those long, luscious legs wrapped all over your girl; and she was really stretching her out. Jenny just kinda lay there, looking all worn out, but still quite sexy if you know what I mean". I knew exactly what he meant, had seen enough of poor Jen in her vulnerable, oh so sexy, "girl toy" persona against Donna and company. Todd continued, "yeah, Joey she was all wrapped up by that other chick's hot legs and going nowhere; and then she turned her to her back." "Say what?" I exclaimed, really puzzled now, "who turned who?" Todd was getting a little impatient, responding tersely, "how many times to I have to explain this, ya idiot? Your girl was clearly out of gas and going nowhere between those sizzling hot legs of that Randi chick^Å gawwwd, Joey, I'd never seen anything so exciting as that^Å and then just before the buzzer sounded, Randi got her in one of those^Å what do you call it?^Å oh yeah, she got her in one of those nelson holds and turned her to her back^Å Jenny could hardly resist her by then, just rolled right on over with barely a struggle.. Randi didn't pin her, but came damn close. The ref was down on his knees and everything, checking Jenny's shoulders^Å. I really thought she was pinned, but the match ended and he gave some points to the Randi chick; and that was that. So Jenny won, but not before almost losing it all there at the end." I was almost losing it myself, visualizing the almost ludicrous scene that Todd was describing; of this Randi girl; and I gotta admit the only image I could conjure up at all was of the fluffy bimbo rally chick from college, as ridiculous as that seemed, putting it to my long-time goddess at the end, indeed, as Todd had described it, rolling the almost unresisting former campus champion to her back. I swallowed hard at the ridiculous image, even as I grew hard down below just thinking about Jenny barely holding off being pinned by this leggy bimbo, whoever she was. I hung up the phone not long afterward, deciding on the spot I had to get up there to check this out myself. Todd had confirmed that this was a 3 day tournament, starting Friday evening and continuing with the remaining preliminary matches on Saturday, followed by finals on Sunday. I took off for the big city as quickly as I could pack a small overnight bag, booking myself for two nights into a budget motel not far from the community college where the tournament was being held. Next morning I ventured over there before matches were to begin, checking the women's brackets immediately. My heart dropped almost into the pit of my stomach as I looked at Jenny's round robin group and saw, indeed, that the Randi Todd had talked about and the bimbo cheerleader, Randi M., from college were one and the same. Impossible to think about, but there it was up on the board. My mind raced back to Todd talking about the end of that match, telling me how Randi had those long slender legs of hers wrapped all over my seemingly exhausted former classmate. I shuddered at the implausible image. The score staring me in the face right now told much of the rest of the story of that match, with Jenny winning by a 12 to 7 decision. It meant she probably started fast, had Randi in plenty of trouble, maybe a few pin holds in the early periods, building a big lead, but for some reason failing to actually score a fall over the leggy cheerleader. And there it was still staring back at me^Å 7 points for the bimbo, 5 off the final period reversal and near fall Todd had so excitedly described for me^Å. made an otherwise easy victory for Jenny look much closer in the final tally; as apparently it was. I shuddered again at the mental image of a spent Jenny letting herself be turned by the slender cheerleader, then wearily struggling to stave off a shocking pin at Randi's hands. It still seemed so ludicrous to even think about, but it had to be true. I finally forced my attention away from troubled, imagined scenes of that match I didn't see, soaking in more information from Jenny's bracket. This was a pretty standard format for summer tournaments like these. I'd been in a few myself during my collegiate days. The tournaments were open to all amateur wrestlers of any age. There usually were a few older wrestlers around, but most of the competitors were college age or even some of the better high school wrestlers in the region, many working on conditioning and sharpening their skills or wrestling resumes for the coming season. Typical of such tourneys, there were 16 competitors in the women's under 150 pound competition, grouped in 4 groups of 4 for round robin preliminaries, with the two top wrestlers from each round robin group advancing to Sunday's finals. Donna's name was up there all right; from Todd's rapt description of a "bitchin lookin muscle babe" who was also a damn strong wrestler, I had pretty much known, even before looking at the brackets, it had to be her. She was in another of the four woman brackets; and I didn't recognize any of her foes. There was no sign of Linda and Merrie, two other recent nemeses of my long-time goddess. Jenny's match against Randi had been the first of three preliminary matches for each girl. They would each wrestle twice more on this day to determine who would go on to the finals from the bracket. In the other first round match, a girl named Shelli had decisioned somebody named Tonia by a score of 10-4. Jenny would wrestle this Tonia in the morning match, then, several hours later, the Shelli girl. I assumed, off first round results, that Jenny's only real competition in the bracket would come from Shelli. Before the morning matches began, I gathered as much information as I could about the other two girls in Jenny's bracket. Turns out Tonia was a college student in the big city. It wasn't clear what wrestling experience she had, though Todd's buddy, the resident wrestling expert, thought he'd remembered seeing her in a few summer tournaments the last few years. Apparently, he wasn't that impressed with her wrestling ability, even though he said she was pretty good sized and seemed strong enough. The other girl, Shelli, though, was somewhat of a local legend in female wrestling in the big city, and she was still in high school. I think I heard she was about to enter her senior year, and was already a two time state prep champion in the lightweight girls division. From all accounts she was maybe about Jenny's size, possibly lighter, but quick, agile, and exceptionally skilled for her age. Todd's buddy knew all about Jenny, of course, and quite a bit about this high school wrestler, Shelli; and he thought Shelli would give Jenny a very good match when they met later that day. He'd been as surprised as I was now that Randi, who he didn't know, but judged to be very inexperienced, had hung in so well against Jenny the day before. Still, Todd's buddy, though noting Jenny's apparent lack of conditioning, had passed her less than overwhelming victory over Randi off to more the "rustiness" factor than anything else. This was, after all, the first "official" wrestling action anybody, including myself, had seen Jenny in since her disastrous losses in our school's spring tourney. I could only hope it was just rust, as he said, and not the lack of prime conditioning, possibly something more than that even, like shot confidence perhaps, which I also suspected. Todd and his work buddy were nowhere to be seen as I finally sat down in the bleachers awaiting Jenny's morning match. I learned later they had opted to watch the "bitchin lookin muscle babe", Donna, who apparently was clear over on the other side of the gym, instead. Donna had that effect on people, I had to admit. But I wasn't going anywhere, my loyalties, and concerns, centering squarely on Jenny. Soon enough, Jenny and this Tonia came out for their match. Jenny's face looked a little fuller than I remembered, but I wasn't really surprised, no make that disturbed, until she peeled off her warm-ups to reveal a clearly heavier version of the sleek, sculpted goddess I ogled for so long during our college years. Oh, she was still plenty sexy, don't get me wrong. But she'd put on a good five pounds, maybe more, since I'd last seen her very early that summer. And it wasn't muscle. Her hips were rounder and softer, the thighs as well, and her once taut, flat tummy had the slightest jiggle to it as she moved. Mind you she wasn't fat by any means, just not quite the chiseled athletic goddess I remembered, her still beautiful body filled out with softer, less muscularly defined, lines than before. I worried now about her physical conditioning. She clearly wasn't in prime shape; and this had to be the reason she looked so gassed to Todd the day before. My newly softened goddess and the other girl, Tonia, a pretty big, well built and quite attractive blonde, were now out on the mat, getting ready to begin their match. There was a distinct size difference between them, Tonia having at least 2-3 inches in height and maybe 10 pounds or so on Jenny, even with the added pounds Jenny carried. On closer look, Tonia was, indeed, a real looker, pretty face, nice, not great, legs, but big and strong looking down there, and all over for that matter, though she didn't seem to carry herself with the athletic grace that Jenny always exuded. Just by the way she carried herself and showed off that big, beautiful body of hers, waving to a sizable group of male, and female, friends in the bleachers while stretching and warming up, I pictured her as more of a preppy, sorority chick type, something Jenny, despite her "big girl on campus" reputation, never had much inclination to be. So it was the big, good looking blonde against a slightly heavier version of my goddess of a former classmate. And I have to admit on the basest level it was good to see Jenny out on the mat again. To my eyes, despite the added pounds and softened shape, she remained sexy as hell, and she still moved with that athletic grace, displaying good quickness and agility, anticipating her opponent's moves as they began their match. Yet there was something else missing, the old fire and determination clearly not what it used to be. It was almost like she was hesitant, unsure of herself, lacking confidence in her considerable wrestling ability. Several times she had good opportunities in the early going against the slower footed blonde, but backed off well short of a legitimate takedown effort. And when she finally did shoot all the way in for a double takedown attempt, dropping to her knees as she dove in with textbook form, she got her arms slung around the upper part of Tonia's big legs okay; but then didn't continue driving forward to cleanly finish the takedown. I think I stifled a small groan of alarm right about the same time I could hear Jenny grunting down on the mat as Tonia predictably sprawled out over her somewhat tentative takedown attempt, the blonde's beautiful, strong legs stretching back, loosening, then too easily shedding, Jenny's faltering grip. In another moment the blonde had spun around my former classmate, claiming the takedown instead on a powerful counter move; and just like that Jenny found herself down 2-0. I groaned quietly to myself as I saw my struggling "goddess" yield the first points of this match, even as I felt a familiar tightening down in my groin; the sight of this once great mat champion falling behind early both alarming and perversely arousing at the same time. And, obviously winded from the failed takedown attempt, Jenny wasn't going anywhere any too fast, the well-built blonde working the ride from on top, using big, strong legs, that all-woman body, and busy arms to keep the smaller brunette within her control. Jenny, for her part, looked strangely overwhelmed by her bigger foe, making few inspired efforts to wriggle free of Tonia's clutches this opening period. Then with time running down, and Jenny hanging her head, breathing hard from struggling yet again to push up to all fours beneath Tonia's clinging ride, the sexy blonde quickly broke Jenny down again with a leg hook and back straddle and pushed into a half nelson as the smaller brunette desperately tried to fight her off, but slowly yielded, rolling up to one hip and slipping back toward the mat. Jenny's shoulders were briefly tilted toward a near fall position; but the embattled brunette managed to scoot over the end line at just about the same time; so there were no points scored by Tonia; and they re-started at the center of the mat, where the blonde easily rode her winded foe out to the bell. So it remained 2-0 at the break between periods, with Tonia dominating with a strong ride from on top after scoring that countering takedown midway through the period. And Jenny looked much too worn out for merely two minutes of action. I watched her there as they wandered back to the center circle, both girls sweating and breathing hard, but Jenny with head hanging low while Tonia managed to even crack a weak smile; and I knew Jenny was "in tough" this match. Before her shocking collapse versus Donna fully half a year ago now, Jenny was renowned as a strong, superior wrestler from on top, often riding her opponent into near submission with strong legs and a stronger will. Donna, of course, with those amazing legs of her own, had first neutralized, then broken the tiring Jenny's physical hold on their match, and soon enough all but broken her indomitable will as well. Tonia didn't appear as physically talented as Donna, but the big blonde certainly hadn't given poor Jenny much chance to re-assert herself in the opening period; and, in fact, had turned the tables with a strong ride from on top herself. I knew Jenny had to somehow reclaim some of that imposing will and aura of dominance she once displayed, and that Donna had so quickly, stunningly ripped away from her, if she was to have any chance at all; and I was relieved to see her, given the choice, take the "UP" position, as said, usually her strength. So they began again, but with Jenny visibly struggling just to hold the bigger girl down right from the get go. Tonia may indeed have been a not very athletic sorority chick; but she was a rugged foe and could no doubt sense Jenny's struggles from on top. And the blonde used her size and strength to power into a quick stand-up attempt that Jenny barely blocked, just managing to run her foe over the end line before Tonia could work herself free. But, on the restart, Tonia, displaying some pretty good wrestling instincts of her own, went right to a sit-out reversal, her big, strong legs powering away from Jenny's clutching fingers as she spun around for the 2 point reversal and now a 4-0 lead. Alarmingly, Jenny had held her ride for less than a half minute. And now Tonia was back on top; and, even though obviously winded from the quick burst in reversing my "goddess", was able to use that big, beautiful, and plenty strong, body to keep control of things again. Jenny looked passive, intimidated even by Tonia's size and aggressiveness; and the former campus champion was doing less to try to escape this period than she had in the first stanza. I thought maybe her lack of match conditioning was already hindering her. She was in a real struggle, clearly, trailing 4-0 with the second period winding down, and with Tonia, so far, having her way quite easily. It didn't look good for my "laboring goddess." Yet suddenly she turned back the clock, however briefly, to the glory days, first managing to force a restart by scooting over the end line under Tonia's clinging ride. The blonde was really sucking air now; but so was Jenny. Yet she pulled her head up determinedly, showing more "fire" than I'd seen in some time, surged into a nifty stand-up escape at the referee's restart whistle, and just as quickly turned and swept the lumbering bigger girl into a head-and-arm throw. Tonia clumped down to the mat, her head snared by Jenny's arms, Jenny twisting her foe's shoulders toward the mat, holding them there, inches away from a pin, for excruciating seconds. But she couldn't quite finish the job, Tonia holding on grimly, and now fighting back, slowly twisting into Jenny, and pulling her shoulders up off the mat. Jenny dug in, but the blonde whipped that big, beautiful body to and fro, loosening Jenny's grip, then wriggled around enough to pull her head free and slide behind the groaning brunette for a reversal. In just seconds Jenny had gone from nearly scoring a pin to letting Tonia get back on top of her. The two tired beauties struggled wearily the remaining 20 seconds or so to the second period bell, with the referee signaling 6 points for Jenny on her escape, takedown and near-fall, and 2 more points for Tonia with this latest reversal. Somewhat amazingly, given the big riding time advantage Tonia still held, Jenny, displaying mat savvy when skill and conditioning, her usual strengths, were not enough, had knotted the match at 6-6 going into the final period. But would it be enough? I wondered. Tonia had the UP position to start the final period; and even though Jenny had fought back into the match, she had spent much of the first two periods struggling futilely, at times listlessly, under Tonia's strong ride. And sadly, as I watched this third round unfold, I soon realized little, really, had changed. Sure, Jenny had drawn in to a tie with that nifty 6 point move late in the second period; and seemed to have a legitimate shot now at winning this thing after all. But the adrenaline surge that had spiked her brief rally was gone, dying quickly; and now she looked more like she was already soundly beaten, head down, groaning, as Tonia muscled her around the mat. To be truthful, both girls were plenty tired at this point, their sleek bodies shimmering in all-over sweat, movements clumsy and slowed. I expected that this was pretty much the norm for Tonia, a big strong girl for sure, yet not real graceful. But to see Jenny, normally such a keen competitor, acting like this, head down, clearly gassed and going nowhere, was startling to say the least. I mean this match was officially still tied, and the blonde was doing little more than just wrapping her arms around and laying that big, beautiful body over Jenny, pushing the smaller brunette around and eventually down to the mat beneath her every time Jenny managed to struggle up to all fours beneath the draped blonde. Tonia was clearly winded, and not able to do much more than that, sucking big gulps of air while moving sluggishly as she lay on top of her face down rival; yet my long time goddess, far from taking advantage, pushing her own tired body into escape or reversal attempts in an effort to forge a lead, was pretty much just stalling, riding out the round, trying to keep from giving up any more points as opposed to actively working to take the lead. And her inactivity on the bottom let Tonia catch her second wind much easier and faster than the blonde would have otherwise. With maybe just over a minute left, Tonia, had, indeed, caught her breath, was still on top controlling things, and was becoming more active again; in a word, Jenny wasn't; wasn't trying to win or even move much beneath the blonde's clinging ride. I was shocked, numbed, and yes, perversely aroused all at the same time, rock-hard down below, a sweetly tormented ache enveloping me while I watched my disheartened, shockingly vulnerable goddess "stall out" the final period. Or at least she apparently thought she could stall out to the final buzzer. Perhaps realizing that Jenny had little or nothing left^Å no energy^Å even less spirit, the blonde, having caught her second wind, began pressing for the go-ahead points and maybe more, breaking Jenny down quickly the few times her smaller foe managed to slither back up to all fours; Tonia continued to really work the arms and legs from on top until my former classmate just lay there face down, no longer even attempting to get her knees under her, indeed merely twisting to keep her balance and keep from being turned by the bigger girl. The ref had seen this before, though undoubtedly never with Jenny if he'd ever officiated at one of her collegiate matches, finally pointing one hand at Jenny, issuing her a stall warning, to my memory perhaps the first time that this former college champion had ever been warned for stalling. Action didn't restart on a mere warning; and Jenny, reacting weakly to the stall warning, still labored sluggishly as she slowly pushed to all fours, dutifully trying to fool the ref into thinking she wasn't really stalling. It was a brief, faltering effort though, Tonia just as quickly grabbing one of her arms and pushing poor Jen face down yet again. Jenny just lay there, flattened out, sucking air, groaning softly, as the big blonde stayed on top of her, her big, beautiful legs wrapped all around, dominating Jenny's tanned, trembling, stretched back legs, while Tonia worked for a half nelson, tugging on Jenny's left arm, which was extended out to the brunette's side. When Tonia's grip on Jenny's sweaty bicep slipped away and the blonde paused briefly, taking a big gulp of air before resuming her attack, Jenny made absolutely no move to pull the arm out of the way. Seeing this, the ref, running out of patience with my unresponsive "goddess", quickly slapped another stall warning on her; one more call and Tonia would be awarded points for Jenny's now blatant stalling tactics. Yet even now Jenny reacted but tepidly to this second warning, groaning wearily as she slowly slithered up to a semi-crouch beneath her blonde antagonist when Tonia took a short blow to catch her breath. It was a woefully weak effort to show she had something left; but it at least staved off a humiliating stalling point being awarded her blonde rival, for the moment. But Tonia, seeing Jenny lowering her head, just crouching there, spent and vulnerable, quickly sucked my exhausted and disheartened former classmate into a far cradle, locking arms around Jenny's head and far leg, rocking her to her back, holding her there for several seconds in near fall position before Jenny, kicking weakly against the pin hold while squirming desperately, just managed to slide one nearly flattened shoulder over the end line at the edge of the circular mat. The referee pulled the tangled duo apart, signaling a 3 point near fall for Tonia, who smiled wanly as she staggered up to her feet, breathing hard, large firm breasts heaving beneath her sweat-soaked white top, and wobbling a bit while wandering back to the center of the mat. Jenny, however, was all but done, just lying there for agonizing seconds, that beautiful body still twisted in the cradle pin position, left leg sticking straight out, right leg, the one wrapped up in Tonia's cradle lock just a few seconds before, remaining cocked at the knee, tanned thigh muscle jiggling with rubbery exhaustion. She was gaping for big ragged gulps of air, her blue clad chest heaving as she lay there, one arm slung over her pretty face. As I said, she was pretty much DONE; and I was almost there myself, though in a decidedly different way, if you know what I mean, squirming in exquisite agony while watching all this, my rock hard member straining at its denim restraints. I bit my lip to stave of the sensations even as I unavoidably kept my eyes peeled on my splayed "goddess" down there at the mats edge. The ref was leaning over her now, probably telling her she needed to get up and make some attempt to get back to the center circle for a restart. But Jenny's fight was OVER! This once proud athletic beauty, who for so long could not be beaten; no, make that refused to be bested or beaten by anybody, had now basically flicked it in with maybe a half minute still left in the match. She was so tired, so discouraged, so clearly beaten in both body and spirit, that she labored just to roll over and push up shakily to all fours, finally beginning to crawl slowly toward Tonia, who was patiently waiting on her knees at the center of the mat. The referee looked concerned at first, then merely peeved as Jenny's halting, lurching crawl slowed and ground to a stop still 5 or 6 feet away from the blonde. He urged her on, telling her in a somewhat irritated voice, "you gotta keep moving, Blue^Å that was his mat name for the blue clad brunette, Tonia, clad in white shorts and sport bra, was, of course, White to the ref^Å. Jenny, head down, still gulping big ragged gasps of air, nodded mutely between gulps, but listlessly moved but a halting foot or so further forward before slowing again. The ref had seen enough, raised his right arm, the index finger extended signifying a point being awarded, pointed accusingly at my slumped "goddess", and ritually intoned, "that's stalling on Blue^Å one point, White!" It was a new, humiliating low point for this once proud champion, having been repeatedly warned; and now finally forced to concede a stalling point. Mercifully the ref held off docking her more stalling points as she slowly crawled the remaining distance to the center circle. She was now down 10-6; and she, and everybody else still watching the match, knew the gig was up. Tonia smiled broadly as she settled in over her kneeling foe, seemingly oblivious to, or totally unaffected by, the knowledge that she was about to defeat a "legend" in the sport in this state. As for me, I was still squirming in torment, hard as a rock, felt like I was about to cum all over myself, knowing that Jenny was going down to defeat^Å AGAIN^Å but hoping against hope she could last out the final 30 seconds or so and escape the further humiliation of being pinned. It was like déjà vu, a nearly identical feeling as when I watched poor Jenny, then still the undefeated champion, go into overtime against Donna months earlier. I hated myself for doing so, but couldn't peel my eyes away from the scene down there on the mat. From my vantage point, the only humane thing for Tonia to do, given Jenny's great legacy as a former college champion, was to just let time expire and take her decision victory. But Tonia, of course, had little reason to even concern herself with any so-called legacy Jenny carried with her, even if she knew about it. The big blonde was a competitor after all, and she knew only that a pin would give her an important extra point in the round robin standings. So she was going for it, clearly. And, to be perfectly honest, I would have as well, if I'd been in her position. Not surprisingly, it was over quickly. As I've said, Jenny was DONE. She was completely spent, legs and arms quaking with muscular exhaustion as she crouched there, dutifully awaiting the restart. But, more alarmingly, she was utterly spiritless, didn't even fight with any degree of tattered pride to stay off her back in the final 30 seconds. Tonia broke her down with ridiculous ease, Jenny emitting a weak cry of utter helplessness and meek submission to a stronger, superior foe as she collapsed face down beneath the surging blonde. Then Tonia just as quickly muscled the unresisting brunette over to her back with a simple half nelson, poor Jenny flopping over like a limp ragdoll, letting out with another feeble little groan of abject surrender while Tonia set her up for the pin. The sexy blonde settled in over my beaten "goddess" with a devastating leg grapevine after turning Jenny's shoulders toward the mat, Tonia's big strong legs wrapped all over Jenny's weakened, overwhelmed counterparts, stretching them out, stretching Jenny out, plastering her shoulders to the mat. Jenny gave out an even louder cry of total surrender, "gawwwwd, noooo," her pinioned body jerking suddenly and then trembling and shuddering visibly beneath the covering blonde as the ref quickly slapped the mat next to her flattened shoulder blades. And just like that it was over, poor Jenny spread like a sacrificial lamb beneath that big beautiful blonde and rudely pinned with just seconds left in the match. Jenny's almost sweetly tormented little cry at the end there, the involuntary jerking of her pinioned body, was too eerily reminiscent of her steamy meltdown in the wrestling room months ago, her over-wrought body shuddering and jerking almost endlessly while being worked over by both Donna and Linda that memorable day. Somehow I instinctively knew it was the same kind of thing here, not to say that I was in much better condition. When they untangled finally after the fall, Tonia wobbled some while getting to her feet; but she had a big wide, if tired, grin on her face. Jenny, however, just lay on the canvas, that still stunning, if newly softened, body shuddering and trembling, chest heaving with big rasping gulps of air. With a weary groan she soon enough turned over to one side, lying on one hip, facing away from the bleachers. She still looked so incredibly sexy, yet so startlingly lost and vulnerable, that delicious body sweat-soaked and shimmering, those sleek shapely legs stretched lifelessly across the mat, that I just wanted to rush to the mat and pick up my limp goddess, comfort her. But of course that was impossible. I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon or fast, what with a still raging boner; and, of course, there were still the formalities at matches end to complete. Speaking of which, the referee and Tonia were waiting for Jenny at the center of the mat, the raising of the victor's arms by the referee being held up until Jenny could join them. But, like me, my defeated goddess clearly wasn't getting up and moving any time soon, that luscious body still splayed listlessly as she lay on one hip. The referee finally moved over, peering down at Jenny, talking quietly with her. I could see her shaking her head wanly, almost crying it seems, though I couldn't be sure. In any event, he returned to Tonia, who'd been standing somewhat self consciously by herself at mid-ring all this time, and, sans Jenny, ritually raised the grinning blonde's near arm up to signify her victory even as the vanquished brunette finally began to slowly crawl off the mat, shoulders sagging, head drooping. Gawwwd how I ached for her then, still wanting to go to her side, comfort and console her; though I remained temporarily indisposed myself, fearing an embarrassing explosion down below if I dare move just then. Then, even as I watched and ached for poor Jenny, I saw those other gorgeous legs slide into view, not Randi's slinky pair, but Donna's; the sexy, strong- legged young brunette, all sweaty and full of herself, a towel slung carelessly over one shoulder, walking right up and putting an arm briefly around Jenny's slumped shoulders as she leaned over and said something quietly to my former classmate, who by this time had managed to make it off the mat and was sitting on a bench, slowly pulling on her warm-ups. As I watched dumbfounded, I saw Jenny struggle to control a quick, body shaking sob and then lean into the younger brunette as if craving her comfort and support, nodding her head while Donna pulled her arm away at length, only to give the older girl a gentle slap on the back as she moved off. Then Donna looked up, her eyes meeting mine; smiling, she headed up the bleachers right toward me. I was frozen in place, panicky, breaking out in a cold sweat, as she stepped to the bench just below me and quipped, "hey, nice to see you again, Joey". I didn't respond, couldn't respond actually, was tongue-tied while gaping shamelessly at that glistening body, those unbelievable legs. I hated myself for doing so, but I simply couldn't help staring at her, my eyes wandering up and down every delicious inch of this new "wrestling goddess." I gulped, feeling my ever unruly member stiffening anew, thinking to myself, "my gawwwd, she must have put on at least 5 pounds since I last saw her," which was some months back, not long after the wrestling room episode actually. But, unlike Jenny's added pounds, which gave my former classmate a somewhat softer, rounder look, it was all muscle with Donna; smooth, sleek, sexier than hell muscle, and in all the right places. Her biceps were bigger than I remembered, and those magnificent thighs were even more muscularly defined than before. This stunning young woman must have been hitting the weights with religious fervor over the last half year. She was truly a GODDESS, or, as friend, Todd, had enthused over the phone to me, "one bitchin lookin muscle babe", all taut and shimmering, sexy, strong body and impossibly sculpted legs staring me right in the face. Somehow it had seemed like an eternity with me shamelessly ogling her hot body, and her just standing there silently after greeting me; but it probably was just a few seconds at most. Now, she chirped again, "I guess you're happy to see me too, hee hee, that long, dumb stare and all." "Guess you like what you're seeing here," she added, while driving me to utter distraction by idly patting one big, beautiful, sweaty thigh. I nodded at her dumbly, self-consciously pulling my legs together so as to better hide the embarrassing bulge down in the crotch of my jeans. If Donna noticed anything unusual, she hardly betrayed any surprise, still full of herself, chirping, "did you hear about my match?". I shook my head; she continued on, more than willing to talk about herself, how great she was, all that stuff. "Well," she said, "of course I won again, got another pin." And then, "too bad about poor Jen; I know she really wanted to do well in this match; but that blonde bitch is plenty big and strong, pretty hot looking too, if you ask me. From what I hear, Jen just wasn't strong enough to hold her off. Or maybe she was too distracted by that big beautiful bod, maybe a little of both, heh heh. You of all people know what a horny little bitch your girlfriend is." "She ain't a horny little bitch," I angrily retorted, "and she ain't my girlfriend!" "You don't like girls, then, Joey, is that it? You know, funny thing is I think your little girlfriend kind of digs hot chicks like that Tonia bitch she just wrestled; and, of course, me too. You might say she can't stand the HEAT our strong, sexy bods give off, hee, hee; and neither can you, obviously." She was staring straight at my crotch; she knew. Now I was really pissed, not to mention horribly embarrassed. Parts of me wanted to crawl into the nearest hole, or, given present circumstances, under the bleachers; instead the other part of me snapped back, "look, lay off, will you; Jenny isn't my girlfriend. But I like girls just fine." "And so does she, Joey," Donna responded sweetly, just not content unless she got the last word in. I gave up trying to argue pointlessly, stayed mum this time, seething inside in more ways than one. Donna edged closer, fairly purring now, instantly changing, as is her wont, from irritating braggart to seductive tormentress, looking straight into my eyes while coyly lifting one leg, pushing with her shin up against my drawn together legs, too easily spreading them slightly as she worked that heavenly leg up the inside of my levi clad thighs. I knew I should try to pull away, but couldn't, feeling powerless to stop this bold, sexy, predatory "muscle babe" as she worked her way up my trembling legs, her velvety touch sending electric sensations throughout my shuddering body. I stifled a small groan as I felt her shin bone push right up against my rock hard bulge. She probably only held it there for maybe two, three seconds; but those were the longest few seconds I'd endured in quite some time. I bit my lip to try to stave off the unavoidable, surging arousal. Mercifully, she pulled her leg back soon enough; but I was hardly out of danger, since she still kept her foot resting on the bench seat directly between my spread legs; if she made any further move in the direction of the raging excitement down in my crotch, I'd be a goner for sure. She kept me in this electric suspense for a long, tormented moment, still all full of herself, her wondrous body, magnificent "killer" legs literally right in my face, smiling sweetly down at me now, "mmmm, I'll take that as a compliment, Joey, that little salute you're offering up down there, that is;" and then, "guess you do like girls after all, heh heh, seeing as how your little pecker is so hopelessly devoted to my hot bod." "But you know what?" she added, "your little slutty friend is pretty devoted to this bod too!" I squirmed uncomfortably, mute and trembling, wondering, but not really wanting to know the whole naked truth, about what she meant by that comment; or what she had going with Jenny in general. She continued, almost nonchalantly adding, "and from the looks of the poor thing after getting pinned just now, seems like that blonde bitch, Tonia, got the little slut all hot and bothered as well." I started to protest now, stammering haltingly, "she isn't a^Å a slut^Å!" "All evidence to the contrary, Joey," Donna quickly retorted; and then, "anyhow, I don't really give a rip what you think, Joey. I know a slut when I see one and, believe me, your Jen's a horny little slut^Å used to be a so-called wrestling champ, hah^Å but look at her now, all worked up over getting whupped^Å AGAIN!" I was really seething by this point, but stayed mute and trembling, as she'd pushed her lower leg up past my knees yet again, her warm, wonderful limb fairly burning a desperate tormenting ache throughout my trembling body as she laid it right up against my levi clad calf. She kept it there for a few more tortuous seconds before finally stepping back, turning quickly on those impossibly sculpted, all woman legs and heading off, throwing a little flirtatious final jibe my way, "better go change those pants, big guy^Å ahem, you got a little embarrassing stain down below^Å hah hah, you and little slutty Jen are SO MUCH ALIKE." I stared after her, at once both angered and hopelessly enraptured, my eyes admittedly fixated on the most extraordinary pair of legs I'd ever had the privilege of ogling. Forget Jenny's, or even Randi's, Donna's fantastic stems were the BEST OF THE BEST! I finally pulled my gaze away from those muscled beauties, feeling drained, almost emotionless all of a sudden. The quick anger I'd felt just a moment ago had dissipated just like that. Donna was gone, out of my sight finally; and Jenny had left for the dressing room sometime before that. I never did get a chance to go talk to her. I took a quick, furtive glance down at my crotch now. The excitement had subsided slightly, my pants no longer tented up; but the small stain Donna had so cruelly reminded me of was inescapable. I groaned at the embarrassing sight, pulled my t-shirt out and let it hang down as far I could to conceal most of the damaging evidence before slinking out of that gymnasium. I didn't go back for the afternoon matches, the third of three preliminary round robin matches for each wrestler, choosing instead to check out of the motel and head out of town, numbed by what I'd experienced, too shaken, too nervous, to "suffer" through any more meltdowns by my fallen goddess. I could pretty much figure out how Jenny, who'd shamelessly tried to stall her way to the final buzzer against a bigger, stronger Tonia, would fare in that final match against the sensational high school champ, Shelli; and I knew I couldn't handle that. I also knew I probably didn't need, nor could I handle, another up close and personal confrontation with "muscle babe" Donna. So I left, just like that. Old college chum, Todd, suddenly the world's biggest fan of female folk- style wrestling, filled me in on all the predicable details when he called a week or so later. Jenny hadn't lasted very long in her final match, getting pinned midway through the first period by the aggressive and talented little high school blonde. Like I've said, somehow I knew something like that would happen. Jenny was DONE a minute or so before the end of her faltering match against the older, bigger blonde, Tonia. From the sounds of it, she was seemingly DONE before she even stepped out on the mat against Shelli later that same day. Again, I was hardly surprised to hear of her latest humiliating defeat. In other details provided by Todd: Donna swept through her round robin matches undefeated with two pins and an easy decision; and ultimately took the tournament championship, beating Shelli by a close decision in the semifinals to advance to the title match, apparently the only tough outing she had in the whole tourney. Indeed, she won the tournament title by pin over an outclassed redhead who'd seemingly gotten that far only because she hadn't had to wrestle either Shelli or Donna before that. Tonia had been comfortably leading the redhead in the other semifinal match, but had to forfeit when she sprained a wrist in the second period and couldn't continue. So that was that; Jenny, of course, was not even a participant in the finals off her faltering efforts against first Tonia, and then Shelli. She'd obviously been in a tough bracket, and didn't advance, with both Tonia and Shelli making it to the semifinals; but she couldn't use that as an excuse. It pained me to think it, but it was the brutal truth; super jock, Jen, was no longer very "super". Not only had she been outclassed and pinned by both blondes, but even the bimbo cheerleader, Randi, had given Jenny a tougher than expected match in losing to the more experienced brunette by a decision on Friday. Not surprisingly, Randi had apparently been totally overwhelmed by the two blondes, Shelli and Tonia, in her remaining round robin matches Saturday, losing both by quick falls. She was, after all, and as I'd suspected all along, still more fluffy cheerleader than wrestler, which made her late comeback against Jenny, putting the former campus champ on her back at the end of their match, all the more shocking, and sad, for us long-time Jenny worshippers. Yes, as hard as it was for me to accept this basic fact, the heavier, softer shell of a once great champion that showed up for the summer tournament was now merely another wrestler; and, sadly, a pretty mediocre one at that. She'd shown flashes of the "old Jenny" during the one match I watched; but tellingly they were mere flashes; and she'd displayed startling vulnerability in literally giving up the fight down the stretch against the big blonde, Tonia. By all accounts, Todd's primarily, she'd looked far worse against the sensational young high school blonde, Shelli. Somehow I knew it wasn't all just a loss of physical conditioning; and, by the same token, she hadn't forgotten how to wrestle in the half year or so that had passed since she suffered her first loss ever to Donna. No, something else was going on inside my fallen goddess. Donna had not only beaten her physically that fateful day when she ended Jenny's unbeaten streak, but clearly at some point had also gotten inside the older brunette's head in some strange way, turning poor Jen from a ferocious competitor to a tentative, spiritless "has-been". I thought Jenny, once eliminated from the tourney, would have gone home early as well. I was WRONG! Todd also told me that when Donna showed up on the mat for her title match against the outclassed redhead, the new "mat goddess" had, in Todd's words, "a complete entourage" of helpers/supporters. According to him, there was a gangly, freckle faced girl, undoubtedly Donna's pal, Liz; BOTH Randi and Jenny were there as well; and even Tonia, the big blonde who'd been forced to drop out of the finals due to her sprained wrist, was there cheering the young brunette on to victory. And then, most surprisingly, or maybe not, given all the bizarre things that had happened to and around Jenny in the past year, she and Randi each gave a triumphant Donna long hugs after her victory. I didn't ask for any more details from my reporter on the scene, even as I wondered anew just what kind of sway Donna held over not only Jenny, but now, apparently, Randi as well. Some day I would find out; I had to. (to be continued)