Amazons and Hominians, 5 by Agua The story is about tough fights between female (Amazons) and male (Hominians) warriors. Even though they are technically superior and more civilized , the Hominians have difficulties to overwhelm the Amazons which can profit from their impenetrable forests and their tough fighting style. In part 1, an Hominian expedition corps into the Amazon forest was defeated by Amazon attacks. Only few men could return to Hominia and report what had happened. The Hominian king equipped another army that could built a castle in the Amazon forest. Despite many losses, the Hominians could hold their line (part 2). In part 3, the enslaved Hominian women revolutionized against the male dominance. Those female slaves mainly responsible for production of uniforms and food were able to overwhelm the mostly teenage Hominian wards and to break free. They joined the Amazon army and thanks to their sewing-skills, the Amazons established a uniform production of their own. After receiving valuable information on the Hominian castles, the Amazon were even able to get 3 castles under their control that were Hominian recruit training barracks before. Thus not only the men in these castles and their equipment, but even the surrounding fertile plains and ore mines had fallen into the hands of the Amazons (part 4). This story contains explicit sexual and violent material incl. rape, castration and torture and should only be read by adults. If ball-busting is a matter of offence, please DO NOT read! 5. Changed Positions While the Hominians became more and more successful and extended their territory in the south of the Amazon forest, the Amazons controlled larger and larger parts of the northern Hominian plains. But during the fights, so many Hominians had been killed or captured that the average age of their army had drastically reduced: While formerly, the backbone of their army consisted of strong adults of 28 35 and even 25-year-old soldiers were considered as inexperienced rookies, now most brigades had an average age of 21 24, and the number of juvenile troops (16 21) was steadily increasing. The Amazons concentrated their attacks on the older, more experienced men of higher rank, hoping a chaos would break out between the leaderless youngsters. The response of the Hominians was to promote successful youngsters to officers: Nowadays, even 17 20 year olds could lead hundred men as sergeants or lieutenants. Nevertheless, the situation remained difficult. Since the teen army in the north turned out to be not strong enough against the powerful Amazon onslaught, the Hominians decided to encourage their former enemies other male tribes to support them. Unlike women, slaved men were treated very good by the Hominians. They had to give away their weapons and could not fight anymore and had to work on the fields and in mines, but lived the life of a free man. Most of them still wore the old uniforms so that it was easy to establish an auxiliary army. The most powerful tribe were the Hombres, a patriarchic tribe who immediately agreed to supports the Hominians against the threat of mighty females. The Hombres had 1200 former warriors in the best age of 25 to 35, but it was agreed that they immediately recruited all boys from 17 to 25, thus the number of soldiers increased to nearly 2200. Their warriors just wore sparkling silk shorts due to the heat in their desert plains. The silk shorts were of plain color thereby the color indicated the grade of each soldier reaching from white to black like the underwear of the Hominians. The silk worm grew well in this climate, so that were was plenty of silk and no lack of uniforms. The only disadvantage of these thin shorts was that their fine material wouldnt offer any resistance neither against an Amazon kick or stomp into the balls nor against the malicious incendiary arrows! During their former fights against other male armies, this had had no effect on the fighting power of the Hombres, but for a fight against a female the thin material at the most delicate spot was a severe disadvantage. Therefore it was decided that the fighters shall be equipped with leather jockstraps to be worn either over or underneath the silk shorts. Though it was clear that these wrappers of thick cow-leather could not protect the male package from deathly arrows, it would at least dampen kicks or stomps against the lust-center of these men. Of course, it would be better to use metal shells, but all mines were under control of the Amazons. Unfortunately, there was not even enough leather to equip many men with this essential protective shell. Therefore especially the teen-fighters with their highly sensitive balls and their poor fighting abilities shall be protected. Half of the other men got some normal Hominian cotton briefs underneath for that their balls had some hold and would not dangle disturbingly between their legs. Due to the general lack of equipment, the Hominians could not deliver more underpants. Approximately 500 Hombres shall be send to the south, where the Hominians had the situation under control, while the rest had to support the Hominian teen army in the north-east, where 3 castles, all mines and 20% of the fertile plains had fallen to the Amazons. The men trained fights against captive Amazons. After only two weeks of training the young Hombres had to be prepared for the battle against the Amazons. The women of the Hombres were oppressed themselves so that they felt sympathy for the Amazons. Therefore an Hombre girl was send to the Amazons to inform them about the reinforcement of the Hominian army. Thus, the Amazons decided to attack the Hombre convoy on its way northeastward. The convoy had to pass the desert-like plain, where there was no hiding for both sides. Thus, the Amazons planned to send quick units on horses which should not be involved into long battles, but just kill some men and retreat then again. Stitch by stitch, the Hombre army would be weakened! The Amazons often used the early evening dawn for a surprise attack. Since the shorts of the Hombres distinguished in their color according to the soldiers rank, it was easy to recognize the officers. Slaughtering them, the Hombre army would lose control and orientation, that was the idea of the Amazons. Their powerful arrows chirped through the air and with deadly accuracy found their vulnerable targets! Mainly troop leaders, but also some soldiers and recruits broke down, deadly hit. The young recruits run around in panic, looking for shelter. But the plain landscape didnt offer much protection! And even their leather jockstraps could not protect their already developed, mature packages! The Amazons sent another shower of nut-cracking arrows, before they had to retreat from the massive attack of the Hombre troops. But since the Hombres had no horses, the Amazons could quickly ride away without losses. Only some hours later, the next attack: The Hombre army was marching on the road as suddenly incendiary arrows flew into the highly flammable silk shorts! Not just the wearer was killed by the arrow, but the fire easily spread among the densely crowded warriors, setting their silk shorts in flames. Soldiers and recruits run around like human torches, their crotches brightly illuminated in the dark night! It took some more minutes and deaths before the Hombre forces knew where they were attacked from. But again, the Amazons could flee without being hurt! And so it went on. The Hombres didnt use horses to ride on them, but had some horse-powered carriages to transport equipment and weapons, but also men. The Amazons dug a hole in the road where they buried a mine. Then, they hid in the bushes and waited for the Hombre convoy to come. As a carriage loaded with men went over the hidden mine, the girls brought it to explosion! The carriage whirled through the air and crashed hard on the ground. Frightened by the unexpected attack, the other Hombres run away, leaving back their mates in the perished carriage behind. The Amazons inspected their work. Most men in the carriage were killed, mostly their necks were broken. Only 3 had survived the onslaught. The girls dragged all men out of the carriage, took their weapons and undressed their silk shorts to wear them themselves. The 3 surviving men were tortured to give secret information about the Hombre army. Afterwards, 3 Amazon recruits killed their victims by slashing their nut-sacks by a dagger. After this successful attack, the Amazons performed some more similar onsets. Thus, the once powerful Hombre army lost more and more men and boys before they reached the Hominian territory. This area was sheltered by castles, so that the frequency and intensity of the Amazon attacks reduced drastically. Finally, only 1000 of formerly 1700 Hombre warriors reached Castle P�, their destination. Here, they were joined and trained with an Hominian youth army, approximately 1200 men from 17 to 22 that shall deliberate the North-east Territory from the Amazon occupation. The situation in the south was vice versa: Here, the Hominians controlled a large territory and used a guerrilla tactic similar as formerly the Amazons. Now, the Amazon troops and reinforcement convoys became victims of malicious Hominian attacks. Regularly, Hominians rover troops overwhelmed and mostly killed Amazon fighters. Their trade mark was to impale captured Amazons and to put them on a stake like a scarecrow! The stake was driven into the girls slit by a hammer. The impaled girls were naked because the Hominians proudly wore the captured uniforms or send them home for the youth army. Once, a Amazon unit was able to defeat such a guerrilla troop. It consisted of 10 adult soldiers (25 to 30 years old) and 10 young recruits (16 to 19) led by a corporal. Half of the men and boys had been killed during the fight, the others had fallen to the hands of the Amazons. From the style of their uniforms, the victorious Amazons recognized immediately that both the Hominian soldiers and recruits wore captured female jeans. They had to hand it over immediately. Underneath, they even wore female stretch nylon G-strings! How could they dare! Since every Amazon jeans and thong slip had a serial number, it quickly turned out that they originated from an impaled Amazon scout troop. The girls decided to take revenge. At first, the teen recruits had to give their older soldiers a blow job. When the men were about to cum, the recruits wanted to stop, but the Amazons ordered them to swallow the cream! Disgusted, the teens drank the boy milk of their mates. Now, the soldiers had to bent over a fallen tree so that their assholes were completely exposed. (The nylon thongs going through the ass-crack could be easily tugged away.) The recruits were forced to lick the assholes of their comrades. Again, the young recruits were completely disgusted and humiliated, while the adult Hominians screamed with lust. Up to here, the adult soldiers really enjoyed their punishment. But now, the situation changed: Screw them!, ordered the Amazon corporal to the Hominian recruits. At first these boys had difficulties to get a hard-on since they were only turned on by girls. The Amazons helped them by pressing well-used female underwear in their faces. The strong female smell worked well and the always horny recruits could prove their masculinity. The adult soldiers had never been screwed before and their virgin assholes sent waves of pain through the once proud warrior bodies! Finally, the teens tossed their whole load into the ass-pussies of their mates. OK, you have nicely prepared the assholes of your mates. Now drive a stake into them!, ordered the Amazon officer. The Hominian recruits hesitated to fulfil this order and thus to kill their comrades. Do it, or you will be impaled!!!, threatened the Amazon. Some Amazons held the whimpering men down bent over the fallen tree, while the teen Hominians hammered a sharpened stake into the exposed slits of the once proud Hominian warriors. Most men passed out after the stake had been driven 10 or 20 cm into their bodies. The Amazon officer was not satisfied before the stake was 40 or even 50 cm inside the man, thus having destroyed all inner organs including heart and lungs. Now the stakes with the 5 mistreated Hominians were erected as scarecrows. The dead men still wore the captured Amazon thongs thus warning everyone from stealing Amazon uniforms! The Amazon officer addressed to the young boys: You have stolen our uniforms and killed our mates! Do you know what we do with thieves and murderers?! Oh no, please!, the boys began to beg and whimper. Hang them!, ordered the officer. Her soldiers bound the arms of all 5 recruits on the back and tugged their thong slips sideward so that their cocks and nut-sacks fell out. Now, a rope was thrown over the branch of a tree and was tied then around a boys package. Two girls tugged a boy upward, whereby his whole bodyweight had to be taken by his package! The male organs of 2 boys ripped off after only some seconds. The boys fell down and quickly bled to death. The other 3 guys hung for several minutes on the tree. Involuntarily, they got a hard-on since the blood circulation was hindered. It was a funny sight for the merciless Amazons, but for the males it was a long and cruel dying: The hindered blood circulation caused a lack of oxygen in the body that finally led to death. The Amazons were proud of their work and left the scenery. But also captured Amazons had to face cruel tortures: Captured girls were led to different Hominan bases in the forest. Here they had some instruments of torture: One girl had to strip off all clothes except the captured Hominan briefs she wore as underwear. Then, she was bound spread-eagled to a wooden cross, so that her pussy was nicely seen through the thin white cotton tightening around her Venus mound. One Hominian took a torch and set her briefs in fire! The worn-out cotton burnt quick and fast. The helpless girl was shrieking in pain as the flames burnt through the fabric, lighting her pubic hairs and skin. After a minute or so, her underpants were completely burnt down, and the girl was dead. Sometimes, the Hominians sterilized captive Amazon since many of their comrades had been castrated by Amazons. A girl chosen was stripped completely naked and tied to a wooden cross. Then, an Hominian took a baseball racket and slit it into her exposed pussy. Afterwards, he drove it several times upward, always striking her vagina at full force: Tack! Tack! Tack! The girl winced in agony, and after 3 or 4 blows, she passed out cold! Not dead, but at least sterilized and unable to move or fight for some days or weeks. After cutting her fetters, she fell unconsciously to ground. Another torture instrument was a vise with a pair of metal sheets on its ferrules. Typically, Amazon troop leaders were placed on top of the closed vise so that both sheets slipped into her cunt. To force her to give some secret information, an Hominian sergeant started to wind the vise open so that the gap between the plates became larger and larger, thus splitting her cunt! She shrieked in pain, but just called her opponents dirty bastards who will soon be castrated. Finally, her pussy was totally ripped up to the asshole. Her perineum was completely torn, and blood rushed out of her slit. The other captive Amazons were completely shocked and cupped their hands around their pussy in pain and sympathy, while the boys yelled and applauded. Many of them even got a hard-on seeing these feared females die! After some days, the first auxiliary Hombre troops arrived in the south-eastern territory, the occupied Amazon forest. The Amazons in this area were not informed about the reinforcement and were astonished to face men that to their minds only wore underwear. Some recruits and youthful soldiers obviously had a kind of groin armor. At first, the Amazons were afraid that these leather jockstraps had a metal shell inside, but their archers quickly proved that this was not the case: The arrows traveled through the leather ball protectors like a hot knife through butter. The hit men broke down as usual. Just in a close combat, these nut-guards rendered some kicks and blows ineffective! Therefore, especially the young Amazon recruits with their small, skillful hands quickly learnt how to slip underneath the protective leather straps and to win a fight by ball- squeezing, even if the jockstrap was worn underneath the shorts. Anyway, it didnt take long till the first Hombre soldiers had fallen to the hands of the Amazons and their silk shorts had been distributed among the victorious girls. A loved prey to be worn as underwear. Vice versa, soon after capturing the first female spandex thong slips, the Hombres were really eager for them since they kept their nuts in place in their loose shorts, and male underwear was hard to get due to the general supply crisis. Having captured the first nut protectors, the Amazons reported this to their Queen. Since the Amazons had already lost hundreds of fighters due to breast and groin attacks (mainly shot and ripped pussies), it was decided to equip the Amazon army with breast and pussy guards. Unlike the Hombre ball protectors, they shall be made of iron to withstand even deathly arrows. Among the hundreds of captive Hominians, there were many good smiths, and the Hominian ore mines were in the hand of the Amazons anyway! After some days only, the Amazons tested the first groin guard: It was a kind of mail slip, strong enough to stop any dagger and sword from penetrating into the female abdomen. But it failed the test against crossbows: It was performed on captive men who had to put on the mail slips. Then, some Amazon recruits tested their bows against these hapless men: The arrows burst through the mail and stroke their highly sensitive targets, the men broke down and writhed on the ground in deadly agony! For the next trial, the armor was therefore hammered from solid steel. Now it worked! The Amazon Queen proudly presented the new battle equipment to her Generals: An iron breast guard and a metal groin armor (looking like a V-thong-slip) to be worn over the T-shirt or the jeans respectively. This equipment was unbeatable! Past the times, when the Amazon run around like animals dressed in furs! Now they had their own jeans and underwear production and even steel armors! Their equipment was now by far superior to that of the Hominians so that now the Hominians tried to capture Amazon uniforms!