Amazons and Hominians by Agua The story is about tough fights between female (Amazons) and male (Hominians) warriors. Even though they are technically superior and more civilized , the Hominians have difficulties to overwhelm the Amazons which can profit from the not open landscape of their forests and their tough fighting style. This story contains explicit sexual and violent material incl. rape, castration and torture and should only be read by adults. If ball-busting is a matter of offence, please DO NOT read 0. Introduction In the beginning, the Hominians were only one of various patriarchic tribes. Their tough and muscular male warriors beat one enemy army after the other, so that finally the Hominians controlled the whole fertile plains up to the dark virgin forest in the east. Like with all the other tribes they had conquered, women had no say at all. After reaching the puberty at the age of 14 or 15, every boy joined the adult men to get to know a man's life. Mostly at 18, he became a warrior-recruit for some years. Not before he was in his early 20s, he joined the other men to fight against other male armies. The Hominians were more than just a horde of barbarians, they had developed a certain culture and a well-organized army: Their soldiers were strong and muscular and mostly 25 to 35 years old. Their uniforms were jeans whereby the symbol on the bottom-pocket indicated the rang of each warrior (blank pockets for recruits, normal soldiers had a V on their pockets (e.g. Levis jeans) and so on). They wore the jeans very tight, nicely highlighting their privates and buttocks. The underwear worn with it were regular cotton briefs of plain color reaching from white (inexperienced recruit) to black (highest leader): recruit = white sergeant = green soldier = white or gray lieutenant = dark blue (navy) private = yellow captain = red or violet corporal = light blue or medium blue (royal) major, commander and general = black Each warrior was allowed to command up to 4 warriors of the rang below him. A troop consisted for instance of 4 soldiers run by a private or 16 soldiers + 4 privates led by a corporal. The women were restricted to bearing children, producing food, tailoring, sewing and washing the uniforms of the men. Most women were slaves of the conquered peoples, so that were was not much contact - not to mention love - between the Hominians and the slaved women. Only sexual relations in form of rapes existed to produce children to have new warriors. The boys were taken away from their mothers as early as possible for that no relationship arose between them. Right from the start, each boy was educated to become a warrior. After the Hominians had the plains under control, they planned to conquer even the virgin forest bordering their territory. There was a legend that these forests are governed by Amazon, powerful female warriors, but the Hominians didn't believe that women should be able to fight. They only knew women as helpless slaves, completely subdued to the will of the men. Thus, an invasion army was established to explore and conquest the forests. 1. First Contact The Amazons, however, were not just a fairytale, they existed! A powerful matriarchal tribe, where women governed over the men. As in the Hominian culture the boys, with the Amazons the girls were drilled to warriors right from childhood. The Amazon army had a similar strength and organization as the Hominian, just that they were less organized and cultivated. While the Hominians respected their enemies and never killed men who had surrendered, the Amazons were able to commit any cruelty to their foes. They didn't even hesitate to eat an enemy's body, believing his strength would thus be absorbed. Especially the privates of their male enemies were not just a dainty, but eating them had also a mystic function believed to provide the victorious Amazons fertility and strength. At this time, most Amazons only wore furs from which they had tailored primitive loin cloths. It was difficult to recognize the rank, but the leaders often had linen-clothes. Their weapons were sharp steel knives and bows. The Hominians were dressed in jeans and often had revolvers and guns; some of them also used cross-bows. When the Hominian army entered the woods, they were observed right from the start by Amazon scouts. Since the Amazons had never seen jeans before, they fought that the Hominians' trousers are made of metal, like a coat of mail. Since men and women were similar in size and stature, the Amazons had only be able to govern the men in the last 200 years, because they had quickly recognized the weak spot between a man's legs. Male soldiers with metal groin armor were thus a danger to their might! They needed to find quickly, how strong these men and especially how tough their mail-trousers really were! The chance to explore this came faster than the Amazon wanted: One Amazon warrior had fallen asleep and thus was discovered and captured by the Hominians, who saw the first time in their life a woman wearing weapons. She woke up and was surprised and afraid, being suddenly surrounded by men with weapons. But she quickly regained her self-confidence. She took a small (but very sharp) dagger and threatened everyone not to approach her. The men didn't take her serious, stood around her and made jokes about this "chick and her toy". "Common, little chick, strip your fur off and let's have some fun!", shouted some men. Two young (25) warriors tried to grab her: One hugged her from behind while the other approached from front. She replied with a swift stab of her knife into her opponent's groin behind her, left of the seam. She was surprised and happy that these trousers were of cotton instead of metal and didn't provide any protection at all! Then, she tugged the knife rightwards, thus ripping his whole nut-sack. In the men's face, surprise and disbelieve was quickly replaced by pain. He released her immediately, cupped his hands around his injured package and without a sound, he fell to his knees, and - still disbelieving looking at the girl who had done this to him - finally fell on his face and - died! The other warrior in front of her shared the fate of his mate. Just that this time, she stabbed right between his balls and ripped upwards first along the seam and then parallel to the zip, always following and ripping his big cock! The Hominians had never seen before that a men's groin is attacked, since during their former fights with other male armies it would have been considered as unfair to attack an opponents' privates! They surely knew that an accidental hit into the groin is very unpleasant, but they didn't know that an attack against a men's privates could be fetal! And now they had to see two of their proud and strong mates die, killed by a mere woman! In their shock and horror, they didn't react when the Amazon run into the woods. Back to her troops, she reported about her accident. The Amazons were very confident to hear that these men had no special groin protection and were as easily to hurt as all the others. From their dominant behavior, their intention was clear as well. The Amazons decided to give these men one last chance to save their lives. They sent them a parlementaire to offer them to leave the forest immediately and to respect the border for ever. But instead of accepting this good deal, the raped and later even killed Amazon parlementaire. Thus, the fate of the Hominian army was sealed! The Amazons wanted to make another test whether the Hominian jeans did really not offer any protection against their weapons. Their victim was a muscular young soldier who was marching in the first row of the Hominian army. An Amazon suddenly stood 50 m in front of him. She quickly draw her bow against him and before he could react, the deadly arrow entered his proud and well-shaped male package and traveled through his abdomen like a hot knife through butter! It even came out again on his asshole! The soldier just gulped and his hands grabbed for the arrow that stuck in his body. With a goofy expression in his face he stood there for some seconds, before he fell to his knees. He still looked disbelieving at the Amazon. She had a superior smile in her face an disappeared in the wood. The man died. The other Hominians were shocked. They decided to leave their killed mate behind, and just took his gun. Since the Amazons knew now, that the metal-colored jeans of the Hominians consisted only of normal cloth, they didn't hesitate to use their bows and crossbows to decimate the number of their enemies. They hid in the bushes and suddenly attacked the Hominians' troops marching on the road. The men broke down, deadly hit by arrows, even before the Hominians knew, where we were attacked from! The hit soldiers helplessly rolled on the ground, in the vain attempt to yank the deadly arrows out of their groins. Sometimes, the men were even attacked from behind, since the amazon crossbows were strong enough to penetrate through the whole abdomen: The arrow entered close to his asshole, traveled through his abdomen and tore up his balls. With a silent scream a hit Hominian cupped his balls and dropped to his knees. Some seconds later, he fell to front. The arrow protruded like a flag from his asshole. The men tried to defend with their revolvers and guns as good as possible. An Amazon shot in her groin shrieked in pain and helplessly rolled on the ground like a man. The female breast were another favorite target of the Hominians. Further, the Hominians decided to send scouts to search in the woods and bushes for amazon archers. For these scout troops it was often a deadly encounter! One scout climbed a tree to look out for Amazon troops. Arrived at the top, he was about to shout something in panic, but just shrieked and fell down! His dead body had arrows in both his crotch and asshole at the same time. Obviously, two bow-girls had hit him simultaneously from front and back! Another scout troop was sent into the dense forest, but didn't return. Some hours later, the Hominians found them: Their mates were naked and their male privates cut off! The men had been impaled: A stake was driven through the asshole into the body, and the stake was erected so that the men were in an upright position. The once proud warriors had been put up like scarecrows! Still, one could recognize the horror in their faces. Thus, the Hominian army became smaller and smaller. Although also many Amazons were killed during the fights, the losses were mainly in MEN. After having lost nearly the half of their 400 men, the Hominians decided to return to their country to regain forces. On their way back, they lost more and more warriors. And they found the dead bodies of their killed men from their way there. But all bodies were naked (and their package cut-off!), even though the Hominians had left them their complete uniform! Soon after, it became clear what happened to these uniforms: The Hominians encountered the first time an Amazon troop wearing JEANS! The Hominians were shocked: Bad enough that these women dared to wear weapons and to fight against men, but to wear jeans - the proud uniform of a male warrior - is only the right of a MAN! And even worse: These female fighters had taken them from MEN which they had conquered before! In this fight, the Hominians could overwhelm the small Amazon troop and kill these women. When they undressed their enemies, the Hominians had to recognize that not only the jeans but even their underwear (cotton briefs) was taken from their killed mates. The Amazons had quickly sewed up the arrow holes and washed out the blood of the former owners. On some spots, the bloody stains were still recognizable. Only some 30 Hominians reached the saving plains and could report to their king what had happened. Some days later, the Amazons put up the dead bodies of nearly 400 formerly proud male warriors as scarecrows along the green border.