Chi-chi My name is Chi-Chi and I'm a 24 year-old woman who enjoys training in martial arts. I also enjoy wrestling, its just a great experience. I know this sounds weird since I'm a girl and all but I'm real good. I've truly been interested In wrestling and stuff since I was about four. My parents are Japanese and they truly encourage self-defense and fighting. Therefore, I often work-out and do martial arts, and fighting quite a lot. I am hoping to turn out strong just like my mom and dad. Anyway now that I am on my own I have the satisfaction to go fighting or working –out as I please. Today is wrestling and fun too. I am the only girl there since I was the only one accepted. I also probably the best wrestler there too and I am stronger than most of the boys. Because I work out a lot to keep in top shape I have thick, firm biceps and muscular arms. Many of the guys here just like anywhere are surprised to see a Japanese girl walk in that is a lot stronger than any one of them. I first went into the locker room to change into my normal wrestling attire. It is a gray sports bra and blue sweat pants. I find them comfortable and easy to my around in. Also, leaving bearing your arms gives you greater speed and strength when dealing with the guys. I know this may sound weird and freak you out a bit, but I never put on deodorant or anything like when I go anywhere. I also never ever shave my armpits. My parents taught me that deodorant can cause bad diseases and shaving increases your chances of all types of infections. My armpits are very hairy and this is what scares all the guys at martial arts and wrestling. Asian girls like me grow a lot more hair than other women since we have numerous large pores on our bodies. So the guys are surprised when they see me and that my armpits are hairier than theirs. Also the hairs are quite visible since they are black and are contoured against my white skin. I also leave off deodorant as I explained and I am quite a heavy sweater. In fact, I don't anyone who sweats as much as me and probably never will. After a workout my sports bra and body are shining and wet with all the sweat my body produces. I mostly sweat under my pits where all the hair is which causes the problem. By the end of a long wrestling session I began smelling like a men's locker. Really, I have that much body odor! Anyway, the next I did was tie back my hair into the knot I always tie it into. I tie a large hair bun back, but let some of come down onto my face. This is the traditional way of how all the tough lady Japanese fighters tie their hair. The session went as normal until our instructor; James (who I secretly had a crush on) decided to try something different. One person must stand next to another and hold him under the armpits and pick them up onto the pull-up bar. This made me nervous since I didn't actually want anybody to hold my underarms, as they were hairy and sweaty. Also, I smelt really bad by now so whoever picked me up would start a whole mad conversation. And just then I heard my name being called by James to be picked up by him first. This was horrible and I reluctantly walked up to him. He put both his hands under both my pits then felt it for like 20 seconds then let go, astonished. J: You have very sexy armpits Chi-Chi. When was the last time you shaved? C: My parents taught me to not shave to prevent from injury so I have never shaved J: That would explain why you're so armpits are so hairy. C: If you want to know the truth I don't shave my legs either and they're also quite hairy. J: Hmm, your pits were also wet. Was that water or your girly sweat? C: Oh that was my all-natural sweat. My parents also taught me about the hazards of deodorant so I don't apply that either. J: Yeah, I know I find all that about you very sexy. I never knew a girl who was as sweaty and hairy as you. In fact, all the girls I knew never sweated or at least it never was shown and they were all clean shaven. S: So you don't mind that I'm like this? J: Are you kidding? Your features make you seem even more sexy, Chi-Chi. I love your hairsyle, too. S: Oh I am glad. This is the traditional woman Japanese fighting hairstyle. J: That's awesome. You also have pretty thick arms. Is that mush or muscle? S: Oh those are my firm, strong guns. I train quite a bit in wrestling and martial arts so I like to be strong so I also do quite a bit of lifting. I realized James was taking off his shirt now but I had no idea why. "Lets see who's stronger, me or you. You're the best wrestler in this class even though you're a girl. How about a little match." I quickly accepted James's offer and realized this was my chance to show off my strength to him. I was ecstatic and the appealing idea. We quickly cleared the rink and bowed our heads to start the fight. James was good but I was able to match his every move. Finally, James tripped I was able to pin him for good. " Wow, that was a good match. I had no idea you were so strong. You're more powerful than any man or woman I've ever met before. You must train and lift often. " "Yeah, I do I like being muscular and strong. It comes in handy often like right now. You wanna measure these guns for me? I have never actually measured them. "Yeah let's see now. Dang that's close to 16 inches. You have manly muscles. Okay Geez, you can put you arms down now. You smell so bad that your scent could be mistaken for a man's. Everytime I got close to you during our match I had to inhale your industrial strength body odor. I knew your armpits are hairy and you sweat a lot but I wasn't expecting a stench this bad. I guess it goes well with your reputation of being manly and strong." " Hah. You see you don't just feel my strength you inhale it too. My parents also taught me that. Now that you've smelt my natural wrestling stench let's compare whose armpits are hairier. Come on we already tested who was stronger, but how about a test of who is totally more masculine." "You got it. Its just so sexy that you enjoy being like a man. If your armpits are hairier than mine than that would make a truly feral woman." So with that both of us sat close to each other and lifted our arms into the hair. Dave first came close to my armpit and observed my mountains of dark, sweaty armpit hairs. Perspiration was visible and my patch of hairs had an extremely wide and dense growth. It was clear who won this award. My armpits were much too hairy and his didn't even come close. He finally admitted that my armpit was hairier than his and I felt great. I gave him hug to wrap up our evening with my pit right on his face. He knew it was there but he kept my arm there and enjoyed the smell of my pungent body odor.