CHARMED - TO DEATH Phoebe, Paige and Piper stood in solemn silence within the confines of the blood red pentagram. They were totally naked and performing the sacred Cleansing ceremony of the Garla. This ceremony required utter silence and intense concentration. They were standing erect with their arms held aloft and hands interlocking. Each of them could feel the fire of Garla flowing through their bodies. "Oh no," Phoebe said softly to herself. An uncontrolled sneeze was suddenly upon her. She couldn't help it and sneezed loudly. The Garla had been broken. Both Paige and Piper looked at the now sniffling Phoebe. "Damn you!" Piper said with her hands on her hips. Paige looked around. "Hey this is great nothing's changed." It was true; to suddenly break the Garla was supposed to cause all manner of unforeseen calamity. The attic room of their trim San Francisco home was as it should be. "That was a close call," Piper said in relief. She had no sooner gotten the words out of her mouth than the area outside the pentagram began to swirl and spin. It began slowly, in utter silence then gained in speed and volume. Colors began to merge together until it formed a spinning collage of random light and darkness. Terrified the three young women drew closer together. The noise of the spinning mass was now a screeching howl. It sounded like a thousand chalkboards being scratched in unison. The young women put their hands to their ears to keep out the offending noise. Just then, at the height of the wild, spinning twisting vortex it happened - an explosion. Ever so slowly the young women regained consciousness. It was completely dark with a bright star-studded sky over them. They were lying on warm sand. They looked about and saw nothing but low rolling hills of sand in all direction. "Great, we're stark bare ass naked out in the desert somewhere." Piper said in anger. Phoebe shrugged her shoulders, "I'm sorry, really." Paige put her arm around her. "Okay, don't worry about it. Anyone of us could have sneezed. Isn't that right Piper? Piper hadn't been paying attention and was looking around, "Uh, yes your right. Sorry if I got mad at you Phoebe." Piper said apologetically. "Maybe you shouldn't let me off so easy when I tell you what I'm looking at." Phoebe said seriously. "What, what is it? Piper stated looking around frantically. Paige was also worried and looking about fearfully. "Look at the sky. The moon, well...I mean moons." Phoebe said while pointing. Piper and Paige gasped when they looked up at the bright night sky. Instead of the familiar sight of our moon in it's usual place were three moons. One large with a bluish tint and two smaller ones some distance off. It was quit evident that this was not earth. "Okay girls, time for some magic." Paige said. For the next hour they tried every incantation, spell, and just about everything they could to no avail. "Well I guess magic doesn't work here." Phoebe said with resignation. "We should stay here, somebody will come for us." Paige stated hopefully. Piper, a bit wiser than her companions added, "I don't think so. We're bare butt naked and who knows when dawn is coming. I'd hate to be stuck out in this godforsaken desert with no food, water or shelter." That was a sobering thought for them so the young women struck out in a random direction. The going was easy and the night air cool. So far it had been a nice pleasant walk. Then, just over a rise they saw a light. It was some sort of structure. "Wow, a farm or something." Piper said happily. The farm was further than expected and they had to stop a few times to catch their breath. Gradually they got closer to their goal. It was a small farm. Just a few run down building but still a welcome sight. Near the well was a hand painted sign that read in English. "Water 20 Parces a quart. Boys gladly taken in exchange" "English, they speak English here," Piper said softly. "What's that bit about boys taken in exchange?" Phoebe asked. "Well girls, all we've got to do is gather up some of our Parces and throw in a few boys and we've got it made." Paige said trying to inject some humor into their rather dire circumstances. "One of us should sneak across to the farmhouse over there and look in the window." Piper said. "I'll go, after all my sneeze got us into this mess." Phoebe added. She didn't wait for approval from her companions and scurried through the moonlight towards the yellow glow. All three young women looked pale and pasty in the blue tinted moons reflection; It was not complimentary. Slowly Phoebe crept forward. Obviously this being an alien planet all manner of creatures might call it home. Phoebe had visions of some three-headed squeaky voiced monster or perhaps some type of lizard like creature. Damn her, she thought, "I've got to stop watching those Grade B Sci Fi flicks." Just outside the window she heard a rather loud rhythmic squeaking sound. "Theirs some serious fuck'en going on in their." She surmised. Finally she got up her courage and peered through the partially open window. There was a naked woman, with her back to Phoebe. She was sitting high on the face of a small boy. She was furiously grinding down on the lad, as if trying to smother him to death. The boy was wearing light blue swim trunks. The lad was either too far-gone or was enjoying the sensation of being smothered by a naked woman for he wasn't resisting in any way. Ever now and then the woman would sigh softly to herself. Phoebe then heard the women say, "Oh yes, nice, oh god!" Evidently was enjoying a delicious bit of boy smothering. All of this erotic sighing and moaning was having a disturbing effect on Phoebe. The woman had powerful hips and strong legs. Her pulsing hip grinding was almost hypnotic. Phoebe then returned to her companions and related what she'd seen. There were plenty of raised eyebrows amongst the three young women. "Okay, so maybe that's the sport on this planet." Paige said with a sly smile. "Remember those old Star Trek re-runs, you know the Prime Directive. Don't mess with other cultures." Piper stated. Paige then added. "Let's just walk right in then and say hello. We'll act like everything's normal." Being as silent as possible the three made their way to the front of the farmhouse. Phoebe, with some hesitation, pushed the old weathered door open. The mysterious woman was hunched over the boy. Both her hands were on the back of his head holding his face very tight to her crotch. She was deeply tanned, muscular with dark brown hair done up in a sensible bun. The woman was in her mid to late middle age though she was still in possession of a magnificent body. "Huh" was all she could manage at first. She stopped her furious hip grinding and looked up. All that could be seen of the lad was a tangled, sweaty mop of light brown to blonde hair. His nose vanished up into a dark brown curly tangle of the woman's pubic hair. Though she momentarily stopped her furious hip grinding she still held the boys face tight to her body. Piper spoke first, "Sorry to interrupt fun. We're kind'a new to this area. We'd like a bit of information." The woman looked at them in a startled fashion. "Names Karla," she said in a rather deadpan suspicious tone. "Come straight from the Karfur have ya'." Karla added. Karla then leaned back and stretched a bit though still positioned on her young victim. Upon closer examination the three young women noticed Karla was a rather beautiful woman. She was tall, over six feet with light brown eyes. She had high cheekbones and muscular shoulders. Her breasts were large, well tanned and not showing the slightest bit of sagging. Only, around her sun parched eyes were their millions of small wrinkles. The young women concluded that Karla must be a nudist of sorts because her tan was of a uniform dark hue with no sigh of bikini lines. "Oh the Karfur, yes the desert," Piper added. "I'm Piper, this is my sister Phoebe, and our cousin Paige." The young women all nodded in unison, trying to be as polite as possible. "You're Off Worlders aren't ya'." Karla said with a bit of a smile. The three young witches were stunned. "It's easy to spot. Your not tanned, you're hands are clean and neat; yup, Off Worlders." She added with an air of conclusion. The young women were a bit stunned. Obviously this sort of thing had happened before. "Didn't bring any boys with ya' did ya'? This one's about had it. I won't get a re-supply for several days." Karla added while rising off her young victim. She slid back, sitting on his heaving chest. The boy immediately began to gasp for air. He began to moan softly to himself and lull his head from side to side. Karla ignored him. "So this has happened before." Piper said, I mean Off Worlders like us suddenly showing up here." "Not a lot," Karla stated while massaging the boys chest with her powerful hands. "This is the first time I've seen any myself. Sometimes they don't make it. They get lost in the Karfur, wonder around and die. Off Worlders aren't tolerated around her much. Theirs lots'a desert creatures that make a habit of dining on Off Worlder flesh." This statement sent a cold chill down the women's spines. "Sit down, relax," Karla said in a friendlier tone. Piper and her companions looked around for somewhere to sit. The farmhouse was large and made of wood with a few corrugated metal pieces for support. There was a small but efficient looking kitchen and a bathroom in a separate area. "Indoor plumbing" Piper thought when she noticed the sink complete with faucet. Karla kept a neat house; everything was well organized and kept in it's appointed place. Aside from the usual things that you might find in any home were a number that suggested props for her boy smothering. There was a long locker room type bench with a hard pillow permanently affixed to one end. The pillow was tilted at an angle so as to best mount her young victims. Also present was a large mat on the floor with a number of pillows lying about. Another item caught their attention. At first the young women thought it an ironing board. True it could also double as one. It was obvious that Karla would place a young captive flat on his back on the board and slid over his head for a standing straddle smother. "Karla could you please tell us about this world we're in?" Phoebe asked. Karla then slid forward, remounting her victim. "I guess I'll go back in time. The people of this world are tied real strong to traditions. If you remember anything remember that." She said with emphasis. Karla, though no historian, managed to fill the young women in on the complete history of this planet. Women of the planet have traditionally had huge families, sometimes 12 to 14 children. There was a six-month gestation period not 9 as on earth. Male births were 5 males for every female. With so many young males about wars were inevitable. For centuries violent and vicious wars ravaged the planet. It is a hot inhospitable place so these constant wars were destroying what little they had in the way of natural resources. Finally are what seemed like endless conflict women rose up and conquered the males in a rather peaceful revolution. After numerous discussions it was determined that women had a right, even civic responsibility, to smother young males to death. This would be most pleasurable for the women and would help to keep the male population at a manageable level. Males, what few that might survive, would then be exempt from the female smother upon reaching 18 years of age. Karla informed them that the Coming of Age Ceremonies for the young men was usually quit elaborate. Paige then asked, "Is their any minimum age for smothering?" Karla just gave her a coy smile. "Women in remote location get a steady supply of young boys." Karla continued. "Don't the boys try to run away or fight?" Piper asked. "No, seldom. Being slowly smothered by the naked female body is not such an awful death to them. Besides they have their own code of honor to uphold; Its very important to them. Mind you there are some vicious wild gangs of young boys that roam certain areas. They kill anyone that crosses their path - like a pack of wild dogs." "English, you speak English," Phoebe said. "Yup. Long ago we had our own language and writing but it was very complex. Then you Off Worlder's began to show up. Your English was much better for us so we adopted it." Karla added. Karla then placed her hands on the back of the boy's head and pulled him tight to her. Seconds later she resumed her violent hip grinding. Piper was afraid to ask the next question. "Do you know if any Off Worlders have ever been able to get back?" Karla stopped her deep stroking for a second. "Nope, none. You girls best get some sleep. I'm gon'na do some more smother'en on this guy for the time being. Dawn 'ell come hot and quick around here." The young women settled down as best they could. Later that night while Phoebe was half asleep she saw Karla drag the body of the young boy out of the cabin. It was not surprising for the three young women to find the young male no longer amongst the living. Kara had amply demonstrated her more than efficient smothering expertise. Breakfast was good and plentiful. Karla went on to explain that her well supplied a number of farms in the area and they rewarded her with and abundance of food. "Karla, how many kills have you made?" Phoebe asked out of curiosity. Piper then added quickly, "If its' okay with you, I mean its not really any of our business." Perhaps talking about ones kills was some sort of taboo topic and none of the girls wanted to antagonize Karla. "No, don't mind telling you at all. I'm proud of my kills like any women should. Got roughly 43,000 kills. Every one of um delicious." The young women had the run of the small farm for the next few days. Karla had made arrangement by phone for them to catch a ride with the victim supply bus. The young women took note that the technology of this planet was an odd mix. Energy was plentiful. They had some sort of photocell and battery that efficiently powered most every device. The phone system looked primitive as well as the furnishings. Very little had any look of factory manufacture to it. Then again, the reasoned, they were on the furthest reaches of this mysterious planet. The young women remained nude most of the time except for some very necessary sandals that Karla provided. The young trio wanted to get a nice uniform tan so as to best blend in with the local population. Karla told them that clothing was often optional on in their society. Women quit often wore a short pullover garment, like a short mid-thigh nightgown. Paige got a blank stair in reply about credit cards and ATM machines. After lunch Karla gathered them together for a serious talk. She had taken a liking to the pleasant young women and was trying to help them out as best she could. Karla explained that Off Worlders were not very welcome. A number of them had been violent and caused some real trouble in a non-violent culture such as theirs. Others tried to interfere in their society and traditions. This could not be tolerated so the Off Worlders were summarily executed. Karla explained that the victim re-supply bus would drop them off at a friends of hers farm - Mandy Thornton and her young daughter Debbie. She had already called Mandy and told her you were friends of the family from far off Newcastle. Newcastle was located in the green part of the planet with a number of lakes and rivers. People from that area were a rare sight in the Karfur. Perhaps this would suffice as an explanation for the young women's lack of a deep tans and otherwise Off Worlder appearance and demeanor. Karla gave them an old worn book about the Newcastle area so as to help the young women put on a convincing act. Piper spent a lot of time gleaning through its worn pages. Phoebe also read as much as she could but Paige said she'd just "wing it." The other two young women were not encouraged by that attitude. Karla suggested that the trio stay put at Mandy's, helping her in whatever way they could and eventually catch a ride into the big regional city of Regis. A passenger bus to Regis was a rare with only one running per month, if that as sand storms played havoc with the schedule. Early one morning they saw in the far off distance a billowing sand cloud - It was the victim re-supply bus making its way to Karla's place. The bus was very large and powered by some sort of electrical device because the engine was virtually silent. However, the bus's frame was noisy. It had had a long life, perhaps too long and it strained and groaned at every occasion. It was hand painted in all sort of bright colors not unlike a 1960's hippy bus. Seconds later it slammed to a sudden halt amid a cloud of dust and sand. Most, if not all, of the windows were down. Piper and her companions looked into it's interior. The bus was full of dust covered young boys, perhaps 40 in all. Each one of them wore only a mid blue bathing suit with numbers stenciled on them. Much to Piper and her companions surprise none of them were bound. They had pictured some sort of slave bus with sadistic guards, whips and heavy metal shackles. Karla went to great the driver. The driver was as colorful as the bus. She in her mid 50's and wore only a short tan colored leather pullover that just came to her hips. She was naked from the waist down with a thick jet-black triangle of pubic hair. The women, Gabe, she called herself, also wore a wide brimmed floppy hat adorned with colorful pins and medallions. As expected in such a harsh environment as the Karfur she was deeply tanned and she kept her long black hair tied up in a bun. Though older than Karla she too possessed a trim well-proportioned body. The woman stood at least six foot three, even taller than Karla. The three young women concluded that the women on this planet were blessed with magnificent almost ageless bodies. Piper and her companions tried not to act surprised when they say that Gabe's bus seat consisted of a young boy. He was stretched out and tied down to a bench. Gabe could sit on his face while she drove the bus. The constant bouncing and buffeting of the rickety bust must have added to her pleasure. The boys face was covered with sweat but he looked in good shape considering his circumstances. "How's it go'en Karla?" Gabe said in a tone of warm familiarity. The two women then spent a few minutes exchanging some gossip, thoughts on politics and just general conversation. Karla then introduced Phoebe, Paige and Piper. "So these here's your long lost kin huh." Gabe said looking them over. She extended a hand. "Any kin a' Karla's is a kin a' mine." Karla then signed for and took custody of twelve young boys. The boys didn't seem to be overly upset. They seemed to be pleased to get off the bouncing and buffeting bus more than anything. A number of the lads did look over Karla; there were many whispers and nods of approval. She would kill them with her naked body and her naked body was magnificent. Karla joked with her new charges a bit, even ruffling the hair of the youngest in a playful manner. She told them to go get cleaned up in the farmhouse and have some water. The lads had an impromptu race to see which one could make it to the front door ahead of the others. "Which one's first?" Phoebe asked, eyeing the youngest, a cute blonde haired boy, last through the door. "Oh no, not him." Karla replied, "He's desert. I'm going to make him last a long long time." She said while contemplating how delicious he would be to smother. Goodbyes were said and the three young women boarded the ramshackle bus. The young women were curious about the boys and how they felt about being smothered. The young women did feel a bit nervous by being naked in front of a lot of young boys. Each of them knew that they had better get over it and blend, as best they could, into this strange world. Piper and her companions made a point to sit next to a young lad. Phoebe sat next to a slight young boy. He had big doe like brown eyes. His hair was rather unkempt and dust covered. "What's your name?" Phoebe asked. The boy looked up at her and replied. "Markus, just Markus." "Well Just Markus let's get acquainted." Phoebe then listened patiently while he told her of his rather boring life so far. He'd been raised, like many young boys, in a military barracks fashion. The boy had been taught his only reason for existence being the sexual satisfaction of the female body during the smother. They had class after class on how to behave while being smothered. Special emphasis had been placed on different methods to excite the female body. In a rather mater-of-fact tone he calmly related about how well he'd done in a class about using his tongue to satisfy a women. Upon hearing this Phoebe kissed him on the forehead. "I think we're going to be great friends." She added with a smile. The youth then went on and on about some red haired boy he'd grown to hate. "I hope Harold gets put under some fat ugly woman." He said with anger. His greatest dream was to swim in a lake or stream. Evidently he'd seen some travel pictures of the Newcastle area and the clear clean water looked so inviting to him. Meanwhile Piper was making an acquaintance of her traveling companion. His name was Rolf; he had soft blonde hair and bright sparking eye. He was quit young and nervous. Gradually he began to loosen up and spoke of his fondness of traveling to the stars or exploring some far off land. During their conversation he mentioned that the bus driver, Gabe, was sitting on his twin brother. Piper looked over and saw Gabe's tanned posterior spread over the boys jaw. Every now and then the bus would bounce. Gabe's bare butt would slam down hard against his face in a most painful manner. Young Rolf turned away and looked out onto the horizon. He would soon face a similar fate. Young Rolf suddenly turned towards Piper. "Are you going to sit on me?" he asked. Piper smiled down at him and replied, "probably. I hope so. You're awfully cute." Rolf then hugged her. "I'd like that," he said cheerfully." Paige's new traveling companion was Tim. Young Tim had dark short cut hair, almost black and somewhat curled. He had big dark inquisitive eyes that shown and sparkled in the sun. Tim was taller than some of his companions but slight in stature. He was shy and didn't like to look Paige directly in the eye. The boy was pleasant to talk too and he to seemed to open up after a fashion. This lad had always held an interest in art. He wanted to be creative and build things; be it great building or intricate statues. He was a realist though and knew what fate would await him. His best friend Todd sat across from them and joined in the conversation as well. All the time the boy was talking Paige couldn't help but think about how his young nose would fit nicely inside of her and which positions she should use on him. It was getting near dusk when the lumbering bouncing bus pulled up to a sprawling farmhouse. "Here we are girls, your stop." Gabe said with a warm smile. "Gabe then called out to Mandy and her young daughter. "Got two dozen choice young'ens for ya'" Gabe then leaned out the window for Mandy to sign for them. "Stay for a drink and chat?" Mandy asked. "Nope, got'ta keep go'en. I don't want ta' be caught out in the desert after dark. Too many scary thing around." She stated fearfully while looking far off into the endless rolling mounds of sand. Gabe then turned towards Piper and her companions. "Say," she said thoughtfully, "you've seemed have an attachment with these boys. You can have'em for your smother. Consider them as gift's from old Gabe." The young women were astonished. Piper acted quickly and replied. "Why thank you. We'd love them." The young boy she'd been sitting with looked up at her and beamed. Paige and Phoebe were surprised yet pleased. Piper and her companions were sexy young women and the sexual satisfaction of having a boys nose pressed tight inside them was a very pleasing thought. Gabe began to read off the boy's names and control numbers. One-by-one they began to get off. She inadvertently read the name of the boy she was sitting on. He raised his hand and she said softly, "Not you young'en. Your stay'en put." When it was time for Piper and Rolf to get off. Rolf stopped briefly when they approached Gabe. He looked down at his twin. Gabe was sitting on his face and had been for who knows how long. The road had been long, dusty and hot. The poor boy under her must have had to endure more than his share of discomfort. "What's the matter little'un?" Gabe asked. Piper then replied. "Your sitting on his twin brother." Gabe just shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry bout that. He's been a right good smother for old Gabe." Gabe then raised her bare posterior off his face just a few inches. The lad exposed to fresh air for the first time in hours just moaned. His eyes were half open and, as expected, his face was all covered with sweat. Rolf touched his brother on the cheek, "Goodbye Dave," he said with sadness. Dave opened his eyes slightly. Through labored breathing he managed to say, Bye Rolf." Gabe quickly sat back on his face. She wiggled her hips about for a second, making sure his nose was positioned just where it should be. "Ah," she said softly. Gabe then turned to Rolf, "You make this nice lady proud. Give her the best smother she's ever had." Rolf looked up at Piper and smiled. Just as quickly as it had arrive the multicolored buss sped off into the vast expanse. Only Rolf stood and watched it vanish from sight. The three young women turned their attention to Mandy and her daughter Debbie. Mandy was totally nude. She, as with most women on this planet had a superb, well trimmed body. She was deeply tanned and stood about six foot tall. Mandy had thick powerful legs and muscular arms and shoulders. Her light blonde hair was cut short. There were several tattoos on her arms and legs though the particular designs could not be discerned in the fading light. Both Mandy and her daughter seemed to be perennially tired. Perhaps they were, the operated a huge farm on their own. It was an awesome task even for the most rugged of individuals. At her side was her daughter. She too was nude. The girl looked to be in her early teens. She was not fully developed and seemed a bit lanky and not filled out yet. Her blonde hair was long and done up into an intricate braid. Both of them were happy to have visitors. They also seemed just as happy to have a re-supply of young boys to satisfy their smothering needs. Except for the constant flow of young boys to their farm both women live in virtual isolation. Brief exchanges were made. Mandy asked about Karla and inquired a bit about Newcastle. Phoebe, thinking on her feet and knowing that Newcastle was in a wet damp area replied, "wet as always." Debbie then became animated. "Oh mom, we got'ta visit their. I like really want to go swimming someday. Like wow, to actually float around in that much water." She said in wonder. Mandy explained that they had no one to watch the farm in their absence. Also, they couldn't begin to pay for such an adventure. After brief greetings were exchanged Mandy turned her attention to the delicious assemblage of young boys. Mandy then reached out and tapped a cute lad on the shoulder. "Go into that cabin over there and don't go do'en no snoop'en around." The lad, all color drained from his face, quickly ran off. Debbie was a bit more discerning and looked over a few of the boys. "You," she said suddenly, "get into that cabin now!" The lad, obviously shaken, went running off. Mandy then said, "You other boys, except for these three that belong to these ladies, go make yourself at home as best you can in that bunkhouse over their. I'll send some stew and bread over to you right soon." The lads, relieved from their bouncy ride, slowly ambled off across the dusty yard. Phoebe, Paige, and Piper with victims in tow followed Mandy and Debbie into the farmhouse. It was large inside, much larger than Karla's place. There was a rather big kitchen with a big black pot boiling on a cast iron range. Across one wall was a vast amount of canned food. Mandy noticed Paige staring at it. "Enough for an army." She said. Mandy laughed. "You haven't seen our real storage cellar yet. That's funny talk though; you Newcastle people must still use some of the "Old Words." "Army, hadn't heard that term for some time." Mandy said shaking her head. The three young women were startled. This innocent slip of the tongue could betray them. This was a peaceful land; armies had long ago ceased to exist. There were several furtive looks amongst the young trio - they had best be careful! There were six extra large beds along the wall. Two of the beds, near windows, had young boys laying on them. The lads weren't moving; they just lay still breathing in air in deep gulps. They must have been the "leftovers" from Mandy and Debbie's last batch of young victims. A large slow turning Casablanca type fan was circulating high in the vaulted ceiling. The two new victims were sitting quietly off in a corner. Mandy told the two new boys to take the stew and some loves of bread to their companion and dole out equal portions. One boy, the oldest, asked her about cups, plates and utensils. Mandy stated that they were all stored in the barracks. There was also a few faucets for fresh water in the barracks and added that the boys should go easy on the water. Like Karla's, this farmhouse was also neat and trim inside. Mandy or her daughter had even taken a hand at some decorating. Fresh cut vibrantly hewed flowers were on a table along with some framed pictures of far off lands. One picture in particular really got the young women's attention. It saddened them to even look at it. The picture was of the San Francisco bay area. It was from a five-year-old calendar judging by the date. "I see you've noticed that picture." Mandy said aware of the young women's interest in it. Found it in the desert along with three abandoned backpacks. Some Off Worlders must have landed here and dumped their packs. I never did find their bodies, which ain't surpriz'en." Piper, the de facto leader of her group, wanted to change the subject from Off Worlders quickly. "Mandy, if you don't mind. None of us have had a good smother for awhile. We'd like to get started on these boys." Mandy's eyes lit up. "Of course of course. Take any of the vacant beds along the wall. Bathrooms over here but you'll have to go light on the water though." She added. Both Phoebe and Paige gave Piper a panic stricken look. "What are you getting us into?" Paige whispered to Piper. Piper whispered back, "When in Rome." All of the women then took turns using the bathroom. Water, being a rare commodity in this area was rationed so Piper and her companions acted accordingly. Piper calmly approached Rolf and wiped his dusty face off with a damp towel. The other women did likewise to their intended victims. Neither Piper nor her companions had any qualms about sitting on the heads of these young boys. They were good looking, polite and seemed to be anticipating the smother. The young women did have serious reservation on actually killing them. Mandy watched as Piper pushed Rolf flat onto the bed. She climbed up on him, sitting high on his shoulders. Piper smiled, spread her legs wide, then slid forward pressing the boys nose deep up her vagina. Next she hunched over him a bit. She could just barely see his bright blue eyes trying to look up at her from a tangle of dark brown pubic hair. Piper smiled down at him and began massaging is young nose all around inside of her. Piper, it seemed, had a natural ability for boy smothering. Her well-rounded hips were grinding down in a sensual almost wild manner. Mandy and Debbie looked on approvingly. "See Debbie," Mandy stated, "that's the way you should smother. Maybe Piper will teach you some of her smothering techniques." Piper looked up and replied. "Glad to." She said while keeping up her smooth massaging of the boys nose deep inside of her. The sensation was absolutely delicious, this was much better than regular sex any day." She thought. Meanwhile Phoebe had also mounted her young victim in a reverse straddle smother with his young nose pressed deep up her well-curved posterior. Seconds later she too began a sensual, deep hip grinding. Phoebe had taken several and expensive belly dancing classes. The deep sensual hip grinding was all part of her training. She was now putting that to good use. Mandy and Debbie just looked on in awe. They had never seen such a display of raw sensuality and smothering expertise. Piper was relieved; establishing themselves as virtual experts at smothering would go a long way in convincing the locals that they weren't hated Off Worlders. Paige then climbed up on her young victim. Tim watched as she slowly lowered her crotch down onto his upturned face. Seconds later his young nose disappeared deep inside her body. Paige was trying hard, maybe too hard to one-up Piper and Phoebe at smothering. She was also astride her young victim in a reverse straddle smother. However, instead of his nose being up her butt she had it up her vagina. Suddenly the boy's nose slipped right out of her. Mandy sighed and Debbie stifled a laugh. Evidently Piper and her companions concluded having a victims nose slip out of them was a sign of a rank armature. Paige quickly reinserted his nose back into place but the damage was already done. Mandy were duly impressed with Piper and Phoebe's smothering abilities but Paige on the other hand, seemed to be the uncoordinated clown of the group. Mandy and Debbie then each mounted their respective victims. The boys were exhausted from day-after-day of constant smothering. Debbie's young victim was quit young and frail. Debbie didn't seem to mind in the least and quickly began stroking his nose up her well-tanned posterior. Mandy's young victim was a bit older but soon he vanished under her muscular body. Within no time at all Debbie was crying in passion as she achieved orgasm after orgasm. Then off to Pipers right Phoebe began to moan in pleasure as well. It seemed that within minutes of mounting their young victims all of the women were approaching orgasm. Piper could feel it as well. It started first as a fire deep in her vagina. Then it spread like some delicious virus throughout her body. Even her toes tingled with excitement. Piper tossed her head back and cried out, "Oh god!!" Then it hit her, a massive wave of pure sexuality. Her whole body shook. She had both of her hands on the back of young Rolf's head and was unaware her fingernails were digging into him. She felt the boy twitching and turning under her; she was smothering him to death. Piper wanted to take him, to complete the smother at the height of a massive orgasm but she held back. She wasn't going to get another victim for sometime so she had to make young Rolf last. Gradually she returned to the reality around her. All of the women, even the two young boys sitting quietly in the corner waiting their turn, were staring at her. "What?" Piper said. Just then Mandy and Debbie broke out in spontaneous applause. Phoebe and Paige joined in as well. Piper felt a bit embarrassed and made a pretend bow. "Thank you, thank you." She said with a smile. Slowly she climbed off poor Rolf. She was afraid as to what she'd find. The boy was covered in sweat, his soft golden blonde hair was all matted and he was moaning. His sweaty face was covered with dark brown ringlets of Piper's pubic hair. Vainly he tried to sit up but was far too exhausted. Piper looked him over then remounted him in a reverse smother with his nose up her butt. Seconds later she was once again massaging his nose deep inside her almost perfect body. Amid cries of passion first Mandy then Debbie completed their kills. They matter-of-factly drug their victims out of the building. Piper and her companions were a bit shaken. Two young lives just snuffed out right in front of them. True, that was the tradition for the women on this planet but it was so casual and matter-of-factly done. Mandy's and Debbie's dragging of the bodies out the door was almost as casual as taking out the garbage. Deep down the young women knew that they to must join in the kill and smother their own victims. Perhaps they would smother hundreds or thousands of young males through the coming years. The physical act of smothering was delicious but the kill portion was disconcerting. Somehow they would have to overcome their hesitation and complete their own kills. After dinner the women would lay on the faces of their victims in 69-smother positions, actually sleeping on them in this manner. It was nice and comfortable to have a young nose inserted into the depths of their bodies on an almost continual basis. Several routine days passed where the only activity was boy smothering. Phoebe was down hearted when she began her period and had to hold off smothering for a few days. Phoebe had time on her hands so she read everything she could in Mandy's limited library. Paige was making a serious effort to improve her smothering skills and was almost always mounted atop her young victim. She especially enjoyed reading a rather thick book on boy smothering. The author, it seems, had completed over a million kills. Piper always enjoyed the presence of Rolf's young nose resting deep inside her. One time Paige took the meal to the lads in the barracks. They were a friendly group and seemed unconcerned at their pending deaths. One lad asked how his best friend Tim was holding up. "Oh, that's right, Tim's your best friend. Just great." She replied. Unfortunately the three young women were bonding with their young victims. Piper had grown quit attached to young Rolf even though he was more-or-less permanently positioned under her grinding hips. Phoebe had also developed a sort of big sister-little brother relationship with young Markus. Paige had also bonded and grown fond of Tim and often had a few good laughs together. When not boy smothering the young women helped out on the farm as best they could. One day Mandy suggested they accompany Debbie while she harvested some Rag Roots. Rag Roots were a potato like plant that thrived on very little water and did well in sandy soil. Though it looked like a potato it tasted more of chicken. Being a Rag Root farmer Mandy had a rather large library on the Rag Root. Through reading Piper had discovered that the Rag Root was a staple of the people of this world. The plant was loaded with all sorts of vitamins and could be prepared in any manner of ways. Little did Piper know of the Rag Roots true properties? Early the next morning Debbie drove a huge silent tractor like machine to the front of the farmhouse. It had several hook like appendages that hung down and would drag the sand, exposing the Rag Roots. Another machine that Paige had agreed to drive would follow behind collecting the roots. Both machines were painted bright orange and were in excellent condition. Piper thought that perhaps her young victim might get a day off from smothering but she was wrong. Both machines had bench like seats and leather straps to tie down a victim so you could sit on them while driving along. Phoebe, now through with her period, would ride on the machine with Debbie and Piper would ride with Paige. Piper tied young Roth down and brushed a wisp of hair from his face, "Sorry about this." She said, and then sat firmly on his face, pressing his nose tight inside her. When all of the women had secured their victims down Debbie waved and both machines moved forward. Paige, for all of her uncoordinated ness at smothering, was quick to pick up the intricacies of the vehicles operation. They traveled for hours along the wind swept vestiges that was once a well-traveled road. Except to the periodic placement of bright red reflective markers it would have been difficult for anyone to follow such a path. Now and then Piper would spread her legs a bit and look down at poor Roth. His bright blue sparkling eye would flash up at her. She just smiled and gently patted him on top of the head. At last they reached the Rag Root fields. They were treated to a sight of row after row of neat and perfectly spaced dark green plants. There were many thousands of such plants. Mandy's farming operation was much more extensive that Piper had realized. Along one side of the field was a huge tall metal wall. It shielded and protected the crops from the ever-present sand storms that ravaged the Karfur. The whole operation was boring beyond belief. If it weren't for the constant massaging of young Rolf's nose deep inside her vagina Piper would probably have fallen asleep. They stopped for lunch and continued plowing and collecting Rag Roots until dusk. Once again the lumbering machines slowly made their way back to the farm. There was now a full load of valuable Rag Root safely stored in the Collector vehicles bin. Piper switched places with Phoebe and rode with Debbie. The young women didn't bother to switch victims so Piper found herself sitting atop young Markus's face for the return journey. Markus had a nice nose but Piper was more accustomed to Rolf being positioned under her grinding hips. While the vehicle moved slowly along Debbie pointed out some dark spots in the sand. "Don't go near them," She warned as they were called Sand Pits that would quickly suck you down. There was such a sand pit in the back of their home where they tossed the bodies of expired victims. Piper had seen it and thankfully the sand pit was well marked and fenced in. She reasoned many Off Worlders had lost their lives in such places, not that Debbie cared anyway. Debbie told of how she'd caught and smothered an Off Worlder boy once. She found him wondering alone in the desert. He was a little one she indicated. Because he was small he didn't last long under her and Debbie soon tossed his body into a sand trap not long after catching him. Piper felt a tinge of sadness. "Poor boy," she thought. Wandering alone in such a harsh and inhospitable place. Imagine his joy when being found only to have Debbie mount him and slowly smother him to death. Still, she thought, to die being smothered under Debbie's slowly grinding hips was much more pleasurable that being eaten alive by some of the desert creatures or dieing of dehydration. Far in the distance Piper noticed some sort of structure. It looked like a small building of some sort. Debbie went on to explain that huge sand storms often ravaged the area. The storms came without warning so the government had built sturdy brick buildings. Local farmers could take refuge in their well-stocked interiors. A spoke-like affair of ropes supported by stakes fanned out in all directions from each building so lost travelers could pull themselves to safety in a blinding storm. Each structure had a high metal wall facing towards the Karfur to act as a windbreak. Debbie stated that she and her mother had to take refuge in them a number of occasions. Sandstorms on the Karfur came up fast, were very violent and could last for days, even weeks! Life went on as usual and Mandy and Debbie began to deplete their supply of young male victims. Soon the bus would come with a load of choice young male. Mandy had ordered an extra 12 for each of the young women. Piper and her friends were heartbroken for they would now have to smother their young victims and soon. The day was fast approaching for Gabe to return with a fresh load. Piper steeled herself for the painful task before her. Young Rolf knew his time was growing short. He truly liked Piper and often told her that he'd preferred being smothered by her than by any other women on the whole planet. Piper slowly sat down on his face like she'd done many times before. Once again she felt his young nose resting deep inside of her body. Soon she was grinding down on him in a furious, even brutal fashion. Rolf just lay their, accepting his fate. In no time at all she was building to a massive climax. She held his head tight to her crotch and spread her legs so wide they hurt. Then it hit her, a massive wave of pure sexual energy. She hung on, enjoying every second of its fiery pleasure. Just as soon as it had come upon her it passed away. Young Rolf lay dead, smothered at the height of her orgasm. Piper was a bit upset when she released him from her deadly grasp. She couldn't show anything other than pleasure and satisfaction. Piper was supposed to be experienced at boy smothering and achieved tens of thousands of kills. Mandy's eyes were wide, "Good job, very good job she said with admiration." Piper raised her arms and let out a "wahoo." Piper detected a bit of jealousy in Phoebe and Paige's eyes. Phoebe was no slouch at boy smothering and quickly smothered her young victim. All eye turned to Paige. Paige, not wanting to repeat that embarrassing moment when her victims nose slipped from out of her, had all but immersed herself in boy smothering techniques. She ground her hips down in a sensual furious manner. Poor Tim didn't have a chance and he soon surrendered to her smothering charms. "I have never, and I'm serious about this, have seen such fine smothering. You young women are artists." Mandy said in almost speechless admiration. Debbie was just plain shocked. "Like wow!" was all she could say. It didn't take long for the phone lines to be buzzing about the young trio of smothering experts. Piper and her companion's efforts at blending into their new culture were achieving much more success than anticipated. Gabe appeared the next day and dropped off a most delicious assortment of cute lads. The first kill was like a watershed for Piper and her companions. They began smothering their new young victims without the slightest concern. They just had to judge the kills so as to make them last until the next shipment. A nice routine had begun to develop. The three young women were getting highly qualified at all aspects of Rag Root planting and harvesting. The farm was beginning to prosper, as it had never done before. It was a rather comfortable life of constant boy smothering with a bit of serious farm work thrown in from time to time. Six months passed quickly. Life on the farm, even the delicious boy smothering, was getting a bit boring. Piper began to immerse herself in studying the Rag Root. Mandy's library on the subject was extensive. There was no TV or Internet to entertain them in the evening so she occupied her time by reading. Piper would lay down on her victims face in a 69, select a good book on Rag Root cultivation and read until she'd fall asleep. Piper did uncover one astounding fact concerning the Rag Root - it cured all illness. The people of this world, aside from common colds, were always in perfect health. Their bodies were kept trim and supple due to the Rag Root. They lived long, disease free lives and died at 120 to 140. By then their bodies, like an over used tractor, would just give out. The Rag Root, a rather unspectacular plant to look at, was the reason for their perfect health and improved physique. It was exciting for the young women to feel them gaining muscle and bulk. Piper and her companions discussed how they would like to somehow transport some Rag Root back to Earth. The pain and suffering of major diseases would be gone. The Rag Root was easy to grow and cultivate; it would be a fantastic boon to humankind. Phoebe was adapting quit well to her new environment. She wouldn't want to admit it but she was now addicted to boy smothering. Phoebe really liked her cute victims but enjoyed smothering them much more. It was difficult for her to hold back her kills. She felt that if she had an unlimited supply of young boys she would smother 20 to 30 per day with ease. Paige was also adopting well. She noticed her rather soft urban San Francisco body was now well tanned and even muscular. The hard life on the farm was molding and changing her. Like Phoebe, Paige couldn't imagine life without a young boys nosed constantly pressed deep into her body. One night after dinner Mandy had thrilling news to relate. She had secured positions for Piper, Phoebe and Paige in Regis. Unbeknownst to them Mandy had, using her connections, gotten the three an almost dream job. It seems that a number women for various reasons, don't smother enough boys to keep the male population at just the right level. A select few women are chosen to smother boys on a full time basis. The young women would live in a luxury hotel and spend their whole time boy smothering. Mandy was only able to secure jobs like these because of the young women's expert smothering skills. The vacancies wouldn't be open for another month so Piper and her companions still had their usual work routines to follow. It was a normal day like any other. Piper, Phoebe and Paige with their respective victims set out in the huge orange farm machines to tend the Rag Root crops. On that day their duties consisted of making sure the automatic watering systems were functioning correctly. As usual they had young boys strapped down and were sitting on them as the huge machines slowly moved off towards the Rag Root fields. Debbie, sitting on a squirming young boy, looked out towards the horizon and watched her friends fade off in the distance. Seconds later the phone rang. Mandy, always in a bad mood from having to interrupt a good smother, climbed off her gasping victim. Her expression changed from one of annoyance to one of fear. Debbie sensing something out of sorts asked, "What's up mom?" Mandy slowly put the phone down. "The was the weather station in Regis. Theirs a Class 1 sand storm approaching. Class 1 sand storms were the worst. None had ravaged the area for many years. The old women in the area were mostly young girls at the time and the stories they told were terrifying. Mandy was fearful of her friends innocently driving headlong into the heart of a massive storm. She had no way of warning them and had enough trouble already. The young victims in the barracks had to be brought into the farmhouse for protection. Huge wooden planks had to be affixed to all windows and all opening covered. Fortunately the food locker was accessible by an underground tunnel and the water supply was protected. Mandy, Debbie and the remaining young boys, some 32 in all, would be isolated from the rest of the world until the storm ran its course. Finally, after a flurry of activity they were prepared to face nature's unrestrained fury. Piper sat on her young victims face while the huge machine ambled along at a slow pace. None of the young women had any inkling what awaited them just over the horizon. Paige looked down at a large leather bag. It contained some Rag Root that needed to be planted. They were of a special type with even more healthful properties than the regular plants. Mandy had trusted her with these valuable roots. She was to plant them in a special location. All three young women and victims were in one vehicle, the huge ungainly Collector. Slowly it moved along under a clear bright blue sky. Meanwhile in another place and time Leo was beside himself. Many months had passed when the trio of young women vanished from their San Francisco homes. Leo looked high and low for them, consulted every ancient dusty book to no avail. He did make one discovery - The Golden Sphere. It was a beautiful sphere that contained a potion. It didn't matter to him what it contained just as long as it worked. When broken the spell would be released and he could briefly communicate with anyone, dead, alive or just plain lost. One entity could jump through death, time or space. This was terrible, only one of the young witches could jump through and rejoin him. The other two would be lost forever. Only one Golden Spheres existed and he clutched it tightly. Slowly he entered the attic where on that fateful day some months passed his beautiful friends vanished from all known existence. There was no special ceremony; He would just throw the globe to the floor, emptying its contents. Leo calmed himself and stepped into the pentagram and held the Golden Sphere aloft. It dazzled and sparkled in the noonday light. "What's that, on the horizon?" Paige said looking far out in the desert. Phoebe and Piper shading their eyes looked on. The whole horizon was a hazy shade of tan. "I don't know?" Phoebe said perplexed. Just then Piper realized what the tan haze was - a massive sand storm. It was huge, stretching from horizon to horizon. The mother of all storms was about to descend on them. "Oh my god!" Piper shouted. "TURN AROUND, NOW! QUICK!" she screamed. At first Paige, the driving the huge vehicle, hadn't realized just what was wrong then it dawned on her. Slowly the bright orange machine turned. "We don't have enough time to get back to the farm house. We need to find one of those shelters fast." Piper shouted over the deep-throated roar of rising wind. They hadn't gone far when Phoebe shouted, "Their, theirs one, to our right." Paige now maneuvered the vehicle off the road and onto the sand. They would have much preferred to stick to well-traveled paths but they had no time. The massive sandstorm had now blocked out the sun and the roar of wind was getting louder by the second. Closer the small concrete building loomed yet closer the storm came, kicking up sand all about them. Much to their shock a shower of sparks dazzled before them, then the familiar shape of Leo began to form. The three young women climbed down. They poor victims were terrified of the storm. The boys were enjoying being slowly smothered under soft female flesh and gladly embraced such a death. Yet the thought of dying in some massive sandstorm was terrifying. "LEO," Piper screamed above the rising wind. He looked about confused. "Piper I can barely hear you and I can't see you at all. I don't have much time. I just broke the Golden Sphere and only one of you can pass through the portal. Decide quickly." He implored. The three young women looked at each other. Piper and Phoebe were sisters and neither one would abandon the other. Both young women looked at Paige. "Go Paige, go back!" Phoebe yelled. In that split second Paige knew exactly just what to do. She ran as quickly as she could towards the Collector and grabbed the large sack containing the Rag Root starts. Just as quickly she reached into the vehicles glove box and grabbed a pen and some scratch paper. The papers were nothing but a form to record the Rag Root harvesting. This was no time for literary prose so she scribbled these cryptic words, "All okay - miss you. Don't worry P.P. & P." She then stuffed the message into the sack. Paige then ran headlong towards Leo and flung the sack. He was completely taken by surprise when a sack from some alien world was suddenly thrown into his arms. In a shower of sparks his image vanished forever from their sight. Both Phoebe and Piper wanted to congratulate Paige on what she had just done but they had no time. Mankind on earth might be ravaged by wars, famine and other calamities but the Rag Root, as a new food source, would keep them free of devastating diseases. This brief diversion with Leo made their escape to the safety all but a hopeless task. The vehicle was huge but open. The fierce howling wind would soon rip them free and send them tumbling off into the vast wasteland. Paige climbed back into the drivers seat, sitting on the face of her terrified victim. Just before she settled down on him he said, "We're go'na make it aren't we?" Paige kissed her fingertips then touched his forehead; "sure," she replied then worked his young nose back into place. Moments later they were on the move again. The small building was no longer visible but Paige kept the lumbering vehicle on the same course. They would have to find it on the first try for they wouldn't get a second. The wind howled and screamed all about them and the sand began to sting their naked bodies like a thousand needles. Piper was worried, "We should be there by now!" she screamed, her voice trying to rise above the wind. Paige looked over her shoulder at them, "What do I do?" she yelled. Phoebe pointed out into the swirling darkness, "KEEP GOING!" she said. Seconds later the huge Collector ran into something. It was the protective wall that surrounded the bunker. The young women screamed happily. They quickly undid the straps of their young victims and ushered them inside the building. Paige wondered outside one last time and, using a heavy chain on the Collector, secured it to an eyebolt built into the wall. Now well tied down the Collector wouldn't tumble off into the storm. The bunker was simple inside and built for 4 people. There were ample rations, enough to last them for weeks. Fresh water had been piped right into the building. The storm seemed almost alive and was furious that these young women and their victims had avoided its grasp. Time after time it shook and rattled the building with mighty blasts. They had just barely made it. One or two seconds more and they would all be dead by now. Piper noticed an emergency phone. She dialed Mandy's number. The phone connection was very tenuous on both ends. "Mandy we're safe, even the Collectors safe, chained to the building." Piper shouted. Piper then shouted the bunker's number they were in. "We're in bunker 15," She said. Mandy replied, "We're safe here too, connections going..." Then silence. "Phone's dead," Piper said in a resigned voice. There was food, water and it looked like they might be there for some time. All three young women turned and looked at the cute young boys sitting on the bunk beds. "Well girls, looks like we've got some uninterrupted boy smothering for the next few weeks." Piper said with a sensual smile. The boys looked up at them and smiled back. THE END - PART 1 Mike