Amanda vs. Gina By Wrestlingstuff2003 The Angel's Crown is on the line as Amanda fights Gina.     This is part 31 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003.  If you need a link to any of the other stories in this series, please email me at:   Amanda has just finished working out and has walked into her locker room.  There is a note there saying that the commissioner wants to see her.  She goes over to his office.  She enters and sees him sitting at his desk.  He says, "Hi Amanda.  I have a present for you."  Amanda gets an excited look on her face as he reaches for a fairly large wrapped gift.  He hands it to her and she says, "So what is this for?"   He replies, "It is just a little something I picked up for you."  Amanda tears off the paper and opens the box.  Her eyes get huge as she pulls out a pair of red high-heeled boots.  She gets up and moves over to him.  Instead of giving him her usual hug, she plants a long, seductive kiss on his lips.  After the kiss she says, "Thank you so much.  You are so sweet."   He says, "Well try them on."  She kicks off her sandals and slides the boots on.  They come up just below the knee and are a perfect fit.  She looks at him and says, "How do they look?"   He says, "They look incredible on you.  Very sexy!"  She then stands up and grabs him and pushes him down on his desk and starts making out with him.  They are kissing for about a minute when they hear someone cough and say, "So I ask you out a couple months ago and you turn me down and now I find you making out with this bitch.  I knew all along that you wanted her."  Amanda and the commissioner break off their kiss and as they look up they see Gina standing in the room.  Gina glares at Amanda and then says to the commissioner, "I wanted to drop off this challenge request."  She hands him a piece of paper.   He grabs it and starts to read it.  After a few seconds, he hands it back to her and says, "Amanda will not accept this challenge for the crown."   Amanda looks at him and says, "Huh?  Why did you say that?  Let me see."  She grabs it from Gina and starts to read it.  The challenge states that the match will be a "retirement match", meaning the loser will have to retire from the league.   Gina speaks up and says, "Amanda must accept the challenge.  She has already gotten two challenges and has turned both down.  That means she has to accept the third challenge no matter what.^Ô  Gina turns to Amanda and says, ^ÓI guess I will see you next week for your last match in this league."  Gina leaves as Amanda looks to the commissioner.   He says, "I don't want you to wrestle in that match.  Either you can give up the crown or I can figure out some other way to get you out of that match.  You have never beaten Gina in a match and I don't want the most beautiful girl in the league to be forced to retire."   Amanda answers, "Well I have to fight her.  I don't think there is any way out of it without causing a huge uproar.  If I win, then she will be out of our hair.  I don't want her causing trouble for me or the man that I am dating."  She smiles a sweet smile at the commissioner and gives him a kiss on the cheek.  She then continues, "I know I can beat her.  Plus I have a new pair of boots from the sweetest man I know.  They are sure to bring me good luck."   He responds, "I just can't have you lose this match.  You have to win.  The league would not be the same without you."  He then gives her a big hug.  He then says, "I can see there is no changing your mind.  So please win, for me."   She smiles and turns to leave.  As she does she says, "Don't worry honey, I will beat her.  Just get the match set up."      **** one week later ****   The commissioner has been a nervous wreck all week.  He does not want to see the most beautiful girl in the league (let alone his new girlfriend) forced to retire.  But he had to obey the rules and he reluctantly set the match up.  The rules for tonight's match have been set.  The only way to win is to pin our opponent for 5 seconds inside the ring.  The winner will receive the Angel's Crown and the loser will have to quit the league.  There is no outside interference allowed.  An official will be present to make the pin count.   The crowd is packed with fans, which will be either witnessing Amanda or Gina's last match.  A lot of the wrestlers in the league have also made it to the ring to watch this event (Many of them do not like Amanda and also do not like the fact that she is now dating the commissioner, so they are really hoping that she loses).  Amanda is the first wrestler to be announced.  She emerges wearing her new sexy red high-heeled boots.  She also has on a white t-shirt and blue string bikini panties.  She makes her way to the ring as the crowd cheers.  Amanda places her crown on our table and gives the commissioner a big smile.  Gina starts down the ramp as Amanda enters the ring.  Gina is wearing black high-heeled boots, black panties and a red t-shirt.  She enters the ring and the girls start to glare at each other.  Gina turns toward the commissioner and says, "You are watching your girlfriend's last match tonight."  Just then, Amanda runs over to Gina, who has her back turned, and jumps on her back.  Amanda wraps her arm around Gina^Òs throat and begins to choke her.  Gina tries to remove Amanda^Òs arm but is unable to.  Gina^Òs legs are starting to weaken from all the extra weight on her back.  Finally they buckle and both girls fall to the mat^Å   Amanda is still on top of Gina and she positions herself and grabs Gina^Òs arms and puts her in the camel clutch.  Gina moans as Amanda yanks her off the mat.  Amanda uses one of her arms and puts it around Gina^Òs throat and chokes her.  Gina is fading but Amanda keeps up the pressure.  Amanda has been very aggressive in going after Gina.  She must be trying to keep up her promise to the commissioner.  Amanda applies more pressure and Gina lets out a deep moan.  Gina^Òs back is hurting and she needs to get out of this hold.  Finally after 45 seconds, Amanda decides to release her and drops Gina to the mat.  Amanda is in control of this match so far.  Amanda grabs Gina and forces her to her feet.  We can see that Gina^Òs lip is bleeding from when Amanda dropped her to the mat.  Amanda throws Gina toward the ropes.  Gina bounces off and as she heads back toward Amanda, Amanda clotheslines her.  Amanda stands above her and drops an elbow down into her gut.  Amanda gets back to her feet and then raises her red boot and then stomps on Gina's mid section.  Amanda sends her boot into Gina's mid section another half dozen times.  Amanda goes toward the nearest corner and climbs the ropes...   Amanda gets to the top and looks down on Gina.  Amanda is looking to finish Gina off quickly.  Gina has been weakened and is just lying there.  Amanda raises her hands and the crowd cheers.  Amanda jumps off and prepares to splash Gina.  As Amanda^Òs body nears, Gina raises her knees and Amanda^Òs mid section lands directly on Gina^Òs knees.  Amanda moans very loudly and falls to the mat holding her hurt stomach.  Gina gets up and she is pissed!  She goes over to Amanda and pushes her face down on the mat.  Gina drops her knee into Amanda^Òs back.  Gina now raises her boot and stomps on Amanda^Òs back.  Then she grinds her heel in as Amanda cries out in pain.  Gina now grabs a handful of Amanda^Òs hair and forces her up.  She whips her into the corner.  Just as Amanda hits, Gina runs at her and drives her shoulder into Amanda^Òs gut.  Gina pulls herself back and then launches her shoulder into Amanda^Òs gut again.  Gina now grabs Amanda and picks her up and places her across the corner ropes.  Gina brings her fists together and raises them up and drives them down into Amanda's mid section.  Gina continues to drive her fists down, giving Amanda a good dozen punches into her stomach before she lets up.  Amanda is getting weak.  Then Gina drives two quick punches into Amanda^Òs groin.  Amanda screams and falls off the corner down to the mat...    Amanda is lying face up on the mat and Gina places her boot down on Amanda's throat.  She applies some pressure and Amanda moves her hands to try to push away Gina's boot.  Gina grabs the ropes and uses them for leverage.  Amanda is gasping for air and cannot move Gina's boot.  Gina is really choking her good and Amanda's face is beginning to turn red.  Finally, after 20 seconds, Gina releases the hold.  Gina was pushing so hard that we can see tread marks on Amanda's neck from Gina's boot.  Amanda is coughing, trying to get air in her lungs when Gina grabs a handful of her long, brown hair.  She forces Amanda to her feet.  Gina slams her fist into Amanda's gut, doubling her over.  As Amanda is bent forward, Gina sends her knee upward, smashing Amanda in the head.  Amanda falls backward to the mat and places her hands on her head.  Gina is still very pissed off and she takes a couple steps back.  Amanda is lying on her back with her legs spread apart.  Gina flashes a wicked smile and takes a couple quick steps toward Amanda.  She then jumps in the air and brings her knee down right on Amanda's groin.  Amanda's eyes shoot open as she releases a painful screech.  She rolls to her side and buries her hands between her legs.  Gina is on her feet and she grabs Amanda by the hair and forces her up.  With Amanda's hands still buried between her legs, she leads her toward the nearest corner.  Gina pulls back on Amanda's beautiful hair and slams her forehead down on the top turnbuckle.  Amanda lets out a groan and Gina repeats this move 3 more times.  Gina then bends Amanda forward and shoves her between the top and middle rope, sending her out of the ring...   Gina quickly slides out after her.  Amanda hit the floor hard and just lies there.  Gina reaches down and grabs a hold of Amanda's white t-shirt and pulls it off.  She then forces Amanda to her feet.  When Amanda is upright, Gina drives a quick punch into her gut.  As Amanda holds her mid section, Gina unhooks Amanda's bra and slides it off her shoulders.  The crowd cheers as Amanda is left in only her blue panties and red boots.  Gina turns Amanda and pushes her face first to the corner pole.  Her breasts are on each side of the pole and her head is off to the left side.  Gina quickly grabs both of Amanda's hands and pulls then behind her back.  She holds of both of them using just her left arm.  Gina pushes Amanda's body so her right breast is tight against the corner pole.  Gina then pulls her right hand back and makes a fist.  She drives her fist into Amanda's right breast, smashing it into the metal pole.  Amanda lets out a sharp cry as her bare breast is pounded into the corner pole.  Gina sends another punch into Amanda's trapped breast, and another, and another, and another.  Amanda is in pain and she struggles to get her hands free.  Gina gives her 3 more punches before Amanda gets her hands free.  Amanda tries to move away from the pole but Gina uses her right arm and again grabs Amanda's hands behind her back.  Gina then repeats the same move, only driving her left fist into Amanda's left breast.  Gina is able to give Amanda 5 punches in her breast before the brown haired beauty frees her hands...   Gina quickly grabs a hold of Amanda's hair and yanks back.  With one swift motion, she brings Amanda's head forward, slamming her forehead into the corner pole.  Amanda lets out a soft moan.  Gina pulls back and sends Amanda's forehead into the metal pole a second time.  Amanda reaches out for the pole but is too weak to stop Gina as Gina slams her forehead into the pole once again.  Amanda drops to her knees in pain.  She drapes her left arm across her beaten breasts and moves her right hand up to her ringing head.  Gina kneels down behind her and reaches her arms around Amanda's slender waist.  Gina brings her hands together and then tightens them around Amanda's waist.  Gina pulls with all her strength, taking the air out of Amanda's lungs.  Amanda moves her hands down to try to force Gina's hands apart.  But Gina has the hold locked in.  Amanda is too weak to fight her off so Gina squeezes as hard as she can.  Amanda is hurting but she is unable to get free. Gina keeps the hold going until Amanda stops struggling.  Amanda's arms are hanging limply at her sides and her head is drooped forward.  Gina releases the hold and then runs her right hand down into Amanda's silk panties.  Amanda lets out a pain filled cry and reaches her hands down and grabs Gina's wrist.  After a few seconds, she is able to remove Gina's hand from her panties, but the damage has been done.  As Gina's hand is removed, some of Amanda's pubic hair falls to the arena floor...   Gina now stands up and grabs Amanda's long hair.  She forces Amanda to her feet.  She then spins Amanda around and sticks her shoulder into gut and lifts her up.  Amanda's upper body falls forward so she is bent over Gina's shoulder.  Gina starts walking around the ring.  As they approach the next corner, Gina stops in front of the ring stairs.  She then whips Amanda off of her shoulder, sending her down on the metal stairs.  Amanda's back hits the stairs first, followed by the back of her head.  Amanda then slides down the stairs and ends of lying on the arena floor.  Gina raises her boot above Amanda's head and then drives her heel down hard, smashing it into Amanda's forehead.  Amanda groans in pain.  Amanda is not doing very well and the commissioner looks worried.  Gina reaches down and grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and pulls her to her feet.  She leads Amanda toward the cheering crowd.  When she gets Amanda a couple feet away from the crowd divider, Gina stops.  She then grabs both of Amanda's nipples and gives each of them a hard twist.  The crowd cheers wildly as Amanda moves her hands up to her hurt breasts.  Gina then sends five hard punches into Amanda's mid section.  Amanda moans in pain and finally brings her hands down to her gut.  Gina lowers her next punch, driving it hard into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda drops to her knees and places her hands on her hurt groin.  Gina then moves about 10 feet away from Amanda, leaving her on her knees facing the crowd divider.  Gina then runs toward Amanda.  As she gets near, she jumps in the air and sends a hard dropkick into Amanda's back with her boots.  Amanda was caught completely off guard and her body is shot forward.  Amanda tries to move her hands out to brace herself but she is too weak and...WHAM^Åher forehead slams into the metal crowd divider.  Amanda's body crumples to the floor...she might be knocked out...   Wow, another blow to Amanda's head.  I think that this match is just about over now.  Amanda is in perfect position to be pinned.  Gina looks down at her opponent and smiles.  She knows she has taken all the fight out of Amanda.  Amanda weakly moves her hand to her head, showing she is still awake.  Gina reaches down and grabs Amanda by the hair and says, "Let's go see your new boyfriend so he can say his last good-byes."  Gina pulls hard on her hair, trying to get Amanda up.  Amanda is moving very slowly and is struggling to stand.  Finally Amanda is able to get to her feet.  Amanda starts to fall and Gina grabs her.  Amanda has a glazed look.  Gina starts to bring her toward our table.  Amanda is walking on very wobbly legs and just seems to be going through the motions.  The commissioner yells out to Amanda, "Come on honey, fight back.  You can beat her."  Gina turns to him and says, "Fight back?  Your girl can hardly stand!"  Gina then sends a hard punch into Amanda's gut and the topless beauty falls to the arena floor.  Gina just laughs.  Gina then grabs Amanda and pulls her up.  She bends Amanda backwards over our table.  Amanda's feet are still on the floor and her back is laying across our table as her hands hangover the back edge of the table.  Gina reaches out and grabs our spare microphone.  She raises it up and then slams the microphone down into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda moans softly and Gina raises the microphone up.  She then drives it into Amanda's sexy panties again.  I turn my head to look at Amanda's face and see the handle of the commissioner's briefcase in Amanda's hand.  This briefcase has saved Amanda in the past, will it help her again?   Gina sends the weapon down into Amanda's crotch as hard as she can.  The briefcase slides out of Amanda's hand and falls to the floor.  I think Amanda is too weak to even hold it.  Amanda had it for only a couple seconds and I don't even think anyone saw that she had the weapon.  Gina drives the microphone down into Amanda's crotch once more.  This time Amanda's weak body slides forward and she falls off the table and lands on the cold arena floor.  Gina rolls her over and then scoops up her limp body.  Amanda is barely conscious as Gina carries her toward the ring.  Gina places her on the ring apron and then pushes her into the ring.  Gina then reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair.  This is not looking good for Amanda.  Gina throws the chair into the ring and then slides in.  She places the chair in the middle of the ring.  She goes over and grabs Amanda.  She rolls her toward the middle of the ring.  Gina then grabs her hair and after 20 seconds of pulling, she gets Amanda to her hands and knees.  That is all Gina needs as she places Amanda's head between her legs.  Gina leans forward and grabs Amanda around the waist and pulls her up into an inverted bear hug.  Everyone in the arena knows what is coming next.  The commissioner buries his head in his hands.  Without any hesitation, Gina drops to the mat and PILEDRIVES Amanda down onto the chair!!!  Amanda's body falls lifelessly to the mat.  She is out cold...   Amanda just lies on the mat and is not moving.  Gina turns her over and then gets down on top of her.  The ref moves in position.  Gina looks at out table and smiles.  The commissioner still has his head buried between his and is saying, "I should have never allowed this match...I should have never allowed this match..."  Before the ref starts the count, Gina gets off of Amanda.  What is she doing???  She can easily pin Amanda and end her career!  Gina exits the ring^Åand comes over to our table.  The commissioner looks up just as Gina grabs^Åthe ring bell!  He reaches his hand out and grabs the bell too.  She screams, "Let go of it."  He responds, "Gina, this is going too far.  You have beaten her.  Just pin her and end this match.  You are getting what you want."  Gina barks back, "The match will be over when I say its over.  This is a no interference match so let go."  Gina yanks the ring bell away.  Gina heads back toward the ring with her new weapon in hand.  She climbs back up the steps and looks at Amanda.  Amanda is still unconscious and is in big trouble now.  Gina now starts to climb the corner ropes.  She gets to the top and looks down at Amanda.  Gina raises the ring bell above her head and jumps off the ropes^Åas she lands on the mat she brings the ring bell forward and^ÅWHAM^Åslams it right into Amanda^Òs forehead!!!  The screw from the ring bell delivers a huge gash in Amanda^Òs forehead and immediately blood gushes out.  Amanda is still completely out.  The hit from the bell will keep her out for even longer now.  Gina smiles as she stands up and looks down as blood flows out of Amanda^Òs head onto the ring apron^Å   Gina takes the ring bell and heads toward the corner again.  Someone has to stop this.  Just as I look over to get the commissioner^Òs reaction, he is already out of his chair and running toward the ring.  Gina is climbing up the ropes and is looking to do some more damage to the already beaten Amanda.  The commissioner slides into the ring just as Gina makes it to the top rope.  She turns around and sees him standing off to the side.  Just as he opens his mouth and points to her, Gina jumps off the turnbuckle.  But instead of heading toward Amanda, she aims at the commissioner and slams the ring bell directly on his head.  He falls unconscious to the mat.  The crowd is in an uproar.  Gina gets to her feet and yells, "That's what you get for interfering."  Gina looks around at the crowd.  Then she sees a couple security guards gathering at the top of the ramp.  They start to come toward the ring.  Gina drops the bell and runs over to Amanda.  She quickly jumps on her and turns to the ref and says, "Make the count."  The ref looks around; he doesn't know what to do.  The security guards are almost at the ring.  Gina says, "Come on!  COUNT!"  He then counts, "One, two, three, four...five."  Gina jumps off Amanda and leaps in the air.  Her fans are cheering and whistling.  Amanda's fans are booing.  It looks like Gina is the winner and is now the new holder of the Angel's Crown...and Amanda is forced to retire from wrestling!   Gina slides out of the ring and grabs the crown from my table.  Just then 2 big security guards grab her and haul her backstage.  The security guards know that anyone attacking the commissioner should be removed from the ring area.  Medical staff rushes down the ramp, bringing along two gurneys.  The commissioner is still out cold and he is placed on a gurney and rushed away.  Amanda is also tended too.  They try to stop the heavy bleeding and then load her still unconscious body onto the other gurney.  They wheel her away.  Both Amanda and the commissioner are taken to the local hospital.   Many people in the crowd have not left the arena.  They are in such shock that Amanda is now forced to retire.  Word has filtered back that the commissioner was knocked unconscious and only had a minor head wound.  Amanda sustained a concussion and will remain at the hospital for a couple days so they can monitor her.  The commissioner said he will have an announcement next week...     **** One week later      The arena is packed for tonight's event.  The fans are also anxious to hear the commissioner's announcement regarding last week's main event.  The commissioner comes out and enters the ring before any of the scheduled matches.  He grabs the microphone and starts to talk, 'Welcome, fans of the Women's Championship Wrestling League.  Obviously there were some events from last week that I need to address.  So without wasting any time, I have reviewed the tape from last week's main event and have come to one conclusion.  Gina will be suspended from the league indefinitely."  There is some cheering and some booing.  He continues, "Also, Amanda will not be forced to retire and will keep the Angel's Crown."  There are some loud cheers, as well as some booing.   The commissioner explains his reason, "In the WCWL rules, it states that the commissioner is not allowed to be attacked in any way.  Also, the commissioner is allowed to enter the ring at any time and under any circumstances that he/she feels is necessary.  When I entered the ring, I did not help or hinder either wrestler.  I was attacked by Gina.  At the moment I was attacked, the match should have ended and Gina should have been disqualified.  Since Gina should have been disqualified at that moment, there was no way she could have made the pin and earned the victory.  So Amanda has been declared the winner of last week's match because of Gina's disqualification and Amanda will get the Angel's Crown."   Just then Gina starts running down the ramp carrying a steel chair.  She looks pissed off.  As she gets half way down the ramp, she is stopped by security.  Three men grab her and take the chair away.  She is screaming and trying to break free.  The commissioner says, "Get her out of here.  Have her clean out her locker and then remove her from the premises."  As they drag her away, Gina screams back, "You will pay for this.  No one does this to me.  You and Amanda better watch your backs."     The End.     Send comments or suggestions to: