Amanda vs. Heidi By Wrestlingstuff2003 Amanda wrestles Heidi, manager of the tag-team Damage Inc.  This is part 25 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003.  If you need a link to any of the other stories in this series, please email me at: The commissioner has set up a match for Amanda to take on Heidi.  Heidi is the manager for "Damage Inc." (Made up of the Tag-team champs, Jen & Nicky).  He wanted to give Amanda a little "easier" match up, since she has had some very difficult fights lately.  Heidi has had a lot of experience interfering in matches but has yet to step into the ring as an official wrestler.  Heidi is a tough girl and has been working with Jen and Nicky the past two weeks to get ready for this fight.  This fight will not end until one wrestler registers a 5 second pin fall on their opponent.  No interference from any of the other wrestlers is allowed, but otherwise anything else goes.  Amanda desperately needs a victory.  Her only victory in her last 6 matches was against Heather in the oil wrestling tournament.  This should be one her best chances at winning for some time.  The arena is packed with fans waiting the start of the match. Heidi is the first to come down the ramp towards the ring.  She is wearing a black t-shirt that says "Damage Inc.", black panties, and black high-heeled boots.  She enters the ring as the crowd cheers.  Then Amanda emerges from the tunnel.  She has on a gray t-shirt, red string bikini panties and her white high-heeled boots.  She walks down the ramp and waves to the cheering fans.  As she gets about half way down, Kristen runs out of the tunnel and rushes up behind Amanda carrying a street sign.  She slams it into the back of Amanda's head.  Amanda falls on the ramp and Kristen slams the sign on the back of her head 2 more times.  She quickly rolls Amanda over and raises her foot up and drives it down into Amanda's crotch.   Amanda howls in pain and buries her hands between her legs.  Kristen then kneels down and moves her hands to Amanda's boots and says, "These are mine bitch, and I am taking them back."  Heidi is in the ring laughing at Amanda's predicament.  Kristen starts to unzip Amanda's boots when the commissioner and two security guards rush to the scene.  The security guards remove Kristen before she can strip Amanda's boots off.  The commissioner helps Amanda to her feet and asks, "Are you ok to wrestle?"  Amanda nods her head 'yes'.  The commissioner escorts Amanda to the ring.  Amanda is holding her head as she walks down the ramp and toward the ring.  The commissioner helps her up the stairs and then comes back to sit at my table.  The bell is rung and Heidi charges Amanda...  Heidi runs at her and jumps in the air.  Amanda is still a bit groggy and cannot avoid the drop kick and she goes down.  Heidi quickly gets up and Amanda rolls over and begins to push herself up.  Heidi raises her elbow and drops it down on Amanda's lower back, sending her back down to the mat.  Heidi grabs a handful of her brown hair and forces Amanda to her feet.  She pushes her face first into the corner.  Heidi then takes her fists and starts sending punches into Amanda's kidneys.  Amanda moans as her head droops forward.  Heidi delivers a good 8 punches to Amanda's kidneys and then grabs her hair again.  She pulls Amanda a foot away from the corner and then slams Amanda's head down on the top turnbuckle.  Heidi slams her head down two more times and then releases her grip and Amanda falls to her knees.  Heidi grabs Amanda by the hair and pulls her backward.  As Amanda falls back, Heidi places one leg under her and puts Amanda's mid section in a leg scissors.  Heidi quickly grabs Amanda's hands, not allowing the brown haired beauty to try to break the hold.  Heidi squeezes her strong thigh muscles and Amanda groans in pain.  Heidi continues to squeeze her legs as Amanda tries to get out of Heidi's grip.  Heidi's knee is really digging into Amanda's back.  Heidi is really enjoying her early success against Amanda... Amanda is really struggling to free herself.  This scissor hold is taking the life right out of her.  Heidi gives a real big squeeze and Amanda lets out a shallow groan.  Heidi releases her legs.  Heidi pulls the leg that was on Amanda's stomach back and sends a vicious punch to Amanda's gut.  Amanda gasps as the air is knocked out of her lungs.  Heidi then puts the leg back and applies the scissor hold again.  Instead of holding Amanda's arms, Heidi places both of her hands over Amanda's nose and mouth.  Amanda starts to suffocate and she moves her hands to try to pry Heidi lose.  Amanda is losing air fast from Heidi's suffocation and scissor hold.  Amanda has already lost a lot of strength and she is unable to free her mouth.  Heidi squeezes her legs tighter around Amanda's slender waist.  Amanda is starting to panic because she is close to passing out.  She knows that if she passes out Heidi will easily win the match.  Heidi whispers to Amanda, "Time for you to go to sleep bitch.  After you are out, I will strip off all your clothes and boots and throw your naked body into the crowd."  Heidi squeezes even harder and Amanda is really fading.  Amanda makes one last effort and finally pries Heidi's hands away from her mouth but Heidi still has her in the tight scissor hold.  As Amanda tries to suck in air, Heidi sends a chop down on Amanda's throat.  Amanda loses all the air she got in and is having trouble breathing... Heidi gives her strong legs one more squeeze and then releases the scissor hold.  Amanda is gasping for air as she rolls to her side.  Heidi gets to her feet and pushes Amanda onto her back.  Heidi raises her black boot and drives the heel down into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda is too out of breath to scream so she just buries her hands between her legs.  Heidi moves to Amanda's upper body.  She grabs Amanda's t-shirt and tears it off her body.  Amanda is still in pain from the groin stomp so Heidi unhooks her bra and peels that off as well.  Heidi then raises her boot and places the sole down on Amanda's throat.  Amanda immediately brings her hands up to stop Heidi's downward push.  Heidi bends her knee and places her hand on her hip, giving a sexy pose to the crowd.  She continues to apply pressure as Amanda tries to push the boot off her neck.  Amanda was already very winded and is still short of breath.  After 30 seconds Heidi releases the hold and moves back down to Amanda's legs.  Amanda holds her sore throat as she coughs.  Heidi reaches down and grabs Amanda's silk string bikini panties and pulls them down Amanda's sexy legs.  She slides them down her boots and then off her body.  The crowd is going crazy as Amanda is left wearing only her white high-heeled boots... Heidi then flips Amanda over and squats down on her facing Amanda's legs.  She grabs Amanda's legs and puts her in the Boston crab.  As Heidi applies pressure Amanda moans in pain.  Heidi is just smiling as she leans back.  Amanda starts pounding on the mat.  The pain is excruciating and Amanda is in trouble.  We thought this would be a real even fight but so far Amanda has offered no offense.  It looks like the attack by Kristen before the match could do Amanda in.  Heidi leans back even further, applying even more pressure.  Amanda's back is hurting and she cannot escape this hold.  Finally Heidi releases the hold.  Amanda is lying on the mat moaning in pain.  Heidi flips her over and then jumps down on Amanda.  She signals to the official to begin the count.  This should be it for Amanda.  The referee counts 1...2...Amanda is not even moving or attempting to kick out...3...4...Suddenly Amanda kicks her legs out and is able to get her shoulder off the mat to stop the count.  Heidi says, "It looks like you want some more punishment.  Well I will give you more than you can handle."  Heidi grabs a hold of Amanda's long hair and forces the mostly naked Amanda to her feet.  The crowd roars as Amanda is on her feet.  Amanda's sexy body is glistening with sweat.  Heidi leads her toward the ropes and then shoves her out of the ring... Amanda lies on the floor as Heidi slides under the ropes and out of the ring.  She grabs Amanda's hair and pulls her to her feet again.  Heidi says to Amanda, "I think some of the fans would like a little closer look."  Heidi brings Amanda toward the crowd.  The crowd is cheering as Amanda, wearing only her white high-heeled boots, approaches them.  As they get to the crowd divider, Heidi puts Amanda in a full nelson.  Heidi tells one of the guys in the first row to come forward to "have some fun" with Amanda.  He approaches and starts out by sending 5 hard jabs into Amanda's belly.  Amanda moans after each hard hit.  Then he moves his hands to Amanda's bare breasts and starts to fondle them as Amanda tries to catch her breath.  Amanda starts to mumble "no", so the guy sends another 5 hard punches deep into her gut.  He then moves his hands back to Amanda's large breasts.  The crowd is going crazy.  He continues to fondle them for about 20 seconds.  Then Heidi pulls Amanda away and says, "I think it's time to let your own fan section get a close up view of your naked body and see what they say."  Heidi brings Amanda over to Amanda's fan section.  The fans here are "booing" Heidi and yelling at her to fight fair.  Heidi just laughs and drives a hard punch into Amanda's bare crotch.  Amanda drops to her knees and holds her groin... Heidi then starts to get into it verbally with some of Amanda's fans.  Heidi is going back and forth yelling at a number of Amanda's fans.  Amanda is still on her knees holding her sore groin.  Heidi yells to the crowd, "I can't believe you back this poor little wimp.  She gets her ass kicked almost every match."  Then Heidi glances over to the next section of fans and sees Bill, Amanda's former boyfriend and new boyfriend of Kristen.  Heidi moves closer to him and says, "So do you want the white boots back so you can give them to Kristen?"  He nods his head 'yes' and Heidi smiles.  Heidi goes back to Amanda who is still on her knees and pushes her onto her back.  Heidi kneels down and starts to unzip Amanda's left boot.  Amanda is not fighting back at all and Heidi unzips it and then pulls it off.  Heidi reaches for Amanda's right boot and Amanda pulls her leg back and sends a hard kick into Heidi's forehead with the boot.  Heidi was caught totally off guard and she falls to the floor and holds her head.  It looks like while Heidi was spending time talking to the fans, Amanda got some of her strength back.  Amanda crawls over to Heidi.  She raises her fist and slams it down into Heidi's midsection.  Heidi gasps as the air escapes her lungs.  Amanda drives a couple more hard fists into her gut.  Amanda is pretty mad, probably from Heidi's intention of giving her boots back to Bill.  Amanda then sends a hard jab into Heidi's crotch.  The dark haired Heidi then rolls to her side as she buries her hands between her legs... Amanda then grabs Heidi's short black hair and brings her to her knees.  The girls are right in front of the crowd divider and Amanda slams Heidi's head into the divider.  Heidi groans as her head hits and then falls back to the floor.  Amanda then gets to her feet.  She still has only her right boot on and she raises it up and stomps on Heidi's back.  Amanda drives the heel down again.  Amanda sends the heel down into Heidi's back one last time.  Amanda moves to the side.  Heidi tries to push herself up and Amanda pulls her leg back and drives her boot into Heidi's gut.  Heidi falls back to the floor in pain.  Amanda then puts her boot on the middle of Heidi's back.  She reaches down and grabs Heidi's arms and gets Heidi in a surfboard hold.  She pulls Heidi off the floor as her boot heel digs into Heidi's back.  Heidi moans in pain as the pressure is applied to her back.  Amanda continues to pull back and Heidi is in pain.  Heidi kicks her boots on the floor as she is forced to endure this painful hold.  Amanda has her good and is in control of this match... Amanda keeps the hold for a little while longer and then releases Heidi.  Heidi's back is hurt and she moans in pain as she lies on the floor.  Amanda grabs Heidi's dark hair and forces her to stand up.  Amanda then whips her into the nearby crowd divider.  Heidi's back hits hard and she falls to her knees.  Amanda then takes a couple steps toward her and pulls her boot back and drives it into Heidi's mid section.  Heidi groans and falls to the floor clutching her gut.  Amanda then grabs Heidi's hair again.  She pulls her to her feet and then puts Heidi in a headlock.  Amanda has her setup for her trademark finisher.  Amanda then drops to the floor, bulldogging Heidi to the floor below.  Amanda rolls Heidi over and Heidi's eyes are closed and she appears to be out.  Amanda gets on top of Heidi and signals to the official to begin the count.  He easily reaches 5 and the bell is rung, signaling Amanda as the winner.  Amanda raises her hands and celebrates her victory... Amanda goes and grabs her other white boot and puts it on.  She also puts her sexy panties back on.  She looks back at Heidi who is still out.  Amanda stares blankly at her opponent and then quickly moves toward her.  She starts to unzip Heidi's black boots.  She takes them both off and holds them up for the crowd.  Heidi is starting to wake up and she shakes her head and sees Amanda holding her boots. Amanda turns back and sees that Heidi is waking up.  Amanda moves away from her and heads to our table and grabs our spare microphone.  She says, "See Heidi, you are just a manager and you should not be in the wrestling ring."  You can see Heidi's blood boil after that comment.  Amanda continues, "Since you were going to steal my boots I feel it is only fair that I steal yours.  If you want them back then you tell Jen and Nicky to put the tag team championship on the line."  Heidi starts to approach our table so Amanda drops the microphone and starts to run toward the ramp.  Heidi quickly grabs the mic and shouts, "You should not have done that, bitch.  If you want a tag team title match, why don't you just ask Jen and Nicky yourself."  Just then, Jen and Nicky appear on the ramp toward the ring.  Amanda stops in her tracks.  Jen and Nicky start to head towards Amanda.  Amanda is looking nervous.  Heidi begins to walk toward Amanda, trapping her on the ramp.  The commissioner was keeping a close eye on this situation and quickly has security guards step in before Amanda gets triple teamed.  Amanda is escorted safely back to the dressing room as most of the crowd 'boos'.  They must have been hoping for some more action. Heidi turns to the commissioner and wants a decision from him.  He says that on next week's card will be the match for the angel's crown.  He says that if none of the girls are chosen to fight for the crown, then the match will occur.  But if one or more of the girls are in the match, it will be postponed until the following week.  Heidi agrees.  She leaves the ring mad at Amanda for taking her boots.  We all know Heidi will be looking to get revenge against Amanda and will get help from Jen and Nicky.   The End. Send comments or suggestions to: